Introduction to the World of Deponia - English


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Dear Diary,If I may introduce myself: name s Barry. Just Barry. And I m probably the greatest follower of Rufus, Deponia s most famous hero. You and me will spend a lot of time together, breathing awesomeness into these pages, since I ll write down Rufus s in-credible, yet true adventures.

I always admired Rufus for his heroic acts and watched his every move; though, I d never bother him with revealing my presence.By now, dear Diary, youʹll surely wonder who this Rufus, this Idol, actually is; but all in due time. For now, know that the tales we ll tell take place on the trash-planet Deponia. Tales of romance, destruction, dark schemes and of course a great deal of humor.


Goodbye Deponia- Rufus s Recent Great Adventure ................... 4

About Deponia– The Home Turf of a Fantastic Hero ............... 5

Rufus – The Various Layers of Deponia s Savior ..... 6

Rufus s Faithful Crew .............................. 7

Deponia - How the Journey Began… .................. 8

Chaos on Deponia - How Rufus Conquered Goal s Heart 9

Table of Contents


Dear Diary,You wouldn t believe it! My greatest hero has just tripled! I don t know how Rufus pulled that off, but all of a sudden, there are three of him. Sure, this means three times as much awesomeness Deponia can bask in...but which one do I follow?I heard one of them plans to go down the sewers, into the Pipe Jungle. There are rumors of giant insectoid beasts roaming that place.

Dear Diary, I love the smell of adventure in the morning. And this smells just like an epic scale adventure, larger than any of my words could describe.I can’t shake the feeling something big is about to hap-pen, something ultimate. A last defining battle, one last ditch effort leaving no space for loose ends and unans-wered questions.

Questions, like if the three Rufuses (or is it Rufi?) will save Deponia from impending doom. Or what will become of Doc and Bozo? What about Goal?It is my calling to give testimony to this outstanding adventure. I will step out of the shadows, no more hiding! I will aid the greatest hero of our time; I ll be at his service.And I will tell the world of his deeds!

Goodbye Deponia - Rufus's Recent Great Adventure


Deponia is a junkyard of a planet if youʹve ever seen one. No mat-ter if you visit the moldy, algae-infested Pipe Jungle down in the sewers or the unfathomable depths of Trash Canyon: There are new things to discover around each and every corner. I m particularly fond of Kuvaq, birthplace of Rufus. The houses are constructed from the finest trash around and are a real marvel of ingenuity. Most rooftops are made of metal, and one even has a rotor. If that isn t the pinnacle of architecture!

Of course, like almost everyone, I had to deal with the Organon. This organization is a bunch of grumpy desk jockeys, slaving their live away in gray offices, scheming, or riding the cruiser railways. They put the 'iron' in 'ruling with an iron fist' through the clone army they use to oppress the Deponians.

Just like Rufus, I could nothing but look up to Elysium as it ho-vers above us. I imagine it to be paradise. A world made of clouds, the white city in the skies, where buildings are of pure marble re-flecting the sunlight. And if you ask me, in Elysium the sun always shines; it s above the clouds and all that. They say, the Elysians never have to work and live free of all worries.Who wouldn t dream of a life like that?

About Deponia– The Home Turf of a Fantastic Hero


After raving so much about him, now s the time to finally enlighten you about his personality and appearance. Rufus is a person you d call an unrecognized genius. His mind and ideas are just so inge-nius, most people cannot grasp the level his inherent ingenuity. I, however, instantly saw his greatness and what an outstanding personality he is.

Also, he is a savior of worlds. Or, at least, he currently tries to save our world. Some people might think he s a chaotic maverick, which only confirms my genius-hypothesis, of course; because only a genius is able to see order in chaos, especially if he is the sour-ce of said chaos. He also has his soft spots though, especially in regards of Goal. Oh, he has everything a woman could desire in a man.

Even his individual clothing style makes him a trendsetter. I m pretty sure reflective vests and pilot caps will be a big thing

this fall. I actually got myself proper apparel to be prepared for this quantum leap in tasteful fashion.Rufus adds an extra touch by wearing a long, brown duster and dark jackboots.

Rufus – The Various Layers of

Deponia's Savior


Deponia also has local celebrities you should know. There s Captain Bozo, for example. He s sailing the polluted seas on his trusty trawler; at least, that s what he usually does. At the moment, his ship is wrecked and he moved back in with his mother.

I sometimes wonder if all Elysians are

like Goal. Frankly, this girl has guts,

but she also tends to be quite naive or

aggressive, depending on which personality

cartridge is jacked into her head. She s a

steady companion to Rufus...if she s not

disappeared or has been abducted, that is.

I wish I could be Rufus sidekick in her


Cowboy Dodo is big shot in the opinion


the Deponian radio audience. He s your

typical ladiesʹ man, attracting the gi


like a bright light the moths. He s a decent

musician, I gotta give him that.

Rufus's Faithful Crew

Doc is an expert mechanic and also seems

to be an adept surgeon, as Goal was under

his knife a couple of times. The last

time however, he split her personality in

three parts and stored them on separate

cartridges. That gives a pretty good im-

pression about his skills, doesn t it?


Sometimes, you gotta know how it all began, before you can turn towards the end of things. As his biggest fan, of course I know it always was Rufus s greatest dream to reach Elysium one day. He even built a rocket for this single purpose. A rocket! Only Rufus can pull something like that off. Sadly, all he achieved was crash lan-ding on an Organon cruiser. Thatʹs where he and Goal, an Elysian girl, first met. Not too much later, both of them got thrown off the ship; fortunately, Rufus got out of the fall unscathed.Goal, however...let s say, not all circuits were in the place where they belong; or, to be more precise, her brain implant took some damage.

Acting selflessly as you d expect him to do, Rufus contacted Goals fiancé Cletus, to meet up and get Goal home. But Cletus not only proved to be the spitting image of Rufus, but also a traitorous bastard, who wanted to blow up Deponia in the name of Elysium.

In the end, Rufus, as the hero he was, succumbed to his consci-ence and both, Cletus and Goal escaped in an Elysian highboat.

Deponia - How the Journey Began


But Rufus never gave up his ambition to get to Elysium. One high velocity crash later, with Rufus tied to a flaming saw blade, no less, he found himself, yet again, on a boat and right in his second big adventure. He even managed to hit the exact same highboat, Cletus and Goal used to return to Elysium. After a short but epic battle between Cletus and Rufus, both, the hero and the Girl fell and were back on fair Deponia once again.

And again, Goal did not make it through the fall without some bruises. Doc had to put his brain surgery skills to the test and in the course of events split her personality in three parts:Spunky Goal, a gutsy girl, whose heart could only be won in one-on-one close quarters combat. Then there was Lady Goal, a classy woman only impressed by the highest of romantic gestures; and last but not least, Baby Goal, who harnessed all of Goals naivety and idealism. She joined Janosh s rebels who had their headquarters in the basement of their not so glorious leaderʹs mother. To convince Baby Goal, Rufus had to present the rebels a decent plan to stop the Organon from blowing up Deponia. Additionally, in an even more heroic act, Rufus had to impersonate Cletus during the heat of battle, in order to get the message to Elysium that Deponia was far from being uninhabited.

In a shocking turn of events, he found out Elysium was a space station, doomed to crash on the Deponia; the only way to save it was to destroy the planet.So our hero was facing a tough call: saving Deponia or ascend to Elysium, the paradise he always dreamed of.

Chaos on Deponia - How Rufus Conquered Goal's Heart


„Einfach grandios!”

(, 24.08.2013)


Well, dear Diary, That s it from me for now.I can say for myself, I can hardly wait for Rufus next big adventure.

It can t be much longer, I just feel it. Then I ll feed you with new tales of action and mayhem, of selflessness, courage and Deponia s greatest hero.

Until then, dear Diary,sincerely yours,Barry

„Einfach grandios!”

(, 24.08.2013)


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