ISTD Briefs 2013



ISTD briefs 2013

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2013istdstudent assessment

International Society of Typographic Designers

Dear Tutors and Students

Most of us can identify films that we have watched several times and, each time, found something that we had missed previously. The British Library is a bit like that – one of those places that you can return to and always find something new that fascinates and informs you. It is six years since we first worked with the Library on a project, then based upon a proposed Science Fiction exhibition. We are delighted to renew our partnership this year with a project that explores their huge online presence and for the first time we use archive sound as the source for the project.

Our practice is based upon the printed word but now embraces the gamut of media and technologies that we use to communicate. Accordingly, we have progressively written our student project briefs for interpretation through a range of media. This project is possibly one of our most open in that, beyond identifying the particular British Library archive, the choice of topic, content, treatment and outcomes is all yours.

By not defining specific media and outcomes for our projects we offer them as holistic communication challenges – deliberately breaking the perceived tradition of the typo/graphic designer just providing essentially visual skills. First and foremost we are communicators using design skills to inform, persuade and delight. This makes each project a more demanding but stimulating challenge that we can individually resolve.

With that in mind I want to point out what should seem obvious – that ISTD is a society addressing the typographic aspects of graphic design. I mention this because each year we receive submissions from students who show well-developed general graphic design skills but have missed the point that we are examining each student’s particular typographic skills. That is not to suggest that typography is a discrete area – but a fundamental as it addresses our visual communication through the word. Put bluntly, it is graphic design but it needs to use typography as the essential vehicle to communicate.

As ever, this year’s projects, the masses of work in staging all of our assessments and everything else about ISTD are achieved through the goodwill and voluntary efforts of our Education Team, the ISTD Board and members across the world – I thank you all.

Prof John McMillanEducation Director

This document may have been accessed through our website or, as is the case for many institutions, has been mailed directly to those tutors on our Education database. By mailing with your contact details you can receive subsequent project briefs and associated information by email.©ISTD2012


2013istdstudent assessment

International Society of Typographic Designers

The Society’s education activities are generated and co-ordinated by the ISTD Education Team. Originally a group of design academics with a geographic coverage of the British Isles, it has expanded to represent our international activities and members in professional practice.

The Student Assessment projects offer a range of challenges that demand an holistic design response. They involve all members of the team, members of ISTD, our project partners and others who share our common interest and commitment to typographic design education.

John McMillan University of Ulster, Northern Ireland ISTD Education Officer

Becky Chilcott chil3, Fremantle, Australia ISTD Deputy Chair/Australasia Co-ordinator

Ivan Cooper Educational Consultant, England

Jeanne Cummins Arts University College at Bournemouth, England

David Dabner Letterpress consultant, England

Brenda Dermody Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Ireland Co-ordinator

Jonathan Doney Spitfire Press, Taunton, England

Robert Harland Loughborough University, England

David Herbert Dundee, Scotland

Mike Hope Educational Consultant, England

Alison Johnson University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, England

John Kortbaoui Notre Dame University, Louaize, Lebanon Middle East Co-ordinator

Sabina Monza-Goday Eina School of Design and Art, Barcelona Spain/Portugal Co-ordinator

Marc Peter on-idle, London, England

David Quay Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jack Renwick Jack Renwick Studio, London, England

Freda Sack Foundry Types, London, England ISTD Past President

Barrie Tullett University of Lincoln, England

Tiffany Turkington-Palmer FlowSA, Johannesburg Africa Co-ordinator

2013istdeducation team

International Society of Typographic Designers

The criteria we use for assessment reflect what we require as elements for submission. We see these as an expression of appropriate practice for student designers and part of our support for typographic education. All of these criteria are used in the assessment of each project in both print and screen-based formats.

STRATEGY (10%) • Each submission must be accompanied by a

rationale of 250 – 500 words, succinctly describing the thought process underpinning your design proposals.

• It should express what has driven your concept and its design development – not just a description of the various elements or a ‘log’ of what you did.

• While the strategy will be read by assessors you should write it to be understood by a client.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (20%)• All submissions must be supported by relevant

primary and secondary research.• Your research and development work should

show that a range of ideas have been explored before developing your selected concept. Ensure that you present this material in an order that allows us to follow your thought and design process.

• Design development on screen must be described through hard-copy evidence.

• The total amount of this material should not exceed the equivalent of one a3 layout pad.

• You must cite fully your bibliographic/web sources and, where relevant, credit images.


• Typographic interpretation, creativity and control must be central to your proposals.

• Evidence of creative and innovative thinking in the outcomes is essential.

• Each project requires a sensitive use of type and, if appropriate, images. However, we suggest a subtle and sensitive approach to the inclusion of any illustrative content. Remember that your solution must be essentially typographic.

• The hierarchy of information in both print and screen formats must be clearly expressed through the inclusion and formatting of at least 500 words of text into your submission.

• TYPOGRAPHIC DETAIL It is essential that you demonstrate

rigorous attention to typographic detail across all elements of your submission – ensure that you check: spelling and hyphenation; punctuation; capitalisation; quote marks; widows/orphans; hyphens/dashes; rags; justification/rivers …

• Legibility, whether in print or on screen, must be considered – and resolved.

• Consideration should be given to the relationship between sound and movement in screen-based submissions.

SPECIFICATIONS (10%)• Typographic, production/broadcast specifications,

must be included and must reflect your detailed treatment of text matter.

• Using your layouts, present fully annotated typographic specifications and grid(s).

• Samples of paper stock and other materials used in print production should be attached.

• Refer to the Specifications Guides pages

PRESENTATION (10%)• Presentation is important but no substitute for a

weak idea.• Ensure that screen-based submissions have been

tested for use. Occasionally we cannot open files – these proposals sadly fail.

• All submissions must include a non-returnable disk with pdf(s) of images that reflect

– concept origination – design development – form and usage – layout/grid system – media/material choices – typographic choice – typographic detailing – presentation images of the outcomes• When submitting, complete a label (pdf form) on

the last page of this document and ensure that you indicate your project choice, by number, your media choice (screen or print) and fix the label firmly to your portfolio.

• Finally, check that all of the requirements of your chosen brief are included and clearly identified.

• Submit work in one robust, clearly labelled, portfolio – no larger than a2.

2013istdassessment criteria

International Society of Typographic Designers

ENTRYFull-time under- and post-graduate students at universities and colleges – internationally – are eligible. As membership of the Society is awarded to successful entrants, only the work of individual students can be assessed.

ISTD does not accept entries that are collaborative work of two or more students. All entries should be in English unless given prior approval by the Education Director.

ONLINE REGISTRATIONDetails of how to register and pay are available on our website. Please make sure you read the Frequently Asked Questions there and in this document.

Registration for all assessments must be carried out by named tutors – not by students – using our website’s online system. This allows online payment of fees and can issue invoices where required.

FEESThe Registration Fee is £35 per student submission (Institutional Member £28).Submissions that are submitted for assessment and have not been registered and/or have not paid the Registration Fee will not be assessed.

REGISTRATION DEADLINESMain/UK 22 February 2013Ireland 08 March 2013Middle East 03 May 2013South Africa 06 September 2013Australasia 04 October 2013

You must meet the Registration Deadline as this allows us to gauge the number of assessors required. Registrations received after the deadline are at the discretion of the Education Director and may not be accepted.

On Registration, information, including arrangements for delivery and return, will be sent to you.

DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS The Deadline for submission of work to each of our Assessments will be confirmed on the Registration Deadline for that assessment but will generally be around 3 – 4 weeks later.ASSESSMENTEach submission is assessed by a two-person team, usually comprised of a member from education and one from industry. All material is examined, taking around 30 – 40 minutes. The outcome is ratified by a team of Moderators who maintain parity across the assessment teams. If necessary, the entry is passed on to a second stage panel for further appraisal. All entries gaining Merits or Commendations are further assessed. Reports with results will be published within two weeks of each Assessment.

AWARDSWe hold an annual Student Awards ceremony in London. Successful students are invited to be presented with ISTD Membership Certificates. Their nominated tutors are also invited to receive Tutor Certificates. Individual arrangements are made for our other assessments.

IMPORTANT NOTEISTD retains digital records of all successful student submissions and reserves the right to use this material as it deems appropriate.

ISTD will not accept claims for payment in respect of using any such recorded material.

TERMS AND CONDITIONSPlease read our Terms and Conditions on the ISTD website.

2013istdregistration, fees and submission

International Society of Typographic Designers

Do you accept entries from anywhere?Yes. As long as they meet the entry criteria. Work could be sent to our Main Assessment in London or included in one of our other international assess-ments in Ireland, Middle East, South Africa or Australasia. Contact the Education Director for further information.

Registration. I am a student who wants to register. Can I do this myself.No. All registration and payment must be done by tutors/professors. Please do not try to register by using a tutor’s details as you will not succeed.

I am a Masters/post-graduate student and would like to submit work for Assessment? Is this possible?Yes. As long as you are registered on a recognised full-time course/programme you can be registered by your tutor/professor. While the vast majority of students who submit work are undergraduates we recognise that postgraduate students – for many reasons – should be given the same opportunities.

I submitted work last year and was not successful. Can I submit again this year?As long as you are enrolled on a recognised full-time course /programme you can be registered by your tutor/professor. Some students submit in their penultimate year of study and have another attempt in the Final Year. This is allowed.

I am working on one of last year’s project briefs that I found interesting. Can I submit it for assessment.No. We only assess the project briefs for the current year’s assessment.

I have registered a number of students but now find that I have one or two more who wish to register. Is this possible?Yes. We prefer to have all students registered at the same time but can accommodate additions, as long as they are made before the Registration Deadline.

I live and study in the Middle East and understand that submissions from this area are assessed in a Middle East Assessment. How do I register?Register as usual. As we assess submissions from all around the world we determine to which of our

Assessments you should submit. Please note that submissions for the Middle East usually combine Arabic and Latin script.

Payment of Registration Fees. I am cautious of making payments by internet? Is your site secure.Yes. The payment system is handled directly through Barclays Bank. ISTD do not have access to any of your financial information.

Please clarify how to pay the Registration Fee.We hope that this is fairly simple but here are possibilities (all using credit or debit cards) –

Pay for each student using their card details at the time of registration. They could enter their own details to maintain individual security.

Collect money from students and make a single, combined payment on their behalf using your card.

I want to register a student whose fee will be paid by my institution. I need an invoice.We will only issue an invoice for four or more students. This option becomes available on registration of a fourth student. However, please ensure that the fees are paid by your institution before the assessment date.

I have registered and paid the fee for one of my students who now wants to withdraw. Can they be reimbursed?We do not re-imburse registration fees. However, we are able to change the registration to that of another student, using the existing fee.

We are a non-UK institution and wish to pay in our local currency.All payments must be made in GBP (pounds sterling). If you are paying an invoice via bank transfer it is important that you instruct your bankaccordingly – and that all currency exchange costs and all bank charges are paid by yourselves. ISTD must receive the full amount of the registrationfees in GBP into the ISTD bank account.

Got a question?If you have a question that has not yet been answered above, please contact us.

2013istdfrequently asked questions

International Society of Typographic Designers

The ISTD Student Assessment Scheme began in 1975. The Society had been considering requests to accredit courses but the Assessment Scheme was an option that offered benefits to both tutors, students and, ultimately, to industry.

Institutional Membership allows us to improve communication between ISTD and tutors and, importantly, maximise the benefits to typographic education through use of our considerable archive of student typographic design. Our hope is that, as this area develops, we may develop the benefits.

Tutors should be aware that personal membership of the society (MISTD) is also possible for those working in typographic education who would not qualify by means of a professional portfolio of work.

INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP offers the following –

PROJECT ARCHIVE Each successful student project is archived using photographs supplied by the students. This combines images of research, development and presentation elements. Each member institution receives a comprehensive photographic archive of each year’s successful project submissions – a valuable teaching resource that is otherwise restricted to our Education Team.

PUBLICATIONS Member institutions receive copies of Typographic the Journal of ISTD; Condensed, the members’ newsletter and all other occasional publications during each year of membership. Our New Member Starter Pack includes a copy of our publication Typographic Writing, edited by David Jury. Institutional members are also entitled to discounted back-issues of publications bought online.

REGISTRATION FEES Member institutions receive a 20% discount on student Registration Fees for the Student Assessment.

MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE Each member institution receives an annual Membership Certificate that may be displayed publicly.

ISTD LOGO The ISTD logo may be used by member institutions for marketing purposes (with conditions for use).

INVITATIONS Invitations and, where applicable, discounts to all ISTD events, including exhibition openings, talks, lectures and workshops.

STAFF DEVELOPMENT Staff from member institutions qualify for the opportunity to participate in one of our Student Assessments and be mentored by one of the ISTD Education Team.

CONSULTATION Staff from Member Institutions have preferential access to the Education Team for consultation on the Student Assessment Scheme and other ISTD Education activities.

INSTITUTIONAL PRESENTATIONSPresentations on the work of ISTD and the Annual Student Assessment, by the Education Officer or members of the Education Team can be arranged with member institutions.

Further information to help applying for Institutional Membership is available on our website, from the Education Director and at

2013istdinstitutional membership

International Society of Typographic Designers

British Library Sounds presents over 50,000 recordings that cover a vast range of themes –from music, drama and literature, to oral history, wildlife and environmental sounds. Categories inthe collection include: Accents and Dialects; Arts, Literature and Performance; Classical Music; Environment and Nature; Jazz and Popular Music; Oral History; Sound Recording History; World and Traditional Music; Sound Maps.

We want you to focus on the Accents and Dialects category of the collection by going to the following link:

Ensure that you select only the following categories under ‘Public Collections’ –• Number 4 BBC Voices and/or• Number 40 Survey of English Dialects

As in countries around the world, the United Kingdom is made up of a rich tapestry of accents and dialects, from Buchan Doric to the Scouse of ‘The Boys from The Blackstuff’ (‘gie’s a job’) … from ‘Rab C Nesbitt’ to ‘Gavin and Stacey’ … from ‘Eastenders’ to ‘Emmerdale’. Accents are important – they characterise us as individuals and communities, reflect our urban and rural identities and, undoubtedly, act as a mark of social status – think of the Received Pronunciation that still defines Radio 4. An accent can be a transient thing, depending on where we move to and how our lives change.

The BriefYou are required to design a submission that investigates sound recordings selected from the British Library Sounds digital collections. This brief presents you with the opportunity to express the essence and spirit of your chosen sound recordings. You may wish to edit and select appropriate ‘sound

bites’ from these audio clips or use transcripts for your text matter. Consider the juxtaposition of your chosen recordings – do they have anything in common? Do they address similar issues/themes? Are they opposites? Or simply celebrate the emotions that are aroused by your chosen words.

Consider the way that different accents may suggest particular fonts – some bolder, some softer, sharp, distressed, condensed, thin, fat, serif/sans serif etc. You decide – the possibilities are endless.

Use whatever methods and media you consider appropriate to convey your solution effectively – as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you incorporate typographically detailed text matter that expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic.

Target MarketEducationalists, social historians, design professionals and a discerning public

Submission Guidance/RequirementsYour project submission should include sufficient appropriate material to show that you have addressed the brief comprehensively and clearly expressed your design and typographic skills. It must include:

• Strategy• Research and design development• Specifications/Grid(s)• Final outcomes• Disc showing development and presentation images of your project

Cross-reference this project brief with the Assessment Criteria guidance notes.


2013.1istdstudent assessment projects

International Society of Typographic Designers

P. T. Barnum. Billy Smart’s. Chipperfield’s. Cirque du Soleil. The Moscow State Circus. The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow. The Circus of Dr. Lao. Freaks. Archaos. Carnivale… .

Whether it’s the childhood delights of the circus coming to town, the sideshows and freakshows, the performing animals, the trapeze artists, the (terrifying) clowns, the lion tamer, the ringmasters, the midway, the big top itself, or the darker side of Geek Love... the Circus provokes a wealth of delights for all ages and temperaments.

BriefNow, the Museum of the Circus is coming and you are asked to provide the branding and publicity for the building or a moving image piece which will be used as a ‘filler’ between films in the auditorium or projected to entertain queues waiting for events to begin.

BrandingYou must create the name, logo and applied identity for the Museum of the Circus. Consider its displays, activities, programme of events and so on. Is museum even the right word to describe it? Should it capture the very essence of the history and range of Circus life? Will it have a theme such as Buffalo Bill’s Wild West, or the heyday of performing animals? When you enter the museum, will you be a Rube, or will you be cast as a Carnie? Whatever approach you adopt, ensure you use it as a vehicle to express your typographic skills.

FilmsThe films should be no longer than three minutes and should begin and end with a clear identity for

the museum. They can explore a specific circus, or focus on a particular aspect of the circus itself or take a wider view of circus life.

Use whatever methods and media you consider appropriate to convey your solution effectively – as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you incorporate typographically detailed text matter that expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic.

Target MarketIdentify your market, and how you will target it, in your Strategy. It may well be a family orientated affair, or perhaps if you focus on the darker aspects of the Circus in popular culture, it might be a very exclusive audience indeed. Then again the direction you take the project in might be specifically aimed at film buffs or for retired clowns…

Submission Guidance/RequirementsYour project submission should include sufficient appropriate material to show that you have addressed the brief comprehensively and clearly expressed your design and typographic skills. It must include:

• Strategy• Research and design development• Specifications/Grid(s)• Final outcomes• Disc showing development and presentation images of your project

Cross-reference this project brief with the Assessment Criteria guidance notes.


2013.2istdstudent assessment projects

International Society of Typographic Designers

‘In the age of electronic transmission of text and images to screens? There is no need here to rehearse arguments for the virtues of printed information and the codex form. Prophets of the death of the book are now scarce and they are more cautious in their arguments than they were in the early years of the electronic revolution. As evidence of the durability of the book as a form, we need only to think of the inexorable increase in the number of titles published each year, of the battalions of printed directories and magazines that accompany and explain this electronic revolution.’Robin Kinross 2003

‘As designers arrange texts in space and time, they use the forms, structures, and signals of typography to guide readers through streams of content. “Text” has a specific meaning within design. It is also a concept embedded in theories of writing and communication, connecting graphic design to broader cultural discussions. Technology has influenced the design of typographic space, from the concrete physicality of metal type to the endless flexibility (and peculiar restrictions) imposed by digital media. The typographic text has evolved from a body that is solid, stable, and closed to one that is open, malleable, and unfixed.’Ellen Lupton 2010

BackgroundAs the starting point for this project you are asked to explore traditional and contemporary book and publication design in terms of typography, image, navigation, hierarchy, formats, and binding. As part of your research you should consider how design has been used to express structure and narrative. You should also explore the creative possibilities offered by production processes and materials, finishing and binding.

BriefWorking with content that you have selected you are asked to develop an editorial design project that considers how we read in the 21st century. Choose a format that is appropriate for your subject

matter and your target market. It could be a high quality printed publication, a screen-based inter-pretation or a combination of these. Current developments in publishing should be considered such as printed books, apps, ‘Print on Demand’ (PoD) hypertext links in digital formats … .

Content Possible content could include genre publishing such as crime, literary fiction, Illustrated books, thriller, science fiction, film, history, classic novels, short stories, or your project could move beyond book design into the broader arena of editorial design to include journals, newsletters, newspaper supplements … .

Use whatever methods and media you consider appropriate to convey your solution effectively – as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you incorporate typographically detailed text matter that expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic.

Target MarketIdentify your market, and how you will target it, in your Strategy.

Submission Guidance/RequirementsYour project submission should include sufficient appropriate material to show that you have addressed the brief comprehensively and clearly expressed your design and typographic skills. It must include:

• Strategy• Research and design development• Specifications/Grid(s)• Final outcomes• Disc showing development and presentation images of your project

Cross-reference this project brief with the Assessment Criteria guidance notes.


2013.3istdstudent assessment projects

International Society of Typographic Designers


Food is an emotive subject. Maybe a burger funks your bunk or pasta paddles your canoe. Epicures, foodies, slow foodies, fruitarians, gastronomes, gluttons, gourmands, gourmets, gorbs, vegans, vegetarians, pescetarians, pollotarians, kangatarians – all have attitudes to food and eating that often conflict, but food is more fundamental for millions whose primary focus is finding enough to survive.

We have arguably a greater than ever proportion of broadcast time and print media devoted to food. Certainly the ration of televison programmes is very generous – to the point of repletion. Echoed by the range and volume of foods now available to those of us in the First World, we define aspects of culture and societal perception by our relationships with and attitudes to food.

BriefInvestigate food. We want you to take a new view rather than, say, an exploration of the mass of terms associated with food. Could the chemistry of food, the olfactory and somatic associations with food or dietary choice offer sources for informing and educating? Or should we consider the plight of those who don’t have the choice of what to eat? Anything goes, but express a viewpoint – inform us. Use whatever methods and media you consider

appropriate to convey your solution effectively – as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you incorporate typographically detailed text matter that expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic.

Target MarketIdentify your market, and how you will target it, in your Strategy.

Submission Guidance/RequirementsYour project submission should include sufficient appropriate material to show that you have addressed the brief comprehensively and clearly expressed your design and typographic skills. It must include:

• Strategy• Research and design development• Specifications/Grid(s)• Final outcomes• Disc showing development and presentation images of your project

Cross-reference this project brief with the Assessment Criteria guidance notes.

2013.4istdstudent assessment projects

International Society of Typographic Designers


‘The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.’Benjamin Disraeli on heroes and heroism

‘There are two kinds of heroes. Heroes who shine in the face of great adversity, who perform an amazing feat in a difficult situation. And heroes who live among us, who do their work unceremoniously, unnoticed by many of us, but who make a difference in the lives of others.’ Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono President of Indonesia

‘I am of certain convinced that the greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs.’Florence Nightingale

IntroductionMedia produce constant articles and programmes on the rich and famous – tracing their life stories and celebrating their achievements. But what about ordinary people whose lives go unwritten – your gran’ or grandfather who lived through a war … the old immigrant gentleman who came as a young man to be a doctor … the group of friends who have travelled abroad to build homes for the poor … the charity workers who save lives in disaster zones … or perhaps the woman who beat breast cancer despite the odds… . People such as these continue to achieve great success with little or no recognition.

Let’s look for fresh and effective ways to celebrate these often un-recognised heroes and heroines.

The BriefCreate an informative typographic experiencethat brings your chosen ‘Unsung Heroes andHeroines’ to life in a submission supported byhigh quality research and intellectual rigour.

Use whatever methods and media you consider appropriate to convey your solution effectively – as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you incorporate typographically detailed text matter that expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic.

Target MarketDefine your market, and how you will target it, in your Strategy.

Submission Guidance/RequirementsYour project submission should include sufficient appropriate material to show that you have addressed the brief comprehensively and clearly expressed your design and typographic skills. It must include:

• Strategy• Research and design development• Specifications/Grid(s)• Final outcomes• Disc showing development and presentation images of your project

Cross-reference this project brief with the Assessment Criteria guidance notes.

2013.5istdstudent assessment projects

International Society of Typographic Designers

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feuguerillan. Henis accum dolesse quamcor iriusto cor in volore eugiat ver augiam, vent autat ute velismo dolortionse doloborpero dit praessecte feu faccum quamcorperit.

Inci tation veliquat, vel iniscil iquipisi. Blaorting er iriusci duisci blan ut lore mincilit luptat nit ipis delessequat veliquatetum zzriustis acipis nullandre commodignibh ea feum dolor sustismod.

Specifi cationsModit augait ate magna conullandio erat wis eliquisim quipisl ulput praestinibh eugue tat, consendignim ero dolore faccummy nullam, sed modolorper sim zzriustin ulputat. Pat, quat. Putpat lore tis alisl ip exeros et, sequatu ercinci blaor incidunt vulla ad esto odolore cor sequisl ilit atio dolessed molessis ad mod tat augue vullum nummy nullandre vulla commy nonumsa ndionum vel ea facin euis augait loborer sumsandit, sendre magnit ip enim digna core velenismodit ut vulputpat luptatis do dolortionsed dit pratum iure dolutat inis et, quisim dolortie ming eros alis nonsenis autet

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The devil is in the detail

22 International Society of Typographic Designers

International Society of Typographic Designers

veliquat, vel iniscil iquipisi. Blaorting er iriusci duisci blan ut lore mincilit luptat nit ipis delessequat veliquatetum zzriustis acipis nullandre commodignibh ea feum dolor sustismod. Modit augait ate magna conullandio erat wis eliquisim quipisl ulput praestinibh eugue tat, consendignim ero dolore faccummy nullam, sed modolorper sim zzriustin ulputat.

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You need to demonstrate your controlled use of all typographic elements in your layouts by detailing their use through annotated specifications. The diagrams below and on the following page give guidelines for possible methods of annotation.

Grids should detail all measurements of your document/screen grid – horizontal and vertical grid spacing (margins/gutters/). The sample below shows the use of the baseline grid. This is not mandatory. Column/text block measures should be included.

Typo/graphic Specifications should detail your use of type/glyphs and other graphic elements. The main focus is your typographic treatment of texts – particularly the hierarchy of information.

Consider, for instance, your detailing for headlines; sub-heads; body text; cross-heads; standfirsts; call-outs; captions; headers; footers; folios; bullets; rules; fleurons and any other typographic devices that may be used. In all instances give the size, body/leading, weight and colour.

Media choice will determine the appropriate information for your specifications. The list above relates to print-based matter. Specifications for screen-based/broadcast type should include the appropriate information and terminology for those media.

Type and lettering used as illustrative matter need not be specified.

Paragraph3-line drop cap Kade Boldcolour: 100% black

Body Text9/12pt Foundry Sans NormalRanged Left57mm measure 3mm paragraph indentscolour: 100% black

Heading 136 pt Kade Bold3 column measurecolour: 100% black

Caption8/10 pt Foundry Sans Italiccolour: 100% black

Heading 29/12pt Kade Boldcolour: 100% black

Running Headline6 pt Foundry Sans Normal colour: 100% black


Rule4pt x 3 columncolour: 50% black

Folio6 pt Foundry Sans Demicolour: 50% black

Head margin15mm

2013istdtype and layout specifications

International Society of Typographic Designers

AnnotationThis illustration offers an alternative method of annotation to that on the previous page – in this case for specification of a screen-based submission. Either method is acceptable – clarity of information is the main criterion.

2013istdtype and layout specifications

International Society of Typographic Designers

140px 140px 140px 140px 140px 140px






20px 20px 20px 20px 20px

1<img src=’’…guardian_logo.gif’’ />

2<h1>font-family: Georgia, serif;font-size: 24px;line height: 1.2em;font-weight: normal;colour: #005689;

3<h2>font-family: Georgia, serif;font-size: 18px;line height: 1.2em;font-weight: normal;colour: #005689;

4<h3>font-family: Georgia, serif;font-size: 14px;line height: 1.2em;font-weight: bold;colour: #005689;

5<h3>font-family: Georgia, serif;font-size: 24px;line height: 1.2em;font-weight: normal;colour: #005689;

6<p>font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;line height: 1.2em;font-weight: normal;colour: #333;

7<p>font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;line height: 1.3em;font-weight: normal;colour: #005689;

This interactive pdf form allows you to detail the processes and materials that would be required to commercially produce your proposals.

For each item state finished dimensions printing processes – litho/screen/letterpress gravure …

material – stock/papers, their manufacturer/ range/weight (materials should be identified and samples fixed to this sheetcolour – process colour/spot colour/specials…binding/finishing – case/perfect/saddle-stitched/laminating/embossing …

Click in the area you wish to enter information.On completion, print out, attach samples and include in your submission.



2013istdprint production specifications/samples

International Society of Typographic Designers



2 3 4 51OTHER







2 3 4 51OTHER





2013istdstudent assessment

International Society of Typographic Designers

2013istdstudent assessment

International Society of Typographic Designers

2013istdstudent assessment

International Society of Typographic Designers



2 3 4 51OTHER