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A good thing to do this weeken in Luxembourg

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HASCHULTCLAIREFONTAINE PEOPLELuxembourg City, September5 until 14, 2014


PREVIEWSaturday, September 6, 201411:00 p.m. Welcome

Dr. Marita RuiterGallery Director

IntroductionCarole DieschbourgMinistre de l´Environmentdu Grand-duché de Luxembourg

The artist is present.

Galerie Clairefontaine7, Place de ClairefontaineL-1341

2014 Clairefontaine Square, Luxembourg City


1999 Paris, La Defénse

1999 Moscow, Red Square

2002 Cairo, Giza

2003 Zermatt, Stellisee

Since 18 years the German action artistHA Schult is travelling around the worldwith his Trash People. The sensationalpublic interest to the first appearance in1996 in the Xanten Roman Amphithea-tre, Germany, was the motivation forthe start into the world.

Paris, Moscow, Beijing, Cairo, Brussels,Cologne, Rome, Barcelona were thescene for a million public. The photosfrom the saltmine in Gorleben, fromMatterhorn, from the Artic were runningaround the world. The Trash Peoplerank among the most famous Germans.The trash on a level with Goethe,Adenauer, Beckenbauer and Merkel.

They stand in executive suits, museums,bedrooms, medical offices, ministries,public and private places. Each one is anambassador. Ambassador and interpreterof the world which we have created:we in the consumer era. They are ourimages. We produce trash and we become trash.

HA Schult is appreciated worldwide asthe environmental artist of the first hour.Long before the formation of a GreenParty he sensitized the society with hisactions for a self-critical contemplationof the environmental awareness. Whenin the 60's the Pop Art paintings of AndyWarhol, Tom Wesselmann or JamesRosenquist glorified the consumption,HA Schult already shaked it. He trashedthe Piazza Saint Marco in Venice and letcrash a black cessna into the New Yorklandfill.

2014 the Trash People stood high overTel Aviv in the Ariel Sharon Park onIsrael's largest landfill. Every day thousandsof visitors streamed up to the recyclinghill of Tel Aviv. The worldwide interest in the HA Schult's Now Time Installationreached a new climax in Israel.

Now September 2014 the Trash Peoplego Place Clairefontaine, the most beautiful saloon of Luxembourg City.

2005 Brussels, Grand-Place

2014 Tel Aviv, A. Sharon Park

HA Schult

Born in 1939 in Parchim/Germany hegrew up in the ruins of Berlin. From1958 -1961 he studied at the Academyof Art in Düsseldorf. 1962 -1978Munich, 1978-1980 Cologne, 1980-1986 New York. 1986 establishing theHA Schult -Museum für Aktionskunstin Essen. 1986 - 1991 New York, Essen,1991-1992 Berlin. 1992 moving theHA Schult -Museum für Aktionskunstfrom Essen to Cologne.

HA Schult creates his projects with Elke Koska, the muse. He lives withAnna Zlotovskaya, the violinist, inCologne.

In the sixties he coins phrases such as“Macher” and “Biokinetik”. Since thenthe social fauna of cities and landscapesare in the focus of his work, like Venice(“Venezia Vive”, 1976), NewYork(“Crash”, 1977, “Trash City”, “Now”,1983), Berlin (“Die Stadt”, 1982,“NewYork is Berlin”, 1985), Cologne (“FetischAuto”, 1989), St. Petersburg (“MarbleTime”, “War and Peace”, 1994),Germany (“Aktion 20.000 km”, 1970).The Ruhrregion (“Ruhr-Tour”, 1978),and the Rhineland (“Rheingeist”, 1996).

In 1998 he created the “Peace StorageBuilding” in Osnabrück, in 1999 his“Hotel Europe” at the Cologne-BonnAutobahn. In 2001 he realized thepoetic “LoveLetters Building”, Berlin,2003 “Trees for Peace”, Zollverein,Essen, 2010 and 2011 “Beach GarbageHotel”, Rome and Madrid, 2013“Beaches are rebelling”, Barcelona,2014 “Home-Heimat”, Siegburg, “WIRdas Tier”, Munich, and “Clean WaterTemple”, Qingdao, PR China.

Since 1996 “Trash People”, Xanten,Paris, Moscow, Beijing, Cairo, Zermatt,Kilkenny, Gorleben, Brussels, Cologne,Graz, Rome, Barcelona, Washington,D.C., Siracuse, Fabriano, Telgte, Mon-schau, Arctic,Tel Aviv, and LuxembourgCity. In progress is Lhasa,Tibet.

René Burri

Thomas Hoepker

Thomas Hoepker

Thomas Hoepker

Fabien de Cugnac

Gianluca Battista

HASchult is poetical, populist in intent anda classist in effect. His art is a phantasticcombination of trite symbols an gloriousspectacles.

Kim Levin, ARTnews, New York

Like a traditional artist uses brushes, colorsand canvas, HA Schult relates to the emoti-ons, expectancy, fear and even superstitionof his mass-audience. The aim of theseactions is always to seek a positive solutionto social problems, whether they addresspolitical, economical, cultural or historicalsubjects. HA Schult is the artist agentprovocateur with moral standards.

Alexander Borovsky,State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg 2013 Barcelona Gianluca Battista

2014-15 “Action Blue”, Paris, Berlin,Karlsruhe, Warsow, Vilnius, SaintPetersburg, Moscow, Permian, Omsk,Irkutsk, Ulan Bator, and Beijing.

1976 Venice, Piazza San Marco Stefan Moses

HA Schult was one of the first artiststo deal with the ecological imbalancein his work. He is a major contributorto today`s new ecological awareness.His works were on show on all conti-nents.

They are in many public collectionslike The Solomon R. GuggenheimMuseum, New York, MoMA, TheMuseum of Modern Art, New York,The Roy Lichtenstein Foundation,New York, National Gallery of Art,Washington, D.C., Tate Gallery,London, Centre Pompidou, Paris, The State Russian Museum, SaintPetersburg, Zendai Museum, Shanghai,Neue Galerie, Graz, ZKM,Center forArt and Media, Karlsruhe, MuseumLudwig, Cologne, DHM, GermanHistorical Museum, Berlin, GettyResearch Institute, Los Angeles, and in important private collections allover the world.

2014 Galerie Clairefontaine, Luxembourg City

Actions are experienced pictures.HA Schult

HASCHULTCLAIREFONTAINE PEOPLE September5 until 14, 2014Luxembourg City

Beaches are rebelling. Barcelona, 2013Photograph by Gianluca Battista

Since 18 years the German action artistHA Schult is travelling around the worldwith his Trash People. The sensationalpublic interest to the first appearance in1996 in the Xanten RomanAmphitheatre,Germany, was the motivation for thestart into the world.

Paris, Moscow, Beijing, Cairo, Brussels,Cologne, Rome, Barcelona were thescene for a million public. The photosfrom the saltmine in Gorleben, fromMatterhorn, from the Artic were runningaround the world. The Trash Peoplerank among the most famous Germans.The trash on a level with Goethe,Adenauer, Beckenbauer and Merkel.

They stand in executive suits, museums,bedrooms, medical offices, ministries,public and private places. Each one is anambassador. Ambassador and interpre-ter of the world which we have created:we in the consumer era. They are ourimages. We produce trash and we become trash.

HA Schult is appreciated worldwide asthe environmental artist of the first hour.Long before the formation of a GreenParty he sensitized the society with hisactions for a self-critical contemplationof the environmental awareness. Whenin the 60's the Pop Art paintings of AndyWarhol, Tom Wesselmann or JamesRosenquist glorified the consumption,HA Schult already shaked it. He trashedthe Piazza Saint Marco in Venice and letcrash a black cessna into the NewYorklandfill.

2014 the Trash People stood high overTel Aviv in the Ariel Sharon Park onIsrael's largest landfill. Every day thousandsof visitors streamed up to the recyclinghill of Tel Aviv. The worldwide interest in the HA Schult́ s Now Time Installationreached a new climax in Israel.

Now September 2014 the Trash Peoplego Place Clairefontaine, the most beautifulsaloon of Luxembourg City.

HA Schult in Photographs by


Venezia Vive. Venice, 1976Photograph by Stefan Moses

Crash. New York, 1977Photograph by Harry Shunk

Red Square People. Moscow, 1999Photograph by Thomas Hoepker

Great Wall People. Beijing, 2001Photograph by Thomas Hoepker

Recycling People. Tel Aviv, 2014Photograph by Gianluca Battista

Galerie Clairefontaine, Luxembourg City


Saturday, September 6, 201411:00 p.m. Welcome Dr. Marita Ruiter Gallery Director

Introduction Carole Dieschbourg Ministre de l´Environment du Grand-duché de Luxembourg

The artist is present.

Galerie Clairefontaine 7, Place de Clairefontaine L-1341 Luxembourg

Clairefontaine People by HA Schult Luxembourg CitySeptember 5 until 14, 2014
