Invitación Ceremonia Vale + Javi + Nicolás



Acompáñanos  a celebrar una bendición en familia...

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Familia Prieto Von Wobeser is about developing a mutual admiration of someone, a deep respect, trust and awareness of another human's needs...


Acompáñanos  a celebrar una bendición en familia el día domingo 6 de octubre de 2013, a las 10am en

Valle de Bravo. Dirección: Camino a la Peña #3,La Peña, Valle de BravoR.S.V.P. valevw@yahoo.comVestimenta "Budista" (relajado, positivo, mente abierta, contento, compasivo y amoroso)

A celebration of love and union. Love is love and attachment is attachment. We should not confuse these two as being the same. It is true that people can become attached within a relationship, and confuse love with feelings of need and attachment, but that does not need to be the case. People can share a life together and love each other, but at the same time, be completely free and unattached...

...So, from a Buddhist perspective, marriage can be a most excellent arena to practice selfless love. We can come face to face with our attachments each time we do

something for our beloved by acknowledging that we need nothing in return for our actions - including appreciation that we have done something. By committing to and dealing day in and day out with another person who knows all of our games, we can

speed up the development of our selfless giving and our compassion.

Gracias por acompañarnos en este día tan especial para nosotros.Familia Prieto Von Wobeser