Item 1: Cost proposal comparison for Spanish 6 yr ... Board Report March 14, 2016 Item 1: Cost...


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Curriculum Board Report

March 14, 2016

Item 1: Cost proposal comparison for Spanish 6 yr. subscription vs. yearly subscription. This will

require Board Action



TO: Mr. Wiseman, USD #377 Board of Education

FROM: Julie Dillon, Curriculum Director

DATE: January 26, 2016

SUBJECT: Resource Adoption


On behalf of the Curriculum Council, I recommend that we accept Realidades as the resource for Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III, and

Spanish IV.


This recommendation is the result of our textbook adoption process:

Resource review – Fall 2015

Program evaluation by Sally Hardy – Spanish Teacher

Presentation by Barb Gigstad – Language Arts/Foreign Language Committee Chairperson to Curriculum Council

Approved by Curriculum Council


Current material – publishing date 1994

Realidades helps students to learn Spanish through topic-based materials with a focus on the development of communicative

competence as well as fostering the improvement of language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Each module

offers a wide variety of subjects that also allow students to become familiar with the Spanish-speaking culture and traditions.


Student eBooks

$74 per book to cover a 6 year period ($12 per year per student)

$21.97 per student if purchasing on a yearly basis vs. 6 year plan

Hardbound Books $88 per book (includes 6 years of eBooks) – Curriculum Council recommends a set of 5

hardbound books per class – Number of books: 20

Teacher editions free

Resource pack free

Resource library free

2015-2016 ENROLLMENT:

Spanish I 25

Spanish II 19

Spanish III 4

Spanish IV 7

Total 55

Estimated Total Cost $6,371.50 for 6 year plan

Estimate Total Cost $2550.92 – year one with yearly eText subscription and hardbound books

$790.02 – yearly costs per student less the included 6 year eText that comes with the

hardbound books, using enrollment numbers from 2015-2016 (5 yr. total - $3954.60)

$6505.52 - Total cost over 6 year period purchasing yearly subscriptions

Recommendation: Purchase hardbound books and proceed with the yearly


Item 2: Resource recommendations on Science resource proposal. No action needed at this time.

(Cost proposal will be presented at the April meeting)

Grades K-4

o Science Studies Weekly

Grades 5-6

o Fusion

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

We were interested in if we could purchase a set then copy for the future

o Science Studies Weekly as an additional resource

Grades 7-8

o Fusion

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

We were interested in if we could purchase a set then copy for the future

Biology One & Two

o Miller & Levine Biology (“macaw” book)

Pearson Prentice Hall

Human Anatomy and Physiology

o Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (Marieb)

Pearson Prentice Hall

Physical Science

o Science Spectrum Physical Science

Holt, Rinehart and Winston/Holt McDougal

Chemistry One

o Modern Chemistry (Sarquis & Sarquis)

Holt McDougal

Chemistry Two

o Chemistry: an introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry

Pearson Prentice Hall


o Kinematics in One Dimension (Douglas C. Giancoli)

Pearson Prentice Hall

Item 3: Resource recommendations for K-6 Social Studies Curriculum Resources. No action needed at

this time. (Cost proposal will be presented at the April meeting)

Grades K-6

o Science Studies Weekly

Item 4: Job Shadow/Internship/Community Service Update:

2016 Seniors will be offered a volunteer opportunity to job shadow 4th quarter. Draft information and

assignment forms will be used with this volunteer group. Upon completion of job shadowing, students will

meet with Mrs. Dillon to reflect on the experience, the information and assignment forms and make adjustments

as necessary for the following year. Please see attached ACCHS Job Shadow document.

Beginning Fall 2016 – our goal is for students in grades 7-8 to be focusing on job skill expectations and

performing 5 hours per year of community service. Students in grades 9-12 will be performing 10 hours per

year of community service and learning job skill expectations. Students in 10-11 will be job shadowing 1 time

per quarter and seniors will be interning every other week. Upon completion of job shadowing and interning,

students will be required to reflect and report on their experiences so that upon graduation they will have a

portfolio of their experiences and a certificate of completion. Part of the Junior Senior High School

Improvement Plan is to incorporate service learning that includes community service.

Item 5: Grant Update

The Atchison County Schools Outdoor Learning Campus proposal has been submitted to Cargill and Bunge.

Carla Lockhart from Cargill has contacted Julie Dillon for a W9 form to be completed. Chris Caplinger from

Bunge has received the proposal and will submit it for review. Kayla Bodenhausen, Julie Dillon, Cy Wallisch,

and Wanda Small met on Wednesday, March 9 to work on the Monsanto Grant, Kansas Farm Bureau

Community Grant, Frontier Farm Credit Grant, and Wolf Creek Grants, Kansas Department of Wildlife and

Parks, and Westar.

Item 6: Career and Technical Education Pathways Update

See attached document on CTE Information

We currently offer the following CTE Pathways:

Animal Science

Comprehensive Agricultural Science

Plant Systems

Power, Structural & Technical Systems

Business Finance Pathway

New Pathways for 2016-2017:

Agribusiness Systems

Natural Resources & Environmental Systems

Health Science

New Pathways to pursue for 2017-2018



Item 7: Curriculum Updates

The following classes have been approved by the Curriculum Council and will need approval by the


First Aid/CPR/EMR – This class is part of the Health Pathway. It does not have to be instructed on a regular

class schedule. For instance, it can be a weekend or night class.

Certified Nurse Assistant - This class is currently taught at Highland Community College. Adding this class

allows our students to gain dual credit, complete the Health Pathway, and earn credit or financial reward from

colleges that have an articulation agreement with the state.

Environmental Resources and Wildlife – Required for Natural Resources & Environmental Systems Pathway

Applications in Agribusiness-Required for Agribusiness Systems Pathway

The following classes have been previously approved and are being added to the class schedule:

Physical Science – allowing for students to take Chemistry or Physical Science as a graduation requirement

Strategies for Academic Success - offering a comprehensive analysis of different types of motivation, study

habits, and learning styles. This course helps students with study skills, note taking, memorization techniques,

test-taking strategies, benefits of visual aids, and reading techniques.

What is Kansas CTE?

The mission of Kansas CTE is to provide students with relevant contexts for learning through pathways to college and career

readiness. Career Clusters link what students learn in school to the knowledge and skills they need for success in post-secondary

education and careers. The Workforce Development unit focuses efforts and resources to prepare workers for careers in Kansas’

highest-priority fields, such as health care, advanced manufacturing/aviation, energy, and health sciences. Education and skills

are the keys not only to individual prosperity but also the economic vitality and quality of life for Kansas.

Technical training focused on workforce demand offers a value proposition to students, employers, and communities. Technical

education and training prepares individuals with high skills for better careers and personal enrichment, provides employers with

on-demand availability of skilled workers, and supplies industry with a steady pipeline of talent development for higher quality

of life for Kansans.

What is a CTE Pathway?

A CTE Pathway is a sequence of courses within a student’s area of interest. A Pathway connects from high school to college

for a certificate, a degree and/or career. With this certificate, students may receive college credit for classes completed in high

school or funding for college classes. This depends on the articulation agreement from each college.

How are Pathways beneficial to students?

Many Pathways offer concurrent enrollment credit. A pathway will save students time and money toward training and/or a

college degree.

How do CTE Pathways connect to post-secondary education?

CTE Pathways help match education and workplace needs through partnerships with postsecondary institutions, the school

districts, business, and industry.

CTE Career Pathways are the maps that can help guide students to:

High School courses

post-secondary options most relevant to their chosen career destination

What are the opportunities for students who participate in a CTE Pathway?

Students complete appropriate academic and skill development courses

Students participate in concurrent enrollment courses that meet degree requirements

Students complete related state or industry skill assessments

Students earn industry certification, where available

How many credits does a student need to be a CTE Student?

Participant - .5 CTE credit

Concentrator – 2.0 CTE credits

Completer – 3.0 CTE credits

Kansas CTE Scholar – First State-level CTE Student Recognition Program, coming in 2016-2017

Why have CTE Pathways?

This is a win/win for all involved. Students receive job skills and connections to the real world, college credit or money for

college if they choose a college that has an articulation agreement, and connections to employment. The school receives

funding for classes which allows for higher levels of understanding, new equipment and hands-on instruction. Additionally,

research has pointed to a higher graduation rate for those involved with CTE Pathways.

Atchison County Community Schools Job Shadow Program

What is Job Shadowing? Students spend a minimum of four hours with a person who has the same career interest –

watching, listening, and learning about what is involved in a typical day’s work.

Why is Job Shadowing important?

To begin to identify career interests by observing the daily routine of workers

To Learn about the academic, technical, and personal skills required for particular jobs

To experience future areas of interest allowing you to make informed decisions about your post-secondary experiences

To understand the connection between school, work, and your goals for the future

To develop the skills required to secure future employment

What can I expect on Job Shadow day?

To make connections between what I am learning in school to what happens on the job

To observe people’s job duties and responsibilities

To understand the skills and education needed to get a good job

To learn what employees receive besides a paycheck

To find out more about the workplace I am visiting

To explore some new career ideas for myself

Job Shadow Requirements

You are responsible for making job shadow contacts

Your experience must consist of a minimum of four hours

Your job shadow experience cannot be at a location where you currently work or have previously worked.

This is your opportunity to connect with the community and should not be done with another student.

Complete entire process and turn packet in on time to Mrs. Dillon. No later than April 29, 2016

Atchison County Community Schools Job Shadow Guidelines and Checklist

Student Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Career Cluster:

Architecture and


Agriculture, Food,

and Natural Resources

Manufacturing Human Services



Engineering, and



Distribution, and


Arts, Audio-Video

Technology, and


Education and


Marketing Health Science Law, Public Safety,

Corrections, and




Finance Business

Management and


Government and

Public Administration

Hospitality and



_____ 1. Call prospective job shadow host; arrange appointment (exact time, date, and location)

_____ 2. Complete the following forms before your job shadow:

_____ Business Contact Form

_____ Parent Permission Form

_____3. Return forms to Mrs. Dillon.

_____4. Take Job Shadow Report and Observation Worksheet to the job shadow to record findings


_____1. Complete Observation Worksheet describing the skills you observed in this career.

_____2. Complete Job Shadow Report with responses from your job shadow host.


_____ 1. Complete the Job Shadow Reflection Form

_____2. Write a Thank You Letter to your job shadow host.

_____3. Return final forms to Mrs. Dillon to receive completion certificate.

_____ Completed Observation Worksheet

_____ Completed Job Shadow Report

_____ Completed Job Shadow Reflection Form

_____ Completed Thank You Letter


Attendance – Comes to work when scheduled; arrives and leaves on

time; notifies supervisor in advance of absences.

Character – Displays loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness,

dependability, reliability, initiative, self-discipline, and self-

responsibility; does not engage in gossip; follows company policy.

Appearance – Displays appropriate dress, grooming, hygiene and


Attitude – Demonstrates a positive attitude; appears self-confident,

has realistic expectations of self; displays the “Golden Rule”


Productivity – Follows all safety practices; conserves materials;

keeps work areas efficient (desk, locker, etc.); follows directions and


Organizational Skills – Demonstrates skills in prioritizing and

management of time and stress; demonstrates flexibility in handling


Communication – Displays appropriate nonverbal (eye contact,

body language) and verbal (listening, telephone etiquette, and

grammar) skills.

Cooperation – Emotionally calm, patient and supportive;

appropriately handles criticism, conflicts, and complaints;

demonstrates problem-solving capability; maintains appropriate

relationships with supervisors and/or peers; works well in small and

large groups.

Respect – Deals appropriately with cultural/racial/gender/age

diversity; does not engage in mistreatment or harassment of any

kind; is courteous and cooperative.

Teamwork – Respects the rights of others; respects confidentiality;

is a team player; is cooperative; is assertive, displays customer

service attitude, seeks opportunities to learn; demonstrates mannerly


The job shadow student must comply with student handbook expectations.

Atchison County Community Schools Job Shadow Business Contact Form

Complete all information and return to Mrs. Dillon as part of your required documentation. after going to your

job shadow site

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________________

Career Interest ________________________________________________________________________

Job Shadow/Business Site: _______________________________________________________________

Contact Person: ________________________________ Title: __________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


Phone: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________

Directions to Site: ______________________________________________________________________


Scheduled date of job shadow: ____________________________________________________________

Start time: ___________________________________ End Time: ______________________________

Transportation Arrangements: ____________________________________________________________

Special Instructions (dress code, safety gear, etc.):____________________________________________


Any questions or concerns contact:

Julie Dillon – Atchison County Community Schools

Director of Career Service Learning




Atchison County Community Schools Job Shadow Parent/Guardian Consent Form

Permission to participate in Workplace Job Shadowing

Participating students must agree to the provisions, procedures, and requirements of the program and secure approval from a business

or agency partner, parent(s), coordinator, and principal. Students will participate as a volunteer in the Job Shadow Program. Students

must keep a record of their hours and complete all paperwork in compliance with the program.

Students who participate, do so by their own choice, accept full responsibility for their transportation or for arranging school

transportation, for safety, and for any cost associated with participation upon leaving school property.

Signature of parent or guardian on this application waives and releases the participating business from any and all liability from any

injury or illness incurred while participating in the Job Shadowing Program.

Students enrolled in the Job Shadow Program are subject to all rules and conditions as listed in the ACCHS Student Handbook - Code

of Conduct.

My child, ______________________, may participate in a Job Shadowing experience which will Name

take place at ___________________________ located at ______________________________________ Business Address with ______________________________ (Phone Number_____________________) on ______________ Contact Person Date between the hours of __________ a.m./p.m. and ____________a.m./p.m.

_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Printed Parent/Guardian Name Parent contact number

__________________________________________ _______________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date


Choose one

(providing own transportation) I understand that my child will be responsible for their own transportation to and from

the Job Shadowing site.

(school transportation) I give permission for my child to ride in a school vehicle to and from the Job Shadowing site

(Job shadowing must be within a reasonable distance).

___________________________________________ _______________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date


I grant the workplace permission to photography my child for promotional and educational purposes.

Yes No

___________________________________________ _______________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date



Before contacting the employer, make sure that you have the person’s full name. In addition, make sure that you

contact him/her at a convenient time. For example, do not call a restaurant during meal hours.

1. Introduce yourself, your school, and your purpose for calling.

Hello, is ___________________ (contact person/manager) available please?

Hi! My name is _______________ (give your first and last name)

I am a student at Atchison County Community Schools and am interested in job shadowing at your company (or place

of business). I would like to have the opportunity to spend at least four hours shadowing in your business setting

observing your workplace and interviewing a worker to learn more about this occupation. This will help me make

informed decisions for my future. Do you think you can help me? (yes) (no)

(If no) Thank you for your consideration. Do you know of someone in your field that may be willing to assist me with

this project?

(If yes) Thank you for this opportunity. May we set up a time?

**Remember they are doing you a favor; try your hardest to work around their schedule.**

2. Make sure that you have the following information before you hang up.

Date of the job shadow: ______________________________________________________________

Beginning and ending times of the job shadow: ___________________________________________

Name of the business you are shadowing: _______________________________________________

Name of the adult(s) being observed and their title(s): ______________________________________

Address of the job shadow: ___________________________________________________________

Phone and email address: ____________________________________________________________

What is the dress code? ______________________________________________________________

Thank you again. I will be job shadowing at your business on ___________ at _________. Is that correct?

date time

**Be prepared to answer questions about yourself, your experience and why you have chosen this career.

Job Shadow Report

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Interview your job shadow host using the questions below. Write your host’s responses in the space provided. You may

include questions based on your research, either confirming information gathered or enhancing information. Stay away

from personal issues, including salary.

1. What is your job title?

2. What are your job responsibilities?

3. How would you describe a typical day at your job?

4. In what ways are the following work habits important for this job:

*following directions?

*being accurate?

*participating as a team member?

*working independently?

5. What education, skills, and training are needed for this job?

6. What advice would you give to someone who may be interested in this career?

7. For what reason(s) might you release an employee from this job?

8. Why did you choose this career?


Observation Worksheet

Check the skills observed during your job shadow and describe the tasks or duties your job shadow host was completing

as part of his or her work. Identify a minimum of seven (7) skills.

Organizing _________________________________________________________________

Planning _________________________________________________________________

Making decisions _______________________________________________________________

Thinking creatively______________________________________________________________

Analyzing problems______________________________________________________________

Reading _________________________________________________________________

Writing _________________________________________________________________

Math _________________________________________________________________

Science _________________________________________________________________

Art _________________________________________________________________

Technology _________________________________________________________________

Speaking _________________________________________________________________

Listening _________________________________________________________________

Cooperating with others __________________________________________________________

Customer service________________________________________________________________

Additional observations: ________________________________________________________________




Organizing – Construction foreman coordinates delivery of concrete and other supplies

Job Shadow Reflection Form

Student Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Career Cluster: ________________________________________________________________________

Career Interest: ________________________________________________________________________

Date of Job Shadow: _________________________ Business Phone: ____________________________

Name of person shadowed: ___________________________________Title: ______________________

Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Use complete sentences to respond to the following items. Attach paper if necessary. Explain three things you learned from this





In a paragraph, evaluate what you liked most about the job you observed. Provide three examples to support your evaluation:

Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Certain elements of the job shadow experience surprised me.”

In a paragraph, support your position with two examples from your experience.

Explain why you would or would not like this job. Provide two examples to support your conclusion.


Thank you letter written to job shadow host

Observation Worksheet completed

Job Shadow Report completed

Job Shadow Reflection Form completed

Business Partner Evaluation (please circle one) Included or Will be mailed

Student Signature ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Coordinator Signature ______________________________________Date: ________________

Parent Signature __________________________________________ Date: ________________


Job Shadow Sample Thank You Letter

[Street Address]

[City, ST ZIP Code]


[Recipient Name]

Omega Engineering

110 S. 4th Street

Fowler, Colorado 81039

Dear [Recipient Name]:

Introduction paragraph: Thank your host for the opportunity to complete the job shadow.

Thank you for allowing me to job shadow you last Thursday. I truly enjoyed myself and learned a lot about being a

(insert job). Everyone in your office, and in the field, was very helpful and friendly.

Body paragraph: Describe some of the things you learned as a result of the job shadow and the effect it has had on

your future goals and/or career and educational plans.

I learned so much about the field of engineering. I never knew there were so many kinds of engineers: civil, architectural,

structural, electrical, and mechanical. I especially enjoyed designing trusses using the computer. I never would have

known house trusses could be so fun! This experience has opened up a lot of options for me to consider as I plan my


Conclusion paragraph: Add any additional comments you have and thank them again for the opportunity.

As we discussed, I would be very interested in working with your company on any special projects as an intern, or as part-

time employment in the summer. Thank you for spending time with me and helping me learn more about my options.


(Make sure to sign your name here.)

Your name – typed

**This is a sample letter. Do not use the same text!


Guidelines for addressing envelopes for business correspondence

Sender’s Name

Street Address

City, State Zip Code

Recipient’s Full Name

Street Address

City, State Zip Code

No. 10 Business Envelope

Typed or neatly printed

Size 12 font or handwritten in black ink

Do not use abbreviations. Words such as street, lane, avenue, drive…should be spelled out. US Postal Service State

abbreviations are appropriate.

Example: Effingham, KS 66023

o The comma is after the city and KS is the correct abbreviation for Kansas. There is no punctuation after the state,

only a space and the zip code.

Atchison County Community Schools Job Shadow Program

Dear Business Person or Agency Leader,

Preparing high school students for their future is a big responsibility and requires schools and businesses or agencies to

work closely together to help ensure the success of our future work force. I am writing this letter to you to confirm your

willingness to have an ACCHS student participate in a job shadow program. The Job Shadow Program allows our high

school students to explore further interest in careers. The student presenting this letter to you would like to secure your

approval to participate in the program.

Because this is a school-supported program we have the chance to work together to ensure that our student develops

effective and efficient work place habits while working for your organization. Additionally, a discussion on proper safety

procedures, performance expectations related to the career, and discussion concerning the level of education required for

employment in your career field would be helpful. You will be given a grade sheet that helps set the expectations for our

student when job shadowing. We ask that you review the grade sheet, and if you’re comfortable in helping us to evaluate

the student’s workplace practices, please sign and allow the student to return the form to our office.

Thank you for your kind consideration and we look forward to working with you. We appreciate your willingness to serve

as a partner in our Job Shadow Program. If you have any questions, or if we can be of any service, please do not

hesitate to contact me at Atchison County Community Schools.


Julie Dillon M.Ed

Atchison County Community Schools

(913) 833-2240 Director of Career Learning Services/Character Education Specialist

Business or Agency Partnership /Signature of Approval - please sign and return to Julie Dillon

As a participating business involved with the Job Shadow Program, we hereby acknowledge that we will not create an

employer/employee relationship between ourselves and the student. The student shall receive no monetary compensation

and the only non-monetary compensation awarded the student shall be the credit awarded by the school program in which

her/she is currently enrolled.

While we endeavor to maintain all safety protocols, our business shall be released from any and all claims, actions,

damages and liabilities, injury or loss that in any way are caused by, arise out of, or result from the negligence.

Business/Agency Partner Signature _____________________________________________Date____________

Business/Agency Name ______________________________________________________________________

Atchison County Community Schools Job Shadow Program: Business Partner Evaluation

Student Name: __________________________________

Evaluator Name: _________________________________ Email: __________________________________

Business Name: __________________________________ Contact Number: __________________________


1. Was the student on time to the job site? Yes No

2. Was the student appropriately dressed? Yes No

3. Was the student’s conduct appropriate? Yes No

If not, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________________



4. Would you be willing to offer another student the same opportunity? Yes No

If not, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________________



5. Please list any strengths and/or weaknesses you observed in this student.

Strengths: ___________________________________________________________________________________________



Weaknesses: ________________________________________________________________________________________



Please indicate any suggestions for improving the Atchison County Community Schools Job Shadowing Program:




Thank you for taking time to help the student in this program.

Your response will be used to improve the program in the future.

Please return the form to: Julie Dillon, Atchison County Community Schools, 908 Tiger Road, Effingham, KS 66023



Joliet Township High School Job Shadow Program-District 204

William Henry Harrison High School
