Irlande Manon Laura Melissa Sarah


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  • Rugby is the most famous sport in Ireland.

3. Their first match was against England, but they lost. 4. Now, Ireland is one of the best rugby teamsin the world. 5. Gaelic football

  • Gaelic football is one of the most famous sports of Ireland, like rubgy.

6. The rules are a mix of rugby and football. 7. They play with a sort of volley ball. 8. GOLF

  • Golf is very popular in Ireland. This country is called The Kingdom of Golf.

9. Ireland has got a lot of golf courses. Golf is a sport to relax but there are competitions too. 10. HURLING Hurling is the third most popular sport in Ireland, where there are 100 000 licensed people. Players use a hurley (cross) and a sliotar (small ball), this ball can reach a speed of 110 km / h. Hurling is a contact sport: you can push the player by the shoulder but the blows of elbow or hip are forbidden. 11. Mlissa 12. Sarah 13. Manon 14. Laura 15. Havepres entedIRIS H SP ORTS.