Jakes Safe Search Engine Tips



Safe Search Engine Tips: 1.Always use a S afe Search Engine for a good and easy answer and so less ads or inappropriate things pop up. 2. When searching for something be specific so the right answer comes up. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jakes Safe Search Engine Tips

Jakes Safe Search Engine Tips

Fuse is probably the best and my favourite Safe Search Engine because it has games, advanced search, no ads and much more.

Kidrex is a good Safe Search Engine but it doesn't have any categories. So say if you dont know how to spell something it would be tricky.

Quintura Kids is a very good search engine for kids. It has categories, games and it is a Safe Search Engine.

Safe Search Engine Tips:1.Always use a Safe Search Engine for a good and easy answer and so less ads or inappropriate things pop up.2. When searching for something be specific so the right answer comes up.3. If there is something that offends you, press print screen, press the home button and then show an adult.4. Never click on ads. Some may contain viruses!

Below are some great Safe Search Engines that you should try out.