Irving ISD Professional Development Handbook 2018-2019 · Librarians Speech Language Pathologists...


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Irving ISD Professional

Development Handbook


Table of Contents

Vision, Mission, Core Beliefs 2

Irving ISD Instructional Framework 3

Professional Development Requirements 4

L2I Exchange Credits 4

Required PD Credits 4

New Hire Credit Requirements 5

In-District Required PD Guidelines Out-of-District Required PD Guidelines



Out-of-District Workshops 7

College and University Courses 8

Professional Development Expectations 9

District Professional Development Norms 9

Registration 9

Attendance and Excessive Absence/No-show 10

Surveys 10

Eduphoria 11

Register for a Course 11

Cancel a Course 11

My Portfolio, Profile, and Check Credits 12

Mandatory Compliance Courses 14

Professional Development Department Contacts 16

Out-of-District Workshop- Request for Required PD Credit form 17

College and University Course- Request for Required PD Credit form 18


VISION High-quality teaching and profound learning every day in every classroom.

MISSION Inspire, empower, and develop all professionals who impact learning.


WE believe that: 1. Professional learning that improves educator effectiveness is fundamental to student learning. 2. Effective professional learning is results-driven, standards-based, and job-embedded. 3. All educators have an obligation to improve their practice. 4. More students achieve when educators assume collective responsibility for student learning. 5. Successful leaders create and sustain a culture of learning. 6. Effective school systems commit to continuous improvement for all adults and students.

In order to provide results-driven professional learning, during planning, implementation, and evaluation, we ask:


Instructional Framework

At the core of the Irving ISD professional learning plan is a simple question: how do we design and

deliver impactful instruction that leads to profound learning? This guiding question is relevant to every

classroom, every teacher, and every student and is broken into some common ideas:

Five of these are related to the design of impactful instruction: Classroom Management,

Classroom Climate, Student Learning Goals, Student Data Tracking, and Lesson Planning.

The other five are related to the delivery of impactful instruction: Critical Thinking, Academic

Conversations, Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum, Differentiation, and Checking for


All professional learning correlates to these main ideas, with a focus on relevant, standards-based,

and learner-centered instruction.


Professional Development Requirements

As a learning organization, IISD has a commitment to continuous learning and professional growth of all staff and has included paid professional learning days throughout the school calendar. There are two types of paid professional learning day credits: L2I Exchange Credits and Required PD Credits.

L2I Exchange Credits

L2I Exchange Credits are earned at the annual Learn 2 Inspire conference held in August. The credits are in exchange for the two paid professional learning days in November which fall on the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving break.

❏ ALL 187-day employees must earn 12 L2I Exchange Credits by November 16, 2018 ❏ must be earned OUTSIDE of contract hours

❏ Failure to complete 12 L2I Exchange Credits by November 16, 2018 will result in a loss of pay on the December paycheck

❏ 1 credit = 1 hour 20 minutes of daily rate pay for docking purposes ❏ Learning outside of Irving ISD will NOT be accepted for L2I Exchange Credits

Required PD Credits

Required PD Credits are credits earned throughout the year to compensate for Irving ISD designated holidays (paid professional learning days) that occur throughout the year. Employees have the benefit of choosing learning that pertains to their work content, skill levels, and interests as well as the flexibility of format and time that works best for them.

❏ ALL professional staff on a teacher contract (187 day contract) must earn 18 Required PD Credits by May 17, 2019

❏ must be earned OUTSIDE of contract hours ❏ Failure to complete 18 Required PD Credits by May 17, 2019 will result in a loss of pay on the

June paycheck ❏ 1 credit = 1 hour 20 minutes of daily rate pay for docking purposes

❏ Courses must be learning sessions related to classroom instruction ❏ Any opportunity listed in Eduphoria Workshop and identified by Required PD Credit type is

considered an “approved” course ❏ With prior approval, learning outside of Irving ISD will be accepted (see pg 6)

Professional staff exempt from completing L2I Exchange Credits and Required PD credits (not on a teacher contract)

❏ Counselors ❏ Librarians ❏ Speech Language Pathologists ❏ Diagnosticians


Depth Of Knowledge ❏ Professional staff must complete 1.5 Depth of Knowledge (DOK) credits

❏ Staff that did not attend DOK training at Learn 2 Inspire must complete the DOK Eduphoria eCourse (contact campus PD Council representative for details)

New Hire Credit Requirements

Credit requirements are adjusted based on contract start date.

2018-19 New Hire Professional Development Requirements

Employee Contract Start Date L2I Exchange Credits

Required PD Credits

Prior to October 9 (did not attend L2I) 12 18

*October 9 - November 16 12 12

November 26 - February 18 0 12

February 19 - April 19 0 6

After April 19 0 0

* Anyone with a start date of October 9 - November 16 will be provided with additional L2I Exchange Credit online options and must complete 12 L2I exchange credits by November 26, 2018. Please contact your campus PD Council representative and/or for specific course offerings.

Paraprofessional Staff ❏ Campus paraprofessionals are not required to obtain L2I Exchange Credits or Required PD

Credits. ❏ November 19-20 are not scheduled work days for paraprofessionals

❏ Instructional paraprofessionals are encouraged to obtain 12 credits of Texas SBEC during the year. These credits can be obtained during the work day.

Professional Development Agreements

In order to ensure understanding of requirements, each 187-day employee is provided with a PD Agreement. The PD Agreement outlines general and specific professional learning requirements. The PD Agreement is signed and submitted to Irving ISD Human Resources for filing.


In-District Required PD Guidelines

Administrators and professional staff plan, select, provide, and attend professional development that:

● Provides a strong foundation in the pedagogy of the particular discipline

● Provides knowledge and skills to improve classroom practice and contributes to measurable

student success

● Provides sufficient time, support, and resources to enable teachers to master new content and

pedagogy and to integrate these into their practice

● Is rooted in and reflects the best available research

Example professional learning sessions

(WILL be awarded IISD Required PD Credit) *all sessions must occur outside of contracted work hours

Non-Examples (Will NOT be awarded IISD Required PD Credit)

Content area training / Job related professional learning

Staff / business / informational meetings where the majority of the time is spent disseminating “nuts & bolts”/ housekeeping-type information, policies, paperwork, etc.

Classroom Management (Ex: CHAMPS, Love and Logic, etc.)

Meeting / session where test day policies/procedures are disseminated (Ex: state testing training such as STAAR, TELPAS, etc.)

Diversity and special needs of student populations (Ex: Cultural IQ, Supporting ELLs, etc.)

Device Deployment (Ex: 6th grade iPad deployment)

Increasing and maintaining parental involvement

Integration of technology into educational practices

Collaboration / Learning amongst colleagues (Ex: Campus book study, Secondary ESL PLC, Twitter Chat, etc.)


Out-of-District Required PD Guidelines

Out-of-District Workshops and Conferences

With prior approval from campus admin, employees may receive Required PD Credit for attending out-of-district workshops, conferences, trainings, etc. that occur outside of contract hours.

Procedure for Receiving Required PD Credit To obtain credit for out-of-district workshops/training completed off-contract time employees should follow these steps:


● Staff must obtain prior approval from their administrator for ALL out-of-district professional learning, including Region 10 workshops by completing the Out-of-District Workshop Request for Required PD Credit form

● The professional learning must directly relate to district, campus, or approved individual teacher goals.

● Costs of out-of-district training shall be the responsibility of the employee unless prior arrangements have been made with the campus administrators.


● Employees must obtain certification or documentation of attendance ● Certificate/Documentation should include

● Employee Name ● Workshop Name, Date, and Location ● Clock Hours ● Continuing Professional Education (CPE) provider number


● Send completed Out-of District Workshop Request for Required PD Credit form (signed by admin) AND out-of-district workshop certificate/documentation

● in an email to Mickie Cox at ● through interoffice mail to Admin Bldg.- Professional Development Records- Mickie Cox

● It is the employee’s responsibility to confirm all credit has been awarded ● 15 school days after submission of documentation, check your portfolio in Eduphoria to

verify that credit has been awarded. If the credit isn’t reflected in your portfolio, contact professional development records specialist- Mickie Cox.


College and University Courses

College courses pertaining to an employees current assignment may be used for Required PD Credit.

● Up to 3 Required PD Credits per course with a maximum accrual of 6 Required PD Credits from college courses each year

● Courses must be completed outside of contract hours

Procedure for Receiving Required PD Credit

● Obtain approval from administrator by completing the College and University Course- Request for Required PD Credit form

● Send completed College and University Course- Request for Required PD Credit form (signed by admin) AND unofficial college transcript

○ in an email to Mickie Cox at ○ through interoffice mail to Admin Bldg.- Professional Development Records- Mickie Cox

● It is the employee’s responsibility to confirm all credit has been awarded ○ 15 school days after submission of documentation, check your portfolio in Eduphoria to

verify that credit has been awarded. If the credit isn’t reflected in your portfolio, contact professional development records specialist- Mickie Cox.

Online Professional Learning Required PD Guidelines

In-district Irving ISD online learning courses with an Eduphoria course will automatically be awarded credit.

With prior approval from campus administration, employees may complete out-of-district online professional learning and receive Required PD Credit. Use the out-of-district workshop required PD credit request procedures above to obtain Required PD credit.

Visit the Irving ISD iLearn PD site and the Irving ISD Professional Development site to learn more about online learning options.


Professional Development Expectations

❏ All Irving ISD professional employees must complete their corresponding required amount of approved professional development credits between June 4, 2018 and May 17, 2019.

❏ It is the professional’s responsibility to complete the professional development hours throughout the year in a timely manner

❏ All professional development credits must be recorded in Eduphoria. ❏ It is the employee’s responsibility to confirm credits have been awarded

❏ To ensure an optimal learning environment for all participants, children are not to be in attendance unless invited for a special training session or event.

❏ Professional staff hired after the beginning of the school year, will complete a prorated number of required credits. Please refer to the New Hire Credit Requirements chart on pg 5.

❏ Any credit that is not offered by the district (not listed in Eduphoria) must be pre-approved by the campus administrator.

District Professional Development Norms

● Register early for courses ● Be on time ● Be actively engaged from beginning to end ● Exhibit professional behavior, including attire ● Remain focused on student success ● Be respectful and non-disruptive with electronic devices ● Complete course surveys by the due date


● Advanced registration is required for all courses using the online Professional Learning registration system- Eduphoria Workshop

○ Registration closes at the onset of the course, and participants are unable to unregister after that time.

● Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis ● A minimum number of participants may be required for the session to be held ● Employees must check the online system prior to attending the workshop to verify that the

location and/or start has not changed



● Employees must arrive on time, ready to learn ● Upon arrival, employees must sign-in on the attendance sheet provided

○ sign-in sheets are the official record of attendance for all courses in Eduphoria Workshop

● Failure to sign-in on the daily attendance sheet could result in no credit being awarded for attendance at the workshop

● Employees must stay until the end of the session to receive credit ● If a participant arrives more than 15 minutes late for the course, credit will be adjusted

according to seat time

Excessive Absence/No-show

● If a participant registers for a course and does not attend, he/she will be marked ABSENT. ● If a participant has registered for a course and is unable to attend, they must unregister before

the course begins to avoid being marked absent ○ participants should unregister as soon as they become aware that they cannot attend

the scheduled course ○ if a participant fails to unregister, they do not need to contact the instructor or the

Professional Development office. They will be counted absent. We understand emergencies arise; however, the absence will stand.

● Once five absences are recorded in a professional’s portfolio, the professional will be locked out of the Eduphoria Workshop system and will be unable to register for future courses.

○ Professionals will need to notify PD Records Specialist, Mickie Cox at in order for access to be restored

○ A copy of the excessive absences will be sent to corresponding campus administration ○ Excessive absences can be documented by administrators in a summative evaluation.


● When a course survey is posted in Eduphoria Workshop, employees must complete it within 5 days of the session

○ Once the 5 days expire, participants will not be able to make changes or request corrections, which will result in not receiving credit for the course

● Once a course has been completed, click the ‘Survey’ tab and complete the survey. ● When you click the ‘Submit Survey’ button at the bottom of the survey, credit for the course

will be granted



Eduphoria: Workshop, soon to be Strive, is the platform employees use to register for professional development courses to keep track of any professional development hours.

Register for a Course

Employees can register for a course using a direct course URL link or within Eduphoria Workshop. See instructions below for registering within Eduphoria.

● Login to Irving ISD Eduphoria and click the Workshop icon ● Click on the Worksop tab in the top left corner ● Select an option under Date & Time, Category, or Credit Types

● A list of corresponding courses will be displayed ● Select a course to view the course details ● To register, click the Register button in the toolbar

Cancel a Course Registration

● Login to Irving ISD Eduphoria and click the Workshop icon ● Click on the Worksop tab in the top left corner ● You should be in the “Course Registration” section ● Select a course under the “I am registered for. . . “ section ● Once you are in the course, to unregister, click the Unregister button in the toolbar


My Portfolio

Each professional staff member is responsible for maintaining his or her own professional development portfolio in Eduphoria Workshop.

● Your portfolio will allow you to view and track your entire professional development history in Eduphoria: Workshop, soon to be Strive.

● When you select a course under “My Portfolio”, you can access an overview of the course, instructor notes, discussion boards, and the accumulation of credit hours earned.


● Check your portfolio to be sure your name, email address, campus, and primary role are correct.

● The accuracy of this information impacts all reports that are generated for professional development requirements.

Check Credits

STEP 1: Login to Irving ISD Eduphoria and click the Workshop icon

STEP 2: Choose “My Portfolio” in Eduphoria Workshop


STEP 3: Look for the type of credit you are checking.

STEP 4: Look at Credit History and Upcoming Courses


Mandatory Compliance Trainings

There are statutory courses for all Texas public school employees. The following sessions satisfy both state and federal requirements for teachers, administrators, and other district staff members.

● ALL Irving ISD employees must complete the compliance trainings and submit a signed copy of the Employee Handbook Acknowledgement Form to their supervisor.

● Please complete the following compliance eCourses in Eduphoria NO LATER THAN October 27, 2018.

● eCourses work best in Google Chrome ● Guide for Taking an eCourse

Everyone must complete the following:

● 18-19 Blood Borne Pathogens

● 18-19 Blood Borne Pathogens (Spanish) ● 18-19 Irving ISD Workers' Compensation Awareness Training

● 18-19 District Acceptable Use and Social Networking Awareness

● 18-19 District Confidentiality Training

● 18-19 Staff Handbook

● 18-19 Anti-Bullying Initiative- Freedom from Bullying ● 18-19 Ethical Standards

● 18-19 Drug and Alcohol Awareness

● 18-19 Child Find

● 18-19 Hazing and Student Organizations

Those who have district computers, iPads, etc. checked out to them must complete the following:

● 18-19 Technology Borrower's Agreement

ALL INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF must complete the following:

● 18-19 Staff Responsive Services - CPS and Suicide Prevention

● 18-19 Staff Responsive Services - Dating Violence (Secondary Only)


Those who physically pick-up or move children must complete the following: ● 18-19 Body Mechanics on the Move

All employees NEW to IRVING ISD must complete the following:

● 18-19 New Teacher Training Remember to also print, sign and submit a copy of the Employee Handbook Acknowledgement Form to your immediate supervisor. Click here to access the Employee Handbook and form. For more information visit: If you have any questions, or require further clarification, please contact your immediate supervisor.

Professional Development Department Contacts


PD Design Team Jana Claxton

Kristina Feldner


Professional Learning and Records Specialist

Mickie Cox



Out-of-District Workshop- Request for Required PD Credit

This form must be completed and signed prior to attending any out-of-district event for which IISD

Required PD Credit is requested. All professional development activities should align with district

and/or school improvement goals and must be pre-approved by an administrator or supervisor. This

request for pre-approval is not necessary for any in-district opportunity that is listed in Eduphoria

Workshop as Required PD Credit.

Name: ______________________________________ Date of Request: __________________

Campus: ____________________________________ Position: _________________________

Event (workshop, conference, etc.) Title: ______________________________________________

Location: ____________________________________ Date(s) of Event: ___________________

Number or Required PD Credits requested: ___________

Event Description: _________________________________________________________________


Anticipated outcome for professional growth and effect on student achievement and/or district or

campus goals? ______________________________________________________________________


Approved for credit Not approved for credit

Admin or Supervisor Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

In order to receive Required PD Credit for any out-of-district professional learning session you must:

● obtain prior approval from your administrator ● obtain certification or documentation of attendance which includes employee name, event name, date, location,

clock hours (online courses must also include course completion dates and times), and CPE provider number ● send completed request form (signed by admin) AND out-of-district workshop certificate to Mickie Cox at or through interoffice mail: Mickie Cox- Admin Bldg.- Professional Development ● it is the employee’s responsibility to confirm all credit has been awarded

○ 15 school days after submission of documentation, check your portfolio in Eduphoria to verify that credit has been awarded. If the credit isn’t reflected in your portfolio, contact PD records specialist- Mickie Cox.


College and University- Request for Required PD Credit

This form must be completed and signed by an administrator or supervisor for college and university

courses for which IISD Required PD Credit is requested. In order to receive Required PD Credit,

courses must align with current teaching assignment and district and/or school improvement goals.

Up to 3 Required PD Credits may be earned per course with a maximum accrual of 6 Required PD

Credits from college courses each year. Course work must be completed outside of contract hours.

Name: ______________________________________ Date of Request: __________________

Campus: ____________________________________ Position: _________________________

College or University: _____________________________________________________________

Course number and title: _________________________ Course Instructor: __________________

(you must attach a syllabus from the course for which you are requesting credit)

Anticipated outcome for professional growth and effect on student achievement and/or district or

campus goals? ______________________________________________________________________


Approved for credit Not approved for credit

Number of Required PD Credits Approved (up to 3 credits) ______________

Admin or Supervisor Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

In order to receive Required PD Credit for college/university courses you must:

● obtain approval from your administrator ● send completed request form (signed by admin) AND unofficial college transcript to Mickie Cox at or through interoffice mail: Mickie Cox- Admin Bldg.- Professional Development ● it is the employee’s responsibility to confirm all credit has been awarded

○ 15 school days after submission of documentation, check your portfolio in Eduphoria to verify that credit has been awarded. If the credit isn’t reflected in your portfolio, contact professional development records specialist- Mickie Cox.

● employee may earn up to 3 Required PD Credits per college course with a maximum accrual of 6 Required PD Credits from college courses each year.

