Isys20261 lecture 02


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Computer Security Management(ISYS20261)Lecture 2 –Threats and Vulnerabilities

Module Leader: Dr Xiaoqi Ma

School of Science and Technology

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Last week …

• Computer security - protection of information related assets:– Data

– Hardware

– Software

– People

– Intangible assets

• Information security requirements:– Confidentiality

– Integrity

– Availability

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Remember definitions?

• Harm– Something happens to an asset that we do not want to happen

• Threat– Possible source of harm

• Attack– Threatening event (instance of a threat)

• Attacker– Someone or something that mounts a threat

• Vulnerability– Weakness in the system (asset) that makes an attack more likely to successes

• Risk– Possibility that a threat will affect the business or organisation

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Security risks and management

Asset ThreatVulnerability



k A



Security Measures Ris

k M




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Today ...

… we will discuss:

• Harm and threats

• Vulnerabilities

• Methods of defence

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Harm and threats

• Six basic types of harm:– Modification

– Destruction

– Disclosure

– Interception

– Interruption

– Fabrication

• A threat is a possible source of harm

• Example: a virus formats the hard disk of a computer

• Threats exploit vulnerabilities of systems

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• Data held in a computer system is accessed in an unauthorised manner and is changed without permission

• Somebody changes either values in a database or alters routines in a computer programme to perform additional computations

• Modification can also occur when data is changed during transmission

• Modification of data can also be caused by changing the hardware of an information system

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• Occurs when hardware, software, or data is destroyed because of malicious intent

• Can not only happen to stored data, but also to data at the input stage (before processing)

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• Takes place when data is made available or access to software is made available without consent of the individual responsible for the data or software

• Serious impact on security and privacy

• Responsibility for data and/or software is usually linked to a position within an organisation

• Although disclosure of data can occur because of malicious intent, it also happens many times because of lack of proper procedure within an organisation

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• Occurs when an unauthorised person or software gains access to data or computer resources

• May result in copying of programs or data

• An interceptor may use computing resources at one location to access assets elsewhere

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• Occurs when a computer resource becomes unavailable for use

• Might be a consequence of malicious damage of computing hardware, erasure of software, or malfunctioning of an operating system

• Example: Denial of Service (DoS) attacks

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• Occurs when spurious transactions are inserted into a network or records are added to an existing database

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Information security requirements

• Confidentiality– Protecting sensitive information from unauthorised disclosure or intelligible


• Integrity– Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information (and software)

• Availability– Ensuring that information (and vital services) are available to users when


• Authentication– Ensuring that information is from the source it claims to be from

• Non repudiation– Prevents an entity from denying having performed a particular action related to


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• Weaknesses in a system

• Might arise from:– Poor design

– Poor implementation

– technological advances

• Examples:– Password management flaws

– Fundamental operating system design flaws

– Software bugs

– Unchecked user input

– Social engineering

– Etc.

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Password management flaws

• Using of weak passwords that could be discovered by brute force

• Passwords are stored on the computer where a program can access it

• Users re-use passwords between many programs and websites

• System administrator uses factory-set default passwords

• Etc.

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Fundamental operating system design flaws

• Operating system designer implements unsuitable policies on user and/or program management

• Example: operating system grants every program and every user full access to the entire computer

• Such an operating system flaw allows viruses and malware to execute commands on behalf of the administrator

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Software bugs

• The programmer leaves an exploitable bug in a software program

• The software bug may allow an attacker to misuse an application through (for example) bypassing access control checks or executing commands on the system hosting the application

• Examples:– Buffer overflows

– Dangling pointers

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Unchecked user input

• A program assumes that all user input is safe

• Consequence: the programs does not check validity user input

• Can allow unintended direct execution of commands or SQL statements

• Examples– Buffer overflows

– SQL injection

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Social engineering

• Based on specific attributes of human decision-making known as cognitive biases

• These biases, sometimes called "bugs in the human hardware," are exploited in various combinations to create criminal attack techniques

• Examples:– Pretexting

– Phishing

– Baiting

– Etc.

• “ … I could often get passwords and other pieces of sensitive information by pretending to be someone else and just asking for it.” (Kevin Mitnick, The Art of Deception, 2002)

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Methods of defence

• Protecting a technical system: establish controls that satisfy our information security requirements

• Dhillon lists three main methods of defence:– Encryption

– Software controls

– Physical and hardware controls

• More on these methods in the coming lectures …

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Today we learned:

• Six basic types of harm

• A threat is a possible source of harm

• A threat exploits vulnerabilities in a system

• We need to satisfy our information security requirements

• Need to put controls in place to defend ourselves