It's Thought That Counts



As Title suggests This book is all about Science of Thought-Manifestation better known as Law of Attraction.We are made of our conscious & unconscious thinking.

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It’s The Thought That Counts Page 2


© 2010 Copyright Chantal Beaupre

Information in this documentation is the property of Chantal Beaupre. Each contributing

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It’s The Thought That Counts Page 3


Ali Brown The Great Power of Optimism 4

Ariane de Bonvoisin Come On, Get Happy 9

Carolyn Ellis Divorce Your Inner Critic 14

Chantal Beaupre It’s The Thought That Counts! 17

Eva Gregory Freeing the Voice Within 22

Guy Finley Living in Harmony with Reality 25

Hemal Radia The Secret to Your Light 28

Jackie Jones Happiness is Your Choice 33

Jeanna Gabellini What’s Your Stress Tolerance? 37

Jeanne Hounshell Is There a Silver Lining in Every Cloud? 40

Jim Donovan Your Life is What You Make of It 43

Joe Rubino How to Reclaim Your Life’s Happiness by Demolishing the #1 Self-Esteem Killer


Kathleen Gage Surrender to Know Deep Fulfillment 51

Kelly Sullivan Walden What If? 56

Linda Boertjens How to Apply the Power of Positive Affirmations the Most Effective Way


Lorraine Cohen Are You Flowing Downstream or Upstream? 65

Maria Erving How Are You Thinking Today? 69

Mary Allen 7 Keys to Profound Happiness 73

Michael Lee How to Stop Automatic Negative Thoughts in 3 Simple Steps


Mudd Lavoie I Spy with my Little Eye 83

Nina Ferrell Private Journey 88

Pat Mussieux When is the Last Time You Had Fun? 91

Pete Koerner 5 Simple Steps to Happiness Now 95

Sheri Kaye Hoff Your Path to Success 99

Tania Boutin Happiness and the Power of Your Thoughts 102

Chantal Beaupre Acknowledgements 105

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Ali Brown

The power and force of optimism can never be underestimated. In fact, your personal

development and growth over your lifetime depends upon it. When you are able to

see the positive in every situation, you are better equipped to recognize and take

advantage of opportunities that come your way. In other words, you are more able to

spring into positive action in the face of life's challenges. Plenty of research has been

done that shows how optimism plays a big role in higher achievement.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of optimism is its power to transform the

negative thoughts in our heads. Negative self-talk completely limits our ability to think

creatively and get ourselves out of sticky situations. When we push forward in the

face of negative self-talk, we are practicing optimism. Positive self-talk greatly

increases our chances of success and of moving forward in tough situations. The

very fuel of success is our optimistic belief that we can impact situations and play a

role in the outcome of our lives. When things begin to look dark and your mind is

concocting every possible negative outcome, look for the rainbow of optimism that is

always available in your mind.

"Live Long and Prosper"

There are so many aspects of your life that can be positively impacted with optimism.

Success in relationships, working environments, finances, and health are all

incredibly sensitive to your level of optimism. Take, for instance, sales: A study of the

sales personnel at Metropolitan Life Insurance were tested for optimism and success

ratios. Those who scored the highest level of optimism sold a whopping 37 percent

more life insurance than those who scored as pessimists (Seligman, 1990). There

was another study done on debt collectors in a large, competitive agency. The most

successful collectors in the agency were shown to have much higher scores in the

areas of optimism, independence, and self-actualization (Bachman et al., 2000).

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One very significant study shed light on the power of optimism to nourish healthy

relationships, physical vitality, and longevity. In the famous book by Dr. George E.

Vaillant called The Wisdom of the Ego, the Harvard medical professor talks about

individuals who have "both the capacity to be bent without breaking and the capacity,

once bent, to spring back." Vaillant talks about our greatest source of resilience

coming from our internal capacity for optimism.

In Dr. Vaillant's next book, Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life, he

takes it even a step further. The Doctor conducts three studies with 800 people of all

different backgrounds and genders who were researched for 50 years of their lives.

The study followed them from adolescence through old age, and it was discovered

that the most important factor involved in healthy aging was each one's ability to

"make lemonade out of life's lemons." That is the very simplest definition of optimism!

Research is still coming in proving that optimism is a huge factor in increasing

longevity. The last study done at Wageningen University in the Netherlands took 999

old Dutch men and women. The predicting factor of their longevity was their

agreement with the statement, "I still have goals to strive for." When subjects were

tested 9 years after their survey, the death rates of the optimistic men were 63

percent lower than those who had not agreed with the optimistic statement 9 years

earlier. Women were 35 percent lower. What makes the difference between

optimistic and pessimistic people in terms of longevity? It's generally believed that the

optimists avoided unhealthy life choices that pessimists might have gone for.

Our Optimistic Nation

It is said that America was born in the spirit of optimism. After all, Thomas Jefferson

coined the term life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which is the very nature of

optimism. The Puritans valued self-help and optimism. The Godly life they pursued

was one that was built on the belief in themselves and in their society. Benjamin

Franklin was the great captain of individualism and self-industry. His value placed on

perseverance and self-initiative is still great inspiration for optimism today. In fact, the

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spirit of this nation is built upon the idea of the self-made man. This kind of man

knows no bounds. When life throws him for a loop, he gets on his horse like a true

cowboy and rides off to save the day. The founders of America were practicing

optimists—it was their religion.

As Americans, we naturally believe in happy endings. The American author Mary

McCarthy once said a "happy ending is our national belief." Our culture is naturally

very optimistic compared to other countries. McCarthy makes reference in one of her

books to famous children's stories like The Little Engine That Could. "I think I can, I

think I can" is what the train chants as it chugs along with self-assurance. Optimism

is thoroughly built into U.S. culture, and it has been from the very beginning.

So if a nation as big and prosperous as the U.S. was built on optimism, what could

the power of optimism do in our individual lives? The fact of the matter is that

everyone suffers and experiences tragedy—these things are naturally a part of life as

we know it, whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual. The good news about our

problems is that they're relative. There's always someone who has it worse. Things

always could have been more terrible. When we address problems effectively and

with optimism, we are able to see life's roughest challenges in a new light. We are

able to see what's possible amidst what seems never ending and horrible.

Look to the Future

There's a lot of buzz these days around the whole concept of the Law of Attraction,

which states if you feel the positive outcome you wish to achieve and believe it will

come to pass, you will eventually attract that reality into your life. This is a fancy form

of optimism. When you are optimistic, you believe that there will be a positive

outcome. When you believe that there will be a positive outcome, you are more likely

to act in the positive manner that will bring about the outcome you hope for. The

future is said to be determined by whether a person strives or yields. With optimism,

you always push ahead and therefore achieve what you're looking for.

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There was an interesting study done by Robert Shuman in 1979 that speaks about

the loss of optimism. When Shuman was practicing psychology at a children's

hospital, he suffered from great mental torment and was hospitalized for back pain.

He was later diagnosed with debilitating multiple sclerosis. He fell into a state of great

helplessness, anguish, and torment, and decided to document these feelings that he

knew so many others in similar chronic situations were plagued with. His notes

culminated in his book, The Psychology of Chronic Illness. Shuman's book was

significant because it brought to our understanding how chronic illness with no cure

ruins optimism in individuals—perhaps for the rest of their lives. Once power over our

own lives is lost, our optimism is lost as well.

The power of optimism is the power to successfully navigate and overcome life's

greatest challenges. Optimism can be learned. You need not be a born optimist to

experience the benefits of optimism. In reality, optimism is a choice that we can all

make. We all have the power to observe our negative thoughts and compulsive

actions. We have the power to be aware of ourselves and our past that influences

our current actions. When we are finally able to clearly see what we are doing and

understand what we are thinking, we then have the power to choose optimism.

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Ali Brown is fast becoming regarded as the voice for

women in business and success.

After launching her first business from her tiny New York

City studio apartment in 1999, she has grown it into what

is today Ali International, a multimillion-dollar enterprise

with 50,000 members that ranked in 2009’s Inc. 500 list of

fastest growing private companies in the nation.

Ali is dedicated to helping women start and grow their

own businesses via her coaching and publishing company the Millionaire Protégé

Club; her female-centric Ali Magazine; her online Ali Boutique; and Shine, her

annual fall conference where Ali delivers the best in business-building strategies for

entrepreneurs of all levels.


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Ariane de Bonvoisin

Happiness isn't a shapeless myth that hippies throw around like a Frisbee. Research

shows that happy people not only have a better attitude in life, but they tend to be

healthier and live longer. One study from University College London showed that

happiness improves certain bodily functions that help prevent cardiovascular disease

and diabetes. And a Yale University study found that optimists live more than seven

years longer than pessimists.

Being happier isn't all about money, parties, and social status. If you pay attention to

doing things that make you happier, keep an open mind, and put in the effort, you

can be well on your way to loving your life in 30 days. So go ahead and smile,

because you're about to embark on a change that can only end in sheer delight.

Training Your Brain

Being happier starts with priming your brain to think happier or positive thoughts.

"Whether you like it or not, facts are facts. You might not enjoy the fact you're facing,

but you can control your emotional response to it. Do it with a positive attitude and

you'll get through it a lot quicker than if you agonize and lament over it," says Michael

Anthony, author of the eBook, How to be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World.

Louise Bluth,* a 37-year-old sales manager, found it difficult to be happier after living

through an abusive childhood. "I was always told that I was a failure and a loser, and

that I was the shame of the family," she says.

She decided she didn't deserve to be that unhappy and started volunteering for a

suicide helpline. Her training stressed the concept of getting into the mind of a

suicidal person to be able to show them possible solutions to their problems. "This

proved to me that your state of mind could be changed, and so you can become

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happier," she says. Louise started taking Buddhist meditation classes, where she

further learned how to prime her mind for happiness. "I learned that my happiness

was up to me," she says.

It's hard to change your mindset overnight, so you might have to draw your positive

brain waves out of hiding. One way to do this is by reciting a daily affirmation or a

mantra. This statement can be repeated daily to get your brain ready to think happier


Fear of Living Happier

There's a fear of failure that people encounter when it comes to being happier. Fear

can make you revert to some old, unhealthy habits and behaviors just to enjoy that

comfortable feeling again.

"Recognize that fear, recognize that you're human and just put it aside," says Debbie

Gisonni, author of The Goddess of Happiness: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Heavenly

Balance and Bliss. "Don't think about it. Instead of thinking about what could happen,

keep focusing on what you want to happen."

Another way to handle the fears of being happier is through volunteer work. As

Anthony says, when you're helping others, "you're being very positive with your time

and then there's that satisfaction—the feeling of greatness that comes from helping


When Scott Harrison decided to change his life to be happier, he never realized that

he would question everything he held true. In 2004, the New York City resident

realized that his work promoting nightclubs and fashion events was utterly unfulfilling.

"I was one of the most miserable people I knew," he says.

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In order to live a happier life, Scott changed his life drastically. He re-examined his

faith and volunteered a year of service as a photographer for Mercy Ships, a non-

profit that offers free medical care to poor countries around the world.

"I had to see 5,000 people standing in a field with horrible tumors, cleft lips and

palates, the blind, the lame," he says. "I cried a lot, I prayed a lot, and I doubted a lot,

too. How could a God allow this stuff to happen?"

These tragedies didn't stop Scott from continuing to pursue his dream of helping

others. "I was lucky to be able to focus on what we could do—on the thousands of

lives we could and did radically transform," he explains. His change was so

successful that he started his own non-profit called "Charity," and Scott feels that he's

happiest when he's helping others.

Helpful Happiness Tips

"Active gratitude—counting your blessings and actually taking time during the day to

do so—is probably the single most important habit," says David Leonhardt, known as

"The Happy Guy" and author of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: The 9 Habits of

Maximum Happiness. "From the paperclip to our cars to our health to our freedoms—

if we don't actively appreciate it, then we're not going to get all the happiness out of

any other habit or any other change we make."

Being grateful helped Katsuaki Tsukamoto be happier. The 35-year-old carpenter

had always felt a bit of emptiness in his life. "I thought I needed to have something or

own something to make me happy," he says.

He had an epiphany while on a bike ride one beautiful day. "I suddenly realized that

my bicycle was a gift, but more than that, I started feeling that everything was a gift in

some sense," he says. "I really felt appreciation for the miracle of the moment and

was grateful that I could experience it."

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For many, this epiphany doesn't come naturally in the first 30 days. A gratitude

journal documenting everything you're grateful for can often help remind you of all the

good things in your life. Every day, simply write three to five things that you

appreciated about that day.

Happier Living

Your success in the first 30 days and beyond will be dependent on how well you

make time for the things that make you happy. Whether it's completing a Sudoku

puzzle, catching up with a friend, or painting, you should always strive for a balance

between the things you have to do and the things you want to do.

Your success won't be measured in this month, but over your lifetime. For Scott, his

charity work is so connected to his overall happiness that he no longer views them as

mutually exclusive. "I don't really think about the word 'happiness,' but I guess I am,"

he says. "It's just what I do now. I love it and can't imagine ever doing anything else."

* name(s) changed.

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Ariane de Bonvoisin is the CEO and founder of

First30Days, a New York City-based media company

focused on guiding people through all types of changes—

both personal and professional, and social or global. The

company, which launched its website in February 2008,

currently features 60 life change subjects, including those

relevant to our times such as losing a job, selling a home,

starting a business, dealing with depression, smart

investing, reducing debt, and living frugally.

Ariane has a monthly column in Redbook magazine and AdAge, is MSN’s Life

Change Expert, a contributing editor to, a Life Balance expert for

Health Magazine, and has appeared on dozens of TV and radio shows including

NBC's The Today Show, the CBS Early Show, Fox and Friends, CNN Radio, and

ABC News Now. She is a Huffington Post contributor and has written articles for

media outlets including Town & Country, the New York Daily News, Reader's Digest,

Women's Health, and Media Bistro, among others.

Ariane's book entitled The First 30 Days: Your Guide to Making Any Change Easier

was published by Harper Collins in May 2008. Ariane embarked on a national media

and speaking tour for the book. A Spanish edition was published in December 2008

by Rayo, a division of Harper Collins, and the paperback edition of First30Days is

due in early May 2009.


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Carolyn Ellis

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to divorce your inner critic? You know that

questioning, nagging little voice inside you that is never at a loss to point out your

flaws, highlight your doubts, and cross-examine you on your decisions? If you don't

know what I'm talking about, it's the part of you that just asked you, "What inner critic

is she talking about?"

Most human beings engage in ongoing self-talk, with researchers estimating as much

as 45,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day! The rare exception might be those few

enlightened masters who meditate on a mountaintop for 14 hours a day.

For many of us, most of that self-talk is negative—particularly when we've

experienced some kind of setback, like a business challenge, a rocky relationship, or

a health scare. Noted clinical psychologist, Dr. Lee Pulos, asserts people put

themselves in a "waking hypnosis" with this incessant stream of negative self-talk.

We're literally laying down programming in our consciousness that beats us up and

sets us up for failure and dissatisfaction.

The inner critical voice is part of our psychological design that's intended to keep us

safe and have us pause before we act. It actually has great value in revealing some

of our limiting beliefs and unconscious programming that holds us back. Use these

strategies to partner more effectively with your inner critic.

1. You Don't Have to Know

Life offers us possibilities much broader than we can possibly "know" if we're open to

seeing them. You don't know what you don't know. And that is good news! All you

need is a willingness to stay open and view your mistakes as wonderful learning

opportunities. Get curious and ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?"

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2. Tune into Your Inner Dialogue

Awareness is the critical ingredient to building a more empowering mindset. Break

the state of "waking hypnosis" and choose new thoughts that support you. If you hear

your inner critic getting nasty with you, simply say, "Thank you for sharing!" or "Sure,

but I deserve to have a great life anyway!" Try walking around with a notebook and

jot down some of the dialogue you hear in your head. You may be shocked at how

quickly those nagging doubts will clear.

3. Don't Take it Personally

Everyone has an inner critic. Realize that it's just trying to protect you. You can even

visualize that part of you as a cranky old great-aunt, or as a scared little child, who

just needs to talk a lot. Having negative internal dialogue doesn't mean that you are

flawed or incapable. Let your wise, soulful self call the shots.

Moms, take note! These tips work beautifully for our children as well.

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Carolyn Ellis is the founder of Brilliance Mastery™, a

program that helps women entrepreneurs own their

brilliance so the mission of their business can be

communicated clearly, powerfully, and profitably.

Carolyn is a certified Money, Marketing and Soul Coach,

the creator of the THRIVE Principles™, founder of Thrive

After Divorce, and the award-winning author of The 7

Pitfalls of Single Parenting: What to Avoid to Help Your

Children Thrive after Divorce. She publishes Bits of

Brilliance, a weekly e-newsletter that offers inspiration, wisdom, and support for the

woman entrepreneur or business owner who is committed to living her brilliance.

For more information and to get a copy of her special report, The 7 Secrets to

Unlocking Your Brilliance as a Woman Entrepreneur, visit Carolyn's website.


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Chantal Beaupre

For the last 6,000 years in recorded history, all the great philosophers, scientists,

industrialists, historians, and theologians have all agreed on one point: You and I

ultimately become what we think about.

In other words, many highly respected thinkers in various disciplines have concluded

that thought is the main determiner of how our lives will go. As a matter of fact, here's

what some of them have said about this crucial point:

• Buddha: "What we think we become. We are what we think. All that we are

arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."

• Spinoza: "I saw that all things I feared, and which feared me, had nothing

good or bad in them save insofar as the mind was affected by them."

• Mahatma Gandhi: "A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks,

he becomes."

• Albert Ellis: "People and things do not upset us; rather we upset ourselves by

believing that they can upset us."

• Henry Ford: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing,

you're right."

• Shakespeare: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

• Robert Collier: "Any thought that is passed on to the subconscious often

enough and convincingly enough is finally accepted. One comes to believe

whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often; whether the statement be

true or false, it comes to be dominating thought in one's mind."

• Ralph Waldo Emerson: "A man is what he thinks about all day long."

• Peace Pilgrim: "If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would

never think a negative thought."

• Abraham Lincoln: "People are about as happy as they make up their mind to


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• Epictetus: "Men are disturbed not by things that happen, but by their opinions

of the things that happen."

• Norman Vincent Peale: "Change your thoughts and you change your world."

• Ernest Holmes: "Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he

thinks into it."

• Jesus: "As you think, so shall ye be."

In summary, you and I relate to everything and everyone on this planet through the

mechanism of thought. It is not what is in the world that determines the quality of our

lives; it is how we choose to process our world in our thoughts.

Our future is formed by the thoughts we hold most often. Not only do we literally

become what we think about, but we are all given the gift of being able to write our

own story.

So, starting today, I cordially invite you to write a great story for yourself—one that is

filled with love, happiness... and fun!

Take 100% Responsibility for Your Happiness

While doing some research for this article, I stumbled upon the following piece... not

once, but twice in just a few hours!

Synchronicity, you bet! And not only have I now learned the many benefits of paying

attention to these spiritual signposts placed on my path to guide me in the right

direction, but I am pleased to be given the opportunity to share this piece with you!

As a matter of fact, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer first introduced this wonderful story in his

book, You'll See It When You Believe It. However, here's for you the same piece as

beautifully told by Jack Canfield in his best-selling book, The Success Principles:

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There is a wonderful story told about a man who is out walking one night and

comes upon another man down on his knees looking for something under a

streetlamp. The passerby inquires as to what the other man is looking for. He

answers that he is looking for his lost key. The passerby offers to help and

gets down on his knees and helps him search for the key. After an hour of

fruitless searching, he says, "We've looked everywhere for it and we haven't

found it. Are you sure that you lost it here?" The other man replies, "No, I lost

it in my house, but there is more light out here under the streetlamp."

Let's face it: Other people and things practically never upset us. On the contrary, we

are the ones who can choose or not choose to agonize about the unfortunate

adversities that these people and things may put in our lives.

It is time we stop looking outside ourselves for the answers to why we haven't

created the happiness we really want in our lives. It is time we take responsibility for

at least some of our acute and prolonged upsets.

Granted our disturbed feelings also have biological aspects. Granted as well our

brain and body chemistry may catapult us into a state of emotional disturbance when

few or no adversities are occurring in our lives. Nonetheless, the negative feelings

we now experience about these emotional and physical handicaps are still largely our

own doing—the result of our thinking.

And as late Dr. Albert Ellis kept noting, "You are lucky that you yourself help to create

and perpetuate your disturbances, for that means that you personally can stop them

in their tracks."

Most of us have grown up believing that we cannot control our own emotions; that

positive and negative feelings are things that simply happen to us; that when

adversities occur, not only do we naturally feel unhappy, but that "happy" events

must show up for us to feel good again. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 20

Believe it or not: We do have the power to think whatever we choose to think. If

something just "pops" into our heads, we have the power to make it go away. We

may not have control over the thoughts that enter our minds, for we do not make

ourselves think. However, our thoughts are our own—uniquely ours to keep, change,

share, or contemplate. We control our mental world. Simple as that!

By the way, if we don't control our thoughts, who does? Our spouse, our boss, our

parents, or our children?

As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer ironically says in his best-selling book titled Your Erroneous

Zones, "If these people control what you think, then send them off for therapy and

you will instantly get better."

But we really know otherwise, do we? Do you?

You can achieve increased happiness in your life—that is, if you take your personal

power and use it!

Believe me: When you will fully realize the incredible power you have over your

thoughts, your feelings—your happiness!—not only will you be literally astounded,

but you will wonder why you took so long to use it!

So go ahead... make yourself happy!

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Chantal Beaupre is an Emotional Mastery Coach, a

Naturopath, an Independent Licensed LifeSuccess

Consultant, and a business partner of Bob Proctor—as seen

in The Secret movie. Her passion is to provide men and

women who are ready to raise their level of happiness and

improve the quality of their lives with practical tools,

challenging ideas, resources, and helpful information

through the power of the Internet.

Being herself a voracious happiness seeker, Chantal realized that being happy from

the inside out can be accomplished by learning from the masters—those who have

blazed the trail for others to follow. Therefore, she spent over twenty-five years

studying psyche, emotions, human behavior, and the mind, but it wasn't until she met

Bob Proctor that she gained the wisdom that she needed to make sense of the great

deal of knowledge she had acquired during those years. Her connection with the

world’s premier provider in personal development allows her not only to offer the

most extensive programs with the best curriculum, but also to be in a position to

assist her clients in achieving their heart’s desires.

Chantal's background includes work in the corporate world as well as a

psychotherapy practice. She started out in the financial services field (life insurance,

retirement products, and general insurance) in customer service and brokerage

accounts. For the past 10 years, she has been involved—on both personal and

professional levels—in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. In the transition from

psychotherapy to coaching, she weaves coaching happiness principles, structures,

and technology into her sessions, allowing her to offer her clients far more value than



It’s The Thought That Counts Page 22


Eva Gregory

We each have an inner guide, that voice that has the right answer but is sometimes

overlooked. Our inner guides are always with us, but often muted. Later when it is

realized that the voice, intuition, or instinct should have been heeded, it's too late

to correct the initial decision. But we are at choice at every moment! Sounds a little

hard to believe, right? Who would choose to have a marriage dissolve, or a career

end? But a little investigation will often uncover a "feeling" that this person is not

exactly what was desired, but maybe close enough; or the job paid very well, so

even if some of the tasks were not in alignment with the idea of the ideal job it was

worth it. So in essence, choices were actually made to gag one's inner guide and roll

with the situation.

How many times have you thought "Man, if I had only listened to my instincts!"

That was your inner guide telling you which way to proceed and it was ignored. Do

you know who the largest population of inner guide listeners are? Children. That's

one of the reasons they tend to get in so much trouble with adults. Because they do

what their inner guide advises without thought to consequence, feelings, or safety.

Their one goal is to do what they believe will make them happy at any given point in

time, and they do. Children believe the world revolves around them. They have not

been taught that it's their job to make and keep everyone happy (a true fallacy in

today's society). If everyone accepted responsibility for their own happiness, which

is possible by listening to their inner guides, the world would be a more harmonious


Madison was sitting in Pre-K and was bored. She didn't like "circle time," but

preferred free play. She looked longingly at the pots and pans and began to squirm

and fidget while Miss Karen discussed the story. Unable to stand circle time for one

more moment, Madison began to inch herself away from the circle, closer to the

play kitchen cubbies. Madison finally made her way to the pots and pans and was

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 23

about to dive in when Miss Karen busted her. She was called back to the circle and

told to remain in place. A few minutes later, Madison again began to look at the pots

and pans, and decided that since she couldn't leave the circle perhaps Miss Karen

wouldn't mind if she brought the pots and pans to the circle with her. That didn't

fly either. Finally, unable to contain herself any longer, Madison jumped up from the

circle, grabbed a pot and spoon, and placed herself in the time-out chair! She knew

what she wanted, knew that it wouldn't be appreciated by her teacher, and that she

would be punished, but didn't care one bit. She got what she wanted... happiness.

She was tuned into her inner guide and did not stray.

Adults could take lessons from children. Remember the ultimate goal in life is J-O-Y,

and it is one’s responsibility to create for ourselves. But it cannot be done without

focus, intent, and practice. Learn to quiet the conscious thinking mind for no more

than 15 minutes each day and allow the inner guide to come through. Here's how:

• Focus on breathing, or the flicker of a candle, or use an audible sound like


• Once the mind is quieted, physical detachment will occur and you will be in a

state of "allowing." This is when your inner guidance will take over. You may

feel an involuntary movement in your body, like just before you're falling

asleep and your foot moves, or you feel as if you're falling—this is THE state

where the energies are in alignment.

• Determine your path for allowing your alignment energies to come through. It

could be through blocks of thought, writing, a voice, or through some other


Everyone has the ability to do it. The key is to find the time to make it happen and

not censor what is coming through. Be consistent and a mere 30 days is all that it

should take to get into the swing of things. Simply learn to relax, allow, and receive.

Your happiness depends on it.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 24


Eva Gregory is a master coach, speaker, and author of

several books and programs including The Feel Good

Guide to Prosperity, Ten Weeks to Your Cosmic

Connection to Source™, and Guidance On Demand:

Where Spirituality and Practicality Merge™.

She has instructed thousands on how to create a life

deliberately using the Law of Attraction. As co-host of her

own radio shows, she has interviewed some of the most

influential thought leaders today.

Her newest book, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, co-authored with

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson, and Jeanna Gabellini can be found in

bookstores everywhere.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 25


Guy Finley

"The truth is that the only time we ever really ‘fail’ at anything in our life is when we

mistakenly walk away from it before we've allowed it to teach us its secret ways."

How do we normally develop a new skill? For example, how do we learn to high

jump? We listen to instruction, and perhaps we watch someone else; but for the most

part, we learn by doing; by trying it ourselves. Generally, with our first attempts we

end up crashing into rather than clearing the bar, and when we do, there's no

denying it. We can see, and feel, that we've come up short. Our collapsed condition

tells us, unmistakably, that we've done something wrong. So now, we try a new angle

of approaching the bar, or a new technique of leaving the ground. We do this over

and over. And each time we fail to hit the mark, we see we've made a mistake and

we alter our behavior, knowing that eventually our self-correction will lift us to the

success we desire.

These elementary but exact laws of learning are the same when it comes to our

psychological and spiritual development. Each time we feel an emotional pain, we

should use that as a signal that we've made a mistake, that we've crashed and now

need to find and try another new way. For example, our presently pained position is

the proof that our past responses to personal crises are inadequate to clear the

barriers we still are crashing into—that we not only need a new way to meet life, but

that our old ways just don't work. The problem for most of us is that we rarely allow

ourselves to learn in this way. We have hundreds of experiences each day in which

our expectations crash into reality. Whenever this happens, we have a close

encounter of the truthful kind, because in that same moment of trial we see for an

instant that we really don't know what to do. These small and large self-crashes in

themselves are not a problem. They are, in a way, the school of life. The problem is

that we won't admit we don't know what to do. We don't use the event to learn a new

response. Instead, we become defensive and return to the same mindset that led to

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 26

our latest collision. We tell ourselves we understand the cause of getting hurt, and

that we know what or whom to blame. And once we've assessed fault through this

unseen faulty approach, then we know what to do. Some self pops up and tells us to

"act happy," "eat something," "call a friend," "think about it." But none of these

responses has ever made us better equipped to handle the next crisis. We persist in

our belief that we know what to do, and instead of trying something different, we just

return to the familiar route.

Until we understand where the true cause of our unhappiness lies, we can never be

happy. As long as our preconceived notions about life run into the reality of it we will

continue to feel like we're on the losing side, and since we do not learn from the

crash, the process continues. We feel that our lives are out of control, and they are.

We start learning from life when we stop blaming reality, and accept that it was our

lack of understanding that created the perceived problem. Our sincere wish to learn

cannot fail to attract the healing truth we desire, which can then become a part of us

and act through us. This can only happen through our own self-work. No one can tell

us the truth, for then it would not become a part of our own nature. We must test our

beliefs and question our responses for ourselves. When we begin to understand the

truth about reality, and our own place in it (because we have actually entered into it

for ourselves), that truth, along with all its power, becomes our own.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 27


Guy Finley is the best-selling author of The Secret

of Letting Go, The Essential Laws of Fearless

Living, and 35 other works that have sold over a

million copies in 18 languages worldwide. His work

has been featured on hundreds of radio and TV

networks including NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR,

and PBS.

Guy has spent the last 30 years showing individuals the authentic path to a higher life

filled with happiness, success, and true love.

He lives and teaches in Merlin, Oregon, where he is Director of non-profit Life of

Learning Foundation.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 28


Hemal Radia

When you are in alignment with who you are, you shine a light seen so brightly by the rest of the Universe.

Your true light has been with you for all time and you have seen it in glimpses. It is

available to you to see more and more of in your life. Many are seeking something

which is already here, now.

The Universe provides an echo of your vibrational offering.

In truth, in a spiritual sense, you are the physical manifestation of your light or "spirit"

(or whatever words you use to describe it). This universal spirit which is in everything

that you see, and in everything that you don’t see (which is so much more than what

you do see), is inherently well-being. You are whole and complete. And so, if you

are whole and complete, by definition, how can you not already be your "light?"

(Clue: You are!)

But what happens is we are very used to seeing only what is in the physical world

and do not realize our divinity, wholeness, and "completeness." If we only looked at

the head of something and not the body, we wouldn’t get a complete picture, would

we? That is the same as looking at your physical body and not realizing the much

larger spiritual aspect of yourself that is so much more, and whole, and complete.

You already are all that you want to be, other than when you deny and block yourself

of it through your thoughts and beliefs (of which self-esteem and self-value can play

a part). Even if the physical manifestations are not here yet, you can be the essence

and embodiment of it. Then the physical manifestations and creations in your life are

expressions of your wholeness, rather than expressions from a place of

incompleteness and an effort to make up for any perceived lack.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 29

Whatever you think, you magnify. If you believe you are striving for something (such

as to feel a certain way or have something), you will be striving for something. If

instead you realize that everything is here, even if not fully in form yet, and you

radiate THAT vibration, the Universe gives you the physical confirmation of it.

Who you truly are on a deeper level is literally beyond words. All the words in the world couldn’t go close to defining you. The most beautiful sights and experiences on this planet pale in comparison to you.

What you want is not something you strive towards, it is something you accept, allow,

and are in your now. If it is a physical manifestation you are looking for, you become

the emotional and vibrational embodiment of it in your now. It is about what you see

and believe of your reality, rather than waiting for a reality for you to see it. It is here

and now. And as you allow it, you see the manifestations of this vibrational offering

in what happens around you.

What are you striving for? What has to be, so that you can feel "happy" (or whatever

you are seeking in your life) and complete? We are used to seeing things in the

media that do not feel good. But that does not imply that you cannot feel good about

where you are right now, regardless of the things portrayed (or advertised) in the


Let it be that the "things" are an expression and consequence (manifestation) of how you feel, more than a requirement or condition for you to feel how you want to feel.

For many people, when they feel they need to have something to feel "whole," by

implication, it can mean that they are not feeling "whole" right now. And so by

thinking that, they are focusing on lack and having that in their vibration—and they

are then not letting in the very thing they are wanting!

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 30

In every moment you are giving off a vibration and frequency from your thoughts.

You attract experiences, ideas, situations, people, and everything else, which is a

match to that frequency.

Being happy, being in love, and being loved are states of being. You can BE anything you like in any moment. The Universe responds to your state of being, and you get to have what is commensurate with that.

People talk about relationships and "you complete me." In truth, you are always

complete—although it is a lovely expression to say to the one you love, and of course

mean it. What actually happens in love (or anywhere else) is when we are with

someone and feeling so divine, they are reminding us of the beautiful aspects of who

WE are on a deeper level. They are reflecting that back to us. And that is why we

are appreciating them so much! And vice versa!

The lives we live are reflections of us, whatever we may experience. When we are

with someone and it feels so good, it is because they are very purely reflecting who

we are on a deeper level. The better you feel, the closer you are experiencing

alignment with who you are as a spiritual being. And the closer that alignment is, the

more "fulfilled" your life will be. The physical manifestations will occur as a reflection

of that also.

Your emotions are an indication of your vibrational alignment.

Follow your emotions—that is what they are there for.

Your alignment is about your congruency and match of your thoughts and emotions

with your desires. If you are wanting something but your thoughts are in

contradiction to it, you are, more or less, misaligned to it, and you will feel it

emotionally. It is like wanting prosperity and visualizing it but talking daily about your

fears about money, and it running out, and your worries of it. The stronger the

misalignment, the more severely you will feel it emotionally. The more aligned you

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 31

are in your thoughts and beliefs with what you want, the better it feels. Love, joy,

happiness, and the best emotions are synonymous with you being in your now and

aligned to what you want.


• Don’t doubt yourself. If you can’t have total faith, step back, let go, and have

faith in the bigger scheme of things or in the Universe, or God, or whatever it

is you believe in. By doubting yourself, you are just stopping your natural flow

and putting the brakes on it. If you can’t believe initially, don’t doubt at least.

Allow it to flow.

• Start to see yourself with what you want. Practice it in your reality. Make

that vibration familiar. Make it so familiar that you come to know that reality

more than the one that has been your reality, even though what you want

hasn’t manifested yet, but will happen as a result of you allowing it in.

• Realize that on a deeper level (even on an atomic level), you are connected to everything else. Remove the illusion of separation and realize

your inherent connectedness to everything in this Universe. This can be

liberating. And by affirming this connection and remembering that you are

connected to all that you want, and by your expectation of it, you bring it closer

into your reality.

You live in an abundant Universe where there are no limits to the well-being you can experience—within yourself, and as physical manifestations in your life.

It is not about giving yourself a hard time. That is just like doubting yourself. Your

alignment and your flow are from a place of faith and trust in yourself, and in the

workings of the Universe—not from doubt, fear, or mistrust.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 32

Your flow is far more important than any situation. From your flow, you have access

to all possibilities.


Hemal Radia is a world-class expert on Manifesting

& Law of Attraction and has been described as a

"Super Coach." He is also an international speaker

and author who very elegantly simplifies the Law of

Attraction and makes it easy to understand and

apply. As a specialist at helping people find their

flow, Hemal has been rated as the best in bringing

out the best in those that work with him.

When you find the magic within yourself, you see the manifestations in your life.

Everyone has a powerful and natural flow; find out how to be best in tune with yours.


Two Free Law of Attraction Audios:

Work One-to-One with Hemal:

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 33


Jackie Jones

Have you ever gone searching for your glasses only to find them on the end of your


Finding happiness is just like that. It's already yours!

Well, happiness is not exactly on the tip of your nose. However, it's as simple to

realize, if you just take a few moments and truly think about it!

Most people float through the motions of an everyday routine, taking life as it comes.

We were never taught to search for happiness. If something is said or occurs that

causes us to laugh out loud or feel good, WOW! What a bonus!

Not long ago, that was my life.

Don’t get me wrong—I was bubbly, positive, and happy on the surface, and very

committed to leaving a trail of joy with absolutely everyone I came in contact with. It

was on the inside that I didn’t quite feel that totally fulfilling happiness. I expected

others to do that for me.

Now I know that happiness IS a choice!

In May of 2006, I was invited to attend a seminar with my two daughters. Call it "fear

of the unknown"—I had no interest in participating and there were many excuses I

could have come up with not to attend. However, spending memorable time with my

girls was more important, so off we went.

That day changed my life forever!

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 34

The atmosphere was overwhelming with excitement as I walked in and took my seat.

The speakers were so positive, confident, and happy! I never wanted the event to

end and that feeling has never left me.

Within days, I was researching at bookstores and on the Internet for whatever

information I could get my hands on relating to personal growth and self-esteem. I

wanted to be confident, feel good, and be happy every single moment from then on.

My attitude changed with every page I read. I felt more alive than I had in years, and

eventually my reading and yearning to consistently feel good became a habit.

I do daily affirmations, I belong to a Mastermind group, I continue to take classes to

improve my life success skills, and I listen to music that I love—just doing whatever it

takes to keep me in that thrilling state of mind!

That's the key!

Your wanting happiness and to feel good needs to become a habit!

My family and friends want whatever it is that I have discovered! I share my

experiences and continue to pay it forward, helping in every way possible to make

the world a better place.

You see, there was something very unique taking place as I soaked up this valuable

information—one joyous article leading to another. I realized that what inspired me

the most was the feeling of gratitude. Although I have always been grateful for the

many blessings in my life, I began to feel gratitude in a whole new way! It seemed to

me that gratitude was by far the best way to get myself happy—that, and learning to

love and appreciate ME!

Looking back on my childhood, I sincerely felt that if personal growth and self-esteem

had been a part of our curriculum, the world would probably be a much happier place


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 35

Studies have shown that "grateful" people are happier people. This is a vitally

important message for children as they learn to socialize and grow into adults.

To my amazement, an idea came to me which has resulted in my becoming a self-

published author and creator of G-Bugs (The Gratitude Bugs) stories for kids aged

3 to 7! (I had never, ever imagined writing children's books!)

As a result of my changing attitude, my life is a constant flow of happiness and

wonderful new experiences!

These are the steps I continue to take to create unconditional happiness in my life.

May you raise your sights and see the possibilities that happiness could bring into


1. Realize that happiness is a choice

2. Associate with positive people

3. Make a habit of finding ways to be happy

4. Research, learn, and pay it forward

5. Have a consistently good attitude

6. Feel the feelings of gratitude for what you already have

7. Love and appreciate yourself

"It‘s never too late to have a happy childhood."

Berke Breathed

"Thoughts of gratitude combined with a positive attitude

can only lead to unconditional happiness!"

Jackie Jones

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 36


Jackie Jones, author of G-Bugs (The Gratitude Bugs),

children's books, is waking up the feelings of gratitude in

kids everywhere!

Just a regular wife, mom, and "Nana"—as well as

business partner with husband Henry, of Roadshow

Canada Inc., in Thornton (a huge Antiques Mall, just

north of Toronto) —Jackie continues to inspire kids of all

ages to love and appreciate themselves and others, in

spite of their differences... and so much more!

Jackie is the eldest of eight children, born and raised in Kingston, Ontario. Visit her

website and be sure to purchase a copy of your favourite G-Bugs (The Gratitude Bugs) story!


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 37


Jeanna Gabellini

Have you ever tolerated pain in one or more areas of your life for way too long?

Sometimes we tolerate levels of success, wealth, or love that are barely okay, rather

than exceptionally fulfilling. I call that background pain that we ignore or we simply

don't know what to do so we continue on in the same old way.

Maybe you notice the pain or tolerance and just keep "wishing" it would go away. Or

maybe you seek a solution and implement it, but you have not changed your attitude

and you realize months later that you are still getting the same results. Why would

you tolerate anything less than desirable results? There are only two reasons: You

don't believe you can have what you want, or you believe you can have what you

want but there must be some suffering involved.

Suffering emotionally, physically, or monetarily does not need to be part of the

solution. Yes, you might have to do some self-management with your emotions. And

yes, you will need some other resources to get you through the bigger changes, but it

can be an expansive process. Some of the big tolerations I see clients having a hard

time letting go of are a job or relationship that does not bring them the joy they

deserve. They are afraid they will end up with less than what they have now, so they

think they might as well stay with what they know. Yikes!

How can you have something better if you don't make yourself available to receive it?

You can let go of anything that doesn't work for you in a peaceful way. Even when

you need to let go of a relationship, you can part ways in a fashion that has no

negative drama. The more focused you stay on what you are going to gain from the

change, versus what you might be losing, the more stable and open you will be. It is

not your job to make other people feel okay. You do much more good for them if you

are in a grounded and peaceful place.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 38

I do know that the period of time leading up to making a choice to actually handle the

toleration is the hardest. Once you get into action, you feel power and confidence

pulsing through your veins. I want to point out that the small things you tolerate, such

as a broken appliance in your home, are just as important to handle as some of the

bigger things. We usually have many small tolerations around and they add up to a

big impact.

Withholding your truth from someone is also a toleration. Any messes that are

created in your life that you are not complete with will have a negative impact on you.

Thought patterns that make you feel stressed are tolerations. These ARE the most

painful things you hang on to. It's the greatest sabotage technique. If you take an

action you know is not in your best interest, then you are tolerating self-sabotage.

When you lie and you feel guilt, or have guilt about anything, you are tolerating one

of the lowest vibrating emotions that exist. Guilt does not serve you in any way. Learn

from events and move on.


ARE NOT WORTHY OF SOMETHING BETTER! Been there, did that, and never

going back!

If I have not sold you on clearing out anything you are tolerating, let me spell out the


• R-E-L-I-E-F

• P-E-A-C-E

• F-R-E-E-D-O-M

• Openness to receiving something better

• Space in your brain and heart to focus on something that you are passionate


If you feel good, you are more aligned with receiving prosperity (Heck, you handle

tolerations for this reason alone!).

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 39

Get to it and get rid of all those stressors. You are up to it. Handle them one by one.

Get support if you need it. Create accountability with someone. If you have to take

baby steps to get through, so be it. Think enough of yourself to treat yourself with

absolute respect, kindness, and abundance. You're going to feel soooo good!


Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who

assists high-achieving entrepreneurs and their teams

to leverage fun, systems, and intentionality for high-

octane results.

If you think that business is all about taking as many

action steps as possible in the shortest amount of time,

hit the pause button. Business is supposed to be

passion-filled, exhilarating, and profitable.

Jeanna’s coaching and seminars marry vision,

divine guidance, and proven strategies. You’ll ditch the mental merry-go-rounds and


Jeanna also co-authored Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Eva

Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen, and Jack Canfield.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 40



Jeanne Hounshell

We say that frequently. Yet, do we really believe it? When trouble comes, we

complain and often call it a tragedy. What is the truth? It's all in how you look at it.

You can look for the silver lining or you can look for the flood. Science is proving that

our thoughts do create our reality. It has proven that every thought is reflected in our

physical bodies. Could it be that illness is simply an opportunity to have better

health? That is a real possibility. That illness is simply a wake-up call that we are

doing something that damages our bodies.

• Too much stress

• Too much fast food

• The wrong kinds of fats

• Too much sugar

• Not enough exercise

• Not enough laughter

• Not enough pure water

• Not enough sleep

• Too much negativity about everything that happens

• Not enough fruits and vegetables

• Too much meat

The list is endless—the things we do to our bodies. Change any of those and you will

start to return to health.

And how about the other hard things that happen? They happen to everyone:

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 41

• Divorce

• Death of a loved one

• Loss of a job

• Automobile accident

• Coworkers you don't like

• Becoming overwhelmed by too much to do and not enough time

Again, the list is endless. You can't avoid stress. What you can do is change how you

see it. You can look at how it will help you grow. How it can help you make better

decisions in any area of your life in the future. You are not a victim. You always have

a choice. And the choice you always have is how you see what is happening to you

right now.

Experiment a little. Next time you start to complain or feel hurt, ask yourself:

• How could I see this differently?

• What good could I find even in this situation? And what could I learn?

• Is there any way I could see it even a little bit differently?

I think you'll find your body getting healthier and your life becoming happier. It might

even help you get that promotion you'd like or have better relationships.

Affirmative Meridian Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique is similar but slightly

different) helps you change any difficult situation. It can erase hurt, stress, anger,

illness, poor self-esteem, negative thoughts, and the feeling of being a victim. It may

do that in seconds, or it may take longer. It does work. It just doesn't always work

exactly the way we expect it to. It can help bring health, joy, success, prosperity, and

love into your life. Hundreds of thousands have used it.

At the least when using the Affirmative Meridian Tapping you feel good at the end.

And that helps you make better choices. A cloud with a silver lining is one of the most

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 42

beautiful sights there is on this earth. Maybe life could be that beautiful too. It's worth

trying to find out.


Dr. Jeanne Hounshell is a holistic health coach, a

nutritionist, a retired doctor, an author, an inspirational

speaker, a life coach, and—above all—a teacher. She

believes the body knows how to heal anything. And we

can help it do just that. She grew up on a cattle ranch

in the Nebraska Sandhills, graduated from Nebraska

Wesleyan University and Los Angeles College of

Chiropractic. She’s spent her life helping others.

Aside from work, she loves singing to her granddaughters, laughing with her

husband, playing bridge, having a long talk with a friend, and walking on the beach.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 43


Jim Donovan

An article in a business magazine (prior to the current Wall Street fiasco) asked the

question, "If the economy is doing so well, why does everyone feel so bad?"

There are a lot of very sophisticated answers to this question like:

• Jobs are moving out of the country

• There is a war in Iraq

• The cost of living is rising

• etc., etc.

I feel that there is one simple reason that is more responsible for people's bad

feelings than everything else. There is one simple reason why people are feeling

down even though the economy is booming. There is one simple reason why, despite

all the positive economic indicators, many people are still living in fear and are

experiencing depression in record numbers.

You've probably guessed it by now, it's our attitude which is controlled largely by

what we focus upon and what we tell ourselves. We think a thought, which produces

a feeling, which leads to an action, which produces a result. It all starts with the

thought we choose to think.

If you watch the TV news or read newspapers with their never-ending barge of

negative stories, you can't help but feel bad. I'm not suggesting that you give up

news all together, although it's not an entirely bad idea, but that you limit your news

intake and especially avoid it prior to going to sleep. It is a well-accepted fact that

what you read, watch, or listen to within a half-hour of going to sleep will carry over

into your dream state and will affect how well you rest and ultimately how you feel.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 44

News items aside, what else are you focused upon? Do you regularly engage in

conversations about how bad things are, or are you looking for what is right and

what's working in every situation? The former will increase your bad feelings and take

you further in that direction, while the latter will open your awareness to the good that

already surrounds you.

My wife Georgia and I have been engaging in a "what's working" exercise every

week for several years now and I am amazed of the benefits that have resulted from


While so many people are caught up in talking about everything that is wrong in their

world, thereby causing themselves to feel bad, you can choose the opposite, you can

choose to increase the good in your life by focusing your attention and conversation

on the good that's already there. To paraphrase the Bible, "To he who has, more is


On a recent Monday morning, I was feeling "less than great." That's about as close

as I get to feeling bad. Georgia, having learned the value of shifting to a more

positive focus asked, "So what's working?" I struggled to list one or two things that

were going well and "working" in my business on that particular day. I wrote them

down in my journal. I don't think I had written more than three things in total—as I

said, I was not having a great day.

Then, a very interesting thing happened. By mid-day I was able to add a couple of

more things that were working and by the close of business that day, my list had

grown to three times its original length. By shifting my focus, I was once again in a

state of mind to attract more good into my life.

Lynn Grabhorn, author of Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting refers to it as your "valve"

being either open or closed. Are you open to attract what you want by focusing your

attention and thereby your perception on what you want, or is your valve tightly shut

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 45

by a steady internal dialogue of gloom and doom? It's your choice how you

experience your world. You get to decide what you want to create in your life.

If you want to learn more about using a "what's working" approach, I suggest reading

Kurt Wright's book Breaking the Rules.


• List everything in your life that is working, that is right, and that is good. Dig

deep down and list everything that you can think of.

• What would the ideal vision look like if everything were working perfectly?

• What's not quite perfect yet? What needs tweaking?

• What resources do you need? Who can help? And how can you add to what's

already working?

If you do this exercise each week, with your spouse, co-workers, or coach, before

long you will begin to see significant shifts in your life.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 46


Jim Donovan, a native New Yorker, has implemented the

timeless principles in his books to first, turn his own life

around, and then to devote his life to helping others do

the same. Jim practices these principles every day and is

living proof that they work.

A world-renowned author and highly sought-after

motivational speaker, he has touched the hearts of

thousands of people, just like you, who want a better life.

Crossing all ethnic, age, and gender barriers, his simple message has been

embraced by teenagers and seniors alike. From business leaders to single parents,

people throughout the world are improving the quality of their lives by following the

simple techniques in his books and programs.

Jim’s seminars inspire audiences to take responsibility for their lives, provide them

with transformational ideas and strategies for their success, and motivate them to

take charge of their destiny and create the life they were born to live.



It’s The Thought That Counts Page 47



Joe Rubino

Extensive studies show that more than 85% of the population suffers from some

degree of diminished self-worth, lacking self-esteem and insufficient confidence. For

most of the people who lack a positive self-image, the future looks like a mere

extension of their troubled past. Their expectation of what is to be is consistent with

what has been—with a slight and predictable level of improvement.

Because of their lacking self-esteem and confidence, most are resigned to a life that

lacks the excitement and passion that characterizes the lives of those who feel

worthy of tapping into the best things life has to offer. People who possess a positive

self-image typically have an optimistic expectation of what is ahead of them and as a

result, they realize this expectation as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In contrast to the state of resignation that typifies those with diminished self-esteem

and lacking confidence, consider the possibility that the future lives as the realization

of a promise—a promise you make to yourself and to the world. The future will result

from your expectations and the quality of your future will be impacted by the

commitment you have for it. It lives as a possibility. In other words, you get to invent

it. In fact, you are the sole designer and architect of what is to be. And the result will

be entirely consistent with your expectation and your self-image.

In other words, our future will be directly related to what we expect for it to be. If we

doubt our self-worth and expect our future lives to be worse than our current

situation, we will sabotage ourselves into making it turn out in alignment with this self-

fulfilling prophecy resulting in diminished self-esteem and self-confidence. If we limit

our expectations and plan on more of the same results we have to date experienced,

our apathy will generate a future consistent with this expectation. To the contrary, if

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 48

we believe in ourselves and our expectation is that our future will be better than our

present situation, self-motivation will result to bring about the positive outcome we


If we feel good about ourselves and expect to live happy, fulfilled, and successful

lives, we will take the actions consistent with realizing that expectation. We will

therefore generate the opportunities that will result in rich relationships, abundance,

and joy being attracted to our lives—because we believe we deserve it and act on

this belief.

We get what we expect and attract prosperity or lack, joy or sorrow, rewarding

relationships or angry, frustrating ones all as a result of whether or not we feel

worthy. Just as we can doubt our abilities to succeed and our attractiveness as

worthy of rewarding friends and intimate relationships, we can also instead choose to

take full responsibility for expecting all aspects of our lives to be the way we want

them to turn out.

Realize that you have consciously or unconsciously attracted everything that shows

up in your life to you. If where you are in life, the relationships you have attracted to

you, your physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual states are not what you desire,

decide now to alter your course. Decide that you deserve better. Get in touch with the

erroneous decisions you made at an early age. Reframe how you see yourself and

resolve to act from a declaration of who you are (just because you say so) instead of

the unlovable, somehow defective or unworthy image you made up or bought into

long ago.

Change your expectations. Design a life plan consistent with your new expectations.

Make requests to those who can support your efforts in some way. The future exists

for each of us as a possibility. When we do the necessary work to heal our troubled

past and put the self-interpretations that do not support us behind, we can

courageously decide to design our future lives deliberately to be in alignment with

joy, abundance, fun, fulfillment, and self-love. When we train ourselves to first expect

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 49

positive results and then to act in accordance with what we expect, we set the stage

for a bright and promising tomorrow. We have the personal power to create our

future on purpose. The future can unfold out of our declaration of how we see

ourselves and what we expect it to be like. To the extent that we take responsibility to

expect great things in our lives, ensure we give off positive, attractive, loving energy,

and then get into action to bring about our expectations, we will be the force behind

the realization of a rewarding happy future characterized by soaring self-esteem and


So, my challenge for you today is to write out a clear and specific vision of exactly

what your life will be like in every area including your relationships, health, wealth

and finances, occupation, recreation and social life, and personal and spiritual

development. Commit to resolving any past issues that continue to erode how you

feel about yourself. I wrote The Self-Esteem Book and the accompanying The Self-

Esteem Workbook to support you to learn the tools that will allow you to reinvent your

life and how you see yourself. Know that all that it takes is the courage to begin the

process of restoring your personal magnificence and start living full of self-esteem

and confidence.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 50


Dr. Joe Rubino is an internationally acclaimed

personal development trainer, life-changing success

and life-optimization coach, and best-selling author of

11 books available worldwide in 23 languages.

He is the CEO of The Center for Personal Reinvention,

an organization that has impacted the lives of more

than 2 million people through personal and leadership development programs,

providing participants with tools to maximize their happiness, self-esteem,

communication skills, productivity, and personal effectiveness.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 51


Kathleen Gage

Several decades ago, I began studying goal setting as if my life depended on it. I was

committed to learning anything and everything I could about how to set goals and

"have it all." I was certain that having it all would bring me a very deep level of


My motivation was the fact that in my twenties I had reached a point where my

greatest goal was to merely get through another day. With many of my childhood

dreams shattered, my life consisted of going to a job I despised, being newly

divorced left with no apparent way to support myself, and living from day to day

wondering if this was it.

More than three decades ago, all I wanted to do was survive the harsh realities life

had put in front of me. And survive I did. I barely got by each day, feeling like the

world was against me and wondering why all the lucky breaks happened to others

but not to me. I nurtured the belief about how tough life was and as a result never got

any breaks. So much in fact that I lost my assembly-line job with the inability to get

another. I became more disillusioned with each passing day and felt stuck with no

way out.

That is until a small miracle happened. (Reflecting on that day 30 years ago, I would

say it was more of a big miracle disguised as something small.)

I found a book that changed my life forever—The Magic of Believing by Claude M.

Bristol. From the first page to the last, I was captivated by what I read. Written in

1948, the information is as powerful today as the day the book was written.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 52

In essence, the author wrote that we create our reality by what we think and believe.

Feeling as if I had found the holy grail of knowledge, I was fascinated that I had never

heard this before. Or if I had heard it, I had never paid attention to it.

Amazingly, as I applied what I read, a few small things shifted. The shift was enough

to encourage me to learn more about the power of thought.

Because I didn't have any disposable income at that time, I found one of my favorite

hangouts to be the local library. I read anything and everything I could get my hands

on to do with changing the circumstances of my life. There was no shortage of

information on setting goals, reaching achievement, accepting "believe and you will

achieve", and other such topics.

As much as I had no desire to do much of anything prior to the discovery of The

Magic of Believing, I now had a thirst that no amount of reading, learning, or

searching could quench. I was fascinated with what I heard about "What you can

believe, you can achieve."

Now my quest was to turn my life around, acquire whatever I wanted on a material

level in order that I would be fulfilled. Little did I realize the lessons life had in store. I

would learn that fulfillment was not about acquisition but rather something completely

different. You see, there were many times I acquired just what I thought would be the

"golden ticket" to happiness. Although some things did bring me a sense of

satisfaction, often it would be short-lived.

So what was the answer? When would that deep sense of fulfillment be mine?

Having placed so much emphasis on acquisitions, awards, and outward recognition

(and having achieved a great deal), I wondered why there were times when,

regardless of the outward trappings, a deep level of fulfillment would often evade me.

Over more than a 30-year journey of discovery, my experience and definition of

fulfillment has morphed more than once from something superficial to something that

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 53

words cannot begin to express. Something that one comes to "know" rather than

define with words. Yet, words are often all there is to convey to another what the

experience is.

Happiness and fulfillment had very little to do with what was manifested on the

outside. There is no doubt whatsoever that happiness is an inside job. Granted, there

are outward things that do invoke feelings of joy, but it is something that manifests

from the inside out, rather than from the outside in.

Ironically, when we are on a quest for the deepest level of fulfillment, life will give us

exactly what we need. It may appear as if it has nothing to do with what we want, yet

when we give ourselves permission to step back, observe all that has occurred, and

recognize the gift in even the most difficult situations, we realize we have been given

exactly what was needed in order to reach the deepest level of appreciation,

fulfillment, and joy life has to offer.

Yet, it takes more than simply knowing this. It takes surrender and willingness to

allow life to unfold in such a way that we are given the opportunity to become who we

are meant to be. It takes a willingness to know that often we just don't know all there

is to know.

This is counterintuitive to much of what many people are selling as the "key to

happiness." How ironic is this? For years we can search for "the knowledge" only to

discover the greatest knowledge is that we just don't know all there is to know.

It is in surrendering to this fact that we are in a position to know more. What actually

happens is we become okay with letting go of the need to do, know, and be

everything. We simply move in the space of being in concert with what is. We reach a

place of showing up to the miracle of what each day has in store.

It has been said that a miracle is a shift in perception. It is in the ability to recognize

the shift where the greatest miracle resides—the miracle of who we are meant to be.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 54

Make no mistake, there will be experiences in our day-to-day living that at times may

seem more than we are equipped to handle. Yet, when we move in the space of

appreciation for what is in front of us, life holds amazing miracles—miracles that no

amount of money can buy; miracles that create the tapestry of our lives; miracles that

take us to the deepest place of surrender that makes life have more depth than we

ever dreamed possible; miracles that allow us to love in ways we never dreamed we

would or could; miracles that allow us to become the person we are truly meant to


It is in the surrender to something beyond what we can see, feel, or touch that all we

had hoped for will manifest.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 55


Kathleen Gage, known as The Street Smarts Marketer™,

owns and operates Turning Point, Inc. and Maxwell

Publishing. She is an author, an Internet marketing and

publicity advisor, and an award-winning keynote speaker.

With more than 30 years of experience in sales,

marketing, and promotions, Kathleen’s experience ranges

from having developed programs for the US Marine Corp

to corporate training for organizations such as the LA

Sheriff’s Department, AT&T, and GTE, to now choosing to work primarily with


Kathleen is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association and a past

president of the National Speakers Association Utah Chapter. In 2004, she was

recognized as the top home based business for the State of Utah.

Now living in a rural community in Central Oregon with a menagerie of animals,

Kathleen is recognized as one of the leading authorities on how spiritually-minded

speakers, authors, coaches, and consultants can attract more business, gain better

market position, and increase their revenues exponentially by applying proven

business and utilizing the power of the Internet.


Internet Marketing Blog:

Spiritual Blog:

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 56


Kelly Sullivan Walden

When I think about sustainable happiness, I feel a rebellious part of me say:

• What if I don’t want to be happy?

• What if being happy all the time means letting go of being real, genuine, and


• I don’t want to be one of those fake happy people… and you can’t make me!

Hmmm… My Higher Self recalibrates in order to respond to what feels like a dense,

lower, and very human aspect of myself:

• What if the essence of happiness is your natural state?

• What if happiness is what we humans look like and act like when we are being

real, genuine, and authentic?

• What if this is true? Aren’t we, after all, made from miraculous, divine,

supernatural stuff?

I was given a compliment recently by a former member of my Goddess Queen

Gathering. Patricia told me how thrilled she was I was moving back to LA from Santa

Fe, because since I’ve left she’s attended other women’s circles in the hopes of

finding a supportive space for her spiritual growth—to no avail. She lamented she

had not found a circle to meet her in the way the Goddess Queen Gathering had.

She went on to say that even in a spiritual women’s group, there could still be a thick

ego wall veiling the genuine heart-to-heart connection she was craving. She

continued on about this superficial connection that—unless there is a deliberate

intent to (gently) shift the ego—will continue to take up space, or worse, take over the

gathering. She said it felt like trying to place new dishes on a dusty shelf… ewwww!

What if unhappiness in our lives were momentary opportunities for contrast?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 57

What if, once we dusted off the debris of fear, doubt, worry, lack, and limitation, we

realized a radiant, jubilant, blissful version of ourselves waiting in the wings?

At the beginning of my gatherings, I do the "Releasing Candle" ceremony. I ask each

participant to close their eyes, take deep breaths, and give their cares, concerns,

negativity, and worry to the candle. Give it ALL to the flame… any better than / less

than thoughts and judgements, all the dense and subtle layers of fear around our

hearts are exhaled into the fire. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I ask everyone to imagine this

flickering wick is a blazing bonfire with the strength to gratefully consume everything

they no longer wish to carry.

What if being happy on a regular basis was about having a trustworthy release valve

for our daily dramas?

As the candle is passed from person to person and each one hears what the other is

releasing—continually hearing the word, "Ho"—I jokingly say this does not mean we

are calling each other a "ho." "Ho" is a sound Native Americans use as a way of

expressing that my heart relates to your heart. In other words, "Ho" is shorthand for

"Me too!" or "You took the words from my mouth!"

By the time we have gone around the circle and we’ve heard "Ho" over a dozen

times, there are giggles and belly laughs at the ridiculousness of our fears. And

because we bravely voiced them and released them to the flame, we have allowed

our ego walls to melt. When we do this, we realize we are not alone and we have

nothing to hide.

What if being happy isn’t an issue of conjuring up something akin to a degree in

astrophysics, scaling the Himalayas blindfolded, or finding the cure for cancer?

What if all we have to do to be happy is recognize the sunlight of the spirit is always


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 58

From a profound place of embracing our humanity, the alchemy takes place and we

are then light enough to elevate the spiritual ladder… all the way to the mountaintop

of clarity, purpose, power, love, and co-creation with the Universe. In other words,

new dishes get placed on a sparkling clean shelf.

What if it was COMPLETELY NORMAL to get upset?

What if the difference between the average Joann and Joan of Ark is in the ability to

allow discomfort, upset, and even pain to be seen as a gift to learn, grow, and glow

into a more enlightened version of ourselves?

On the days life throws me a curve ball, when my defenses are low and someone’s

snotty remark gets under my skin—and there is no Goddess Queen Gathering or

"releasing candle" to come to my emotional rescue—I have a plan B: a Best Friend

Download. I have an agreement with my dearest friends that in a moment of distress

we can pick up the phone and spew, hurl, and rant a voicemail message that sounds

something like this:

"Hi, it’s Kelly, and this is a Best Friend Download. I am so pissed, hurt, upset,

angry, embarrassed, enraged at (fill in the blanks) for doing (again, fill in the

blanks)." Blah, blah, blah… until the bee has left the proverbial bonnet.

I usually conclude the message by saying:

"Thank you for letting me vent. I feel so much better, calmer, peaceful, sane. I

can see clearly now that the rain has gone! I think I have half a clue about

what I can do about this situation. Thank YOU!"

What if the secret to sustainable happiness is simply space to not be happy when

genuine pain or disappointment occurs?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 59

What if we could be more like the child that falls down in the sandbox, wails for 30

seconds, takes a breath, and resumes building their sand castle?

As I write this, I realize there is more than plan B, C, D, E, and F. Other pillars that

uphold my "happiness temple" include journaling, taking a walk around the block,

rolling on the floor with my dog Woofie, crying my eyes out, making a gratitude list,

taking a nap, being of service to others, surrounding myself with people I love, and of

course, following my inner navigational system that always leads me—like a bee to

honey—to the perfect people, in the perfect place, at the perfect time.

What if happiness wasn’t the goal?

What if we don’t have to teach the sun how to shine?

What if happiness was the bare bones baseline state of being from which we can

create our lives from a higher place of service to humanity, co-creativity with the

Universe, and the opportunity to truly explore this rare opportunity to be a spirit

incarnated humanly?

What if?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 60


Kelly Sullivan Walden is a Dream Expert, a Certified

Clinical Hypnotherapist, and the author of the best-selling

book, I Had the Strangest Dream... the Dreamer’s

Dictionary for the 21st Century, as well as Discover Your

Inner Goddess Queen... an Inspirational Journey from

Drama Queen to Goddess Queen, and Zone Golf. Kelly

is featured regularly on FOX, NBC, CBS, and ABC news,

and in the magazines you love such as Cosmopolitan,

Elle, Bride, Seventeen, and US Weekly.

To find out more about Kelly’s gatherings, click here. You can read Kelly’s weekly

dream blog on’s She is the creator/founder of The

Dream Project, a non-profit organization bridging the gap between the United Nations

and inner-city school kids.




It’s The Thought That Counts Page 61



Linda Boertjens

Brainwashing is a term perceived in a negative way by most people. But you know

what, I think our brains could actually do with a bit of a washing sometimes!

You see, everyone comes into this world with a clear mind and a belief that

everything is possible. All is positive and well. Remember as a child, you could do

and become everything—without any boundaries! As we grow up however, we pick

up beliefs, fears, and limitations from our surroundings and peers that gradually form

the person we are today. A lot of these beliefs unfortunately are negative and as we

build our lives, they limit us in our actions and being. Very often they therefore

contribute to unhappiness or feeling unfulfilled in our lives and business.

It can be the smallest—seemingly harmless—remark from a mother like, "Just let me

handle that, you are no good at that" that can convince you that you are not good at a

certain task. A teacher who calls a pupil "the clumsy one" can do more harm with this

remark than he realizes, when repeated often enough. With every remark, the belief

is harnessed further in the child that he/she indeed is clumsy. Even though a remark

is said with a smile or with an intention to be funny, it still leaves a legacy in the belief


This programming, of course, doesn't stop at adulthood; it keeps influencing people

in all stages of life. We are being influenced by our parents, kids, partner, friends,

colleagues, television, newspapers, and magazines, and so on. Sometimes this is in

a positive way, but very often we get influenced in a limiting, negative way. No

wonder we limit ourselves in so many ways! Belief is the key to your success. If you

believe you can do something, you can. If you believe you can't do something,

chances are that you will be right too.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 62

The good news is we can "reprogram" our mind and replace our negative, limiting

beliefs for positive contributing ones. Positive brainwashing is what I like to call it!

This can be done by the use of so-called "affirmations."

An affirmation is a positive self-talk statement stated in the present tense, that covers

a goal or mindset you want to achieve, and that "overrules" that limiting mindset or

those negative beliefs towards that goal. An example is, "I can easily do 10 sales

calls a day," or "I deserve to be happy and wealthy." Another example is, "I am an

excellent negotiator."

By stating this positive affirmation regularly during your day, you will achieve the goal

you have set for yourself easier and quicker. This positive self-talk helps your mind to

overcome beliefs that you have about yourself and that limit your success and

actions. You can compare your mind with a computer: when you change the input,

the output will change accordingly.

So, if you have the limiting belief that you are no good in public speaking—probably

because of negative experiences in the past—you can actually reprogram your mind

by stating the following affirmation, "I am an excellent public speaker. I love to speak

for huge audiences and people are excited to hear me talk." By affirming this belief

over and over, you will start to believe it and your mind will find a way to make this

statement a reality. At some stage, you might decide to do a course in public

speaking, or someone might ask you to speak at some kind of seminar—which

forces you to work on your speaking skills. Somehow, this positive affirmation helps

you to reach the "goal" you have set for yourself and open doors for you that normally

would have been kept closed. This works for virtually everything. Believe, and it will

happen. Let me illustrate this a bit more.

Imagine standing before a big river with a heavy stream. You have to cross it, but you

don't think you can actually do it. Your belief is keeping you from crossing, although

you physically should be able to do it easily. It just looks too hard! Then, someone

else comes up from behind you, and without thinking starts crossing the river and

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 63

gets to the other side. His belief was positive, and he knew he could do it. The

interesting thing is that this will probably influence your belief—"If he can do it, I can

do it too"—and you will then cross the river without any problem at all.

Similar things happen when a group of people is introduced to the phenomenon of

fire walking. At first, a big group of people will say that there is no way they will walk

on fire… until other people with higher beliefs go first, and then all of a sudden

everyone else rushes over to do it as well.

So, think about YOUR beliefs, and try to discover which beliefs are actually holding

you back from reaching your full potential in your life. Then, one by one, start

eliminating these beliefs from your system. Formulate a positive affirmation that

counters your negative belief, and reaffirm it daily. Write them in your diary, on your

bathroom mirror, next to your computer—anywhere you see it often—and say the

affirmation out loud as often as possible. Make sure you create an empowering

Vision Board and include your affirmations. You will be happily surprised by the


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 64


Linda Boertjens is one of the cofounders of

OrangePeel Systems, an innovative company dedicated

to helping others achieve their goals and dreams in life

by offering their unique Vision Board Studio product—

the unparalleled leader in visualization systems. It

enables the user to create a dynamic Vision Board

using their own images, text, and audio, and display it in

a variety of ways as a constant reminder of their vision.

Linda is passionate about inspiring the world and

educating others about the power of visualization and

Vision Boards via OrangePeel, and writes a free weekly Splash of Inspiration email.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 65


Lorraine Cohen

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seemed to fall into place

easily? It might have been a singular experience within the day or it felt like it was the

entire day. If you have (and you noticed it) you probably found yourself wishing that

every day had that same ease to the things you felt and did.

What is different about those days?

In May, I had the opportunity to attend a workshop called "The Art of Allowing"

facilitated by Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham-Hicks). They are well-known in the

spiritual community for their teachings on the Law of Attraction.

They introduced the idea of attracting what we want in life as going with the flow.

When we are going with the flow, we are moving downstream.

Have you ever gone rafting or tubing? Imagine what it would be like to paddle or float

against the current. It is the flow of water that determines how fast or how slowly we

arrive at our destination. Our emotions affect the intensity of the flow. (This is my


Do you complain when things show up that you don't like and want?

For example:

Can you recall an experience you expected (or hoped) would go a certain way and

you found things going in a different direction; perhaps one you weren't prepared for?

What did you do? Did you try to redirect what was happening to go the way you

wanted? Were you successful or did you create more stress and emotional turmoil

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 66

for yourself? Or... did you let go, staying curious and resilient so that you could be

open to new possibilities?

In the end, how did things turn out?

You might not realize how much energy you are using to struggle against something

that is happening or has already happened. Your reaction does not change the

outcome that has already happened. It is what it is. Your attitude and emotions affect

how you deal with what is. Embrace the moment (flow downstream) or wrestle with it


As a child I had a little toy I'll call a Chinese puzzle. I'm not recalling the actual name.

It looked like a cigar and was woven out of a straw-like material that was flexible. The

inside was hollow. It had openings at either end and you put both index fingers into

each opening. If you pulled, the openings tightened on your fingers and you couldn't

remove them. It was only when you relaxed your fingers that you could slide them


How might your life be different if you felt a greater acceptance of each momentary

experience rather than struggling against it?

Imagine how much energy and good feelings you could generate to attract what you


Look, we're all human and not always at our best. So many things can get in the way

of being able to embrace whatever happens in life with a positive attitude.

Every experience, wanted or unwanted, has value to your personal development and

business success.

Next time you find yourself struggling against the moment, ask yourself:

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 67

1. How does this person or situation challenge me? (To grow as a person, to

improve your business...?)

2. What can I learn from this experience that will improve the quality of my life?

3. What can I appreciate about this situation? What are the gifts? In other words,

find the value to you from the experience.

A friend of mine says that when she feels highly reactive to something (and can

recognize her reaction) that the person or situation is really working for her—

challenging her to look more deeply inside at her beliefs and behaviors. She sees

that situation as serving her to grow as a person, which is one of her core values.

She can then choose to continue to react (upstream) or integrate what she has

discovered into feeling better (downstream).

I have a note on my computer and refrigerator that reminds me I am the Source of

my attitudes, feelings, and experiences. I can reach for a better thought so that I can

embrace each moment (be okay with what is) and move forward to what I desire... or

not... well, you get the picture, right?

If you are feeling unhappy with your life, you've most likely been going upstream.

Ready to change direction?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 68


Reverend Dr. Lorraine Cohen, creatively inspiring and

innovative, is recognized as cutting edge expert in the

fields of personal growth, spiritual awakening, and

conscious entrepreneurship. Founder of Powerfull Living,

she is a gifted spiritual life coach and advisor, published

writer, speaker, and popular radio broadcaster.

For more than 20 years, Lorraine has coached thousands

of spiritually-aware business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors, and authors

to create a prosperous business, meaningful career, and fulfilling life that align with

their life path. She guides people to find their way home to "who they are" so they

can hear and follow the calling of their soul.

An expert in Transforming Fear into POWER and removing barriers to success, she

helps people shift from being a victim of their circumstances to being the hero of

their own life story.




It’s The Thought That Counts Page 69


Maria Erving

Who do you choose to be? A lot of people go around and make excuses for

themselves and never grow out of the rut that they have placed themselves in by

saying things like, "This is just the way I am," "I have always been like this," "It's who

I am," and so forth… but I disagree. It is what and who you CHOOSE to be, in THIS

moment. And we can always change that.

So instead of asking you, "How are you feeling today?," I'll ask you, "How are you

thinking today?"

You choose the thoughts you have and your feelings are the guides that will—

provided you listen—point you in the right direction. Rather than suppressing or

denying negative emotions, look at them in a different way.

They are telling you when something is off and when something is right.

So, choice is always available in every situation, and the way you behave in the

world illuminates what you really think of yourself. If you are doing drugs or abuse

yourself in other ways—like, for example, staying in an abusive relationship—I know

for sure that you are not paying any attention to your emotions that are there to help

you make the right choices for yourself.

So, how are you thinking today?

When you think of your dreams and goals, how are you thinking about them?

Honestly. Do you think that they are not really attainable because that is not who you

are, that you don't really have what it takes because that's just not for somebody like

you? Do you really believe in your own greatness, or is it only a nice concept?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 70

Or, do you feel excited and powerful, thinking that you will know when it is your turn

to do something in the process of manifestation, just by turning your attention to the

way you feel in every given moment and really trust the messages your feelings give


That when something feels right to do, you do it immediately… or when something

feels negative, you go and have a drink instead of paying attention?

The shift in perspective and attentiveness is what makes the difference. Not physical

strength, not intellectuality, nor having a lot of money or friends who can help you. It's

all in your mind, in the way you think about yourself and life.

What if you didn't take your thoughts that seriously just for today, just to see how

ridiculous they actually are most of the time? What if you—just for today, instead of

believing every thought—just decide to observe them and not get involved in them as

much as usual?

You would then be able to see very clearly how you actually think, and even laugh

about them. It really is an eye opener, because most people are not even aware of

the kind of thoughts they have. They just believe them to be true and never question

them. And what if you did? Question them I mean. Ask yourself if your thoughts are

true, how you know they are true, and who told you that.

There are invisible rules and regulations in the world that mediocre people / the

masses live by—unconsciously, most of the time—that say that becoming a

millionaire, or even a billionaire, by doing what one loves is impossible, and that it's

only for a few lucky ones in the world.

They are never even questioning themselves why they can't be one of them. Who

taught them that they are not the ones? And is it really true?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 71

To not follow one’s dreams and do something grand with our passions, saying things

like, "I cannot be a photographer/dancer/writer (you name it) and make good money

from it because it's a tough business" is tough only for the people who think it is

tough! For some, it's an easy business. Why can't it be that way for you? Because of

your perspective.

Shift it and things begin to change.

When you do something you absolutely love, when it feels like breathing to you, your

passion will drive you forward—no matter what. No matter if the world tells you to

stop that nonsense and jump into the water instead and drown like everybody else.

When you are driven by your passion, you can't let yourself be governed by the outer

confusion, but wholly by your inner realization—but you have to be the one who

activates the power within you and you do so with your thoughts. By only being

WILLING to consider that there might be another way of living life. Your willingness is

enough. The power of your intention to challenge your way of thinking will open up

your mind to higher levels of existing.

Set your new intentions with focus on Love and other people, and you're on the path

to success!

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 72


Maria Erving is a gifted personal development teacher,

author, and inspirational writer. Throughout her life, Maria

has been interested in the variety of universal laws and

principles, and how they directly and indirectly impact our

lives. In her book, Energy Awareness: How to Use Energy

to Change Your Life, Maria explains the importance of

living from a place within where all manifestations come

from. She is dedicated to teaching and raising energy

awareness, and to inspire and empower others to live life from a space of freedom

and joy.

Originally from Sweden, Maria has enjoyed the privilege of living in Spain and

Finland, and currently resides in Norway—which she has called home for the past

ten years. She is educated in a variety of alternative therapies such as Neuro-

Linguistic Programming (NLP Master Practitioner), life coaching, Reiki (master),

Bach Flower Remedies, and several types of bodywork therapies such as energy

massage, acupressure, and even massage for dogs!

Maria's life is all about spiritual and personal growth, and her studies over the years

have included A Course in Miracles, the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, and Science

of Mind, among others.



It’s The Thought That Counts Page 73


Mary Allen

These days my happiness quotient feels like it's sailing off the charts. Maybe it

seems I'm always rather cheerful. Trust me, I've ridden my share of emotional roller

coasters. I've prided myself in being "very human," which—in my mind—meant

feeling every human emotion. But, maybe my husband is right. Maybe HAPPINESS

IS the default state. Maybe if all resistance is simply removed from life, happiness

naturally emerges. Somehow, it seems to be flowing steadily into my life.

So why AM I so deliriously happy? Great question. This is the very question I was

asking myself last week. What is different? There are several distinct elements which

have come together. I imagine if you focused on these elements, you'd be deliriously

happy too.

1. Weekly Check-ups. For my Success and Inner Peace Bootcamps, I recently

created a weekly preparation form supporting participants to integrate key

elements of the program. Participants share progress toward top goals and

elements relating to "inner peace." After seeing participants share for several

weeks, I committed to completing the form too... and now send it to the group

each week.

There is something profound about reporting your life to another, whether to a

coach or group. This is where the happiness started to swell for me.

Some of my favorite questions on the Bootcamp Prep Form include:

• What has contributed to my sense of "inner peace" over the last


• What "inner peace culprits" interrupted my connection? How could I

eliminate this "inner peace culprit?"

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 74

• How have I responded to Spirit over the last week?

• What new distinctions, realizations, or insights have occurred to me

over the past week?

• Where is my next opportunity for a breakthrough? (i.e. shifting a

limiting belief, etc.)

2. Daily Gratitude. This isn't a new concept. However, putting it

CONSISTENTLY into practice IS new, at least for me.

At the Mega-Book Marketing conference in March, I heard Jack Canfield

speak about the "gratitude rituals" of featured speakers in The Secret.

Apparently, each morning, before Rhonda Byrne gets out of bed, she connects

with feelings of "gratitude" until a tear comes to her eye. When James Ray

gets out of bed in the morning, as his right foot touches the floor, he says

"Thank." As his left foot touches the floor, he says, "You." And, all the way to

the bathroom, he says, "Thank," "You," "Thank," "You," "Thank," "You"... Jack

writes several "gratitudes" in his journal each morning before he gets up. I also

know Oprah has been flexing the "gratitude" muscle for years. She writes

down at least five things she's grateful for at the end of each day. Hmmmm.

In my book, The Power of Inner Choice, and in my Bootcamps, I talk about the

importance of keeping your energy vibration high. One of the most effective

ways is through "daily gratitude." I haven't always been consistent. But, I got

inspired. And, the Bootcamp Prep Form asks, "What Daily Ritual(s) did I

thoroughly enjoy this past week?" And, "What Daily Ritual would I like to give

special attention to over the coming week?"

At the end of EACH day, I go to a Word document in my computer called

"Gratitudes.doc." I type in my "gratitudes," which for me, also includes the big

and little successes of the day. Completing the day on a high note of

appreciation is amazing. And, it's much harder to forget the good stuff pouring

in when you're writing it down each day. The compounding effect of this simple

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 75

choice each day has contributed significantly to my happiness. And, it seems

to be attracting more and more items to include on my ever-expanding

gratitude list.

If you like to journal, you may want to pick up the 365 Days of Gratitude

Journal by Sherrie Austin. On her website you may also sign up for a "daily

dose of gratitude" at (She's also a

Bootcamp participant!)

3. Focus on your STRENGTHS. One of my coaches, Ken Abrams, MCC, was

raving about Marcus Buckingham's latest book, Go Put Your Strengths To

Work. Next to this book was Strengths Finder 2.0; I bought both. Like many

people, I've put A LOT of attention on my areas for improvement, and glossed

over the strengths. Wouldn't it be egocentric to focus on your strengths? As

silly as it sounds, it didn't seem obvious to me what my "strengths" were.

Thank goodness for Strengths Finder 2.0. Seriously.

At the back of Strengths Finder 2.0 is a code, allowing you to take an

assessment online. There are 34 strength categories; they call "themes." The

test reveals your top five themes. It turns out my top five strength categories


1) Connectedness. Hopefully, you feel my authentic "warm and fuzzies"

beaming at you through this article. Those with "connectedness" as a

strength have faith in the links between all things. We believe there are

few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

2) Input. This means I like to take in and archive LOTS of information and

input. That fits. I love gathering mass amounts of information to

empower and enlighten. I love hearing about people's lives. And, ask

my husband, I love "talky-talk" time.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 76

3) Futuristic. As much as I teach "living in the present," I am inspired by

the future, and love to inspire others with their visions of the future.

4) Relator. Hmmm. This one fits too. Those with the "relator" theme enjoy

close relationships, and find deep satisfaction in working hard with

friends (or clients) to achieve a goal.

5) Ideation. I never recognized myself as a big idea person; although it's

true... I'm fascinated by ideas. (Look at me go on strengths!). Our

strength is finding connections between seemingly disparate

phenomena. And, I guess creating my new program Conversations with

the Masters of Coaching reflects that strength.

I've found focusing on strengths allows me to own them on a deeper level. Life

feels easier. I feel even more authentic. It's certainly one of the key elements

which has boosted my happiness factor. Funny how we can resist our

strengths. I'm also recognizing and owning other strengths (why own just


4. Grounding in Stillness. A few weeks ago, my husband and I attended

Adyashanti's Five Day Silent Meditation Retreat. I've NEVER been a big

meditator. It's actually been my intention to meditate as a "daily ritual" for well

over a decade. However, spending five full days in silence with Adyashanti is

a great way to kick-start a meditation practice. It was for me.

There were six 30-40 minute meditations and two satsangs each day. At the

satsangs, Adya spoke, and then answered questions from the group. The

focus was simply to relax into the silence and stillness, without resisting any

thoughts. Since my life is typically rather intense, I was ecstatic to turn my

brain off for several days. I left in a rather dreamy, peaceful state.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 77

Once home, impulses would call me to meditate—which was a bit surprising at

first. However, I've come to realize that "grounding in silence" is one of my

keys to happiness.

Several days after the retreat, I was on a training call where I was inundated

with information. I got off the call, and instantly wanted to go meditate. But, I

didn't. I continued to work and work through the end of the day. Finally, before

going for a walk with my husband, I said, "I must meditate first." Fifteen

minutes of silence and stillness, and my profound happiness returned. Now

when I finish a long series of coaching calls or hop off of an intense training, I

claim 10-20 minutes of silence. From this "connected space," happiness

naturally emerges.

5. Honor Your Spirit's Guidance. How have I responded to Spirit over the last

week? Being attuned to my "inner voice" AND responding to it is another key

to profound happiness for me. By honoring our "inner guidance" consistently, a

natural rhythm emerges. My intellect believes it knows what my best path is.

However, the "real me" knows better. I've learned to listen for it, trust it, and

respond accordingly. My recent website launch, new Conversations with the

Masters of Coaching, inspiration to take the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment,

and impulses to meditate are all a result of honoring my Spirit's guidance.

By the way, it's easier to recognize this voice when you’re grounded in

gratitude, stillness, your strengths, and you report in once a week about "How

you've been honoring your Spirit."

6. Intention. I remember reacting to my husband early in our relationship. I was

upset. "You want me to be happy ALL the time! You want me to be like

Elizabeth." (Elizabeth is the friend who introduced us, and she seems happy

all of the time.) In my mind, this wasn't realistic. My reality was ups and downs.

How could he expect me to be happy ALL the time?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 78

Fortunately, I investigated this assumption more objectively. Hmmmm. "John

wants me to be happy all the time." That's rather sweet. If I'm not all busy

reacting to this thought "He wants me to be happy all the time," maybe I would

appreciate that he cares about my happiness. I turned the statement around, "I

want me to be happy all the time." At the core of my being, this IS true. I hadn't

really thought about this possibility. Somehow, this idea stuck in my

subconscious mind. An intention was born.

I actually forgot about this mini-realization until I began writing this article. Just

creating the possibility of "being happy all the time" sets intention in motion.

7. And EVERYTHING. I could go on and on about other elements contributing to

my happiness (but this is getting a bit long!). When you're profoundly happy, it

seems that EVERYTHING is adding to it. Some of the other biggies include

laughter, living squarely in the present moment, aligning with reality (however

it unfolds), being silly, snuggling on the couch, watching sunsets, having daily

walks, reading inspiring books, staying at choice, and being surrounded by

people you love.

One of the biggest bonuses of being profoundly happy is seeing the look on

my husband's face as he witnesses my happiness. I'm not faking it. Nor am I

"trying" to be happy to please him. It's the natural result of intention +

responding to spirit + grounding in stillness + focusing on strengths + gratitude

+ weekly check-ins. It's the natural result of dropping all resistance to life.

Maybe next month will be different. But for now, I wouldn't trade any of these

elements from my life. Maybe they'll work for you too. Enjoy!

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 79


Mary Allen, CPCC, MCC, is America’s Inner Peace

Coach, author of The Power of Inner Choice, and host

of Conversations with the Masters, interviewing best-

selling authors, speakers, and coaches including Dr.

Wayne W. Dyer, Caroline Myss, Debbie Ford, Ken

Wilber, Dr. David Hawkins, Byron Katie, and others.

Her clients include transformational leaders,

entrepreneurs, and even a couple of billionaires.

Seven years ago, she had a profound experience that

changed her life forever, giving her access to a serene inner peace she’d never

known before. She now helps "conscious achievers" awaken to greater everyday

inner peace, as they realize their inspired goals.

Mary leads the annual 4-day Inner Peace Immersion Retreat and is currently in the

middle of a 5-city tour.

You can learn more at:

She guides audiences in "radical awakening" and "radical releasing," resulting in

expanded success, inner peace, and freedom. Mary also leads several group

coaching programs including Momentum Mastery Monthly and Ultimate Impact for

Transformational Leaders. Mary is a graduate of University of Wisconsin (Madison),

and both CTI and Coach U.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 80



Michael Lee

Automatic negative thoughts can cause serious damage to your confidence and your

decision making skills. They can keep you from doing the things you've always

wanted to do and from saying the things you want to say. And, well, that's not much

of a life at all, is it?

Fortunately, there are ways to stop these automatic negative thoughts before they

take over your life! Read on to find out how!

Step 1: A Positive Thought a Day

Thinking negative might be second nature to you, but that doesn't mean you can't

think positive thoughts either.

As your assignment, I want you to think of at least one positive thought each day. It

doesn't have to be something remarkably grand like being promoted or winning the

lottery. It can be as simple as having a good breakfast or having a roof above your


Do this everyday without fail and soon positive thinking will be as natural as eating

and breathing!

Step 2: Live in the Now

Automatic negative thoughts usually center on what has already happened and what

might happen in the future. To keep those thoughts out, invest yourself in the

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 81

present. Concentrate only on the now so you won't waste time worrying about the

past and the future.

For example, if you're meeting a blind date tomorrow night, don't waste your time

thinking about whether the whole thing is going to run smoothly or not. If you're at

work, focus on your work. If you're at home, focus on finishing your chores. And if

you're already driving to meet with your blind date, focus on your driving.

Before you know it, you're already face to face with your date! And since you didn't

waste your time thinking negatively, you are much more prepared to just experience

the present.

Step 3: Counter Your Thoughts

If you really want to get rid of those automatic negative thoughts, there's no better

way to do it than to counter them with positive thoughts. Good vs. Evil.

Every time you find yourself thinking, "I am fat," tell yourself, "Cancel! Cancel!

Cancel!" Then say something like, "I choose to become fit and healthy." (Note:

Saying something like, "I am sexy and desirable" might not be accepted by your

subconscious mind immediately, so use the word "choose" to make it more


Or every time your mind thinks, "I'm not going to win this race," think, "I choose to be

a winner!" Doing this helps steer your mind in the right direction and pretty soon, it'll

get the hint.

Automatic negative thoughts are normal. Everyone gets them, but now you know

how to stop them from being a constant presence in your life!

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 82


Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed How To

Be An Expert Persuader which has dramatically changed

the lives of several thousands of people. He has

undergone years of intensive research and personal

experiments in the field of persuasion, motivation, and


He is also a professional copywriter and co-author of

101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life, Vol. 3 along with Mark Victor Hansen, Les

Brown, Ken Blanchard, and other personal development experts.



It’s The Thought That Counts Page 83


Mudd Lavoie

Once upon a time, more or less long ago, you and I were born with a treasure chest

snuggled deep down in the fuzzy part of our hearts, and this treasure chest was jam-

packed with the most wonderful happiness one could ever wish for.

Because we were such precious beings, the gods and goddesses, angels and fairies,

leprechauns and other magical creatures rallied together to scatter keys to our

treasure in gazillions of places. They wanted to make sure we could find the keys at

any time of day or night, at any place here or there, in every city and village around

the world.

How easy it was to find the first key in the arms that cradled us as we sucked our

warm milk; the next in the brand new diaper that softly wrapped our tender pampered

buns; and the very enchanting one contained in the lullaby that was sung to us as we

slowly drifted into slumber.

The weeks and months went by, and we discovered with mounting excitement the

keys hidden in our teddy bears and Barbie dolls, and in all the toys and games that

filled our days with fun. Thus it became natural for us, as soon as we woke up in the

morning, to think about having as much fun as we had had the day before. And as

soon as the thought of having fun popped into our heads, the keys to create it

popped up all over the place.

Little did we know, in the early stages of our journey, that the act of focusing on what

we desired worked as a magnet to attract the keys that unlocked our treasure chest

of happiness. But day in, day out, we focused… we imagined… we pretended… and

we embraced with laughter and joy the many magical moments that made up our

burgeoning lives.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 84

Oh how happy we were! How passionately we lived every single one of our days,

bright-eyed and amazed.

Even when it rained, or when we were stuck in the car on our way to grandma's, or

woe is me when we were sick in bed, we found the key to instant happiness through

a game that was then widespread: I Spy with my Little Eye.

How thrilling it was to explore our surroundings; to scan in detail what made up our

teensy-weensy world; to look for everything "red" or "blue" or "green." Was it the red

apple in the basket… the blue numbers on the dashboard… the green stripes in the

wallpaper? I Spy with my Little Eye prompted us to be still―in the moment―and to

sharpen our awareness… all in the name of fun.

But as we grew and our world broadened, the game changed and the plot thickened! In our teens, our little eye was deviously driven to spy on less amusing things: the

pimple on our nose which we were certain had begun to glow; the tooth in the middle,

on the right, that had gotten crooked overnight; and our thighs―geez!―the way they

rubbed together and made this squishy noise that was no doubt heard throughout the

cafeteria as we walked towards our table, staring at the floor, thinking everyone was

mocking us.

And now decades later, our adult spying eye has become an expert at zooming in on

not only our personal faults and mishaps, but also on those of the people in our

family and the ones at school, in the office, on the street... Eager to feed our hungry

eye, we scrutinize the news for more: murder, fraud, famine, poverty, bigotry, racism,

war... Evidently, it’s all gloom and gore!

And just when we think we’ve reached the peak of horror and disappointment, it turns

out the purple drapes we ordered don’t match the purple in our duvet cover.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 85

Disenchanted, we cannot help but recite to our stressed-out self:

I spy with my little eye

no keys, no chest,

no happiness.

What to Do? I won’t ask you to stop playing the game―by now, it’s deeply ingrained. I won’t tell

you to turn a blind eye on the state of your nose and the world around you―people

will claim you’re letting yourself go or, worse, that you’re an insensitive jerk.

We don’t want to hear that, do we?

No… there’s enough drama as it is.

So the only solution I’ve found―and believe me, I’ve lived through numerous

pimples, pitfalls, and pffft―is to play the game, see the drama, but focus on the

humor underneath the tumor.

The Ultimate Key I’m sure you’ve heard people declare, when something unfortunate happens to them,

"One day, we’ll look back on this and laugh." Well I say why wait, let’s laugh right


Because my karma has taught me the following lesson: Our level of happiness is

directly proportionate to the time elapsed between the unfortunate event (pffft) and

the burst of laughter (lol), i.e.:

happiness = pffft-lol

In this equation, the hyphen represents the shortest elapsed time possible between

the disaster and the roaring laughter.

This is precisely what we are shooting for. This tiny line is the key to our happiness.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 86

Now I don’t know how long your line is at the moment, but if it takes you a few years

to finally be able to chuckle about something that hurt you or broke your heart, I’d say

your line is pretty long. Don’t worry, though: your humor is alive and well and growing

under your pile of manure.

If it takes you only a month or two before you crack up and laugh―during which

period you complain, bicker, rage, and have either migraines or heartburn, BUT you

also either meditate or jog, read about Buddha or study the Torah, take up fly fishing

or watch Oprah―then this means you are determined to snap out of your rut and quit

tormenting yourself. Bravo! For this, I give you 500 Giggle Points and a bamboo back


Eventually―and this I know for sure―you will reach a point where immediately upon

hitting a bump in the road, you will accept, forgive, let go, relinquish control, trust in

the journey, and spy with your little eye something that is funny.

That day, sweet soul, you will roll on the floor, laughing your heart out. And you will live happily ever after.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 87


Mudd Lavoie decided to honor her creative roots and

started to blog in both English and French, in 2007,

after decades of unfulfilling jobs in fields such as

banking, housing co-op development, advertising, and

even the film industry. An avid doodler and

consummate dreamer, she created "Oza Meilleur," her

cartoon character alter ego, and together they

embarked on an imaginary road trip to find happiness

in all the nooks and crannies of everyday life.

When she isn’t "on the road," Mudd devotes herself to being a Certified Giggle

Coach—a title she bestows upon herself with great humor. But rest assured that

underneath all this whimsy lies a gal who takes her mission seriously: to help people

find their own happiness… one giggle at a time!


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 88


Nina Ferrell

I was sitting on my usual spot on the low wall near the Kalk Bay harbor this morning,

having my coffee, accompanied by my little miniature Doberman who was straining at

her little leash to get away, frustrated by my not wanting to move from the spot.

A large short-haired Belgian Shepherd which I had seen wandering in the

neighborhood the day before, passed by in front of us, with a wire-haired terrier

following him closely. I did not pay much attention to them, but a short while later one

of the elderly fishermen who was also sitting on the low wall in the sunlight said in my

direction, "He is on his own private journey… did you see him?" I enquired of him

what he meant, and he said this, "That big dog lives up at that house up there, you

see the house against the hill with the pointed roof? Well, he knows this whole area,

and every so often he comes home with another dog or two following him, like new

friends. He is on his own private journey."

Somehow these words resounded in me, and as I sat in the sun watching the world

go by, looking at the sea and the blue sky, I thought about our different private

journeys—how we are so sure we live in a world populated by others, but we actually

live in a world of our own individual making, where we have certain events and

backdrops in common.

It remains my and your private journey, always. We are responsible for how it looks,

what happens in it, and as we become more aware of our ability to manipulate it, our

ability to change it, we DO change it surreptitiously in a way that we do not even

notice. You are not the same person now that you were this morning, nor is your

world the same. And it all has to do with your changing viewpoint of it, either seeing it

as a less welcoming place, feeling less empowered due to something which you

have perceived or experienced, or seeing it as happier every day, more welcoming,

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 89

through your understanding of your ability to control it simply by controlling your

vibration—your emotional set point, the way you feel every day.

There is nothing wrong with feeling unhappy, feeling bad, except that that is not what

we came here to do. And our acceptance of the inevitability of an unhappy life by

seeing ourselves as powerless, unable to affect our fate, makes it so.

Our lives are truly modeling clay in our hands. We choose the colors and the shapes,

we decide what to do with it.

And what we decide is to be, becomes so. So why not try happiness? And why not

get into the mindset that happiness can be ongoing? And that the tree you run into at

200 miles an hour when you run into contrast can also be a big mound of

marshmallows lying in your path. You can change even that.

It is your private journey.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 90


Nina Ferrell grew up in South Africa, born to a very

conservative family. She had the disconcerting ability to

see "dead people" as a little girl—and of course, when

she realized that other people did not see and live with

that dimension, she found it surprising, later on in her

life. During 2004, she went through some astounding

contrast which, as a result, opened her up to an entirely

new world: the discovery of the Law of Attracting, understanding that she was in fact

a channel, very psychic, and a healer as well. It took some time for her to integrate

this. At the moment, she is enjoying being a professional channel and medium, a

spiritual coach, a healer, and a motivational writer.

Nina is cofounder of the Law of Attraction Club website, along with Robin Retallick.

She currently lives in a tiny mountain village called Gouda, in the Western Cape of

South Africa.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 91


Pat Mussieux

How many times, lately, have you told yourself, "I'm just having TOO much fun!"? I

don't hear this often enough from women—in fact, many of us don't even make the

time for fun in our lives. We are much too serious! Our schedules are full. Business

has taken over our lives.

I have been guilty of that. Often, like sex in a marriage, it comes down to the cold

hard fact that fun must be scheduled—or it doesn't happen at all! I know that women

feel that is taking it a step too far. Fun should be spontaneous. Well—yah—of course

it should. But, really, when is the last time you had too much fun?

I advise my clients to start thinking about the months of June, July, and August.

Summer in Canada can be short and, before we know it, fall is right around the

corner. Now, I'm not rushing things but I do know that, unless you plan ahead and

write things (in ink!) in your calendar, it's just not going to happen. So, I want you to

begin, right now, to develop the habit of scheduling fun in your day—yes, starting


This is a great habit that can easily be transferred into your business and/or career.

People don't seem to be having fun at work anymore. We can change that! You do

have the power and you are in control of your calendar.

When I was on my world tour, I had a job to do. I was there as a Tour Leader, to

assist and guide the passengers and write the travel blog for the trip. That, in itself,

was fun enough for me! And while the itinerary was full of educational and interesting

things to do and places to go, we did have a ton of fun too! In Asia, we—the tour

leaders—had decided, while in Hong Kong, to go to the market and get some fun

wigs which we would wear at the time of the bush party. The shopping was a whole

new experience for me—late at night, in the streets of the big city, looking for fun

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 92

wigs, of all things! Then, while in Japan, we visited some of the most amazing

temples and also had fun there. My good friend, Susan, was one of the few who

were able to get through the little hole in this column. The point of this was if you

were able to get through the hole, you would then be able to enter the kingdom of

heaven! Well, in my dreams... that's for sure! It was all good fun!

"Necessity may be the mother of invention, but play is certainly the father."

Roger von Oech

So, whether it's trying a new fitness class, learning a new language, or getting out

there and partying, it's essential to our health and well-being to have fun. In what I

believe is the first edition of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen's Chicken Soup

for the Soul book (which, to this day, is my most favorite book), there is a story about

a man by the name of John Goddard. At the age of 15, he sat down at his kitchen

table in Los Angeles and wrote three words at the top of a piece of paper, "My Life

List." Under that heading, he wrote 127 goals.

Since then, he has completed 108 of them. Now, I'm not necessarily telling you to go

to that extreme. However, I am suggesting that, this coming (long) weekend, you sit

down with your family and make your own list of "My Fun Things to Do List." Let your

mind go wild.

Some of the items John listed included: (just to give you food for thought!)

• Learn to fence

• Appear in a Tarzan movie

• Become a ham radio operator

• Become proficient in the use of a boomerang

• Watch a fire walking ceremony

• Perform 200 sit-ups

• Visit the birthplace of my grandfather

• Ride a horse

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 93

• Explore the Nile River

I love to watch Dr. Oz on TV—that man obviously loves doing his show. If a

prominent heart surgeon can host a show where he has so much fun, each and

every day, why are you being so darn serious in life? He knows good heart health

and obviously "playing at what you do" is a very good thing!


1. Make time, today, to begin your list of "Fun Things to Do."

2. Share this list with your family and hold yourself accountable by putting dates for

each item.

3. This weekend, do one fun thing that "you have always been meaning to do" and

pay attention to how that makes you feel. And hey, if it was that much fun… then

do it again!

Do some of these exercises and I guarantee that you will start to live your best life.

When you add more fun to your life, you are developing the confidence and courage

to move forward and invent the life you truly want to live. You also become much

more fun to live with!

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 94


Pat Mussieux, heralded as "The Queen of Networking,"

has x-ray vision for seeing relationship-building

opportunities and the creativity to convert them into

clients! Pat delivers high-impact, low-cost, customized

mindset and marketing strategies for turbo-charging

women entrepreneurs and small business owners to

great profits.

Pat is the author of The 7 Steps to Growing Your

Business by Getting Out of Your Own Way, teaching

women entrepreneurs how to get their message out and enjoy massive results,

removing the self-imposed barriers of habits, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations!

Recently, Pat was nominated for the 2010 RBC Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of

the Year Award.

Through her coaching programs and products, Pat shows her clients how to

experience freedom inside and out and create the life they truly want to live—now!

It's a "no excuses" approach!

To begin experiencing Pat's coaching, you can enjoy some of her high content, easily

applied mindset training products, at no charge, beginning right now at: You'll love Pat's high content mindset and goal

setting training products to help you get past barriers and on to living your best life—

at any age!


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 95


Pete Koerner

Everyone is seeking happiness. This is a truth that supports the food, drug,

entertainment, self-help, retail, automotive, and every other industry. People are

seeking happiness; and, when they can't find it, they seek to escape their discomfort.

Of course, there are those who are seeking happiness through misery, and some

who are miserable no matter what they do—but happiness is the ultimate point. And

happiness is right here, right now—not someplace else, or some time in the future.

People who are unhappy and wish to be happy need to find their way from where

they are to where they wish to be. Oftentimes, there is a "payoff" to our self-sabotage

and self-imposed misery; some part of us always thinks it is benefiting from carrying

an extra burden—as if we were collecting "points" we can cash in later for an

equivalent reward (payable in happiness). Well, before you take another step, you

must realize that "victims" are not happy people. The plan of happiness through

martyrdom is a fundamentally flawed concept—as evidenced by the obvious lack of

happy martyrs.

Happiness is the result of being in alignment with, or in harmony with, the natural flow

and order of your life. Happiness is not simply the absence of intense negative

emotions; many people think they are "happy" simply because they aren't sad or

angry. Happiness is the energy of positive expectancy, joy, contentment, faith, love,

and gratitude. You do not need another person, or external circumstances, to

experience these things; but, if you are seeking something you don't already have,

you will need a guide, or a map—and maybe some help—getting there.

Here are five steps you can follow as a basic guide for "turning that frown upside

down," or turning unhappiness into happiness:

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 96

1. Let go of, release, and forget the victim identification. If you aren't happy

and you think you have reasons, then you have a victim consciousness. There

is no reason for winter and summer; there is no reason for happy or unhappy.

But there is a recipe for these things; and the recipe for happiness does not

include victim hood, blame, regret, remorse, or self-pity. What happened

happened, and you can't change it; but it can change you for better or worse.

Being a victim is a choice you make AFTER something happens to you. This

isn't to minimize whatever happened in the past; it is actually to put it back in

the past where it belongs—taking only wisdom and growth and leaving

judgments, limiting beliefs, fears, and emotions.

2. Decide that you are happy. Decide and declare that you are reading this and

doing these things for one reason and only one reason: to be happy. And you

are! This is your decision. The truth is not "things are as they are and that

makes me unhappy." The truth is that "things are as they are and I am

choosing how to respond with my thoughts and emotions." Happiness is a

choice. Make that choice now, or there is no point wasting any more time

trying to be happy.

3. Find an incentive to be happy. Why should you be happy? Why should you

try to change or do things differently? What is in it for you? What good is it for

you to be happy? I have some answers to these questions, but you'll need to

find your own incentive if you're the one doing what it takes to be happy. But if

you need some help getting started, happiness is as good an incentive as any.

No matter what you do in life, happiness is somehow going to be at the root of

your actions—the quest for happiness, at least. Being happy is the whole point

of life; but there are other practical benefits as well. When you are happy, your

body isn't in the stress response. The stress response, according to the

American Psychological Association (APA) could be responsible for up to 90%

of all trips to the doctor's office. Stress is responsible for unwanted weight

gain, ED, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and most other

medical problems. Besides medical benefits, happy people age slower, live

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 97

longer, and have better access to their mental faculties (they're smarter...).

And while they're here, they enjoy it more. Keep in mind: happy people are in

the same world as unhappy people; they've just decided to look at it in such a

way as to be happy.

4. Find something to be happy about. The song says, "Grey skies are GOING

TO clear up, put on a happy face..." and not, "Wait until the weather changes

to be happy." If you wish to master your emotions and be happy, then you

need a strategy for "rainy days." Anticipating the "sunshine" you know is

coming is more than enough to be happy about—unless you are simply

clinging too tightly to a painful memory or a great fear. If this is the case, you

may need to look into some of the new Energy Psychology techniques, such

as Z-Point, EFT, or TAT, that you can use at home, by yourself, to eliminate

fears and obstacles to happiness. Otherwise, you can recall a happy memory,

a funny event, something you are excitedly looking forward to in the future, or

something you are grateful for, or happy about, now. Just look around and

imagine everything disappearing if you have forgotten how to be happy for

what you have.

5. Do something different. Do something to shift your attention—and your

polarity—from negative to positive. Do whatever it is you love to do, and if you

can't think of anything you love, try: helping someone; being grateful; saying

affirmations declaring your happiness; studying spirituality, personal

development, personal growth, emotional self-management, enlightenment, or

energy psychology techniques; reading, or doing anything that expands your

heart or mind. Go for a walk or to a park, lake, river, or beach; but do

something with the intention of enjoying it.

Also practice reframing your complaints from negatives to positives. If you can

assume that things are happening to hurt you, you can just as easily assume they

aren't. Find something—an animal, a person, a place, a thing, a job, etc. —to

appreciate and be happy about, and write it down in a positive way so you can refer

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 98

back to it as a "homing thought" as often as you need to. Happiness is right here,

right now—right where you are. You don't need to go anywhere or do anything to be

happy; you simply need to choose to be happy and let it be.


Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula and an

expert in the fields of Peak Performance and Stress

Management. Over the past 15 years, Pete has helped

countless individuals learn to recognize and manage the

chronic and acute stress in their lives, so that they can

achieve Freedom from Stress and find the Happiness we

all seek.

In addition to writing, speaking, and teaching on the

subjects of health, happiness, and stress management, Pete is also a member of the

Camden County Fire Rescue Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team and

operates a private practice in St. Marys, Georgia, with his wife and partner, Jennifer

Koerner—who also specializes in helping people overcome fears, phobias, grief, and

other stresses in their lives.



It’s The Thought That Counts Page 99


Sheri Kaye Hoff

"Inner happiness actually is the fuel for success."

Dr. John Hagelin

You might feel like you are doing and thinking the right things. Maybe you have a

goal poster, affirmations, a strong vision, and you are action oriented, but you have

some goals that seem to remain elusive.

There are a few things you can consider:

• One is that the joy and happiness need to be in place first

• Two is that you may have a limiting belief in play (I am not worthy, I don't

deserve this, etc.)

• And three, you may need to expand your capacity to receive

Create your happiness first. Feel good and think good thoughts. Sounds simple,

but in reality is challenging for many. You can raise your level of happiness with

techniques like using an appreciation journal, be loving, moving your body, listening

to music, meditating, praying, getting close to nature, refusing to indulge in things like

complaining, circular thinking, worrying. The more you practice these techniques, the

more you will notice higher levels of happiness in your life.

Release limiting beliefs. The first part to releasing limiting beliefs is to be able to

recognize them. Use your emotions to help you see limiting beliefs. If you are feeling

"bad," you often have a limiting belief that is in play. The belief might be some version

of "I am not worthy," or "Good things never last," and the list could go on.

Recognizing the limiting belief is sometimes enough to release it. Other times, a

belief can hang on stubbornly. In these cases, you can write down all of the thoughts

and feelings you have around that belief. Then tear it up and rewrite the situation and

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 100

thoughts the way that you want them to be. Fold up the paper and carry it with you in

your wallet and read it often. When you release a limiting belief, you feel freedom and

create room for manifesting your goals.

Expand your capacity to receive. Do you have trouble accepting gifts? Do you say,

"Oh, you shouldn't have" instead of "Thank you" when someone presents you with a

gift? Maybe you love giving, but have a hard time accepting gifts. This is an area

where I have struggled. Here is a fun exercise. Write down one of your goals. Then,

write down "I am receiving (your goal) now." Do this for each aspect of your goals or

vision statements. Notice your feelings and thoughts as you do this. Do you feel a

shift in your energy?

Practice cultivating happiness, releasing limiting beliefs, and expanding your capacity

to receive. You will begin to see those elusive goals manifest in your life.

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 101


Sheri Kaye Hoff, MA, CGCL, is a Life Coach, Author,

and College Professor.

Coach Sheri suffered the tragic loss and pain of

discovering her brother after his suicide death, and she

eventually rediscovered what it means to live a life of joy

and success.

She authored and published Keys to Living Joyfully,

which is available on Amazon. Ms. Hoff is the author and

publisher of the eBook, Coach Sheri Kaye Hoff's Top 25 Life Coaching Tips.

Additionally, Coach Sheri is the author of several blogs, numerous articles, poems,

and short stories. She has been interviewed in the Chicago Sun Times, The

Chronicle of Coaching / The Coaching Commons, How to Sell Your Book, and over

20 other blogs.

The creator of How to Write a Book Fast and Fabulously Workshop, Your Path to

Success: Jump Start the Joy in Your Life Coaching Progam, and the Coaches

Corner: Grow Your Biz Workshop, Coach Sheri possesses a unique creative process

and is able to teach and inspire others to tap their creativity and inner joy. She works

with individuals to find their path to success and also coaches writers and other

coaches. She presents her programs to individuals, groups, writing clubs, life

coaches, non-profits, and many others.

Coach Sheri has an MA in Organizational Management. Additionally, she teaches

ethics and business classes at the collegiate level. Coach Sheri is ready and waiting

to inspire you.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 102


Tania Boutin

Have you ever wondered, "Why can’t things just go easy for me? How can we be

happy when there is so much negativity out there? How do I become happy?"

Your happiness and unhappiness are created internally. How you feel by way of

happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, is not a reflection of your success, failures, or

other external factors. Happiness and fulfillment are determined by your opinions and

beliefs in your mind. Even your successes and perceived failures are your beliefs in

your mind, and that can be changed with circumstances and time.

Life is only what you make of it and you choose your happiness. Now you might be

saying, "Well, I didn’t choose this or that to happen to me." All I can say to you is,

"Yes you did!" Maybe not consciously, but the mind is such a wonderful powerful tool

that your thoughts have brought you to where you are today.

You and only you are in control of your life and happiness. Only you can control your

thoughts and emotions and beliefs. If you are not going to make you happy, who will?

You have the choice to either live your life the same way you have been or change

what you don’t want into actions that you do want. If you are happy with the way

things are and are living to your potential, then just keep on doing what you are

doing—as pure happiness is what we all strive for.

Everybody’s definition of happiness is different. What makes one person happy might

not make the next person happy. You need to take a look on the inside and ask

yourself, "Am I doing what I need to do today to live my life to the fullest and to

achieve the level of happiness that I want? And if not, what can I do today to align

myself in the right direction of accomplishing that?"

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 103

We all can have happiness in our lives; we just have to DECIDE that we want it and

that we will not accept anything less than that. Negativity can be sent out the door

and replaced with positive thoughts.

You may be asking yourself how you can stay positive when there is so much

negativity around. How can you stay positive when your circumstances are bad or

you are going through problems? Regardless of what is going on around you, there

are also things going on inside of you. There will be feelings and thoughts that you

will continually experience. These feelings and thoughts are what leads you to take


When you become aware of the way you think, you can take action to use positive

situations to your advantage, and reshape the negative ones. The goal is to think

positively, regardless of the situation, and make a conscious effort to see

opportunities instead of obstacles.

Positive thinking means you replace all negative thoughts with hopeful, faith-filled

thoughts. You should dwell on the good, not the bad. You should talk about what is

right, not what is wrong. You should focus on the possibilities and not on the losses.

You need to keep on practicing and practicing until these steps become part of you.

Positive thinking must be reinforced with positive actions. When you have a solid

foundation and genuinely believe in the best and not the worst, you are ready to step

out and take some positive action. If you fall, get back up and renew your faith.

Practice positive thinking—act on it and you will succeed!

You can be positive for life, and it begins with you. What kind of life will you choose?

It’s The Thought That Counts Page 104


Tania Boutin, CLTC, NLCS, is a Certified Life

Transformation Coach who loves to inspire

"Mompreneurs" to live the authentic, happy life they

deserve—guilt free!—by assisting them in

discovering who they really are above and beyond

the roles they play as mother, daughter, sister, wife,

and by transforming their life story to the way they

are longing it to be.

Her Happiness Generator Workshops and

Authentically You! Groups offer support and encouragement to all Mompreneurs,

allowing them to grow together in a safe, non-judgemental environment, and from the

comfort of their home or office.

Tania is also a co-author in the book Mompreneur Extraordinaire being released in

the Fall/Winter 2010.


It’s The Thought That Counts Page 105


This eBook was a collaborative effort in so many ways! I feel deeply grateful for the

extraordinary support I received and for the invaluable contributions of friends, family,

colleagues, and the 24 leading experts who have so generously shared in this journey

with me.

First and foremost, I extend my deepest gratitude and thanks to Ali Brown, Ariane de

Bonvoisin, Carolyn Ellis, Eva Gregory, Guy Finley, Hemal Radia, Jackie Jones, Jeanna

Gabellini, Jeanne Hounshell, Jim Donovan, Joe Rubino, Kathleen Gage, Kelly Sullivan

Walden, Linda Boertjens, Lorraine Cohen, Maria Erving, Mary Allen, Michael Lee, Mudd

Lavoie, Nina Ferrell, Pat Mussieux, Pete Koerner, Sheri Kaye Hoff, and Tania Boutin, for

enthusiastically and wholeheartedly granted me permission to reprint your material.

Words can never convey how much I appreciate your contribution and participation!

Annie Ayotte ( for your wholehearted dedication, graphic design

genius, skillful artistry, and website wizardry.

Kathleen Gage: for having seen me through this entire eBook creation process with love,

grace, encouragement, incredible patience, and consummate skill. Thank you for

holding my hand and nourishing my heart. You are the best mentor in the world and a

most extraordinary friend.

Gaetane Beaupre: for being the best mother in the world, for your unconditional love, and

for always believing in me.

Daisy and Fanny (my dogs) and Sandy and Chanelle (my cats): for having opened my

heart in ways I never would have imagined. Thank you, my sweet angels.

And finally, and most important, I thank God—the Divine Force that continues to guide

my life.
