

ISSUE 2 enewspaper

Citation preview

Volleyball In Poland the most popular sports are football, vol-

leyball, handball, ski jumping and cross country ski

but I want to write about sport where our team is

good. It‘s volleyball. I think most people in Europe

know the rules, so I'm not going to write about it.

In Volleyball World League in 2012 Polish team took first place and the best player of the tourna-

ment was the Polish player — Bartosz Kurek.

At the Olympics our team wasn't good. After the match with Russia we didn't leave the group.

In 2014 after Euro 2012 in Poland there is going to

be the next big event — Volleyball World Champi-onship. I think Polish team is going to win this


by Mariusz (Poland)


In the issue:

Sport 1-2

Recipes 3-11

Interviews 12-16

Music 16-19

History 20-21

Literature 22

Film 23-24

News from Bulgaria 25-28

News from Norway 29-32

Culture 33

Fracee 34-35
















10TH December 2012 E-newspaper

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Team of France of handball

The French handball team has been world champion 4 times and Olympic champions twice. French people call them «the tanned,the crazy,the strong, the expert ».

French people are name tanned because in 1992, they are win the bronze medaille in the game Olympic.

Crazy thanks to team spirit.

Strong because they are win the world ligue in 2001 and in 2006.

Expert because they are win the world ligue in 1995, 2001, 2006, 2008.

The best player of the world are Jackson Richardson(1995),

Stephane Stoecklin (1997), Bertrand Gille(2002), Nikola Karabatic(2007), Thierry Omeyer(2008).

Handball is a team sport in which two

teams of seven players each pass a ball

to throw it into the goal of the other

team. A standard match consists of two

periods of 30 minutes, and the team

with the most goals scored wins.

Modern handball is usually played in-

doors, but outdoor variants exist in the

forms of field handball and Czech hand-

ball and beach handball. Contact is only

allowed when the defensive player is

completely in front of the offensive

player; between the offensive player

and the goal. Any contact from the side

or especially from behind is considered

dangerous and is usually met with pen-

alties. When a defender successfully

stops an attacking player (who loses the

ball over a line), the play is stopped and

restarted by the attacking team from

the spot of the infraction or on the nine-

meter line. Unlike in basketball, where

players are allowed to commit only 5

fouls in a game, handball players are al-

lowed an unlimited number of faults,

which are considered good de

fence and disruptive to the attacking

team's rhythm. Goals are scored quite

frequently; usually both teams score at

least 20 goals each, and it is not uncom-

mon for both teams to score more than

30 goals. This was not true in the earli-

est history of the game, when the

scores were lower. But, as offensive play

has improved since the late 1980s, par-

ticularly the use of counter-attacks (fast

breaks) after a failed attack from the

other team, goal-scoring has increased.

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4 serki homogenizowane, 1 szklanka cukru pudru, 1 cukier waniliowy, 1 żelatyna 50 g, 2 galaretki pomarańczowe, 1 galaretka truskawkowa, 1 puszka brzoskwiń Przepis:

Galaretkę truskawkową rozpuścić i odstawić do stężenia (można dzień wcześniej). Żelatynę namoczyć w 3/4 szklanki przegotowanej zimnej wody. Wymieszać i odczekać 1/2 godziny. Dodać 2 szklanki gorącej przegotowanej wody, wymieszać i odstawić do wystudzenia.

2 galaretki pomarańczowe rozpuścić i zostawić do wystygnięcia. Część brzoskwiń pokroić w kostkę - część zostawić do dekoracji. Galaretkę truskawkową pokroić w kostkę. Trzymać w lodówce. Serki homogenizowane włożyć do dużego naczynia. Dodać cukier puder i cukier waniliowy -

wymieszać. Dodać wystudzoną, ale nie stężoną żelatynę - wymieszać. Dodać pokrojoną w kostkę galaretkę i brzoskwinie. Wszystko razem wymieszać. Wylać na wysmarowaną masłem tortownicę i wyrównać. Udekorować pozostałymi brzoskwiniami. Zalać dobrze wystudzoną galaretką brzoskwiniową. Wstawić do lodówki Ingredients:

4 homogenized cheese, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 vanilla sugar, 1 gelatin 50 g, 2 jelly orange, 1 strawberry jelly, 1 can peaches


Dissolve strawberry jelly and leave to the concentration. Soak gelatin in 3 / 4 cup of cold boiled water. Mix and wait 1 / 2 hours. Add 2 cups hot boiled wa-ter, stir and allow to cool.

Dissolve 2 orange jelly and leave to cool. Part of the peach dice - leave some for decoration.

Strawberry jelly dice. Keep in the refrigerator. Homogenized cheese put into a large pot. Add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar - mix well. Add cooled, but

not concentrated gelatine - stir. Add diced jelly and peaches. Mix everything together. Pour the butter smeared Cake and compensate. Garnish with re-

maining peaches. Flood cooled good peach jelly. Put into the refrigerator.


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Christmas tongue twister:

How many deer

would a reindeer

reign if a

reindeer could

reign deer?


Cheesecake — step by step

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Banitsa Banitsa is a traditional Bulgarian dish

consumed at any meal, served with yogurt,

ayran, or boza. It can be eaten hot or cold.

Traditionally, lucky charms are put into

banitsa on certain occasions, particularly on

Christmas Eve, the first day of Christmas, or

New Year’s Eve. These charms may be coins

or small symbolic objects. Wishes may

include happiness, health, or success

throughout the new year.

Here's the recipe:

What you need:

1 packet of phyllo dough

(Bulgarian "fini kori" or phyllo from the

frozen desserts section)

300 grams of white cheese

(Bulgarian sirene or feta cheese)

4 eggs

100 grams of butter

1 cup yogurt

a pinch of baking soda

How to make it:

Mix the eggs, the crumbled white cheese, the

baking soda and the yogurt. Lay a layer of

the phyllo dough, spread a layer of the

mixture. Put another layer of phyllo, put

some butter and roll them both together. Put

in a buttered pan. Continue so that the phyllo

and the mixture are finished about the same

time. Bake in a preheated over at 200 C for

40 minutes, or till golden. Enjoy!


Spinach Banitsa

Same as the regular banitsa recipe, but

substitute 2 eggs with 1/4 kilogram spinach,

washed, cut and lightly fried (no more than

five minutes).

Green Onion Banitsa

Same as the regular banitsa recipe, but

substitute 2 eggs with some leek (about 1/2

cup sliced leek), lightly fried (no more than

ten minutes).

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Salade au lard

- 250 of bacon

-1 onion

- 2 salad

- 6 potatoes

- 10 cl of white wine

- salt and pepper

It is an ardennaise recipe

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la cacasse a cul nu

Ingredient :

-1 kg of potatoes

-4 onion

-60g of butter

-4 spoon of flour

-thyme,4 bay leaf



Fårikål er Norges nasjonalrett. Fårikål er laget av lam

eller sau. Vi i Norge spiser nasjonalretten både til

hverdags og til fest. Vi spiser det mest i høstmåneden.

Fordi det er da det er sesong for slakting av lam. Vi

har en egen nasjonaldag for «fårikål og det er siste

torsdag i september hvert år. Oppskrift til 4 personer: Ingredienser 1 ½ kg fårikålkjøtt 1 ½ kg hodekål 4 ts hel pepper 2 ts salt 3 dl vann 1. Del hodekålen i båter.

2. Legg kjøtt og kål lagvis i en gryte (kjøtt nederst

med fettsiden ned). Strø salt og pepper mellom lagene.

Pepperkornene kan eventuelt legges i en spesiell

pepperholder. (Noen liker også å jevne fårikålen. Strø

da litt hvetemel, ca 1-2 ss per 4 porsjoner, mellom


3. Hell på vann. Kok opp og la fårikålen trekke på svak

varme til kjøttet er mørt (til det løsner fra benet), ca. 2


Fårikålen serveres rykende varm med kokte poteter.



"Sheep in cabbage" is a traditional Norwegian course. It’s made

of sheep or lamb. We in Norway eat the national court to every-

day and party. Sheep in cabbage Feast Day is celebrated on the last Thursday in

September each year. Recipe for four persons; Ingredients

1 ½ kg mutton stew meat

1 ½ kg white cabbage

4 teaspoons whole peppercorns

2 teaspoons salt

3 cups water 1. Share head cabbage into wedges. 2. Add meat and cabbage in layers in a casserole (meat with

lower fat side down). Sprinkle salt and pepper between layers.

Pepper grains can possibly put in a special pepper holder. Sprin-

kle a little flour then, about 1-2 tablespoons per 4 portions, be-

tween the layers.) 3. Pour the water. Bring to a boil and let fårikål draw on low

heat until meat is tender (it separates from the bone), ca. 2

hours. Mutton stew served steaming hot with boiled potatoes

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by Mali and Julie

Elgkarbonader! made by Kristian Kløvstad

Norsk, elgkarbonader:

500 elghakk (kvernet elgkjøtt)

1 ts salt

1 ss potetmel

1 ss hvetemel

1 stk egg

½ ts pepper

0.4 ts revet muskatnøtt

1 ts tørket timian

2 dl matfløte

2 ss margarin til steking


Rør salt inn i kjøttdeigen til den blir seig. Rør

inn potetmel, hvetemel og krydder. Tilsett egg

og bland godt. Spe med fløte i to omganger, og

rør godt mellom hver gang. Del deigen i åtte

emner og form til karbonader på en våt fjel.

Stek i ca. 2 minutter på hver side til de er så

vidt gjennomstekt. Server elgkarbonader til

middag med grønnsaker, kokte poteter og


English , Meet patties of moose:

-500g minced meat

-1 teaspoon salt

-1 tablespoon potatoflour

-1 tablespoon flour

-1 piece egg

-1/2 teaspoon pepper

-1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

-1 teaspoon thyme

-2 dl cream

-2 tablespoon butter for frying


Stir in salt in the meat, until it becomes dogged.

Stir in the potato flour, spices and eggs, and

then mix well. And you take the single cream in

the meat. Divide the dough in eight parts. Cook

for about 2 minutes on each side. Server the

patties with vegetables, boiled potatoes,

lingonberries and bacon.

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1 kg elgtunge ca 1 kg Saltlake: 1,5 liter vann 1,5 dl salt 2 ss sukker 10 stk pepperkorn, knuste 5 stk einerbær, knuste 2 stk laurbærblad Koking: kaldt vann 1 stk liten gulrot 1 stk liten løk eller 1/4 purreløk 5 stk hel hvit pepper (gjerne Santa maria hel hvit pepper) 5 stk hel pepper (gjerne Santa Maria Tellicherry Black Pepper) 1 stk laurbærblad 6 porsjon(er) poteter 1 pose(r) soppsaus Fremgangsmåte: Skyll tungen og stikk med en nål rundt hele. Bland alle ingrediensene til saltlaken og rør til salt og sukker er oppløst. Legg i tungen og sett den kaldt 1 døgn. Ta så opp tungen som skylles og legges trangt i en kjele. Hell over vann til det dekker hele tungen. Kok opp på svak varme og skum av. Tilsett vaskede og rensede grønnsaker og krydder. Kok opp under lokk på svak varme til tungen er mør. Den er ferdig når en stekenål lett går gjennom den tykkeste delen. Beregn ca 2 1/2 time. Ta opp den ferdigkokte tungen og skyll den raskt i kaldt vann. Skjær et snitt i skinnet på undersiden ved tungespissen og dra av skinnet. Skal tungen serveres kald legges den tilbake i kraften. Skjær tungen i tynne skiver. Serveres med potetmos eller kokte poteter, kokte grønnsaker, soppsaus eller tomatsaus til varm tunge. Kald tunge med rømme eller dréme fraîche tilsatt pepper-

rot eller sennep, kokte poteter og salat.

1 kg tongue of moose Brine: 1,5 liter water 1,5 dl salt 2 tablespoon sugar 10 pieces peppercorns 5 pieces jumpier berries crushed 2 pieces bay leaves Cooking: Cold water 1 pieces carrot 1 pieces onions Leek 5 pieces whole white pepper coms 5 pieces whole black pepper 1 pieces bay leaf 6 servings potatoes 1 bag mushroom sauces Procedure: Rinse the tongue of moose and pinch white a needle around all. Mix all ingredients to salt brine and stir in salt and sugar til it is dissolved. Puttin the tongue and suite the cold one day and night. Take up tongue some rinse and lay cramped in a cas-serole. Hell over water to it covers the tongue of moose. Cook up on low heat and foam off. Add washed and cleaned vegetables and spice. Cook up under lid on weak warmth to the tongue is tender. It is completed when a roast needle goes let easily through the bold tongue. Count ca 2 ½ time. Take up then pre-cooked tongue and rinse it quickly in cold water. Make a cut in the underside of the tongue leather white the underside of the tongue peak and drag owe the leather. Given the tounge is served cold the tongue is put back to the brine. Shear the tongue of moose in thin cut Served with mashed potatoes or cooked potatoes, cook vegeta-bles, serve with mushroom sauces or tomato sauce to hot tongue. Cooled tongue with sour cream or sour cream raiche added horseradish or mustard, cook potatoes and salad.

Recipe: tongue of moose

Made by Knut Harald Skogli

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Ingredients :

_ two eggs,

_ one nature yoghurt,

_ three yoghurt containers of flour,

_ two yoghurt containers of sugar,

_ one bag of yeast,

_ one and a half yoghurt container of oil,

_ chocolate

Recipe :

• In a salad bowl, mix the eggs, the yoghurt, the sugar, the flour, the yeast and

the oil. Add two soup spoons of chocolate and good mix to obtain a mixture ho-


• Add two soup spoons of fresh cream for an unctuous mixture.

• Take approximately one third of the preparation and put it into an other

salad bowl.

• Take a tin, butter it and then sprinkle sugar, pour alternatively a layer of

natur mixture and a layer of chocolate mixture. Finish sprinkle it of brown


• Put it in the oven at 180°C during approximately 25 minutes.

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Alberto is the person who is responsible for the computer room.

He is 26 years old

He lives in Hautes Rivières

He thinks the school is pleasant, good ambiance with the staff.

He enjoys sport, shopping, read, history

He likes every kind of movies except horror movie and sciences-fiction movie.

Before working in our school, he was a student.

(computer science, management )

He is crazy about every style of


He hasn't visited London

but it is a project

Let's meet Alberto

An interview with a classmate

-Hi. My name is Alex. Can I interview you?

-Hello. Of course. I’m Martha.

-How old are you?

-I’m 15. I learn in a middle school.

-What’s your favorite school subject?

-I hate history, maths, biology, physics… Hmm,

hard to say. Maybe English, maybe Music,

maybe PE. I haven’t got my favorite school sub-


-Ok. What do you like doing?

-I like singing, playing basketball and drawing.

-Do you like learning English language?

-Yes, I do. English is easy, cool and necessary.

While we can’t speak English, we won’t find a

good job in the future.

-Where do you want to study?

-I want to study at the university in Olsztyn or

in Gdańsk.

-Well, what do you want to study?

-English Philology. I want to live in London,


-What’s your favorite song?

-Hm, maybe Flo Rida - I Cry, maybe Kid Cudi -

Pursuit of Happiness. I haven’t go my favorite

song. I like every cool song. Yeah, that’s

strange, but I think all songs are great.

-Today you’re wearing a T-shirt, blouse, jeans

and trainers. Do you prefer this style?

-Of course. I like rap and men’s sweatshirts.

-Ok. Thanks you. Bye.


by Alex (Poland)

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Interview with Roar Enget (a boy that was on practical vocational orientation)

How old are you Roar? 14 years old.

Where do you live? Alvdal.

What do you do in the practical vocational orientation? I was at Steigen Pri-mary School.

Was it fun in this week? Yes.

Why? I was not at my school.

Was it educational? Yes.

Why? I learned what I do it was to work some teacher.

Will you work as a teacher when you are be adult? No.

Why? It was exhausting.

Veronica Amanda Akselsen is a

Norwegians traveler and artist. She

was born 30 January in 1986. Her

ethnic background like a traveler in

Norway was not really easy for her

and his family. She was bullied at

school because she was a Norwe-

gian's traveler. Many Norwegians

didn‘t like the traveler in that time.

In 2006, she came in fifth place

when she was in the Norwegian fi-

nal of ―European song contest‖

with the song "Like a Wind," in

2008 in fourth place with the bal-

lad "Am I Supposed to Love

Again." Now she traveling around

in Norwegians school and talk

about hers people‘s ―tatere‖

The concert at our school: Ve-

ronica visited us at the school and

then she talked and sang about:

How it was to be a traveler on the

1500th. That her people was bullied

and was seen as then was really

scary and unknown. Travellers

were less popular than other Nor-

wegian people. Veronica was trying

to tell us that her people are equal

to everyone else.

E-newspaper PAGE 14 An interview with


-Norwegian traveler-

Interview of some teachers in school

We were wondering how the teachers felt about their pupils so for this interview, we met with e few

teachers, of various subjects. We have asked them the same question : What is your relationship to

your students like ?

Mister Limon: French teacher.

The teacher: Usually my relations with students are good and enjoyable. The key for me is that they spend

a good time in class.

We: Are the students usually interested in the books that you make them read ?

The teacher: I try my best to satisfy the greatest number of students. Until today, I had the chance to

succeed so. I hope that it will continue.

Miss Valentin: Mathematics teacher.

The teacher:Yes, because I have a lot of fun with my students !

We: Is it because students have good results with you?

The teacher: Yes, most of the students have good marks.

Mister Perrache: Physics teacher.

The teacher: Really bad because they don't like me and I don't like them. (lol )

We: Do you like to teach your students?

The teacher: I can't stand it because they don't understand anything. (laugh )

Miss Fyad: History teacher.

The teacher: Yes, I have good relationships with my students.

We: Are you well respected by your students?

The teacher: Yes, students respect me, if they pass a bad quarter of an hour (laughs)

Miss Tourbin: English teacher.

The teacher: Yes, my relation with my students is really excellent !

We: Are the students from European class year 9t year' motivated for their trip?

The teacher: The students are very motivated, like the previous years . But the actions to collect money

are not the same.

Mister Chodat: Technology teacher.

The teacher: the relation to my students is quite good .

We: Are they interested in your lessons your ?

The teacher: some subjects interest students more or less . But the topics that interest them the most is

the computer.


In general, pupils and teachers enjoy being together quite well.

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The Wanted is a pop boy band from the United Kingdom and Ireland.

It was formed in London in 2009 after many auditions .

The Wanted is a British group of 5 men :

Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Jay McGuiness, Tom Parker and

Nathan Sykes.

Their first studio album, « The Wanted », was released on


The most popular songs in our area

1st Rihanna “Diamonds” 2nd Lykke Li “I Follow Rivers” 3rd Adele “Skyfall” 4th Bruno Mars “Locked Out Of Heaven” 5th Justin Bieber ft. Nicki Minaj “Beauty and a Beat”

The most popular songs by students from our school

Weekend ”Ona taoczy dla mnie”

System Of a Down ”Chop suey”

The Beatles “Let it be”

Nicki Minaj “Starships”

Florida “Whistle”

Band from Olsztyn – Afromental Polish band from Olsztyn acting since 2004 performing music from the borderline of funk, reggae, R&B,

hip hop and soul. In 2009, Afromental appeared in the second season of the television series 39 I pół, in

which presented the world premiere recording. The next song the band recorded for the film Kochaj i

Tańcz. March 9th 2009 they released their second album, Playing With Pop, which also included her pre-

vious album. 13 June 2009 the band received Superjedynkę the band of the year category. In February

2010 published by Playing With Pop received a nomination for Frederick Polish phonographic industry in

the category: album of the year hip-hop R&B. In August 2010, the Orange Warsaw Festival group won the

Wow! Music Award. The 15th November 2011 appeared third album called The Bomb. Album was pro-

moted single Rock & Rollin 'Love Rollin', With You, and It's My Life.

The team members:

Wojciech "Łozo" Lozowski - vocals

Tomasz "Tomson" Lach - vocals

Bartosz "Śniady" Sniadecki - keyboard

Tomasz' Torresiwo "Torres - drums

Wojtek "Lajan" Witczak - bass guitar

Alexander "Baron" Milwiw-Baron - Guitar

Grzegorz "Dziamas" Dziamka - percussion instruments

by Agata and Alicja (Poland)

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Vanessa Paradis Vanessa Chantal Paradis was born on the 22 of

December 1972.

She is a French singer, model and actress.

Vanessa Paradis began her singer career at the

age of 14 with the song Joe le taxi. She went

to the United States to become an interna-

tional artist .

Today she is married to Johnny Depp, and they

have 7 children. Both elegant and feminine, her

strength is to combine maturity and youth.

Today, she is preparing a new album.

Her uncle is Didier Pain and her sister is the

famous French actress Alysson Paradis.

You must have seen her in the very famous pub

« rouge coco mademoiselle ».

Vanessa Paradis

She has recorded a lots of albums like:

1988: M&J

1990: Variations sur le même t’aime

1992: Vanessa Paradis

2000: Bliss

2007: Divinidylle

2010: Une nuit à Versailles

2011: Un monstre à Paris


Loreena, Natacha, Marine

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Polish people celebrate National Independace Day on 11th November. Year

after year our country celebrate it in Warsaw — our capital and organise the

Independance Parade.

In this event on 11th November 2011 28,000 people took part, but this year

abort 100,000 people took part in it. People go with their families: children,

wives, husbands, mothers and fathers. Everybody has something what

reminds them of our country, for example they draw colors of our flag on their

faces, wear special hats (white and red), wear scarves in the same colors.

The Parade is organised to remember every solider who fought for us and

for every mother and father to remind them why they teach their children the

history of Poland: Polish History – beautiful and terrible. The Independence

Day is for us to remember how we fought for independance, after 123 years in


This day is to show why we shouldn't forget that our ancestry fought, how

they won our freedom, how they fought not to speak German and Russian. We

should remember who gave us it.

National Independence Day

in Poland

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11th November:

This date corresponds to

the Armistice of the First World War.

Germany lost it and the Allies and France won.

The 1st World War began on August 4th 1914

and ended on November 11th 1918.


In France, we celebrate the Armistice every year.

The president lays a wreath in front of the tomb of the unknown sol-

dier under the “Arc de Triomphe”. He commemorates the soldiers

who have died for France since 1918

It's a bank holiday.

Many wreaths have also been layed in the 36.000 towns or cities in

France next to monuments.

This year, François Hollande (our current President) was accompanied

by the children of two soldiers who have died in Afghanistan this


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The Armistice is

an established


between two

opponent soldiers

to end up a War.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone is a book by J.K. Rowling. It tells about a young boy who survived the

attack of Lord Voldemort in which his parents died.

On Harry's eleventh birthday, he finds out that he's a wizard. He goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wi-

zardry. In the train he meets new friends: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

He finds more and more about the magic world and he experiences many adventures. He has to face resurgent

evil. He and his friends are the only who can stop it.

Will they succeed? If you want to find out, read this book and come into this magic world.

A few riddles for series fans:

1. It's alive, but not living. It saves the werewolf's life.

2. Godness it bols.

3. Black hair, black soul.

4. The boy struck by lightening.

5. She fed her children with milk.

6. The big one with a big heart.

7. He afraids of the old lady and the old man.

8. Pink toad.

9. Superficially good, in the midlle the seed of evil. For the greater good.

10. Here you will see your dream, but not your face.


Whoomping Willow, Molly Weasley, Bellatriks

Lestrange, Harry Potter, Mrs. Figg, Rubeus

Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Dolores Umbrid-

ge, Albus Dumbledore, The Mirror of Erised

E-newspaper PAGE 22 BOOK REVIEW

Les Petits Mouchoirs

This movie is a French tragicomedy created by Guillaume CANET in 2010. It‘s his

third movie. The protagonists are played Marion Cotillard (Contagion), François

Cluzet (Intouchables), Benoît Magimel (Des vents contraires) and Gilles Lelouche

(Les Infidèles).

This film lasts 1 hour and 54 minutes.

The summary

Max and his wife invite their friends to celebrate Antoine's birthday during

the summer holidays like every year. They must all go to Max's house to Cap

Ferret. But there is an unexpected event, their friend, Ludo, has a serious accident.

He has been hit by a truck. So, he goes at the hospital. His friends are reluctant,

but finally, they decide to go on holidays anyway.

Will Ludo survive ?

This film is really interesting, because it's happy and tragical at the same

time. This story can happen to you . We laughed and cried during the filmbecause

it was so emotional. The actors play really well.

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He's Johnny Depp. He was born in Owensboro on 9 june 1963.

He's an american actor, producer, guitarist, screenwriter and


He became a star in 80's, thanks to the series 21 jump street

and the movie Edward scissorhands. His best role is Jack

Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. Recently he played in

Dark Shadow. We saw the movie, it's perfect. Johnny Depp is a

very good actor, he is nice.

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Hristo Smirnenski Primary School

Rakovski, Bulgaria

Hristo Smirnenski Primary School is the most modern school in the region of

Plovdiv. We have superb and functional necessary equipment - well-appointed

classrooms with multimedia and great sports playgrounds.

The foyers are painted with drawings from

the past of Bulgarian history.

Hristo Smirnenski School includes two different

structures: one is for pupils aged from 7 to 10 years and the other one covers pupils from 11 to 14 years.


First to fourth grades have got 32 school weeks which means 25 class sessions per week or 5 class sessions per day. They study Bulgarian, Maths, Natural Science, Social studies, English, German, Art, Mu-sic, Sports, Technologies class. Fifth to eighth grades have got 34 school weeks which means 30 class sessions per week or around 6 class sessions per day. They study all these subjects plus Geography, History, Chemistry, Physics, ICT. All the students have got 2 class sessions per week with their class tutor.

One of these class sessions is included in the curriculum and students study rules for safety in the street, how to protect them-selves when there is natural disaster for example fire, earthquake. They learn about different jobs. During the other class ses-sions class tutors meet students’ parents and discuss problems. And there is extra Sports session once a week which is not in curriculum so that students can get more exercise. Every detail of curriculum is mandated by National Ministry of Educa-tion.


The town of Rakovski is located in the west- ern

part of the Upper Thracian Lowlands amidst a luxuriant flat country , stretching tens

of miles in every direction. The town is a mere 25 km away from Plovdiv, Bulgaria‘s

second largest city in modern days as well as in the antiquity and in the Middle Ages.

There are 33 teachers working at the

school. All of them hold at least bachelor

degree and many hold advanced degrees.

More emphasis is put on Bulgarian, Maths

and Foreign Languages, which are studied

nearly every day. The remaining subjects

are studied around twice a week. Bulgarian

and Maths are studied intensively because

students are tested in these two subjects

areas on standardized high school entry ex-

ams at the end of 7th grade. Based on the

results of these exams, students have the

option of applying to a variety of special-

ized schools. These are public schools but

entry is very competitive and subjects

range from Foreign languages to Tourism.

As with the curriculum, the number of

students per class is mandated by the Min-

istry of education. First to fourth grade

classes must be between 16 and 22 stu-

dents – average 20 in our school. Fifth to

eighth grade classes must be between 18

and 26 students – average 26 in our

school. The classes are mixed gender and

comprised primarily of Bulgarian students

and a minority of Roma students.

The foyers are painted with drawings from the

past of Bulgarian history.

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Remarkable monuments of spirituality

are the two large Catholic cathedrals in

Sekirovo and General Nikolaevo

residential areas. They were believed to be

the first and the second

largest Catholic cathedrals in the Balkans.

The first industrial zone in Bulgaria offering attractive conditions for establishing

production, warehousing and logistic is developing in the Municipality of Rakovski.

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Here are some

other photos

presenting our city:

Christmas in Bulgaria In Bulgaria Christmas is celebrated on the 25th, 26 th and 27th of December. The

Bulgarians have a lot of interesting customs such as koledarstvo, posti and many others.

Posti means ''not eating meat or any animal products(including eggs and dairy

products)''. It lasts from 15th November until the 25th of December. Because of that the

Christmas Eve dinner consist of seven, nine or twelve traditional Bulgarian vegetarian

dishes such as wheat, corn, soup of lentils, soup of haricot beans, nuts, red peppers with

rice, apples, pears, quince, "sarmi", "banitsa" and "baklava". The number twelve

represents the twelve months of the year and the main dish is a huge round bread called

pitka in which there is a coin and everyone of the family has to take a piece. The one who

takes the part with the coin will be the richest in the family and will earn a lot of money in

the next year.

Christmas Eve has always been one of the best expected evenings for all people,

one of the most festive ones in Bulgaria, the time when whole family comes together and

goes to church.

In Bulgaria we celebrate either with our families, loved ones or with friends. Some

get together at friends‘ houses, drink, eat and wait for the New Year to arrive. Others cook

until the afternoon and prepare tasty dishes to enjoy together with their family. Some

couples celebrate alone. A lot people gather at main squares in their cities where there

usually is a big Christmas tree in the middle. There are big concerts that people go to and

celebrate until one or two o‘clock in the morning. The best part is right after the countdown

stops and the fireworks fill the sky with color. Everyone lights Bengal fires and makes calls

to congratulate people they know.

About five or six o‘clock in the morning boys and men, called ‗survakari‘ put

traditional Bulgarian clothing on and go from house to house and sing songs for health and

prosperity. They hit the hosts on the backs with decorated sticks called ‗surovachki‘ while

singing. Then the hosts give them treats and money and send them off to the next house.

Another tradition is the ‗banitsa s kasmeti‘. It‘s made of sheets of pastry with cheese

between them and there are few –centimeters- long cornel-tree branches in each slice. The

branches represent the good fortunes that will follow you through the following year.

By Nedelcho Stoykov

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The Norwegian travelers are a group or branch of the Romani people (also known

as "Gypsies", zigenare, and sigøynere) that have been resident in Norway and Swe-

den for some 500 years, as distinct from other Romanies who arrived starting in

the late 19th century. The estimated number of Romani travelers is 65,000] while

in Norway the number is probably less than 10,000.

By history and culture, they are related to similar groups of Romani people in other

countries, such as British Romani groups like Romanichals,

By the settled majority population, the Norwegian Travelers are known as ―tatere‖.

Both terms hint to the original misconception that these people were Tatars.

The Travelers in Sweden and Norway speak a form of the Romani language known

to academics as Scandoromani, sometimes referred to as Tavringer Romani. Many

words of Scandoromani origin have survived in the Scandinavian languages, both in

common speech and slang.

The Norwegian travelers were trades and commerce, and they tried to sell.

The Romani Peoples’ Flag

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Kristina Rudyte

28. august 2012

The beauty of Norway

Norway is a place that is charming with its nature and one of the most beautiful landscapes in

the world. It belongs to Scandinavia and it is the northernmost country in the continent of Europe.

Amazing fjords, huge mountains, green forests, torrential rivers and gorgeous waterfalls attract

people from all over the world to come here for a holiday and even settle down in Norway for liv-

ing, working or studying.

The nature of this country is probably one of the most unique and particular all over the Earth.

Have you ever heard that fjords are found only in Norway and New Zealand? The country is also

famous because of midnight sun which is occurring in summer months at places north of the Arctic

Circle that includes Northern Norway as well. Much more, people from all around the world often

come here for watching the incredible Northern Lights, also called as aurora borealis. The country

is full of beauty and charm, but the peculiarity of it doesn’t stop here yet!

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Norway is famous for its cities and

towns. Capital Oslo is the biggest city all over there and it is the oldest

capital of Scandinavian countries. The city of Bergen which is located

on the west coast is meant to be the gateway to the fjords and probably is one of the most beautiful cities in


It is charming with its quaint harbor,

seven mountains, little old houses with red roofs and, of course, the rain.

It’s raining often over Bergen and it gives the city a special spirit and

charm. Also, if you ever get an op-portunity to come to Norway, I would suggest you to visit at least one of the

beautiful towns of it.

It gives you an amazing possibility to see the real culture of the country

and get to know a little bit of old tra-

ditions, what can be often forgotten in big cities. While visiting a Norwe-

gian village, you can get to see how did the people used to live in old

days and I am sure that is kind of an interesting thing!

Norway is also meant to be the

land of fairy tales. Have you ever heard any of the legends of Viking

warriors, trolls or northern lights? Yes, Norway is a place full of beauti-

ful and magical stories. The best ex-ample of that probably is a super-natural being in Norse mythology

which is called as a troll.

In old days people used to believe

that trolls are beings who are living

in isolated rocks, mountains or caves, staying together with their families

and are rarely helpful or friendly to humans. For today, there are only the

fairy tales that left.

Anyway, there are many things that remind of trolls here over Norway till

today. The stores are always full of

statuettes that represent the trolls, many big troll statues are found all

around the country, you can also find historical books and fairy tales about

them if you wish to know more.

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Nature, cities, culture, traditions…. What else? Yes, the people. Norwegians are good-natured and kindhearted peo-

ple who are always about to help and understand others. You will probably never feel lonely or unhappy while be-ing here, because there is always someone who is willing to help you out with your troubles. The local people will definitely give you a warm welcome. Since you speak English you aren’t going to face any problems while staying over here. If you understand Norwegian, it’s just perfect while communicating to the local people. So, even though

Norway is a cold country according to its climate and the northernmost part of Europe according to its location, Nor-

wegians are warm and open-hearted people and that make Norway much beautiful and attractive!


BALL CUP Our school arranged a ball cup 9th of September. All the students were divided into twelve

teams. The cup consisted of volleyball and soccer. Each game lasted ten minutes. The winners

of the games earned three points for every game won. The winner of those matches had to play

against the “teacher” team. Unlike all the years before, the students won against the teachers.

The winning team on the volleyball field had also to play against the teachers, but this time, the

students didn’t win this match.

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The 27th international festival of fashion and photography

It’s a festival devoted to fashion, it takes place every year in Hyères, in a fa-

mous villa called The Villa Noailles.

The festival was created by Jean-Pierre Blanc.

This festival enables lots of young designers and photographers

to become famous. They are sponsored by different members of a jury who rep-resent different sectors of fashion and photography. This festival is opened to

the public.

The history minute

The Villa Noailles was a wedding gift offered to a couple of patrons, Mr.

And Mrs. Noailles. It was a villa very modern for the era considering its

architecture, the materials used. It was built by Robert Mallet Stevens.

Today it’s an art center, with lots of exhibitions.

For the Girl !! ♥☺

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The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. The monument was built

by Jean Chalgrin from 1806 to 1836. It is Napoleon who ordered its construction. Its design

was inspired by the Roman Arch of Titus.

The Place de l'Étoile forms a huge roundabout with twelve avenues. These avenues "radiate"

the star around the square, including the Avenue Kleber, Avenue de la Grande Armee, the

Avenue de Wagram, and of course, the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

It stands in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle also known as “Place de l’Etoile” at

the western end of the Champs-Élysées. The Arc de Triomphe honours those who fought and

died for France during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, with the names of

all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Under the arch,

there is a buried warrior but we do not know who he is.

At night


a day

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A little history :

France, our countryFrance, our countryFrance, our country

France is an old country, formed during the High Middle Ages. Since the beginning of the sixteenth century until the first half of the twentieth century, it had a vast colonial em-pire. From the 1950s, it was one of the players in the construction of the European Un-ion. It was a nuclear power, and one of the five permanent members of the Security Council of the UN. France played an important role in world history through the influence of its culture and its democratic values, secular and republican. Populated with 65.3 million on 1st January 2012, France is a developed country with a Human Development Index high. Metropolitan France is divided into multiple local authorities, three levels, the municipal-ity, the county and the region. The number of communes in France was 36 700 on January 1st 2012, generally corre-sponded to the territory of a city or village and are led by a council, which elects a mayor. There are 96 Departements in France created during the French Revolution , headed by a general council. As for the 22 metropolitan areas whose existence is more recent, there are led by a re-gional council.

Politics today: On 6 May 2012, after the French presidential election 2012, François HOLLANDE was elected President of the Republic against the outgoing President Nicolas SARKOZY. He took office on May 15, 2012 after the handover. The same day, François HOL-LANDE Appointed Jean-Marc AYRAULT as Prime Minister. French Parliament, Jean-Pierre BEL is the President of the Senate since September 2011, and Claude BAR-TOLONE, President of the National Assembly in June 2012.

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