ISES Staff Library News



Keeping ISES staff up-to-date with library developments.

Citation preview

cache of their browsers and

reset any bookmarks to the

new login page address:

This page gives you loads

of information about the

ICT services running across

the campus—so take a look!

If students report problems

logging in to the library

catalogue please refer them

to the ILS matters blog,

where they can find further

information, and who to

contact for more help:


On 1st August the stu-

dent ICT access was

changed to give students

a flash new look to the

student online services.

This change brings their

services onto the Micro-

soft platform, making

everything a lot easier for

everyone concerned.

The most important

change that staff need to

be aware of now is that

ALL student email ad-

dress have a different

suffix. They will now end


This change applies to

new and current stu-

dents, but if you email

their old address the

email will bounce on

automatically. Please

encourage all students to

check their email regu-


This change does NOT

apply to staff. Your

emails will all remain the


Some of the benefits

to students provided

by this change are

access to 25 GB of

online storage space,

called their ‘SkyDrive’,

and to Microsoft

Online Documents—

very handy if you have

not got Office loaded

on your PC.

Some other great

changes have hap-

pened as a result of

the change. As staff

you can now login to any

of the PCs in the library,

where before they were

restricted to just student

use. To login, just type

worc\ followed by your

staff ID

(e.g. worc\shac2). Use

your normal network


The student login page

looks different too, and

their login space has the

new name ‘Student Appli-

cation Portal’. Please

make sure students clear


New Student ICT Access

University of Worcester

ISES Staff Library News

New student dashboard.

Inside this


New Student ICT



Library Cata-

logue—new and



Making e-books

even easier


Welcome to the

library web

pages for sport.


Keep on referenc-



Digitisation up-



3rd August, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 1

Here’s a quick

round-up of the

summer’s library


from your



librarian, Carly


Do get in touch

with me if you

want any informa-

tion on anything

covered here, and

please share this

newsletter with

all interested


The new login look.

The library catalogue has

been completely upgraded.

Don’t panic—for the next

year we will be running the

old ‘Resources Online’ in-

terface alongside the new

interface. However, from

the new student dashboard

students will have a link to

the new look, so my advice

is to take a look and see

what there is to offer!

There is now just one main

search box for keyword

searching, and the cata-

logue contains our book, e

-book and physical journal

holding information.

The links to e-resources

can now be found in the

grey box. Mostly you’ll be

using the ‘e-resources’

link, but don’t forget to

remind students about the

‘Reading lists’ link as well!

The ‘Get it @ UW’ takes you

to the A-Z list of journals,

and both the physical and

online holdings will be

shown here.

There are still changes to

come, but we hope you like

the new look and find it

more user-friendly.

Library Catalogue—new and improved!

that says ’Connect to My-

iLibrary eresource’ and be

taken directly to the e-

book you desire!

If you would like more help

using MyiLibrary, just get

in touch with me.

Don’t forget, if you are off

campus you may be

prompted to re-enter your

login details, but this is

just your normal network

ID and password. Enjoy!

Making e-books even easier.

You may have noticed that

there is now only one link

in the library catalogue to

e-books (and yes, that ap-

plies to both catalogue


Gone are the days of hav-

ing to scrabble around

trying to remember your

Athen’s password. You

don’t need it anymore!

The new ICT system means

that just one link is needed

for both staff and stu-

dents, so click on the link

Page 2 ISES Staff Library News

E-books—now just a click away

New catalogue




“There is now

just one link

to e-books in

the library


size fits


Since taking up my post as

Academic Liaison Librarian

for Sport and Exercise Sci-

ence I’ve been busy. My

main focus has been trying

to find ways to show stu-

dents (and staff) just how

much there is ‘out there’

for students.

Welcome to library we

pages for sport! These are

hosted at

ises_resources. All the

institutes at the university

have a set of netvibes

pages, and they are a bril-

liant way of bringing to-

gether online resources

which can help students

during their study time


You’ll find that most of the

widgets on the pages lead

you to other web pages,

either from external sites

or from the university. The

aim is to bring them all

together in one place so

students don’t have so far

to look.

The pages have several

tabs, ranging from general

websites of interest, to

subject specific pages.

These pages are really

easy for me to change or

add to, so if you want me

to put more on these

pages just let me know!

In particular there is a tab

for study skills, which

aims to point students

toward resources that will

help them search more

effectively, and feel more

confident when referenc-

ing. There are a couple of

prezis on there which I put

together, and which you

are free to use and show

to students if you wish.

The main page has feeds

from the ILS matters blog,

and the ILS twitter feed.

We use the blog to keep all

students and staff up to

date with what’s happen-

ing in the library—and this

includes when we are hav-

ing problems, so do keep

an eye on it!

Most importantly, these

pages are a tool for ISES,

so please get in touch

with any bright ideas you

may have for using them

to the max. Please pro-

mote them to students,

make students aware that

there are resources out

there for them to use, and

encourage students to get

in touch with me!

dents started straightaway

and is much less daunting!

Please can all staff make

sure they have a look at

the guide and familiarise

themselves with it. The

way we do Harvard is

slightly different to some

of the general conven-

tions, so make sure you

are up to speed and giving

students the right advice!

If you have a QR scanner—

get started right now!

The library has now re-

leased a new version of

the University of Worcester

Harvard. This is available

in print from the library, or

online from the ILS web-


The new version of the

guide is much better, con-

taining more explanation

and more examples.

But even better than that,

we’ve designed a short

guide, which will get stu-

Welcome to the library web pages for sport.

Keep on referencing.

Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

NEW! Harvard short

guide. Scan the QR

code for its URL.

“The library

web pages for

sport have

finally been

created. Take a

look and see

what you


Go to the staff

homepage and


Click on the

‘Digitisation Re-

quest Form’ link in

the centre of the


Enter as many de-

tails as you can,

and you’re done!

You should receive

a confirmation

email afterward.

Any problems or questions

please just get in touch

with me:

A few little trickles of inter-

est in the digitisation ser-

vice offered by the univer-

sity are starting to find

their way to us. This ser-

vice is intended to make it

possible for you to provide

a more versatile and imme-

diate reading experience

for your students.

Here’s a little recap of how

to do it:

Choose the chapter

of a book, or article

in an issue of a

journal you would

like to make avail-

able to your stu-

dents through a

PDF on blackboard.

Digitisation Update

Carly Sharples

Academic Liaison Librarian for Sport

& Exercise Science

Information & Learning Services

Phone: 01905 542053


Follow the library

using our social

networking links:

University of Worcester

Don’t forget the ISES library web


Login to the staff page to find the digitisation
