Iowa’s Statewide Approach to Performance Evaluation & Compensation Judy Jeffrey, Director


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Iowa’s Statewide Approach to Performance Evaluation

& Compensation

Judy Jeffrey, Director

Iowa’s Approach to Evaluation, Professional Development, &


The Iowa ContextInfrastructure in placeIntent of the Legislation

The Iowa Student Achievement and Teacher Quality Program

Components that provide support and accountabilityCross-walk of essential elements

Going to scale state-wideLessons learnedNext steps

The Iowa ContextInfrastructure

Well functioning Area Education Agencies (AEAs)Strong pre-service programsState initiatives in content already underwayCooperative atmosphere between teacher unions, administrator organizations, DE, and AEAs

The Iowa ContextIowa Student Achievement and Teacher Quality Program (2001)

Establishes structure for Mentoring and Induction, Professional Development, Evaluation, and Career Levels

Intent of the Iowa Legislation

To create a student achievement and teacher quality program that acknowledges that outstanding teachers are a key component in student success.

Senate File 476

The program's goals are to:

enhance student achievement and to redesign compensation strategies and teachers' professional development.

Senate File 476

Student Achievement and Teacher Quality Program Senate file 476


Teacher 2 year Mentoring/ Induction

Career Teacher I

Career Teacher II


Professional Development

District Comprehensive


Performance Review

Performance Review

Quality Instruction Leading to

Student Achievement


Professional Development Standards

Teaching Standards and Crit eria

Teacher Quality Program Supports:are designed to increase student achievement by increasing teacher quality

offer teachers opportunities to improve their instructional practices

attract and retain high performing teachers

reward teachers for improving their skills and knowledge in a manner that translates into better student learning

establish increased accountability for quality teaching

build on already existing supports

Standards in Iowa Code: Criteria established by stakeholder group and adopted by State Board

•Provide a set of knowledge and skills that reflects the best evidence available regarding effective teaching.

•Provide teachers and administrators consistent criteria for determining what constitutes effective teaching in Iowa schools.

•Foster ongoing dialogue about effective practices. •Teachers and the evaluator use the standards and criteria for determining what evidence to collect for the comprehensive evaluation for beginning teachers and the performance reviews for career teachers.

Iowa TeachingIowa Teaching Standards

Eight Iowa Teaching Standards

1. Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school districts’ student achievement goals.

2. Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position.

3. Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction.

Senate File 476

4. Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students.

5. Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.

6. Demonstrates competence in classroom management.

7. Engages in professional growth.

8. Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district.

Senate File 476

Beginning TeachersSalary minimum

Initial License (2 year)

Evaluation (Comprehensive Evaluation)

Must meet teaching standardsEvaluation determines eligibility for standard license

Mentoring and Induction

Provided for all 1st and 2nd year beginning teachers Funds are appropriated for districts/AEAs based on the number of 1st and 2nd year teachers ($1,300 per mentee)AEAs provide technical assistance and training for mentorsA model plan has been developed to assist districts in their work

Mentoring and Induction4th year of program – 100% of districts have a mentoring planAt the end of the 2nd year the beginning teacher’s evaluator makes a decision to move the teacher from an initial license to a standard licenseA 3rd year of mentoring is available to beginning teacher who needs additional assistance to move to a standard license. The district must pay for the program. (Title II)

Career TeachersSalaryEvaluation (Performance Reviews)

Classroom observationImplementation of individual career planDocumentation from other evaluators, peers, students, parents

Not meeting Iowa Teaching Standards Intensive Assistance5th year in career level ineligible for pay increases

Professional Development

Iowa Professional Development Model

District Career Development Plans

Iowa Content Networks

Individual Teacher Career Development Plans

Iowa Professional Development Model

Student learning At the Center of School Improvement and Staff Development

Operating Principles:

• Focus on Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

• Participative Decision Making (School & District)

• Leadership

• Simultaneity

Collecting / Analyzing Student Data

Program Evaluation

(Summative)Goal Setting &

Student Learning

Selecting Content

Designing Process for Professional


Training / Learning


Collaboration / Implementation

Ongoing Data Collection(Formative Evaluation)

Collecting / Analyzing Student Data

Program Evaluation

(Summative)Goal Setting &

Student Learning

Selecting Content

Designing Process for Professional


Training / Learning


Collaboration / Implementation

Ongoing Data Collection(Formative Evaluation)

District Career Development Plan

Key Elements of the ModelFocus on curriculum and instructionStudy of implementation All site personnelSpecific student learning goalsIntensive professional developmentCollaborationOngoing follow-up, support, & technical assistanceFormative and summative evaluation

Focus on curriculum and instructionStudy of implementation All site personnelSpecific student learning goalsIntensive professional developmentCollaborationOngoing follow-up, support, & technical assistanceFormative and summative evaluation

Iowa Professional Development Standards

District Career Development Plans address:• Iowa Teaching Standards • Research-based instructional strategies• District student achievement goals• Training and learning opportunities that target

instruction and design that includes:Theory, demonstration, practice, observationCollaboration and study of implementationIntegration of instructional technology

• Evaluation (instructional practice & student learning)• All staff responsible for instruction

Individual Teacher Career Development Plan

Based on Iowa Teaching Standards and district/building student achievement goalsAnnual meeting with teacher and evaluator to review goal(s) and refine planIndividual Plans should be a direct fit with District Career Development Plans

Based on Iowa Teaching Standards and district/building student achievement goalsAnnual meeting with teacher and evaluator to review goal(s) and refine planIndividual Plans should be a direct fit with District Career Development Plans

Professional Development Resources

Iowa Content NetworksSource for reviews of research studies for use by local districts

Iowa PD Model Training MaterialsSet of print resources for local districtsCase studies of Iowa Districts



               Content Network

About This Project • Selecting Content • Definitions • Upcoming Additions • How to Get Studies • Help

What you will find on the Content Network website is an initial organization of research in the areas of reading, mathematics, and science.


The Research Continuum

The Content Network Teams reviewed the research articles based on a continuum that measured the research according to specific criteria.

Evaluation SystemEvaluation processes locally drivenEvaluations are required at the end of year two for beginning teachers and every three years for career level teachersIncludes an intensive assistance componentStatewide adoption of standards and criteria for teachersUniform summative evaluation tool for beginning teachers

Preparing EvaluatorsExtensive evaluator training provided

$1,000 awarded for completion of training

The Evaluator Training process developed skills in the following areas:

Support for Teaching StandardsData Collection SkillsFeedback TechniquesData-driven Leadership

Evaluator Training Process:

Train administrators to make license recommendations at the end of a 2 year induction program.Integrates with district career development planning efforts.Is an interagency effort. Higher education programs are certified to provide training.

Going to ScaleDE provided:

State-wide capacity building efforts to support PD, MI and EvaluationRules/procedures to create structures and accountability for PD, MI, & EvaluationModels of quality professional development in Reading and Math (Science to be added)

Legislative Proposal2007

Revamp Career II/AdvancedFocus on strengths of professional developmentEstablish Regional AcademiesEstablish “teacher leaders”

Establish Administrator Quality ProgramMentoring/InductionIowa Leadership StandardsEvaluationProfessional Development

Implementation Timeline02-03 Districts volunteered to implement – over 95%Mentoring and InductionSalary increases for beginning and career teachers (year 3)Team-based variable pay pilots implementedContent networks formed

Implementation Timeline…03-04 All districts implementing10 days of training for evaluators Stakeholder group develops Iowa professional development modelContent networks release initial informationTeam-based variable pay evaluation

Implementation Timeline…04-05 Salary increases

$24,500 (1st & 2nd year teachers)$25,500 (3rd year teachers)$26,000 (4th year teachers)

TBVP Pilot continuesSchool districts implement district career plans as approved in their Comprehensive School Improvement PlanRegional Academies implemented/summer ’05

Addition of equivalent of 1 PD day to teacher contracts

EvaluationTBVP pilots did not reveal any conclusive resultsMentoring and Induction are viewed as a retention factor and supportive of new teachersSalary rankings in US have not improved (budget shortfalls, etc. have not provided additional increases as expected)Comprehensive evaluation of program due in 2007

Professional Development Evaluation

Examining District PD Plans Iowa Teacher Development Academies

Studying teacher implementation and student resultsPreliminary input shows students are responding to changes in instruction

When Quality PD is provided positive things happen…

Kids are excited about the books from which they can choose.Kids like coming to this class!

A student who refused to pick a book to read, so I picked for him, hated the book, dislikes reading, told me last Friday, “Hey, this is really a good book!”

I’m surprised about the number of my students who have finished books and gone on to the second or third. Also, the smiles on their faces when they proudly show me how much they have read.

Several students have said they are really happy they can read their book.

04-05 Costs$1,300 per new teacher for 2 years = $4.2MOne day of PD = $10MDistrict allocation for teacher salaries = $46.3MDepartment costs for staffing, technical assistance = state funds $400,000 and is supplemented with federal funds

For Additional Information

