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Thank you for your inTeresT in fileboard

At Fileboard, we believe sales shouldn’t be hard. Too often, working in sales is imprecise and

time-consuming. This results in cluttered sales pipeline and gut-feeling reports.

With Fileboard’s analytics and insights this will be something of the past.

The purpose of this guide is to get you used to the core functions of our application. Although

we have a great range of advanced and innovative features in Fileboard, like a deep Salesforce

integration and a easy Team Manager View, three features are at the center of Fileboard. These

are called File Links, Live Meetings and Mass Emails. On the following pages we take a closer

look at these features, as well as giving you example work flows.

Since not all topics will be touched in this guide, you can head over to our Features List on the

website or take a look at the Knowledge Center. We also offer a wide range of Whitepapers

and Tutorials to help getting you started.

Shall we start?

File links live Meetings Mass eMails

file links - CreatingThe easy way To TraCk your doCumenTs

The basics of a healthy and clear sales pipeline is complete data. You can maintain

this by attaching a (Salesforce) deal, company or opportunity to each File Link. Also,

in order to keep your opportunities data as complete as possible you can select the

stage and name of the deal.

Use the file selector to pick the document you want to track. This can be a Powerpoint-

file, but also a wide range of other file types.

It is also possible to share multiple files

in one File Link. The receiver can easily

switch between those files.

Fileboard also offers more advanced

options like passcodes, email

notifications and auto-expiring File

Links. Just to make sure you don’t have

to do extra work.

file links - statisticsThe easy way To TraCk your doCumenTs

Each File Link has its own URL, which you can share or email using Fileboard’s

dedicated email tool. For any file you share with Fileboard, you get to see these

detailed engagement analytics.

Control who can view your file, if a passcode is needed and if it can be downloaded.

Receive notifications when your file gets opened.

Easily see how many times your file was

viewed, how much was viewed, what

lead score this resulted in and which

slides were seen.

For Powerpoint and PDFs you will be

able to see how much time the prospect

has spend on each page and a detailed

timeline when each interaction took


live meeting - PresentingefforTlessly PresenT slides, videos, & live-demos

Live Meeting is our powerful presenting feature. It requires no additional software

for the viewer, so by sharing a meeting URL you can start within seconds. You can

have as many attendees as you want and each meeting has the option to be safe

and secure using passcodes.

During the presentations you are able to

switch between presenting a document, a

website or even your own screen.

The more experienced presenter knows

that having the ability to point things out

and make notes during the presentation

results in better information and closing

more deals.

live meeting - statisticsGeT insiGhTs inTo The enGaGemenT of your ProsPeCTs

Easily see how many attendees were present, how much attention they paid during the

presentation and what lead score this resulted in.

The Live Meeting timeline shows you a historical record of your meeting. You can see

which slides you presented and for how

long. We keep this storing into Fileboard to

consult in the future.

Fileboard also has an dedicated attendees

bar. In here you can see which people were

present. Per attendee you can see when

(and if) they were present (grey) and when

they were paying attention (green).

email - Create campaignsaChieve beTTer resulTs by usinG Personalized emails

We encourage to use templates. These predefined texts are the real time savers in

composing emails. By using merge tags, personalized variables like name and company

will be automatically filled in once you send out the email.

Easily drag and drop File Links that you priorly created into your email. These File Links

will be tracked for opens, views and forwards. After the first emails are opened, you will

be able to see which emails drive most

engagement, and which prospects are

ready to be contacted.

Our advanced Mass E-mail lets the

Sales representative automate their

campaigns. In here, the Sales Rep is able

to automatically send different emails

based on recipient’s actions, like ‘didn’t

open’ or ‘clicked File Link’.