Introduction to Sociology UNISEL Research on Understanding of Motorcyclist Behaviour on the Road and...



As a developing country, the population of Malaysia is increasing day by day. Until 26 October 2012, the population of Malaysia have been increase to the total of 29,509,774 according to the Department of Statistics Malaysia. Due to this matter, the number of vehicle is also increasing. According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Transport Malaysia, the total registered vehicle in Malaysia until 2011 is 21,401,269 including car, motorcycles, buses, lorry and others. The increasing numbers of the vehicle somehow contributing to the increasing number of accident involving road users. Nowadays, accidents that caused deaths on the road had become a national problem which is regularly reported every day either in television or newspaper. Statistics released by the Polis DiRaja Malaysia for the year 2002 until 2011 shown that 6,501,263 accidents reported and it still increasing. Throughout that year, accident that involving motorcycle is the highest in total of 1,069,449 cases reported. Various programs have been implemented by the government in an effort to reduce the rate of road accidents. Some of the method used by the government to ensure Malaysians are safe while on the road are Ops Pacak, Ops Sikap, Ops Statik as well as using helicopters to monitor the movement of vehicles, distribution of posters, awareness campaigns and also law enforcement have been done. Unfortunately, until this year, there are no sign that the number of accident will be decrease. Despite of the government effort to minimize road accidents, the reality is the road accidents keep increasing and road deaths has now become the number one threat and becoming critical issue in Malaysia especially with increasing number of vehicles each year. Moreover, voracious drivers have make the roads as a place to race, as well as taking advantage of the testing the capabilities of their vehicles speed or acceleration. All the rules of the road, as well as warning signs are guide for the road user to be safe in road and should not to be ignored.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident








Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


First of all, we would like to say Alhamdulillah because after 1 month struggling in doing our research, we successfully completed it before the submission date. We also would like to say thank you to our lecturer, Miss Faizah Binti Din for the nonstop guidance and advice. She inspired us greatly to work in this project. Her willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to our project. We also would like to thank her for showing us some example that related to the topic of our project.

Besides that, we would like to say thank you to the respondent on the internet that gives us positive feedback and also useful advice. Finally, an honourable thank you goes to our families and friends for their continuers’ supports on us in completing this project. Without helps of the particular that mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while completing this research work.

Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident






4.1 Collecting Data

4.2 Processing Data


5.1 Demography of the Respondent

5.1.1 Age 5

5.1.2 Racial 5

5.1.3 Sex 6

5.1.4 Frequency of the Respondents Riding 6

Motorcycle in a Day

5.1.5 Respondents and Road Accident 7

5.2 Psychographic Section

5.2.1 The Respondent Behaviour While Riding 8 - 10

Motorcycles in Road

5.2.2 The Motorcyclist Understanding about the 11 - 12

Road Rules and Regulation

5.2.3 The Respondent Perception about the 13 - 14

Condition of Their Motorcycle

5.2.4 The Respondent Awareness about the Road 15 – 16

Safety Campaign

5.2.5 The Motorcyclist Perceptions toward Road 17 - 18


6.0 SUMMARY 19 - 21

Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


7.1 Respondents Survey Data Collection


Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

TOPIC: A Study of Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


As a developing country, the population of Malaysia is increasing day by day. Until 26 October 2012, the population of Malaysia have been increase to the total of 29,509,774 according to the Department of Statistics Malaysia. Due to this matter, the number of vehicle is also increasing. According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Transport Malaysia, the total registered vehicle in Malaysia until 2011 is 21,401,269 including car, motorcycles, buses, lorry and others.

The increasing numbers of the vehicle somehow contributing to the increasing number of accident involving road users. Nowadays, accidents that caused deaths on the road had become a national problem which is regularly reported every day either in television or newspaper. Statistics released by the Polis DiRaja Malaysia for the year 2002 until 2011 shown that 6,501,263 accidents reported and it still increasing. Throughout that year, accident that involving motorcycle is the highest in total of 1,069,449 cases reported.

Various programs have been implemented by the government in an effort to reduce the rate of road accidents. Some of the method used by the government to ensure Malaysians are safe while on the road are Ops Pacak, Ops Sikap, Ops Statik as well as using helicopters to monitor the movement of vehicles, distribution of posters, awareness campaigns and also law enforcement have been done. Unfortunately, until this year, there are no sign that the number of accident will be decrease.

Despite of the government effort to minimize road accidents, the reality is the road accidents keep increasing and road deaths has now become the number one threat and becoming critical issue in Malaysia especially with increasing number of vehicles each year. Moreover, voracious drivers have make the roads as a place to race, as well as taking advantage of the testing the capabilities of their vehicles speed or acceleration. All the rules of the road, as well as warning signs are guide for the road user to be safe in road and should not to be ignored.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


Analyses in some previously Ops Sikap that was held over the few years during festive season discovered that the attitude of drivers who do not obey the road laws and ignored the other vehicle is the main cause of the accident. In other words, drivers generally only follow the rules when they see the police. Articles in The Star on Tuesday date 8 March 2011 reported that The Road Transport Department (JPJ) estimated that at any one time, there may be over 1.4 million habitual traffic offenders on the road.

JPJ director-general Datuk Solah Mat Hassan was also reported said that the involvement of these offenders in accidents was evident from frequent findings that showed those involved in major accidents had been booked multiple times. He said there was a need for concern as there was a growing number of Malaysians misbehaving on roads and committing offences that directly contributed to accidents, even fatalities.

From the statistics released by the Ministry of Transport Malaysia, we can conclude that motorcyclist has the more risk when they are using road. Hence, the main purpose of this research is to understand more about the motorcyclist behaviour and to find out whether is it has something to do with accident or not.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


For the first step of our research, we have identified our research objectives to make sure that our research success and run smoothly. As we are going to study the behaviour of the motorcyclist, we need to understand the definition of behaviour. Oxford Dictionaries define that behaviour is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others. In other word, we would like to study the way motorcyclist conduct their action while they are using the road. Our research objective is to know:

2.1 What motorcyclists usually do while riding their motorcycle?2.2 Did they always follow the road rules and regulation when they are

using road?2.3 What is the motorcyclist perception about their vehicle condition

before using it on road?2.4 What is their perception about getting in accident every time they ride

the motorcycle on road?2.5 Do they know or aware about the road safety campaign?2.6 What do they think about the road safety campaign?2.7 Whether did the road safety campaign influence their behaviour?

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


4.1 Collecting Data

In order to achieve our research objective, we decided to use survey as a method of our research. However, instead of using the old method of survey that needs us to distribute the questionnaire to the respondents, we are agreed to collect the data by using the online survey that is hosted by Google Doc. One of the reasons we using online survey method is to get more respondent without limit of time, place and weather. Our respondents also will be able to forward the survey to their friends and we will keep receiving more responds from the internet user.

The respondents are chosen randomly in Malaysia via social networking such as Facebook and Twitter and also via weblog. By using internet, we also believe that our respondents knew that their identity is anonymous and furthermore they won’t be bias on answering our question.

4.2 Processing Data

We begin to distributing our questionnaire via internet starting on 10 November 2012. After 2 days, we decided to end our online questionnaire on 12 November 2012 because we received than 120 respondents. However, we need to filter the data that we have received because some of the respondent that filled out the questionnaire is not a teenager. To overcome this problem, we have decided to only select the data coming from the respondent aged 16 years old until 22 year old. The total number of respondent after we filtered is 80 people.

With the help from Google Doc and Microsoft Excel we processed the data that already filtered and the results will be presented in percentage and illustrated by charts following the summary.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


5.1 Demography of the Respondent

Below is the information of our respondent demography.

5.1.1 AGE

From the above graph, 60% of our respondents come from age range of 19 years old until 22 years old while 40% of them are from the age of

16 years old until 18 years old.

5.1.2 RACIAL

Most of our respondents is a Malay (84%) followed by Chinese (10%) then other races (4%) and lastly Indian (4%).

We believe that we managed to get multiracial respondent because we are using online questionnaires method that help us to reach the multiracial respondent.

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AGE16 - 18 19 - 22







Age Total (%)

16 – 18

32 40%

19 – 22

48 60%

Race Total (%)

Malay 67 84%

Chinese 8 10%

Indian 2 3%

Others 3 4%

Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

5.1.3 SEX


As shown in the chart and table above, the majority of our respondent is a male (96%). The female only consist of 4% of 80 respondents.



Referring to the graph, only 13% of our respondent used motorcycle in road for more than 7 times in a day. We find out that 41% of our

respondent riding motorcycle only 1 or 2 times in day and 29% ride the motorcycle for 3 or 4 times in a day followed by 18% who ride the motorcycle for 5 or 6 times in a day.

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1 - 2 times 3 - 4 times 5 - 6 times 7 times and above


101520253035 33





Sex Total


Male 32 96%

Female 48 4%

Frequency Total (%)

1 – 2 times 33 41%

3 – 4 times 23 29%

5 – 6 times 14 18%

7 times and above 10 13%

Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident


According the graph above, we can conclude that most of our respondent

(54%) doesn’t have experience involving in accident while the rest have an experience involving in accident.


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Have Experience With Accident

No Experience With Accident







Have Experience

With Accident37 46%

No Experience

With Accident43 54%

Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

5.2.1 The Respondent Behaviour While Riding Motorcycles In Road

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Never 29 10 22 11 60 28 19

Rarely 27 15 27 34 12 32 30

Sometime 17 30 18 23 3 16 18

Always 7 25 13 12 5 4 13









Graph and table above is plotted based on the answer given by our respondent in our online questionnaires. These answers are based on question as below:

Q1.1 Did they use mobile phone while riding motorcycle on the road?

Q1.2 Did rider usually talking with the pillion passengers while they are riding motorcycle?

Q1.3 Did they ride motorcycle in tandem with their friends when they are using motorcycle on road?

Q1.4 Did they usually looking around the roadside until causing them lose their focus while riding motorcycle?

Q1.5 Did they perform dangerous stunts while riding motorcycle on the road?

Q1.6 Did they ever ride a motorcycle even they know that their physical condition is in not good condition?

Q1.7 Did they ever ride a motorcycle even though the weather is not in good condition?

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

For the question Q1.1, out of the 80 respondent only 7 (9%) of them admit that they always using mobile phone while riding motorcycle. Furthermore, the other 29 (36%) of our respondent admit that they never using mobile phone while riding motorcycle. Another 17 (21%) of them said that they sometimes using mobile phone while riding motorcycle compare than 27 (34%) of them that rarely use mobile phone. From the result that we get, we can conclude that the behaviour of using mobile phone while riding motorcycle is a new trend practiced by the motorcyclist nowadays.

Moving to the question Q1.2, 30 (38%) of our respondent sometimes did talk with the pillion passengers while they riding motorcycle on the road. On the other hand, 25 (31%) of our respondent always talking with the pillion passengers while riding motorcycle compare than only 10 (13%) who didn’t practised it. The other 15 (19%) of them rarely talking with the pillion passengers. As a conclusion, we can assume that majority of the teenagers who ride the motorcycle did talk with the pillion passengers. When rider talking with the pillion passengers while riding motorcycle, it is believed that the rider will lose their focus.

In Q1.3, we asked our respondent did they ride motorcycle in tandem with their friends while riding motorcycle on road. The reasons we asked this question is some of the accident reported is caused by the motorcyclist that ride in tandem have been crashed by car from behind. The result we get is 27 (34%) of them rarely riding motorcycle in tandem while 13 (16%) of them always riding in tandem with their friend in road. The balance 22 (28%) of them never ride in tandem and 18 (23%) of our respondent sometimes did ride in tandem.

Next, the result that we get from our respondent for question Q1.4 is 12 (15%) of our respondent said that they look around the road without focussing on the way they ride the motorcycle on road while another 11 (14%) of our respondent never look around the road while riding motorcycle. Majority of our respondent about 34 (43%) admit that they rarely lose their focus while riding motorcycle by looking around. The rest of our respondent 23 (29%) claimed that they only look around the road sometimes.

For the question Q1.5, we asked our respondent did them ever do dangerous stunt while riding motorcycle on the road. Most of our respondent about 60 (75%) of them never do a dangerous stunt while they are riding motorcycle on the road. From 80 respondent, only 5 (6%) of them admit that they always do the dangerous stunt on the road while some of our respondent 12 (15%) rarely did the dangerous stunt on the road. Only 3 (4%) sometimes did it on the road.

On the question Q1.6, 32 (40%) of our respondent claimed that they rarely riding their motorcycle when their physical condition is in not good condition such as fever, dizzy and others. Only 4 (5%) said that they always ride the motorcycle even though they know that their condition is in poor condition.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

Another 28 (35%) said that they never ride the motorcycle when they are not healthy enough while only 16 (20%) said sometime they did ride the motorcycle on the road while they are sick.

For the last question which is question Q1.7, we asked our respondent did they ever ride a motorcycle even though the weather is not in good condition. As a result, 30 (38%) of our respondent admitted that they rarely ride motorcycle in bad weather while the other 13 (16%) admitted that they always ride motorcycle even in bad weather such as lighting or windy day. Furthermore, only 18 (23%) said that they sometimes did ride the motorcycle in bad weather condition compare than 19 (24%) of them who doesn’t.

As a conclusion, from the answered we received from our respondent, out of the 7 causes of motorcyclist accident, the highest is the behaviour practiced by the motorcyclist today is the rider always talking with the pillion passengers behind them. According to the New Zealand (NZ) Transport Agency, one of the causes that make rider to lose their focus is when they are talking to the pillion passengers. Most of the motorcycle accident reported these days is believed happened because of the riders’ distraction.

While riding motorcycle also, motorcyclists need to be educated that losing their focus only for a while on the road can cause a permanent injuries or even death. They are many reasons causing rider distraction such as using mobile phone while riding motorcycle, riding in tandem with others motorcyclist, looking at things on the roadside and many more. As being reported by the NZ Transport Agency, motorcyclist need to make sure their physical and also mental condition are in perfect condition. Not only that, before starting their journey, it is also a good practices to see the weather that day so can you can be prepared on road.

5.2.2 The Motorcyclist Understanding about the Road Rules and Regulation

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Never 28 21 28 30 41

Rarely 28 26 28 19 19

Sometime 18 13 14 13 12

Always 6 20 10 18 8










Graph and table above is plotted based on the question that we asked to our respondent about did they obey the road rules and regulation when they are riding motorcycle on the road.

Q2.1 Did they ever continue their journey despite the traffic light showing red or orange light while riding motorcycle?

Q2.2 Did they ever ride motorcycles exceeding the speed limit in some road area?

Q2.3 Did they ever to veer with whim without giving signal lights before they veer?

Q2.4 Did they wear their helmet if their destination is within a short distance?

Q2.5 Did they ever to ride a motorcycle on the road without using the side mirror?

Based on the question Q2.1, from 80 respondent, 28 (35%) of them claimed that they will stop at the traffic light if the light are showing red or orang colour compare than 6 (8%) who still continue riding their motorcycle despite the traffic light is in red or orange colour. Other than that, another 28 (35%) of our respondent claimed that they rarely disobey the traffic light and the other 18 (23%) of them said they sometimes stopped at the traffic light if it showing red or orange light.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

For the question Q2.2, we asked our respondent did they ever ride motorcycles exceeding the speed limit in some road area and 21 (26%) of them said that they never riding motorcycle exceeding the speed limit while another 20 (25%) said they always did it. Majority of our respondent about 26 (33%) claimed that they rarely ride over the speed limit when riding motorcycle on the road. About 13 (16%) of our respondent admitted that sometimes they did ride over the speed limit in some road area.

Next, for the question Q2.3, only 10 (13%) of our respondent said that when they are riding motorcycle on the road, they always veer with whim without giving signal lights before they veer. Mostly of our respondent about 28 (35%) claimed that they never veer without giving a signal lights. Same goes with the other 28 (35%) of our respondent who claimed that they rarely veer without giving a signal. Another 14 (18%) said that they sometimes did veer with whim without giving signal lights before they veer.

Move on the question Q2.4, the result that we get from our respondent is majority of them about 30 (38%) claimed that they never wear their helmet if their destination is within a short distance while the other 13 (16%) of them said sometimes they did wear helmet. Furthermore, about 19 (24%) and 18 (23%) admitted that they rarely and always wear helmet during riding motorcycle on the road if their distance is in short distance respectively.

Finally, on the question Q2.5, we asked our respondent about did they ever ride a motorcycle on the road without using the side mirror. Most of our respondent about 41 (51%) said they never ride motorcycle on the road without using side mirror. Only 8 (10%) they always neglect the uses of the side mirror while riding motorcycle on the road. Another 19 (24%) of our respondent said they rarely used it plus the other 12 (15%) claimed that they sometimes never use side mirror while riding on the road.

For conclusion, the highest road rules and regulation that always done by the motorcyclist on the road is they never wear helmets if they ride for a short distance. Motorcyclist need to understand that helmets save motorcycle riders' lives. Universal helmet laws require that every motorcycle rider and passenger to wear a helmet whenever they ride, can increase helmet use and save money, According to a new by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studies, helmets are estimated to prevent 37% of crash deaths among motorcycle riders and 41% of crash

deaths for motorcycle passengers.

Other than wearing helmet, motorcyclists also need to know the importance of using side mirror while riding motorcycle on the road, the importance of obeying the traffic light and also giving a signal light before veer.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

5.2.3 The Respondent Perception about the Condition of Their Motorcycle

The graph and table above is plotted based on the answer given by our respondent perception about the condition of their motorcycle.

Q3.1 Will they ever ride their motorcycle even though they know that their signal lights are not working properly?

Q3.2 Will they ride their motorcycle even though they know that their break wasn’t working?

Q3.3 If their motorcycle tires is deflate and wasn't in the best of condition, will they still ride it?

Q3.4 Before beginning their journey, do they check the condition of their motorcycle?

Q3.5 Would they continue their journey knowingly that suddenly their motorcycle broke down on the road?

Based on question Q3.1, we learned that 24 (30%) respondent never ride their motorcycle without the signal light working. But, 24 (30%) other respondent rarely ride their motorcycles with their signal lights not working properly. Not only have that, a total of 24 (30%) other respondent occasionally ride their motorcycles with or without their signal lights working. With those three categories tied with 24 (30%) respondents each, it will leave us with 8 (10%) respondents whom always ride their motorcycles with their signal lights not working properly.

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3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Never 24 37 22 17 22

Rarely 24 26 36 24 39

Sometime 24 9 15 21 11

Always 8 8 7 18 8










Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

In question Q3.2, we asked the respondent, will they ride their motorcycle even though they know that their break wasn’t working properly? 37 (46%) respondents say they never ride a motorcycle without their break working. However, the other 26 (33%) respondent says they rarely ride the motorcycle without their break working while 9 (11%) respondents stated that sometimes they ride the motorcycle without the breaks working. The concerning part is that the remaining 8 (10) respondent would actually ride their motorcycle with their breaks not working.

For question Q3.3 we asked our respondent, if their motorcycle tires is deflate and wasn't in the best of condition, will they still ride it? 22 (28%) respondents agree that they will never ride the motorcycle in that sort of condition while 7 (9%) of the respondent said that they will ride the motorcycle in that sort of condition. Other than that, 36 (45%) other respondent rarely ride their motorcycle in that condition and 15 (19%) more respondent claimed that sometimes they did ride their motorcycle even though they know that the tyre is in not good condition.

Next, based on the result we gather from our respondent for question Q3.4, 18 (23%) of our respondent do check the condition of their motorcycles before they begin their journey. 17 (21%) of other respondent do not check the condition of their motorcycle before they begin their journey. The majority of our respondent was about 24 (30%) claimed that they rarely check the condition of their motorcycle before they begin their journey. While the other 21 (26%) remaining respondent said that sometimes they did check the condition of their motorcycle before the start their journey using motorcycle.

Lastly, for the question Q3.5, we asked all of our respondent whether will they continue their journey after realizing something is going wrong happened the motorcycle while they are riding it? Majority of our respondent which is a total of 39 (49%) stated that they rarely continue their journey on the road if their motorcycle broke down. While the other 22 (28%) respondent said that they will never continue their journey and 11 (14%) of our respondent said that sometime they continue their journey knowingly that their motorcycle broke down. The remaining 8 (10%) respondent always continuing their journey despite their motorcycle broke down while on the road.

As a conclusion, based on the result we gather from our respondent, we believed that the respondent needs to change their perception about the condition of their motorcycle. For example, based on our research, we learned that the highest behaviours practiced by the motorcyclist is that they will still continue their journey despite their motorcycle being broke down on the road followed by the riders who are ignoring the uses of motorcycle brake. Motorcycle brake is not only will save our lives but it can also prevent us from getting involved in an accident.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

5.2.4 The Respondent Awareness about the Road Safety Campaign

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Strongly Disagree 5 7 11 10 32

Disagree 11 22 17 26 32

Agree 33 35 30 26 10

Strongly Agree 31 16 22 18 6









Graph and table above is plotted based on the answer given by our respondent in our online questionnaires which is about their consent with the road safety campaign. There are five questions below:

Q4.1 Did they know the objective of the road safety campaign to the motorcyclist?

Q4.2 Did they follow the advice from the campaigns that have been organized?

Q4.3 Did the campaigns make them more aware about the safety on the road while they are riding motorcycle?

Q4.4 Did they follow all the campaign’s content for a short period and then forget about it?

Q4.5 Did they take for granted with all the campaigns that have been held? 

As we can see from the question Q4.1 that have been given to the respondent, most of the respondent are given attention on what are the contents all about from the campaign. This is because more than half of the 80 respondent positively answer agree and strongly agree which is 33 (41%) for agree and 31 (39%) for strongly agree. The rest of the respondent negatively answer that they don’t know what is the campaign’s content which is 11 (14%) for disagree and 5 (6%) for strongly disagree.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

For the next questions, there are a lot of agree for the question Q 4.2 which is 35 (44%) that admit they follow the advice from the campaign that have been organized. Other than that, there are 16 (20%) strongly agreed for the question and this shows that the campaign can give influence to them. Unfortunately, there are also got respondent that disagree to follow the advice, the result show that 22 (28%) for disagree and 7 (9%) for the strongly disagree.

The third question Q 4.3 is about do the campaigns make them aware about the safety on the road and the result show that 30 (38%) of them agree and 22 (28%) strongly agree. As usual, there are still have respondent that disagree although the amount is less than agree. There are 17 (21%) for disagree and 11 (14%) strongly disagree that the campaigns make them aware about the safety on the road.

Moving to the next question Q 4.4, we are asking them about do they follow the campaign’s advice for a short period and then forget about it. The answer given by the respondent quite surprise because many of them admit that they only follow the advice for a short period and then forget about it. The result show that the respondent that agree and disagree is balance which is 26 (33%) for both. For the other result, it is 18 (23%) for strongly agree and 10 (13%) for strongly disagree.

For the last question about the respondent awareness towards the campaign, we had asked them about their consent with the campaign whether they just ignore about the campaign or not. From the answer given shows that they do not ignore the message because both of strongly disagree and disagree have the same rate which is 32 (40%). The rest of them is 10 (13%) for agree and 6 (8%) for strongly agree which is only a little amount of them.

Last but not least, the result that we gain from the research shows that all the respondent aware with the campaigns. Although the result positively shows that they aware with the campaign, the worried things is how long they practice and follow the advices given because the result from question Q 4.4 show that they just follow for a short term and then forget about it. Thus, if this behavior being practice by the entire motorcyclist, the increasing of accident towards motorcyclist can’t be solve.

In order to solve this problem, all the motorcyclist need to change their behaviours and attitude. They must aware with the campaign that related with safety on the road because all in all that we can see is the campaign’s contents and programs can influence them to be more alert and beware while ride their motorcycle on the road. Thus, it must be intensified to make sure that the motorcyclist can be more competencies on the road.

5.2.5 The Motorcyclist Perceptions toward Road Accident

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Strongly Disagree 6 3 3 3 4

Disagree 7 12 8 6 8

Agree 23 22 17 26 32

Strongly Agree 44 43 52 45 36







Graph and table above is plotted based on the answer given by our respondent in our online questionnaires which is about their perceptions toward road accident. There are five questions below:

Q 5.1 Did they realize their chances of involve in accident during they ride their motorcycle?

Q 5.2 Did they realize that they may involve with other vehicle’s accident?

Q 5.3 Did they realize that motorcyclist is the highest risk on the road?

Q 5.4 Did they realize that accident may happen when vehicle can’t operate properly?

Q 5.5 Did they ensure they ride carefully to avoid the accident?

Based on the questions Q 5.1 given, we can see that all the respondent realize their chances getting in accident during they ride their motorcycle on the road. The total of strongly agree with the question is about 44 (55%) respondent followed by 23 (29%) of respondent that agree. The rest of them still don’t realize the possibility of getting accident on the road but in a minimum amount which is only 7 (9%) for disagree and 6 (8%) for strongly disagree.

Other than that, we also asked them whether they realized that they may involve with other vehicle’s accident on the road in questions Q 5.2. There are 43 (54%) of the respondent strongly agree with the question and 22 (28%) of them just agree. Other respondent believe that its impossible to involve with other vehicle’s accident as the result shows only 12 (15%) for disagree and 3 (4%) for strongly disagree of them.

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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

For the third questions Q 5.3, there are 52 (65%) of respondent that answer strongly agrees with the statement that motorcyclist is the highest risk on the road rather than other vehicle. Besides that, there are 17 (21%) of the respondent just agree followed by 8 (10%) disagree and 3 (4%) strongly disagree with the statement. Thus, its show that there are a large number of motorcyclists knows that they are in a high risk situation when they are on the road.

Next question Q 5.4 is about either they realize or not that they also may involve in accident when their motorcycle can’t operate properly such as their tire lack of wind. 45 (56%) of them are strongly agree with this matters while 26 (33%) of them just agree with the question. The other respondent doesn’t care with their vehicle’s condition and believe that there is no problem if their motorcycle can’t operate well on the road but in a small amount which is 6 (8%) for disagree and 3 (4%) for strongly disagree.

Lastly, we asked them about their way of riding their motorcycle on the road either carefully or not to avoid from accident. The result show that most of the respondent answer positively which is 36 (45%) of them strongly agree and 32 (40%) of them just agree that they ride carefully on the road to ensure that they not involved in accident. For disagree with the question there are only 8 (10%) followed by 4 (5%) for strongly disagree.

As a conclusion, we can see that all the motorcyclists that we had asked realize that their risks on the road are too high. Although most of them realize with the risk, there are still increasing number of motorcyclist that involved in accident every day. Might be the causes of this problem is not only come from the motorcyclists itself, but also from the other vehicle that downplayed with the motorcyclist on the road.


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Research on Understanding Motorcyclist Behaviour on Road and Accident

As we can see on the objectives of this research, there are five objectives that may lead to the accidents happen if the motorcyclists underestimate this problem. For the first objectives, we decided to know with their behaviour during riding motorcycle on the road and evidently that most of the respondent admit that they always talking with the pillion passengers during riding on the road. Thus, this habit makes them lack of focus and failed to control their vehicle properly on the road.

Followed by the second objectives, we would like to know whether they know about the rule and regulation that had been set up by the government and did they obey with the rules or not. Based on the question given to them, most of the respondents answer rarely to disobey the rules and regulations. Unfortunately, there is some of the respondent that confesses that they always exceeding their speed limit while riding motorcycle in some road area and also most surprisingly most of the motorcyclist is not wearing helmet for short distance journey

Other than that, the condition of the motorcycles also is the important things that need to take care by the motorcyclists. It is because, the non-proper condition of the vehicles also can cause an accident such as the signal light doesn’t work properly, deflated tire, and brake doesn’t work. From the result of the research we can conclude that there are still having motorcyclists that ignore to well maintain their motorcycles properly.

Besides that, the objectives of this research conducted are to see whether they aware with the road safety campaigns around them or not either in the television, radio or any others program that related with the safety on the road. From the answer given shows that they really understand with the contents and objectives of the campaigns but most of them admit that the campaign influenced them for a short term only and then they will forget about it. Might be to solve this problem we need to enhancing the contents and way of presented the message.

We are also wanted to know the perceptions toward road accidents among the motorcyclists. From this objective, we had asked them do they realize their risk as a motorcyclist on the road is more highest then other vehicles. From all the answer we had received, there are majority of the respondent agree that they realize their risk on the road are highest then other vehicle. Thus, from this answer given, there should not have any cases reported which involved motorcycle on the road because they will be more alert and careful on the road.

Statistic released by Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) show that about 80% of the reported accidents throughout the country is involving the young people aged 16 to 25 years. This does not include the accident which is not reported because some of them are afraid to report it as they do not want to be penalized under act of law for operating vehicle without a license. They are many reasons on why teenagers get more risk when it comes to riding motorcycle compare to the adult rider such as the behaviour of the rider itself.

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According to the research done by the other government agency, the highest accident rate was involving young people stems from the attitude, skills and low self-maturity to respond positively to ensure the safety of themselves when they're on the road while riding motorcycle. Teenager’s is known for their attitudes that to always be aggressive and have a brief thought. They are willing to do the unknown cause harm as long as self-satisfaction. Self-esteem of the teenagers is largely driven by competition among them.

Some of the teenagers’ obsessive acts that contribute to road accidents are the wish to show their capability to handle their vehicles. They always want to do something which has not been able to do by other motorcyclist or considered superior than others. Attitudes of the young people who do not install side mirror in their motorcycle is very dangerous to their self and also others road user. Motorcyclists nowadays need to learn that accident can happen anytime and anywhere. If they don’t start taking this more seriously, they may get involved in an accident anytime.

Motorcyclists should be aware that their safety is always in peril in the event of any accidents. Motorcyclists actually have 17 times more risk of death compared to car drivers and passengers. From our research, we can conclude that majority of the road user nowadays will not wear helmet if their destination is in short distance. They should know that if event of an accident, motorcyclists and pillion riders are not covered by any equipment when not wearing a helmet and they will continue to crash into other vehicles or the road. Much worse, when their bodies are hit by vehicles until their limbs shattered and lastly people will lose their lives.

Normally, motorcyclists become more matured when their age past 25 years. They will become more care about their personal safety when on the road. Furthermore, most individuals in the age are married and have children, thus making them more matured. The usual practice when they are teenagers will be left by them. This is because they feel that has responsibilities and begin to love their self, wife, husband, children and family. Responsibility to protect the safety is even higher if they ride a motorcycle or drive with someone they loved.

Other than that, related agency need to promote road safety campaign more efficiently. The mass media can help in terms of displaying or advertising campaign through broadcast television regularly. These displays or advertisement will indirectly be able to expose the public to the campaign to reduce accidents on the road. The mass media can also displaying the campaign in newspapers. Society in our country who regularly read newspapers will also get to know about the campaign.

Inculcate prudent culture among teenagers’ motorcyclists is important to plant since they are young to ensure that road conditions in our country more secure and safe. This needs to be done since the beginning of the child's age so we

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can educate more effectively in longer time before they become a motorcyclist or a road user. This is because we do not want to suffer huge losses when the young energy that is expected to lead the country in the future die or suffer permanent disability that will prevent them to compete in the world of work


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- Kaji Selidik UNISEL 2012 (DCM). Google Doc. [Online] Google, ( )


1. Singh, Dharmender. Over 1.4 Million Habitual Road Offender. 2011.

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2. Transport Statistics Malaysia. Malaysia, Ministry of Transport. 2011.

3. New Zealand Transport Agency. [Online]

4. Ministry of Transport Malaysia. [Online]

5. Blog Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Malaysia. [Online]

6. Transport Statistics Malaysia. Malaysia, Ministry of Transport. 2010.

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