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Hinduism: A Humble


The Name

� Hinduism is the only religion whose

name itself is “incorrect”. The actual name

should be Sanatana Dharma, Vaidika

Dharma, or Vedanta Dharma.


� History: Hinduism (or Sanatana

Dharma) is the only religion which has a

very long history or, rather, ‘no history’ at

all, since it has no beginning and no end—it

is eternal. This is not an emotional


statement, but a statement of fact, because

[see next point]…

� No Prophet: Hinduism (or Sanatana

Dharma) is the only religion which has not

been founded by any one prophet. About

its antiquity, please read this: ‘Scant justice

is done to India’s position in the world by

those European histories which recount the

exploits of her invaders and leave the

impression that her own people were a

feeble dreamy folk, sundered from the rest

of mankind by their seas and mountain

frontiers. Such a picture takes no account of

the intellectual conquests of the Hindus [Sir

Charles Elliot, Hinduism and Buddhism,

vol. 1, p.xii].’ And this: ‘No nation on earth

can vie with the Hindus in respect of the

antiquity of their civilization and the


antiquity of their religion [Count

Bjornstjerna in Theology of the Hindus, p.


� No Book: Hinduism (or Vaidika

Dharma) is the only religion which does

not depend upon any particular book. In

fact, Hinduism has no “book”. [‘Hindus

received their religion from the revelation

of these Vedas. They were told that the

Vedas were without beginning and without

end. It may sound ludicrous … how a book

can be without beginning or end; but by the

Vedas no books are meant. They mean the

accumulated treasury of spiritual laws

discovered by different persons in different

times.’ -- Swami Vivekananda, Complete

Works, Vol. 8, p. 232].


� The Aryans: Hinduism (or Vedanta

Dharma) is the only religion which has

been so misinterpreted and mis-read by

historians and others. Just because someone

found a coin in the desert of Arabia, it was

decided once and for all that ‘Aryans were

invaders who came into India’. Fortunately,

such theories of ‘Divide and Rule’rs have

fallen. The Aryans were Indians, living by

the River Saraswati, who developed the

Hindu faith. Read this: ‘The Aryans of

India were the framers of the most

wonderful language, the Sanskrit, the

fellow workers in the construction of our

fundamental concepts, the fathers of the

most natural of natural religions, the makers

of the most transparent of mythologies, the

inventors of the most subtle philosophy,


and the givers of the most elaborate laws’

[Prof. Max Muller, What India can Teach

Us, p. 23].

� Way of Life: Hinduism (or Sanatana

Dharma) is the only religion which is not a

religion alone, in the sense that the adherent

should pay a Sunday visit to some temple

or religious place. Hinduism is a way of

life. Hinduism touches all aspects of life—

this life, next life, and afterlife.

� Karma and Rebirth: Hinduism (or

Sanatana Dharma) is the only religion

which gives meaning to life and death, and

birth and disease. This is not an emotional

statement, but a fact. This is because, the

theory of Karma, which originated in the

Vedas long before any other religion could

adopt it, gives the correct meaning, link


and significance to all the phases of life.

That link is karma. A child is born blind not

because God is angry, or because He is not

merciful, but the child had bad karma. This

is not fatalism, but the positive thing is that

the child can be better in the future. Read

this: ‘The debt which the world owes to our

Motherland is immense. Taking country

with country, there is not one race on this

earth to which the world owes so much as

to the patient Hindu, the mild Hindu’

[Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works,

Vol.3, p. 105].

� Creation: Hinduism (or Sanatana

Dharma) is the only religion which gives

the correct, scientific explanation of

creation. Creation is not something coming

out of zero, or creating a pot out of clay. It


is manifestation, expiration. Expiring and

inspiring [big bang and big crunch] is what

is creation.

� Creation Theories: Sanatana dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which gives

several theories of creation—making way

for openness and scientific spirit. Of such

theories, the Advaita theory of illusory

manifestation, the Samkhya theory of

expiration and inspiration by the changes in

Prakriti, the Vishishtadvaita theory of

transformation of Brahman [Brahma-

parinama], the bhakti explanation of the

manifestation of God’s Will, and the

Vaisheshika explanation of the combination

of atoms to form molecules and so on, are

important. Please read this: ‘The concept of

the world as deduced from the Vedas, and


chiefly from the Upanishads, is indeed

astounding. It could hardly have been

arrived at by sudden intuition or inspiration,

but presupposes a long preparation of

metaphysical thought, undisturbed by

foreign influences…’ [Max Muller, Six

Systems of Indian Philosophy, p. xv].

� Illusion: Sanatana dharma or Hinduism

is the only religion which gives the boldest

idea ever, of Advaita, of the illusoriness of

ego and also of the illusoriness of


� The Three Bodies: Sanatana dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which

explains correctly the three bodies:

physical, subtle, and causal, and also the

Atman behind these three bodies as the real



� The Five Sheaths: Sanatana dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which gives

us the exact information about the five

sheaths we ‘wear’. We are not the body, the

annamaya kosha. We are not the vital

forces, the pranamaya kosha. We are not

the mind, the manomaya kosha. We are not

the intellect, the vijanamaya kosha. We are

not the causal body even, the anandamaya


We are only wearing these “clothes”. We


are the Atman. We are Infinite—and there

cannot be many infinites, so we are One.

� Oneness: Sanatana dharma or Hinduism

is thus the only religion which gives us the

idea of the Oneness or Unity of all

existence, and the divinity of the Soul.

� Holistic: Sanatana dharma or Hinduism

is the only religion which is holistic in as

much as it includes the philosophical ideas

of all the religions of the world. Thus, this

is the only religion which gives us the idea

of the harmony of faiths. Read this: ‘Neo-

Platonism and Christian Gnosticism owe

much to India. The Gnostic idea in regard

to the plurality of heavens and spiritual

worlds go back directly to Hindu sources.

Soul and light are one in the Sankhya

system, before they came to Greece, and


when they appear united in Greece it is by

means of the thought which is borrowed

from India. The famous three qualities of

the Sankhya reappear as the Gnostic “three

classes” [Edward Hopkins, The Religions of

India, p. 25].

� The Three Universes: Sanatana dharma

or Hinduism is the only religion which

explains correctly the three universes:

gross, subtle and causal. But these are only

manifestations. Beyond these three is the

Supreme Reality, Brahman. Brahman is

Infinite. There cannot be two infinities, so

Brahman = Atman. This is the most

fundamental and final discovery of

Sanatana dharma.


� Supreme Oneness: Sanatana dharma or

Vedanta dharma or Hinduism is the only

religion which teaches that the macrocosm

[Brahman] and the microcosm [Atman] or

the universal and the specific, are one and

the same. An atom contains the whole

universe. This is the most wonderful

revelation human mind has ever

accomplished. In recent times, this vision


was again experienced by Swami

Vivekananda. After his experience of the

macrocosm within the microcosm while

absorbed in meditation under the peepul

tree at Kakrighat, Uttaranchal State, in

1890, Swami Vivekananda jotted down in

Bengali fragments of his realization in his

notebook. ‘The microcosm and the

macrocosm are built on the same plan. Just

as the individual soul is encased in the

living body, so is the universal Soul in the

Living Prakriti [Nature] — the objective

universe. Shivâ [i.e. Kâli] is embracing

Shiva: this is not a fancy’ [The Life of

Swami Vivekananda, vol. 1, p. 250].

� Ample Scope: Sanatana dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which gives

supreme scope for all to practice any path


they want. You may worship Krishna or

Rama or a tree or a plant or a shivalinga or

a mountain, or nothing. Since the One and

the many are the same Reality, to worship a

tree, a stone, is as the same as worshipping

the Virat, Brahman. Sri Ramakrishna says:

‘Some people indulge in quarrels, saying,

“One cannot attain anything unless one

worships our Krishna”, or “Nothing can be

gained without the worship of Kali, our

Divine Mother,” or “One cannot be saved

without accepting the Christian religion.”

This is pure dogmatism. … God can be

reached by different paths’ [The Gospel of

Sri Ramakrishna, tr. Swami Nikhilananda,

p. 191].

� About God: Sanatana dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which teaches


us that God can be formless, or with form,

or beyond form and formlessness. Nobody

can limit Him. Sri Ramakrishna declared:

‘God has form and He is formless too.

Further, He is beyond both form and

formlessness. No one can limit Him’ [The

Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, p.192].


� Vastness of Literature: Sanatana dharma

or Hinduism is the only religion which has

such an enormous amount of spiritual

literature: thousands of great works were

lost due to lack of techniques of



o Vedas [Rg, Yajur, Sama, Atharva with

four parts each: mantra, brahmana,

aranyaka and Upanishad]. ‘The Vedas are

still learnt by heart as they were long before

the invasion of Alexander, and could now

be restored from the lips of religious

teachers if every manuscript or printed copy

of them were destroyed,’ [A. A.

MacDonnell, A History of Sanskrit

Literature, p. 8].


o Upavedas [Ayurveda, Dhanurveda,

Gandharva-veda, Arthasastra, Natyasastra].


o Vedangas [Siksha, Kalpa, Vyakarana,

Nirukta, Chandas, Jyotisha]

o Smritis [Manu, Yajnavalkya, Parashara,

Apastamba, Gautama, Vishnu, Daksha,

Samvarta, Vyasa, Harita, Satatapa,

Vasishtha, Yama, Devala, Sankha-Likhita,

Usana, Atri and Saunaka]

o Itihasas – Ramayana and Mahabharata

[in it, the Bhagavadgita].


o About Bhagavadgita, Wilhelm von

Humboldt writes: ‘I read the Indian poem for

the first time when I was in my country estate in

Silesia and, while doing so, I felt a sense of

overwhelming gratitude to God for having let

me live to be acquainted with this work. It must

be the most profound and sublime thing to be

found in the world’


o Puranas [108 Puranas, but 10 important

Puranas: Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Vamana,

Vishnu, Bhagavata, Agni, Garuda,

Markandeya, etc]

o Ágamas [Shaiva, Sakta, Vaishnava --

the list of each is big]

o Nigamas


o Sutras [Samkhya Sutras, Yoga Sutras,

Nyaya Sutras, Vaisesika Sutras, Dharma

Sutras, Brahma Sutras] and others.

o Commentaries (bhashya, tika, tippani,

vartika) –this is an enormous fund of

literature in itself.

o Independent philosophical literarure like

Advaita Siddhi, Vedanta Paribhasha,


o Other literature: Bharata’s Natya

sastra, Vyakarana Sastra, Vimana sastra,

yantra sastra, Mantra sastra, manas-sastra,

and so on, drama, metalurgy, health

sciences, and a host of other subjects.

o Later Scriptures:

Bhaktirasamritasindhu, Ujjavalanilamani,

and a host of other works.


� Extraordinariness of Literature:

Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism is the only

religion whose primary literature has some

unique specialty: the tiny part contains the

Whole! Incredible, but true. Take up a part,

and you can, if you strive, know the whole.

For instance: take up a sutra of Patanjali’s

Yoga Sutra: “yogah chitta vritti nirodah”:

Study “yogah,” then “chittah”, then

“vrittih”, then “nirodah”. You have studied

not only the whole of yoga, but the whole

of everything.

� Study and Revelation: Sanatana Dharma

or Hinduism is the only religion which says

that just study, reflection, and meditation on

any sutra or mantra of the Vedas is


sufficient for realization. Mananaat

traayate iti mantrah.

� Translators: Sanatana Dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which has

seen an army of translators and interpreters

from Europe, Germany, America, and other

places working on the Indian literature

during the 18th to 20

th centuries. Even

today, savants like Vamadeva Sastri and

others dedicate their lives to the study of

Indian sacred literature.

� Supreme Utility: Sanatana Dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion whose

secondary and auxiliary literature also is

capable of giving liberation. In fact, all

scriptures end with the same idea:

Realization of our true nature. Until we


know who we are, we identify ourselves

with what we are not, and lead false lives.

Sanatana Dharma wants nothing from us. It

only tells us: ‘My friend, you appear to be

identifying yourself with something which

you are not. You are not your house. You

are not your room. You are not your

clothes. You are not your body. But you

think you are. So you are suffering. We

want you only to know who you are, so that

you may be free from suffering.’

� Study of Suffering: Hinduism or

Sanatana Dharma is the only religion which

has studied suffering to its final stages and

has classified all suffering into three

categories: adhibhautika [suffering caused

by enemies, animals, poisonous snakes,

etc], adhidaivika [suffering caused by


natural phenomena], and adhyatmika

[suffering caused by oneself]. This religion

has also found out that no common

means—like building the best house—can

save us from these sufferings, because

suffering is existential by nature.

� Buddha and Suffering: Sanatana

Dharma or Hinduism is the only religion

which has given the right solution to

overcoming suffering. Did not the Buddha

do that? Of course, but while the Buddha

said that all was only duhkha, Sanatana

Dharma declared that duhkha is only

superficial, but the essence is Ananda.

� Methods of Knowledge: Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which has

discovered the six methods of knowledge


[epistemology]: pratyaksha, anumana,

shabda, upamana, arthapatti, anupalabdhi.

� Authorship: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion whose great

savants and sages, shied away from name

and fame. The books which these sages left

behind have no definitive authors.

� Four Anubandhas: Hinduism or

Sanatana Dharma is the only religion which

boldly discusses, in the very first pages of

many scriptures, the anubandhas: for

whom this book is meant [adhikari], why

[vishaya], what will the person gain

[prayojana], and what is the connection

between the reader and the subject


� Auto-critical: Hinduism is the only

religion which is auto-critical—its own


literature criticizes its own religion. Krishna

criticizes the Vedas in the Gita: ‘Trigunya

vishayo vedah, nistrigunyo bhavaarjuna.”

[Srimad Bhagavadgita, 2:45].

� More Literature: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which has

given birth to a vast fund of non-religious

literature basing on religion. Shakuntala,

and other dramas, for instance. Much of the

literature has been unfortunately lost. But

what remains is stupendous.


� Sanskrit: Hinduism is the only religion

which developed used well and revered

sanskrit as a deva bhasha. Sanskrit is


considered to be the mother of all


� Regional languages: Hinduism or

Sanatana Dharma has sacred texts in many

other languages like Tamil, Bengali, and so


� Sanskrit Dictionary: Sanatana dharma

or Hinduism is the only religion which has

something wonderful: an entire dictionary

in poem. And students used to keep the

whole dictionary in memory until recently!

Amara Kosha is a Sanskrit lexicon which is

in poetic form.

� Grammar: Sanatana Dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which has a

language which is divine, and which has a

grammar which is divine too. The whole of


Sanskrit grammar of Panini is so scientific

that it is all arranged in perfect sutra form.

Any word can be deduced to its original



� Ashramas: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which divides

all of life into four parts: the student

[brahmachari], the householder

[grihastha], the retired individual

[vanaprastha], the renouncing [sannyasi].


� Liberation: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which declares

that the goal of all life is realization,

liberation, self-knowledge, knowledge or

God, or any related thing [mukti, moksha,

darshana, jnana]. This goal of all living

beings, in whatever stages they might be in

now, is attained through direct perception

[aparoksha anubhuti].


� Purusharthas: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which says that

any ordinary person can have four ideals of

life, purusharthas, but two of the four,

desire for legitimate enjoyment [kama] and

gaining legitimate wealth [artha], should be

tamed by righteousness [dharma] and

desire for liberation [moksha].

� Meaning of Liberation: Hinduism or

Sanatana Dharma is the only religion which

gives the correct meaning of the goal of

life, or moksha or mukti: it is freedom from

limitations. The Atman should be freed

from its bondages – the ocean should be

freed from the tiny cage.

� Devotion not necessary: Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which does not

insist that to be you must be devoted to God


in order to be religious. The general idea

about religion is that a person should be

devoted to God to be religious.

� Athiest: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion which equally accepts the atheist as

well as the perfect devotee of God to its

fold. It seems that some educated

intellectuals are writing articles or books

decrying God and some adherents of

religion are worried. But they should only

laugh at the stupidity of these ignorant

intellectuals. Because what they are

criticizing is only their own ignorance of

sanatana dharma. What do they know? Do

they think that just worshipping a cow or a

tree or an image is called Sanatana



� Who is an Atheist? : Sanatana Dharma is

the only religion which gives a different

meaning to ‘atheist’. An atheist is a person

who does not believe in himself.

� Equal: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion which regards the one who never

believes in God with forms, images, etc,

and the one who is an ardent believer, in the

same light.

� Worldly Philosophy: Sanatana Dharma

is the only religion which goes to such an

extent as recognizing completely

materialistic thought also as a part of the

whole. Thus, charvaka philosophy was

given its place.

� All are One: Hinduism is the only

religion which regards everyone—a

worshipper of some stone, tree, plant, some


image, light, star, or anything—as a

religious person, and in equal light.

� Hindu Morality:: Sanatana Dharma is

the only religion which stresses morality as

supreme virtue.

� Truthfulness: Sanatana Dharma is the

one religion which stresses on truthfulness

[satya], non-injury [ahimsa], and such other

qualities are fundamental to the formation

of character. ‘No Indian was ever known to

tell an untruth.’ Without morality, no

spiritual perfection.

� Vegetarianism: Hinduism is the only

religion which gives the CORRECT meaning

of food, vegetarianism, non-vegetarianism, etc.

People often confuse Hinduism and

vegetarianism. Many constantly harp on the

idea that only vegetarians will be saved from


hell. What exactly is ahimsa? ‘The test of

Ahimsa is absence of jealousy.’ [Complete

Works, Vol. 3, p. 67]. Sri Krishna divides food

into three classes—satvika, rajasika, and

tamasika. Your satvika food may be tamasika

for my constitution, and my satvika food may

be tamasika for your system. So we should

find out which food is best suited for our

constitution, which brings happiness, health,

lightness of body, interest in activity and


� All are Hindus: Sanatana Dharma is the

only religion which accepts a person, who

has never visited a single temple all his life,

who has not reverenced a deity, who has

faith in God, as Hindu.

� All are liberated: Sanatana Dharma is

the only religion which does not recognize


sin. It, however, recognizes error. No one is

condemned. All will attain liberation. It is a

perfectly positive religion.

� All are the Same: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which gives

equal status to all—human beings, animals,

birds, and so on. God can incarnate even as

a tortoise or a half-lion only in Hinduism.

Thus, every God or Goddess has an animal

or bird and are venerated. There are dogs

with Dattareya, which are venerated.

� Sacred: Hinduism is the only religion

which considers everything –life, non-

life—as sacred.

� Many Paths, Same Goal: Hinduism is

the only religion which shows multiple

paths to reach the same Goal. For example,

the four yogas: karma [selfless work],


jnana [knowledge], yoga [meditation], and

bhakti [devotion to God].

� God as Mother: Hinduism is the only

religion which accepts God as both Father

and Mother, leading to a wonderful science

of Mother worship. And does not stop

there: as Friend, Son, everything.

� Selection: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion which gives ample opportunity to


select from millions of forms of the Same

One God. Those who say that Hindus

worship millions of gods and goddesses do

not know—a Hindu NEVER worships

millions of Gods and Goddesses. He

worships only One God, that One Supreme

Absolute, in millions of forms.

� Forms: Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma is

the only religion which teaches that the

millions of forms of the same God are but

diversity in Unity. Nowhere has it been said

in our scriptures that God is not One. No 10

persons can fit into the same coat.

� Positivistic: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which is

absolutely positive. There is no negativity

in this religion at all. People who think that

the wonderful theory of Karma is fatalistic


are ignorant. Karma tells us that we can

change our future, and make it better, that is


� All Within: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which has

discovered that everything—all knowledge,

all power, all capacity, is within.

� Simple Religion: Sanatana dharma is the

only religion which is so easy and simple:

‘patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me

bhaktyá prayacchati | tad aham bhakty-

upahrtam ashnámi prayatátmanah—

Offering with love a flower, a little water,

even a leaf is enough for Me.

[Bhagavadgita chapter 9: 26].’ Then there

is the story of a rishi who told a king to

repeat the name of Rama thrice because he

had committed a heinous sin. The king


repeated thrice, and was liberated from sin.

The rishi’s father [rishi is not a sannyasi]

told his son: ‘My son, just once was

sufficient. The efficacy of the name of

God should not be lowered thus.’

� Four Stages: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which teaches

us that the first stage in spiritual life is

worship of images, the next higher stage is

worshipping god in heaven. The third stage

is to see God within the heart. The final

stage is to see God everywhere. But the

higher the evolution, the more sympathetic

the person becomes of the ones in the lower

stages of spiritual evolution.


� All Aspects of Life: Sanatana Dharma is

the only religion which enhances all aspects

of life—economic (artha sastra), social

(nyaya sastra), cultural (natya sastra),

ethical (niti sastra), spiritual (adhyatma


� Complete Faith: Sanatana Dharma is the

only religion which begins before the birth


of an individual, and does not end after his


� Yajnas: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion which teaches that every sanatana

dharmi should practice 5 yajnas daily:

worshipping gods [deva yajna], respecting

the ancestors for the knowledge that they

have given us [pitr yajna], studying and

propagating sacred knowledge [brahma

yajna], serving family, neighbours, friends

and everyone [nri-yajna] and serving

animals [bhuta yajna].

� Cosmic Perspective: Sanatana Dharma

or Vedanta Dharma is the only religion

which opens our minds to a cosmic

perspective. Yajna is a marvelous concept

which teaches that we are an integral part of


the Whole. The little ant is as important as

the cosmos.

� Work as Spiritual Practice: Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which teaches

that doing one’s own duty well, without

self-interest, one attains the highest.

� Different Path Altogether: Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which goes to

the extent of permitting those who take the

path of even hating God to attain him—the

path of Ravana, Kamsa and others.

� Microcosm and Macrocosm: Hinduism

or Sanatana Dharma is the only religion

which has discovered that Atman is

Brahman—the microcosm equals the

macrocosm, that the amoeba is the involved

saint while the saint is the evolved amoeba.


� Education: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion which had developed the ancient

wonderful system of gurukula, where

students used to form their characters living

under the shelter of their gurus.

� All Knowledge is Within: Sanatana

dharma is the only religion which teaches

us that all knowledge is within. The teacher

only suggests to us, and we remember.

� Unconscious: Sanatana dharma is the

only religion which, long before the advent

of the modern centuries, had developed the

wonderful system of psychology, and had

discovered the subconscious, the collective

unconscious, the system of memory, and so


� Saints: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion which has produced thousands of


true, genuine saints down the ages, who did

not become saints by performing miracles,

but by attaining God. And these saints

sailed into oblivion, many of them.

� Sanctity of Life: Sanatana Dharma or

Vedanta dharma is the only religion which

has, long, long ago, felt the need of saving

nature, and protecting our environment, and

saving life. Hinduism therefore teaches that

the waters are sacred and holy, the air is

sacred, the trees are sacred, all are sacred.

Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Godavari,

Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada, Sindhu—all the

rivers are mothers.

� Not a Negative Faith: Sanatana Dharma

is the only religion which declared at least

ten thousand years ago [in the Taittiriya


Upanishad] that we should (a) grow more

food [annam bahu kurvita]; (b) food is to

be respected [annam na nindyat]; and (c)

nobody who comes to the house during

lunch should return hungry [na kanchana

vasatou pratya-chakshita]. These laws are

for the benefit of society.

� Meditation: Hinduism is the only

religion which discovered the art of dhyana,

meditation, and this was adapted by several

other religions.

� Mother of Religions: Sanatana Dharma

is the only religion which has given birth to

several other religions: Buddhism, Jainism,

Sikhism, Zen, Shaivism, and so forth. It is

interesting to see how ancient Mesopotamia

was Hindu in its culture, as Hindu culture

had spread all over the ancient intelligent


world. Abram [Genesis, 15:1,2 onwards –

brahma, haha] had a wife called Sarai

[Genesis, 16:1, saras-vati, haha]. The name

a-bram was changed to Abraham [Genesis

17:5] and Sarai was changed to Sarah

[Genesis, 17:10]. Old Abraham had a son,

Isaac….[please don’t take this part


� Miracles: Hinduism or Sanatana dharma

is the only religion which shows the true

meaning of miracles. People are fond of

miracle-mongering, naturally. People want

cures, removal of suffering, good husbands

for their daughters, good jobs, and so on.

Many seek religion because of this. Now,

can miracles happen? Of course yes: prayer

can do anything. Pray to God, and He will

do anything. For us they appear to be


miracles, but for God, natural. But what

about “miracles” themselves. Are miracles

true? Or, are all miracle-makers fraudulent?

You can see television dialogues, movie

dialogues, people commenting, and

newspapers writing that all sadhus are fake,

all religious people are stupid fools

[because these people who say sao are so

honest!]. It is a common practice amongst

numerous adherents of Hinduism to

condemn sadhus. Is everyone holy man

fake then? Are only those who criticize, and

run after others for solace, true ones?

Perhaps not: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

[Vibhuti-pada, chapter 3] explain how to

acquire powers—principally eight, but

many more. Anybody can have these

powers by the power of concentration. All


of us, critics of sadhus, and others, have

these powers within all right. The only

thing needed is to give time to practice and

But, Patanjali, Sri Ramakrishna, and all

wise masters warn us—powers lead straight

to downfall.

� Philosophies: Hinduism or sanatana

dharma is the only religion which has six

systems of philosophies, each one different

from the other. Of them, interestingly, at

least four don’t give much attention to God.

One other, yoga, gives an option about

God. The philosophies are: Samkhya [Sage

Kapila], Yoga [Sage Patanjali], Nyaya

[Sage Gautama], Vaishesika [Sage

Kanada], Purva Mimamsa [Sage Jaimini],

Uttara Mimamsa [Sage Vyasa]


� Six Systems: Hinduism or Sanatana

dharma is the only religion one of whose 6

systems of philosophy are perfectly

scientific. Some speak about atoms,

molecules, and their combinations.

� Universality: Hinduism or Sanatana

dharma is the only religion, with its

Vedantic ramifications, which can be

universal truly. What is to be universal? To

accept all paths are equally true.

� Advaita: Hinduism is the only religion

which gave to the world the greatest

philosophy ever, Advaita Vedanta.

� Accolades: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion which has discovered solutions to

all problems of life, according to Max

Muller [India: What can it Teach Us?]. ‘If I

were to look over the whole world to find


out the country most richly endowed with

all the wealth, power, and beauty that

nature can bestow, in some parts a very

paradise on earth—I should point India. If I

were asked under what sky the human mind

has most fully developed on the greatest

problems of life, and has found solutions of

some of them which well deserve the

attention even of those who have studied

Plato and Kant—I should point to India.

And if I were to ask myself from what

literature we here in Europe –we who have

been nurtured almost exclusively on the

thoughts of the Greeks and the Romans,

and of one Semitic race, the Jewish – may

draw that corrective which is most wanted

in order to make our own inner life more

perfect, more comprehensive, more


universal, in fact more truly human, a life,

not for this only, but a transfigured and

eternal life, again I should point to India.’

� The Greatness: Hinduism or Sanatana

dharma is the only religion which has

received such words: ‘Where can we look

for sages like those whose systems of

philosophy were the prototypes of those of

Greece, to whose works Plato, Thales,

Pythagoras were disciples? Where shall we

find astronomers whose knowledge of the

planetary system yet excites wonder in

Europe, as well as the architects and

sculptors whose works claim our

admiration, and the musicians who could

make the mind oscillate from joy and

sorrow, from tears and smiles, with the

change of modes and varied intonation?’


Colonel Todd Annals and Antiquities of

Rajasthan. And Annie Besant: ‘After a

study of some forty years and more of the

great religions of the world, I find none so

perfect, none so scientific, none so

philosophical and no so spiritual that the

great religion known by the name of

Hinduism. Make no mistake, without

Hinduism, India has no future. Hinduism is

the soil in to which India's roots are stuck

and torn out of that she will inevitably

wither as a tree torn out from its place. And

if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism who

shall save it? If India's own children do not

cling to her faith who shall guard it? India

alone can save India and India and

Hinduism are one.’


� A Christian Missionary Wrote Thus:

Swami Vivekananda copied an entire

passage from a book [India and Its Native

Princes] by Louis Rousselet about India.

This Louis Rousselet was a missionary

working in India during that period. This

was what Louis Rousselet had to say: ‘Is

there a people in the world more

tolerant than this good gentle Hindoo

people, who have been so often

described to us as cunning, cruel and

even bloodthirsty? …. And in what

country could such a spectacle be

witnessed as that which met my eyes

that day in this square of Benares?

There, at ten paces from all that the

Hindoo holds to be most sacred in


religion, between the Source of Wisdom

and the idol of Siva a Protestant

missionary has taken his stand beneath a

tree. Mounted on a chair, he was

preaching in the Hindostani language,

on the Christian religion and the errors

of paganism. I heard his shrill voice,

issuing from the depths of a formidable

shirt - collar, eject these words at the

crowd, which respectfully and

attentively surrounded him -"You are

idolaters! That block of stone which you

worship has been taken from a quarry, it

is no better than the stone of my house."


� The reproaches called forth no

murmur; the missionary was listened to

immovably, but his dissertation was

attended to, for every now and then one

of the audience would put a question, to

which the brave apostle replied as best

he could. Perhaps we should be

disposed to admire the courage of the

missionary if the well-known toleration

of the Hindoos did not defraud him of

all his merit; and it is this tolerance that

most disheartens the missionary one of

whom said to me "Our labours are in

vain; you can never convert a man who

has sufficient conviction in his own

religion to listen, without moving a


muscle, to all the attacks you can make

against it."’ [Marie Louis Burke, Swami

Vivekananda: New Discoveries, Vol.1,

p. 224, 225]. This was written when the

missionaries were making very adverse

propaganda in the West about India.

Art and Science

� Scientific Religion: Sanatana Dharma or

Hinduism is the only religion which has

always been absolutely scientific and

rational, and has supported science and

scientific studies consistently.

Unfortunately, all its scientific

advancements remained in Sanskrit books

for want of translations. FURTHERMORE,

What is a scientific religion? Is that a


religion which builds telescopes or

microscopes? That religion which is open-

minded, rational, accepts new ideas, and

shows ways of knowing the Truth to all, is

scientific. Please read Will Durant: ‘Let us

remember that India was the motherland of

our race, and Sanskrit is the mother of

Europe’s languages. That she was the

mother of our philosophy. Mother, through

the Arabs, of much of our mathematics;

mother, through Buddha, of the ideals

embodied in Christianity; mother, through

the village community, of self-government

and democracy. Mother India is in many

ways the mother of us all’ [A Case for

India, p. 4].

� Truths Discovered by Hinduism:

Hinduism is the only religion which had,


long, long ago, discovered many truths

which are being re-discovered today in the

name of science. Relativity, for instance.

Gravitational field, for instance. Prosthesis

is mentioned in the Vedas (Rig Veda,

1.116.15). Ocean travel, ship-making, etc

(Rig Veda: 3.36.6). Atharva Veda

(Chapters 30, 31, 32 etc) speak so much

about medicines. Shukla Yajur Veda for

various details about warfare. Rig Veda

(1.117.22) says how the ancient doctors

knew how to fix a horse’s head to a dying

man. During ancient warfare, the

techniques were so advanced that cities

were destroyed. See Rig Veda (1.107.8).

� Astronomy: Sanatana Dharma is the

only religion which discovered, long


long before Gregory discovered the

present-day calendar, that the year can

be divided into 365 days. In a wonderful

mantra of the Rig Veda (1.164.48), Sage

Dirghatama says: ‘I shall place a puzzle

before you. Can you solve it? There is a

wheel with 12 layers. It has three

centres. It has 360 spokes….’ This

puzzle is easily solved: the 12 layers are

12 months. The 360 spokes are the 360

days. The three centres are the heat,

cold and rainy seasons. Much of the

scientific statements of the Vedas need

proper study.

� Carl Sagan on Hindu Concept of

Time: Sanatana Dharma is the only


religion which gave the world the

correct concept of Time, and divided

time into the minutest part ever

possible. Says Carl Sagan in an

interview to The Rediff Special, about a

particular episode of COSMOS: ‘The

reason that we oriented this episode of

COSMOS towards India is because of

that wonderful aspect of Hindu

cosmology which first of all gives a

time-scale for the Earth and the universe

-- a time-scale which is consonant with

that of modern scientific cosmology.

We know that the Earth is about 4.6

billion years old, and the cosmos, or at

least its present incarnation, is


something like 10 or 20 billion years

old. The Hindu tradition has a day and

night of Brahma in this range,

somewhere in the region of 8.4 billion

years. As far as I know. It is the only

ancient religious tradition on the Earth

which talks about the right time-scale.

We want to get across the concept of the

right time-scale, and to show that it is

not unnatural. In the West, people have

the sense that what is natural is for the

universe to be a few thousand years old,

and that billions is indwelling, and no

one can understand it. The Hindu

concept is very clear. Here is a great

world culture which has always talked


about billions of years. Finally, the

many billion year time-scale of Hindu

cosmology is not the entire history of

the universe, but just the day and night

of Brahma, and there is the idea of an

infinite cycle of births and deaths and

an infinite number of universes, each

with its own gods.’

Imá me agne ishtaká dhenavah

santvekaa cha dasha cha dasha-shatam cha

shatam cha sahasram cha sahasram

chaayutam chaayutam ca niyutam cha

niyutamcha prayutam cha charbudam cha

nyarbudam cha samudrascha madhyam

chaantascha parárdhascha etá me agna

ishtaká dhenavah santu-amutra-amushmin-

loke ||


Shukla-yajur-veda-samhitá, 17:3

Here we see the mathematical idea of the

Vedic seer who counts from 1 to beyond

trillion or more.

� Nataraja, the Symbol of Cosmos:

Sanatana Dharma is the only religion which

conceived the symbol of the dance of

Nataraja. The renowned scientist, Carl

Sagan, explains why this symbol is so


important: ‘The traditional explanation of

the Nataraja is that it symbolizes the

creation of the universe in one hand and the

death of the universe in the other - the drum

and the flame - and after all, that is what

cosmology is all about. So in addition to

being artistically exquisite, the Nataraja

provides exactly the kind of symbolism that

we wanted. The Nataraja that is

photographed in the book COSMOS is in a

museum in Pasadena, California, but it will

be returned to India at some specified time

within the next decade.’ [reference:



� Hundreds: Hinduism or sanatana

dharma is the only religion which has

discovered a hundred other things, but it is


not possible to continue here with the

discoveries. Please read the Vedas to see

how many remedies have been mentioned,

how many scientific truths have been

discussed, and how many problems have

been solved.

� Science of Sphota: Hinduism is the only

religion which has highly advanced

scientific knowledge of the meaning,

significance, and importance of the origin

of sound. The sphota theory of shabda is

an important contribution to world thought.

� Science of Warfare: Sanatana Dharma is

the only religion which had developed

highly advanced methods of protecting

people from enemy attacks. There was a

women’s army, and a queen led the army


during the Vedic times (see Rig Veda,


� Medicine: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which has

perfected the art of medicine so well. We

had the Ayurveda. There was more: there

was perhaps remedy for many diseases, as

the Atharva Veda shows. The ancient

doctors could even rejuvenate a person cut

into three pieces. See Rig Veda (1. 117. 24).

� Temple Architecture: Hinduism is the

only religion which could build such grand

temples like the Brihadishwara temple in

Tamilnadu, the Chenna Keshava temple in

Belur, Karnataka and a host of other

marvelous temples, feats in engineering. A

tall stone pillar in the temple courtyard


of Channa Keshava Temple, Belur,

Karnataka, is balanced only by its

center of gravity. Temples were built in

such remote places, using such advanced

technology that even the Greek copied

much of Hindu art. Swami Vivekananda

had spoken about this, and this has been

proved by Ernest Binfield Havell (1861-

1934). Swami Vivekananda said:

‘Secondly, when the germ of every

Aryan science is found in the Vedas and

every step of any of those sciences can

be traced with exactness from the Vedic

to the present day, what is the necessity

for forcing the far-fetched suggestion of

the Greek influence on them?’

[Complete Works, Vol. 4, p. 427].


� Paintings: Hinduism is the only religion

which has given birth to innumerable

extraordinary paintings which excel

renaissance art.

� Music and Dance: Sanatana Dharma is

the only religion which has given birth to so

many forms of classical and non-classical

music, musical instruments, the science of

musical cure, and so on.. Music was born in

the Vedas. The seven notes of music, the 72

mela-karta-rágas, and the hundreds of

melodies, all are the contribution of

sanatana dharma. The primordial sound,

OM, is the basis of all creation. This

primordial sound is the source of all other

sounds. (Ref for this section: A. L.

Basham, The Wonder That was India and

Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage). The


number of dance systems of India is another

big story in itself.

� Further discoveries: Sanatana Dharma

is the only religion which gave birth a

unique prophet of modern times, Swami

Vivekananda, who discovered something

special. Scientists are philosophers, aren’t

they? 10 years before Albert Einstein spoke

that Mass and Energy are inter-convertible,

Swami Vivekananda had said and discussed

the same thing. Only, for want of proper

technical terms, he had used ‘mind’ for




A] Bending of Light: Einstein, in 1905, for

the first time, said that due to gravitational field

light also bends. Everything is circular. Even

rays of light (which are weightless) bend in the

presence of a gravitational field. Vivekananda

said in 1895: “Is there any motion in a straight

line? A straight line, infinitely projected,

becomes a circle. [Complete Works, vol. 4, p.



B] Wave and particle: ‘Through the work of

Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie, and many

others, current scientific theory holds that all

particles also have a wave nature,’ said Walter

Greiner (2001), in Quantum Mechanics: An

Introduction. All these were after 1902. Swami

Vivekananda passed away in 1902, and in 1895,

he said: ‘One party says thought is caused by

matter, and the other says matter is caused by

thought. Both statements are wrong; matter and

thought are coexistent. There is a third

something of which both matter and thought are

products. … As particles of matter combine in

space, so mind - waves combine in time.’

[Complete Works, vol. 5, p. 409].

C] Light As Wave and Particle: Albert Einstein

in 1905 drew the conclusion that light [which is


of a wave form] sometimes behaves as

particles. Swami Vivekananda added in on 5

November 1896: ‘There were Buddhistic

sects who held the same view and

illustrated it by this example: If you take a

torch and whirl it round rapidly, there will

be a circle of light. That circle does not

really exist, because the torch is changing

place every moment. We are but bundles of

little particles, which in their rapid whirling

produce the delusion of a permanent soul.’

[Complete Works, Vol. 2, p.197]



� Sacrifices: Hinduism or Vedanta

Dharma is the religion whose adherents had

to face the ‘holocaust’ several times down

the centuries. (Ref: Romesh Chandra

Mazumdar, The History and Culture of the

Indian People in 13 volumes, preferably the

first edition).

� Individuals: Hinduism or Vaidika

Dharma is the only religion whose

numerous adherents have given up their

lives for the sake of the religion. Heroes of

war, women to save their modesty, artists to

save their art, monks to save their religion..

the list is endless. The minimum the present


adherents would do to all these is, study the

religion correctly.

� Open to all: Sanatana Dharma is the

only religion which has opened its doors to

every faith, every sect, and every group. It

has never dipped its hand in any blood.

� Sacrifice for Honor and Truth:

Sanatana Dharma is the only religion where

you can see such extraordinary stories as

that of Princess Padmini, who committed

jouhar. A young man was condemned to be

hanged because he had murdered someone.

But he was the best player in the local team.

So he was released and told to come back

for hanging. And that man promptly

returned—this story happened about 3

centuries ago in India.



� Ignorance: Sanatana dharma is the only

religion whose countless adherents are

ignorant of the fundamental principles of

their own faith. Most are superficial without

correct knowledge of the fund of their faith.

This is affecting the ancient religion very


� Inferiority Complex: Sanatana Dharma

is the only religion whose educated elite,

since ages perhaps, has neglected, insulted,

even hated, its own religion because of

inferiority feelings. This inferiority feeling

is born of ignorance, no doubt.

� False Imitation: Sanatana dharma is the

only religion whose numerous adherents

ardently desired always to give up their


own ideals and imitate the others. It was

common amongst the so-called ‘elite’

hindus to criticize, condemn and look down

upon Sanatana dharma, and go for

‘elegant’, modern practices. Read a long

quote from Swami Vivekananda:

On one side, new India is

saying, "If we only adopt Western

ideas, Western language, Western

food, Western dress, and Western

manners, we shall be as strong and

powerful as the Western nations"; on

the other, old India is saying, "Fools!

By imitation, other's ideas never

become one's own; nothing, unless

earned, is your own. Does the ass in

the lion's skin become the lion?"


On one side, new India is saying,

"What the Western nations do is

surely good, otherwise how did they

become so great?" On the other side,

old India is saying, "The flash of

lightning is intensely bright, but only

for a moment; look out, boys, it is

dazzling your eyes. Beware!"

Have we not then to learn

anything from the West? Must we

not needs try and exert ourselves for

better things? Are we perfect? Is our

society entirely spotless, without any

flaw? There are many things to

learn, we must struggle for new and

higher things till we die -- struggle is

the end of human life. Shri

Ramakrishna used to say, "As long


as I live, so long do I learn." That

man or that society which has

nothing to learn is already in the

jaws of death. Yes, learn we must

many things from the West: but

there are fears as well. certain young

man of little understanding used

always to blame the Hindu Shastras

before Shri Ramakrishna. One day

he praised the Bhagavad-gita, on

which Shri Ramakrishna said,

"Methinks, some European Pandit

has praised the Gita, and so he has

also followed suit."

O India, this is your terrible

danger. The spell of imitating the

West is getting such a strong hold

upon you that what is good or what


is bad is no longer decided by

reason, judgment, discrimination, or

reference to the Shastras. Whatever

ideas, whatever manners the white

men praise or like are good;

whatever things they dislike or

censure are bad. Alas! what can be a

more tangible proof of foolishness

than this?

The Western ladies move freely

everywhere, therefore that is good;

they choose for themselves their

husbands, therefore that is the

highest step of advancement; the

Westerners disapprove of our dress,

decorations, food, and ways of

living, therefore they must be very

bad; the Westerners condemn image


- worship as sinful, surely then,

image - worship is the greatest sin,

there is no doubt of it!

The Westerners say that

worshipping a single Deity is fruitful

of the highest spiritual good,

therefore let us throw our gods and

goddesses into the river Ganga! The

Westerners hold caste distinctions to

be obnoxious, therefore let all the

different castes be jumbled into one!

The Westerners say that child -

marriage is the root of all evils,

therefore that is also very bad, of a

certainty it is!

We are not discussing here

whether these customs deserve


continuance or rejection; but if the

mere disapproval of the Westerners

be the measure of the

abominableness of our manners and

customs, then it is our duty to raise

our emphatic protest against it.

[From Complete Works, Vol. 4, pp.


� Stupidity: Hinduism or Sanatana dharma

is the only religion whose numerous

adherents, in their stupidity, try to imitate

others without knowing the significance

even: ‘O India! With this mere echoing of

others, with this base imitation of others,

with this dependence on others, this slavish

weakness, this vile detestable cruelty --

wouldst thou, with these provisions only,

scale the highest pinnacle of civilization


and greatness? Wouldst thou attain, by

means of thy disgraceful cowardice, that

freedom deserved only by the brave and the

heroic? O India! Forget not that the ideal of

thy womanhood is Sita, Savitri, Damayanti;

forget not that the God thou worshippest is

the great Ascetic of ascetics, the all -

renouncing Shankara, the Lord of Uma;

forget not that thy marriage, thy wealth, thy

life are not for sense - pleasure, are not for

thy individual personal happiness; forget

not that thou art born as a sacrifice to the

Mother's altar; forget not that thy social

order is but the reflex of the Infinite

Universal Motherhood; forget not that the

lower classes, the ignorant, the poor, the

illiterate, the cobbler, the sweeper, are thy

flesh and blood, thy brothers. Thou brave


one, be bold, take courage, be proud that

thou art an Indian, and proudly proclaim, "I

am an Indian, every Indian is my brother.’

Swami Vivekananda said this.

� This remark should not be

misunderstood that Swami Vivekananda

was all for old India with dhotis and

shikhas and not for development. No no.

What he wanted was something completely

different: ‘We were discussing the matter of

sea-voyage with a Pandit, and I shall

always remember his brutal gestures and

his Kadapi na (never)! They do not know

that India is a very small part of the world,

and the whole world looks down with

contempt upon the three hundred millions

of earthworms crawling upon the fair soil of

India and trying to oppress each other. This


state of things must be removed, not by

destroying religion but by following the

great teachings of the Hindu faith…’

[Complete Works, vol. 5, pp. 14-15].

� Made in India: Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion whose

numerous adherents, in their rush to imitate

the others, forgot that it was Indians who

taught the world many things: astrology,

astronomy, bhakti, clothing, food,

meditation, religion, spirituality, yoga, and

a host of others. The wearing of the pant

instead of dhoti, was it not Indian also? Do

you think Indians wore dhotis during wars?

Please see any image carved on temples

1000 years ago. What was the dress the

common masses wore?


� Blame Game: Sanatana dharma is the

only religion whose numerous adherents,

owing to ignorance, blame their religion for

poverty, for suffering, for every problem

under the sun. God has become tired of

listening to the constant insult of the

average Hindu. Vivekananda says:


‘Thoughtful people within the last few

years have seen it, but unfortunately laid it

at the door of the Hindu religion, and to

them, the only way of bettering is by

crushing this grandest religion of the world.

Hear me, my friend, I have discovered the

secret through the grace of the Lord.

Religion is not in fault. On the other hand,

your religion teaches you that every being

is only your own self multiplied. But it was

the want of practical application, the want

of sympathy -- the want of heart. [Complete

Works, Vol. 5, pp. 13-14].

� The Caste Question: Hinduism is the

only religion whose social aspect

discovered the idea of játi, which is

perfectly misunderstood, mis-utilized, and

misrepresented. It was only Vivekananda


who explained the deep significance of játi:

‘Our ideal of high birth, therefore, is

different from that of others. Our ideal is

the Brahmin of spiritual culture and

renunciation. By the Brahmin ideal what do

I mean? I mean the ideal Brahmin - ness in

which worldliness is altogether absent and

true wisdom is abundantly present. That is

the ideal of the Hindu race. (Complete

Works, Vol. 3, p. 197).

� Inferior: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion whose numerous followers feel

inferior to talk about their faith, even

though the treasures of this religion are

breathtaking. It is as if, for them, it is a

great sin to be born in that religion!


� Politics: Sanatana Dharma is the only

religion whose own political leaders

manipulate religion for gains.

� Braving Rough Weather: Sanatana

Dharma is the only religion which has

withstood the test of the most terrible times

and has ever existed. Today, it is the third

largest in the world, and numerous peoples

of the world are learning yoga, Sanskrit,

ayurveda, meditation, adoration of gods,

and other things.

� Bargain Religion: Hinduism is one of

those religions which does not teach us

bargaining. This is yet another

misconception about religion -- the question

of business with God. ‘I prayed to God 10

days, so He must give me wealth. I went to

Puri and offered some donation. So God


must give a car to me.’ This business

religion is a big problem. There is nothing

like luck or God’s having no mercy. You

are not merciful to yourself: your karma is

the obstacle. This is not fatalism. You can

improve yourself by simple methods: offer

a drop of water, a flower, or a leaf to God,

daily, and he will remove your karma one

by one.

� AND FINALLY: Hinduism alone has

got this certificate from the greatest avatars:

‘The Hindu religion alone is the Sanatana

Dharma. The various creeds you hear of

nowadays have come into existence through

the will of God and will disappear again

through His will. They will not last forever.

Therefore I say, ‘I bow down to the feet of

modern devotees.’ The Hindu religion has


always existed, and will always exist.’ [The

Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Chapter 32 :

‘Visit to the Sinthi Brahmo Samaj’, October

19, 1884, p. 642].


What can be Done ?

A hundred thousand men and women,

fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with

eternal faith in the Lord, and nerved to

lion's courage by their sympathy for the

poor and the fallen and the downtrodden,

will go over the length and breadth of the

land, preaching the gospel of salvation, the

gospel of help, the gospel of social raising -

up -- the gospel of equality.

[Complete Works, Vol. 5, p. 15]


� Try to Know: Ignorance is not a noble

virtue. The greatest problem is ignorance

about something, and this breeds all

problems. Hindus from the grassroots level

to the top, should know, correctly, what


ESSENTIALS of their religion is. Let us

give up false pride.

� Please Read: Many Hindus who are

ignorant of their faith should read books

about their faith: at least one book,

Essentials of Hinduism, by Swami

Nirvedananda, which is complete, should

be read by all. And all Hindus should try to

know Bhagavadgita.

� The Sanskrit Language: The great texts of

the Hindus, many of them, still remain


only in Sanskrit only. Please see the

comments of Swami Vivekananda: ‘My

idea is first of all to bring out the gems of

spirituality that are stored up in our books

and in the possession of a few only,

hidden, as it were, in monasteries and in

forests -- to bring them out; to bring the

knowledge out of them, not only from the

hands where it is hidden, but from the still

more inaccessible chest, the language in

which it is preserved, the incrustation of

centuries of Sanskrit words. In one word, I

want to make them popular. I want to bring

out these ideas and let them be the

common property of all, of every man in

India, whether he knows the Sanskrit

language or not. The great difficulty in the

way is the Sanskrit language -- the glorious


language of ours; and this difficulty cannot

be removed until -- if it is possible -- the

whole of our nation are good Sanskrit

scholars. You will understand the difficulty

when I tell you that I have been studying

this language all my life, and yet every

new book is new to me. How much more

difficult would it then be for people who

never had time to study the language

thoroughly! Therefore the ideas must be

taught in the language of the people…’

[Complete Works, Vol. 3, p. 290].

� Sanskrit and Culture: Swami Vivekananda

continues: ‘…at the same time, Sanskrit

education must go on along with it,

because the very sound of Sanskrit words

gives a prestige and a power and a strength

to the race. The attempts of the great


Ramanuja and of Chaitanya and of Kabir

to raise the lower classes of India show that

marvelous results were attained during the

lifetime of those great prophets; yet the

later failures have to be explained, and

cause shown why the effect of their

teachings stopped almost within a century

of the passing away of these great Masters.

The secret is here. They raised the lower

classes; they had all the wish that these

should come up, but they did not apply

their energies to the spreading of the

Sanskrit language among the masses. Even

the great Buddha made one false step when

he stopped the Sanskrit language from

being studied by the masses. He wanted

rapid and immediate results, and translated

and preached in the language of the day,


Pali. That was grand; he spoke in the

language of the people, and the people

understood him. That was great; it spread

the ideas quickly and made them reach far

and wide. But along with that, Sanskrit

ought to have spread.’ [Complete Works,

Vol.3, p. 291]

� Please Study Sanskrit: So Hindus may

learn Sanskrit also. Why? ‘Knowledge

came, but the prestige was not there,

culture was not there. It is culture that

withstands shocks, not a simple mass of

knowledge. You can put a mass of

knowledge into the world, but that will not

do it much good. There must come culture

into the blood. We all know in modern

times of nations which have masses of

knowledge, but what of them? They are


like tigers, they are like savages, because

culture is not there. Knowledge is only

skin - deep, as civilization is, and a little

scratch brings out the old savage. Such

things happen; this is the danger. Teach the

masses in the vernaculars, give them ideas;

they will get information, but something

more is necessary; give them culture. Until

you give them that, there can be no

permanence in the raised condition of the

masses. There will be another caste

created, having the advantage of the

Sanskrit language, which will quickly get

above the rest and rule them all the same.

The only safety, I tell you men who belong

to the lower castes, the only way to raise

your condition is to study Sanskrit, and this

fighting and writing and frothing against


the higher castes is in vain, it does no

good, and it creates fight and quarrel, and

this race, unfortunately already divided, is

going to be divided more and more. The

only way to bring about the levelling of

caste is to appropriate the culture, the

education which is the strength of the

higher castes. That done, you have what

you want.’ [Complete Works, Vol. 3, p.


� Everywhere in the World: All over the

world there is a great awakening in

learning yoga and Sanskrit, and Hindus

themselves are not interested. Once they

learn Sanskrit much of the ignorance about

the glory of their faith will go.

� Don’t Write or Say Wrong Things: Hindus

must stop writing or saying wrong things.


Open any website on Sanatana Dharma,

look for verses or shlokas. You find many

mistakes, wrong ways of interpretation,

and so on.

� Give up Regional Influence while Writing

Sanskrit Verses: For instance, not every

Sanskrit word should end in “h”. Just by

adding a “h” or “ha” sound to any word

does not make it a Sanskrit word.

Secondly, Sanskrit words and sentences

should be quoted and written correctly, and

interpreted correctly, in websites, in books,

etc. “Yad yad hi dharmasy” is fine in

Hindi because Hindi words don’t end in

vowels; but the meaning will become

different.. In Hindi and some other

vernaculars, the words end in consonants:

in Hindi, Ram, not Rama is fine. But


Sanskrit verses should be in Sanskrit. So

the Gita verse should be “yadaa yadaa hi


� Work of the Youth: The youth should form

groups and go from village to village to

teach Hindus about their own faith, using

pictures and movies and diagrams as

Vivekananda said. ‘What will I gain?’ may

be the question. ‘Dharmo rakshati

rakshitah – dharma will protect those who

protect her.’

� Common Wrong Notions: Common people

stick to their Shiva or Vishnu or a tree or

Shanideva or Jagannatha or Durga or

Krishna. They say that alone is Hinduism.

To them, all other groups and sects and

gods are all false, horror, bad, and so on.

Utter the word ‘Brahman’ in front of them,


and they will say that such things are “high

philosophy”. And they say that nothing

else exists. Ignorance is never a noble

virtue. The teachers should continue their

struggle. The blessings of the greatest

prophet, Vivekananda, is on the heads of

those who work for the common masses.

For, he said: ‘Spread ideas -- go from

village to village, from door to door -- then

only there will be real work [Complete

Works, Vol.6, p. 264]. He further added: ‘I

find that people of this country are

immersed in great Tamas (inactivity),

compared with people of other countries.

By stimulating them I want to bring life

into them -- to this I have dedicated my

life. I will rouse them through the infallible

power of Vedic Mantras. I am born to


proclaim to them that fearless message --

"Arise! Awake!" Be you my helpers in this

work! Go from village to village, from one

portion of the country to another, and

preach this message of fearlessness to all,

from the Brahmin to the Chandala. Tell

each and all that infinite power resides

within them, that they are sharers of

immortal Bliss.’ [Complete Works, Vol. 7,

p. 181-82].

� The Triangle: The teacher should tell the

people about a triangle. One corner of the

triangle is God, the second is the universe,

and the third is oneself. What is the

relation between each one of these?


� The Caste System: The general complaint

about Hinduism is about caste. Caste is not

a terrible thing. Not at all. All countries

have caste system. All countries have

professors, soldiers, businesspersons and

agriculturists, and servants. That is what

the caste system of India is too.

Vivekananda said: ‘Caste is a natural

order; I can perform one duty in social life,


and you another; you can govern a country,

and I can mend a pair of old shoes, but that

is no reason why you are greater than I, for

can you mend my shoes? Can I govern the

country? I am clever in mending shoes,

you are clever in reading Vedas, but that is

no reason why you should trample on my

head. Why if one commits murder should

he be praised, and if another steals an apple

why should he be hanged? This will have

to go. Caste is good. That is the only

natural way of solving life. Men must form

themselves into groups, and you cannot get

rid of that. Wherever you go, there will be

caste. But that does not mean that there

should be these privileges. They should be

knocked on the head. If you teach Vedanta

to the fisherman, he will say, I am as good


a man as you; I am a fisherman, you are a

philosopher, but I have the same God in

me as you have in you. And that is what

we want, no privilege for any one, equal

chances for all; let every one be taught that

the divine is within, and every one will

work out his own salvation.’ [Complete

Works, Vol. 3, p. 245-246].

� Off with Privileges: The problem is in

privileges. People, especially politicians,

who down cry caste system, confuse

privilege for caste. And if upper castes

have troubled the lower castes, the upper

castes have also made stupendous

sacrifices for their dharma and their

country. Thousands and thousands have



� The Second Problem: The other problem

which makes many people hesitate to

present themselves as Hindus is because of

the gods like Ganesha. Is it ever possible

for God to have a human body and

Elephant head? Is God in the tree? Why

should we worship snakes? The answer is

simple: Everything here is symbology. The

elephant’s head with the human body

means this: you have this human form,

with its limitations and with a tiny rat as

your vehicle – no car, no bus. But you have

a elephant head—strong and not caring for

any obstacle [vighna] on earth. Forge

ahead until the goal is reached. Remove all

obstacles on the way—tree, house—with

your trunk of determination. God is

everywhere, and so he is in the snake, in


the rat, in everything. Hindus do not

worship only cows, but worship

everything. Everything is sacred. Life is

sacred. This gives a new meaning to

everything, a new light to life.

Furthermore, the shivalinga is yet another

symbol which is often misunderstood. The

same Sanskrit term may have several

meanings: linga means symbol or an

indicator. What does this Shivalinga

indicate? It indicates Yupa, the pillar used

during Yajnas in ancient times. The yupa

pillar was considered to be the centre of the


� Yet Another Problem: Stories told by our

Puranas are yet another problem: The

adherents of Shiva write that Krishna went

to Shiva seeking initiation. The adherents


of Vishnu write that Shiva did not know

anything. And can a father, Shiva, cut the

head of his own little child, Ganesh, just

because he could not enter his wife’s

house? What do such terrific stories mean?

We need not accept all such stories. Just

because you don’t believe in some stories

you don’t lose your religion. As Swami

Vivekananda said, we must select the

essence and leave the rest. Many puranic

stories are for the common masses—

through simple stories, teaching the highest


� AND FINALLY.. Sister Nivedita

commented about Swami Vivekananda:

'Of the Swami's address before the

Parliament of Religions, it may be said that

when he began to speak it was of "the


religious ideas of the Hindus", but when he

ended, Hinduism had been created....’

(Complete Works, Vol.1, p.X).

� The Isms and Vedantism: Brahmaism,

Brahmanism, Shaivism, Shaktism,

Krishna-ism, Rama-ism, and so many isms

were representing various aspects of

Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda, based on

the experiences of his master, Sri


Ramakrishna, of all the groups, sects and

religions, formulated the Vedanta Dharma,

Sanatana Dharma, which is the Hinduism

of old.

� Let us study and emulate the principles of

Vedanta Dharma, and be its true living

representatives. ‘I may perish of cold or

hunger in this land, but I bequeath to

you, young men, this sympathy, this

struggle for the poor, the ignorant, the

oppressed,’ said Swami Vivekananda

[Complete Works, vol. 5, p.]. Let us be

his true instruments.


All the opinions expressed in this paper are the personal

opinions of the author.

Swami Sunirmalananda,

Centro Ramakrishna Vedanta, Curitiba.

Sri saradárpanamastu
