JaeWook Lee Sculpture



JaeWook Lee Sculpture

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Less is Known on Earth

Date: 2015

Media: blue and red glow lights, objects made out of sci-ence books, geometric-shaped objects, rulers, scented plants, natural objects, performance; 2 hours.

Dimensions: 442” x 300” x 192”

Video Link: https://vimeo.com/123510391

When All Things Evaporate We’ll Talk About Minerals

Date: 2014

A meteorite-shaped object made out of a book about meteorties.

Media: Books, natural minerals, geometric-shaped objects, clay, performance; 1 hour.

Dimensions: 450” x 450 “ x 300”

Video Link: https://vimeo.com/107854887

I will move through air A Woman Who Taught Me How to Write in Her DreamsIs The Reader Outer Space?

Date: 2015

Media: objects made out of science books, geometric-shaped objects, natural objects, fossils, poems, perfumes, poems; performance; 2 hours.

Dimensions: 1200” x 192” x 192”

Video Link: https://vimeo.com/134907186

Object Theory

Date: 2015

Media: clay, moving boxes, live plants, fossils, books, video

Dimensions: approx. 200” x 200” x 90”

Object Theory is a space of ideas, where we go in not only to look but also to contemplate. From Kan-tian Thing in Itself to recent Object-Oriented Ontology, the theories of the deep understanding of things are found in the every corner of the exhibiton. The show also explores cost-effectiveness by using the minimum required in order to produce optimum results for the expenditure. The artistic adaptations with regards to the current economic weather give rise to an econimial attitude in the exhibition making process. Heavy theo-ries floats lightly, and their extravagant meanings found relaxation

Media: clay

Dimensions: approx. 48” x 12”

Less is Known on Earth

Date: 2014

Media: various objects, the sheep brains, scented plants, performance; 1 hour.


Date: 2015

Media: clay, science books, plants

Dimensions: 80” x 80” x 110”

Formative Matter

Date: 2015

Media: clay, science books, 3D prints, rulers

Nothing But A SymphonyDate: 2013 Media: single-channel video with sound; 4:20 min.Video Link: https://vimeo.com/104112703

Sense (avscularemain) A collaboration with Ali Van

Date: 2014

Media: an audio-play with Ali Van’s voice-over (an excerpt from André Breton’s Mad Love), scented plants, performance with sound; 1hour.

Video Link: https://vimeo.com/106740766


Date: 2013

Media: various found objects, TV, sound

Video Link: https://vimeo.com/69780628

Becoming Pollens

Date: 2014

Media: powdered flags (South Korea and North Korea)

Dimensions: approx. 48” x 48”

Becoming Pollens

Date: 2014

Media: powdered flags of the exact color proportions from eight national flags; Argentia, Chile, Czech, Korea(south), Lithuania, Poland, Uruguay, and the United States.

Dimensions: approx. 60’ x 10’ x 0.1’

Window Project

Date: 2005-2008

Media: translucent film on windows, site-specific installation

Window ProjectDate: 2005-2008 Media: the recycled film stickers from the window installation

Neo Gothec Fashion

Date: 2004 - 2006

Media: clothes made of straws, performance, photo- graphs, wall painting

Dimension: approx. 300” x 300” x 192”
