Introduction to the Victorian Era Preparation for Great Expectations



Introduction to the Victorian Era Preparation for Great Expectations. English 1 CAS Mrs. Paolicelli. Anglo-Saxon Rule & The Middle Ages (1100s-1400s) 5 th century (400s) – fall of Roman Empire Anglo-Saxon (English) settlers made of unified kingdoms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to the Victorian EraPreparation for

Great Expectations

English 1 CASMrs. Paolicelli

History of the British Monarchy

• Anglo-Saxon Rule & The Middle Ages (1100s-1400s)

• 5th century (400s) – fall of Roman Empire

• Anglo-Saxon (English) settlers made of unified kingdoms

• 1066 – Norman Conquest – William the Conqueror (Battle of Hastings)

• 12th-14th centuries, establishment of British culture

• 1215 – Magna Carta (limits king’s power)

• 1340s – Black Death (Bubonic Plague)

• The Anglo Saxon Report

• The Norman Conquest (1066)

• King John & the Magna Carta

History of the British Monarchy

• The Tudor Period• dynastic – dynasty – family

rule• First Tudor king – Henry VII• Henry VIII – Broke from

Catholic Church; formed Church of England/Anglican Church; 6 wives

• Henry VIII’s children: Bloody Mary, Elizabeth I, King Edward

• Last Tudor Monarch – Elizabeth I

• The Tudor Song• King Henry's Wives


History of the British Monarchy

• The Stuart Period (1603-1714)

• King James I – cousin of Elizabeth I

• James’ family had ruled Scotland since late 14th century

• 1649 (English Civil War)-1660 – republican form of gov’t

• Monarchy reestablished with Charles II

• 1707 – United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Wales)

• Est. NA colonies

King James I

History of the British Monarchy

• The Georgian Era The House of Hanover

• First Hanoverian Monarch – George I

• Lots of war/reform• Conflicts: Seven Years War

& Napoleonic Wars• George III lost American

colonies• By end of era, Britain is

strongest imperial power

• The American Report

History of the British Monarchy

• The Victorian Era (Still in the House of Hanover)

• Period of prosperity• British Empire was strong• 1840 – Irish Famine

• Industrial Revolution

• Advances in science; Darwin

• Britain continuing to expand; resulting conflicts: Boer War & Crimean War

• The Industrial Revolution

History of the British Monarchy

• Queen Elizabeth II• The 20th Century (1900s)The House of Windsor

• Beginning 20th century, Britain most powerful country in the world

• World Wars affected Britain’s power over Europe and colonies

• Women gained right to vote• Mass immigration• Ireland & other nations

became independent

Biography of Charles Dickens

• Dickens Biography• Watch the linked biography of Charles Dickens

• Complete the “Dickens Documentary” page in the packet to take notes while viewing.

• Connect Dickens’ life experiences to the Victorian Era.