İstatistiklerle Gençlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TÜİK


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  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK



    TRKYE STATSTK KURUMUTurkish Statistical Institute


    Youth in Statistics2011





  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK




    GENLKYouth in Statistics2011




  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    statistiki veri ve bilgi istekleri iin

    Bilgi Datm Grubu

    Tel: Faks-Fax:

    Yayn istekleri iin

    Dner Sermaye letmesi

    Tel: Faks-Fax:

    Yayn ieriine ynelik sorularnz iin

    Kltr ve Spor statistikleri Takm

    Tel: Faks-Fax:



    Yayn No 3676

    Trkiye statistik Kurumu

    Ycetepe Mah. Necatibey Cad. No: 114 06100 ankaya-ANKARA / TRKYE

    Trkiye statistik Kurumu Matbaas, Ankara Tel: 0312 410 01 64 * Faks-Fax: 0312 418 50 82

    Mays 2012 MTB: 2012-416-150Adet-Copies

    ISBN 978-975-19-5310-0

    Bu yaynn 5846 Sayl Fikir ve Sanat EserleriKanununa gre her hakk Trkiye statistikKurumu Bakanlna aittir. Gerek veya tzelkiiler tarafndan izinsiz oaltlamaz vedatlamaz.

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Birol AYDEMRBakan


    Foreword nsz


    Demografik gei srecini tamamlamak zere olan

    lkemizde, gen nfusumuz nemli bir insan

    kaynamzdr. Bu insan kaynamz gerek en iyi

    ekilde deerlendirebilmek, gerekse kar karyakald ekonomik, sosyal, kltrel bir ok sorunu

    zebilmek etkili ve doru bir genlik politikas

    retmek ve uygulamakla mmkn olacaktr.

    Etkin genlik politikalar retmenin nndeki engelleri

    ama ve kalc zm salayacak yapsal deiiklikleri

    gerekletirme dorultusunda atlacak en nemli

    admlardan birisi ise, lkemizdeki genlerin bugnk

    durumlarnn gereki bir ekilde belirlenmesidir. Bu

    almann yaplmasnn temel gerekesi de bu ynde

    bir ihtiyaca cevap verecek olmasdr.

    Bu alma, Trkiyedeki genlik politikalarnn

    oluturulmasna katk sunmak amacyla, 15-24 ya

    aralndaki genlerin profilini mevcut aratrmalardan

    ve idari kaytlardan faydalanarak ortaya koymaktadr.

    Yaynda, gen nfusun geliimi, bedensel ve ruhsal

    salk, renim yaam, alma yaam, gelir ve

    yoksulluk, mutluluk, yaam memnuniyeti ve gelecek

    beklentisi gibi konulara yer verilmektedir.

    Trkiye statistik Kurumu (TK), 2012 ylndan

    itibaren zel gnlerde (Dnya Kadnlar Gn, Yallara

    Sayg Haftas, Ulusal Egemenlik ve ocuk Bayram,

    Dnya evre Gn, Trkiye statistik Gn gibi) gnn

    nemine atfen zel yayn karma konusunda yeni bir

    alma balatmtr.

    Bu kapsamda, 8 Mart 2012 tarihinde Dnya Kad nlar

    Gnne zel ilk kez yaymlanan statistiklerle Kadn,

    2011 yayn sonrasnda serinin ikincisi, 19 Mays

    Atatrk Anma ve Genlik ve Spor Bayramerevesinde 18 Mays 2012 tarihinde yaymlanacak

    olanstatistiklerle Genlik, 2011yayndr.

    Genlie ynelik hazrlanan bu yaynn karar alclara,

    aratrmaclara ve tm kullanclara yararl olmasn


    Young population is important human resources for

    our country nearly completing the demographic

    transition. The best way to assess these human

    resources as well as solved the economic, social,cultural problems youth faced will be possible by

    producing and implementing the effective and right

    youth policies.

    Overcoming the barriers to producing effective and

    lasting solutions to youth policy, realization of

    structural changes, the most important step to be

    taken in accordance with, the youth of our country

    can be achieved by examining the current situation in

    a realistic way. The basic rationale of this study is

    done in this direction consists in a demand-led.

    This study, in order to contribute to the creation of

    youth policy in Turkey, is made known the profile of

    young people between the ages of 15-24 by taking

    advantage of existing research and administrative

    records. In the publication, development of the young

    population, physical and mental health, education life,

    work life, income and poverty, happiness, life

    satisfaction and expectation of the future was


    Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), on special

    occasions (International Women's Day, National

    Sovereignty and Children's Day, World Environment

    Day, Turkey Statistics Day, etc.) has started a new

    study in issuing special publications with reference to

    the importance of the day since 2012.

    In this context, a special publication "Women in

    Statistics, 2011" for International Women's Day on

    March 8, 2012 was published for the first time then

    the second of the series Youth in Statistics,2011 will be published on May 18 within the

    framework of importance of the day May 19th

    Atatrk Commemoration andYouth and Sports Day.

    I wish this publication on the youth is useful to

    decision makers, researchers, and all users.

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011



    nsz III oreword

    indekiler V ontentsAklama XI xplanation

    1. zet 1 . Abstract

    Grafik Graph1 Ya piramiti, (%) 5 . Age pyramid (%)

    2. Gen Nfus Art Hz, (%o) 6 . Youth population annual growth rate (%o)3. BBS snflamasna gre blgelerin ie g

    hz (2010-2011 (%) 6. In-migration rate by Statistical Regions,

    2010-2011 (%)4. BBS snflamasna gre blgelerin da g

    hz, 2010-2011 (%) 7. Out-migration rate by Statistical Regions, 2010-

    2011 (%)

    5. BBS snflamasna gre blgelerin net ghz, 2010-2011 (%) 7

    . Net-migration rate by Statistical Regions,2010-2011 (%)

    6. Yaam boyunca hi ttn maml vealkoll iecek kullanmam kii oran, 2010 (%) 8

    . Person never consumed tobacco products andalcoholic beverages, 2010 (%)

    7. lk kez 14 yandan kk ttn maml vealkoll iecek kullanm kii oran, 2010 (%) 8

    . The first experiment of use of tobacco productsor alcoholic beverages age at less than 14,2010 (%)

    8. Nedene gre intiharlar, 2010 (%) 9 . Cause of suicides, 2010 (%)9. Eitim gstergeleri, 2011/12 9 . Educational indicators, 2011/12

    10. lk defa evlenen gen oran (%) 10 0. Youth the age at first marriage (%)11. Einden iddet grm evlenmi kadn

    oran, 2008 (%)10

    1. Prevalence of physical or sexual violence by anintimate partner, 2008 (%)

    12. gc ya piramidi, 2010 11 2. Labour force age pyramid, 2010

    13. gc gstergeleri, 2011 (%) 11 3. Labour force indicators, 2011 (%)14. Gelir trne gre ortalama gelir, 2010 (TL) 12 4. Average income by type of income, 2010 (TL)15. Gelir trne gre ortalama gelir, 2010 (TL)

    16. Be yl ncesine ve be yl sonrasna grekiisel geliim tahmini, 2011



    5. Average income by type of income, 2010 (TL)6. Estimated personal development in comparison

    with five years ago and within five years, 201117. Yurtii seyahate kma durumuna gre kii

    oran, 2010 (%) 147. Percentage of person by domestic trip status,

    2010 (%)18. Yurtii seyahate kma durumuna gre kii

    oran19. Kltrel faaliyetlere bir ayda ayrlan

    ortalama sre



    8. Percentage of person by domestic trip status,2010 (%)9. Average time spent per month on cultural

    activities, 200620.Radyo ve mzik dinlemeye bir ayda ayrlan

    sre,2006 150. Average time spent per month listening to

    radio and music, 2006

    zet tablolar Summary tables

    1.1 Gen nfus ve toplam nfus iindeki oran,1935-2011 16

    .1 Youth population and percentage of youthpopulation in total, 1935-2011

    1.2. SYS okul tr ve renim durumunagre yksekrenim programlarna yerleen

    aday oran, 2010 2011 17

    .2 Percentages of appointed to tertiary educationby school type and educational status, 2010-2011

    1.3. Kurumsal olmayan nfusun igcdurumu, 2011 18

    .3 Labour force status by non-institutionalpopulation, 2011

    1.4. Bireylerin kendi ruhsal durumlarntanmlamalar, 2010 19

    .4 Individuals by to description of psychologicalfeelings', 2010

    1.5. Mutluluk, umut ve yaam memnuniyeti ,20

    .5 Happiness, hope and satisfaction, 2011

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011





    1.6. Temel alanlara gre kltr faaliyetlerinebir ayda ayrlan ortalama sre, 2006 21

    1.6 Average time spent per month on activities bycore domains, 2006

    1.7 Son ay iinde bireylerin ya grubunagre bilgisayar ve internet kullanm oranlar,

    2007-2011 22

    1.7 Individuals using the computer and internet inthe last 3 months by age groups, 2007-2011

    2. Gen Nfusun Geliimi . Growth of Young Population

    2.1 Nfus, yllk nfus art hz ve cinsiyetoran, 1935-2000 23

    .1 Population, annual growth rate of populationand sex ratio, 1935-2000

    2.2 Yl ortas nfus tahmini, yllk nfus arthz ve cinsiyet oran, 2010-2025 24

    .2 Mid-year population prediction, annual growthrate of population and sex ratio, 2010-2025

    2.3 statistiki blge birimleri s



    na greblgelerin ald g, 2010-2011 25 .3 In-migration rate by Statistical Regions,2010-20112.4 statistiki blge birimleri snflamasna gre

    blgelerin verdii g, 2010-2011 26.4 Out-migration rate by Statistical Regions,

    2010-20112.5 statistiki blge birimleri snflamasna gre

    blgelerin ald net g, 2010-2011 27.5 Net migration rate by Statistical Regions,


    3. Bedensel ve Ruhsal Salk . Physical and Mental Health

    3.1 Bireylerin genel salk durumu, 2008,2010 28 .1 General health status of individuals, 2008,20103.2 Bireylerin kendi ruhsal durumlarn

    tanmlamalar, 2008,2010 29.2 Description of individuals their psychological

    feelings', 2008,20103.3 Bireylerin tedavi masraflarnn karlanma

    durumu, 2008, 2010 31

    .3 Breakdown of health care costs by type of

    payment, 2008, 20103.4 Bireylerin vcut kitle indeksi, 2008, 2010 32 .4 Body mass index of individuals', 2008, 2010

    3.5 Ya gruplarna gre boy ve kiloortalamalar, 2010 33

    .5 Average heights and weights by age groups,2010

    3.6 Bireylerin dilerini fralama skl, 2010 34 .6 Frequency of brushing teeth, 20103.7 Bireylerin ttn mamul kullanma durumu,

    2010 35

    .7 The status of smoking tobacco products, 2010

    3.8 Bireylerin ev ierisinde ttn dumannamaruz kalma durumu, 2010 36

    .8 Exposure to tobacco smoke indoors at home ofindividuals, 2010

    3.9 Bireylerin alkoll iecek kullanma durumu,2008, 2010 37

    .9 The status of consuming alcoholic beverage,2008, 2010

    3. 10. lk kez ttn mamul ve alkoll iecek

    deneme ya, 2010 38

    .10 Age at the first experiment of use of tobacco

    products and alcoholic beverages, 20103.11 Kaytl olan zrl bireylerin zr tr,

    2010 39

    .11 Registered disabled individuals by type ofdisability, 2010

    3.12 Kaytl olan zrl bireylerin temelzellikleri, 2010 40

    .12 Registered disabled individuals by maincharacteristics, 2010

    3.13 Yaa zel intihar hz, 2007-2010 41 .13 Age specific suicides rate, 2007-20103.14 Nedene gre intiharlar, 2005-2010 42 .14 Cause of suicides, 2005-2010

    3.15 ekline gre intiharlar, 2005-2010 43 .15 Suicides by method, 2005-20103.16 Nedene gre lmler, 2005-2008 44 .16 Cause of death, 2005-2008

    indekiler Contents

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    4. Kiisel Yaam . Personal Life

    4.1 Hanehalk zelliklerine gre hanehalkbireylerinin ya dalm, 2010 46

    4.1 The percentages of the households membersby household characteristics, 2010

    4.2 Hanehalk sorumlusunun demografikzelliklerine gre hanehalk bireylerinin ya

    dalm, 2010 47

    4.2 The percentages of the households membersby the demographic characteristics of thereference person, 2010

    4.3 Medeni duruma gre nfus oran,2008-2011 48

    4.3 Percentage of population by marital status,2008-2011

    4.4 Evliliin balangcna ilikin gstergeler,2006 49

    4.4 Indicators on the early years of marriage,2006

    4.5 Evlilik gstergeleri, 2006 50 4.5 Marriage indicators, 20064.6 Ya grubuna gre ilk defa evlenenler

    oran,2005-2009 514.6 According to the age group first time marriagerate, 2005-2009

    4.7 Yaa zel dourganlk hzlar, 2005-2010 51 4.7 Age specific fertility rates, 2005-20104.8 Evlilik sresine gre boanmalar,

    2007-2010 524.8 Divorces by duration of marriage,2007-2010

    4.9 Tek bana kesin bir boanma sebebisaylan nermeye gre birey oran, 2006 53

    4.9 According to propose a definitive cause ofdivorce is considered a stand-alone individualrate, 2006

    4.10 Ei ya da birlikte yaad kiiden iddetgrm kadn oran, 2008 54

    4.10 Incidence of physical or sexual violence fromintimate partner, 2008

    4.11 Ei ya da birlikte yaad kiiden, hayatnkstlayan davran grm kadn oran, 2008 54

    4.11 Restrictive behaviour from intimate partner,2008

    5. Su ve Sululuk . Crime and Guiltiness

    5.1 TCK ve zel kanunlar uyarnca cezamahkemelerine alan dava ve ya grubuna

    gre sanklar,2006-2008 55

    5.1 Cases filed at the criminal courts under TCLand special laws and accused persons by agegroup, 2006-2008

    5.2 Su tr ve ya grubuna gre ceza infazkurumuna giren ve kan hkmller oran,

    2009 56

    5.2 Convicts put into prison and set free fromprison by type of crime and age group, 2009

    6. renim Yaam 6. Learning Life

    6.1 retim yl ve eitim (8 yllk zorunlueitim) seviyesine gre okullama oran

    (2005/06-2011/12) 57

    6.1 Schooling ratio by educational year and levelof education (8-year compulsory education)(2005/06-2011/12)

    6.2 Okuryazarlk ve eitim durumuna grenfus, 2010-2011 58

    6.2 Population by literacy and education level,2010-2011

    6.3 Eitim kurumlarnn kademelere greretmen ve derslik bana den renci

    says 59

    6.3 Number of students per teacher andclassroom in education institutions by level ofeducation

    6.4 SYS okul tr ve renim durumuna greyksekrenim programlarna yerleen aday

    oran, 2010-2011 61

    6.4 Percentages of student placed to tertiaryeducation institutions by school type andeducational status, 2010-2011

    6.5 Yalara gre yeni kayt olan renci oran,(2009/10-2010/11) 62

    6.5 Percentages of newly registered tertiarystudents by age, (2009/10-2010/11)

    6.6 Yalara gre niversiteye devam eden

    renci oran, (2009/10-2010/11) 63

    6.6 Percentages of tertiary students by age,


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    6.7 Yalara gre niversiteden mezun olanrenci oran, (2009/10-2010/11) 64

    6.7 Percentages of graduated tertiary students byage, (2009/10-2010/11)

    6.8 Yaygn eitim kurumlarna ve yana gresertifika alan kursiyerlerin oran,

    (2008/09-2009/10) 65

    6.8 Percentages of trainers graduated fromvocational educational institutions by type andage, (2008/09-2009/10)

    6.9 Yaam boyu renme gstergeleri, 2007 66 6.9 Lifelong learning indicators, 2007

    7. alma Yaam . Working Life

    7.1 Kurumsal olmayan nfusun igcdurumu, 2005-2011 67

    .1 Labour force status by non-institutionalpopulation, 2005-2011

    7.2 Nedene gre igcne dahil olmayannfus, 2005-2011 69

    .2 Population not in labour force by reason,2005-2011

    7.3 Eitim durumuna gre igc durumu,2005-2011 71

    .3 Labour force status by educational status,2005-2011

    7.4 Meslek grubuna gre istihdam edilenler,2005-2011 73

    .4 Employment by major occupational group,2005-2011

    7.5 Ekonomik faaliyete gre istihdam edilenler,2005-2011 75

    .5 Employment by economic activity, 2005-2011

    7.6 stihdam edilenlerin tarm ve tarm diteki durumu, 2005-2011 77

    .6 Employment in agriculture and non farmemployment status, 2005-2011

    7.7 yerinin kaytllk durumu ve iyeribyklne gre stihdam edilenler,

    2005-2011 79

    .7 Employed by the establishment, registrationstatus and size of establishment, 2005-2011

    7.8 Nedene gre isizlik oran, 2005-2011 81 .8 Because of unemployment, 2005-2011

    7.9 arama sresine gre isizler, 2005-2011 83 .9 Job search of unemployed by duration of ,2005-2011

    8. Gelir ve Yoksulluk 8. Income and Poverty

    8.1 allan sektre gre yaa ve cinsiyetedayal cret fark, 2010 85

    8.1 Gender and age pay gap by sector,2010

    8.2 Bireyin renim durumuna gre kiiselgelir gstergeleri, 2010 86

    8.2 Income indicators by educational status ofhousehold members, 2010

    8.3 Hanehalknn gelir dilimine gre kiisel gelirgstergeleri, 2010 87

    8.3 Income indicators by household incomequintile, 2010

    8.4 Hanehalknn gelir grubuna gre kiiselgelir gstergeleri, 2010 88

    8.4 Income indicators by household incomegroups, 2010

    8.5 Gelir trne gre ortalama gelir, 2010 89 8.5 Average income by type of income, 20108.6 Bireyin renim durumuna gre yoksulluk

    snr altndaki nfus, 2010 90

    8.6 Population under poverty line by educationalstatus, 2010

    8.7 Bireyin igc durumuna gre yoksulluksnr altndaki nfus, 2010 91

    8.7 Population under poverty line by labour forcestatus, 2010

    9. Mutluluk, Yaam Memnuniyeti veGelecek Beklentisi

    9. Happiness, Life Satisfaction and FutureExpectations

    9.1 Genel mutluluk dzeyi, 2005-2011 92 9.1 General level of happiness, 2005-2011

    9.2 Bireylerin mutluluk kayna olan kiiler,2005-2011


    9.2 Individuals of source of happiness, 2005-2011

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    9.3 Bireylerin mutluluk kayna olan deerler,2005-2011 95

    9.3 Source of happiness, 2005-2011

    9.4 Genel salk durumundan memnuniyetdzeyi, 2005-2011 97

    9.4 Satisfaction from own health, 2005-2011

    9.5 Evlilikten duyulan memnuniyet, 2005-2011 98 9.5 Satisfaction from marriage, 2005-2011

    9.6 Ald eitimden memnuniyet, 2005-201199

    9.6 Satisfaction from having education,2005-2011

    9.7 Oturduu konuttan memnuniyet,2005-2011 100

    9.7 Satisfaction from living house, 2005-2011

    9.8 Oturduu mahalleden memnuniyet,2005-2011 101

    9.8 Satisfaction from living neighbourhood,2005-2011

    9.9 Bireyin alt iten memnuniyet,2005-2011 102

    9.9 Satisfaction from work, 2005-2011

    9.10 ten elde edilen kazantan memnuniyet,

    2009-2011 103

    9.10 Satisfaction from earnings, 2009-2011

    9.11 Bireylerin hanehalk gelirindenmemnuniyeti, 2005-2011 104

    9.11 Satisfaction of individuals from householdincome, 2005-2011

    9.12 Akraba ilikilerinden memnuniyet,2005-2011 105

    9.12 Satisfaction from family relations, 2005-2011

    9.13 Arkada ilikilerinden memnuniyet,2005-2011 106

    9.13 Satisfaction from relations with friends,2005-2011

    9.14 Komuluk ilikilerinden memnuniyet,2005-2011 107

    9.14 Satisfaction from relations with neighbours,2005-2011

    9.15 Belediyenin sosyal ve kltrelhizmetlerinden duyulan memnuniyet,

    2010-2011 108

    .15 Satisfaction from municipality social andcultural services, 2010-2011

    9.16 Bireyin kendini evinde gvendehissetmesi, 2005-2011 1109.16 Individual's feeling secure at home whenalone, 2005-2011

    9.17 Umut dzeyi, 2005-2011 111 9.17 Level of hope, 2005-2011

    9.18 Be yl ncesine gre kiisel geliimtahmini, 2005-2011 112

    9.18 Estimated personal development incomparison with five years ago, 2005-2011

    9.19 Be yl sonrasna gre kiisel geliimtahmini, 2005-2011 113

    9.19 Estimated personal development incomparison with five years later, 2005-2011

    9.20 Avrupa Birlii yeliine ilikin bireylerinreferandum eilimi, 2005-2011 114

    9.20 Referendum tendencies of individuals inTurkey on European Union membership,2005-2011

    9.21 Dier insanlarn zelliklerinin nemdzeyi, 2010-2011 115

    9.21 The level of importance of other people'sproperties, 2010-2011

    9.22 Dier insanlar

    n sizin iin dndklerininnem dzeyi, 2010-2011 118 9.22 Level of importance of other people'sthinking of you, 2010-2011

    9.23 Toplumsal bask hissedilen zellikler,2010-2011 121

    9.23 Features perceived social pressure,2010-2011

    9.24 Toplumsal olaylara ve olgulara ilgi dzeyi,2010-2011 124

    9.24 The level of interest in social events andfacts, 2010-2011

    9.25 Be yl sonras iin Trkiye iin deiimtahmini, 2010-2011 127

    9.25 For the five years later estimated change forTurkey, 2010-2011

    10. Toplumsal Katlm 10. Social Participation

    10.1 Ya gruplarna gre yurtii seyahat,geceleme ve ortalama geceleme says,

    2009-2010 128

    10.1 Number of domestic trips, overnights andaverage over nights by age groups, 2009-2010

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    10.2 Yurtii seyahate kma durumuna gre

    kii oran

    , 2009-2010 129

    10.2 Percentage of person took domestic trip,

    2009-201010.3 Yurtii seyahatine kma nedenlerine gre

    kii oran, 2009-2010 13010.3 Percentage of person by reasons for havingtaken a domestic trip, 2009-2010

    10.4 Kalnan yere gre yurtii seyahate kankii oran, 2009-2010 131

    10.4 Percentage of person by type of domesticaccommodation, 2009-2010

    10.5 Yurtii seyahate kmama nedenlerinegre kii oran, 2009-2010 132

    10.5 Percentages of person by reasons for nothaving taken a domestic trip, 2009-2010

    10.6 Giri Yapan Vatandalarn Yurtdna GidiNedeni (Trkiye'de kamet Eden Vatandalar),

    2009-2010 133

    10.6 Arriving Citizens by The Purpose of Visitabroad (Resident citizens inside Turkey),2009-2010

    10.7 Trne gre referans aynda ev iikltrel faaliyetlere katlm oran, 2006 134

    10.7 Participation rate in home-based culturalactivities in the reference month, 2006

    10.8 Trne gre referans aynda ev dkltrel ve sportif faaliyetlere katlm oran,2006 135

    10.8 Participation rate in going-out cultural andsporting activities in the reference month, 2006

    10.9 Trne gre referans aynda ev delence faaliyetlerine katlm oran, 2006 136

    10.9 Participation rate in going-out entertainmentactivities in the reference month, 2006

    10.10 Trne gre ortalama faaliyet sresi,2006 137

    10.10 Percentage of the duration of activities bytype of activity, 2006

    10.11 Temel alanlara gre kltr faaliyetlerinebir ayda ayrlan ortalama sre, 2006 138

    10.11 Average time spent per month on activitiesby core domains, 2006

    10.12 Radyo ve mzik dinlemeye bir aydaayrlan zaman, 2006


    10. 12 Average time spent per month on listeningto the radio and music as main and secondaryactivities, 2006

    10.13 Son ay iinde bireylerin ya grubunagre bilgisayar ve nternet kullanm oranlar,2007-2011 140

    10.13 Individuals using the computer and Internetin the last 3 months by age groups, 2007-2011

    10.14 Halk oylamas semen profili, 2010 141 10.14 Voter's profile at referendum, 2010

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    1. AmaBu alma, Trkiyedeki genlik politikalarnnoluturulmasna katk sunmak amacyla, 15-24 yaaralndaki genlerin profilini mevcutaratrmalardan ve idari kaytlardan faydalanarakortaya koymaktadr.

    2. KapsamYayn, zaman serisi oluturacak biimde mevcuten son yl verilerini iermekte olup, Trkiye,gstergelerini kapsamaktadr.

    3. Veri kaynaklarYaynda yer alan veriler, Kurumun ilgilibirimlerinden ve eitli kamu kurum ve

    kurulularn ve niversitelerin idari kaytlar veanketlerinden yararlanlarak derlenmitir.

    4. Tanm ve Kavramlar

    Ya: Kiinin bitirmi (tamamlam) olduuyatr.

    Hanehalk:Aralarnda akrabalk ba bulunsunya da bulunmasn ayn konutta veya aynkonutun bir blmnde yaayan, ayn kaptanyemek yiyen, kazan ve masraflarn ayrmayan,

    hanehalk hizmet ve ynetimine katlan bir veyabirden fazla kiiden oluan topluluktur.

    Evlenme: Trk Medeni Kanununa greevlenmeye ehil erkek ve kadnn, yetkilikanuni merci nnde yapm olduklar ifttarafl bir akittir.

    Boanma: Erkek ile kadnn, yeni birevlenme yapacak ekilde hukuki bir kararla

    evliliklerini tamamen sona erdirmeleridir.

    ntihar: Psikolojik olarak rahatsz olan kiininistemli olarak yaamna son vermesi olupkendisine ynelik bir saldrganlk halidir.

    lm: Canl doum olay gerekletiktensonraki herhangi bir zamanda, yaamsalfonksiyonlarn tamamen yitirilmesidir.


    1. IntroductionThis study, in order to contribute to the creation ofyouth policy in Turkey, is made known the profile

    of young people between the ages of 15-24 bytaking advantage of existing research andadministrative records.

    2. CoverageThe publication includes times series to createthe latest available data and covers Turkey.

    3. Data sourcesThe data has been collected in this publicationby surveys and administrative registers from

    the institution, agencies and university.

    4. Definitions and Concepts

    Age:Age completed by the person.

    Household: The household is a groupconsisting of one or several persons,irrespective of the existence of a family tieamong them, who live in the same house or apart thereof, eating from the same kitchen,pooling their incomes and expenditures, andparticipating in the household services andmanagement.

    Marriage: In accordance with the Turkish CivilCode, is a contract made between a man andwoman to live together, sanctioned by a legalauthority.

    Divorce: A final legal dissolution of a marriage,that is, the separation of husband and wife by a

    judicial decree which confers on the parties theright to civil remarriage.

    Suicide: Suicide seen in a person havingpsychological problems, is a situation ofaggression which is ended by killing himselfvoluntarily.

    Death: Death is the permanent disappearanceof all evidence of life at any time after live birthhas taken place.

    Explanation Aklama

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    Ttn: Sigara, sarma sigara, pipo, puro venargile gibi ttn ve ttn mamullerinikapsamaktadr.

    Halen ttn kullanan: Kasm 2010 tarihiitibari ile ttn kullananlar kapsamaktadr.Her gn ve ara sra kullanan bu kapsamdadeerlendirilmektedir.

    Hi kullanmayan: Kasm 2010 tarihinekadar hayatlar sresince hi ttnkullanmayanlar kapsamaktadr.

    Vcut Kitle ndeksi (VK): Vcut kitleindeksi, vcut arlnn (kg), boyuzunluunun metre cinsinden karesineblnmesiyle hesaplanr.

    Dk Kilolu : VK < 18,50Normal Kilolu : 18,50 VK < 25,00Fazla Kilolu : 25,00 VK < 30,00Obez : VK 30,00

    Net okullama oran: lgili renimtrndeki teorik ya grubunda bulunanrencilerin, ait olduu renim trndekiteorik ya grubunda bulunan toplam nfusablnmesi ile elde edilir.

    Brt okullama oran: Herhangi bir eitimseviyesindeki toplam okula gidenlerin, teoriknfus iindeki toplam nfusa blnmesi ileelde edilir.

    Okur-yazar olmayan: Herhangi bir reninkurumuna hi gitmemi ve herhangi birekilde okuma-yazma renmemi olannfusu kapsar.

    Okulncesi eitim: stee bal olarak

    zorunlu ilkretim ana gelmemi 3 5 yagrubundaki ocuklarn eitimini kapsar.

    Tobacco: Covering tobacco products such asmanufactured cigarette, hand rolled cigarette,pipe, cigar and water pipe.

    Current smoker: Covering daily or lessthan daily tobacco users in November 2010.

    Non-smoker: Until November 2010,individuals who never smoke in their life.

    Body Mass Index (BMI): Body mass indexis calculated by dividing weight (kg) by thesquare of height in meters.

    Underweight: BMI < 18,50Normal Weight: 18,50 BMI < 25,00Overweight: 25,00 BMI < 30,00Obese: BMI 30,00

    Net schooling ratio: It is obtained bydividing the number of students of atheoretical age group enrolled in a specificlevel of education by the population in thatage group.

    Gross schooling ratio: It is obtained bydividing the number of students enrolled in aspecific level of education by the population inthat levels theoretical age group.

    Illiterate population: The person who wasabsent from school or who know how toilliterate.

    Pre-primary education: Pre primary

    education involves the education of children inthe age group of 3 5 who have not reachedthe age of compulsory primary education, onan optional basis.

    Aklama Explanation

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    lkokul: 1997/98 retim ylndan nceilkokullarda 5 yllk zorunlu eitimuygulanmaktayd, bu eitim seviyesi, 610 ya grubundaki ocuklarkapsamaktadr.

    lkretim: 1997/98 retim ylndannce ilkokullarda 5 yllk zorunlu eitimuygulanmakta, 610 ya grubundakiocuklar kapsamaktadr. 18.08.1997tarihinde kan 4306 sayl yasa ile1997/98 retim ylndan itibaren 8 yllkkesintisiz zorunlu ilkretime geilmitir.Bu okullar bitirenlere ilkretim diplomasverilmektedir. lkretim 6-13 yagrubundaki ocuklarn eitiminikapsamaktadr.

    Ortaretim: lkretime dayal, en az yllk genel, mesleki ve teknik retimkurumlarnn tmn kapsar.

    Yksekretim: Ortaretime dayal, enaz iki yllk yksek renim veren eitimkurumlarnn tmn kapsar.

    Yksekretim kurumlar; niversiteler,faklteler, enstitler, yksekokullar,konservatuarlar, meslek yksek okullar,uygulama ve aratrma merkezleridir.

    Yksek Lisans:Yksekrenimden sonraeitim alannda alnan bilimsel uzmanlkderecesidir.

    Doktora:Yksek lisans eitiminden sonrayaplan ihtisas alan eitimidir.

    gc: stihdam edilenler ile isizlerinoluturduu tm nfusu kapsar.

    gcne katlma oran: gcnnkurumsal olmayan alma andaki nfusiindeki orandr.

    stihdam: Aada yer alan ibandaolanlar ve ibanda olmayanlar grubunadahil olan kurumsal olmayan almaandaki tm nfus istihdam edilen


    Primary school: Prior to 1997/`98 educationyear, in primary schools 5 year compulsoryeducation was this education level, presentcovering 6 10 year old children.

    Primary education: Prior to 1997/`98education year, in primary schools 5 yearcompulsory education was present covering6 10 year old children. With the Public Actno.4306 published on 18.08.1997, from1997/98 education year on 8 year continuouscompulsory education is applicable. Primaryeducation is free at state schools. Primaryeducation diplomas are awarded to thegraduating students. Primary educationinvolves the education and training of childrenin the age group of 6 to 13.

    Secondary education: Includes alleducation institutions of general or vocationaland technical character of at least three yearsfollowing primary education.

    Higher education: Higher educationcomprises of the education institutions atevery stage based on secondary educationwith the term of at least two years.Higher education institutions; universities,faculties, institutes, higher schools, vocationalhigher schools, conservatories, research andapplication centres.

    Master: Population who are studied highereducation of field after higher education.

    Doctorate: The education who are studied tobe a qualified specialist after master.

    Labor force: Comprises all employed andunemployed persons.

    Labour force participation rate: Indicatesthe ratio of the labour force to non-institutional working age population.

    Employment: Comprises all the non-institutional working age population who areincluded in the persons at work and not atwork described below.

    Explanation Aklama

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    banda olanlar: Yevmiyeli, cretli,maal, kendi hesabna, iveren ya dacretsiz aile iisi olarak referans dnemiiinde en az bir saat bir iktisadi faaliyette

    bulunan kiilerdir.

    banda olmayanlar: i ile balantsdevam ettii halde, referans haftas iindeeitli nedenlerle iinin banda olmayankendi hesabna ve iverenler istihdamdakabul edilmektedir.

    stihdam oran: stihdamn, kurumsalolmayan alma andaki nfus iindekiorandr.

    siz: Referans dnemi iinde istihdamhalinde olmayan (kr karl, yevmiyeli,cretli ya da cretsiz olarak hi bir itealmam ve byle bir i ile balants daolmayan) kiilerden i aramak iin son ay iinde i arama kanallarndan en azbirini kullanm ve 2 hafta iinde ibayapabilecek durumda olan tm kiiler isiznfusa dahildirler.

    sizlik oran: siz nfusun igciindeki orandr.

    gcne Dahil Olmayanlar: iz veyaistihdamda bulunmayan kurumsal olmayanalma andaki nfustur. gcne dahilolmayanlar aadaki gruplara ayrlmtr.

    aramayp almaya hazr olanlar:eitli nedenlerle bir i aramayan, ancak 2hafta iinde iba yapmaya hazr olduunubelirten kiilerdir. ki alt balkta ele




    bulma midi olmayanlar:Daha ncei arad halde bulamayan veya kendivasflarna uygun bir i bulabileceineinanmad iin i aramayan ancak ibayapmaya hazr olduunu belirten kiilerdir.

    Persons at work: Persons economically activeduring the reference period for at least onehour as a regular employee, casual employee,employer, self employed or unpaid family


    Persons not at work: All self-employed andemployers who have a job but not at work inthe reference week for various reasons areconsidered as employed.

    Employment rate: Employment rate is theratio of employed persons to the non-institutional working age population.

    Persons unemployed: The unemployedcomprises all persons 15 years of age andover who were not employed during thereference period had used at least onechannel for seeking a job during the lastthree months and were available to startwork within two weeks.

    Unemployment Rate: Unemployment rate isthe ratio of unemployed persons to the labour


    Persons not in labour force: Includespersons who are neither unemployed noremployed and 15 years of age and over. Thepersons not in labour force consist of thefollowing sub-groups.

    Not seeking a job but available to starta job: These are the persons who did notlook for a job with different reasons, butwere available for work within 2 weeks. This

    group consists of 2 sub-groups.

    Discouraged workers: These are thepersons who were available to start a job butwere not seeking because had looked forbefore, but were not able to find or thosebelieve that could not find a job with his/herqualifications.

    Aklama Explanation

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    Dier: Mevsimlik alma, ev kadn olma,rencilik, irad sahibi olma, emeklilik vealamaz halde olma gibi nedenlerle iaramayp ancak iba yapmaya hazrolduunu belirten kiilerdir.

    Mevsimlik alanlar: Mevsimlikalmas nedeniyle i aramayan ve i bayapmaya da hazr olmayan kiilerdir.

    Ev ileriyle megul: Kendi evinde evileriyle megul olmas nedeniyle iaramayan ve i ba yapmaya da hazrolmayan kiilerdir.

    renci: Bir renim kurumuna devametmesi nedeniyle i aramayan ve i bayapmaya da hazr olmayan kiilerdir.

    Emekli: Bir sosyal gvenlik kuruluundanemekli olduu iin i aramayan ve iba yapmaya da hazr olmayankiilerdir.

    alamaz halde: Bedensel zr, hastalkveya yallk nedeniyle i aramayan ve iba yapmaya da hazr olmayan kiilerdir.

    Dier:Ailevi ve kiisel nedenler ve bunundndaki dier nedenler ile i aramayan vei ba yapmaya da hazr olmayankiilerdir.

    Aylk cret: Brt temel cret ve maademeleri ile her ay yaplan cretniteliindeki dier dzenli demeleri vefazla alma demelerini kapsar. iveren


    ndan cretli maal


    anlarareferans ylnda yaplan bu kapsamdakidemelerin aylk ortalamasdr.

    Other: These were the persons who werenot seeking a job for reasons such as beingseasonal workers, busy with householdchores, student, property income earner,retired, or disabled, but available to start ajob.

    Seasonal workers: Persons were notseeking a job and were not available for workbecause of being seasonal workers.

    Household chores: Persons not seeking ajob and were not available for work becauseof doing household chores.

    In education or training: Persons notseeking a job and were not available for workbecause of attending regular school ortraining.

    Retired persons: Persons not seeking a jobwere not available for work because of beingretired.

    Disabled, old or ill: Persons not seeking ajob and were not available for work becauseof being disabled, ill or elderly.

    Other: Persons not seeking a job and werenot available for work because of family orpersonal reasons or other reasons.

    Monthly wage: Include the sum of basicgross wages, over time payments and otherregular payments paid to employees. Themonthly wage is the monthly average of

    these kind of payments made to employee byemployer in the reference year.

    Explanation Aklama

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    Kazan: Brt temel cret ve maademeleri ile cret niteliindeki dzenlidemeleri (her ay yaplan ikramiye, sosyalyardm vb.) fazla alma demelerini,dzensiz demeleri (her ay yaplmayanikramiye, prim vb.) ve ayni yardmdemelerini kapsar.

    Cinsiyetler aras cret fark: Bu fark(erkeklerin yllk ortalama brt cret geliri-kadnlarn yllk ortalama brt cret geliri)/(erkeklerin yllk ortalama brt cretgeliri)*100 eklinde hesaplanmaktadr.

    iddet: Birlemi Milletler tarafndanyaynlanan "Kadnlara Kar iddetin

    Tasfiye Edilmesine Dair Bildirge" de kad

    naynelik iddet tanm: ster kamusal,isterse zel yaamda meydana gelsin,kadna fiziksel, cinsel ve psikolojik ac vezdrap veren veya verebilecek olancinsiyete dayal bir eylem veya bu treylemle tehdit etmektir".

    Fiziksel iddet: Ei veya birlikte olduukiiler tarafndan kadna ynelik; tokatatma ya da bir ey frlatma, itme,tartaklama ya da sa ekme, yumruklama

    ya da bir cisimle vurma, tekmeleme,srkleme ya da dvme, boazn skma yada bir yerini yakma, bak, silah gibialetlerle tehdit etme ya da bunlarkullanma.

    Cinsel iddet: Ei veya birlikte olduukiiler tarafndan kadna ynelik; zorlacinsel ilikiye girme, kadnn istememesineramen korkudan cinsel ilikiye girmesi,cinsel olarak aalayc ya da kkdrc eylemlere zorlanma.

    Earnings: Includes; gross basic wage andsalary payments, regular payments in theform of the wage, overtime payments,irregular payments (bonuses and premiumsetc. not paid regularly) andpayments in kind.

    Gender pay gap: This rate when computedis (Annually average gross wage (TL) ofmales- Annually average gross wage (TL) offemales)/ Annually average gross wage (TL)of males*100

    Violence: Definition of violence in UNsDeclaration on Elimination of Violence Against

    Women. Violence is a gender sensitive act orthreaten to act in a way that would givephysical, sexual or psychological pain orsuffering either in public or in private life

    Physical violence: Against women byhusband or spouse(s), slapped her or threwsomething at her that could hurt her, pushed orshoved her or pulled her hair, hit her with his

    fist or something else that could hurt her,kicked her, dragged her or beat her up chokedor burnt her on purpose, threatened to use oractually used a gun, knife or other weaponagainst her

    Sexual violence:Against women by husbandor spouse(s), physically forced her to havesexual intercourse when she did not want to,had sexual intercourse when she did want tobecause she was afraid of what he might dootherwise, forced her to do something that she

    found degrading or humiliating.

    Aklama Explanation

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    Yoksulluk: nsanlarn temel ihtiyalarnkarlayamama durumudur. Yoksulluu dar vegeni anlamda olmak zere iki trltanmlamak mmkndr. Dar anlamdayoksulluk, alktan lme ve barnacak yeriolmama durumu iken, geni anlamdayoksulluk, gda, giyim ve barnma gibiolanaklar yaamlarn devam ettirmeye yettiihalde toplumun genel dzeyinin gerisindekalmay ifade eder.

    Harcama esasl greli yoksulluk:

    Bireylerin, toplumun ortalama refah dzeyininbelli bir orannn altnda olmas durumudur.Buna gre toplumun genel dzeyine grebelli bir snrn altnda gelir ve harcamaya

    sahip olan birey veya hanehalk

    grelianlamda yoksul olarak tanmlanr. Refahls olarak amaca gre tketim veya gelirdzeyi seilebilir.

    Poverty: The situation in which people cannotmeet their basic needs. It is possible to definepoverty in two ways, narrow and broadmeanings. While the poverty in a narrowmeaning is the state of hunger and not havinga shelter, the poverty in a broad meaning is thestate in which although the food, clothing andhousing opportunities are enough to live, theliving standards are quite below the level of thegeneral society.

    Relative poverty based on expenditure: Itis the state in which the individual is below theaverage welfare level of the society. For thisrespect, the households having incomes andexpenditures below a specified line compared

    to the general population shall be defined to bethe poor in a relative meaning. As a welfaremeasure, consumption or income level may beselected according to the situation.

    Explanation Aklama

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    Abstract zet


    Trkiyenin Avrupa Birlii lkelerine k

    yasla oldukagen bir nfusa sahip olduu gz nnde

    bulundurulduunda, etkili genlik politikalarnn Trkiye

    asndan ne derece nemli olduu grlmektedir.

    Etkin genlik politikalar retmenin nndeki engelleri

    ama ve kalc zm salayacak yapsal deiiklikleri

    gerekletirme dorultusunda atlacak en nemli adm,

    lkemizdeki genlerin bugnk durumlarnn gereki

    bir ekilde incelenmesi ile salanabilir. Bu almann

    yaplmasnn temel gerekesi de bu ynde bir ihtiyaca

    cevap verecek olmasndadr.

    Genel nfus saym sonucuna gre 1935 ylnda 2

    milyon 434 bin kii olan gen nfus, 2010 ylnda

    yaklak alt kat artarak 13 milyon 900 bin kiiye

    ulamtr. Nfus projeksiyonlarna gre 2025 ylnda

    gen nfusun 12 milyon 616 bin kiiye gerileyecei

    tahmin edilmektedir.

    Genlerde okur-yazar olmayan oran % 1,8 iken, ayn

    oran yetikinlerde % 9a ykselmektedir. 2010/'11

    retim ylnda, net okullama oran ilkretimde %

    98,41, ortaretimde % 66,07 ve yksekretimde

    % 33,06dr.

    retmen bana renci says, ilkretim okullarnda

    20, genel ortaretim okullarnda 16 mesleki

    ortaretim okullarnda 16dr.

    Derslik bana renci says ise ilkretim okullarnda

    30, genel ortaretim okullarnda 28, meslekiortaretim okullarnda 35dir.

    Turkey has a population of relatively young comparedto European Union countries, considering that, how

    important is an effective youth policy for Turkey. The

    most important step to be taken in accordance with

    overcoming the barriers to producing effective and

    lasting solutions to youth policy and realization of

    structural changes can be achieved by examining the

    current situation in a realistic way. The basic

    rationale of this study is to meet the needs on youth


    According to the Census of 1935, the young

    population of 2 million 434 thousand people, nearly

    six-fold increase in 2010 reached 13 million 900

    thousand people. According to population projections

    of the young population in 2025 is expected to fall to

    12 million 616 thousand people.

    Youth illiterate rate is of 1.8%, while the same ratio

    rises to 9% in adults. 2010 / '11 academic year, net

    enrolment ratio in primary education is 98.41%,

    secondary education is 66.07% and 33.06% for

    higher education.

    The number of students per teacher is 20 in primary

    schools. The number of students per teacher is 16 in

    secondary schools. The number of students per

    teacher is 16 in vocational high schools.

    The number of students per classroom is 30 in

    primary schools. The number of students perclassroom is 28 in general secondary schools. The

    number of students per classroom is 35 in vocational

    secondary schools.

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    zet Abstract

    Gen kadnlarn % 66,7si ve gen erkeklerin % 35,1i

    ilk evliliklerini gerekletirmilerdir. Genlerin %

    76,5i elerini aile ya da komu evresinden, %

    10,2si okul ya da i evresinden, %10,8i sosyal

    evresinden semektedir. Genlerin % 9,8i kaarak

    evlenirken, bu oran 25 ve daha fazla yandaki

    kiilerde % 5,7ye gerilemektedir. Genlerde,

    evlenirken balk paras verilen oran %12,3, akraba

    evlilii oran % 21,2 ve akraba evlilii yapanlarn,

    birinci derece akraba evlilii oran % 51,9dur.

    Evlenmi gen kadnlarn % 17,3 einden fiziksel

    iddet, %9,7si cinsel iddet ve % 21,3 hem

    fiziksel, hem de cinsel iddet grmektedir.

    Mutlu olduunu belirten genlerin oran % 69,6dr.

    Genlerin mutluluk kayna olan kii, % 75,3 ile

    btn ailesi ve % 10,1 ile anne ve babas olmaktadr.

    Genlerin mutluluk kayna olan deerlerin banda

    ise % 59 ile salk ve % 17 ile ak gelmektedir.

    Genlerin % 82,3 gelecekten umutlu olduunu


    Kendisini be yl nceye gre gelimi bulan genoran % 53,8, yetikin oran % 37,4dr. Kendisini

    nmzdeki be ylda gelieceini belirten gen oran

    % 51, yetikin oran ise % 32,1dir.

    Genlerin % 67,7si bilgisayar kullanrken, genlerde

    internet kullananlarn oran % 65,8dir. Yetikinlerin

    % 35,6s bilgisayar kullanrken, yetikinlerde internet

    kullananlarn oran ise % 34dr.

    Genlerin radyo dinlemeye bir ayda ayrd ortalama

    sre 1 saat 50 dakika, mzik dinlemeye ayrd

    ortalama sre 2 saat 53 dakika ve kitap okumaya

    ayrd sre 5 saat 18 dakikadr. 25 ve daha fazla

    yandaki kiilerin ise radyo dinlemeye bir ayda

    ayrd ortalama sre 41 dakika, mzik dinlemeye

    ayrd ortalama sre 26 dakika ve kitap okumaya

    ayrd sre 2 saat 14 dakikadr.

    66.7% of young women and 35.1% of young men

    had done the first marriage. 76.5% of young people

    choose their wives / husband from peoples family

    or neighbours around, 10.2% of the school or work

    environment, 10.8% the social environment. 9.8%

    of the youngsters got married by escape; this ratio

    is declining to 5.7% for adults. Young people of

    those who married, 12.3% is paid dowry, 21.2% is

    marriages with relatives and 51.9% of marriages

    with relatives are the first-degree consanguineous

    marriage. Among married young women, 17.3% is

    encountered physical violence, 9.7% is encountered

    sexual violence and 21.3% is encountered both

    physical and sexual violence.

    69.6% of the youth is stated that they are happy.

    The main persons as source of happiness for young

    people is 75.3% their family as whole and 10.1%

    their mother and father. The values of happiness for

    young people are 59% health and 17% love. 82.3%

    of young people stated that they are looking the

    future hopefully.

    As compared to five years ago, 53.8% of young and

    37.4% of adults finds itself improved. For the next

    five year prediction of improvement for young and

    the adult are 51%, 32.1% respectively.

    67.7% of the young use computers and 65.8% of

    young use internet. 35.6% of the young use

    computers and 34% of young use internet.

    The average time allocated to the radio listening of

    young people is 1 hour and 50 minutes a month, the

    average time set aside to listen to music is 2 hours

    53 minutes and 5 hours 18 minutes time allocated

    to reading books. The average time allocated to the

    radio listening of adults is 41-minute a month,

    average time allocated to listening to music is 26

    minutes and average time allocated to reading

    books is 2 hours and 14 minutes.

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    Abstract zet

    Liselerde son snf dzeyinde renim gren

    genlerin, n lisans ve lisans programlarna yerleme

    oran, genel liseler iin % 37,8, mesleki ve teknik

    liseler iin % 49,1, akretim lisesi iin

    % 18,1dir. Mezun daha nce yerlememi genlerin,

    n lisans ve lisans programlarna yerleme oran,

    genel liseler iin % 49,7, mesleki ve teknik liseler iin

    % 26,4, akretim lisesi iin % 11,8dir.

    Genlerin igcne katlm oran % 39,3, isizlik oran

    % 18,4 ve tarm-d isizlik oran % 22,1dir. 25 ve

    daha fazla yandaki kiilerin ise igcne katlm

    oran % 52,8, isizlik oran % 8 ve tarm-d isizlik

    oran % 10,2dir. Yksekretim grm generkeklerin isizlik oran % 24 ve yksekretim

    grm gen kadnlarn isizlik oran % 35,6dr.

    Kiisel geliri olmayan genlerin oran % 65,2 iken, bu

    oran yetikinlerde % 35,2ye dmektedir. Greli

    yoksulluk snr altnda yaayan genlerin oran

    yetikinlere gre daha yksektir.

    Genlerin % 62si her zaman veya genellikle kendini

    hayat dolu hissederken, kendini nadiren hayat dolu

    hisseden veya hi hissetmeyen gen oran % 7dir.

    Genlerin % 57,9u her zaman veya genellikle zaman

    kendini enerjik hissederken, % 8,3 ok nadiren

    veya hibir zaman enerjik hissetmektedir. Genlerin

    % 7,2si her zaman veya genellikle kendini kalbi krk

    ve depresyonda hissederken, % 61,8i ok nadiren

    veya hibir zaman kalbi krk ve depresyonda

    hissetmektedir.Yetikinlerin % 46,9u her zaman veya genellikle

    kendini hayat dolu hissederken, kendini nadiren

    hayat dolu hisseden veya hi hissetmeyen gen oran

    % 13,8dir. Yetikinlerin % 39,1i her zaman veya

    genellikle kendini enerjik hissederken, % 20si ok

    nadiren veya hibir zaman enerjik hissetmektedir.

    Yetikinlerin % 10,6s her zaman veya genellikle

    kendini kalbi krk ve depresyonda hissederken, %

    54,9u ok nadiren veya hibir zaman kalbi krk ve

    depresyonda hissetmektedir.

    Young people studying in final year at high schools

    the placement rate for higher education programs is

    37.8%, for vocational and technical high schools

    and open education high school placement rate for

    higher education programs are 49.1% and 18.1%

    respectively. Placement rate of high school graduate

    students is 49.7% for the general high schools,

    26.4% for vocational and technical high schools and

    11.8% for open education high school.

    Youth labour force participation rate is 39.3%,

    unemployment rate is 18.4% and non-agricultural

    unemployment rate is 22.1%. The labour force

    participation rate for adult is 52.8%, unemployment

    rate is 8% and non-agricultural unemployment rateis 10.2%. Unemployment rate for young men and

    young women who had higher education are 24%,

    35.6% respectively.

    While 65.2% of young people have no personal

    income, this rate decreases to 35.2% for adults. The

    relative rate of young people living below the

    poverty line is higher than that of adults.

    62% of young people always or usually feel full of

    life and 7% of young people feels rarely or never

    feel full of life. 57.9% of young people always or

    usually feel energetic, 8.3% is rarely or never feel

    energetic. 7.2% of young people feel always or

    often broken hearted and depressed and 61,8% of

    young people very rarely or never felt the broken

    hearted and depressed.

    While 46.9% of adults' always or usually feel full of

    life, the rate of youth feels rarely or never feel full of

    life is 13.8%. 39.1% of adults' always or usually

    feel energetic, and 20% rarely or never feel

    energetic. 10.6% of adults 'have been always or

    usually feel heartbroken and depressed, 54.9% very

    rarely or never felt heartbroken and depressed.

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011

    zet Abstract

    Genlerin sinema izlemeye bir ayda ayrd ortalama

    sre 1 saat 5 dakika, mzik ve sahne sanatlar

    gsterisi izlemeye ayrd ortalama sre 1 saat 3

    dakika ve internet kullanmna ayrd ortalama sre

    5 saat 11 dakikadr. 25 ve daha fazla yandaki

    kiilerin ise sinema izlemeye bir ayda ayrd

    ortalama sre 23 dakika, mzik ve sahne sanatlar

    gsterisi izlemeye ayrd ortalama sre 14 dakika ve

    internet kullanmna ayrd ortalama sre 1 saat 12


    The average time allocated to go theatre for young

    people is 1 hour 5 minutes a month, the average

    time allocated to music and performing arts show is

    1 hour 3 minutes and 5 hours 11 minutes average

    time allocated to the use of the internet. The

    average time allocated to go theatre for adult is 23

    minutes a month, the average time allocated to

    music and performing arts show is 14 minutes and 1

    hour 12 minutes average time allocated to the use

    of the internet.

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011

    Abstract zet

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011

    zet Abstract

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011

    Abstract zet

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011

    zet Abstract

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011

    Abstract zet

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Abstract zet

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    zet Abstract

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Abstract zet

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    zet Abstract

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Abstract zet

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    zet Abstract

    1.1 Gen nfus ve toplam nfus iindeki oran, 1935-2011Youth population and percentage of youth population in total, 1935-2011

    Toplam nfus iindeki oran


    Gen nfus -Youth population ('000) Percentage of youth population in total

    Yl ToplamTotal






    1935 2 434 1 308 1 126 15,1 16,6 13,8

    1940 2 569 1 353 1 216 14,4 15,2 13,6

    1945 3 461 1 838 1 623 18,4 19,5 17,4

    1950 4 350 2 259 2 091 20,8 21,5 20,1

    1955 4 650 2 455 2 196 19,4 20,1 18,6

    1960 4 607 2 423 2 184 16,6 17,1 16,1

    1965 5 254 2 757 2 497 16,8 17,3 16,2

    1970 6 546 3 421 3 125 18,4 19,0 17,8

    1975 7 797 4 090 3 706 19,4 19,8 18,9

    1980 9 017 4 637 4 380 20,2 20,5 19,9

    1985 10 192 5 179 5 013 20,2 20,2 20,1

    1990 11 312 5 746 5 566 20,0 20,1 20,0

    2000 13 900 7 118 6 782 20,5 20,7 20,3

    2007 12 397 6 341 6 056 17,6 17,9 17,2

    2008 12 441 6 359 6 082 17,4 17,7 17,1

    2009 12 514 6 402 6 112 17,2 17,6 16,9

    2010 12 545 6 420 6 125 17,0 17,3 16,7

    2011 12 542 6 414 6 128 16,8 17,1 16,5

    Kaynak: (1) TK, Genel Nfus Saymlar, 1935-2000Source: (1) TurkStat Census of Population result.(2) Adrese Dayal Nfus Kayt Sistemi Sonular, 2007-2011

    (2) The result of address based population registration system, 2007-2011

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Abstract zet

    1.2 SYS okul tr ve renim durumuna gre yksekrenim programlarna yerleen aday oran,20102011Percentages of appointed to tertiary education by school type and educational status, 2010-2011



    Lisans nlisans retimToplam Undergraduate Associate Open

    Total programmes programmes education


    Genel lise - General high school

    Son snf dzeyinde - Senior class 46,0 34,7 6,9 4,3

    Mezun daha nce yerlememi 67,4 37,3 14,4 15,7

    Graduated, not appointed before

    Dier - Other 48,2 16,2 12,9 19,1

    Mesleki ve Teknik Lise

    Vocational and Technical High School

    Son snf dzeyinde - Senior class 63,9 11,0 46,0 6,9

    Mezun daha nce yerlememi 58,5 11,3 17,0 30,3

    Graduated, not appointed before

    Dier - Other 46,4 6,8 12,5 27,1

    Akretim Lisesi

    Open Education High School

    Son snf dzeyinde - Senior class 52,1 5,2 16,7 30,1

    Mezun daha nce yerlememi 56,5 3,3 8,9 44,4

    Graduated, not appointed before

    Dier - Other 53,9 5,7 14,5 33,72011

    Genel lise - General high school

    Son snf dzeyinde - Senior class 40,8 32,3 5,5 3,0

    Mezun daha nce yerlememi 61,0 37,5 12,2 11,3

    Graduated, not appointed before

    Dier - Other 32,4 11,2 7,0 14,1

    Mesleki ve Teknik Lise

    Vocational and Technical High School

    Son snf dzeyinde - Senior class 53,9 10,6 38,5 4,9

    Mezun daha nce yerlememi 45,1 13,5 12,9 18,8Graduated, not appointed before

    Dier - Other 30,5 5,3 7,9 17,4

    Akretim Lisesi

    Open Education High School

    Son snf dzeyinde - Senior class 35,2 5,2 12,9 17,1

    Mezun daha nce yerlememi 39,9 5,1 6,7 28,2

    Graduated, not appointed before

    Dier - Other 35,0 4,8 8,0 22,2

    Kaynak: renci Seme ve Yerletirme Merkezi Bakanl, 2010-2011

    Source : Student Selection and Placement Center, 2010-2011

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    zet Abstract

    1.3 Kurumsal olmayan nfusun igc durumu, 2011Labour force status by non-institutional population, 2011


    Gen-Youth Yetikin-Adult

    Toplam Erkek Kadn Toplam Erkek Kadn

    Total Male Female Total Male Female

    Kurumsal olmayan nfus

    Non-institutional population 11 534 5 641 5 893 42 058 20 679 21 379

    gc - Labour force 4 529 2 951 1 578 22 196 15 916 6 281

    stihdam edilenler - Employed 3 697 2 446 1 251 20 414 14 691 5 722

    siz - Unemployed 832 505 327 1 783 1 224 558

    gcne dahil olmayan nfus

    Population not in labour force 7 005 2 690 4 316 19 862 4 763 15 099

    gcne katlma oran (%)

    Labour force participation rate (%) 39,3 52,3 26,8 52,8 77,0 29,4

    sizlik oran-Unemployment rate (%) 18,4 17,1 20,7 8,0 7,7 8,9

    Tarm-d isizlik oran (%)

    Non-agricultural unemployment rate (%) 22,1 19,4 28,1 10,2 9,0 14,5

    renim durumuna gre igc gstergeleri

    Labour force indicators by educational status

    gcne kat

    lma oran

    (%)Labour force participation rate (%)

    Okur-yazar deil - Illiterate 21,7 40,1 16,3 20,4 37,6 17,2

    Lise alt eitimliler - Less than high school 35,7 51,1 20,9 51,3 75,1 26,4

    Lise ve dengi meslek High and vocational high school 41,2 49,9 31,6 65,7 85,1 34,9

    Yksekretim - Higher education 74,4 78,2 71,1 80,1 86,2 70,8

    sizlik oran-Unemployment rate (%)

    Okur-yazar deil - Illiterate 11,2 21,1 4,1 4,2 9,7 1,9

    Lise alt eitimliler - Less than high school 14,5 15,4 12,4 8,2 8,4 7,6

    Lise ve dengi meslek High and vocational high school 21,8 18,6 27,3 8,9 6,7 17,3

    Yksekretim - Higher education 30,0 24,0 35,6 7,6 5,9 10,8

    gcne dahil olmayan nfus oran (%)

    Percentage of population not in labour force

    Okur-yazar deil - Illiterate 78,3 59,9 83,7 79,6 62,4 82,8

    Lise alt eitimliler - Less than high school 64,3 48,9 79,1 48,7 24,9 73,6

    Lise ve dengi meslek High and vocational high school 58,8 50,1 68,4 34,3 14,9 65,1

    Yksekretim - Higher education 25,6 21,8 28,9 19,9 13,8 29,2

    Kaynak: TK, Hanehalk gc Anketi Sonular, 2011

    Source: TurkStat, The results of Household Labour Force Survey, 2011

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Abstract zet

    1.4 Bireylerin kendi ruhsal durumlarn tanmlamalar, 2010Individuals by to description of psychological feelings', 2010


    Gen-Youth Yetikin-Adult

    Toplam Erkek Kadn Toplam Erkek Kadn

    Total Male Female Total Male Female

    Hayat dolu hissetme/Feel full of life

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 62,0 64,5 59,6 46,9 51,7 42,3

    ok ender/Hibir zamanA little of the time/None of the time 7,0 6,9 7,0 13,8 11,5 15,9

    ok sinirli hissetme/Feel very nervousHer zaman/ou zaman

    All of the time/Most of the time 16,0 16,3 15,8 19,6 18,4 20,9

    ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 35,6 36,8 34,6 30,3 30,8 29,8

    Melankolik hissetme/Feel so downHer zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 6,9 6,4 7,3 8,7 6,8 10,6

    ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 62,1 64,1 60,1 56,0 60,1 51,9

    Durgun ve sakin hissetme

    Feel calm and peaceful

    Her zaman/ou zaman

    All of the time/Most of the time 17,3 17,3 17,2 22,1 21,3 22,9

    ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 30,6 32,7 28,6 24,9 26,7 23,2

    Enerjik hissetme/Feel energicHer zaman/ou zaman

    All of the time/Most of the time 57,9 63,0 53,0 39,1 46,7 31,8

    ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 8,3 7,4 9,2 20,0 15,3 24,6

    Kalbi krk ve depresyonda hissetme

    Feel down-hearted and depressed

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 7,2 5,7 8,7 10,6 6,8 14,3

    ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 61,8 67,9 56,0 54,9 62,6 47,6

    Ypranm hissetme/Feel worn outHer zaman/ou zaman

    All of the time/Most of the time 8,0 6,3 9,5 25,0 20,2 29,7

    ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 56,9 62,3 51,8 32,2 37,4 27,1

    Mutlu hissetme/Feel happy

    Her zaman/ou zaman

    All of the time/Most of the time 64,8 66,7 63,0 53,3 58,2 48,6

    ok ender/Hibir zamanA little of the time/None of the time 6,0 5,9 6,1 9,4 7,8 10,9

    Yorgun hissetme/Feel tired

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 16,2 14,5 17,8 31,4 27,6 35,0

    ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 27,5 31,4 23,7 14,5 17,4 11,8

    Kaynak: TK, Salk Aratrmas, 2010

    Source: TurkStat, Health Survey, 2010

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    zet Abstract

    1.5 Mutluluk, umut ve yaam memnuniyeti , 2011Happiness, hope and satisfaction, 2011


    Gen-Youth Yetikin-Adult

    Toplam Erkek Kadn Toplam Erkek KadnTotal Male Female Total Male Female

    Genel mutluluk dzeyiGeneral level of happiness

    Mutlu-Happy 69,6 63,0 75,6 60,8 58,9 62,5Orta-Neither happy, nor unhappy 25,0 29,5 20,9 28,6 30,0 27,1Mutsuz-Unhappy 5,4 7,5 3,6 10,7 11,1 10,4

    Mutluluk kayna olan kiilerIndividuals of source of happiness

    Tm aile - Whole family 75,3 79,1 71,9 73,5 77,8 69,3ocuklar - Children 2,2 0,4 3,9 14,0 8,7 19,1E - Spouse 6,2 0,9 11,1 6,2 5,8 6,5Anne/ baba - Parents 10,1 11,8 8,5 1,5 2,2 0,9

    Kendisi - Own 2,3 2,5 2,2 1,7 2,1 1,2Dier - Other 3,9 5,5 2,4 3,3 3,3 3,0

    Mutluluk kayna olan deerlerSource of happiness

    Salk - Health 59,0 51,1 66,2 75,3 70,9 79,5Ak - Love 17,0 17,1 16,9 12,4 12,3 12,4Baar - Success 15,6 19,7 11,9 5,3 7,5 3,0Para - Money 5,0 7,5 2,7 4,1 5,0 3,4 - Work 2,9 4,0 1,8 2,3 3,7 0,9Dier - Other 0,6 0,7 0,5 0,7 0,6 0,7

    Umut dzeyi-Level of hopeUmutlu - Hopeful 82,3 80,7 83,9 73,9 74,6 73,2Umutlu deil - Not hopeful 17,6 19,3 16,1 26,1 25,4 26,8

    Be yl ncesine gre kiisel geliim tahminiEstimated personal development in comparison withfive years ago

    Geliti-Developed 53,8 53,5 54,0 37,4 37,8 37,0Ayn seviyede kald-Remain same 30,7 29,7 31,6 34,5 34,2 34,8Geriledi-Be worsed 13,1 14,9 11,5 25,8 27,0 24,6Fikri yok-No idea 2,4 1,9 2,9 2,4 1,1 3,6

    Be yl sonras iin kiisel geliim tahminiEstimated personal development within five years

    Geliecek-Will develop 51,0 52,1 49,9 32,1 34,5 29,8Ayn seviyede kalacak-Will remain same 26,6 23,2 29,6 33,8 33,5 34,1Gerileyecek-Will be worse 8,3 12,6 4,3 15,3 16,4 14,3Fikri yok-No idea 14,2 12,0 16,2 18,7 15,6 21,7

    Oturduu mahalleden memnuniyetSatisfaction from living neighbourhood

    Memnun -Satisfied 76,0 80,9 71,5 83,1 83,1 83,1Orta -Niether satisfied, nor unsatisfied 10,5 11,4 9,7 7,9 8,6 7,2Memnun deil -Not satisfied 13,4 7,7 18,8 9,0 8,4 9,7

    Komuluk ilikilerinden memnuniyetSatisfaction from relations with neighbours

    Memnun -Satisfied 77,4 73,4 81,2 84,2 82,4 85,8Orta -Niether satisfied, nor unsatisfied 15,5 19,7 11,7 10,5 11,6 9,5Memnun deil -Not satisfied 7,1 7,0 7,1 5,3 5,9 4,8

    Kaynak: TK, Yaam Memnuniyeti Aratrmas, 2011Source:TurkStat, Life Satisfaction Survey, 2011

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Abstract zet

    1.6 Temel alanlara gre kltr faaliyetlerine bir ayda ayrlan ortalama sre, 2006Average time spent per month on activities by core domains, 2006

    saat - (hh:mm)

    Gen-Youth Yetikin-Adult

    Toplam Erkek Kadn Toplam Erkek Kadn

    Temel alanlar - Core domains Total Male Female Total Male Female

    Kltr - Culture

    Grsel-iitsel medya -Audio-visual media

    Sinema - Cinema 01:05 01:07 01:03 00:23 00:23 00:23

    Radyo - Radio 01:50 01:02 02:32 00:41 00:45 00:36

    Mzik dinleme - Listening to music 02:53 02:54 02:51 00:26 00:30 00:22

    Yazl medya ve kitap - Press and books

    Yazl medya -Press 01:33 01:38 01:28 03:00 04:39 01:23

    Kitap - Books 05:18 03:50 06:35 02:14 02:28 02:00

    Mzik ve sahne sanatlar gsterisi 01:03 00:54 01:11 00:14 00:15 00:14

    nternet ve internet d bilgisayar kullanm

    Internet and computer use

    nternet kullanm

    Internet use 05:11 08:26 02:21 01:12 01:51 00:34

    nternet d bilgisayar kullanm

    Computer use 04:54 08:33 01:44 00:48 01:20 00:17

    Kaynak: TK, 2006 Zaman Kullanm Anketi verisinden hesaplanmtr.

    Source: TURKSTAT, Derived from 2006 Time Use Survey data

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    zet Abstract

    1.7 Son ay iinde bireylerin ya grubuna gre bilgisayar ve internet kullanm oranlar, 2007-2011Individuals using the computer and internet in the last 3 months by age groups, 2007-2011


    Yllar -YearsBilgisayarComputer


    2007 Toplam-TotalGen-Youth 54,6 50,4Yetikin-Adult 22,7 20,4

    Erkek-MaleGen-Youth 67,3 63,5Yetikin-Adult 30,5 27,6

    Kadn-FemaleGen-Youth 40,7 36,2Yetikin-Adult 14,7 13,0

    2008 Toplam-TotalGen-Youth 57,9 54,8Yetikin-Adult 27,5 26,0

    Erkek-MaleGen-Youth 69,6 67,125-74 36,7 34,5

    Kadn-FemaleGen-Youth 47,0 43,4Yetikin-Adult 18,6 17,8

    2009 Toplam-TotalGen-Youth 62,2 59,4Yetikin-Adult 28,5 27,1


    Gen-Youth 76,4 74,1Yetikin-Adult 37,7 36,2Kadn-Female

    Gen-Youth 49,1 46,0Yetikin-Adult 19,3 18,2

    2010 Toplam-TotalGen-Youth 65,2 62,9Yetikin-Adult 32,3 31,0

    Erkek-MaleGen-Youth 78,5 76,6Yetikin-Adult 41,6 39,8


    Gen-Youth 52,7 49,9Yetikin-Adult 23,1 22,42011 Toplam-Total

    Gen-Youth 67,7 65,8Yetikin-Adult 35,6 34,0

    Erkek-MaleGen-Youth 77,9 76,5Yetikin-Adult 45,2 43,3

    Kadn-FemaleGen-Youth 58,3 55,9

    Yetikin-Adult 26,2 24,9Kaynak: TK, Hanehalk Biliim Teknolojileri Kullanm Aratrmas Sonular 2007-2011

    Source: TurkStat, Results of the ICT Usage in Households and by individuals, 2007-2011

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    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Growth of Young Population Gen Nfusun Geliimi

    2.1 Nfus, yllk nfus art hz ve cinsiyet oran, 1935-2011Population, annual growth rate of population and sex ratio, 1935-2011

    Toplam - Total Erkek - Male Kadn - Female



    k Y


    k Y


    knfus nfus nfus Cinsiyet

    art hz art hz art hz oran

    Yl Nfus Annual growth Nfus Annual growth Nfus Annual growth Sex

    Year Population rate Population rate Population rate ratio (%)

    Gen nfus (15-24)

    Youth population (15-24)

    1935 2 433 916 - 1 307 898 - 1 126 018 - 116,2

    1940 (1) 2 568 914 10,8 1 352 746 6,7 1 216 168 15,4 111,2

    1945 3 461 047 59,6 1 837 906 61,3 1 623 141 57,7 113,2

    1950 4 350 499 45,7 2 259 282 41,3 2 091 217 50,7 108,0

    1955 4 650 353 13,3 2 454 600 16,6 2 195 753 9,8 111,8

    1960 4 607 042 -1,9 2 423 309 -2,6 2 183 733 -1,1 111,0

    1965 5 254 191 26,3 2 756 891 25,8 2 497 300 26,8 110,4

    1970 6 545 971 44,0 3 420 573 43,1 3 125 398 44,9 109,4

    1975 7 796 643 35,0 4 090 195 35,8 3 706 448 34,1 110,4

    1980 9 016 986 29,1 4 636 709 25,1 4 380 277 33,4 105,9

    1985 10 191 944 24,5 5 178 633 22,1 5 013 311 27,0 103,3

    1990 11 311 973 20,9 5 746 214 20,8 5 565 759 20,9 103,2

    2000 13 899 621 20,6 7 117 932 21,4 6 781 689 19,8 105,0

    2010 12 545 094 -10,3 6 420 180 -10,3 6 124 914 -10,2 104,8

    2011 12 542 174 -0,2 6 413 814 -1,0 6 128 360 0,6 104,7

    Yetikin nfus (25+)

    Adult population (25+)

    1935 6 989 637 - 3 101 736 - 3 887 901 - 79,8

    1940 (1) 7 729 741 20,1 3 544 754 26,7 4 184 987 14,7 84,7

    1945 7 883 464 3,9 3 677 277 7,3 4 206 187 1,0 87,4

    1950 8 551 463 16,3 4 060 472 19,8 4 490 991 13,1 90,4

    1955 9 901 288 29,3 4 809 094 33,8 5 092 194 25,1 94,4

    1960 11 671 001 32,9 5 771 390 36,5 5 899 611 29,4 97,8

    1965 12 942 184 20,7 6 385 139 20,2 6 557 045 21,1 97,4

    1970 14 172 289 18,2 6 948 176 16,9 7 224 113 19,4 96,21975 16 142 845 26,0 8 124 998 31,3 8 017 847 20,8 101,3

    1980 18 118 619 23,1 8 988 685 20,2 9 129 934 26,0 98,5

    1985 21 366 259 33,0 10 657 795 34,1 10 708 464 31,9 99,5

    1990 25 371 228 34,4 12 679 888 34,7 12 691 340 34,0 99,9

    2000 33 660 830 28,3 16 763 174 27,9 16 897 656 28,6 99,2

    2010 42 299 312 22,8 20 931 705 22,2 21 367 607 23,5 98,0

    2011 43 295 520 23,3 21 424 401 23,3 21 871 119 23,3 98,0

    Kaynak: Genel Nfus Saym ve ADNKS verisinden yaplan hesaplamalardr.Source: Derived from Census of Population and ABPRS data.(1) 1940 yl verileri, 1935 ve 1945 yl verilerinden tahmin edilmitir.(1)

    Data for 1940 were estimated from 1935 and 1945 data.

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Gen Nfusun Geliimi Growth of Young Population

    2.2 Yl ortas nfus tahmini, yllk nfus art hz ve cinsiyet oran, 2010-2025Mid-year population prediction, annual growth rate of population and sex ratio, 2010-2025


    Toplam - Total Erkek - Male Kadn - Female

    Yllk Yllk Yllk

    nfus nfus nfus

    art hz art hz art hz

    Annual growth Annual growth Annual growth Cinsiyet

    rate of rate of rate of oran

    Yl Nfus population Nfus population Nfus population Sex

    Year Population Population Population ratio (%)


    2010 18 957 - 9 686 - 9 271 - 104,5

    2015 18 890 -0,7 9 643 -0,9 9 247 -0,5 104,3

    2020 18 831 -0,6 9 622 -0,4 9 209 -0,8 104,5

    2025 18 708 -1,3 9 563 -1,2 9 145 -1,4 104,6

    Gen -Youth

    2010 12 487 - 6 389 - 6 098 - 104,8

    2015 12 748 4,1 6 530 4,4 6 218 3,9 105,0

    2020 12 757 0,1 6 512 -0,6 6 245 0,9 104,3

    2025 12 616 -2,2 6 429 -2,6 6 187 -1,9 103,9

    Yetikin -Adult

    2010 41 559 - 20 515 - 21 044 - 97,5

    2015 45 963 20,1 22 690 20,2 23 273 20,1 97,5

    2020 50 190 17,6 24 785 17,7 25 405 17,5 97,6

    2025 54 083 14,9 26 674 14,7 27 409 15,2 97,3

    Kaynak: Nfus Projeksiyonlar verisinden yaplan hesaplamalardr.

    Source: Derived from Population Projections data.

    Not: Nfus projeksiyonlar 2008 Adrese Dayal Nfus Kayt Sistemine ve Nfus ve Salk Aratrmalarna dayaldr.Nfus Projeksiyonlar, 2008 Trkiye Nfus ve Salk Aratrmas kesin sonularna gre revize edilmitir.

    Note: Population projections were based on 2008 Address Based Population Registration System and Demographic and Health Surveys.

    Population projections have been revised according to the final result of 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey.

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Growth of Young Population Gen Nfusun Geliimi

    2.3 statistiki blge birimleri snflamasna gre blgelerin ald g, 2010-2011In-migration rate by Statistical Regions, 2010-2011

    Toplam - Total Erkek - Male Kadn - Female

    g g g

    hz hz hz

    In In In

    migration migration migration

    Say rate Say rate Say rate

    Dzey 1 Number % Number % Number % Level 1

    Gen 618 600 5,6 287 465 5,1 331 135 6,2 Youth

    TR1-stanbul 140 169 6,4 64 616 5,9 75 553 7,0 TR1-stanbul

    TR2-Bat Marmara 30 544 6,2 14 451 5,3 16 093 7,3 TR2-West Marmara

    TR3-Ege 59 535 4,0 26 829 3,6 32 706 4,5 TR3-Aegean

    TR4-Dou Marmara 63 648 5,8 28 830 5,2 34 818 6,4 TR4-East Marmara

    TR5-Bat Anadolu 78 537 6,6 35 394 5,9 43 143 7,4 TR5-West Anatolia

    TR6-Akdeniz 54 894 3,6 24 487 3,1 30 407 4,0 TR6-Mediterranean

    TR7-Orta Anadolu 32 744 5,0 16 355 5,0 16 389 5,1 TR7-Central Anatolia

    TR8-Bat Karadeniz 36 108 5,2 17 042 4,8 19 066 5,5 TR8-West Black Sea

    TR9-Dou Karadeniz 25 635 6,3 12 456 6,0 13 179 6,5 TR9-East Black Sea

    TRA-Kuzeydou Anadolu 24 570 5,4 11 813 4,8 12 757 6,1 TRA-North East Anatolia

    TRB-Ortadou Anadolu 32 351 4,2 16 658 4,0 15 693 4,4 TRB-Central East Anatolia

    TRC-Gneydou Anadolu 39 865 2,5 18 534 2,3 21 331 2,8 TRC-South East Anatolia

    Yetikin 1 033 233 2,6 534 778 2,7 498 455 2,5 Adult

    TR1-stanbul 229 742 2,8 119 028 2,9 110 714 2,7 TR1-stanbul

    TR2-Bat Marmara 55 501 2,6 28 623 2,7 26 878 2,5 TR2-West Marmara

    TR3-Ege 96 978 1,6 49 266 1,6 47 712 1,5 TR3-Aegean

    TR4-Dou Marmara 103 412 2,4 52 849 2,5 50 563 2,3 TR4-East Marmara

    TR5-Bat Anadolu 111 266 2,6 56 093 2,7 55 173 2,5 TR5-West Anatolia

    TR6-Akdeniz 105 194 1,9 53 980 2,0 51 214 1,9 TR6-Mediterranean

    TR7-Orta Anadolu 49 570 2,2 25 538 2,3 24 032 2,1 TR7-Central Anatolia

    TR8-Bat Karadeniz 73 441 2,6 37 763 2,8 35 678 2,5 TR8-West Black Sea

    TR9-Dou Karadeniz 46 652 3,0 24 655 3,2 21 997 2,8 TR9-East Black Sea

    TRA-Kuzeydou Anadolu 35 617 3,3 19 229 3,6 16 388 3,1 TRA-North East Anatolia

    TRB-Ortadou Anadolu 50 999 3,0 28 065 3,3 22 934 2,7 TRB-Central East Anatolia

    TRC-Gneydou Anadolu 74 861 2,3 39 689 2,4 35 172 2,1 TRC-South East Anatolia

    Kaynak: ADNKS verilerinden hesaplanmtrSource: Derived from ABPRS data

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Gen Nfusun Geliimi Growth of Young Population

    2.4 statistiki blge birimleri snflamasna gre blgelerin verdii g, 2010-2011Out-migration rate by Statistical Regions, 2010-2011

    Toplam - Total Erkek - Male Kadn - Female

    D D D

    g g g

    hz hz hz

    Out Out Out

    migration migration migration

    Say rate Say rate Say rate

    Dzey 1 Number % Number % Number % Level 1

    Gen 618 600 5,6 287 465 5,1 331 135 6,2 Youth

    TR1-stanbul 74 879 3,5 35 306 3,3 39 573 3,7 TR1-stanbul

    TR2-Bat Marmara 29 534 6,1 13 151 5,0 16 383 7,4 TR2-West Marmara

    TR3-Ege 64 811 4,1 29 445 3,5 35 366 4,8 TR3-Aegean

    TR4-Dou Marmara 53 601 4,8 23 988 4,3 29 613 5,4 TR4-East Marmara

    TR5-Bat Anadolu 55 087 4,7 25 029 4,3 30 058 5,2 TR5-West Anatolia

    TR6-Akdeniz 78 025 4,9 35 987 4,3 42 038 5,4 TR6-Mediterranean

    TR7-Orta Anadolu 44 825 6,7 21 147 6,2 23 678 7,2 TR7-Central Anatolia

    TR8-Bat Karadeniz 55 502 7,5 25 278 6,5 30 224 8,5 TR8-West Black Sea

    TR9-Dou Karadeniz 33 194 8,1 15 861 7,8 17 333 8,5 TR9-East Black Sea

    TRA-Kuzeydou Anadolu 29 034 6,6 13 606 5,9 15 428 7,4 TRA-North East Anatolia

    TRB-Ortadou Anadolu 43 558 6,0 21 058 5,7 22 500 6,3 TRB-Central East Anatolia

    TRC-Gneydou Anadolu 56 550 3,8 27 609 3,7 28 941 3,8 TRC-South East Anatolia

    Yetikin 1 033 233 2,6 534 778 2,8 498 455 2,5 Adult

    TR1-stanbul 192 083 2,4 101 753 2,6 90 330 2,3 TR1-stanbul

    TR2-Bat Marmara 45 850 2,2 23 079 2,2 22 771 2,2 TR2-West Marmara

    TR3-Ege 95 461 1,6 48 664 1,6 46 797 1,5 TR3-Aegean

    TR4-Dou Marmara 84 068 2,0 42 746 2,1 41 322 2,0 TR4-East Marmara

    TR5-Bat Anadolu 99 156 2,4 50 303 2,5 48 853 2,3 TR5-West Anatolia

    TR6-Akdeniz 102 112 1,9 52 334 2,0 49 778 1,9 TR6-Mediterranean

    TR7-Orta Anadolu 64 490 3,0 33 696 3,1 30 794 2,8 TR7-Central Anatolia

    TR8-Bat Karadeniz 87 337 3,1 44 571 3,3 42 766 3,0 TR8-West Black Sea

    TR9-Dou Karadeniz 57 732 3,7 30 221 4,0 27 511 3,5 TR9-East Black Sea

    TRA-Kuzeydou Anadolu 48 765 4,6 25 900 4,9 22 865 4,4 TRA-North East Anatolia

    TRB-Ortadou Anadolu 75 853 4,5 39 613 4,7 36 240 4,3 TRB-Central East Anatolia

    TRC-Gneydou Anadolu 80 326 2,5 41 898 2,7 38 428 2,4 TRC-South East Anatolia

    Kaynak: ADNKS verilerinden hesaplanmtrSource: Derived from ABPRS data

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Bedensel ve Ruhsal Salk Physical and Mental Health

    3.1 Bireylerin genel salk durumu, 2008,2010General health status of individuals, 2008-2010


    Toplam Erkek KadnTotal Male Female


    Gen -Youth

    ok iyi/iyi -Very good/good 85,9 90,1 81,9

    Kt/ok kt - Bad/very bad 2,3 2,2 2,3

    Yetikin -Adult

    ok iyi/iyi -Very good/good 57,0 66,6 47,7

    Kt/ok kt - Bad/very bad 12,5 8,4 16,4


    Gen -Youth

    ok iyi/iyi -Very good/good 84,9 87,1 82,9

    Kt/ok kt - Bad/very bad 2,5 2,5 2,5

    Yetikin -Adult

    ok iyi/iyi -Very good/good 59,3 69,7 49,2

    Kt/ok kt - Bad/very bad 12,1 7,9 16,1Kaynak: TK, Salk AratrmasSource: TurkStat, Health Survey

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Physical and Mental Health Bedensel ve Ruhsal Salk

    3.2 Bireylerin kendi ruhsal durumlarn tanmlamalar, 2008, 2010Description of individuals their psychological feelings', 2008, 2010[Son drt hafta - Last four weeks]

    (%) Gen -Youth Yetikin -Adult

    Toplam Erkek Kadn Toplam Erkek Kadn Total Male Female Total Male Female

    2008Hayat dolu hissetme/Feel full of life

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 64,2 66,3 62,3 47,3 52,4 42,4ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 8,4 7,1 9,6 15,5 14,0 17,1ok sinirli hissetme/Feel very nervous

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 18,6 17,8 19,3 22,8 22,3 23,4ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 34,3 32,8 35,7 28,7 29,4 28,0Melankolik hissetme/Feel so down

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 7,9 6,5 9,2 10,1 8,8 11,3ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 60,8 63,8 57,8 53,3 56,7 50,1Durgun ve sakin hissetmeFeel calm and peaceful

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 18,9 18,8 19,0 23,0 22,2 23,7ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 28,3 28,4 28,1 23,5 25,4 21,7Enerjik hissetme/Feel energic

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 61,0 65,7 56,4 39,3 46,2 32,7ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 8,6 6,7 10,4 20,2 15,7 24,7Kalbi krk ve depresyonda hissetmeFeel down-hearted and depressed

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 7,5 5,1 9,8 10,8 7,6 14,0ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 63,1 67,2 59,3 54,4 60,1 48,8Ypranm hissetme/Feel worn out

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 10,1 7,9 12,2 26,6 22,0 30,9

    ok ender/Hibir zamanA little of the time/None of the time 57,3 60,3 54,4 31,8 35,7 28,0

    Mutlu hissetme/Feel happyHer zaman/ou zaman

    All of the time/Most of the time 67,1 68,1 66,2 53,2 57,1 49,4ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 5,0 5,1 4,9 10,2 8,9 11,4Yorgun hissetme/Feel tired

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 18,8 15,9 21,5 33,4 29,9 36,8ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 27,3 30,3 24,4 15,0 17,0 13,1

    Kaynak: TK, Salk Aratrmas

    Source: TurkStat, Health Survey

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Bedensel ve Ruhsal Salk Physical and Mental Health

    3.2 Bireylerin kendi ruhsal durumlarn tanmlamalar, 2008, 2010 (devam)Description of individuals their psychological feelings', 2008, 2010 (Continued)[Son drt hafta - Last four weeks]

    (%) Gen -Youth Yetikin -Adult

    Toplam Erkek Kadn Toplam Erkek Kadn Total Male Female Total Male Female

    2010Hayat dolu hissetme/Feel full of life

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 62,0 64,5 59,6 46,9 51,7 42,3ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 7,0 6,9 7,0 13,8 11,5 15,9ok sinirli hissetme/Feel very nervous

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 16,0 16,3 15,8 19,6 18,4 20,9ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 35,6 36,8 34,6 30,3 30,8 29,8Melankolik hissetme/Feel so down

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 6,9 6,4 7,3 8,7 6,8 10,6ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 62,1 64,1 60,1 56,0 60,1 51,9Durgun ve sakin hissetmeFeel calm and peaceful

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 17,3 17,3 17,2 22,1 21,3 22,9ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 30,6 32,7 28,6 24,9 26,7 23,2Enerjik hissetme/Feel energic

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 57,9 63,0 53,0 39,1 46,7 31,8ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 8,3 7,4 9,2 20,0 15,3 24,6Kalbi krk ve depresyonda hissetmeFeel down-hearted and depressed

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 7,2 5,7 8,7 10,6 6,8 14,3ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 61,8 67,9 56,0 54,9 62,6 47,6Ypranm hissetme/Feel worn out

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 8,0 6,3 9,5 25,0 20,2 29,7

    ok ender/Hibir zamanA little of the time/None of the time 56,9 62,3 51,8 32,2 37,4 27,1

    Mutlu hissetme/Feel happyHer zaman/ou zaman

    All of the time/Most of the time 64,8 66,7 63,0 53,3 58,2 48,6ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 6,0 5,9 6,1 9,4 7,8 10,9Yorgun hissetme/Feel tired

    Her zaman/ou zamanAll of the time/Most of the time 16,2 14,5 17,8 31,4 27,6 35,0ok ender/Hibir zaman

    A little of the time/None of the time 27,5 31,4 23,7 14,5 17,4 11,8

    Kaynak: TK, Salk Aratrmas

    Source: TurkStat, Health Survey

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Physical and Mental Health Bedensel ve Ruhsal Salk

    3.3 Bireylerin tedavi masraflarnn karlanma durumu, 2008,2010Breakdown of health care costs by type of payment, 2008, 2010


    Toplam Erkek KadnTotal Male Female


    Gen -Youth

    Sosyal Gvenlik Kurumu

    Social Security Institution 78,2 73,0 83,3

    Kendi/By himself-herself 17,7 21,9 13,5

    Dier-Other(1) 4,5 5,4 3,5

    Yetikin -Adult

    Sosyal Gvenlik Kurumu

    Social Security Institution 86,9 85,8 88,1

    Kendi/By himself-herself 11,3 12,7 10,0

    Dier-Other(1) 2,3 2,0 2,5


    Gen -Youth

    Sosyal Gvenlik KurumuSocial Security Institution 82,8 80,1 85,4

    Kendi/By himself-herself 14,5 17,3 11,8

    Dier-Other(1) 3,4 3,4 3,3

    Yetikin -Adult

    Sosyal Gvenlik Kurumu

    Social Security Institution 88,6 87,1 90,1

    Kendi/By himself-herself 9,5 10,9 8,0

    Dier-Other(1) 2,9 2,9 2,8Kaynak: TK, Salk AratrmasSource: TurkStat, Health Survey(1) zel salk sigortas ve zel sandk ile ilgili veriler dier ierisinde kapsanmtr.(1)

    Data related with private health insurance and private fund are included in other.

  • 7/31/2019 statistiklerle Genlik (Youth in Action 2011) - TK


    TK, statistiklerle Genlik, 2011TurkStat, Youth in Statistics, 2011


    Bedensel ve Ruhsal Salk Physical and Mental Health

    3.4 Bireylerin vcut kitle indeksi, 2008,2010Body mass index of individuals', 2008, 2010


    Toplam Erkek KadnTotal Male Female


    Gen -Youth

    Dk - Underweight 11,6 8,3 15,1

    Normal - Normal 73,5 74,1 72,8

    Fazla kilolu - Overweight 12,3 15,3 9,3

    Obez - Obese 2,6 2,4 2,9

    Yetikin -Adult

    Dk - Underweight 2,0 1,1 2,9

    Normal - Normal 40,4 40,6 40,3

    Fazla kilolu - Overweight 38,5 43,2 33,3

    Obez - Obese 19,1 15,1 23,5


    Gen -Youth

    Dk - Underweight 13,8 11,1 16,6

    Normal - Normal 69,4 69,9 68,9

    Fazla kilolu - Overweight 13,3 16,0 10,6
