Italian Seeds


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  • 8/18/2019 Italian Seeds


    Italian Seeds Pronto Italianseedsnz

    Bringing old world flavour

    to the new w o rl d


    SI t a l i an Se ed sI t a l i an S e ed s

    autumn/winter 2016 catalogue

    Regional Heirloom     A     B     R

         U     Z     Z     O






     OL  O GNA

         B     R     I     N     D     I     S     I


     CA MP A NI   A 

         C     H     I     O     G     G     I     A



    F  I    R E  N Z  E  

          F      R      I      I      L




    E    S   I      

           L       E       C       C







    P A D

    A NA 

           P       A       N       C       A       L       I       E       R       I



    P  I    E  M O  N T  E  


          E      M      I      L      I      A   -      R      O      M      A      G      N      A


           S       A       R       D

           E       G       N       A



         T     R

         E     V     I     S     O

    T   R  I     E    S  T   

    E      TROPEA 


        V    E    N    E    T    O


    Regional Heirloom     C     H     I     O     G     G     I     A

          E      M      I      L      I      A

       -      R      O      M      A      G      N      A

         T     R     E     V     I     S     O

        M    I    L

        A    N    O

          E      M      I      L      I      A   -      R      O      M      A      G      N

          A   B     R     I     N     D     I      S     I

    L    U   S  I     A  


    NT OVA

     S ARZ ANA



    A  R  D  E   G  N  A  MACERATA 


  • 8/18/2019 Italian Seeds


    SEMENTIDAL 1783 

     About our company

     A story that begins in 1783 at Bergamo Northern Italy. The same yearMozart’s opera ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ opens at the Burgtheatre in

     Vienna, the American war of Independence ends and the Montgolfierbrothers fly their hot air balloon over Paris.

    Franchi are the oldest family-run seed company in the world and aremuch more than just seeds in a packet - they are a story of tradition,

    experience, quality, passion and excellence  handed down overseven generations that continues today alongside state-of-the-arttechnological solutions.

    90% of Franchi’s vegetable seeds are still commissioned not bought in,and many continue to be produced in their home regions. Some of ourgrowers have been producing seeds for Franchi for generations. Eachfarmer is given Franchi stock seeds, is regularly visited, and must meetour rigid standards. We produce hundreds of tonnes of seed in this

     way - just for our customers, and Franchi have sole responsibility formaintaining 70 important national original seed varieties which wouldhave otherwise been lost.

     All Franchi seed is tested for germination and purity and is uncondi-tionally guaranteed to meet or exceed the stated specifications. FranchiSementi vegetables are predominantly open-pollinating original seed

     varieties that are grown above all for the eating quality.  No seed is chemically treated 

    and GE free.

    Bringing old world flavourto the new world

    While vegetable descriptions and growing information onthe back of most Franchi

     packets is in Italian, a briefdescription and culturalinformation in English is also

     provided. The pictorial planting guide can be used by adding around 6 months to the monthindicated by Roman numerals

     allowing for your local growing conditions.

    • RED Mediterranean climate

    • BLUE  cool to cold climate Follow the BLUE  for most of New Zealand 

    Bringing old world flavourto the new world

    Rucola Diplptaxis Tenuifolia L.

    Wild Rocket (Arugula)dbo115/5 A stronger more intense spicy peppery flavour, very robust with deeply lobed leaves, harvest at any stage but best 

     when small. Can be slow growing. If youleave some plants in the ground the seed

     will be scattered and come back year after year. Good to use in pasta dishes as well assalads. 3g packet.

    Italian Seeds Pronto t/f: 06 758

    The pictorial planting guide can be used by addingaround6 monthstothemonthindicated by Roman numerals allowing for your local  growing conditions. •RED Mediterranean climate •BLUE c ool to cold cl imate. Follow the BLUE for most of New Zealand 



    Italian Seeds Pronto Italianseedsnz

    Bringing old world flavour

    to the new w o rl d


    SI t a l i an S e ed sI t a l i an Se ed s

    Counting individual seeds at Franchi, Bergamo Circa 1920

    Italian Seeds Pronto is a seed business that was formed in 2008. Weimport and distribute the authentic heirloom vegetable and herb seedof Franchi Sementi dal 1783 .

    Despite robust MPI testing requirements we are very much committedto the Franchi brand and to date not encountered any negative results.

    Franchi seed is very clean. Many seed companies buy from the lowestbidder, different countries and have no knowledge of who actually

    produced the seed. All Franchi seed is traceable. We are also impressed Franchi is the only seed company invited toparticipate in the International Slow Food events in Torino.

    Franchi (pronounced Frankie) is a seed company formed only 14 years after Captain Cook and astronomer Charles Green observed thetransit of Mercury at Te Whanganui-a-hei (Mercury Bay) on theCoromandel Peninsula. An astute sea Captain who ensured his crewhad fresh vegetables daily to avoid the dreaded scurvy.

    For 233 years, Franchi has been top of mind for discerning kitchengardeners, and more recently chefs throughout the globe by offeringtheir range of original seed varieties, some dating back to the 17th and18th century, selected for superior taste.

     Some people have asked will they grow here?  The answer is yes andI would like to reinforce the importance of regionality. The vegetable varieties are more multi-faceted to imagine they would only grow wellin Italy. The most telling interpreter of agricultural difference is theplant itself, integrating as it does the effects of climate, soil and geologyinto a composition of authentic flavour. Italy’s vegetables are aboutregionality just think about the different zucchini on offer from Veneto,Genoa, Milano, Piacenza or tomatoes from Firenze, Napoli, Parma orLiguria.

    The larger than normal stylish Franchi packets contain a very generousquantity of seed. In most cases more than 3 times that of many seedcompanies globally. This high seed quantity is normal for Europe.Most are double-sealed for freshness and the 3-year use by date plus a

     very high germination rate ensures excellent value for money.

    During the past six years we have experimented with our seed range.Some have been supported by our customers. Some have not. Many we will revisit.

    Know the origin of your seeds, grow your own and eat well.

    Gillian Hurley Gordon 

     Mr Giampiero Franchi (7th generation seedsman)

  • 8/18/2019 Italian Seeds


    w w w . i t a l i a n s e e d s p r o n t o . c o . n z


    PomodoroTomato Red Cherry dbo106/111

    Open pollinated red cherry “Pomodorini” with full flavoured fruit.Dependable vigorous plants producing an abundance of fresh low acidgood tasting tomatoes. Ideal for pots if space is limited. 1.5g packet. Determinate



    PomodoroTomato Principe Borghese dbo106/50 Mid to-late smallish egg shaped heirloom vine tomato with few seeds. Aprolific producer of big sprays set in clusters of 7 to 10 fruits that holdon well to the vine. Good for fresh eating, drying or roasting. A NZfavourite that grows just about anywhere. 1.5g packet. Indeterminate

    Tomato Costoluto Fiorentino dbo106/18 

    Tomato Pantano Romanesco dbo106/64 A rare vivid-red Roman tomato grown in the former marshes of Rome. Atall beefsteak variety with few seeds and tasty thick flesh. Highly productiveand vigorous plant of fruit up to 250g, pick when shoulder is tinged withgreen. Grows well in all provinces of NZ.Good for raw salads or a speedysauce. 2g packet. Indeterminate

    Italian tomatoes are known globally for flavour. Many of the Franchi varieties have been grown by the same family in their home region forgenerations from original seed. Each Italian tomato has its own reason forbeing. Making passata, baking, roasting, drying, sauces and for slicing.

     Will they grow here in NZ? Terroir is a very simple but powerful concept, whereby the climate, soil and plant interact to produce an expression ofthat interaction. Great examples of terroir expression can be found incheese, coffee and wine. The Franchi tomato seed on offer are defined by

     variety and regional origins so select a variety best suited to your usageand province in New Zealand. Tomatoes need warm weather to thrive

     and are best grown as six to seven week old transplants.

    Tomato Cuor di Bue of Liguria dbo106/24 Heart of the cow (ox heart) Crimson meaty round, ridged with low acidity;this is a superior beefy tomato with the bottom shaped like a heartincredibly sweet and at its best when not too ripe. A vigorous growing plantthat is productive and early. Will grow well in most provinces of NZ. This isthe tomato all Italian grandfathers grew. Good for eating raw. 2g packet. Indeterminate.

     A large Tuscan ribbed beefsteak variety from Florence. Slightlyflattened fruit, large vigorous plant that is a good producer.This variety will grow well in any part of NZ. Great old fashionedflavour. Slice off the top, add some olive oil and bake, the flesh willdevelop into a delicious sauce.2g packet. Indeterminate

    PomodoroTomato San Marzano 2 dbo106/16From Naples, San Marzano has low acid and less seeds making thisfamous oblong (roma) a great tasting paste tomato. San Marzano havethin skins less water and high in pulp. Ideal for cooking sauces, andtraditionally used to make Passata. 1.5g packet. Indeterminate

    PomodoroTomato Costoluto Di Parmadbo106/121   A medium squashed ribbed tomato from Parma in theregion of Emilia-Romagna. A vigorous plant producing meaty fruits withfew seeds and ‘old-fashioned’ flavour. This particular variety has beenaround for a long time and highly respected in this food producing region.2g packet.  Indeterminate

    #genuine Italian heirloom varieties



    PomodoroTomato Astro Ibrido F.1 dbos106/113 Selezione Speciale Bush plum variety sometimes called small nano ordwarf San Marzano. This hybrid is resistant to rot and also verticilliumand fusarium. An excellent producer of small oblong tomatoes. Ideal forcooking. 0.2g packet. Determinate

     San Marzano are thick fleshed and dry rather than juicy. Thelack of juice makes them suitable for sauces as they don’trequire cooking down



    Lattuga ( Romana)Lettuce Degli Ortolani dbo84/4Romaine lettuce (Cos) with large tight head and dark greencrunchy leaves packed into a cylindrial shape. Grow fromseedlings or direct 20cm apart. Does best in winter and spring. Around 65 days to picking. 8g packet.

    LettuceMisticanza Di Lattughe Primavera-Estate dbo93/16   An early spring mixture of lettuceleaves chosen for flavour, balance and suitability spring-summer.Quick and easy to grow. Cut-and-come again varieties.12g packet.

    LattugaLettuce Misticanza Quattro Stagionidbo93/4 (Four Seasons) A mixture of 14 of Italy’s finestlettuces, radicchio, endive and chicory leaves. Adds colour,flavour and texture for great salads. Cut and come again salad

    LattugaLettuce MisticanzaDi lattughe Autunno-Inverno bo93/15Mid early mixture of lettuces chosen for their suitability forautumn–winter growing. Perfect balance and f lavour,cut-and-come again varieties. Quick and easy to grow. 12g packet.

    mixture so stagger the sowing for a continuous harvest.12g packet.

     Misticanza (mixed salad leaf) large quantity of seed in all packets

    CicoriaMisticanza Di Radicchio dbo93/2Mid/early. A balanced mixture of 12 varieties of red radicchio andgreen leaf chicory for a crisp tasty salad mix. A cut and come againmixture so stagger the sowing for a continuous harvest. 12g packet.

    Lettuce Misticanza dbo93/114 lettuce including romaine, verona, rosso trento & 4 seasons. A mix of varieties for an evenly balanced salad mix. Direct sowseed about 20cm apart on a smooth well-prepared bed andcover with soil. Ready in around 35 days. Plant every few weeksfor continuous harvest. 12g packet.

    PomodoroTomato Red Pear Sel.Franchidbos106/107 Selezione Speciale  Old north Italian variety specifically selected byFranchi. Its shape is of a lightly scalloped fat pear. Very meaty, few seedsand although juicy not a wet tomato. Its ideal for stuffing because of itsrobustness and shape and also good for salads. A big plant and an

    outstanding producer of large fruits. 1g packet. Inderminate

     Freshness of the seed:  Seeds won’t commence ageing until

     hermetically double foiled sealed seed packet is opened. All Franchi seed is tested for germination and purity and isunconditionally guaranteed to meet or exceed the stated specifications.Goods damaged in transit:We will fully refund your seed cost plus freight on damaged goods.We will need to have the goods returned for our assessment.

  • 8/18/2019 Italian Seeds


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    LattugaLettuce Rossa di Trento dbo86/33Regional red lettuce from the alpine area of NW Italy. Early tomature with a great taste and a loose head of red tipped verycrisp green leaves. Can be transplanted, or sown direct in warm weather. 9g packet.

    LattugaLettuce Testa di Burro d’ Inverno dbo79/8 An Italian winter butterhead lettuce. An early variety that isrecommended for autumn/winter harvest. The head is slightlyclosed but not tightly wrapped and has soft melt-in-the mouthleaves. 10g packet.

    Lettuce Parella Rossa dbo79/36 Also known as Rougette Montpellier lettuce. This original Frenchbutterhead has a perfect rosette shaped head that is loosely formed with burgundy tips. Has good resistance to low temperatures. Best forspring or autumn planting. 10g packet.

    LattugaLettuceRegina Delle Ghiacciole dbo86/8“Queen of the ice” (iceberg). An old favourite this has high resistance tobolting and ready to pick in around 70 days from planting. A terrific crispheading lettuce full of moisture & sweetness. 10g packet.

    LattugaLettuceValeriana Verte De Cambrai dbo140/6

     Also known as lamb’s lettuce or mache. Large round rosette greenleaves with a small head. A good spring/autumn leaf that will go to seed

    in hot temperatures. A mild taste with a hint of nuttiness Very goodcold resistance. 5g packet.

    LattugaLettuce La Resistente Sel. “Franchi”dbos79/18  Selezione Speciale   A very resilient lettucedeveloped by Franchi that is slow to bolt. It has soft vivid green leaves. A hardy variety of buttercrunch lettuce with soft flavoursome leaves.5g packet.

    LattugaLettuce Maravilla De Verano Canasta dbo79/72  A Spanish heirloom variety grown widely in Italy. Mid/ late,green with scarlet edging and good size head. Very high resistance to bolting. A crunchy flavoursome lettuce. Highly recommended. 6g packet.

    LattugaLettuce Romana da delle lune dbo84/8“Romaine of the 7 moons” A rustic (Cos) lettuce with red spots.The leaves are very large but tender. Has wonderful depth offlavour. Good resistance to cold & prefers full sun & fertile soils.6g packet.

    Lettuce Passion Brune dbo79/31Introduced in 1855, passion brune winter butterhead lettuce is a 

     vigorous plant that has a good firm head and crisp green blisteredleaves tinged in burgundy. Cold hardy lettuce that can be harvesteduntil late spring. 6g packet.


    LattugaLettuce Lingua di Canario dbo78/19“Canary tongue” Similar to green oak leaf this lettuce has adense dark green head of tender crisp sw eet leaves. Very hard ysuitable for year-round planting, and high resistance to bolting.Highly recommended. 8g pa cket.

    LattugaLettuce Romana bionda lentissima amontare dbo84/13 A wonderful upright romaine baby cos that is resistant tohigh temperatures making it slow to bolt. The lettuce has lightgreen ribbed soft tasty leaves and most often used in a Caesarsalad. 8g packet.

    Lettuce Little Gem dbo79/35Little Gem is a compact,quick maturing baby cos lettuce witha firm, sweet heart. The subtly sweet leaves are small enough toeat whole. This lettuce has been popular in Italy for over 100 years.8g packet.






    Rocket (Arugula) Coltivata dbo115/1Peppery, milder and meatier than wild rocket. Scatter the seedsabout 1-2cm apart and cover. It is at its best when its not too hotand the leaves are 10-15cm long in around 40 days. Can begrown in pots. 15g packet.

    Radish Dattero Rosso dbo112/38


    RucolaRocket (Arugula)Coltivata sel. Ortolani dbos115/3 Selezione Selezione  Market grower selection. Very highquality. Early rustic plant with dark green lightly serrated leaves.Robust flavour. 15g packet.

    RavanelloMixed Radish Ravanelli Coloratiglbz112/39  From the Franchi Le Bizzarre range. A vibrantmixture of white yellow red and purple radishes. Tasty andcrunchy. Easy to grow. Direct sow almost any time of the yearavoiding the high summer temps. 15g packet.

    Radish Gaudry 2 dbo112/3Small globe shaped peppery salad radish with an attractive red

    neck and white base. An early variety that is reliable and easy togrow. Slow to go woody. Direct sow most of the year. 15g packet.


    RavanelloRadish Zlata dbos112/36

     Selezione Speciale This(Polish) radish has deep yellow goldenskin with white flesh. Mild taste. It doesn’t like very cold tempera-tures, so avoid mid winter planting. Direct sow spring to autumn.10g packet.

    Bright red mid-length cylindrical crisp-crunch radish. Best directsown spring and autumn and avoid the mid summer temperatures toprevent from going to seed. Radish sprouts are another way of eatingradishes in their sprout form. 12g packet.

    Radish Ravanello Candela Di Fuocodbo112/9 “Candle of Fire” radish. Has long tapering vivid redskinned roots with crisp spicy white flesh. Succulent and veryquick maturing. Direct sow most anytime of the year avoiding thehigh heat of summer. 12g packet.

    Radish Tondo Bianco dbo112/2Pure white early variety. Uniform round bulbs with goodresistency from going woody. Flavour is quite spicy. Sow

     year-round. 15g packet.

    Cucumber Marketmore dbo37/29 An English-style cucumber with few spines and of mid-length.mid/early, this is a very reliable variety and good eating. 7g packet.

    Cucumber Piccolo di Parigi dbo38/2Small green French cucumber or pickling gherkin sometimes calledby its French name ‘cornichon’ Can grow up to 10cm. Has a longproductive season. Use as a fresh cucumber or pickle. 7g packet.

    CetriolinoCucumber Beth Alpha dbo38/16Lebanese-style cucumber, one of the earliest to produce and one ofthe best cucumbers available. Thin skin and productive over a longseason. Cucumbers will only do well in warm weather so plant latespring. Transplant or direct sow. 6g packet.

    RucolaRocket Wild (Arugula)  dbo115/5A stronger more intense spicy peppery flavour than cultivatedrocket. Very robust with deeply lobed leaves, harvest at any stagebut best when small. 3g packet.

  • 8/18/2019 Italian Seeds




    Indivia Scarola

    CicoriaChicory Bionda Foglie Larghedbo40/25 Light green cutting chicory with a mild taste and isa perfect balance in a salad mix. A good winter lettuce. Cut atabout 10cm and succession sow for continuous supply. 12g packet.

    Chicory Witloof Di Bruxelles  dbo40/8Produces yellow ‘chicons’ that are very popular in Belgium.

     witloof has a mild flavour and crunchy texture. Direct sow inspring. Cut back the foliage and gently lift the roots and keep in adark place i.e. box of sand/soil ensuring the ‘chicons’ are


    pointing upright then cover with soil. witloof ‘chicons’ will be ready in approx10 weeks. 10g packet.

    CicoriaChicory Catalogna Pugliese dbo40/9

     A very rare and tasty cicoria from Puglia. Upright rustic plant withlong serrated leaves and white ribs. Direct sow or transplant in allbut the winter months. This juicy vegetable is primarily grown forsalad but can also be cooked. Try boiled in lightly salted water


      dbo40/46  A ‘punterelle’ variety of cicoria

     which is grown for its stems and buds. It is also sweeter and moredelicate than other cicoria. The central stem is thicker than otherpunterelle. Very crunchy and tas ty. Slice inner-core thinly and

    Cicoria Catalogna PuntarelleBrindisina

    immerse in water until they curl up. Drizzle with garlic, lemon and anchovydressing. 12g packet.



    CicoriaRadicchio Variegata di Lusia dbo40/80Mid/late large variety with ample leaves. Green with red specks.Tasty and crunchy. This variety has good resistance to frosts. Sow1 cm in depth late summer/autumn for winter harvesting. Try itgrilled with melted Taleggio cheese. 11g packet .

    Radicchio Variegata Di Castelfrancodbo40/5 This green chicory looks like a traditional head of lettucebut has deep syrah-tinted speckled bitter-sweet leaves. It is a cross

    between radicchio and a round-headed endive. Also calledflower radicchio and milder than the red varieties. Green chicories have the samegrowing season as winter lettuce. Sow 1cm deep from late summer. 11g packet.

    Radicchio Esposizione Di Castelf-ranco dbos40/20  Selezione Speciale  A very highquality Venetian variety with a round crunchy closed head. Veryhardy.Green chicories have the same growing season as winterlettuce. Sow 1cm deep from late summer. 4g packet.

    Endive MisticanzaDi Indivie Escarole dbo93/3 A mid-early mixture of frilly endives and escarole. Use for salads when young and braised when mature. Can be planted most ofthe year. Cut and come again varieties. 12g packet.

    Cicoria Spadona dbo40/1“Sword “chicory is a rustic upright plant with long roundedleaves and thin stems. An excellent healthy salad green with anassertive chicory taste. 12g packet.

    Cicoria Pan Di Zucchero dbo40/10“Sugarloaf” is an upright, green heading chicory with a long tight head similar to a Cos lettuce. Sugarloaf chicory is not as bitter asother chicories. Use in salads or cooking 12g packet.

    served over broad bean puree and bread cubes fried in garlic olive oil. 12g packet.

    w w w . i t a l i a n s e e d s p r o n t o . c o . n z 5

    #genuine Italian heirloom varieties






    CicoriaRadicchio Rossa di Treviso dbo40/4Highly prized and flavoursome Rossa di Treviso, treasured in Italy where it is only grown near Treviso. Has a very pleasant bitterness,andupright red and white striped leaves. Needs cold temperature to turnred. Use hearts raw in salads or sprinkle olive oil and grill. Plant out

    Radicchio Rossa Di Verona  dbo40/13The red radicchio of the Veneto. Ball shaped radicchio with thick white ribs. This variety is very frost hardy and needs cool weather toimprove the distinctive bittersweet flavour and bold colour. Very

    tender and crunchy. This variety was bred from Rosso di Treviso in the 1950’s. Sow1cm deep from late summer. Eat it raw in salads, cooked in risottos or grilled andsplashed with fruity olive oil and balsamic. 12g packet.

    Radicchio Rossa Di Treviso Tardiva dbos40/60  Selezione Speciale This is the latest of the redTreviso-type radicchios. It easily resists frosts and can beharvested quite late. Compact and tight with a long head and thin


    MeloneMelone Retato Ortolani dbo91/3 Distinctive heavily netted melon. An almost globe shape fruit with thickorange flesh. The classic melon to serve with Parma ham. Start offindoors for 3-4 weeks before transplanting into warm soil. 5g packet.

    Melone Giallo Da Inverno dbo91/43 Yellow winter melon.Late vigorous plant with very productiveround smooth yellow skin fruit; pale yellow sweet perfumedflesh. Similar to honey dew type of melon. Considered goodstoreage. Well worth the wait to mature. So delicious. 5g packet.

    Watermelon Anguria Sugar Babydbo3/10  Dark green watermelon with lush red flesh. Sugarbaby is an early maturing sweet melon that will need full sun andfertile soil. Can be started in pots. 6g packet.

    RadicchioVariegata di Chioggia dbo40/23 A mid-early variegated radicchio that is very easy to grow.Ball shaped with dark red leaves and white splashes. The colour will become more intense in the cooler weather. Will initiallygrow masses of loose leaves and then will head up. 11g packet.

     If you find your Chicories too bitter, soak in cold salted water for 30 minutes.

     Melons need warm weather to be successful sodon’t plant in cool or very wet soils

    RucolaRocket Wild (Arugula)Selvatica dbos115/2

     Selezione Speciale The definitive wild rocket has deeply lobed vibrant green leaves sometimes tinged in burgundy The crunchystalks have an intensely aromatic spicy fresh flavour. Great mixerin a salad or on its own. 3g packet.

    meaty, curved leaves. Sow 1 cm in depth late summer for winter harvest.Delicious sauteed then can be added to a pasta dish. 4g packet.


    The chicory family is big, bold and beautiful. It includes so many oldregional varieties called after their hometowns. Some even have a

     protected status (PGT) so if you want to experiment with the rich spectrum of taste of true Italian cooking you need to grow them. They are never available in NZ supermarkets

    late summer for winter harvest, has a high resistance to cold. 12g packet .

    Wild Rocket (Arugula) Selvatica aFoglie D’Ulivo dbos115/4  Selezione Speciale. Asuperior olive-shaped leaf giving its name and characteristic look.Medium sized soft leaf with intense spicy flavour. This rucola(wild rocket)smells great and its peppery invigorating leaf can be mixed into any salads.Best grown in autumn and spring to avoid going to seed. 3g packet 

    Chicory/Radicchio Palla RossaPrecoce  dbo40/68  This radicchio-type chicory hasdramatic colour contrast. An early variety that forms tightcrunchy heads that hold for months. The heads are bright crispand tender. A good winter variety but not frost hardy. Try grilledradicchio risotto with balsamic vinegar. 10g packet

  • 8/18/2019 Italian Seeds


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    Cavolo Broccolo

    Bietola Da Orto


    Cavolo Broccolo

    Cavolo Verz aSavoy Cabbage Mantovano dbo33/19

     A green alpine Savoy cabbage with a large head of thin crinkledleaves and sweet texture. Popular with the Milanese. Afterblanching the sweet green leaves you can stuff with many options.

    Needs cold to develop mature heads. 8g packet.

    Beetroot Bietola Da OrtoTonda Di Chioggia dbo11/13  A traditional Italianbeetroot that has reddish skin with candy striped ringed flesh.Incredibly sweet tasting beetroot. The stripes are not so

    pronounced when cooked but when raw look great sliced. Direct sow throughspring - late summer. Keep the soil covering the top to ensure the entire bulb will develop the same colouring. 9g packet.

    CarotaCarrot Jaune Du Doubs dbo23/40Dates back to the 16 th  Century. This original saffron-yellowFrench carrot comes from the town of Doubs in central eastFrance. A late variety and a good reliable producer. The long

    tapered roots have a crisp texture and a lingering sweet flavour. Plant directly1cm deep into prepared friable soil, spring to early summer. Thin to 8-10cmand keep weed free. 8g packet.

    Cavolo Verz a

    Cavolo di Bruxelles

    Savoy Cabbage San Michele dbo33/15Savoy-type cabbage from the cooler region of Nth Italy. Greencrinkly tender leaves with some red/purple colour in the centre.

     A spectacular looking plant. Needs cold to develop firm heads.80-90days. 8g packet

    CarotaCarrot Nantese di Chioggia bio23/7 A mid-early deep orange heartless Venetian carrot. Sweet tasteand crisp texture. Plant directly 1 cm deep into friable soil. springto early summer. Keep weed free. 6g packet.

    Cavolo Broccolo

    Cavolo ChineseCinese-Pe-Tsai (Cabbage) dbo35/5Chinese cabbage also called Wong Bok. Tightly packed upright pale green cabbage with mild but distinctive flavour. 8g packet.

    Broccoli Ramosa Calabrese dbo25/23“Sprouting Broccoli from Calabria” is tender with a superior

    taste and produces plenty side shoots. Compact med sized head.Sow under cover and transplant from summer through to spring. Allow 60-80 days to pick. Small florets will grow back after harvesting.The best broccoli ever! 7g packet.

    Brussels Sprouts Mezzo Nanodbo24/2 Small compact producer of sweet tasty brussels sprouts.Transplant seedling when approx 10cm. The flavour improves oncethe frost kick in. These sprouts have a extended growing season.Harvest when they are small to enjoy the true flavour. When the

    sprouts appear remove any base leaves to allow for development. Try finelyshredded, quickly stir fried in butter and cumin. 8g packet

    Broccoli Ramosa Calabrese bio25/23“Sprouting Broccoli from Calabria” is tender with a superiortaste and produces plenty side shoots. Compact med sized head.Sow under cover and transplant from summer through to spring.

     Allow 60-80 days to pick. Small florets will grow back after harvesting. 7g packet.

    Broccoli Spigariello dbo25/26 Friarielle one of the most sought after, iconic and renowned vegetables of Italy. Fast growing, high quality and depth of flavour.

    Used traditionally on Pizza in Naples with olives and chilli, or withsausage. When you pick the central flower, the plant begins to

    produce side shoots known as spigariello that have a tiny florets. Grown forits immature edible leaves not so much the floret. 4g packet.

    Carrot Nantese di Chioggia dbo23/7 A mid-early deep orange heartless Venetian carrot. Sweet tasteand crisp texture. Plant directly 1cm deep into prepared friablesoil, spring to early summer. Thin to 8-10cm and keep weedfree. 10g packet.


    Indivia ScarolaEndive Riccia Cuor D’ Oro dbo75/4This is a classic 'frisée' type of endive with a tight head, serratedtough leaves and a large golden heart once blanched. Sow 1 cmdeep late summer for winter harvest. 12g packet.


    Bietola Da OrtoBeetroot Egitto Migliorata dbo11/2This ancient beetroot dates back to around 1850. Medium size with flat purplish-red roots. Intense sweet taste as opposed to themore savoury varieties. The tops can be used in your green salad

    mix. Sow direct in rows 10cm apart spring - late summer. 9g packet.

    Eggplant Prosperosa dbos90/15 Selezione Speciale Mid/early variety. The name of this round variety translates as ‘prosperous’ because it is a good variety formarkets. It has shiny mauve skin and the fruits are mediumsized with very few seeds inside. 3g packet.

    MelanzanaEggplant Violetta Lunga dbo90/1‘The classic Italian eggplant’ Beautiful glossy deep purple hues.Long slightly curved rustic Italian eggplant grown throughoutItaly. It is firmer and a little sweeter than other varieties. Use for

    traditional dishes such as  Melanzana alla Parmigiana or warm Moroccansalad with tomatoes and coriander. Good reliable producer in around 70 days.Grow from 8 week old seedlings or direct sow when soil is warm, space 40 to50 cm apart and provide support. 4g packet.

    MelanzanaEggplant tonda bianca sfumata dirosa dbos90/43 Selezione Speciale Mid/early vigorousbushy plant producing very tasty rounded large white fruits withlilac shading. Firm white flesh with few seeds. Direct sow 1 cm

    deep when soil is warm or grow from 8-week seedlings. Space to 40-50cm andprovide support. Eggplants need sunlight to thrive. 3g packet.

    Indivia Riccia

    IndiviaEndive Riccia Romanesca Da Tagliodbo75/10  A Roman cutting endive with thin, serrated upright darkgreen leaves that grow in a small bunch. This is a very easy variety togrow and has a long sowing season. Best in spring and autumn but

    can be grown year-round in the cooler provinces. Commonly used in salads but do tryin a soup made with tomatoes pancetta and celery. A great tasting salad leaf. 12g packet.

    Endive Riccia Pancalieri A Costa Biancadbo75/1 Pancalieri is near Turin. This is the classic ‘frisée’ type ofendive (or curly endive) with serrated, tough leaves; that is green onthe outside and pale green to white at the heart. An early, vigorous

    plant. Tie up a week for before harvesting to blanch. It is best braised as a side vegetable dish. Sow in late summer for winter harvesting. 12g packet.



    Asparagus Argenteuil dbo5/1 A French asparagus developed in the 18th century. It grew arounda convent founded by Charlemagne in the 7th century. Aregenteuil is synonymous with white Asparagus. Produces large

    Artichoke Violetto Precoce dbo21/2The most Roman of vegetables is the artichoke. Medium sizedelicately flavoured, fleshy buds with rich violet colouration.These are less iron flavoured and have more heart than the green variety. The edible hearts are delicious served the Roman way

    Indivia ScarolaEndive Cornetto di Bordeaux dbo121/5 “Cone from Bordeaux” is a large upright escarole endive with white ribs and green leaves. Easy to grow. Best for winter ifgrowing full sized heads. Plant direct at 1cm. Try in a wintersalad with fennel, chicory, persimmons and apple. 12g packet.

    2cm thick silver green/purple spears earlier in the spring than most varieties. Plantseed to produce crowns in the first year and then move to a more permanentposition. First year leave second year cut half. Can adapt to a wide variety of freedraining soils. Needs full to semi-sun. Will produce for 20 years 5g packet.

    simply boiled in water and vinegar then sprinkled with oil, parsley, mint and salt.Sow under cover spring/autumn. 3g packet.


    Artichoke Green Globe dbo21/9 A conical shaped green heirloom variety. A reliable producer withlarge heads. Plant in open sunny position with well-drained soil.Pieces of artichokes can be added to pizza, risotto and frittatas.Plants should produce for at least three years. Sow under coverspring/autumn. 3g packet.

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    #genuine Italian heirloom varieties



    CipollaOnion Piatta di Bergamo dbo43/1“Flat onion of Bergamo” A small flat cipollini-type reddish brownonion with white flesh. An excellent storage onion. Can be usedfor cooking and pickled. Grow from transplants or direct sow.5g packet.

    PorroLeek Gigante d’Inverno dbo107/23“Winter giant” big and long. This hardy vegetable adds tangysweetness with even the thinnest slice from the long white stems.

    Thrives in the cooler months . Sow 1cm deep from spring toearly summer allowing 5cm between each plant. They are good   winter harvesting plants only needing an air temperature 10c once planted. 6g packet.

    CipollaOnion Barletta dbo42/1Small white salad onion with a smallish bulb about 2cm indiameter and slightly flat at maturity. Direct sow in spring afterlast frosts and keep well weeded. The thinnings can be used insalads. 4g packet.



    Leek Porro Di Delft dbo107/12 A late variety of leek with thick white stems. A very hardy winter-spring crop. Pick some when size of thumb allowing room forfatter leeks. A plant with excellent resistance to low temperatures.Much sweeter than onions when slow cooked.6g packet.

    Fennel di Parma sel. Prado dbos62/8 Selezione Speciale  Small mid/late alpine fennel withexcellent flavour and texture. Sliced finely and added to salad itgives a lovely aniseed-like flavour crunch. Italians believe rawfennel cleanses the palate and often serve it at the end of a meal

    Fennel Montebianco dbo62/17Mid/late variety. ‘Mont Blanc’ alpine fennel. Large tight head whichis tasty and crisp. A vigorous plant that prefers light fertile soiland will run to seed in hot weather, Sow late summer for winter harvest 

    thickly sliced with a little lemon juice and olive oil. It is easy to grow and generallyrequires cool weather. Plant late summer for winter harvest. 8g packet.

    Plant 1.5cm deep 15cm between plants. 8g packet.

    Cima di rapaCime di RapaBroccoli type turnip tops sometimes called broccoli raab but isnot sprouting broccoli. A bittersweet taste of turnip and mustardovertones that Italians love and chefs can’t get enough of. The


    CipollaOnion Tropea Rosso Tonda dbo43/22The most famous of all Italian onions and possibly thehighest-quality red onion in Italy. This Calabrian variety is verysweet and ideal for making onion paste and for stuffings.

    Changes from white when young to red in maturity. It stores very well in a shadycool room. 5g packet.

    Finocchio Romanesco VXO62/5Classic fennel from Rome. Medium size head with thick tightly  wrapped stalks. Ready for harvest in approx 85 days. Italian fennelprefers the cool of autumn but will grow well in spring-summer.7g packet 

    little florets have a sweet flavour and a texture that is useful in cooking.Used to make the famous dish from Puglia Orecchiette alle cime di rapa epeperoncino. A small plant 20-25cm high and should be harvested when itlooks like the photo on the packet as it goes to seed quickly. Succession plantfrom late summer. The longer the growing period the better the quality;although we have been very pleased with results with 40 day option. Also goodas a micro green.

      40 day  Quarantina dbo41/2  60 day  Sessantina dbo41/4  90 day  Novantina dbo41/5


    Onion rosso lunga di Firenze dbo42/23Long red torpedo shaped heirloom onion from Florence that it isso regional its not found in any other parts of Tuscany. Sweetflesh with high sugar content. Around 10 cm in length. Directseed or transplant in spring and keep weed free. Superb grilledor eaten raw in salads. 5g packet.

    Carrot Paris ier dbo23/41Carota

    Small round sweet French carrot. Paris is built on clay and over many years this carrot has adapted. A clay carrot, which is easy to grow incontainers. This variety is not prone to carrot root fly, as it only grows

     very shallow in the ground. 8g packet.

    CardoCardoon gobo di Nizza dbo22/8‘Hunchback of Nice’. Very popular in Piedmonte where it is usuallybraised. The stems resemble rib-like celery and have a subtle artichokeflavour. Sow under cover in early spring transplant or direct sow into

    fertile, well-drained soil after frost at 80cm spacing. Fleshy stems should be wrapped with straw or paper to blanch two weeks before harvesting. 5g packet.

    Cauliflower Romanesco dbo30/51“Heirloom cauliflower of Roma” Green spiralling florets from Rome. Ithas a sweet nut like taste. Plant in fertile soil in late summer for winterpicking. Needs cold temperature to head. 5g packet.





    Cavolo Lacin iato

    Bietola Da Costa

    Celeriac Bianco del Veneto dbo125/4 A late variety from Venice and one of the best in Italy.The plant is mediumsized with ample leaves. A knobbly exterior and creamy fibreless white fleshthat has a subtle celery-like flavour with added nuttiness.Transplant outside

    Chard Verde a Costa Bianca dbo14/3This Chard favoured by the Italians has crunchy, large white mid ribs and deepdark green ruffled leaves. Plant year round. In Italy the stems are consideredits best feature. Boil stalks, toss in butter or add to frittata. 9g packet.  


    and space 15 to 20cm after the last frosts. Needs extended time to develop bulb. Too much

    nitrogen in soil and the bulb won’t develop. 4g packet.

    Cauliflower Verde Di Macerata dbo30/30 A bright lime or apple green cauliflower with a compact head fromMacerata a region known for producing exceptional cauliflowers. Willkeep its colour when cooked. Good for a winter tabbouleh. 5g packet.

    Celery (Wild) Groene Pascal dbo124/6 An old celery from Perpignan in France. Wild celery is much morepungent in aroma and taste and quite a bit more fibrous. A tall plant withstalks that are thin and brilliant green with a texture that is both tender

    and texture that is both tender and crunchy. Sow in early spring 5g packet.

    Cauliflower Di Sicilia Violetto dbo30/29From Sicily. A great deep purple colour which turns green when cooked.

     A very tasty cauliflower with a medium size head. Plant in fertile soil inlate summer for winter harvesting. 4g packet.

    Cavolo VerzaCavolo Rapa Di Vienna Bianco Kohlrabi dbo32/1

    CarotaCarrot Chantenay  dbo23/37

     An old French heir loom variety famous not for its good looks but it spronounced carroty flavour. Medium sized, stubby crunchy and bright orange. A good winter carrot, sweet and crisp. 10g packet.

    CavolfioreCauliflower Di Jesi dbo30/15‘Cauliflower from Jesi’ is a very old variety from the Le Marche region.It is an early vigorous plant with long ribbed leaves. The head is ofmedium size with creamy-white spiralling florets. An early variety forsummer-autumn sowing. 4g packet 

    Kale Cavolo Nero di Toscana dbo35/7Italian heirloom from Tuscany whose tongue shaped tender leaves areblue-green and heavily crimped. This blue tongue-shaped laciniato is themost aristocratic of all kales. The mild young leaves can be used in asalad mix and when cooked holds its shaped. Tuscan black kale is a

     winter vegetable and requires a blast of cold to sweeten the leaves. Essential ingredientfor Ribollita the peasant soup or try thick slices of chorizo and potatoes. 8g packet

    Rhubarb Chard dbo14/15 also available.

    Kohlrabri is a spherical vegetable with leaf-topped stems that protrude fromthe base bulb that is eaten no larger than the size of a tennis ball. This early kohlrabi has a distinctive flavour reminiscent of radish and celeriac making a good foil for other flavourings. Grow it quickly for best flavour in autumnand spring. Delicious raw and also cooked. 5g packet.

    Cavolo Rapa Purple Vienna Kohlrabi dbo32/1

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    #genuine Italian heirloom varieties

    Brassica rapa



    Brassica rapaTurnip Leaf Senza Testa  dbo110/10 (Leaf rape without a head) Dark green upright leafy plant. Arootless turnip that is similar to mustard greens with large tenderleaves and a pungent taste. Can be grown most of the year. Directsow 1cm in depth in an open sunny position. Use as a side dish

    add to green leaf salad or in pasta as you would cime di rapa. 15g packet.




    Pumpkin Marina di Chioggia dbo145/2 A rustic pumpkin from the seaside area of Chioggia near Venice. Abundant turban-shaped dark-green warty fruit and sweet (verysweet)orange flesh. Excellent storeage. Good for roasting, soups and themost suitable pumpkin for Tortelli di Zucca. 4g packet.


    Pumpkin Tonda Padana dbo145/13From Padana in North West Italy. This pumpkin has alternating vertical grey/orange /green ribs. Very sweet dry orange flesh thatcan be used in pasta roasted or soups. Sow 2 cm deep when soilis warm. 5-6 seeds per hill and then thin to 2-3. 4g packet.

    ZuccaPumpkin Butternut Rugosa dbo145/15

     A large Ital ian heir loom butt ernu t wi th r ibbed wrinkled skin.flesh is fine grained and flavoursome with a hint of chestnutflavour. A good keeper and ready in around 100 days. 5g packet.

    Onion Tropea Rossa Lunga dbo43/25Red onions from Tropea in Southern Italy have been famous forcenturies. These elongated bulbs with pink skin are great foreating raw and also for making onion jam. They will keep for afew months. Direct sow or transplant in spring. Thin to 10cmapart in rows. 5g packet.


    OnionRossa Savonese dbo42/26From Savona along the Ligurian coast of North Italy. This

    mid-early red/pink translucent onion has a mild taste so itsgreat to eat raw or make flavoursome pastes. 4g packet.


    Spinach Merlo Nero dbo127/20‘Blackbird’ small brilliant green Spinach which is a very hardyplant, slow to bolt. Ready for picking in around 50 days. Directsow autumn and pick when young. 15g packet.

    Spinacio (Tetragonia) New ZealandSpinach (Kokihi) dbo130/1 Native New Zealand bushfood. Franchi managed to identify a quality NZ producer of thisseed and now import and sell to the world. It is often found in themarkets of Paris and Provence. A healthy vigorous creeping plant 

    that will thrive in hot weather and produce until autumn Soak seeds in cold waterfor 6-12 hours before sowing. Sow after the spring frosts. 5g packet.

    Turnip Di Milano a Colletto Violadbo110/14 Round with a violet collar. Spherical violet topabove the soil line, white bottoms. Excellent sweet taste andtexture. Grow year round-approx 60 days to harvest. 15g packet.

    Onion (Tris di Cipolle) dbo93/10 A mid-early mixture of three good storage onions. Round large bulbs thatare firm and tasty. As the workhorse of any kitchen they can be grilled,baked, sauteed or how about pizza with roasted onion, anchovy and walnuts. 5g packet

    SpinacioSpinach Baby Leaf Ibrido F.1dbos127/47 Selezione Selezione Early intense green baby spinach with soft, smooth rounded leaves and a semi-erectgrowing habit. Raise as seedlings and plant autumn to spring.Perfect for adding to green leaf salad. 10g packet.

    Scorzonera Geante Noire De Russiedbo122/1 Black salsify is similar in taste to a subtle flavouredartichoke with a hint of asparagus. Use young leaves in salads. A winter

     vegetable that grows with very long tapering roots at 25cm. Direct sowlate summer 2cm deep for winter harvesting. Try steamed andfinished in brown butter and breadcrumbs. 5g packet.



    Pepper Corno Rosso dbo97/7

    Pepper Friggitello dbo97/101Famous Neapolitan sweet eat-all pepper also known asFriariello. Most well known of all Italian peppers. Sweet andgood for frying. Turns brilliant red when ripe. A very productiveplant. 1.5g packet.





    ZucchinoZucchini nero di Milano dbo146/1The ‘black regional zucchini’ from Milan. Dense dark green. A veryproductive zucchini with open plant habit making it easy to harvest.Try zucchini and marjoram gratin. 10g packet.

    Zucchini Romanesco dbo146/11 A good producer of grey/green fru it with prominent ribs,excellent flavour and abundant flowers. Stuff the flowerblossoms with the many fresh options available, try freshricotta and f inely chopped spinach and nutmeg. 10g packet.

    Zucchino Striato D’Italia dbo146/2The classic striped Italian zucchini. Dark green with light greenstripes and small ribbing, a productive bushy plant with med sizefruits. Pick when the fruits are no more than 10cm to appreciate thefull flavour either eaten raw or cooked. 10g packet.

    Zucchini Tondo Chiaro Di Nizzadbo146/18 Ancient French zucchini. A trailing vigorous plant

     with unusual spherical light green zucchini fruits. Pick whentennis ball size and before they turn from light green to darkgreen. Plant in warm soils in sunny position. 10g packet.


    ZucchinoZucchini Genovese bio146/10From Genoa, this is a large light green zucchini with smoothfruit, very flavoursome with many blossoms for cooking. Can besauteed, roasted and added to risotto and frittatas. In springplant 5-6 seeds or 4-week-old transplants in ridges 60cm apart;thin to 2-3 plants. 6g packet.

    ZucchinoZucchini Tonda di Piacenza dbo146/17 A dark green round zucchini from near Parma. The shapemakes it easy for stuffing. Bake them whole as they stay soft andcreamy inside. Sow in warm fertile soil in a sunny position

    in spring, or plant out 5 week-old transplants. 10g packet.

     Peppers can be started off undercover with warmth and light beforetransplanting outside when the weather has warmed up. All peppers start off green. Some stay green, but most will mature to either red or yellow. Peppers can be successfully grown in pots. Some Italian peppers can take longer to germinate, but the reward is a good  germination rate and healthy plants not to mention great food too.

    Zucchini Fiorentino dbo146/52 A long green zucchini and quite deeply ribbed. Fiorentino is alarge robust plant and a good producer of firm fleshy nuttyflavoured fruits. Lots of flowers for stuffing, remember to pick when quite small to fully appreciate the trademark flavour of this variety. Becoming a NZ favourite. 10g packet 

    “Red Bulls Horn “and also known as Dulce Italiano is a verysweet meaty pepper of good size with thin skin and thick wallsabout 20cm long and tapering. Highly productive red pepperand grows well in NZ. Brilliant red when ripe and great forroasting, also ideal to stuff, fry or grill. 2.5g packet 

    Zucchini Alberello Di Sarzanadbo146/40 “Little tree of Sarzana”. A light green zucchini with white splotches, a good producer of flowers and fruits forcooking, this is a large plant and can in some cases be resistantto powdery mildew 10g packet.

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    Erba Cipollina


    Erba StellaErba Stella  dba54/1 ‘Star of the Earth’  A small perennial plant with slender green leaves that have acrunchy texture and will re-grow after cutting. A cold hardy plantthat is perfect for summer or winter salads. When it bolts theleaves turn bitter. 2g packet.

    CapperoCapers dba20/2 Capers require a dry heat and intense sunlight to thrive. Put theseed in foil packet in cool part of fridge for 4 weeks prior togermination. Please see website for more details. Patiencerequired. Caper plants are very attractive and highly aromatic.


    They may have flowers in the first year but you may also need to wait for two

     years. They are ideal for pickling for later use in antipasto or added to pastadishes. 1g packet.

    Garden burnet Pimpinella dba96/1 An annual evergreen herb that grows in a circular mound. Littlecrimson-tufted flowers form little balls on the featherlike roundtooth edged leaves. With its cucumber-like flavour Pimpinellablends well with salad greens. Use only the tender leaves. Direct

    Chervil Cerfoglio Comune dba36/1Chervil has a subtle aniseed flavour reminiscent of tarragon. Ahardy biennial plant but best grown as an annual. Direct sow1cm deep in late spring-summer. Keep out of direct sun. If theleaves turn pinkish the plant is too hot and all the flavour is lost.

    sow 1cm in depth in spring after the last frosts. 3g packet.

     Will self-seed. Chervil is at its best when matched with delicate foods such asfish, soft fresh cheeses or Asparagus. 8g packet.


    Chives Erba Cipollina dba53/1Early well-known annual. Chives have their own delicate onionflavour which is why it doesn’t survive lengthy cooking. Easy togrow in full sun and rich moist soil. Keep clipped to stimulategrowth. The edible chive flowers can be used in salads. Bees arealso drawn to their blue flowers. 2g packet.

    BasilicoBasil Bolloso Napoletano dbo13/8‘Blistered leaf from Naples’ Famous Neapolitan large leafed basil with intense anise aromatics and flavour. Has many uses. In Italyit is sometimes used for wrapping Mozzarella balls. Sow outsideor transplant late spring into a sunny position. 8g packet.

    Basil Misticanza di Basilico glba13/15  A mixture of 12 different basil varieties with varying colouredleaves for flavour and aromatics including cinnamon, limone,thai siam, classico and red rubin. Ideal for growing incontainers. 4g packet.

    Basil Foglie di lattuga dbo13/3 Lettuce leaf basil has large bright blistered leaves, a mild aromaticsweet taste and does best in a warm sunny position in light fertile

    soil. Sow outside or transplant in late spring. 8g packet.

    CamomillaCamomilla (Chamomile) dba18/1Franchi German Chamomile has very fragrant yellow & whitedaisy-like flowers. A hardy annual that is easy to grow. Scatter theseeds, press down but don’t cover, they need light to germinate inearly spring. Try the flowers in a bath. 1.2g packet.

    MaggioranaMarjoram gentile dba88/1  Sweet Marjoram has robust aromatics, although less aggressive thanOregano and grows to 80cm as a perennial in warmers areas. Plantunder cover in early spring or direct in warm weather. At its peak justbefore it flowers. 1g packet.

    OriganoOregano dba94/1No Neapolitan cooking is complete without the use of oregano whetherfresh of dried. It is a staple in Italian cuisine. Retains its flavour in hotdishes if it’s added toward the end of cooking. A robust plant with largeleaves and a robust flavour to match. Very easy to grow. Pick the leaves

    in the morning, once the sun warms up the leaves they begin to lose the oils that providetaste and aroma. 0.5g packet.


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    #genuine Italian heirloom varieties



    Basil Italiano Classico dbo13/2Classic basil which has brilliant silky green leaves very aromatic; with sweetness and the distinctive flavour of basil. It thrives in warmer temperatures so be sure to give it the right growing

    conditions. This is the basil for making pesto. Sow outside or transplant latespring. 8g packet.



    Pepper Topepo Rosso dbo97/91Red round flat tomato sweet pepper that looks like a mini beeftomato. Very thick sweet tasting flesh which is ideal for stuffing. A compact and very productive plant. RHS AGM award winner As with all peppers transplant after the risk of frosts. 1.5g packet.

    Pepper Piccante Calabrese dbos97/115 Selezione Speciale  An early hot variety from Calabria. Acherry chilli pepper with round, red fruit about 5cm in diameter.Quite a hot pepper and previously called “satans kiss”. Usefresh, dry or pickle. 2.5g packet.


    PeperonePepper Giallo Di Cuneo dbo97/72 Yellow pepper from Cuneo in north Italy. Brilliant yellow thickflesh. It is an excellent producer and very sweet. Discovered in1915 this pepper is now protected in the province of Cuneo since2000. Ideal for roasting. Transplant after last frosts. 2g packet.

    Pepper Giallo d’Asti dbo97/1 Yellow from Asti. The most highly prized pepper in Italy. Classic, large non- pungent pepper from the Piedmont region inNorthern Italy and ideal for stuffing or roasting. Peppers thrive

    in warm weather and are best grown from 8-10 week old transplants 40 cmapart in full sun. Ready in around 80 days. Peppers continue to produce fruituntil the weather cools. 2.5g packet.

    PeperonePepper Padron dbo97/38Some are hot some are not. Small horn-shaped pepper fromGalacia Spain. Fried in olive oil with sea salt this is the tapas pepper. This compact plant produces a large quantity of small

    green peppers and as they mature will get hotter. Grow from 8-10 weektransplants 40cm apart when the soil has warmed up. 1g packet.


    PeperonePepper Lombardo dbo97/16 A native of north Italy. This is long bright lime-green very sweetand versatile pepper. Lombardo matures early and is veryproductive. Peppers are 12-15cm long with a very thin skin. Canbe eaten raw in salad, cooked, pickled or dried. 1.5g packet.

     All basils can be planted in pots and allow around 70 days for picking

    Anice (Aniseed) dba8/1Herbaceous annual. Sweet and aromatic (licorice) Anice is a low spreading vibrant green bushy plant that produces small yellow-

     white flowers. Use in Liquors and cakes. Plant in fertile well-drained warm soil. 5g packet

    Padron Peperoncino glpe 97/38 Golden Line  A mid early pimiento Padron from Galacia,Spain. The fruits are aconical shape. Padron are traditionally eaten when the fruits aregreen as the fruits turn red so does the heat. Whilst the image on thefront of this packet suggests the fruits are low in heat, when they arered they are very hot. 2g packet




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     S o a  p s

    Green Paradise offer a range of high quality artisanvegetable soaps handmade in Milano,Italy.These fragrant soaps are made from the finest vegetablebased ingredients. They have a silky texture,softly scented 

     and free from colorants. The stylish outer is made fromeco-friendly paper and can be used to lightly scent your drawer.

     Vanilla SOAP 1

    Licorice SOAP 2

    Lemon SOAP 3

    Blood Orange SOAP 4

    Cinnomon SOAP 5

    Citronella SOAP 6

    Tomato SOAP 7

    Fennel SOAP 8

    Cucumber SOAP 9

    Carrot SOAP 10

    Pepper SOAP 11

    Cotton SOAP 12

    Gardenia SOAP 13

    Green Apple SOAP 14

    Passion Flower SOAP 15

     Violet SOAP 16





    dba132/2  A staple in Mediterranean cooking. Intensely aromaticand so much sweeter than English Thyme. Plant in spring in an area thatgets full sun. Preserve by drying or freezing. Perfect for containerplanting. 0.5g packet.

    Summer Savory Santoreggia dba120/1 An annual herb that grows to around 30-60cm in height. It has s lenderbronze-green leaves. Its delicate aromatics are similar to Thyme albeit

     with a slight peppery edge. Sow late winter to spring 1.5cm deep.2g packet.

    Rhubarb Rabarbaro dbo109/1 A perennial plant that should start to harvest the year after initial sowing.Prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade. In Europe they sometimes force  the rhubarb by depriving it of light and thus producing a moredelicate flavour. Try a splash of rose water when cooking your rhubarb

    for tart or pie fillings. 1g packet.

    French Thyme Timo Di Provenza

    Senape Bianca

    PrezzemoloParsley Gigante di Napoli dbo108/2‘Naples Giant’ this classic variety is flat-leafed and so much sweeter,richer and more refined in flavour than the curly type. It is a tall aromaticplant suited for pots or the garden. Sow 1.5cm deep or direct in springto autumn for continuous supply. 15g packet.

    Menta PiperitaPeppermint  dba92/1There are many types of mint but this is the one most used in Italy. Thishardy perennial is easy to grow from seed. The flavour is quite intense.Try making a homemade peppermint syrup that is very popular in the

    north of Italy. Direct sow in spring. Best suited for pots as it spreads

    White Mustard Senape Bianca dba3006/1Mustard is an annual herb that favours full sun, so plant in spring afterthe last frosts. Mustard greens can be eaten raw or cooked. Harvest whenthe leaves are young and tender. Can be used in pasta dishes as you

     would cime di rapa or rocket. 3g packet.


    Salvia officinalisSage dba 119/1

     A robust flavoured herb. Sow in spring in a sunny position. Willtolerate frost and drought. Sage leaves crisped in melted butteror olive oil make a perfect sauce for gnocchi. 2g packet.

    quickly in the soil. 0.5g packet.


    Dragoncello-(Estragon)Tarragon Dragoncello dba52/1 An intense flavoured Russian tarragon that is very useful in many culinarydishes for its pronounced aniseed flavour. Start seeds under cover andplant out in sunny position early spring. Plant will grow around one metrein height. If your seeking true French tarragon,it is never grown fromseed, only cuttings because its infertile so bears no seed. 0.3g packet.

    St Johns Wort Erba S Giovanni dba75/50 A perennial plant with extensive creeping rhizomes. Stems are erect,leaves yellow-green the flowers with 5 petals are bright yellow. Sow almost year round with the exception of high summer temps. Plant in sunny

    position with a light cover of soil. and gently water in. Used for medicinal purposes.0.5g packet.

    Rosmarino dba116/1The classic perennial herb, one of Italy’s oldest-most used herbs. Toss wholebranches into marinades for pork, lamb or venison. Grows well from seed but can be slow to germinate (2-3 weeks) and requires warm soil. 0.15g packet.

  • 8/18/2019 Italian Seeds


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