Investigating Health Careers · report for their internship in the afternoon except in very unusual...


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Junior Year Portfolio 2012-2013



Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

2012-2013 Junior Student List

Derry Township School District Lower Dauphin School District

Emilie Bair

Dorothy Benton

Brittany Dieffenbach

Connor Donahue

Sean Donegan

Matthew Johnson

Myra Qureshi

Meghan Stapleton

Katherine Wenner

Sarah Williams

Emily Brinich

Katie Brown

Emily Errickson

Angelina Farole

Navdeep Ghuman

Angela Linton

Taylor Lister

Chris Messner

Troy Spencer

Hannah Walter

Program Advisor - Hershey: Program Advisor – Lower Dauphin:

Mrs. B. Ritchey Mrs. R. McMinn

School – 531-2244 Ext. 1228 School – 566-5330 Ext. 2027

Cell (W) – 736-3705 Cell – 439-9302

Cell (P) – 433-5312

Hershey Medical Center Coordinators:

Mrs. Catherine Caruso

531-0003, Ext 285458

Program Description: During the junior year, Investigating Health Careers combines the high school disciplines of

Science, Social Studies, Math and English with various supervised clinical experiences at

Hershey Medical Center. In addition to the high school classroom experiences and the

Medical Center clinical experiences, there will be seminars on various health care careers and

related clinical topics by the Hershey Medical Center staff as well as an orientation to the

Medical Center.

During the senior year, students will select two clinical areas of interest where they will be

supervised by a Hershey Medical Center preceptor. Students will obtain more in-depth

knowledge in two of these areas with the opportunities for hands-on experience




Program Advisor - Hershey: Program Advisor – Lower Dauphin:

Mrs. B. Ritchey Mrs. R. McMinn

School – 531-2244 Ext. 1228 School – 566-5330 Ext. 2027

Cell – 433-5312 Cell – 439-9302

Hershey Medical Center Coordinator:

Mrs. Catherine Caruso , 717-531-0003, Ext. 285458


Investigating Health Careers

Participants: 20 High School Juniors – 2012-2013

(10 Derry Township; 10 Lower Dauphin)

20 High School Seniors – 2012-2013

(10 Derry Township; 10 Lower Dauphin)

Vision: We see health career professionals working with education

professionals to support and encourage high school students to

pursue health career fields.

Mission: We will provide students with an opportunity to learn and work in a career

that is satisfying and rewarding while assisting others in all stages of

health and illness.

Purpose: • To provide students with practical and relevant hands-on experience in the

Health Care field by linking the classroom curriculum to hospital


• To familiarize the high school students with the health care profession and

to assist in decision making for a career in Health Care


• To analyze career opportunities and decide on further post-secondary


• To provide opportunities for relevant hands-on experiences at the Medical


• To educate and assist students to gain awareness and empathy for patients

and families in all stages of health and illness

• To develop relationships with professionals through one on one


• To link Medical Center learning with high school classroom curriculum

• To develop responsibility for good work habits such as punctuality,

appearance, communicating own needs to preceptor, teachers, counselors,


• To share experiences with other students, teachers, guidance counselors,

and health care professionals

• To incorporate learning through experience and supported with published

references (texts, journals) for writing reports/projects.

High School Graduation Credit: Students will be awarded two credits for their participation in the Youth Apprenticeship



A) Guidelines/Expectations

Expectations are high for participants in this program. Following these procedures is


to participate in a professional environment. Independence and dependability are vital for

involvement in this privileged program.

The student-learner will be required to meet real world work expectations and the applicable

PA Academic Standards for Career Education and Work. All rules and procedures described

below are to be strictly observed at all times during the student-learning rotations.

1. The student must have no history of repeated discipline problems and must exhibit the

ability to work well with others as outlined in the PYAP Junior Handbook.

2. The preceptor, student-learner, and/or parent will contact the school coordinator

concerning any program problems.

3. The student-learner must achieve a 70 percent current GPA and no failing classes as

outlined in the PYAP 2012-13 Handbooks.

4. The student-learner will be given progressive and challenging learning experiences and

be supervised by an experienced professional.

5. The student-learner will abide by the Hershey Medical Center student dress code and all

other applicable Medical Center policies, rules, and regulations as per the form called

Code of Conduct & Dress for Student Visitor Programs.

6. The student-learner will respect and properly care for all equipment and supplies.

7. The student-learner will make personal phone calls before or after the clinical

assignment. All cell phones must be turned off during rotations.

8. The student-learner will make it his/her responsibility to KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and

KEEP within the objectives of each clinical rotation.

9. The student-learner will conform to any direction from the clinical preceptor immediately

without question while in the clinical setting. Any questions will be handled in private.

10. The student-learner will make every effort to be courteous, efficient, and accurate with

staff and patients.

11. The student-learner will not discuss his/her private life while in the presence of patients.

12. The student-learner will uphold patient confidentiality. If violated, dismissal from the

program will occur immediately.

13. The student-learner will report to his/her preceptor and/or charge person, sign in/out

according to school procedure and carry his/her clinical sign in/out card to and from the

work site. Each student-learner will have his/her preceptor verify attendance at the

clinical site.

14. Lab jackets and badges must be worn to each rotation. The student-learner must carry

his/her binder to each rotation.

15. The student-learner must demonstrate responsible, punctual attendance with a maximum

of 10 nonconsecutive days absent during the school year. Extended absences will be

excused by a doctor’s note. Students with excessive absences and tardiness will be


removed from the PYAP program. The student-learner must demonstrate responsible

attendance; a maximum of 10 nonconsecutive days absent during the school year.

Extended absences will be excused by a doctor’s note.

16. If the student-learner is late or absent, he/she must ALWAYS notify the school and the

assigned rotation preceptor before the start of the normal day. If the student-learner is

absent from school in the morning or arrive after 10 AM, the student is NOT to report for

their internship in the afternoon except in very unusual situations and then special

permission must be secured from the school PYAP advisor. The student-learner is not

permitted to report to the clinical assignment on a day in which he/she is absent from


17. The student-learner and parents are responsible for transportation between the school and

the Medical Center and transportation to the various seminars. Some carpooling will

need to take place since some of the students will not have their driver’s licenses. The

student-learner will be insured by his/her parents for travel to and from the Medical

Center. The school and Medical Center assume no liability for accidents which may


18. Safety instruction will be provided with each clinical rotation.

19. The student-learner agrees to carry school insurance or have comparable coverage for

accident protection. It is strongly recommended that the student have health and accident

insurance, either purchased through the school or home or through a family or individual


20. The Hershey Medical Center requires the completion of the Affiliated Student/Visitor

Infectious Disease Summary form, annual Mantoux Skin Tuberculosis test and annual

Flu vaccine for all students enrolled in the PYAP program.

21. If an accident occurs while in the clinical area or if a mistake is made (regardless of how

minor), the student-learner will report it immediately to the clinical preceptor and file the

necessary report.

22. The student-learner will complete the clinical objectives by the end of each clinical


23. The preceptor will rate the student-learner’s performance at the end of each rotation using

an evaluation form provided by the school coordinator.

24. The school coordinator will periodically visit and evaluate the student-learner at the

Medical Center. Visits will be conducted in a discreet and professional manner.

25. Course credit is awarded by the school and student has the option to take the PYAP class

for Pennsylvania State University college credit at the cost of the student.

26. The student-learner must understand that if any part of this contract is broken,

disciplinary measures will be taken and termination from the program may be necessary.

27. At any time an addendum may be added to this agreement to keep it in compliance with

school, Medical Center, local, state, and federal regulations.


B) Attendance

1. This is a class and student-learners are required to be at their assigned area on a daily

basis. No exceptions are made for pep rallies, student plays, mock accidents, etc. unless

the student is directly involved and has received prior permission from school advisor.

Daily attendance expectations: 1:00 PM report to preceptor at HMC; Dismissal -2:15 PM

2. The student-learner must demonstrate responsible, punctual attendance with a maximum

of 10 nonconsecutive days absent during the school year. Extended absences will be

excused by a doctor’s note. Students with excessive absences and tardiness will be

removed from the PYAP program. Email your school advisor and preceptor (in the same

email) of absences 24 hours in advance. If the student is ill, it is their responsibility to

send an email before 8 am on the day of the absence.

3. If the student-learner is late or absent, he/she must ALWAYS notify the school and the

assigned rotation preceptor before the start of the normal day. If the student-learner is

absent from school in the morning or arrive after 10 AM, the student is NOT permitted to

report for their internship in the afternoon except in very unusual situations and then

special permission must be secured from the school PYAP advisor. The student-learner

is not permitted to report to the clinical assignment on a day in which he/she is absent

from school.

4. If the student-learner is involved in extracurricular sports, plan ahead for the week. Be

sure to contact preceptors and keep them informed along with your PYAP advisor by E-

mail if you know you MUST be absent or depart early for an event.

5. Appointments should be scheduled after school.

6. Any and all absences (extra-curricular activities) must have PRIOR approval by the

school advisor.

7. If for any reason student-learners are staying at the school (snow, if PYAP is cancelled

for the day), contact should be made to the advisor and report to the high school library.

Remember to sign in and out of the library so there is a record of student attendance.

8. All student-learners must sign out in the Hershey HS office daily. Students are not

permitted to sign out other PYAP students.

9. If the student-learner is dismissed from their assigned area early, he/she must not leave

the hospital lobby before 2:15 unless the student-learner contacts their advisor.

10. Times should be ACTUAL, not expected times.

11. The student-learner will report on and off to his/her preceptor and/or charge person, sign

in/out according to procedure and carry his/her clinical sign in/out card to and from the

work site. Each student will have his/her preceptor verify attendance at the clinical site.

12. Note absences/ early dismissals on the weekly time card. Include athletic early

dismissals and provide an athletic schedule.

13. Eat lunch at school PRIOR to leaving school. Student-learners are not permitted to go

home or run errands on the way to HMC.


C) Dress/Attire:

1. ALWAYS wear your ID badge and lab jacket while at HMC.

2. Lab jacket should be laundered a minimum of once a month and at the end of the school


3. Dress should be business causal, specifically: Business casual is crisp, neat, classic rather

than trendy. Khaki or dark pants, neatly pressed, and a pressed long-sleeved, buttoned

solid shirt are appropriate for both men and women. Polo/golf shirts, unwrinkled, are

appropriate. Wear a leather belt. Excessively tight, revealing or baggy clothes are not to

be worn.

4. Women may wear sweaters; cleavage is not business-appropriate (despite what you see in

the media).

5. Skirts, dresses, etc. must be knee level or below. Backless, tube tops, spaghetti straps

and sundresses should not be worn.

6. Only black jeans or dress pants may be worn. Absolutely no blue jeans are allowed.

7. Shorts should not be worn.

8. Athletic fleece sweatshirts or sweatpants should not be worn.

9. Shoes must be neat, clean and appropriate for each work area. No high-heeled shoes or

open-toed shoes (i.e. flip flops) are allowed in rotation sites. No sneakers may be worn.

Consider purchasing Sperry shoes and keep them in your car.

10. Hair must be neat, clean, dry, and well groomed. Long hair must be secured.

11. Hair color must be a natural tone; and makeup subdued.

12. Beards or mustaches must be neatly trimmed.

13. Jewelry must be professional and kept to a minimum. No pierced jewelry, except

earrings, is to be visible.

14. Fingernails should be clean and neatly trimmed, with limited adornment.

15. Cover, if possible, all tattoos.

D) Transportation:

1. Observe the posted speed limit.

2. Use the parking lot in front of the garage and UPC.

3. Make arrangements with carpooling partners if you are absent.

4. Exchange student phone numbers to make emergency arrangements.

5. Transportation to any off-site tour and rotation site is the responsibility of the


GRADING 1) Journal (10 pts. each) and Time Cards (10 pts. each) **only half credit is given

for assignments turned in by the end of the week. All preceptors will be notified

if journals/time cards are not turned in by the due date for verification of


Journals (10 pts. each)

Journals must be handed in weekly on Monday (or the first day of school each week)

with entries for the preceding week. (LD- Library Office; Hershey- Mrs. Ritchey’s

mailbox in high school office or box outside of room 228.) Preferred method: Hershey-

submit using Moodle for all journals and other assignments, Lower Dauphin-email to

Mrs. McMinn.


For “A”, the journal must include a daily dated and detailed entry of a minimum of one

page of your experiences.

For hospital area rotations, include such information as:

Assignment area/preceptor


What you did and what new information you learned

Interactions with staff, patients, family members

Identifying characteristics of patient (age, sex, medical condition, anything

that makes the situation unique)

Reactions of patients to procedures


DETAILS! Enlighten us with your happenings for that day.

For seminars, include:

Speaker information- name and position

Pros and cons of the job

Special skills needed

Educational requirements

Certifications required

Suggested high school classes

Salary range

Advancement opportunities

Interesting antidotes

Evaluation- impressions, thoughts

Your interest level in the career or patient area

DETAILS! Enlighten us about your day.

When absent (illness, sports, appointments, unproductive rotation day, etc.):

Read an article in a newspaper, magazine, or journal related to your rotation

OR watch the news about a health or medical topic and check online for

additional feature information OR summarize your day out of your rotation.

Identify the topic and the news source and include a copy of the article.

Explain the news concern- who, what, where, etc.

Include your thoughts, reactions, and impressions.

DETAILS! Enlighten us with what you learned.

Submit a copy of the article/feature with your journal

Work received late will have a grade deduction.

Entries must be typed- double spaced, 12 point, one inch margins; include only one day

per page.

Time cards (10 pts.) *It is preferred that all time cards be submitted during the Friday


Cards must be handed in weekly on Monday (or the first day of school each week).


Your time card must be signed by medical center personnel to indicate your arrival and

departure times. Please date the card but ask the preceptor to add the time and his/her


Use only one card per week. Be sure to include your name on the card.

Mark any dates and reasons for absences on card.

Points will be deducted for late or incomplete cards.

No credit will be given for missing or forged signature or for early dismissal without

prior approval.

2) Projects (100 pts.) One project/marking period

Assigned Projects

You will receive these projects at the beginning of each marking period.

Read the assigned book or research the given topic and answer provided questions.

Projects will be graded on completeness (how well each question was answered),

evidence of thought displayed in answer, and timeliness.

Responses are expected to be in typed format.

10 points are deducted for each day a project is received late.

3) Questionnaires and Evaluations Portfolio (25 pts.)

Questionnaires (15 pts.)

Complete one for each of your rotations with your preceptor’s assistance.

Use your own words; do not copy another’s papers; do not simply copy preceptor's


These are due on Monday immediately following the completion of the rotation.

Evaluations (5 pts.-blue, 5 pts.-pink)

Ask each preceptor to complete the Preceptor evaluation so you have it completed by

the end of the rotation. You are responsible for handing this in.

Complete the Student evaluation at the end of each rotation. (Include the rotation and

the date of the experience.)

These are due on Monday immediately following the completion of the rotation.


Hand in your notebook at the end of the school year for grading.

Points are kept or lost by organization, completion, filing of stray papers, timeliness,

and neatness.

Points may be deducted for disorganization and/or disrepair.

4) Behavior, Attitude, Interest, Attire, Timeliness, Participation (40 pts.)

Points are awarded for such things as compliance with program rules and program

contracts; appropriate conduct and involvement in seminars and rotations; expected

attendance and timeliness; respectfulness as shown to peers, speakers and preceptors;

appropriate attire; and active participation in the program.

School advisors, hospital advisors, and/ or preceptors may provide input.

Students will receive a weekly grade.


The school advisors, hospital coordinators, and preceptors may provide this grade.

Everyone should get 100%.

CONSEQUENCES Failure to follow the established rules and expectations will result in the written

consequences in the student handbook at the respective school. In brief:

Level 1 infraction- Examples

Disruptive and inappropriate behavior

Unauthorized presence in an unassigned area

Violation of the dress code

Tardy to class/ assigned area

Unprepared for class

Unauthorized use of parking facilities

Failure to report absences

Absent from assigned area (failure to plan appropriate transportation is not a valid



First offense- Warning (individual or group) by instructor (Mrs. Ritchey and

Mrs. McMinn)

Repeated offense- Discipline procedure initiated, Contact with parent

Consequences may include withdrawal of privileges, teacher detention, checking

in with advisor daily or weekly, conference with parents/ student and, as

warranted, with guidance/ principal, and discipline as directed by school


Level 2 infraction- Examples

Continuation of Level 1 misconduct

Cutting class

Defacing property

Failure to follow rules and regulations

Insubordination, disrespectful speech or actions or open defiance of authority

Leaving assigned area without permission.


Initiated discipline procedure, Contact parents

Consequences include discipline as directed by school disciplinarian.

For a complete description of disciplinary offenses and penalties, please refer to the school

student handbook.



To the degree feasible, both schools will integrate into their respective curriculum, medical

center objectives and outcomes.

Measures: (These are coordinated with the program goals)

• By the end of the junior year, students will have completed evaluations of

each of the clinical rotations, indicating what worked, what didn't work

and what could be improved for the next class.

• By the end of the junior year, students will have been observed expressing

awareness and empathy for patients and their families.

• By the end of the junior year, students will identify two or three clinical

areas for the senior year experience.

• By the end of the junior year, students will demonstrate good work habits

as recorded by the school to work site coordinator.

• By the end of the junior year, the student will be observed sharing their

experiences with other students, teachers, guidance counselors, and health

care professionals.

• By the end of the junior year, the students will have completed a portfolio

designed by their teachers and the Hershey Medical Center staff.


Orientation will occur the first two weeks of school:

Tour of HMC/Reception to meet the staff

Students in Affiliated Hospital Programs Health Form

Overview of program

Clinical Rotations and schedule

Evaluation methods

Medical terminology/Abbreviations

HMC Mission and Values Discussion

Infection Control Issues

Workshop on Service Quality

Safety and Security Issues

Characteristics of Health Care Worker


Patient Rights

Health/Illness/Disease/Death and Dying





Body Substance Precautions

Hand washing Technique

Patient Advocate

Communication Issues

Clinical Rotation Topics:


Overview of Department

Explanation of Various Tests/Procedures/Responsibilities

Description of clinical responsibilities of staff

Safety issues



Seminars held at the Medical Center will occur between the clinical rotations. These

Seminars will include an overview of the career, educational requirements, types of job

opportunities and a tour of clinical area (if applicable) for the following:

All Clinical Rotations

Food Services/Nutritional Care

Health Information Systems



Public Relations

In addition, the following clinical topics will be scheduled:

Aseptic Technique

Body Substance Precautions

Positioning Patients

Transferring Patients

Vital Signs

Case studies on:

Heart Transplants

SCI and Head Injury



Premature Infant



Clinical rotations will include:

1. Cardiac Catheterization Lab

2. Cancer Institute – Bone Marrow, Infusion, & Radiology

3. Clinical Research

4. Central Transport

5. CT Scan

6. Echocardiography Lab

7. Heart Station

8. Hemodialysis

9. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

10. Music Therapy

11. Neurology

12. Nursing

13. Ophthalmology

14. Orthopedics

15. Otolaryngology (ENT)

16. Pharmacy

17. Pulmonary Function

18. Radiology

19. Rehabilitation

20. Sports Medicine

21. Sterile Processing

22. Ultrasound

23. Therapy Services

24. Trauma

25. Ultrasound

Clinical rotation range from 1-4 days in length

Each student will spend approximately 1.5 hours per day in the above rotations.








CnTr = CENTRAL TRANSPORT (Only September 5th & 6































Code Clinical Rotation Contact Person Phone/Email

CCL Cardiac Cath Lab Lori Swingholm-Lew


CI-B Cancer Inst – Bone Marrow Transplant Chris Bachorz

531-0003 (Ext 285152)

CI-I Cancer Inst – Infusion Roxann Conrad


CI-R Cancer Inst – Radiology Maria Singer



Clinical Labs

(Please meet Dr. Miele in the North

Lobby at the Main Hospital Entrance on

1st day)

Mary Beth Miele


CnTr Central Transport Steven Wanner

531-8127 (Ext 283965)

Pager 1500

CT CT Scan

(Located at 30 Hope Drive – Entrance A) Corey Hartman


CVIR Cardio-Vascular Interventional

Radiology Karen Keener


531-0282 (pager

EL Echocardiography Lab

(No Tuesdays) Emily Eshleman


ENT Otolaryngology

(Ears, Nose, Throat) Ruth Gross


H Hemodialysis Eileen Swartz


HS Heart Station

(Not Tuesdays)

Kathy Reilly or

Sonya Weber-Peters


MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging

(Located at 30 Hope Drive – Entrance A) Jason Hatter


MT Music Therapy

(Tuesdays only)

Christina (Tina) Cosma


Jan Stouffer


N Neurology

(Located at 30 Hope Drive – Entrance B)

Jennie Tetro-Viozzi

Ext 289124

N4 Nursing – 4th

Floor Jim Bennett



N5 Nursing – 5th

Floor Krista Williamson


N6 Nursing – 6th

Floor Paula Labonte


N7 Nursing – 7th

Floor Jen Phoenix


OP Ophthalmology Cliff Myers


ORTH Orthopedics

(Bone & Joint Institute)

Jennifer Grubb

Susan Sarrafian



PF Pulmonary Function Alan Covaleski

PH Pharmacy Mark Lesher

PT Pet Therapy Ann-Louise Gilfoyle

R Radiology

Janice Apodiakos


Sandy Robbins



Rehab Rehabilitation Center Dr. Brenda Mallory


SCI Basic Science Dr. Gail Matters

531-4098 (Phone)

531-7072 (Fax)

SP Sterile Processing

(Tuesdays only)

Adrienne Tsirnikas




Therapy Services

(PT, OT, ST, & Sports Medicine)

(Located at 30 Hope Drive –

Entrance B)

Rebecca DiPasquale


US Ultrasound Sal LaRusso


Program Advisors:

PSHMC – Catherine Caruso, 531-0003, Ext. 285458,

Lower Dauphin High School – Renee McMinn, (717) 439-9302 (Cell),

Hershey High School – Bonnie Ritchey, (717) 736-3705 (Cell),

Updated: 9/12/2012



CODE Clinical Rotation Contact Person Phone Number/Email


Allegheny Valley School

Hummelstown Campus

1291 Middletown Road

Hummelstown, PA 17036-8929

Christina Blyler


Fax: 717-566-2224

CM Country Meadows of Hershey

451 Sand Hill Road

Hershey, PA 17033

Kathy Kissinger

Employment Specialist

533-1880 717-764-3592

Fax: 533-7311


Drayer Physical Therapy


8125 Adams Drive, Suite B

Hummelstown, PA 17036

Amy Santos

Coordinator of Continuing



Fax: 220-2010


The Vista School

(old Springboard Academy)

Hershey, PA 17033

Carolyn Bauerle, Education

Director/ Special Education



Fax: 717-835-0314

Megan Young





Rotation Area Page Number

Allegheny Valley School .............................................................................................................. 25-26

Basic Science ................................................................................................................................ 27-28

Cancer Institute-Bone Marrow ........................................................................................................... 29

Cancer Institute-Infusion .................................................................................................................... 31

Cancer Institute-Radiology ................................................................................................................ 33

Cardiac Catheterization Lab .......................................................................................................... 35-37

Cardio-Vascular Interventional Radiology ................................................................................... 39-40

Central Transport .......................................................................................................................... 41-43

Clinical Labs ................................................................................................................................. 45-47

Country Meadows ......................................................................................................................... 49-51

CT Scan ........................................................................................................................................ 53-55

Drayer Physical Therapy ............................................................................................................... 57-59

Echocardiography Lab ................................................................................................................. 61-63

Heart Station ................................................................................................................................. 65-68

Hemodialysis ................................................................................................................................. 69-71

Magnetic Resonance Imaging ...................................................................................................... 73-75

Music Therapy .............................................................................................................................. 77-79

Neurology ..................................................................................................................................... 81-84

Nursing (4th & 5

th Floor) ............................................................................................................... 85-87

Nursing (6th & 7

th Floor) ............................................................................................................... 89-91

Ophthalmology ............................................................................................................................. 93-95

Orthopedics ................................................................................................................................... 97-99

Otolaryngology ......................................................................................................................... 101-103

Pet Therapy ............................................................................................................................... 105-106

Pharmacy................................................................................................................................... 107-109

Pulmonary Function .................................................................................................................. 111-113

Radiology .................................................................................................................................. 115-117

Rehabilitation ............................................................................................................................ 119-120

Sterile Processing ..................................................................................................................... 121-123

Therapy Services ....................................................................................................................... 125-127

Ultrasound ................................................................................................................................ 129-131

Vista School .............................................................................................................................. 133-138

Evaluations/Selections .............................................................................................................. 139-143



Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

1. DAY 1: Are the patient’s disabilities from birth or are they due to brain injury?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. DAY 2: Are all of the residents in wheelchairs?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. DAY 3: Why is pneumonia common in residents at Allegheny Valley School?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. DAY 4: What are the requirements that a patient must meet to become a resident at

Allegheny Valley School?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




I. Briefly describe the contribution that this school has to the health care system.





II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations?





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection






Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers

BASIC SCIENCE (SCI) Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Questions about this department: (Questions should be specific to the department and worded to promote

discussion. Ask the ”what”, “why”, and “how” type questions. Answers should be complete sentences, not

one-word answers.) In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation. Print out and attach a copy of an appropriate website to your questionnaire.

*This 2-day rotation. After each day, provide an interesting question and answer that may be used for next

year’s PYAP juniors.

1. DAY 1:__________________________________________________________________________


Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. DAY 2:__________________________________________________________________________


Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




I. Briefly describe the contribution that this department has to the health care system. _____________________________________________________________________________________




II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations? _____________________________________________________________________________________





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection _____________________________________________________________________________________





Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

*This 2-day rotation will include observing the Cancer Institute-Bone Marrow department.

1. DAY 1: What are the different forms of a bone marrow transplant?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. DAY 2: What is a normal white blood cell count?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________


I. Briefly describe the contribution that this Cancer Institute-Bone Marrow department has to the health care






II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations?





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection






Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

*This 2-day rotation will include observing the Cancer Institute-Infusion department.

1. DAY 1: What diseases can infusion treat? Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. DAY 2: Why is a large gauge catheter used when giving treatments?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



I. Briefly describe the contribution that this Cancer Institute-Infusion department has to the health care






II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations?





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

*This 2-day rotation will include observing the Cancer Institute-Radiology department.

1. DAY 1: How does radiation differ from chemotherapy?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. DAY 2: What role do the nurses play in radiation treatment?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



I. Briefly describe the contribution that this Cancer Institute-Radiology department has to the health care






II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations?





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

• Explain the purpose of a cardiac catheterization

• Explain the difference between a diagnostic and interventional procedure

• Identify the equipment used in each procedure

• Review the different pressure tracings within the heart

• Review sterile techniques used in cardiac catheterization procedures

• Identify cardiac images via cine films

During this rotation the student will see:

• Cardiac catheterization equipment

• Cine film projectors

• Computerized patient/data physiological monitors

• Development of cine film

• Pediatric and adult diagnostic/therapeutic procedures

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• Adult and pediatric cardiac procedures

• Causes of cardiac disease

• How or why we chose this as our career path in health care

• Educational requirements of staff cardiac catheterization

• Educational requirements and job opportunities in cardiology


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. Define the following terms:

Cardiac ______________________________________________________________

Diagnostic ___________________________________________________________

Quality Control _______________________________________________________

Catheter _____________________________________________________________

Interventional _________________________________________________________

2. What is the purpose of a cardiac catheterization?

3. List two reasons why a cardiac catheterization is done on a patient?

4. Describe the equipment used in a diagnostic procedure.

5. Describe the equipment used in an interventional procedure.


6. Why is it important to ensure quality control of the equipment?

7. What does the patient feel during the cardiac catheterization procedure?

8. What measures are taken by the staff to ease the patient's anxiety during the


9. What personnel are present in the room during the catheterization procedure?

What are their functions during the case?

10. What are the educational requirements for the personnel who specialize in cardiac


11. What is the purpose of wearing a lead apron during a cardiac catheterization




Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Questions about this department: (Questions should be specific to the department and worded to promote

discussion. Ask the ”what”, “why”, and “how” type questions. Answers should be complete sentences, not

one-word answers.) In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation. Print out and attach a copy of an appropriate website to your questionnaire.

*This 2-day rotation. After each day, provide an interesting question and answer that may be used for next

year’s PYAP juniors.

3. DAY 1:__________________________________________________________________________


Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. DAY 2:__________________________________________________________________________


Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




I. Briefly describe the contribution that this department has to the health care system. _____________________________________________________________________________________




II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations? _____________________________________________________________________________________





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection _____________________________________________________________________________________





Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student would be able to:

• Locate the major clinical areas in the hospital

• Assist in the transport of a hospital patient

• Identify the rationale for universal precautions

• Explain dispatch procedures for central transport

• Explain staffing models and procedures for central transport

During this rotation the student will see:

• The interaction between the hospital departments

• The locations of the hospital's major clinical areas

• The operation of computerized dispatch, and the communication between

dispatchers and transporters

• Proper transport and transfer procedures, and interaction with patients

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• How patient condition affects transport

• The rationale for centralizing the transport function in the hospital

• The scheduling and dispatch operations of a transport department

• How to establish proper staff levels per day of week/time of day


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. What are the educational requirements for a position in Central Transport?

2. What personal qualifications are necessary to work in Central Transport?

3. What do the Central Transport personnel do?

4. Identify two methods of transporting patients.

5. Who determines which method of transportation the patient requires?

6. How does the Central Transport personnel know when to go and pick up a patient?


7. Why do you think it is important to know about universal precautions when you are

transporting a patient?

8. When you observed, what did the transport personnel talk about with the patients?

9. How are the transport personnel dispatched?

10. What types of transfer techniques did you observe?

11. What are some safety rules you must use when transferring and transporting


12. Talk to the central transport staff. How many miles do they walk in a day on the


13. What surprised you about Central Transport?



Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Pathology Objectives:

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

Name the 3 divisions of pathology at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

Explain the processing of samples for PAP testing

Describe what types of samples are submitted to the laboratory for analysis

List at least 3 different body substances and/or organs that can be transplanted

Define the term STD and name at least one bacterium and one virus that are causative

agents of STDs

Identify the substance targeted in molecular testing (NAT) for diagnosis of viral


Recognize job titles of persons working in the laboratory

During this rotation the students may see:

The processing of body fluid samples for cytological examination

The processing of hematopoietic stem cells for infusion

Stained PAP smears indicating a normal result versus one with cellular changes

indicative of HPV infection

Bacteria growing on microbiology media

Tests performed in Virology, Special Hematology, and/or HLA laboratories.

Cytotechnologists, medical technologists, medical laboratory technicians, and

technical laboratory associates performing their job functions

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

Careers and educational requirements for persons employed in pathology

Tests performed in the areas of the laboratory in which they are placed

Instrumentation used within the laboratory areas they visit

Diseases that can be diagnosed using testing protocols observed

Diseases that can treated by products prepared within the lab section they visit


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. What are the 3 divisions within the Department of Pathology?

2. What disease does the PAP smear screen for?

3. All bacteria isolated from a human sample indicate infection. True or False? Explain.

4. What does the abbreviation STD stand for?

5. Name one bacterium and one virus that are referred to as a cause of a STD.




6. What is the minimum number of years (including clinical training year) that

cytotechnologists and medical technologists (also known as clinical laboratory

scientists) attend college?

7. What types of diseases are treated by stem cell transplant?

8. What does Histocompatibility mean?

9. What are the sources of the specimens that are tested for Histocompatibility?

10. What is the substance targeted in molecular testing?



Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Country Meadows:

1. What is assisted living?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What types of activities are planned for the residents at Country Meadows?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. What are some of the duties of a Pathways helper?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. Why can’t residents take food out of the dining room?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________




Country Meadows:______________________________________________________________________

I. Careers

A. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________


IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?





V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

CT Scan:

1. How long does a CT scan usually take?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What does an artifact look like?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. What is the weight limit for the scans?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. How does a CT scan work?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




CT Scan:______________________________________________________________________________

I. Careers

A. Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?






V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

Describe different conditions commonly treated in this physical therapy clinic

Identify different members of a physical therapy team and their roles/responsibilities

Explain the purpose of modalities and why they are used in conjunction with


Explain the purpose of a patient chart/documentation involved and be able to write a

SOAP note

During this rotation the student will see:

An evaluation performed by a PT

Manual techniques administered by PT/PTA

Clinician interaction with patients

Daily operations of a physical therapy center

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

Career opportunities

Equipment used in a physical therapy setting

Education requirements

Areas of physical therapy


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name _________________________________ Dates ___________________

1. What is a modality and why is it used? What specific modality did you try and how did it feel?

2. What is a SOAP note? What does the acronym stand for? What other important components are

included in the initial evaluation and re-evaluation?

3. What is a goniometer and why is it used?

4. Name several different specialties within the field of physical therapy.


5. Describe a medical condition you observed and the treatments used. What were the results?

6. Name the different positions on a physical therapy team. What are the responsibilities of each?

7. What level of education is required for each team member? Why is continuing education so




Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Echocardiography Lab:

1. Why does the patient have to roll on his/her side for the Echo?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What does an Echo show?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. How long does a traditional Echo take?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. What is a Tissue Doppler? What is its purpose?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




Echocardiography Lab:

I. Careers

A. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________


IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?





V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

• Explain the purpose of an EKG

• Explain how an EKG is done

• Identify the equipment used for testing

• File an EKG

• Identify universal precautions taken by patient care providers

During this rotation the student will see:

• EKG equipment

• An EKG printout

• A Holter monitor

• A stress test being conducted on a treadmill

• Communication between a patient care provider and a patient

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• What an EKG is

• What it is like to be a direct patient care provider

• Universal precautions

• Educational requirements and job opportunities for EKG technicians


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. Why is an EKG performed on a patient?

2. What equipment is needed to perform an EKG?

3. Name three conditions that can be identified with an EKG.

4. Describe the proper placement for a standard 12 lead EKG hookup.

5. What is a holter monitor?


6. Why is a holter monitor placed on a patient?

7. Who scans the holter monitors?

8. How are pacemakers checked and how often?

9. What is the purpose of an exercise stress test?

10. Is there an age limit for stress testing?

11. How long does the patient stay on the treadmill?


12. What are the different types of stress tests?

13. What are the educational requirements for a cardiology technician?

14. Can patients have non-invasive cardiology testing done on an outpatient basis?

15. What universal precautions are taken by the Cardiology Technicians when

performing testing?

16. How are test results kept on record in the Heart Station?


Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

• Explain the purpose of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

• Observe hemodialysis in the acute and chronic patient

• Explain the various types of dialysis access, such as fistula, graft, and


During this rotation each student will see:

• Common medical complications associated with hemodialysis

• Quality control of equipment and water processing

• Patient initiates and terminates from a hemodialysis machine

• Preparation of equipment used in dialysis

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• The cause of renal disease

• Nutritional needs of a renal patient

• Secondary effects of renal disease

• Educational requirements required for hemodialysis technology

• Job opportunities in this field of allied health care givers


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. What is the purpose of hemodialysis/peritoneal dialysis?

2. How does the hemodialysis procedure differ in a chronic and acute patient?

3. Why is asepsis important to hemodialysis?

4. Name two ways patients can take care of themselves when they have renal


5. What is end-stage renal disease?


6. What is the difference between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis?

7. What types of patients are good candidates to do home peritoneal dialysis and

what are its benefits?

8. What does a patient feel when they are undergoing dialysis?

9. What types of dialysis access are used and how do they differ?

10. What are the educational requirements for the personnel involved in




Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging:

1. What can a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) see?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What are the limitations with an MRI?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. How long does an MRI take?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. How does metal effect the result of the MRI scan?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




Magnetic Resonance Imaging:

I. Careers

A. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?






V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Music Therapy:

1. With whom is music therapy used?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What determines how the music will be used?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. What instruments are used in music therapy?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. How long is each session of music therapy for the patient?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




Music Therapy:

I. Careers

A. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?






V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

• Describe the objective of an Electroneurodiagnostic lab - identify the

studies performed here

• Briefly explain the 10-20 measuring system

• Understand the development and importance of policies and procedures in

EEG area

• Name the equipment and solutions used in the EEG area

• Describe the diversity of Electroneurodiagnostics: i.e.: EEG, A/EEG,

D/EEG, BAER, VER, SER, Long-term Monitoring, Video Monitoring

During this rotation the student will see:

• How a room is set up for an EEG/SER-VER

• The electrode measuring system

• Computer screen showing brain frequency patterns – EMU

• Printout of an EEG/SER-VER

• Technician interaction with a patient

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:


• EEG waveforms observed on a computer monitor or on paper

• Policies and procedures of the lab

• Technology and equipment used in the lab

• Job descriptions

• Education requirements



Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. What is an EEG? Describe the different types of EEG’s

2. What does the 10 - 20 measuring system mean?

3. What is an evoked potential?


4. What does muscle artifact look like on the computer screen?

5. List two solutions and two pieces of equipment used in the EEG area.

6. What are three standards observed in the EEG area?

7. Name three diseases or disorders that EEG can be helpful in diagnosing.


8. Describe the EEG you observed.

A. Why was the EEG done?

B. How many electrodes were placed on the patients?

C. How long did it take to do the entire EEG, including applying the

electrodes to the patient?

D. What does the patient feel when going through the procedure?

E. What instructions did the EEG/SER-VER/BAER technologist give the

patient while performing the EEG?

F. Are patients medicated for this procedure?


Name ______________________________________


and 5th


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

• Identify different members of the nursing team and their roles and


• List the educational requirements for the various nursing team members

plus length of work week/schedule

• Describe the types of illnesses and conditions found on this particular

nursing unit

• Define the purpose of a patient chart and plan of care and describe the

types of information found in each

• Observe and describe pre & post op patient care

• Explain the purpose of 3 various treatments administered to patients by

the nursing staff

During this rotation the student will see:

• Nursing care delivered on a medical/surgical unit

• An R.N., LPN, Patient Care Assistant, Patient Service Aide, Patient Care

Secretary, work with a patient

• Total patient care and observe various treatments administered to patients

by the nursing staff and equipment

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• Treatments observed during the rotation

• Facilities and equipment used for nursing care

• Career opportunities and educational requirements


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. Identify three different members of the nursing team. What educational

requirements are necessary for each particular level?

2. What is a Nurse Practitioner/Clinical Nurse Specialist?

3. Name two illnesses that you have observed.

4. What treatments did the nurses perform for those particular diseases?


5. What is a patient chart?

6. What is a patient plan of care?

7. What is a nursing intervention?

8. What are four things a nurse does for a pre-operative patient or heart

catheterization patient?

9. What are four things a nurse does for a post-operative patient or heart

catheterization patient?



Name ______________________________________

NURSING – Rotation 2


& 7th


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

• Identify different members of the nursing team and their roles and


• List the educational requirements for the various nursing team members

plus length of work week/schedule

• Describe the types of illnesses and conditions found on this particular

nursing unit

• Define the purpose of a patient chart and plan of care and describe the

types of information found in each

• Observe and describe pre & post op patient care

• Explain the purpose of 3 various treatments administered to patients by

the nursing staff

During this rotation the student will see:

• Nursing care delivered on a medical/surgical unit

• An R.N., LPN, Patient Care Assistant, Patient Service Aide, Patient Care

Secretary, work with a patient

• Total patient care and observe various treatments administered to patients

by the nursing staff and equipment

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• Treatments observed during the rotation

• Facilities and equipment used for nursing care

• Career opportunities and educational requirements


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers

NURSING – Rotation 2

Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________



1. Describe the type of patient and the medical concerns that are assigned to this floor.

2. Describe two medical conditions/ concerns that you have observed.

3. What treatments did the nurses perform for those particular medical issues?


Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________



1. Describe the type of patient and the medical concerns that are assigned to this floor.

2. Describe two medical conditions/ concerns that you have observed.

3. What treatments did the nurses perform for those particular medical issues?



Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

• List some of the most common tests performed and explain their purposes

• Identify the sub-specialties of ophthalmology

• Explain the role of the ophthalmology technician

• Name some of the common eye diseases

• Explain a disease or condition and how it is treated

During this rotation the student will see:

• The automated equipment in the clinic

• Technicians performing tests

• Interactions between patients, technicians, and ophthalmologists

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• Careers and educational requirements in ophthalmology

• Specific tests they see being performed

• The equipment used in the clinic


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. What has been done to a patient's eye that has had cataract surgery?

2. What disease has been checked for when a patient has a visual fields test?

3. Name two treatments for glaucoma.



4. When the doctor turns off the lights in the room and looks inside to the back of a

patient's eye with a very small bright light, what is he/she looking for?

5. What is the difference between an:





6. What color top is on a bottle of eye drops that dilates the pupils?

7. What does miosis mean?

8. What does esotropia mean?

9. What is the normal range for intraocular pressures?

10. What does diplopia mean?



Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers

ORTHOPEDICS Bone and Joint Institute

Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.


1. What kind of injury constitutes the need for screws or metal implants?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What are the main symptoms of a shoulder injury?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. What are the most common injuries seen in sports medicine?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. Why are hands specifically susceptible to injury? Why is the palm referred to as

“no man’s land?”

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





I. Careers

A. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?






V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.


1. What are the two main reasons tubes are placed inside the ear?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What instrument is used to look at the ear canal?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. What are two types of hearing loss?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. What is the difference between a smoker’s vocal cords verses a non-smoker’s vocal


Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





I. Careers

A. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________


IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?





V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers

PET THERAPY Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Questions about this department: (Questions should be specific to the department and worded to promote

discussion. Ask the ”what”, “why”, and “how” type questions. Answers should be complete sentences, not

one-word answers.) In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

*This 2-day rotation. After each day, provide an interesting question and answer that may be used for next

year’s PYAP juniors.

5. DAY 1:__________________________________________________________________________


Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



6. DAY 2:__________________________________________________________________________


Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




I. Briefly describe the contribution that this department has to the health care system. _____________________________________________________________________________________




II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations? _____________________________________________________________________________________





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection _____________________________________________________________________________________





Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation each student will be able to:

General Pharmacy

• Describe the organizational structure of the Pharmacy Department.

• Explain the training required to become a pharmacist in the hospital

• Describe the role of a pharmacist in a hospital setting

• Describe the role of pharmacy technicians or pharmacy assistants in the

hospital, including special skill requirements

• Describe the role of pharmacy students in the hospital

• Identify how computers are used in the pharmacy

• Define pharmaceutical care

• Explain the relationship of the pharmacy to research projects at the


Ambulatory Pharmacy Services

• Explain the role of pharmacists and technicians

• Identify and discuss the prescription dispensing process from a physician

generated order, to the pharmacist's interpretation and compounding, to

patient education through counseling

• Explain briefly drug product packaging, nomenclature classifications, and


• Explain how outpatient dispensing differs from an inpatient unit dose


• Discuss the different routes of administrations and dosage forms available

to patients

• Discuss the different routes of administrations and dosage forms available

to patients

During this rotation the student will see:

• The Outpatient Pharmacy Area

• Medications being prepared for patients

• The computers and other equipment used in the Pharmacy

• A printout of a medication label

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

• Clinical and Outpatient Pharmacy

• Facilities and equipment used in pharmacy

• Career opportunities and educational requirements necessary to

become a pharmacist


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

1. Describe the educational and experiential requirements in becoming a licensed


2. What additional training or education can a pharmacist acquire?

3. Where are the seven schools of pharmacy in Pennsylvania and what are their names?

4. Describe at least 6 of the various types of positions available to pharmacists?


5. Name the four outpatient pharmacy areas and what types of patients are cared for in

each area.

6. What are the two names a drug is given and what are their names?

7. Name five different dosage forms that exist for administering medications to patients.

8. What is the difference between a pharmacy technician and a pharmacist and how do

their roles differ?

9. What role does the pharmacist play on a medical team?

10. What kind of information is shared with patients when they are counseled about their




Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation, the student will be able to:

Describe the responsibilities of a respiratory therapist in performing PFT’s

Describe the education and skills needed to perform accurate PFT’s

Name diseases for which physicians will order lung function testing

During this rotation the student will see:

The equipment used for pulmonary function testing and name it

A respiratory therapist interacting with a patient and family

A respiratory therapist interacting with other health care and support workers

During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

The role of a respiratory therapist working in the PFT lab part of the health care team

Lung disease

Equipment used for pulmonary function testing

The high school and college courses required to be a respiratory therapist


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name_______________________________ Dates________________________

1. Who can perform lung function testing?

2. Why do Respiratory Therapists do pulmonary function tests?

3. Name a lung disease for which a physician may want pulmonary function studies.

4. Describe a pulmonary function test that you observed.

a. Why did the physician order this test?

b. What equipment was used?


c. What made it a valid test?

d. How did the Respiratory Therapist help achieve a good test?

e. Did the patient have questions for the therapist?

f. What documents did the therapist fill out after the treatment?

5. Which high school courses are important to take before applying to a college for a

respiratory care program?

6. Write three things you learned about performing Pulmonary Function testing.



Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of the rotation each student will be able to:

Define general terms such as: diagnostic, fluoroscopy, x-ray, exposure, cassette, film,

radiograph, and radiography.

Identify the different personnel in the diagnostic radiology department and describe

their roles and responsibilities.

Discuss safety precautions used by radiology personnel for protection of the patient

and themselves.

Discuss the basic educational requirements needed to practice as a technologist and

which high school courses would be applicable.

Identify which specialty areas use radiation and which do not, and how the image is

created in the areas that do not use radiation.

Identify the different personnel in each specialty area and describe their roles


Discuss the basic educational requirements needed to practice as a technologist in

each specialty area and which high school courses would be applicable.

During this rotation the student may see:

General radiology




Radiation therapy

Portable radiology


During this rotation the student will have an opportunity to ask questions about:

Adult and pediatric procedures

Why studies are performed and some of the different diseases that are identified on

radiographs and scans

Cost of equipment, supplies, and procedures

Why technologists pursue this career

The history of radiology and x-rays.


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name_______________________________ Dates________________________


1. What is a portable x-ray?

2. What does fluoroscopy mean?

CAT Scan –

3. What is a Gantry?

4. What is a power injector?



5. What is an arteriogram?

6. What is a vascular radiologic technologist?


7. What does MRI stand for?

8. Identify 2 contra-indicators for an MRI.

9. What high school courses are important before applying to a college for a radiology

technology program?

10. What surprised you about radiology?



Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Date(s) _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

*This 4-day rotation will include observing the Rehabilitation Department.

1. DAY 1: Who is on the rehabilitation team?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. DAY 2: What are some outpatient needs that are helped with?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. DAY 3: What are the most common injuries seen at the rehab hospital?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. DAY 4: What are three medical complications managed by the physiatrist?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




I. Briefly describe the contribution that this rehab department has to the health care system.





II. How did this rotation differ from your expectations?





III. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection






Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

At the end of this rotation, each student will be able to:

Discuss the role of Sterile Processing

Discuss the difference between sterile and non sterile instruments

Follow the variety of sterilization processes for instruments and linens

Identify the process of packaging instruments and linens

During this rotation the student will see:

The involvement of this area in the hospital setting

The sterilization process for instruments and linens

The process of handling used supplies, processing supplies, and returning packages to


During this rotation the student will have the opportunity to ask questions about:

The rationale for handling processes

The equipment and machinery involved

Costs of equipment

Staffing opportunities & challenges


Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name___________________________ Date______________________

1. What is the definition of decontamination?

2. What is the definition of sterile?

3. Name two functions (work stations) in Sterile Processing.

4. Name 2 ways that instruments can be cleaned.

5. Name the two types of sterilization methods that are used in this department.


6. What is the most common sterilization method for instrumentation and linen?

7. What is the most common sterilization method for heat sensitive items?

8. What are the 3 most common types of packaging methods?

9. How would you tell if any item in a package was unsterile?

10. Name a type of hemostat.



Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

Therapy Services:

1. Who benefits from Occupational Therapy?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What types of therapy are at Hope Drive?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. What is the purpose of Speech Therapy?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. What is the purpose of Hand Therapy?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




Therapy Services:

I. Careers

A. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?






V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Pennsylvania Youth Apprenticeship Program

Investigating Health Careers


Student Questionnaire

Student Name ________________________________ Dates _____________________

In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.


1. What are the different probes in ultrasound?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What precautions are necessary when doing a biopsy?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



3. How does the ultrasound work?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. What can an ultrasound see that an MRI/CT Scan cannot detect?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





I. Careers

A. Job Title: ________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: ________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


B. Job Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Education Needed: _________________________________________________________________


2. Job Duties: _______________________________________________________________________


3. Employment Outlook: ______________________________________________________________


II. Terms/Acronyms

A. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. _________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Positive/Negative Aspects of these careers

A. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. Positive

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

IV. Technology/Equipment

What equipment, devices, or technology are used within this department?






V. Briefly describe the contribution of this department is to the health care system.





VI. How did this department differ from your expectations?





VII. Additional Notes/Personal Reflection







Name ______________________________________


In preparation for your rotation, visit one or more websites to enlighten you concerning

observations in this rotation.

During this rotation students will rotate with the following:

Speech and Language Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Behavior Consultant

Special Education Teacher

Personal Care Aid/ In Class Coach



Student Questionnaire

Student Name_______________________________ Dates________________________

Speech and Language Therapists Questions

1. What type of settings can an SLP work in?

2. How long do you have to go to school to become an SLP?

3. What would qualify a student or adult for speech services?

4. What areas does being Speech Therapists encompass?



Student Questionnaire

Student Name_______________________________ Dates________________________

Occupational Therapists Questions

1. What type of settings can an OT work in?

2. How long do you have to go to school to become an OT?

3. What would qualify a student or adult for OT services?

4. What areas does being OT encompass?



Student Questionnaire

Student Name_______________________________ Dates________________________

Behavior Consultant Questions

1. What type of settings can a BC work in?

2. How long do you have to go to school to become a BC?

3. What would qualify a student or adult for BC services?

4. What is a behavior plan?



Student Questionnaire

Student Name_______________________________ Dates________________________

Special Education Teacher Questions

1. How long do you have to go to school to become a special education teacher? What

certification tests do you need to take?

2. What is an IEP?

3. How do you motivate a student with Autism?

4. How do you know when a student is learning?



Student Questionnaire

Student Name_______________________________ Dates________________________

Personal Care Aid/ In-Class Coach Questions

1. What are your job responsibilities?

2. What is reinforcement and why is it important?

3. How long did you have to go to school to become a PCA or ICC?


Name__________________________________ Junior PYAP Evaluation


1. What was your original career goal when you applied for the program? How did it change?

What could you have done differently to better accomplish this goal?

2. How did your junior year in PYAP help you make your choices for your senior year?

3. What are your plans for next year?

-If you are continuing in PYAP, identify your top two to three choices for the senior year rotations?

-If you are not continuing in PYAP, please relate your current plans.


4. What skills/ personal qualities did you acquire in your adventures this year in PYAP?

Relate how they could help you in a future job experience.

5. Identify 3 post-secondary educational institutions in which you currently have interest.

6. Evaluate the following items in terms of benefits to the overall program:

4 = highest benefit 1 = lowest benefit


Journals 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Time cards 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Questionnaires 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Evaluations- preceptor 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Evaluations- student 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Marking Period Projects 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

CPR 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Attendance record 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Portfolio 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Contracts- general 4 3 2 1 ________________________________

Contracts- dress 4 3 2 1 ________________________________


7. What other health related topic would you like to learn more about during your PYAP

experience (other ideas for seminars)?

8. Do you have any additional comments about the program?

Thank you. Have a relaxing summer; see you next year.

Mrs. Ritchey, Mrs. McMinn, Mrs. Caruso







Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Please choose an email address that you will check throughout the

summer as this will be the main way we make contact with you.

Please list 3-5 possible rotation sites for next year, with your priority

choices marked as #1 and #2. We will try our best to place you in your top

two choices.





