Is Your Fitness Level Above or Below Average



Based on a quiz that should help you determine how physically fit you are.

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Is Your Fitness Level Above or Below Average========================================Do you remember having to take the physical fitness test every year or so during middle school? You had to be able to run a mile in a certain amount of time, do a certain about of pull-ups and push-ups. Now that youre older, have you wondered how physically fit you are now?The average woman is considered to be 34 years old, weighs 152 pounds and is 5 feet three inches tall. The average man is 34 years old, weighs 175 pounds and is 5 feet nine inches tall. Based on this here is a quiz that should help you determine how physically fit you are. Take it and see how you measure up.Q: How many push-ups can you do? A) More than 30 B) 12-24 C) 24- 34 D) NoneA: The average man should be able to do between 24 and 34 push-ups. The average woman should be able to do between 12 and 24 push-ups.Q: How many miles can you run in 12 minutes? A) 1.27 B) 1.49 C) More than 2 Miles D) Less than a mile.A: The average woman can run 1.27 miles in 12 minutes. The average man can run 1.49 miles in 12 minutes.Q: How many sit-ups can you do in one minute? A) 25-28 B) 35-40 C) 31-34 D) 12-18A: The average woman can do 25-28 sit-ups in one minute. The average man can do 31-34 sit-ups in one minute.Q: How flexible are you? If you sit in a chair and flex your legs straight out, can you touch your toes?A: The average woman can come within two inches of touching her toes. The average man can come within 4 inches of touching his toes.Q: How many pull-ups can the average man or woman do? A) 1 B) 0 C) 3 D) 5A: The average woman cant do any pull-ups. The average man can do three.How did you rate? If you had the correct answer for every question, congratulations you are physically fit. If you could exceed the average, your fitness level is above normal and you should be commended. If you were below the average, youll have to keep working on it. But the good news, is now you have a goal.
