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Advancing Knowledge for a Healthy Oce


Advancing Knowledge for a Healthy Oce


RTRC-MarBEST BuildingJl. Raden Saleh No. 43 Jakarta, Indonesia

Phone: +62 21 3912497

+62 21 3901214

Research Center for OceanographyIndonesian Institute of ScienceJl. Pasir Putih I no. 1 Ancol Timur.

Jakarta Utara - Indonesia 14430

Phone: +62 21 6471 3850

Fax. : +62 21 6471 1948

Indo-West Pacific and ASEAN is the center of the highest biodiversity in the world. Our life depends on biodiversity,however, knowledge and information concerning biodiversity in this region are still limited especially in the capacity and capability of human resources.Biological information and the taxonomic capability to recognize and identify various species of marine life are needed to secure the rich biodiversity in this region. It is very diverse needs of taxonomy experts from various taxa of marine life. A lack of human resources in the field of taxonomy has allegedly caused minimum awareness of the importance of taxonomy, lack of funding and lack of employment opportunities for taxonomists. Taxonomists generally only work in museums or universities but an increase in capacity and capability and competence of young researchers and lecturers through training activities is expected to stimulate researchers to pursue the field of taxonomy. Several problems in numerical taxonomy and taxonomy-based morphology can be resolved through a genetic and molecular taxonomy approach. A molecular taxonomic approach is currently very popular, not only because it can solve the problems of morphology-based taxonomy but also because it can open new horizons

on the phylogeny and kinship of species. For example, using the advanced technology of molecular biology and genetics, the speed of new discovery in fish alone has reached at a rate of about 150 species per year. Increased training in molecular taxonomy and genetics isexpected to enable better understanding and recognition of a variety of marine species and their origins and kinship.

The Research Center for Oceanography has a long-term program to monitor the health of marine ecosystems, especially coral reefs. The program,referred to as the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program, started in 1998 and has continued until the present. Long experience in managing and developing methods to monitor the health of coral reefs and related ecosystems would be very useful if it can be shared and transferred to young researchers and lecturers in the Asia-Pacific countries through training activities. The participants who have been trained are expected to assess the health of ecosystems and track diversity, distribution and abundance changes. This will assist in the development of human resources, institutions and information-sharing networks and dissemination in the region.


Dr. Dirhamsyah, M.A Director of RTRC MarBEST

ForewordThe Indo-West Pacific is the home to the most marine life species in our planet. Indonesia is situated at the heart of the world’s center of maximum marine species richness. Marine biodiversity has been essential for food securiry, economic, social and cultural of thr coral triangle countries.However,marine biodiversity worldwide has been experiencing various threats from human activities as well as natural disasters (e.g. the degradation of habitats and ecosystems, pollution, global climate change, tsunamis and typhoons). Indonesia has a long experience in studying biodiversity at the genetic, species and ecosystem level.

The RegionalTraining and Research Center on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health (RTRC MarBEST) had been established in 17 October 2016 in Jakarta-Indonesia. RTRC MarBEST aims to share experiences and knowledge to young students, researchers and lecturers through capacity building programs in marine biodiversity and ecosystem health. The RTRC MarBEST is in accordance with the regional action plan on taxonomic capacity building of the Global Taxonomy Initiative.

Advancing Knowledge for a Healthy Oce


Presentation Session

4. Presentation and Writing

A session of presentation was presented by each participant by selecting one of crustacean in each group. Each participant had 10 minutes for their presentation, including questions and answers.

Completion Ceremony

Advancing Knowledge for a Healthy Oce


Demonstration on crustacean sampling by participants

Demonstration on sorting and preserving of the specimens

Laboratory session led by Sensei Nishida on Plankton taxonomy

2. Field Work

Field work were conducted in Pari Islands (at the Seribu Islands, Jakarta), especially at Burung and Burung Islands. The fieldwork was conducted in 20-22 October 2016. Due to there was no low tide during day time, the collection sessions was conducted in the evening (about 6.00 PM) when the tide start to recede.

3. Laboratory Work

All collected samples were preserved using 70% alcohol, except for plankton that need to be preserved in 40% formalin. Samples were transported to the laboratory in Oceanography Research Center for identification. All samples in each group were observed using a microscope, photographed and then identified.

VissionTo achieve strong capaciyty of human resources and solid scientific network on marine biodiversity and ecosysstem health in the Indo West Pacific trough regional training and research.

The proposed of the UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Center on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health (hereinafter referred to as “RTRC MarBEST”) was officially endorsed through WESTPAC Advisory Group meeting, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 13-15 January, 2016.

The objectives of the RTRC MarBEST is to enhanced the regional research capacity and capability through training activities in the field of classical taxonomy, morphology and molecular biology, as well as to establish and develop a common platform in the methodology and monitoring the health of marine ecosystems, especially coastal ecosystem such as coral reef, seagrass and mangrove.

Expertise on taxonomic of marine biota would be vital for marine biodiversity and conservation studies, especially related to the research on sustainable use of marine living resources, food security, the role of man and biosphere, the establishment of marine protected areas (MPA), and the exploration of marine living creatures.

The RTRC MarBEST officially inaugurated and established by Chairman of LIPI, Prof. Dr. IskandarZulkarnainon 17 October 2016, signed by the Commemorative Plaque signing between Chairman of LIPI and Chair of the UNESCO/IOC WESTPAC.

The Establishment of RTRC MarBEST

Mission1. Developing and strengthening the capacity and

capability of human resources, especially young researchers and lecturers from member states in the Indo West Pacific on marine biodiversity and ecosystem health.

2. Promoting collaborations among experts within and outside the region the field of marine biodiversity and ecosystem health.

The signing of MarBESTCenter’s Plaque by Chairman of LIPI and Chair of UNESCO/IOC WESTPAC

Advancing Knowledge for a Healthy Oce


Objective1. Develop and strengthen the capacity and capability of

human resources, especially young researchers and lecturers from member states in the Indo West Pacific region through training in marine biodiversity and ecosystem health.

2. Establish and develop a common platform in the methodologiesin monitoring marine ecosystems health, especially coastal ecosystem such as coral reefs, seagrass and mangrove.


Joint Research

Regional Capacity Building

Scientist Exchange


3. Promote scientific collaborations among experts in the region and beyond on long-term monitoring of marine ecosystem health.

4. Facilitate transfer of knowledge and technology related to biodiversity and its valuation, status and trend of ecosystem health for policy application.

Lecture session on taxonomy

Active participation of the participant in the class room

Activities1. Lecture session

Two keynote speakers are invited to give their lectures in the beginning of the training:

1. Prof. Dr. Suharsono from Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences; presented “Biogeography of Marine Biota in Southeast Asia Region” and the invited speaker,

2. Prof. Dr. Shuhei Nishida from the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute-The University of Tokyo Japanpresented “Marine Biodiversity in Southeast Asia: Efforts for Research / Education and Recent Advances”.

In the training, There were five topics that were discussed in the Crustacean training:

1. Plankton (Zooplankton): Definition of planktonic copepoda; classification, character morphology

2. Barnacle: Definition of barnacles, classification, character morphology

3. Shrimp: Definition of penaeoidea, caridea; alpheidae and stomatopoda; classification, character morphology

4. Hermit crab: Definition of hermit crabs, classification, character morphology, habitat, general biology (life cycle, reproduction, growth).

5. Brachyura: Definition of brachyuran crab, classification, character morphology, habitat, general biology (life cycle, reproduction, growth).

Target Beneficiaries1. Students, young researchers and lectures from

Indonesia and other member state in the in the Indo-West Pacific and ASEAN.

2. Universities and research institutions and member state in the Indo West Pacific region and ASEAN

3. The various stakeholders in the field of conservation and environmental protection.

Expected Outcome1. Increase numbers of human resources with high

competence in the field of marine biodiversity and ecosystem health.

2. Increase numbers of human resources capable of monitoring, analysing and deseminating ecosystem health trend.

3. Build networks research institutes, universities, government offices, private sector and other stakeholder for marine biodiversity and conservation.

4. Provide an easy information on the status of biodiversity and ecosystem health of member countries in the region.

Partners1. Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO (KNIU)2. Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of

Indonesia.3. Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.4. IOC Sub Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)5. L’Institut de Recherche pour le développement (IRD),

France6. National Museum of Natural History-Smithsonian

Institution, USA7. South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, South

Africa8. Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology-

Korea9. Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences10. Research Center for Biology LIPI11. KEHATI Foundation Indonesia

Advancing Knowledge for a Healthy Oce



Date and Training Venue 17 October- 28 October 2016, at MarBEST CENTER (Lecturer session), P.Pari Island (Field Session), RCO LIPI (Lab & Analysis Work)

Purpose Introduce a crustacean taxonomy, to enhance biosystematics sharpening capabilities in the sea , particularly crustacean taxa and also to develop techniques crustacean taxonomy ( identify , know the characteristics , character and be able to write to be published taxonomic publications, both national and international)

Target Goal The participants are expected to improve their understanding about taxonomic research of tropical marine biota, especially in crustacean taxonomy

ParticipantsTotal 23 Participants fom various countries: Bangladesh (2), Cambodia (1), China (4), Indonesia (10), Iran (1), Malaysia (2), Thailand (1), Vietnam (2)

Lecture session on taxonomy

Advancing Knowledge for a Healthy Oce


Facilities- 8 Stories Building at RTRC MarBEST- Lab Facilities at Research Center for Oceanography-

Indonesian Institute of Sciences- Field work Station at Technical Implementing Unit of

Pari Island

Principal Investigator (Chairperson) and Program Steering GroupOrganization of RTRC MarBEST is divided into 2 (two) groups, these include the program steering and the executive groups. The program steering group consists of the higher level of some government and private institutes. The member of executive group is coming from mostly the RCO LIPI.


SecretaryVice Director

Training Course Division

Planning and Program

Implementation & Evaluation

Research Cooperation

Scientists Exchange

General Affairs

Administration and Finance

Research Facilities

Public Relation and Legal

Research and Scientist Exchange Division



Program Steering Group Executive Group

WORKPLAN FOR 2017 – 2018

2017 Conducting training “Molecular Taxonomic Research of Tropical Marine Biota”

2018 Conducting training “Methodology and Monitoring the Health of Marine Ecosystems”

Conducting “Marine Taxonomy Training for beginner”