Is the Universe Really Billions of Years Old or Could It Be Young?


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Is the Universe Really Billions of

Years Old


Could It Be Young?

Radio Tower Analogy







II Corinthians 10:3-5

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Big Picture


Aired September and October, 2001

Part 7: What about God?Features students at a Christian College (Wheaton) and their faith


Starts with Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis

Old earth

What does the Bible say about age and ancient


Genesis 5:1 Adam– “book” means: written official document– “generations” means: history (bear young)

Genesis 10: 1 Noah Genesis 11:10 Shem Genesis 25:12 Ishmael Genesis 37:2 Jacob Matthew 1:17 Christ

Why can’t we just compromise and say that God did it in millions

of years?

A Young Earth?

Doesn’t it HAVE to be

old, because…

Doesn’t it HAVE to be

old, because…

Doesn’t it HAVE to be old?

It takes millions of years for…

•An Ice age to occur •Thousands of feet of layers to form•Deep canyons to be cut into rock•Fossils to form•Rocks to form•Diamonds to form•Coal to form•Wood to Petrify •Stalactites and stalagmites to form•Light to reach us from the stars

It takes millions of years for…

•An Ice age to occur •Thousands of feet of layers to form•Deep canyons to be cut into rock•Fossils to form•Rocks to form•Diamonds to form•Coal to form•Wood to Petrify •Stalactites and stalagmites to form•Light to reach us from the stars

Methods supporting

billion year old Earth

Methods supporting

young Earth

Young Earth


Old Earth Evidence

“It is absolutely safe to say that, if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is

ignorant, stupid, or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).”

Richard Dawkins

quoted in Philip Johnson, Darwin on Trial, 1991

The redefining of science

Science means “to know”

He has defined Science as:

“Explaining all events by natural causes.”

In other words “Without God”

(This is the philosophy of Naturalism)

The redefining of science

Let’s not narrow science by

looking at the world without God…

Science means to know

Nope – Just a few months – The Flood

Didn’t it take millions of years to form all the


Photo: Andrew Sneling

Doesn’t it take millions of years for fossils to form?

Nope – Just a few years

Wouldn’t it take 40,000 years to get the successive fossil

forests? Specimen Ridge in

Yellowstone National Park

Nope – less than 100 years

Doesn’t it take millions of years for gems like opal and diamond to form?

Nope – Just three months

Doesn’t it take millions of years for stalactites to form?

Stalactite Formation

Nope – This one formed in less than 1300 years

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls Formation

If the present is the key to the past then . . .

Could I find a parent and

growing teenager


Charles Lyell 1840

35,000 foot long gorge

At 1 foot per year it would take . . .

35,000 years

But, at 5 feet per year it would take . . .

7,000 years

Charles Lyell 1840

Video Clip

Wouldn’t it take millions of years carve out the Grand


Nope – Most could be done inless than a year!

Ice Age Glaciers

Ice Age Glaciers

Nope – Most could be done inless than 700 years!

Won’t it take hundreds of thousands of years to build up the ice at the poles? The P-38

Nope – Just 46 to build up 250 ft of ice

Doesn’t radioactive dating prove that the rocks are billions of years old?

Nope – Three Assumptions make it impossible to prove those dates

Nope – The Flood changed the CarbonCycle and makes all dates before it invalid.

There are major contradictions betweendifferent dating methods of the same rock.

Star light takes billions of years to get here

Nope – Read about it here!

If the present is the key to the past,

then it HAS to be

younger the 4.6 billion


If the present is the key to the past,

then it HAS to be

younger the 4.6 billion


A Young Earth?

4.6 billion





Biblical creation


The moon is leaving us

At 2 inches per year

Limits the moon to less than 1 billion years


Biblical creation

The Moon used to be closer

So, if the earth were really old . .

Half a billion years ago the tides would drown all life on land twice a day.

The Galaxies wind up too fast

Limits Galaxies to a few hundred million years

Salt fills the sea too fast

Sodium in:450 milliontons / year

Sea Continent

Out:120 milliontons / year

Salt in the Seas

3% salt of today.

Limits the Oceans to under 63 million years

The sea is youngThe sea:

Supposed to be 3 billion years old

Actually less than 62 million years old

Could be much younger

Not Enough Stone-age Skeletons

Said to Last 100,000 years

Population: 1- 10 million

That makes 4 billion burials.

Only a few thousand found

Limits Stone-age to a few hundred years

Mud entering: 25 billion tons / year

Less than 12 million years to accumulate


Mud leaving: 1 billion tons / year

Subducting Plate

Mud: 400 meters Continent

Seafloor mud accumulates too fast

Ocean Sediment Thickness

Limits Ocean Floors to less than 12 million years

Seafloor sediments are young

Time for deposition:

Supposed to be 3 billion years

Actually less than 12 million years

Could be much younger

Rotation of the Sun’s surface

Particles leaving the center slow down the rotation of the outer layers.

This would stop the outer rotation.

Limits Solar system to less than 1 million years

Too much dust in near space

Limits the Solar System to a few thousand years

The Magnetic Field is weakening

It may be gone in 1,200 years.

50,000 yrs ago the magnetism would be so great that life would cook.

Limits Solar system to under 10,000 years

Frequent returning comets

Frequent returning comets

Limits Solar system to under 10,000 years

Uranium in the Oceans

Limits the Oceans to under 10,000 years

Very High Pressure in Oil Wells

C14 dates are also in the thousands of years range

Shale Cap Rock

Limits rock formation to under 10,000 years

A Young Earth?

It HAS to be young


It HAS to be young


Meteorites in Rock Layers

Meteorites in Rock Layers

Meteorites are falling regularly now.

If rock layers took millions of years to form, then . . .

These rock layers should have holes everywhere in them with meteorites at the bottom of the holes

However, meteorites are extremely rare in layered rock!

Undisturbed Layer Contacts

DinosaursDinosaur Fossil Bone Leads To Dinosaur Fossil Bone Leads To Gender, Age DeterminationsGender, Age Determinations

J une 2, 2005June 2, 2005

Press ReleasePress Release


312 million yr old coal?

Carl Baugh

312 million years

Folded Rock Layers

A model representing Time according to


150 feet

A model representing Time according to


100’s Physical processes

Methods supporting 4.5 billion

year old Earth

Methods supporting

much younger than 4.5 billion






Originally written by GOD’S OWN HAND !

Exodus 31:17

17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.

