issue thirty six – winter 2013 £1 where sold Broomfield ... · 28th March 2014 THAXTED...


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Broomfield TIMESissue thirty six – winter 2013 £1 where sold

ON THE 11th November 2013 at 11.00 am a twominutes silence was observed and wreaths were laid onthe War Memorial on Church Green including one by theVice Chairman Geof Garwood, Broomfield Parish Councilon behalf of all the parishioners of Broomfield – ‘Inmemory of All Members of this Parish who died in theTwo Great Wars and other Wars since’. The children fromSt Pius X Catholic School also laid a wreath. • Find us on Facebook


New Editor for Broomfield TimesOUR EDITOR Ros Smith has decided tohang up her pen having edited every issueof the Broomfield Times since the first copyin the spring of 2005. This amounts to 34issues which has helped the Parish Councilkeep the Village informed about localevents and issues as well as provideinformation from local groups, clubs,villagers, etc. Broomfield Times has wonfour awards over the years from EssexAssociation of Local Councils(commended), Essex Community MagazineAwards (merit and best new entry) andLocal Council Review (2nd place newsletterof the year).

The Parish Council is very appreciative ofRos’ enthusiasm as Editor for the last eightyears and presented her with a bouquet offlowers at the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th November 2013.

The Parish Council are very pleased to welcome Selina Matthews as ournew Editor. If you have any items which you wish to be included in futureeditions please contact the Parish Office by or by telephone 01245 441660. Alternatively youcan send contributions direct to Selina at

Broomfield Parish CouncillorsRos Smith (Chairman)

Geof Garwood (Vice Chairman)

John Blake (Planning)

Trevor Jones(Broomfield Village Hall Charity)

Tim Tranquada (Civic Amenities)

Les Steed

Angela Thomson

Jean Wrenn

Gerry Cockram(Finance & General Purposes)

ClerkKaren HurrellParish Office, 158 MainRoad, Broomfield, CM1 7AHTelephone: Councillors can becontacted throughthe Parish Office.

Office Hours:Monday, Wednesday, Friday

10.30am - 12.30pm(answer machine available

out of office hours)

City Councillors

County Councillor

Brian Patient 4 Roland Close, Broomfield, CM1 7EDTel: 440707

Sandra Pontin 3 Mandeville Way, Broomfield, CM1 7HNTel: 07930 105745

Graham Pooley c/o Civic Centre, Duke Street, CM1

John Aldridge 33 East View, Writtle, CM1 3NNTel: 421524

Sir Alan Haselhurst MP The Old Armoury, Saffron Walden,Essex CB10 1JN Tel: 01799 506349

MONTHLY SURGERIES10th January 2014

BOREHAM Village Hall, Main Road 5.15 - 6.00 pmDUNMOW Foakes House, Town Council Office, 47 Stortford Rd

6.30 - 7.15 pm31st January 2014

STANSTED Parish Council Office, Crafton Green 5.45 - 6.30 pmSAFFRON WALDEN The Old Armoury, 3 Museum Street

7.00 - 7.45 pm28th February 2014

BROOMFIELD Village Hall, Main Road 5.15 - 6.00 pmDUNMOW Foakes House, Town Council Office, 47 Stortford Rd

6.30 - 7.15 pm28th March 2014

THAXTED The Guildhall, Town Street, Thaxted 5.45 - 6.30 pmSAFFRON WALDEN The Old Armoury, 3 Museum Street

7.00 - 7.45 pmNo appointment necessary but if you require any assistance

please ring 01799 506349If you would like to receive Sir Alan Haselhurst’s

e-newsletter then please

for the attention of Katrina Robinson.

Editorial Committeel Selina Matthews (Editor) l Cllr. Ros Smithl Cllr. Geof Garwood (Sports Editor) l Cllr. Jean WrennWhilst Broomfield Times is supported by the BroomfieldParish Council, the views expressed within it are notnecessarily those of the Council.Please note that the Parish Council do not recommend or vet advertisers.

MP (Saffron Walden Constituency)


Copy dates for Future EditionsSPRING ISSUE 2014All copy by: 21st February 2014.Distributed late March

SUMMER ISSUE 2014All copy by: 22nd May 2014.Distributed late June

From the Editor – Your contributionsCONTRIBUTIONS to future editions are welcome: Clearly handwritten, typed/word processed. E-mail to the or send hard copy to the Editor:c/o The Parish Office, 158 Main Road, Broomfield, CM1 7AH– Tel: 01245 441660

Articles accompanied by photographs are particularly welcome.Please send either professional prints or e-mail digital images as jpegor tiff files with maximum image resolution for clearest reproduction.


Available fromthe Parish Office.

FREE DOG WASTE BAGS and further supply of PLASTICBOTTLE bags plus CARDBOARD and PAPER sacks and


Please refer any problems/incidents to the Parish Office.

COMMUNITY POLICING IN BROOMFIELDReport Forms for the confidential reporting of an incident orproblem available from the Parish Office.Broomfield Community Police Officers:PC Laura Williams 74932Laura.Williams@essex.pnn.police.ukPCSO Karen Calleja 71853Karen Calleja@essex.pnn.police.ukContact number for PCSOs: 07817 454525Non-emergency number: 101or via website: www.essex.police.ukA police surgery is held at Broomfield Library on Saturdaymornings once a month – see website or notice board inlibrary for dates.

Shop: 01245 440038Mobile: 07770 765184


I AM pleased to report that the FamilyDisco, held in November was a huge success. Many thanks to allinvolved!!! Following very positive feedback we will be arrangingmore for 2014 :) - dates will be announced soon.

We have new regular Community Events starting in January 2014.Our ‘Stay N Play’ for under 5’s, parents and carers will be reinstatedon Monday, 9.15 to 11.15am starting on Monday 13th January. Wewill also be holding a monthly coffee morning, open to everyone onthe 1st Wednesday of the month at 10.45am, the first one beingWednesday 5th February.

You can find out more about our Events on our notice boards,facebook page and website:**like our page to receive instant updates in your news feed**



Broomfield Scouts planting horse chestnut in 1981.

PARISH Council meetings take place every third Wednesday at 7.30p.m. in Broomfield Village Hall - members of the public are welcometo attend and there is a ten minute Public Question Time at the startof the meeting for any questions to be put forward to the ParishCouncil for consideration. Two meetings have taken place since thelast edition of the Broomfield Times during which a number of topicswere discussed.Vacancies for Parish Councillors. There are presently 4 vacancieson the Parish Council due to the recent resignation of Will Wettonwho has moved away. The Parish Council are grateful for the helphe gave whilst serving as a Councillor. The Parish Council are afriendly bunch of volunteers whose main aim is to look after theVillage of Broomfield. We meet every third Wednesday of eachmonth (apart from August) and there are various CommitteeMeetings which target specific interests: consulted on all PlanningApplications, future developments in the Village - Village Greens;Open spaces; Centenary Wood; Footpaths; Allotment Site;Broomfield Village Hall; Play areas and park; Community events etc.Anyone over the age of 18 who has an interest in where they liveand would be willing to give up a few hours each month to help lookafter and protect Broomfield, please contact the Clerk, Karen Hurrellon 01245 441660 or email to have a chatand for further informationPolice Matters. PCSO Calleja had provided reports stating thatthere had been incidents of daytime burglaries and warnedhouseholders to be vigilant. The Community Speedwatch Group hadbeen active again thanks to a new camera,courtesy of ChrisGardiner. If anyone wishes to join the group please contact theParish Office.Planning Matters. Local Highways Panel Requests - Two new‘gateway’ entrances at each end of the Village were submitted to thePanel for consideration. Two ‘recording boxes’ will be placed at eachend of the Village to establish amount and type of traffic entering theVillage. The proposed Cycle Way from Chelmer Valley Bridge up tothe Hospital was discussed and a meeting will be sought withHighways to take this proposal forward.Broomfield Hospital. It was noted that Hospital Approach would beclosed to traffic for a week to install fibre optics to the Hospital. TheParish Council were very concerned over the congestion and hadsuggested that this work be carried out overnight. Three ParishCouncillors will be meeting with the new Chief Executive duringDecember to discuss issues affecting the Village - mainlycongestion, park and ride etc.Civic Amenities Matters. It was reported that an Open Day tookplace in Centenary Wood on 27th October but no-one attended -very disappointing. The P3 Group meet monthly to work on variousareas of the Village. A Green Flag Award has been given toCentenary Wood which will be presented later in the year. Well doneto Councillor Tranquada and his volunteers. Broomfield FootpathSociety has kindly donated £50 towards the cost of a plaque inmemory of Ken Searles - the siting of this will be discussed with hiswidow shortly.Personnel Matters. It was with great regret that the Parish Councilaccepted the resignation of Steve Barrett who has been our VillageAttendant since 2004 (see separate article). A replacement has beensought with duties to include handyman for the Village (bus stops,play area, Broomfield Village Hall etc) - please see separate advert.Broomfield Village Hall. Councillor Jones reported that a reductionto the final bill for the redevelopment work is currently beingnegotiated due to the late completion of works to the Village Hall. AFamily Disco Night will be held on 22nd November - and at the timeof writing - is a complete sell out! More events will be planned for2014. The Village Hall is becoming very popular for regular andweekend hirings with a variety of activities for any age group.Broomfield Parish Council Website. You can find the existingwebsite here if anyone has anycomments/suggestions - please contact the Parish OfficeFacebook. A new facebook page has been created for BroomfieldParish Council - please ‘like’ the page to receive regular updates!Broomfield Pensioners’ Lunch. This will be held on Wednesday26th February 2014 in Broomfield Village Hall - tickets to be sold onTuesday 28th January 2014 11.30 am to 12.30 pm. We are verypleased to announce that Broomfield Primary School Choir will beentertaining us again during the meal. The Parish Council will belooking at ways to celebrate the Centenary of World War Oneduring 2014.

You were planted on a rainy day over thirty years ago,By cubs and scouts from Broomfield who had raised a lot of doughTo replace the one that stood there since our new King in o’ two.A hundred years of conkers amount to quite a few!

You provided fun, provided shade - and a place to sit and thinkOn the seat that went around the trunk you could have forty winksBut they took the seat away because they feared a branch would dropAnd that would make a mess of you - so sitting there was stopped.

Then global warming brought some pests into your leaves and trunk,We hoped to stop it spreading by pruning out bad chunks,But experts rang the death knell and said you must come downWe’d tried so hard to save you - our Royal icon of renown!

Farewell dear friend - we’ll miss you - no more conkers to be seenYou welcomed all from far and wide to Broomfield’s village greenNow nothing’s left to tell us where once you proudly stoodJust a pile of sawdust and some chips of your royal wood.

Roger Cole


Village Hall ReportTHE VILLAGE Hall Charity Committee wishes to pass on theirthanks to The Parish Council (in particular Ros Smith) and TheBroomfield Cottage Gardeners’ Society (in particular Julie andMichael Bax and Malcolm Deacon) for their help in designing theplanting scheme for the Village Hall flower beds. On Tuesday22nd October a team of volunteers, representing a variety ofgroups within the village, planted some 170 plants in the 6 flowerbeds of the Village Hall. The volunteers were: MargaretTranquada, Ron Marlow and Steff Smith from the BCGS; AndrewLilley and Jenny Willmer from the U3A; Tim Tranquada from theVillage Hall Charity and John and Lesley Milsom from the CivicAmenities volunteers. The planting will add further to the growingreputation of the first class new Village Hall.

The volunteers enjoy a reward of a chocolate biscuit.


CENTENARY WOODWE HAVE been awarded a Green Flag Community Award forCentenary Wood. We had to satisfy a number of criteria such as:Healthy, safe and secure; Clean and well maintained;Sustainability; Biodiversity and heritage; Community involvementand Management. We will show you a copy of the flag in thenext issue. It is rather disappointing to report that no oneresponded to the invitation to come down to Centenary Wood onthe ‘open morning’ held on Sunday 27th October; we advertisedin the last issue of Broomfield Times and around the Village inthe run up to the event.

P3 (PARISH PATHWAY PARTNERSHIP)The P3 volunteers, who carry out any remedial work required onour Public Pathways, give of their time to help in other projectsaround the Village when the weather conditions are such that theproposed walks would be rather unpleasant underfoot.

ALLOTMENTSThe vast majority of allotment plots are kept well and arecultivated on a regular basis. However a small number of tenantshave not abided by the tenancy agreement they signed andthese plots have now been reallocated. If you wish to put yourname down for a half plot then please contact the Parish Office.

VILLAGE GREENSOn Tuesday 19th November a group of volunteers (Tim andMargaret Tranquada, Ron Marlow, Roger Hardy, Andrew Lilley,John and Lesley Milsom and Les Stead) cleared both the ditchby Parsonage Pond and Elm Close. This involved a good deal ofhard work and I wish to record my thanks to them for theirsupport.

PLAY AREA AND VILLAGE PLAYING FIELD(ANGEL MEADOW)I wish to pass on my thanks to the majority of dog owners whowalk their dogs in the areas of the Village that are theresponsibility of the Parish Council; they keep their dogs onleads when required and clean up any mess made by their dogs,depositing the waste bags in the dog bins provided. However;there are still a number of irresponsible dog owners who thinkthat the freedom of their dog to go where they wish and droptheir faeces where they wish far outweighs the serious healthconcerns of the vast majority of Villagers, particularly those withyoung children (dog faeces can contain extremely harmfulparasites). For example, on Wednesday 23rd October a group ofparents from the Jack and Jill Nursery visited Centenary Woodwith their children and walked down Angel Lane. A number ofparents expressed their disgust at the amount of dog faeces leftalong the lane. These parents knew of the health dangers posedby these deposits. In addition, even though there is a clear signon the Centenary Wood gate saying that dogs are not allowed,some owner saw fit to leave their dog’s faeces in a bag hangingin one of the trees. A fuller article on the health dangers of dogfaeces can be found in issue 31 of the Broomfield Times ofAutumn 2012. If any Villagers wish to comment on these mattersthen please send your comments to the Parish Office.

Tim Tranquada, Chairman, Civic Amenities Committee.

Jack and Jill Pre-School (Broomfield)Jack and Jill Pre School has had a busy term since September withlots of new younger children attending and settling in. The childrenhave enjoyed lots of activities such as walks to the Centenary Wood,visits to a farm and trips to the allotment. They had a Halloweenparty where the children all dressed up, played games and did lotsof Halloween crafts. Jack & Jill invited grandparents to come alongand see what the children get up to. The children thoroughly enjoyedshowing them all what to do.

In January the pre-school will be opening on a Thursdayafternoon, giving parents an additional full day session. TheThursday afternoon session will be tailored towards the olderchildren and will include more outings, cookery lessons andwoodwork crafts.

From January 2014 Jack and Jill pre-school is open all day on aMonday Thursday and Friday from 9.15am to 3.15pm and from9.15am to 12.15pm Tuesday and Wednesday.

Jack and Jill runs a parent and toddler group on a Wednesdayafternoon from 1.15pm-2.45pm.

Jack and Jill Pre School (Broomfield) is a charity run pre-schooland relies heavily on donations from parents and local residents.They hold several fundraising events throughout the year to help buynew equipment for the children. Recent events include a bingo nightand a sponsored trundle, both raising an incredible amount for thepre school and enabling them to purchase a new computer. Our nextbig event will be our quiz night at Broomfield Community Centre on7th February 2014 at 7.30 pm. All are welcome, the ticket price willinclude a fish & chip supper.

If you would like any further information regarding the Pre Schoolplease call Julie Ellingford on 07946635068.

Civic Amenities News

Volunteers hard at work clearing the ditch by Elm Close which ispart of Parsonage Green.

Snow Patrol Volunteers Needed!Broomfield Parish Council participate in the Essex CountyCouncil Winter Salt Bag scheme. Feedback from residents inprevious years indicates that they were very grateful for theclearing and salting of the pavements which considerablyeased walking around the village. We had our specially madeshovels to clear the snow and salt provided by ECC but thewhole operation depends on volunteers. We need you to helpothers. The reduced state of the Parish Council means that wecertainly do not have the capacity to carry out a significantoperation on our own.

To volunteer to clear the pavement along your road or thenearest main thoroughfare, please contact the Parish Office01245 441660 or We can thenorganise the distribution of shovels and bagsof salt to convenient locations and once againthe village will be safely negotiable duringwinter snow.

UPDATE: “We want our public footpaths back!” Thank youto our Parish Council and twenty seven people whocompleted Evidence Form in support of the Application forreinstatement of the footpath leading north from Scravelson Hollow Lane. These have been deposited with EssexCounty Council, Legal Services. 22/11/2013. Robin Marchal


THE 1ST Chelmsford Guides celebratedtheir 95th birthday this year and the unithas been marking this momentousevent by completing 95 differentchallenges. The Girl Guides concludedtheir celebrations on the 10th Novemberby burying a time capsule in thechurchyard of St Mary’s ChurchBroomfield.

The Guides, young leaders and unitleaders donated items from their time aspart of the Guiding Association as wellas items from the present day to fill thetime capsule. Included as part of theguiding heritage were badges (old &new) and current guiding uniform aswell as items of memorabilia detailingevents from the unit over the past 95years. In addition current newspaperswere added along with many items oftoday’s technology such as a mobilephone, a film camera and an iPod.

The capsule was buried by themembers of the 1st Chelmsford GuidesUnit and attendees included a GuidingDistrict member, Unit Leaders, ParishCouncillors and Ann Harvey the Curateat St. Mary’s who blessed the capsule.

It is proposed that the time capsulebe dug up in 25 years time on theoccasion of the unit’s 120th anniversary.Future Guides will be able to see howGuiding has developed since the unitwas registered all those years ago andwonder at how technology has changed!

Thank you to all of those whoattended the event and to those whosupported it in other ways includingHenderson & Taylor for kindly donatingthe time capsule casing and St Mary’sChurch for allowing us the space in thechurchyard and for the use of thechurch hallLeah Whitwell

1st Chelmsford Guides95th Birthday Celebrations

Your chance to make a difference in our community~ could you be a Farleigh Hospice Trustee?FARLEIGH Hospice is currently offering residents of midEssex a rewarding opportunity to really get involved andmake a difference. Its governing body, the board of trustees,is looking to recruit 2 new members to replace those whohave recently retired. The closing date for applications is 31stJanuary 2014. Full information and an application pack areavailable through our website at

Farleigh Hospice’s Chief Executive, Alison Stevens, explains; “Farleigh Hospice is an important Essex charity which provides

essential care and support, completely free of charge, to familiesaffected by life limiting illnesses across mid Essex. Throughworking with myself and our Senior Management Team, the boardof trustees is responsible for the overall governance of FarleighHospice. Our trustees give their time voluntarily and can enjoybeing part of an organisation which plays a fundamental part inour local community. We make a concerted effort to ensurediversity of skills within the board and each trustee has anopportunity to add real value to the Charity’s work.”

Alison continues, “Being a trustee of Farleigh Hospice involvesgiving a minimum of 1-2 days of your time each month, but it ispossible to be more active. We are particularly interested in findingpeople with a Human Resources or commercial background,although this is not essential.

“In return for their voluntary contribution, successful applicantscan enjoy the chance to work with our committed team of staff andvolunteers and take great satisfaction in being part of the deliveryof Farleigh Hospice’s strategic plan and vision for the future. Beinga trustee of Farleigh Hospice is a real opportunity to truly getinvolved and help make an actual difference to local familiesaffected by life-limiting illness.”

Responsibilities include attending around 12 evening meetingspa (on Mondays), plus day-time committee meetings. Training andsupport will be provided and travelling expenses may bereimbursed.

Successful candidates will ideally live within the area served bythe Hospice (i.e. Chelmsford, Braintree & Maldon districts) and theability to work as part of a team is essential. It is preferable thatcandidates have control of their own diaries.

Closing date for applications is 31st January 2014. Fullinformation and an application pack can be found on ourwebsite at Alternatively, please callCheryl Allen, PA to Chief Executive, on 01245 457336.


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Call David on:01245 608571, 01245 807484 or

Kerbside Collection of Small WasteElectronic & Electrical Equipment (WEEE)A NEW ‘small’ Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) kerbsidecollection service is now in operation for all Chelmsford households.Why is it important to recycle WEEE?

WEEE is the UK’s fastest growing waste stream.As technology evolvesat rapid pace older electrical and electronic items are often maderedundant or left unwanted. Many electrical items such as mobile phonesand handheld computers contain valuable plastics and metals.With naturalresources in limited supply and soaring landfill costs, it is important that werecycle these materials so they can be used in new products.What is small WEEE?

In Chelmsford, we categorize small WEEE as small handheld items thatrequire a plug or batteries to use, such as:l Small kitchen appliances (kettles, toasters, irons etc)l Hair dryers, hair straighteners & clippersl Clocks, watches, calculators & torchesl Remote controls, mobile phones, cameras & chargersl Radios, mini hi-fis, & CD & MP3 playersl Small electronic toys e.g. remote control carsl Power tools, smoke detectors & thermostats

Please leave cables and plugs attached to items.How will small WEEE be collected?

Please place all small WEEE items in a plastic carrier bag with your greenbox by 7am on your collection day. Collection cages have been attached tothe underside of our glass, tins & textiles recycling collection vehicles.Batteries and lightbulbs

Please do not place batteries or lightbulbs out for collection as they willnot be accepted.

To recycle your batteries and for further information about recyclingplease visit the Chelmsford City Council recycling webpage at

Planting the time capsule.

Chelmsford Girl Guides 1971 – do yourecognise anyone?

SUPER slimmers in Broomfield have lost a whopping one and ahalf tons in weight - that’s the equivalent of 2 large shire horsessince January this year.

Members who attend the group every week, follow SlimmingWorld’s Food Optimising eating plan which encourages them to fillup on satisfying foods such as pasta, rice, potatoes, lean meatand fish, pulses and fruit and vegetables that are all free - noweighing, measuring or counting.

Donna Baker has lost over 4 stone in the last 10 months todrop from a size 20 to a size 12. She says: “Filling up on lots ofsatisfying foods means you’re never hungry so I’ve never felt asthough I was on a diet. Before I joined Slimming World I thoughtlosing weight meant going to the gym and counting calories. Butnow I know it’s about making healthier choices about food andbecoming a bit more active.

“Reaching this milestone as a group just proves the hugechange that we’ve all made to our lives. Some people who’ve lostbig amounts of weight have probably even saved their lives. It’sbrilliant to celebrate together as well because that’s how we’vebeen losing weight - together. Every week we support andencourage each other and share tips and recipes, and on top ofthat we have a lot of fun. My target is now just over one stoneaway and I know I will reach that soon - what a fantastic way tostart the New Year.”

“The support and inspiration we get from our ConsultantVictoria has also been integral to our success. Because she’s lostweight herself, she understands the ups and downs of slimmingand can offer us help and advice based on her own experience.Without her don’t think we’d have achieved nearly as much.”

Victoria says: “I’m delighted that my members have lost weightso beautifully. It has made a big difference to their lives and totheir whole families’ lives, and all of them are happier andhealthier now. Slimming has never been more important. Thereare more than 40,000 overweight and obese people inChelmsford and I just want to help even more people to make realchanges for life - there’s no better job satisfaction than that!”

Victoria’s group is held at Broomfield Village Hall every Tuesdayat 5pm and 7pm. For more information or to join call Victoria on07823 441198.

One of Donna’s favourite recipes is Chilli Con Carne, loved byall the family and it’s quick, easy and bursting with flavours.

Spray a large saucepan with low calorie cooking spray (such asfry light) and fry 1 finely chopped onion over a low heat untilsoftened and golden. Add 2 garlic cloves, 2 chilies and 2 peppersall chopped finely, 2 tsps. ground cumin, 1 tsp. ground coriander,1 tsp. paprika and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Fry for a further 2-3minutes stirring occasionally. Add 450g of extra lean mince orquorn mince, stirring until it beginsto brown. Add 1 tin of choppedtomatoes, 275ml of stock and 1tbsp. of tomato puree, stir and bringto the boil. Reduce the heat andsimmer gently for 20 minutes untilthe liquid is slightly reduced. Add atin of kidney beans and heat for 5minutes. Serve with rice, jacketpotato or steamed broccoli.




Telephone:01245 344373


Slimmers lose one and a half tons!

THOSE 60’SIt started with mud pies, rose petal scent, sherbet and lemonade

Then a teenager, listening to records the Pop Star’s madeLatest words Great, Fab, Swinging and Groovy

Queuing up Friday nights to go the moviesHair back combed all perfectly neat and styled

Dad’s echoing words about a pelmet made me wildFalse eyelashes, black eye liner were the latest craze

Psychedelic hipsters and bell bottoms were all the rageTrendy at the dance hall in mohair suits and platform shoes

Next to the Fair in leathers, on a motorbike we’d cruiseThose hippies loved peace and war they would sing

But beatnik’s and drainpipes were just a thingThey called us Mod’s and Rocker’s, Skinhead’s and Grebo’s

And in gangs in scooters and motorbikes we rodeMary Quant, DA’s,Teddy Boys in suits again we could choose

Stilettos, winkle pickers and creepers were the name of the shoesIn Brutus shirts and shrunken Levis to the next town hitch hikeAnyone would stop Anglia,Triumph Herald or a chair on a bike

The joy of those years never to be found againBut those old memories forever with me remain

November 2013written by Maria Stevens,

Church Avenue

Autumn Show – We held our annual Autumn Flower Show onSunday 22nd September in the refurbished Village Hall. Evenwith the unusual weather this year, the quality of the fruit, flowersand vegetables was excellent. The preserves and cookingsection looked delicious, as always. The flower exhibits wereeye-catching, especially the stupendous dahlias with their vibrantcolours. The photographic classes were of the usual highstandard displaying technical skill, humour, imagination andcolour. It was a happy afternoon and our photo shows AngelaMarriage, the Society’s President, presenting Malcolm Deaconwith one of the many trophies he won.

The major awards were:- The Walter Harris Challenge Cup forhighest aggregate in Section 1 (Flowers), The R W Petch &National Dahlia Society Silver Medal for best exhibit in Dahlias,the Nick Turner Cup for the Dahlia Challenge, the Society MasterGardeners’ Trophy and the Society Challenge Cup for membergaining highest aggregate in the Show: Malcolm Deacon; the EWillett Challenge Cup for best exhibit in Chrysanthemums andthe Harry Jones Memorial Trophy for the ChrysanthemumChallenge: Roger Hardy; the Bill Hayden Challenge Cup forhighest aggregate in Section 2 (Fruit & Vegetables): BrianSpalding; the Trading Centre Cup for highest aggregate inSection 4 (Cookery & Preserves): Hugh Walker; the Chairman’sChallenge Trophy for highest aggregate in Section 5(Photography): Peter Turrell. Evening Talks – We still have 3 more talks to take place thiswinter, as below, which will be held in the Village Hall,commencing 7.15pm for 7.30pm (apart from February, when theAGM will take place at 7.30, followed by the talk). Our talks areopen to everyone and entry is £3.00 to include refreshments.

22nd January 2014 Peter Marriage: “History of Marriages –The Millers”

26th February 2014 Dudley Chignall: “About Anglia –The Four Seasons” + AGM

26th March 2014 Robin Carsberg: “Growing and ShowingFuchsias”

Trading Centre News – Onion sets and Shallots will beavailable from early February (at £1.30 for a 500gm bag). At thesame time, we will also have a wide selection of seed potatoesin stock ranging from £2.50 - £3.00 for a 2.5kg bag. This is inaddition to the wide range of general gardening products on sale.In order to benefit from these bargains, you will need to join theSociety (£4.00 pa or £3.00 for senior citizens) - to do so, pleasecome along to our Trading Centre on the Allotment Site (at therear of 149/151 Main Road) between 10am and 12 noon onSundays or 2-3pm on Fridays, although we will be closed fromFriday 20 December until Friday 24 January 2014 inclusive.


Broomfield CottageGardeners’ Society

Chrysanthemum Challenge – cuttings all grown from thesame variety.

Cookery judging at the Autumn show.

Angela Marriage presenting one of the trophies to Malcolm Deacon.

Broomfield Methodist Church Christmas ServicesSUNDAY DEC 15th @ 4pm Messy Nativity service - forchildren and their parents; the names of missing shepherdswho lost their way to the stable where Jesus was born will bereceived at this service.

SUNDAY DEC 22nd @ 10.30am Rev Tony Shrimpton

6.30pm Village Carol Service @ St Mary’s Church, ChurchGreen

CHRISTMAS DAY @ 10.30 am Family Christmas MorningWorship led by Rev Tony Shrimpton - All Age Worship (and anunexpected visitor)!

STOP PRESS • STOP PRESS • STOP PRESSBroomfield Primary School Governors are pleased toannounce that Heather Shelley was appointed as the

new head teacher of the school on the 25th November.

St. Mary with St. Leonard’s –Broomfield Parish ChurchOUR CHRISTMAS SERVICESONCE again Christmas is nearly upon us and the Church hereon the Green in Broomfield is as excited as ever as the festivalapproaches. There is so much going on here and we offer awarm invitation to everybody to come along and join in with theexcitement.

Village Carol ServiceSt. Mary’s Church, BroomfieldSunday 22nd December6.30pmAll are welcome

Crib Service and lighting of Christmas TreeSt. Mary’s Church, BroomfieldChristmas Eve4pmChildren can come along dressed as characters from theChristmas story and be part of our Nativity play.All are welcome

Midnight MassSt. Mary’s Church, BroomfieldChristmas Eve11.30pmThe first Eucharist of ChristmasAll are welcome

Family Eucharist ServiceChristmas Morning10.30amSt. Mary’s Church, BroomfieldIf Santa visited your house last nightbring a present to show everyoneAll are welcome

We look forward to sharing our Christmas celebrations with you all


U3A in BroomfieldWE ARE regularly contacted by peopleinterested in joining Broomfield and DistrictU3A - new people turn up at every meeting, so membership isgrowing month on month and there is clearly a great need for ourorganisation. Broomfield U3A has been running for more than ayear now and like all groups, we are in need of new people to beon the committee and take a more active part in running theorganisation. The next AGM is in May.

In October, members from Broomfield U3A joined othervolunteers on a very wet day to plant shrubs at the Village Hall.This was a great opportunity for different organisations in theVillage to work together on an important project.

Since the last report for the Broomfield Times, our U3A Groupshave been very active - the Garden Group had an interestingand amusing talk from Matthew Wilson at Hyde Hall and a fewmembers took a trip to the RHS ‘Shades of Autumn’ Show atWestminster, which included some unusual exhibits. TheScrabble Group continues to meet in the afternoon on the 4thThursday of the month. A Table Games Group has started on thesecond Tuesday of each month, playing unusual games such asHnefatafl and shatranj. The Walking Group has followed manywalks featured in local Country Stile booklet. In October theywalked from Broomfield Church back to Church Green via NewBarn Lane ending up in a welcoming pub. Among the local U3A’sbiggest attendances are at the Geology Group on the fourthTuesday of each month. In November they looked at Limestones-rock that is in our food and all around our homes. And theymade the rock fizz!

As well as all these groups, Broomfield U3A so far has a BookClub, a Luncheon Club, and Groups for Canasta, Cookery,Lacemaking, Needlework (including knitting), Mini Bridge andlocal History, which meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

General meetings take place on the second Wednesday of themonth at the Village Hall. The speaker at the October Meetingwas Ian Mercer who gave a very interesting illustrated talk on‘London Peculiars’, travelling from Liverpool Street through toTrafalgar Square on the No. 11 bus and on foot, a route many ofus have travelled over the years -particularly those who haveworked or lived in London. Many of the audience were unawareof some of the strange and interesting sites on the route - andjust off it. The speaker for the November meeting was AnnMcLaren who spoke on ‘Tales of Vicky the Campervan’ featuringan amusing insight into the various holidays enjoyed travellingaround in ‘Vicky’. The Speaker planned for the Decembermeeting will talk on ‘Growing Old Disgracefully’ and we are alllooking forward to this, hoping to learn something! It will befollowed very aptly with mulled wine and mince pies giving allmembers a chance to chat and wish each other a very HappyChristmas. On the 9th December we are planning a festivecelebration with a difference which will feature a chef preparing ameal for us, a quiz and entertainment by a guest singer.

More information on our Broomfield U3A programme isavailable on our website at Taylor

WORDS from the LibraryCome and join the fun at

Broomfield Library


Thursday 2nd January 2014

Bring your favourite teddyand watch the puppet show together.

Suitable for all ages .Further information from Broomfield Library

– 01245 440254 –

Retirement ofSteve Barrett

IT IS with regret that Steve has decided to ‘hang up’ hislitter picker after 9 years of loyal service to the village ofBroomfield helping to keep our play areas, Village Greensand pathways in a safe and tidy condition – he will bemissed!

Here is a picture of Steve in his ‘festive gear’ as he wasoften known to patrol the streets... even on ChristmasDay!


WE HAVE had a really busy term sinceSeptember, both the Beaver and Cubsections are full, with waiting lists. Wehave invested 8 new Beavers this term,10 new Cubs and 8 new Scouts! We arestill looking for adult leaders - it doesn’thave to be every week, training isprovided, Essex County Scouts run a

whole weekend of training courses eachyear in Chelmsford - you may have seen itin the papers this year ‘Scouts take overthe School!’

We are a friendly group so if you have afew hours free and enjoy being outdoors –get in touch with us.

All sections this term have been on anight hike, Beavers have had a visit fromthe Police, had a tour round the FireStation and a Sleepover at Thriftwood withsome great activities. Cubs wentundercover as CIA, MI6 or KGB Agents atSpy Camp at Belchamps, they made 14

Shoeboxes up for Operation ChristmasChild and went to St Mary’s Church totake the Shoeboxes for Blessing and thestart of their journey to a needy child.Scouts have made cars to race with thePinewood Derby, learnt new knots andpracticed their fire-lighting skills.

And the best bit? The Adult Leadershipteam do a great job in arranging all theseactivities and a whole heap more andenjoy it as much as the children in theirsections! Ruth Reed GSL 1st Broomfield Scout Group

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1st BroomfieldScout Group


A VACANCY has arisen to join our friendly team which looksafter the Village of Broomfield.Main duties:• Handyman for general duties around the Village and Broomfield

Village Hall.• Periodic maintenance and cleaning of four Bus Shelters and four

Notice Boards• To ensure our Village Greens,Angel Meadow and Angel

Meadow Play Area are kept in a safe, clean and tidy condition.• Relief Caretaking Duties for Broomfield Village Hall to cover

holidays and sickness.Hours to be worked:Approximately 35 hoursper month initially (flexible).Rate of Pay: £8.50 per hour subject to review.Please contact Karen Hurrell,Clerk to Broomfield Parish Councilon (01245) 441660 or 07595 067927or email:

Beavers, having been invested, with their certificates. Cubs being invested making their promise.



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PICTURE this - yourson, daughter orloved one has beensuffering for yearswith a debilitating,life-limiting illness.They have beenhelped throughouttheir childhood by thechildren’s hospicemovement; receivingage-appropriate careand respite gearedspecifically tochildren’s needs anddesires.

Suddenly, as theyturn eighteen, thesupport dries up andthe only careavailable is through the traditional adult hospices, which caterlargely for an older population with a very limited lifespan.

This is where The J’s Hospice can help - geared specificallyfor young adults (16-40), The J’s provides tailored specialistnursing, respite and end of life care, advice and advocacy,emotional care, bereavement support and a range of activitiesfor the young adult and their family in the comfort and security oftheir own home. Our aim is to encourage young adultsthroughout the county to live life to the full, however short.

The J’s Hospice has been developed through the drive andvision of the local community to see enhanced care and supportfor young adults across Essex with life limiting conditions suchas cancer and a wide range of complex neurological andmetabolic conditions.

The population of young adults with life limiting conditions isgrowing due to advances in medical care and improvedtechnology, but there are very few dedicated services for this agegroup. The J’s is the first home-based service in the UK withage-appropriate delivery of hospice and respite care for youngadults. It really does make such a difference to our patients to betreated as individuals - to be allowed informed choices abouttheir treatment and to be given the opportunity to live their lives.

There are lots of ways in which you can support our aim ofmaintaining the best possible quality of life for the young adultswe care for and we will always greatly appreciate any supportyou can give. Please visit our website; more information on ways to get involved and start making adifference.

The J’s Hospice –delivering a different

kind of care

To advertise inBroomfield Times,

please contactthe Parish Office.



• VILLAGE DIARY • VILLAGE DIARY •Various activities including Karate, Bingo, Bridge Club, Aerobics,Women’s Institute, Carpet Bowls, Under 18 Choir, slimming clubsand children’s activities take place in the Broomfield Village Hallon a weekly basis – please telephone the Village Hall 01245 443902or look at our website for further details.For Church Services over the Christmas period please seeseparate entry on page 6.JANUARYThur 2nd PUPPET SHOW, Library2 - 3 p.m.

Wed 8th U3A MONTHLY MEETING 1.30 p.m. Broomfield Village Hall

Wed 15th PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 7.30 p.m. Broomfield Village HallPublic Question Time at the beginning of the meeting

Mon 20th BRUMFELDA, Broomfield Local History Group, 7.15 p.m. The firstof a series of monthly talks in Broomfield Village Hall.

Wed 22nd BROOMFIELD COTTAGE GARDENERS SOCIETY TALKBroomfield Village Hall, 7.15 for 7.30 p.m.Peter Marriage “History of Marriages - The Millers”

Tue 28th PENSIONERS LUNCH tickets go on sale

FEBRUARYWed 12th U3A MONTHLY MEETING 1.30 p.m. Broomfield Village Hall

Wed 19th PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 7.30 p.m. Broomfield Village HallPublic Question Time at the beginning of the meeting

Wed 26th PENSIONERS LUNCH 12noon for 12.30p.m. Broomfield VillageHall admission by ticket only

Wed 26th BROOMFIELD COTTAGE GARDENERS SOCIETY AGM &TALKBroomfield Village Hall, 7.15 for 7.30 p.m.Dudley Chignall “About Anglia - the Four Seasons”

MARCHWed 12th U3A MONTHLY MEETING 1.30 p.m. Broomfield Village Hall

Wed 19th PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 7.30 p.m. Broomfield Village HallPublic Question Time at the beginning of the meeting

Wed 26th BROOMFIELD COTTAGE GARDENERS SOCIETY AGM &TALKBroomfield Village Hall, 7.15 for 7.30 p.m.Robins Carsberg “Growing and Showing Fuschsias”

Broomfield Footpath Society start their programme of Sunday afternoonwalks in mid-March. The programme will be prepared in January –details of the walks can be found on the village website and will beposted in local shops and the library by early February.

OBITUARY – David HedgecockDAVID Hedgecock, a well know local resident from Day’s Close passed awayrecently. David had been a dedicated fundraiser for various charities since 1971.From 1978 to 1991 he walked more than 2000 sponsored miles raising £90,000for Chelmsford based and national charities. Since angina curtailed his walking,he raised a further £110,000 from door-to-door and supermarket collections formany charities including the Broomfield Hospital league of Friends and FarleighHospice locally.

David’s fundraising activities arose from a strong feeling of wanting to helpothers following the death of his mother in St Peter’s Hospital, Maldon. She hadspent a large part of her life there and had been unable to care for David who, atage eleven, was sent to an East London children’s home run by a Salvationist. Itwas here he learned that help and care for others and their needs were moreimportant than yourself in life. He became a Friend of St Peter’s and beganraising money to help other people there whom he had got to know.

In 1973 he joined the Chelmsford Carnival Committee and sold moreprogrammes and draw tickets than anyone else. His first sponsored walk was in1978 for the construction of the Chelmsford Old People’s Welfare centre inCottage Place when he walked 20 miles around the Borough raising £750. In1979, he remembered his friends at the Salvation Army by walking 45 milesfrom Chelmsford to William Booth College in London making £700. In total hecompleted 121 charity solo sponsored walks until in 1991 he was forced to giveup having been diagnosed with angina

Not to be deterred from fundraising, David turned to door-to door collectionsand later to “rattling tins” outside supermarkets for a variety of local and nationalcharities. He collected for about 60 different organisations with his highest totalbeing for the Salvation Army at £23,000 followed by around £19,000 forBroomfield Hospital League of Friendsand £14,000 for the Royal BritishLegion Poppy Appeal. This remarkableachievement had not gone un-noticedand in April 2010 he was presented withthe Community Award in recognition ofhis extraordinary efforts.

David’s funeral will take place onMonday 16th December at the New LifeChurch, Hall Street.

John Hughes (right) presentsDavid Hedgecock with his

Community Award.

From the County CouncilGETTING READY FOR WINTER Now the clocks have gone back darker,colder nights will be upon us; so now isa good time to start thinking about howwe can prepare for the chilly monthsahead.

First to ensure our health doesn’t takea turn for the worse during winter keepthose winter coughs and colds at bay,check out the NHS website for some toppreventative suggestions. For those of us who fall under the ‘at risk’ category, makesure you take advantage of your free flu jab by booking anappointment with your GP as soon as possible. And if you’re notin the ‘at risk’ group, you can still take advantage of the fluvaccinations available in local pharmacies and supermarkets.The average jab costs between £10 and £15.

While for most of us, winter is a time to wrap up warm andenjoy festive events, it can be worrying for elderly relatives andneighbours, and those who live in rural locations. As wasdemonstrated during the October storm we can all do our bit tohelp, such as offering to do shopping or popping in to have a cupof tea. The Age UK’s website has asection dedicated to staying healthy during winter.

Getting out and about when winter weather sets in can bedifficult, but thanks to our Essex Highways colleagues over 2,000miles of roads are gritted when the temperatures plummet. Moreinformation, including a live map of where the gritting lorries are,is available on the Essex Highways website. or telephone 0845 6037631.

And, of course, you can keep up to date by tuning in to ourlocal radio stations including BBC Essex and Heart Essex. Oruse the Met Office’s “Get Ready for Winter” website 08709006100 which has lots of useful hints and tips, from how toprotect your home to staying healthy.

If you need telephone advice on any of the above issuestelephone 08457 430430.

COMMUNITY GAMES FUNDINGActive Essex, the Sport and Physical Activity Partnership forGreater Essex, is once again inviting community groups andorganisations to apply for grants of up to £400 to deliver theirown Community Games events. In the past two years, more than150 Community Games events have been staged in Essex, all ofwhich have helped to stimulate interest and involvement in grassroots sports. So get and apply for fundingnow; as you have until 10th January 2014 to apply for a grant ofup to £400 to help deliver your own Community Games.

If you have any problems concerning County Council mattersplease let me know on 01245 421524 or

John Aldridge CC – November / December 2013

A newsletter for Broomfield Village published by Broomfield Parish Council l Designed,Typeset and Printed by M PRINT – 01245 466526


THE CLUB wound up the season this year at its annualPresentation Evening on Friday 20th September held in thepavilion in Mill Lane. A full house of members, colts and theirparents had an enjoyable evening and witnessed a number ofawards being presented to:-

1st XI Player of the season .......................................Scott Fisher2nd XI Player of the season ........................................Alex BakerU15 Player’s player of the season...........................Kavin KuganU15 Manager’s player of the season.........................Jonny NeedU15 Most improved player ...................................James Corfield

Looking ahead, the Club will be running indoor training atWrittle Indoor Cricket Centre from January 2014 for a U11 squad(school years 5 & 6) ready for next season. Any buddingcricketers who might be interested are asked to get in touch withNick Cowell on 07941 602720 or by e mail to Tony Cowell

As always, the Club are looking for new adult and juniorplayers for next season so again, anyone interested is asked toget in touch.Tony CowellClub Chairman

Cricket News

Broomfield Cricket Club’s under 9s.

Broomfield Royal BritishLegion Social ClubSaxon WayRemember the dead, don’t forget the livingThe Club has many Social Events such as Sport on our Large Screen,Darts, Snooker, Crib, Quiz Nights, and has an extensive Entertainmentprogramme with Live Entertainment on most Saturday evenings and on

special occasions. We have an active Women’s Section.Membership is open to everybody and not just open to members

of our armed forces.

01245 259258

Broomfield Football Club UpdateTHE SATURDAY Olympian 1st team are currently having a poorseason. With many injuries to 1st team players, replacementsfrom the under 18 squad are being drafted in. Although theyoungsters are playing very well it is a big step up for them. Withregular players back in the New Year it is hoped that the seasonwill turn around. The newly formed Saturday Olympian Reservesare also finding it hard going but have had some good wins.They should be able to finish a creditable mid table in their firstseason.

The Sunday 1st team started the season well winning their firsttwo games. They then lost the next three and are currently midtable in the league. So far they have won all their cup matchestaking them to the semi-final of the Premier Division Cup andinto the third round for both the Premier and Coward Cups. TheSunday reserves have got off to a good start and with games inhand are at the top of their league. They are also playing well inthe cup matches and are heading for a very successful season.

Many of the teams in the junior section are playing very welland it is likely that a lot of the clubs success will come from theyounger teams this year.

Broomfield FC are always looking for new players in all agegroups to keep the teams competitive throughout the season.Senior players can contact Sean Mcginley on 07885116073 andjunior players can contact Andy Rutter 07973 725223.

23 October 2013 – Tour de France 2014 –Route through Essex Revealed!

THE BEST cyclists in the world will be pedalling through parts ofUttlesford, Braintree, Chelmsford and Epping Forest next year,following confirmation of the 2014 Tour de France route.

Le Tour will be coming to Essex on Monday 7th July 2014 for thethird stage in the three-week race. It enters Essex north of SaffronWalden, taking in parts of Uttlesford, Braintree, Chelmsford andEpping Forest, leaving the county through Epping en route toLondon where the stage will finish in front of Buckingham Palace.For two likely competitors the route throughEssex will feel very close to home - TeamSky’s Ian Stannard and Movistar’s Alex Dowsettare both from Chelmsford.

For more information on the Tour de France2014’s route through Essex For more details on Stage 3 ofLe Tour visit
