ISO 9001 in a Nutshell


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ISO 9001 in a Nutshell

An overview of the requirements in the ISO 9001: Standard (2008).

General Requirements for the Management System - clause 44.1 Establish and maintain a quality management system: put it into action and improve it.

4.2 Document the quality management system.

4.2.1 Create documents including a quality policy, objectives, manual, procedures and records

4.2.2 Have a quality manual

4.2.3 Control documents

4.2.4 Create and maintain records of the system.

Requirements for Management - part 55.1 Demonstrate commitment to the quality management system

Communicate the importance of quality.

Establish a quality policy and objectives.

Conduct management reviews.

Make sure resources are available.

5.2 Focus on customers

Identify customer requirements.  Aim to enhance customer satisfaction.

5.3 Set a quality policy

Define a suitable quality policy.

Commit to meeting requirements and continual improvement.

Communicate and manage the quality policy.

5.4 Plan for quality

5.4.1 Set measurable objectives.

5.4.2 Perform planning appropriate to achieve aims and objectives.

5.5 Define & communicate 'who does what'

5.5.1 Identify responsibilities and authorities

5.5.2 Include a manager for the system

5.5.3 Make sure internal communications are effective.

5.6 Review the system (management review)

5.6.1 Review your system at planned intervals

5.6.2 Include review of customer feedback, performance of services, products & processes,

nonconformity, audit results, changes, improvements and actions raised

5.6.3 Make sure outputs from review include any decisions on improvements.

Resource Requirements - part 66.1 Identify and provide the necessary resources

6.2 Make sure people are competent for their work if it affects quality

6.2.1 Provide people who are competent, aware and trained.

6.2.2 Have ways to maintain the competency of people.

6.3 Provide infrastructure

Identify what is needed for services/products; provide and maintain it.

6.4 Provide the necessary work environment

Identify and manage the work environment needed.

Requirements for Products or Services ("Realization') - part 77.1 Do planning for products or services

Plan and develop the processes you need for your products/services.

7.2 Have effective processes regarding customers

7.2.1 Identify requirements that apply to your products/services

7.2.2 Before committing to supply, ensure you can meet the requirements

7.2.3 Have effective arrangements to communicate with customers.

7.3 Have effective processes for designing & developing products/services

7.3.1 Plan for design and development.

7.3.2 Define what inputs are needed to design/create/develop

7.3.3 Produce or develop the 'design'

7.3.4 Review this at suitable points

7.3.5 Make sure the result meets requirements (verification)

7.3.6 Validate where practicable.

7.3.7 If changes are necessary, manage them.

7.4 Control purchasing of goods, materials or services, including outsourcing.

7.4.1 Specify what is required. Assess & monitor suppliers.

7.4.2 Describe what is to be purchased adequately.

7.4.3 Make sure what you buy/outsource meets requirements.

7.5 Control operations

7.5.1 Have effective ways to control what you do (product / service)

7.5.2 Validate provision of services/products where required.

7.5.3 Identify and track products/services where needed

7.5.4 Take due care of any property supplied by customers, including IP

7.5.5 Look after products/components during storage/delivery, etc.

7.6 Control devices used for measuring and monitoring

Identify requirements for monitoring and measuring. 

If you use devices, select and use suitable ones. Make sure the results are accurate (calibration,

protection, validation).

Requirements for Analysis and Improvement - part 88.1 Review, analyze and improve performance

Plan and implement suitable processes to do this.

8.2 Monitor and measure to establish whether planned results are achieved

8.2.1 Monitor customer satisfaction.

8.2.2 Plan and implement a program of internal audit

8.2.3 Monitor and measure processes appropriately

8.2.4 Monitor and measure products/services at suitable points.

Release final product/service only after requirements have been met.

8.3 Control nonconformity of product/service

Identify and control nonconformity with suitable methods, including a procedure.

8.4 Analyze information from the system

Define the information needed to show your system is working and to improve.

Collect and analyze that information.

8.5 Improve continually.

8.5.1 Improve your system.

8.5.2 Have a systematic approach to fix nonconformity and stop it recurring.

8.5.3 Have a systematic approach to prevent potential nonconformity from happening.

Note: the numbers correspond to the clause numbers of the Standard. They start at #4 because

the requirements themselves are in sections 4 to 8 of the Standard.

Disclaimer:  This is a very simplified summary.  No representation or warranty is made for the

accuracy or the completeness of the contents. We specifically disclaim any implied warranties or

fitness for any particular purpose and will not be liable for any loss of profit or any other

commercial damage as a result of your acting or relying upon any of this information.

What is a quality system?It is a system that is used to manage (and ensure) quality in an organization. Think of it as the

system a particular business uses to design, develop or make its services or products. For a

service business, it's the system you use to develop and deliver your services.  If you make or

manufacture widgets, it's the system you use to make them. If you sell or distribute products that

other companies make, it's the system you use to source, get/buy & then sell them.  For a

nonprofit (eg, charity or other organization) it's the system you use to deliver your charter or the

reason you exist.

Your business quality system comprises your policies, processes, procedures, people, equipment

or other resources: all that is involved in producing your services or products, from planning them

in the first place, through creation or design (if that applies) through development and finally

delivery to your customers. 

But a quality management system goes beyond just 'producing service or product' to embrace how

you manage your organization, how you make sure your people are competent, that you have the

right equipment, tools or whatever else you need right through to checking your results, making

sure what you planned to happen in fact did happen, and doing something sensible about that if


All the various elements work together (or should do!) to accomplish goods or services of

consistent quality that meet their specifications. 

Do you have a business now? Have you been in business for a year or more? Are you still in

business? Still have customers buying from you?  If you answer yes to these questions, you

already have a quality system.  It may not be an 'ISO 9001 quality system' yet, but you do have a

quality management system.  And you probably already have some kind of QA, perhaps also

some QC.

What's in the Standard?The Standard itself consists of a set of specific requirements. 

The requirements aren't impossible, arcane or even strange.  Really, they are just sheer good

practice, and sound business sense.  Requirements are set out in these groups: 

General requirements -  these requirements apply throughout; including requirements to identify

your processes, document the system suitably and manage records

Management responsibility - requirements for the 'decision-makers'

Resource management - covering people, environment and infrastructure 

Product realization - requirements for core business activities  

Analysis & Improvement - reviewing and improving performance

Each requirement is numbered: there are 28 in 4 groups - more if you count all the sub clauses &

details in the content.  An important point: The requirements specify what must be done, but not


Quality control or QC is where things began. At its simplest, QC

has a focus on product/service - checking your final product to

make sure that it is OK (conforms to requirements), or rejecting it

as non-complying if it doesn't.

The next development was QA or quality assurance.  This moves

beyond the end-product further 'up the line' to find and fix faults

earlier in the process, and is aimed at providing confidence that

requirements are, or have been, met.  Note that QA includes QC at

its core, but it also looks at support processes (such as training, document control, audits) to try to

prevent non-conformance occurring in the first place or stop it happening again if it does.

Finally, Quality Management extends beyond both of the former to embrace the management of

the entire organisation in order to achieve the required quality of services or products.  Hence, a

quality management system.

How to get ISO 9001

FAQ: How do we get certification to the ISO 9001 quality standard? 

You must first go through a formal process with an accredited certifier or auditing body (these are

known as 'registrar' in the USA and UK).  But the real process to get ISO 9001 begins much


Process Overview

1. Make the decision to 'get ISO'.  This needs commitment from 'top management' - the person or people in charge. 

2. Allocate resources.  You'll need to decide whether to use a consultant, or do it yourself.  Also, appoint someone as project manager.  It is a project, so make sure someone has the responsibility to manage it internally.     

3. Establish what the tasks are to get there.  You'll already have some things in place, others will be missing.  Find out where you are now, versus where you should be: a 'gap analysis'.   Then, make a plan of what to do, who will do it and when.   

4. Now improve and develop your system: fill the gaps from the Gap Analysis, revising, adding or improving where you need to. This includes identifying your processes, documenting your system, and making all the improvements necessary to meet the requirements of the Standard.  You'll use the 'PDCA' or continuous improvement cycle to do this.

This is the part which takes the most time & effort.  Make sure you involve people throughout, so that they understand and use the system.  (A  very good reason they should be involved!) 

5. Review and audit your own system internally.  You will find some problems (if you don't, you aren't auditing properly).  Resolve the issues you find, using your formal

correction procedure/s to do it.  

6. Pick the certifier who will audit you, make a formal application and agree on the schedule for audit. 

7. Undergo the external audit. During this, they will audit your quality system against all of the specific requirements of ISO 9001.   

8. Get the certificate and celebrate! Assuming you are successful, of course, you can now get that coveted certificate from your certifier. 

The certificate will arrive a bit later, after the audit. The exact format varies according to your

certifier (type of logo, etc).  Your certifier enters you onto the official world-ride register of certified

organizations - see Links for more info.

You are now said to be 'registered (or certified) to ISO 9001' or to 'have ISO 9001 certification'. 

Note that people often refer to this as 'ISO 9001 accredited', though this term isn't actually correct.

FAQ: Quality Manual - what is it?

The quality manual is an important part of your 'quality documentation'.  It could be all you have

and need, or it may be a part of your documentation.  'Documentation' means anything written

down, whether as manuals, or procedures, policies, checklists, forms, etc.  And also intranet,

online, internet, etc. 

Your system must be documented if you want to meet ISO 9001. There are specific requirements

to include:

a quality policy - the position or approach that your organization takes on policy measurable objectives ('quality objectives') - what you plan to achieve, and how they

will be assessed or measured Your processes and procedures - how things are to be done.

You add anything else you decide is necessary.  This depends on your organization, and can be in

many formats, from checklists and flowcharts to intranets, wikis or workflow embedded into IT


Good quality manuals are very different.  And research shows that information that is well

designed and clearly presented has measurable benefits, eg, one well designed intranet doubled

employee productivity. 

Keep procedures clear and short

Use the Intelligent Quality approach: keep it Simple, Practical and Flexible.  Have just enough documentation (the thickness of a manual is often inversely

proportional to its effectiveness and useability)  Keep documents clear and as short as you can. Write in plain English, using the words and language that your people know and use.


So how do you get ISO 9001:2008 certification?

1. Plan It  First you must know your current status, and compare that against what the requirements are to 'get ISO 9001'. So you'll need to understand all the ISO 9001 2008 requirements, and identify which of them you meet now, and those you don't (a gap analysis).  Next work out the tasks to close the gaps, and plan how: what has to be done, in which order.   

2. Do It   Make the plan happen. Develop and improve your management system. This includes writing your quality manual and procedures, and making all of the changes needed to fill your gaps and reach the level required by the Standard.  (The longest step - the most work is here.) 

3. Check It  You review and audit your quality system, to check that it works, and how. Find the problems and fix them, and make any further changes necessary.  

4. Get It  Finally, have the audit done by your external auditor.  And at last you get that coveted ISO 9001 certificate and join the ranks of ISO 9001 accredited companies.

While that's a summary of the process, there is of course a little bit more to it.  There are traps for

the inexperienced and yes, some 'inside knowledge' is needed.  Without it, you'll find it hard going

and of course you'll make mistakes.

The Most Common Mistakes Made with ISO 9001Some very common mistakes often happen when companies try for ISO 9001. Usually they:

Don't really know what they want from their system Don't make the system work for them Don't keep it simple Don't understand the Standard, let alone how to apply it to what they do Don't know or use a 'systems approach' Don't get the documentation right (the dreaded 'quality manual') Don't get their people involved Don't actually know what they mean by 'quality’.

Then there's the biggest one of all.

They don't follow their own system.  Is it any wonder?

Perhaps you've already looked into getting ISO 9001.  If you've read it, you'll probably agree it

doesn't make great reading.  But it does talk about a 'quality manual', so presumably you have to

write lots of documents.  Don't you?

What about that 'quality manual'?Many people still believe an ISO 9001 system must have reams of documents.  Or that a 'proper'

quality manual must have a policy and procedures for every single clause in the Standard.  Which

would mean an absolute minimum of at least 22 written policies and as many procedures, if not

more, whatever your size or what you do! 

Fact: you don't need to do that.   Unless you really like huge manuals with lots of pages? And

really want procedures with titles like "Design Control" or "Management Review" or "Customer-

Supplied Product"?  Full of multi-level numbering, like ' this' and 'refer to' and

see 'Form #QAP-4AU-002'.  (If you think I'm making this stuff up, see here for an example.)

Another assumption:  "everyone" is a big company, yet there are many smaller ones with limited

resources, a business to run and customers to satisfy. So if you aren't a big company, how do you

find out what you have to do and how? 

There's the hard way: do a lot of work first, then find what you did wrong and redo it.  That costs

you time, money and effort. Then there's the easier way: a friendly expert shows you how to do it

and explains. Wouldn't you agree that's more effective?

Simple and Practical: an Easy Way to Get ISO 9001There is a simpler and quicker way to get ISO 9001 accreditation. And you won't just get ISO

9001, but also a quality management system that works well for you, not weighs you down.

Because my approach to ISO 9001 certification is very different. 

I'm Jane Bennett, a leading Quality Management Consultant and qualified

ISO 9001 Auditor. I call my unique approach Intelligent Quality

Management:  quality that's simple, practical and flexible.  That gets you a

quality management system that suits your organization, not something

'just for the auditor'. 

The IQM approach works.  It's been tested thoroughly in many

organizations in many different fields and over many years.  Feedback from past clients tells me it


Now - a little bad news. (You thought there might be some, didn't you?)  Getting certification does

involve effort.  After all, it is the internationally known Standard, the most widely respected and

recognized model of a quality management system.  Organizations with ISO 9001 certification are

rightly proud of it; it means something across the world. 

And no, you can't achieve that without putting in some time and W-o-r-k (there, I said the horrible

W word).  There really is no magic wand.  But the good news is: you can do it, you can get

certified and at a price that won't break the bank. Many of my previous customers already have.

A practical step-by-step guide to get ISO 9001 Imagine where you could be just months from now: with that coveted ISO 9001 certificate, and with

less effort than feared.  Without having wasted time and effort trying to find your way through

difficult and unfamiliar territory. 

Because with my DIY Pack, the whole certification process is made clear. There's a roadmap to

follow and I'll guide you.  You get clear instructions on what to do, when and how.  Simple and

practical templates and models for you to adapt for you use. You don't have to start from scratch

or figure out what's needed: you'll save weeks if not months of effort.  (One customer said about

my DIY quality manual template: "I edited your example in about 3 hours and it is now in


You won't worry because you know you have a successful model.  You'll even know see what the

final result might look like, because of the examples in the Pack. (If I'd had these for my first ISO

9001 certification, it would have taken only a mere of the time and effort.) Instead of working

overtime to try & figure it all out yourself, doesn't it make sense to take a shortcut? 

The whole process explained, and the tools you need Here are just some of the many benefits of the Pack.

I'll explain and show you how to do it.  Step by step, the whole process demystified.  You'll know what has to be done, when and how, with a roadmap of the activities and important milestones, and an easy and practical way of monitoring progress 

How to choose the best place to start your quality project and increase your chance of success 

Why getting the 'people stuff' wrong can send your quality project off the rails, and how to get it right  

Find out quickly where to focus your effort, and where not to, and why it's often a complete waste of time writing 'vision' or 'mission' statements  

A simple practical structure for a quality manual that really helps manage your business (forget those pointless activities that just add to overheads) 

Who the real readers of your quality documents are; if you don't understand this, you'll write for the wrong audience 

The one question to ask to find your main processes (it took me years to discover this, but you get it immediately)  

The key processes identified for over 18 different types of business and organizations (there's sure to be one like yours, and if there isn't, I'll help)  

A clear and simple technique for mapping business processes, understanding them and improving them so they work efficiently 

How to write stuff that's simple, useful and used (avoid the over-documented nightmare) 

What 'management review' really means and why you don't need a procedure   

The 3 areas most companies fail at audit, and how not to; which means you get through first time and without extra fees 

What the Standard really says, in plain English so it's readily comprehensible  

Three powerful quality improvement tools and how to use them 

Why you should avoid creating new forms (and the only time when you should) 

Over 100 specific and practical ways to meet the requirements of ISO 9001, make things easy for your business and avoid unnecessary effort   

A simple system for controlling documents: save a week or more in effort (the most common method recommended and sold is time-consuming and tedious but this one makes it easy)   

How to choose an external auditor who's right for your business - it's one of the most important quality decisions you'll make 

The 5 essential things to check before your final external audit and the one thing that every external auditor is looking for. If you don't know this, you could be completely off track.  

How to make sure your auditor is already impressed as soon as they walk in the door (and no, it's not a bribe) 

More than 50 traps and pitfalls for the ignorant, so you can avoid every one.  

Contents of the DIY ISO 9001 Pack

Here's exactly what's in the DIY Pack.

1. The Guide: The Complete Guide to Getting ISO 9001

The Getting ISO 9001 Guide is like having a pre-eminent quality consultant at your side guiding you through your project.  I explain what you need to know, from the basic concepts through to getting your ISO 9001 certification.  It's crammed full of practical and clear advice on making your quality system happen while keeping it easy and sensible. No weird 'ISO speak' or quality babble. (By now, you'll know I have no time for it).  Just easy to understand, plain clear English.  You get the benefit of my more than 22 years knowledge and experience and thousands of hours of quality audits distilled down to the essentials.  Plenty of helpful, real examples for different types of companies and businesses. See Contents and Sample Pages .pdf) 

2. The Toolbox 

The Toolbox contains the tools and templates you need to

apply the IQ simple and practical approach:

Analysis & planning aids: to identify what is involved, set priorities and know what to do. A Gap Analysis Checklist with 51 specific

questions to identify the specific gaps in your company.  A Certification Plan with the key milestones you need. 

Policy Manual; already pre-filled with text so it's about 65% done already. You add  information specific to your company, and customise with any other information you want. Includes policies for Privacy and Health & Safety suitable for Australian use. 

Procedures Handbook.  Procedures should be clear, useful and short. You'll get an 'ah hah!' when you see the easy-to-follow template for procedures.  No struggling with how to write: the template shows you what information to put where.   

Mandatory procedures  Practical written procedures that work, and cover the 6 mandatory areas demanded by the Standard.  Use them as is, or modify to suit you.   

  Internal audit program:  from planning and scheduling to recording and reporting


The 15 essential forms/tools you need; clear, easy and practical. If you already have things in place, you'll get some great ideas for improvement.   

ISO 9001 Training.  Clear and straightforward training materials you can use to communicate internally:  What is ISO 9001 (for managers), Understanding Processes - (how to apply a process approach) and Preparing for Audit. 

An Index to the templates and tools, explaining what to use when.

3. Full Sample ISO 9001 Quality Manual & Documents

One of the best ways of learning and understanding is with real live examples. So the Pack

contains a full set of policies & procedures manuals: real working examples of 'quality

documents for ISO 9001'.  See exactly what the quality system documentation for Acme Company

looks like. These manuals are the real thing

and - working example to will demonstrate to

you how you can keep your ISO 9001

system and ISO 9001 manuals sensible,

practical and easy. IF you know how.

And you get Acme's completed examples of

all the DIY forms and templates supplied

(those 'ISO 9001 quality records', so you can

see what they might look when completed and in use.

The Acme model is particularly suitable for service-based and project-based companies. 


If instead yours is a manufacturing business or product-based, use the Browns' Manufacturing set

instead - also provided. (Sales/distribution?  Ask about the Blueton Distributors Manual.)

4. The DIY CD:  All Toolbox tools and templates including

sample manuals are supplied on CD as standard MS Office

electronic files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).  Just open up a file

and you're ready to go.

5. Access to the DIY Customers Only site

Even more resources available in the customers only private


Access to the restricted ISO 9001 Resources section of the website.  This special section of the website has the latest information, resources and tools. FAQs, special reports, and other material available only to customers. 

Downloadable files: more resources, examples, tools, discussions of ISO 9001 and more.    <LIQ&AS answers. 

Q&As on doing ISO 9001.  If there's a question I've been asked that you might like to know the answer to, it's posted in the Q&As section.  (If it isn't, ask me and I'll put it up!).  You'll get your login and password for access, so you can browse and download any of the extra resources there:   Need something that isn't there?  Ask me for it to be included. 

But does it really work?So does the DIY Pack really work?  Yes, it does.  Everything in it has been used in quality

management systems that successfully got ISO 9001 certification. I know the IQ approach to

quality works, and my many satisfied clients and customers agree.   Every single system

implemented for a client using it got ISO 9001 certification. 

Every time.  First time. 

No failed audits.  No second attempts.  And no major nonconformity or 'hold points' either.  Not

one.  (Those are an auditor's way of saying they can't certify you yet, and have to come back later

when you've fixed things. At extra cost.)

So you see I know what I'm talking about.  And with the DIY Pack, you get not only my tools,

templates and documents, but also the years and years of experience, distilled into only what's

really essential.    

Proof that the Approach Works - what customers sayBut you don't have to just take my word for it.  Here's what other people say about the product and

the approach:

Great and Absolutely Smooth Thanks for all the support and reminders that you have sent. It's been great and absolutely smooth during our final audit. We have actually received our certificate last month May 2010. The system (DIY ISO 9001) Pack is an effective tool which helped me to manage the audit and NC giving by the auditors.

Once again many thanks for your consultancy support and excellent tips and remainder towards getting our ISO qualification.   I would never have gone this far without your help.  K Wu, SA Engineering, HK. Simple, Straightforward and Invaluable     The simplicity and straight forward approach of the DIY Toolbox was excellent. The common sense examples and practical insights into obtaining Quality Assurance were invaluable. Further to this, the support offered by Jane when encountering a problem was exceptional, she was only too willing to assist us on the phone & email when we encountered problems. Through the DIY Toolbox & Jane’s assistance we were able to obtain Quality Assurance ISO:9001 (2008) on our first attempt, even receiving a Noteworthy Effort on our audit report.  P Harvey, GM, LCollect NSW We are chuffed     We achieved Quality certification last week! DLIQ conducted an audit and gave us a 99% pass in Document Review and 100% in Conformity. We are chuffed as an organisation. Your DIY kit was referred to many times in the process. The commonsense approach to the process offered by you and your system helped me unravel the many hangover methods from the old 3900 approaches that still abound in the world of QA. Again, many thanks for the assistance. Paul Reilly, Contract construction company (name supplied), NSW

Very Rewarding    I had my final certification audit last Thursday and Friday and have passed with no non-conformances and just a few places with room for improvement.  I would like to thank you for your assistance with getting me on the way to understanding ISO:9001 and everything it entails.  It has been a big learning curve over the last 12 months but very rewarding and now we can do works directly for Main Roads etc as we had planned - in fact we have < of because (contracts) 3 won>accreditation.  Barbara Randle, (name supplied) Qld. Delighted With It    The DIY pack was very valuable in adding to my understanding of what needed to be done in achieving ISO9001. The commentary and sample manual provided gave me a great road map of where I was headed and how to get to the goal of ISO9001 certification. (name supplied)The ISO9001 standard, like any other, takes time and effort to understand. The intent behind this standard takes even longer. The DIY Pack helps in knowing the key issues a Quality Manual must address and provides samples and guidance on how to create your own Manual. The DIY pack will give you a great start in getting ISO9001:2000 certified.  I am delighted with it - don't know what I would have done without it.  Tony Chand, (company name withheld by request).

Fantastic!      The more I do on this ISO business the more benefits I can see it having on our business... Your DIY Kit is fantastic!   Rachel Lewis (engineering consultancy) 

Quality Management System Is Now Lean and Lethally Efficient    The approach demonstrated by Jane allowed us to greatly accelerate and simplify our ISO 9001 program, and to say we got through in record time would be an understatement. Once the message came across to keep it simple, slim, and sensible, the rest was easy and uneventful, and even quite enjoyable at times to put together. Wastecorp’s quality management system is now lean and lethally efficient, and the company is grateful to Mapwright for keeping it focused towards the ends that were important to us, rather than pondering endlessly on "what the auditor might think". In summary, Jane’s DIY kit and consultancy support were excellent value to say the least. Shane Hammond, Wastecorp P/L, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.

It Works    I've had the kit for a few months now and I'm very pleased. It works!!! There is a lot of work still to be done and I have precious little time but at least there is something in place and something I can continue to work on when I do get time. What you get with the DIY Pack is a place to start and some really useful information and templates to help you get going on the task, which is often half the battle.  I am very satisfied with it. Heath Goldfinch, Corprev P/L, Brisbane Aust.

Straightforward and User Friendly          I wish to thank you for such a great product. I tried once before to “jump the QA hurdle” but found it insurmountable. Your product has taken the fear factor away. The system is straight forward, user friendly and appears to be not only effective for QA but will be a very useful tool for the management of this company, namely myself and my husband, to take us well into our company’s expanding future. L.Boulton, Director, Alfex CNC, Brisbane, Australia.

Made the Process Easier Than Expected         The whole set up of the pack was easy to follow, the step by step guide made the process easier than I thought it was ever going to be. I don't think we would have achieved certification nor had the system we do in

place without the pack.  We could never have achieved such a great result without the DIY Pack and Jane's advice.      Tara Edwards, Office Manager, Gytech Pty Ltd, Hawthorn, Vic .

Lost Without It     The DIY ISO 9001 Pack has been an invaluable tool. I would have been lost without it. It's a fantastic tool for someone who has never written a quality system before. Not only is it a great starting point but the pack guides you through the entire process for becoming 9001 compliant.  Amanda Lee, (Company name withheld by request), Gold Coast, Qld. Exactly What We Needed     Wonderful! This DIY Pack is exactly what we needed. Simple and easy, but clear and comprehensive. I’m impressed by the thinking behind it, its usefulness, and the great value for money. This is exactly what we needed to explain the whole process, and give us a very practical and workable way to do it. M Evans, Director, Machay Systems P/L, Vic.


User Friendly and Easy to Follow  I am very happy with the product we purchased from you. It provides a really solid foundation to starting a quality system from scratch with only a basic understanding of ISO 9001 and helps you establish a user friendly, easy to follow manual.  Definitely the best way to start to control your quality with minimal fuss.  B. Randle, King Concreting, Brisbane, Australia.  Tangible Benefits and Internal Improvement   The DIY Pack is definitely a product that everyone should be taking seriously. Not only does it assist with simplifying the process of ISO qualification, it can provide tangible benefit for any business looking to improve internal process. It has aimed us in a common direction whereas before each stakeholder was aiming in his/her direction without any guiding influences. Brett Chapman, Brisbane, Qld (company name withheld by request).

Excellent Value      We received excellent value for the dollars spent – the return on investment is the important thing to consider and measure, as you go through the process and once certification has been achieved. If [you] have never had any involvement in QA Systems or ISO Accreditation then it is a very useful guide from start to finish. If you are going to plan a trip in an area that you have never traveled – you wouldn’t leave without a plan and a road map. (Name & company details withheld by request)

Well Developed System and Simple Documentation    The management system has been well developed and implemented. The simple yet robust structure of documentation is appropriate for the size of the company and the type of services it provides.  (From successful certification audit by LRQA of Thermoview East) 

Now, do I guarantee you will get ISO 9001 with the Pack?  Well, I can and will guarantee the Pack

itself, but I cannot guarantee that you will succeed.

You see, I don't know you or your organisation, or what you have now.  And I don't know whether

you'll follow my instructions: use the information, tools and templates and actually do what is

required. But if you do, I am confident you can succeed as many other customers have, but I won't

offer a guarantee of success.  

But I do remove your risk with a full, money back guarantee on the product.

Order now to have your DIY ISO 9001 Pack rushed to you. 


More Ordering & Payment Options

Extra Bonuses included If you order now, you will also receive these special bonuses:

Bonus #1:  ISO 9001 - What It's Really SayingYou'll find this set of explanations of the Standard and how to understand it invaluable.  Find out

what it's really saying in plain and clear English.  Recorded files of the various parts of the

Standard and how to interpret it.  .mp3 files you can copy to your .mp3 player or a CD, and listen

at your leisure.

Bonus #2:  Full 12 Months of SupportTo ensure success, you'll receive a full 12 months of support.  

Regular email newsletter, once or twice a month, with reminders, progress check-ins, more help and updates to help you progress and stay on track 

Answers to your questions.  Because even with the wealth of information in the DIY Pack and Customers Only Site, you may have a specific question, or need an answer. You can just send a quick email and I'll answer.  Or you can call me: if I'm in the office and available, I'll answer you then & there. 

Now, this support alone is worth nearly as much as the Pack- conservatively the value is at least

$1200.   It's included on orders received currently.  But please understandI must limit numbers (for

obvious reasons) and I do not offer it all the time.  Waiting could mean you'll miss out.

Bonus #3: Extra Business Improvement Tools, Samples, Work Aids This is a huge collection of more files, tools, documents, checklists and other work aids you can

use to help improve your system.  They are the best of things I've created or revised over many

years.  Over 80 different files - use them for ideas to improve, to fill in gaps or as more examples. 

More Quality System Manuals: Browns Manufacturing policy and procedures manuals. More

Business manuals including an HR Policy Manual, an Operations Manual, Safety Operations

Manual. Further examples of strategic planning, setting and assessing objectives, including plans

for a Department and from a variety of companies (short and long),  Business Proposal. 

More quality audit tools: sample audit checklists, schedule and reports. Over 25 different job

descriptions (all levels, a range of formats). Personnel tools include Skills Matrix, Authority Matrix,

Personnel Details record, Training/Competency Records, Interview Evaluation form, Performance

Review template.  Various sample procedures from How NOT to do Document control to

Purchasing, Recruiting and Order Processing.  Standards & guidelines - a Code of Conduct,

Filenaming Standard, Writing Standards.  The 5-Whys Method for problem solving and finding root

cause.  Forms including Calibration, Safety Inspections, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment. 

And more.

What's the cost? 

Previous customers have said it's worth $2000, $3000 and even more.  Having a consultant to do

everything in the DIY Pack could cost at least $18,000.  But I'm not asking you to pay anywhere

near that; I want it to stay affordable, especially for smaller businesses. 

So you pay only $1395.00 plus delivery (+ GST in Australia), total: $1567.50.   Less than the

fortnightly cost of a salaried employee, less than two days consulting and far, far less than doing it

from scratch. So by acting now, you will save over $16,000. 

This is the best, most complete, and most practical 'DIY' Pack for ISO 9001 available anywhere in

the world. 

What You Get in your DIY ISO 9001 Pack1. The Guide:  Complete Guide to How to Get ISO 9001  Supplied in hard copy as a 122-page



2. The Toolbox  The resources you need, supplied in hard and soft copy

Quality Manual template - already 65% complete with text you can use, and guidance on how to complete it for your company

The Procedures Manual template - this includes a Process template to use for your own procedures, and has written procedures to cover the 6 mandatory areas 

The Certification Plan  Objectives & Process Mapping matrix Gap Analysis Checklist   Corrective Action Form + register template Internal Audit Schedule template Internal Audit Report template Supplier Assessment matrix Induction Checklist template Performance Evaluation template Position Description template Meeting minutes/actions templates

ISO 9001 training materials for management and staff.  Full sets of high-quality PowerPoint Presentations:  What Is ISO 9001? Understanding Processes, Preparing for Audit. 

These are the templates, tools, & forms you need, including templates for your Quality Manual. 

Use as is or customise them to suit your needs.

3. Acme's ISO 9001 Quality Documents and Records

Acme Pty Ltd's Quality Manual and Quality Procedures Completed Gap Analysis, Certification Plan, internal audit documents (Audit

Schedule, Plan/checklist, Audit Report), Position Description, Induction form, Performance Evaluation, and Supplier Assessments.  < CD. the on copy soft and manual) (bound hard in both supplied samples>

The ACME model can be applied to almost any organisation delivering services (eg, IT, consulting,

engineering, etc) and/or projects.

4. Sample ISO 9001 Quality Manuals for Manufacturing/Sales

Browns Manufacturing Quality Manual Browns Manufacturing Procedures Manual

Browns is most applicable to businesses that make or manufacture products.  So you see with

both the Acme Manuals and those for Browns Manufacturing you get two full ISO 9001 quality


5. The DIY ISO 9001 CD, containing electronic files of all the templates, the resources, tools and

sample manuals.  Standard MS Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).  

6. More Resources: 

Access to Customers Only website FAQs - questions and answers to many of the most common questions Downloadable files: further resources, examples and tools

This is the latest version of the DIY Pack (I can never resist the urge to improve). Naturally, it has

been comprehensively reviewed and revised, with improvements and additions, and new pages.  

It is of course for the current version of the Standard: ISO 9001:2008. 


The Bonuses 

Remember, if you order now, you'll also get these extra bonuses:

Bonus #1: 'Understanding ISO 9001 - What It's Really Saying'.  Explanations of the various

sections, clauses and even sub-clauses of the Standard that take the mystery out of the Standard

and its sometimes difficult language.  Listen as I explain what it's really saying in plain and simple

English, with examples to illustrate.  Sample: discussion of the 8 principles of the Standard &

quality systems (MP3 file, 8.6 Mb).  This product sells separately for $97, but is included.

Bonus #2: Ongoing Support for 12 months - value at least $1200

Bonus #3  Treasure trove of over 80 varied and valuable resources - Manuals, Samples,

Reports, Plans, Templates Checklists, Work Aids - value at least $1000.

Moneyback GuaranteeWith my full money back guarantee, there is simply no risk to you.  You don't even have to

decide now, because you can get it right away and try it out first.  Take a full 4 months to try it

and see for yourself it will do everything that I say. 

If you are not happy, I won't keep your money: I'll give you a full refund of every penny you paid. 

In fact, I'll insist on it.  I'll even go further.  Keep the pack for the full year. If, at the end of that, you

don't agree that the Pack has been worth at least three times its purchase price to you, you can

return it to me for a full refund.

Order now Order now and your DIY ISO 9001 Pack will be rushed to you.  We ship to most places in the


 I wish you a successful journey to your ISO 9001 certificate, and look forward to helping you

achieve your goal.

Jane Bennett, Director, Mapwright Pty Ltd and Intelligent Quality Management

PS Still have a question?  Prefer to check whether there's a 'real business' behind this website in

cyberspace?  I do understand.  Just contact us.

FAQ - Which ISO 9000 Standard?  ISO 9000 refers to the family of documents around the ISO 9001 Standard.  The Standard's full

title is 'ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems - Requirements'.  Different countries insert

different different identifiers before the ISO (eg, AS/NZS for Australia & NZ), but the contents of the

Standard are the same throughout the world

The current version of the Standard is ISO 9001:2008.  The 2008 refers to the year of release,

replacing its predecessor, ISO 9001:2000.

What was new in ISO 9001:2008?The 2008 version was very little changed.  There were no new requirements.  None at all. That's

important, because a requirement is a 'must do'. 

The changes were fairly small.  They are minor changes to words or small additions, such as notes

and examples to clarify meaning, and align this Standard better with ISO 14001 (Environmental). 

For example, there is now a Note which clarifies that a single procedure can meet the

requirements of more than one clause.  This should finally put an end (I hope!) to the tired old

misbelief that you 'must' have 3 separate procedures to address the 3 different clauses on

nonconformity, corrective and preventive action. 

>> More information on ISO 9001:2008

What changed after the 1994 version?Since 2000 when a very new and completely revised Standard was published, it changed focus to

customers and outcomes, away from the old emphasis on  just conforming to process and 'QA'

(good change).  The previous manufacturing bias that formerly made the Standard difficult for

services was removed.   A wholly new 'process approach' stressed the importance of identifying

key processes in each organisation, with a focus on processes rather than mandatory procedures


The role of senior management was clarified and emphasised; they are now referred to as 'top

management' - that is, the people in charge, the decision-makers, whether that is a CEO, MD,

Board of Directors, etc.  It introduced a new requirement for measurable objectives. 

Requirements for mandatory documents were much reduced. And many clause numbers changed

(those are the 2.3.4 and 4.8 type numbers).  One consequence is that the awful old-style quality

manuals specifically built upon the clause numbers of the Standard didn't work any more - hooray.

Although alas, in some quarters they've ignored the process approach, and just renumbered and

trotted out the same old stuff.  It didn't work well then, and still doesn't!

What happened to ISO 9002 and ISO 9003?Both obsolete.  They were withdrawn in 2000 and replaced by just the single 9001 standard. 

Prior to 2000, there were 3 separate Standards in the family: ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003.

In practice, most companies used either ISO 9001 (if their system included 'design') or ISO 9002 if

it didn't. A very few companies did ISO 9003, which only covered installation/maintenance. 

Now, there is just one Standard, so everyone is certified to ISO 9001. So if you happen to come

across any reference to 'ISO 9002' certification, someone is either very ignorant and/or years out

of date.

Exemptions or 'We don't do Design'When 9001, 9002 and 9003 existed, you chose the applicable Standard, and then met all its

requirements.  The biggest difference was whether 'design' applied or not: 9001 (if it did) vs 9002

(it didn't).  That's all changed.  With this single Standard (ISO 9001), you now may claim

exemption from certain clauses but only within a single section: section 7. 

You must provide good reasons for any exemption, and it must not affect your ability or

responsibility to provide product/services that meet requirements (customer or applicable

regulatory ones). 

For example, if you just make the same things over and over again, and thus don't do any design-

related activities, you could claim exemption for that clause (7.3) because it does not apply.  Or if

you don't use, acquire or hold any property from your customers (7.5.4), you could exclude that

clause also as non-applicable.

But you can't just choose to opt out from a clause because you prefer not to do it.   For example,

an architectural practice could not exclude 'design' from their business activities.  A business that

did repairs of products sold under warranty, which they must take to their premises to fix, could not

claim exemption from 7.5.4 'customer property'. 

Where does a Standard come from?Producing a Standard is a lengthy process of gaining consensus between national delegations

representing all the stakeholders concerned - suppliers, users, government regulators and other

interest groups, such as customers and consumers to agree on the specifications and criteria to be

applied.  You can read the full process from the official ISO website - see Links. 

What Clients Say

Excellent internal improvements     Achieving ISO 9001 for Caraniche helped us to advance our quality management system and

make some excellent internal improvements. Jane’s assistance and expert services throughout the

project were extremely valuable. Her approach to quality management is to make it valuable and

relevant, as well as practical and workable. She took the time to understand our organisation and

our services, helped us to identify where changes or improvements were required, and assisted us

to make the changes in ways that would work well in our particular context. Her advice throughout

was excellent; it could have been a much more difficult or protracted process without her services.

Matthew Berry, Manager, Research Training & Projects, Caraniche

Invaluable expert advice    We have received certification for our Quality Management System (QMS) under ISO9001:

2008. The comments from our auditor were about how well our system was presented and how it

truly reflected our business.

    I would like to thank you for your assistance, guidance and training in setting up our quality

management system. Having achieved certification now assists us to continue improving as well

as assisting us in promoting our certification to potential clients.

Quality Management has always been an integral part of our business and we have always prided

ourselves on this. You provided us with a solid understanding of ISO9001 and worked with us to

understand our business, assisted us in identifying areas for improvement, the gaps and changes

that were required to fine tune and streamline our core processes.

    Your expert advice has been invaluable to us and without it, GTA Consultants would have found

it a much more difficult and prolonged process.    Kate Partenio, Director, GTA Consultants  -

Specialist Traffic & Transport Consultants

Process virtually flawless and painless   What a stroke of good luck to come across you and your organization! Besides the instant

rapport, you possessed a tremendous grasp of what is required to satisfy ISO requirements, and

your analysis of our system and process in preparing us for assessment was virtually flawless.

    We found your professionalism, experience and sound knowledge of quality systems made our

bid for certification a relatively painless one. We now know that without you, we may have taken a

much longer route to get there.

    We have no reservations in recommending you to anyone looking to move to the next level. 

Spiro Paule, CEO, Financial Index Australia P/L

Practical, simple and worked for us    Getting ISO 9001 filled me with apprehension. Unfortunately, we started with a consultant who

made it appear extremely hard as well as bureaucratic and complicated. I began to feel

overwhelmed with the effort and the sheer numbers of documents that seemed to be required.

   But Jane's approach changed all that completely. Using her DIY Pack and her excellent,

practical advice to quality management put us on the right path. Her advice was excellent:

practical, simple and worked for us. And we've got a lot of benefit out of doing it. We have made a

lot of improvements as a result.

   Things no longer 'fall between the cracks'. We have clear procedures that add some discipline

which is really useful. We know where all our records and our files and documents are. And our

system is just that: our system, that we're happy to work with.

   Our auditor was very happy with it and thought it suited our organisation well. I am very, very

pleased that we used the DIY Pack and Jane Bennett, and hate to think where we would be

otherwise. Gwenda Cannard, CEO, Reconnexion (non-profit)

We are a much improved company  Jane added significant value to the QMS Certification.   Jane took the time to understand our

business, more importantly she identified and understood the underlying business issues and

culture, and set in place a plan to deliver us the outcome we sought.   The approach Jane took

was very consultative, she engaged at all levels of the organisation and presented a practical and

workable solution for our business. 

  As a company, we are now much improved.  The discipline and learning involved in achieving

certification helped us tune our system up a level, apply the right management controls and make

some excellent internal improvements.  The quality management system is one that we use and

work with every day.  We could not have achieved the result we did without Mapwright. 

  If I was managing a QMS certification all over again, I would re-engage Mapwright, it's that

simple.   Manager of Service Delivery & Quality, national consulting company

Commonsense Approach  We achieved Quality certification last week! DLIQ conducted an audit and gave us a 99% pass in

Document Review and 100% in Conformity.  We are chuffed as an organisation.  Your DIY kit was

referred to many times in the process. 

  The commonsense approach to the process offered by you and your system helped me unravel

the many hangover methods from the old 3900 approaches that still abound in the world of QA. 

Again, many thanks for the assistance.  MD & QM of contract construction company

Good news    I have some good news! (We have) been officially certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality

Assurance under ISO 9001. It’s been a long, hard slog, but I’m glad that we made the effort. I’ll be

updating our website soon to reflect the change, but I just wanted to write to you to share the news

and to thank you for all of your assistance.  MD of Software design and engineering company -

name with-held by request

Impressed thorough auditors     We’ve just come out of our triennial audit and I’m pleased to report that we got through it with no

non-conformances! The auditors were that impressed with everything we’d done.  

    They were very thorough and we were very happy with the way they put the system through its

paces; there is a lot to be said for having good auditors! Thanks very much for all your help

throughout this process; it certainly would have been a lot harder without your assistance! J

Vinciguerra, IT Manager, Chemform

Refreshing 'keep it practical' approach    We needed ISO 9001 but were apprehensive about the process, and whether the end result

would really benefit the company.  Having a consultant with Jane’s experience and refreshing

‘keep it practical’ approach really made the difference.  

    Instead of an awkward system, she kept the focus on our company, the way we work, what was

in place already and the elements that were important to us.  Her advice was excellent: she made

sure that the system remained our system as well as helping us make useful improvements in

various aspects, all without imposing any extra or unnecessary overheads.  

    Staff feedback has been very positive. We would not have achieved this result without Jane,

and were very happy with her consulting services.   Craig Wehner, Customer Support Manager,

Applied Biosystems Aust & NZ

To say we got through in record time would be an understatement     Wastecorp is a burgeoning company going places in a hurry, and it wanted to refine its

organisational systems to underpin its aggressive forward expansion program, and part of that

process meant gaining ISO 9001 accreditation. There was a concern though, for many quality

systems are cumbersome, confusing, and slow moving, and we needed a clear thinking


    Mapwright’s ‘keep it simple & practical approach’ meant we could have our own fast paced

system, and not one of those unwieldy concoctions dreamed up by outsiders with minimal

knowledge of what we actually do each day to make our living. The approach demonstrated by

Jane allowed us to greatly accelerate and simplify our ISO 9001 program, and to say we got

through in record time would be an understatement. Once the message came across to keep it

simple, slim, and sensible, the rest was easy and uneventful, and even quite enjoyable at times to

put together.

    Wastecorp’s quality management system is now lean and lethally efficient, and the company is

grateful to Mapwright for keeping it focused towards the ends that were important to us, rather than

pondering endlessly on "what the auditor might think".

    In summary, Jane’s DIY kit and consultancy support were excellent value to say the least, and

the company is therefore happy to recommend her services to those businesses who value

simplicity, style, and elegance in the quality management arena. Shane Hammond, Compliance

Manager, Wastecorp Pty Ltd

Our Management System Is Now Stronger    While we’d considered ISO 9001 certification previously, we’d had some misgivings. It all

seemed too hard, but having a skilled consultant as guide made all the difference. Jane made sure

she understood our company and its uniqueness, what we already had and what was important to

us. Then she worked with us to improve our management system and make sure we met all the

requirements of the Standard. Jane’s advice was invaluable; she excels at keeping things

practical, without imposing anything unnecessary.

    The company achieved the requirements, but without sacrificing the flexibility so essential in our

dynamic business environment. Our management system is stronger; we sailed through the audit

with high praise. We could never have achieved the result we did without Jane, and can’t

recommend her highly enough. 

Anthony Watson, Operations Executive, national payments company

We Can See the Benefits     We'd had a couple of previous tries at getting ISO 9001 and found it hard going.  We kept

running into hurdles that we found difficult to overcome, but we really wanted to get our business

certified.  We were concerned about finding someone who would do a good job, and worried about

whether we'd have to do things that just didn't help run the business, as we'd heard horror stories

about other businesses being forced to make things complex. But none of that happened with


    First she looked at our business and what we had in place.  Far from forcing something onto us,

she worked with what we already had and helped us make it 'ISO 9001 standard'.  The hurdles

were overcome and our systems were improved through this process.  We were delighted with the

results.  We not only got certified in 8 months, but we also now have an improved system that

helps us manage our business better.

    We found Jane to be thoughtful, direct and very practical.  We were very pleased with the whole

process and outcomes, and can see the benefits to our business. Karl Cundall, Director, ValueIt

Property Valuers

Not Just Certification, but an Improved System     We’d tried previously to get ISO 9001 and found it hard going. But we really wanted to get our

business certified. We were concerned about getting a consultant who would really do a good job

for us. We worried whether they would insist on things that didn’t really help us in our business, or

that they’d make things too complex or too hard. None of that happened after we decided to give

Jane a try.

    We were delighted with the results. Instead of imposing something on us, she looked at our

business and our existing systems. Then she gave us excellent advice on how to improve it to ISO

9001 standard, without a lot of extra complexity or overhead.

    We not only got our ISO 9001 certification, but we also have an improved system that helps us

manage our business better, both now and into the future.   Geoff Sayers, Systems Manager,

Oxford Chemicals

Delivered Significant and Quantifiable Benefits    Prior to the appointment of Mapwright Pty Ltd, our company was really struggling with ISO 9001.

Our system was cumbersome, unnecessarily complicated and had actually become a burden to

the company. Jane Bennett changed all that in a matter of weeks, by explaining ISO 9001 to us in

a language we could understand and relate to, such that we quickly developed enthusiasm to

pursue the benefits that were potentially available to us.

    Twelve months (and two audits) later, we now have an efficient and dynamic quality

management system that is an integral part of our business, and has already delivered significant

quantifiable benefits. Jane has been singularly instrumental in bringing this to fruition. We now look

at our quality management system with pride and enthusiasm, and are keen to develop it further at

every opportunity.  General Manager of National Manufacturing Company

Successful at First Attempt    Thank you for your sterling efforts in assisting the Industry TechLink team to achieve quality

accreditation. Your services ensured that, from the beginning, our processes were relevant to the

task and built without bureaucratic overhead.

    Our greatest challenge was to implement the service in 4 months and then to meet our

Government contractual requirements to gain Quality Accreditation by April 04.  The development

of the procedures and establishment of the service was an enormous task in one year.  Through

your expert guidance, we established the entire quality system and achieved accreditation on the

first attempt in February 04.  We are most grateful to you and would have no hesitation in

recommending you to others.    Neil Nyholm, Project Director, Consultel IT&T.

Simple and Effective    The newly developed system reflects accurately the current business processes and the new

procedures are formatted simply, effectively and per the process approach.  SAI Global Auditor on

a client's redeveloped system

Quick Path to Certification    We'd already had a consultant's report, but it really didn't tell us what the issues were, nor what

we needed to do. Mapwright's report was quite different.

    You really grasped our business and operations very quickly. The gap analysis report was very

clear about what had to be done; the advice you gave us was really helpful. You didn't make it any

more complicated than it needed to be. We really appreciated the way you worked with us to make

sure we got certification quickly.   Anthony Quade, Manager, QA Testing Lab, ANZ

Simple and Robust    The management system has been well developed and implemented. The simple yet robust

structure of documentation is appropriate for the size of the company and the type of services it

provides.  From Lloyds Register Audit Report, certifying a client's system 

Focus on Our Business and Our Goals    Mapwright helped us to upgrade our existing quality system to the 9001:2000 Standard. At the

same time, Jane helped us to revise and simplify parts of it, adapt it to online delivery and abandon

superfluous documentation. It is now simpler to use, requires less maintenance, and works well on

our intranet.

    The service was highly flexible, delivered value and met tight deadlines. The focus throughout

remained firmly on our business, its goals, objectives and customers, without meaningless 'quality

speak' or tedious bureaucracy for its own sake. Gordon Caley, Customer Service Manager,

Wridgways Ltd

Guidance on What Was Important    Thank you for your effort and contribution to a successful audit result, upgrading us to the new

version of the 9001Standard, an achievement we could not have managed without Mapwright. 

Our previous system was extremely labour-intensive to keep up to date, and as a result, was

outdated. It is extremely gratifying to now be down to a handbook, 9 processes, and a small

number of forms and work instructions - particularly when the old model had more than 25

processes, a similar number of quality documents plus work instructions and forms! 

    Your ability to cut through the superfluous information and provide guidance on what was

important allowed us to learn about the standard and manage the system ourselves.  This has

helped us to 'live' the system and understand why we have it, rather than treating it as a separate


    We can now say with confidence that we use our BeProActive! Quality System as the basis for

the way we do things at ProActive.

Bob Phillipson, MD, ProActive Services Pty Ltd, Leading the Way in IT Service Management.

Simpler System Now Easy To Work With    Thank you for your help in upgrading our system to the 9001:2000 Standard, while also helping

us to simplify the system, make it easier to work with, and adapt it to delivery on our intranet.

    You helped us focus on what was important to the business, and to 're-engineer' our quality

system to one that strongly underpins our drive to continually deliver superior services to our

customers. Jane was very customer-focused and delivered excellent value for money.

Robert Nedanovkski, Business Systems Coordinator, Allied Pickfords Records Management


Flexible and Streamlined Management for Small Business     I bought an existing business from a larger firm, and also needed to upgrade to the new

Standard. Mapwright enabled me to create a flexible & streamlined management system that really

suits my business and its size.

No huge manuals, no wordy procedures, no incomprehensible 'quality speak', just a practical

system with a small set of documents and procedures that are short and clear. We got re-

certification within 6 months. The service was prompt, customer-focused and very good value for

money; the consultant would even crack a joke! I have no hesitation in recommending the services

of Mapwright.   

Lang Nicholls, Sales Manager, Thermoview East

Practical Solutions    To have achieved our aim in such a short space of time is a credit to both of our organisations. 

Your assistance and passion for meeting and exceeding the demanding requirements of

certification whilst ensuring practical solutions for our management and staff were, and still are,

very much appreciated.   Michael Burstin, Executive Director, Bensons Property Group Ltd.

System Suits the Organisation    Some quality consultants try to make the people suit the system. Jane's approach is refreshing -

she looks at how an organisation works and what it wants to do, and then makes the system suit

the organisation, rather than the other way around. With multiple different requirements and an

extremely tight deadline, we operated under great pressure. Our system worked well for us,

ensured management control and essential records, with minimal overhead and "paperwork".

    When the business changed, Jane helped redesign processes to suit. My people happily

accepted the system, because it was sensible, and helped them in their work. We could bring new

people up to speed and get productive very quickly, with a simple training system. Audit reports

and feedback helped provide assurance that procedures and policy were followed. Jane's "can do"

attitude, commitment to getting the job done and common sense make her a pleasure to work with.

    As a result of the implementation of Jane's processes, my staff were able to gain and maintain

ISO certification without any extra work enabling us to gain even more credibility with our

customers. Jo Portlock, Business Continuity and Crisis Management Executive, ANZ Banking

Group Ltd.

Systems Support Business Operations    My attitude to ISO 9001 quality systems has completely changed as a result of my experience

with Mapwright's systems. I now consider an ISO 9001 quality system as almost an essential

system for today's business environment.

    My previous experience with quality systems and consultants had left me with a negative

impression - the systems were cumbersome or rigid; the consultants seemed to concentrate on

low-level processes, and didn't seem to understand the business demands of the 'real world'.

Three years as a manager operating with the systems that Jane implemented and maintained

completely changed my opinion.

    The focus is put firmly on how the business works and what it wants to do. Our systems were

made to suit and support our business operations, instead of the other way around. They worked

extremely well for us, giving us strong management control yet with minimal maintenance,

overhead and paperwork. The discipline and clarity our ISO 9001 system and processes provided

meant we could implement new or changed services quickly; management information and control

was easily maintained, even during rapid turnover of personnel.

Jane revised and redesigned our systems through several reorganisations and changes to scope

and business objectives. Her attitude is practical and solution-focussed, combined with a

commitment to continuous improvement and to getting the job done.

    Getting and maintaining ISO certification involved no extra work, and enabled us to continue to

provide an extremely high level of service to our customers, in an environment of almost continual

change. Mapwright is the first company I'd call for help to implement or improve an ISO 9001

system. Damien Brignell, Director, Novatus Consulting Pty. Ltd.

Disciplined Management with Innovative Methods    I wish to document my appreciation for your contributions during the ANZ Year 2000 Project. 

Your PMO activities, particularly the introduction of disciplines that allowed us to become the first

ANZ project to receive ISO9000 accreditation, was the key factor that allowed us to satisfy

onshore and offshore major customers that we were on track to achieve Y2k compliance. I used

our accreditation, and what it meant to ensuring good project management, to allay fears about our

post-Y2k performance.

    I carried the project disciplines to our next regulatory project - the implementation of the

requirements of the new Privacy Act. This project also benefited from the discipline resulting from

ISO9000 accreditation, and directly allowed a complex behavioural and system change project to

be completed "on time and on budget". We have continued these management processes through

subsequent regulatory projects, including our compliance with the EFT Code and successful

compliance with the Financial Services Reform Act.

    A significant part of these implementation successes were due to the approach provided and the

innovative methods used to introduce the standards. The interactive development of workable

processes and excellent communication to relevant staff allowed a rapid adoption at all levels in

the projects. The fact that we continue to retain our ISO accreditation is confirmation of the

changed behaviour you have achieved. 

Chris Roberts, Project Director, ANZ Banking Group Ltd

Easy to Work With, not Bureaucratic or Difficult    Although I had worked under ISO 9001 systems before and often found they could be difficult,

rigid or bureaucratic, I am very happy to say that this wasn't the kind of system that was set up. It

was very easy to work with.

    We had multiple projects and tasks on the go - the environment was busy, often stressed and

changing all the time.  The system gave us clear processes to follow and easy guidelines, with the

security of knowing we had the documentation we needed for legal and regulatory compliance. We

didn't spend time hunting for things - we knew where they were. Easy to work with and inspiring in

commitment to high quality. I'd recommend highly. Stuart Watts, Director, Compucom Pty Ltd

ISO 9001 Consulting Services

ISO 9001 consultant with guaranteed services 

You won't just get your ISO 9001 certificate but also a quality management system that is simple,

practical and flexible.

Our approachWe are consultative, practical and sensible; we partner with you.  We want you to be self-sufficient,

never dependent on a consultant. 

No matter which service you choose, we always aim to understand your business and your unique

needs.  We assess you against the Standard, identify the gaps and what's needed to fill them.  We

plan, agree a timeframe and give you expert guidance.

And you can be sure that you won't 'fail' the audit.  Not one of our clients has. Ever.

ISO 9001 Certification Consulting Services

1. Gap Analysis and Business System ReviewWhat we do:  Review your current business management systems, spending up to a day or more

with you, and assessing you against the ISO 9001 Standard.  You will get a clear, written report

that summarises your status, tells you which ISO 9001 requirements you meet (and which you

don't), how big your gaps are, and list the tasks needed to reach the ISO 9001 benchmark.  All in

plain, user-friendly English.

This is very useful when you don't know 'how big this ISO thing is', or you want an  assessment of

your current position by an expert ISO 9001 consultant and registered auditor. Contact us for a

quote and availability.  Want to do it yourself?  See here.

2. ISO 9001 CertificationWhile every client and project is unique, ISO certification consulting assignments often fit into one

of these broad categories:

Silver:  You want to do most of the work yourself, but you need an experienced guide to advise

and show you the quickest route. 

What we do: Analyse your current gaps, and help you plan.  Check in with you at agreed intervals

(meetings/email and/or phone) to review progress & keep you on track.  Advise, give practical

solutions to problems, review documents.  Do some/all of your internal audits.

Cost: lowest. (For an even lower cost option, see our DIY Pack)

Gold:  You lack resources or time.  You want to get there quickly, and need an experienced

consultant to make sure you do.  

What we do: a Gap Analysis and a plan, and agree the tasks. We do some/all of your

documentation, provide templates, examples, etc. and make it happen, with periodic check-ins to

review progress.  Suggest solutions, resolve problems and remove blockages where required, and

do your internal audits. But it's still your system, as we coach you throughout.

Cost:  medium.

Platinum:  No resources, even less time: you just need that certificate.

What we do: Almost everything, supply resources required, translating your input into what's


Cost: highest.  Note, however, we only very rarely agree to provide this service in particular

circumstances, because mostly a 'turnkey solution' will not be effective.  Because it has to be your

quality management system, not someone else's.

What you will get (and what you won't) 

Your system will be practical and useful.  It will suit the way you work, support your business and need minimum maintenance. 

You'll know what you have to do, and why.  Your 'quality documents' - quality manual, procedures and others won't just meet

ISO requirements, but will also be clear, short and useful .   You will get the gain without the pain, because we will work to understand your

unique business and needs, and help solve your problem. You won't get bureaucracy, reams of paperwork, time-wasting, non value-adding

activities or incomprehensible quality-speak.  

Naturally you'll avoid all the most common mistakes people make with ISO 9001.

Complimentary ISO 9001 consultant assessment We offer a complimentary visit to assess your needs. But to make full use of this, we ask you to

first read the FAQs.  Answers to many of the common questions are provided there. .  
