Introduction to Programming - RISC...Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria...


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Introduction to Programming

Wolfgang SchreinerResearch Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC)

Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

July 6, 2016

©2001–2016, Wolfgang Schreiner.


We introduce the basics of computer science, i.e., the science of problem solv-ing with computers. Our presentation starts with an abstract view on program-ming and algorithm development and continues with the discussion of how realprograms are executed on computers. We then describe the programming lan-guage Java beginning with basic constructs for writing small programs that solvesimple problems and proceeding to more advanced features for developing largerprograms that solve more complex problems. Throughout this process we touchfundamental topics of computer science such as data structures, algorithms, andsystematic program development.


1 Introduction 5

2 The Basics of Programming 7

2.1 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3 Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4 Conditionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.5 Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.6 Example Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.6.1 Swapping Two Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.6.2 Maximum of Three Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.6.3 Primality Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 Programming Computers 20

3.1 Computer Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1.1 The Main Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.1.2 The Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2 Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2.1 Assembly Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2.2 High-level Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.2.3 Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30



4 Java Light 334.1 Java Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.2 Source Code Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.3 Basic Text Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.4 Basic Graphical Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.5 Variables and Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.5.1 Variable Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.5.2 Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.5.3 Constant Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.5.4 Choosing Variable Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.6 Primitive Data Types and Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.6.1 Booleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.6.2 Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.6.3 Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.6.4 Floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.6.5 Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.7 Basic Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.7.1 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.8 Control Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.8.1 Assertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

4.8.2 The Block Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.8.3 The if Conditional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.8.4 The if-else Conditional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.8.5 The switch Conditional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

4.8.6 The while Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.8.7 break and continue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

4.8.8 The do Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

4.8.9 The for Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4.9 Sample Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

4.9.1 Printing Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

4.9.2 Drawing Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

4.9.3 Analyzing Exam Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


5 Stronger Java 108

5.1 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

5.1.1 Method Declarations and Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

5.1.2 The return Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

5.1.3 Local and Global Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

5.1.4 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

5.1.5 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

5.1.6 Program Function versus Mathematical Functions . . . . . 121

5.1.7 Visibility of Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

5.1.8 Method Overloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

5.1.9 Documenting Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

5.2 Objects and Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

5.2.1 Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

5.2.2 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

5.2.3 Object Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5.2.4 Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5.2.5 Transient Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

5.2.6 Structuring Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

A Software Tools 145

A.1 Oracle Java SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

A.2 TextPad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

A.3 Eclipse IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

Chapter 1


This course is about problem solving with computers. Computers are machineswhose behavior, unlike that of other machines, is not determined by their phys-ical construction (the hardware). Rather computers are controlled by programs,i.e., formal descriptions of the behavior that we want the computer to perform.Programs are software, i.e., intangible units like thoughts. Software and hardware Software can be stored on

a physical medium like athought can be written on pa-per; however like a thoughtis not the paper on which itis written, software is not thethe medium on which it isstored.

together make up a computer system; today’s computer systems are linked by net-works for communication and cooperation within an organization (Intranet) andacross the globe (Internet).

A programming language is a formal notation for writing programs; like a thoughtmay be formulated in different human languages, a program may be written indifferent programming languages. An algorithm is a method for solving a givenproblem in a particular way; like an idea may be expressed by different words (orin different languages), an algorithm may be implemented by different programsor in different programming languages.

The process of solving problems with computers proceeds in various phases:

1. the analysis of the problem requirements yielding a

2. specification which describes in an unambiguous and concise way whatproblem is to be solved; based on this specification, we

3. design the problem solution by decomposing the problem into subproblemsthat we decompose further until we are able to

4. use known algorithms (or design new ones) that describe how the subprob-lems can be solved; we then


6 Chapter 1. Introduction

5. analyse the design, consider alternatives, and refine it until we are convincedof its soundness such that we can go and

6. implement the solution as a well structured and clearly documented programErrors detected during de-bugging or in the test phasemay force us to rewrite theprogram, redesign the prob-lem solution, rewrite thespecification, even reanalyzethe problem. Software de-velopment is an iterative pro-cess.

in a particular programming language; we then

7. run the program and debug it, i.e., fix errors which let the program malfunc-tion or crash, afterwards we

8. test the program in a systematic way to exhibit any less apparent errors ofthe problem solution which have to be corrected; finally we

9. package the program together with all the documentation that describes itsimplementation and use and ship it to the customer.

From above description, it should become clear that problem solving with computersThis description onlysketches the developmentprocess; the art of softwareengineering is to managelarge projects with teams ofsoftware developers solvingcomplex problems.

is more than programming, i.e., learning a programming language and writingprograms in this language. However, programming is still the core activity in thisprocess. It is a craft which we must thoroughly trained such that we can free ourminds from technical details and concentrate on the other aspects of the develop-ment process (like the writer of a book does not have to think any more about howto put letters on paper). It is also an art in which creativity and intuition combineto find elegant and efficient solutions; many people can program but there are onlyvery few master programmers (like most people learn reading or writing but onlyfew are good writers).

Computer programming also shapes our minds and strengthens our discipline. Wecannot cheat by omitting unpleasant parts of a problem or by not refining a solu-tion in sufficiently much detail; ultimately the computer is the referee that deter-mines whether a result works or not. Writing programs is therefore a good trainingmethodology for analyzing and solving (mostly but not only) technical problems.Even if your career goal is not to write programs but manage technical projects,analyze systems for their suitability for a particular purpose, design system solu-tions by using existing products, or perform corresponding consulting activities,you will therefore profit from a solid education in software development.

We will in this script focus on the craft of computer programming and use theprogramming language Java as a tool to demonstrate the fundamental conceptsof modern software development. We will, however, not forget the other aspectssketched above and repeatedly demonstrate the systematic development processby concrete examples.

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

Chapter 2

The Basics of Programming

A program is the formal description of a method that solves a particular problem.Every program consists of individual instructions (also called commands or state-ments) that operate on data (values like numbers, characters, text files, images,. . . ). In this chapter, we explain in an abstract notation those elements of pro-gramming that are (essentially) independent of concrete programming languagesand computer systems, i.e. valid for any of them. The subsequent chapters willdescribe the programming of real computers in a particular real language.

2.1 Variables

Data are stored in variables. One can think of a variable as a box that has a labelon it (the name of the variable) and that holds a value (also called the contentof the variable). For example, a variable named x holding the value 17 can bedepicted as the box

x: 17

A program in general uses multiple variables that may hold values of varioustypes. For instance, the picture

x: 17ch: ’+’str: “hello”

depicts a variable x holding an integer number 17, a variable ch holding a character’+’ and a variable str holding a string of characters “hello”.


8 Chapter 2. The Basics of Programming

A program may change the values of its variables. E.g., after the execution of aprogram operating on above variables, they may have contents

x: 18ch: ’*’str: “world”

While the value of a variable may thus change over time, it may not change arbi-trarily. Every variable has an associated type that describes the set of values thatthe variable may hold during its whole life time, e.g. the type integer for variablex or character for ch or string for str. The type of a variable remains fixed duringits whole life time; it may be also attached to the variable’s visual representationsuch as in

x: 17 integerch: ’+’ characterstr: “hello” string

Real programming languages are (for good reasons) very picky about the types ofvariables and which kinds of values they may hold. In this chapter, all variableswill range over integer numbers such that explicit type annotations can be omitted.

2.2 Assignments

The simplest and most important instruction in almost every programming lan-guage is the variable assignment (short assignment) statement which has the form

x ← E

where x is a variable and E is a mathematical expression. The statement is readas “x becomes E”; it computes the value of E and stores it in x (overwriting theprevious value of x).

For instance, if we have the variable contents

x: 5y: 1

the execution of the command

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

2.2 Assignments 9

y ← 2

yields the variable contents

x: 5y: 2

If we then execute the command

y ← x + 1

(which takes the content of the variable x, adds 1 to it, and stores the result invariable y), we get

x: 5y: 6

where y has been updated but x remains unchanged. We may then execute thecommand

x ← x + 1

which first reads the value of x, adds 1 to it, and then updates the value of x bythe result. The variable contents after the execution are consequently

x: 6y: 6

If we now execute

x ← x ∗ y

we get

x: 36y: 6

The execution of a program essentially consists of a sequence of variable assign-ments. All other programming language constructs are essentially control struc-tures that determine the “flow” of assignments executed by a program.

10 Chapter 2. The Basics of Programming

2.3 Sequences

A program may consist of a command sequence (short: sequence) of assignmentsthat are executed one after another. For instance, if we have the variable contents

x: 5y: 1

the execution of the program

y ← 2y ← x + 1x ← x + 1x ← x ∗ y

ultimately yields the contents

x: 36y: 6

Above command sequence may also be depicted by a control flow diagram

y ← 2↓

y ← x + 1↓

x ← x + 1↓

x ← x ∗ y↓

which uses arrows to show the order in which the individual commands are exe-cuted. These arrows may be also labelled by assertions i.e. propositions about thevalues of the variables at a certain state of the program, e.g.

y ← 2 ∗ x↓ -- y is even

z ← y + 1↓ -- z is odd

(the dashed line -- shows the position in the program when the assertion holds).

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

2.4 Conditionals 11

2.4 Conditionals

It is frequently the case that a command is only to be executed if a particularcondition holds. This gives rise to a conditional statement (short conditional)with control flow diagram

where E denotes a condition, C1 denotes a command that is executed, if E is true,and C2 denotes a command that is executed if E is false.

For example, the program

sets the variable m to the minimum of the variables x and y i.e. the smaller ofboth values. When the control flow reaches the condition x < y, it branches eitherto the left or to the right. If x < y is true, the left branch of the conditional, i.e.the assignment m ← x, is executed; if x < y is false (i.e. x ≥ y is true), theright branch, i.e. the assignment m ← y, is executed. After the execution of theconditional (when both branches converge), m holds in either case the minimumof x and y. The assertion denoted by −− describes the knowledge that we have inthe corresponding branch of the conditional.

One branch of a conditional (but not both) may be empty; in this case, no com-mand is executed if this particular branch is taken. Take for example the followingprogram for computing the minimum of two values in a slightly different way:

12 Chapter 2. The Basics of Programming

This program first sets the variable m to the value of x and then tests whetherm > y. If this is the case, then y is the smaller of the two values and m is set to y.Otherwise, m is already the smaller of both values such that nothing needs to bedone any more.

2.5 Loops

By a loop statement (short loop) one can express that a command C (the loopbody) is iterated (repeatedly executed) as long as a condition E (the loop condi-tion) remains true:

When the control flow reaches the loop, E is tested. If the condition is false, theloop is not executed at all. If, however, the condition is true, then the statementC is executed and the control flow returns to the beginning of the loop. Conse-quently, C is repeatedly executed as long as E remains true.

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

2.6 Example Algorithms 13

As an example take the following program

which operates on four natural number variables a, b, r and i. Initially, r is setto 1 and i to 0. As long as i is less than b, the program multiplies r by a andincrements i by 1 (while a and b do not change).

To understand the behavior of this program, let us assume that a has initially thevalue 4 and b the value 3. Then the variables r and i have, before the test i < b isperformed, the following values:

r iBefore first iteration 1 0After first iteration 4 1After second iteration 16 2After third iteration 64 3

As one can see from this table, after i iterations, r has the value 4i. The loop isterminated after three iterations, thus r has finally the value 43 = 64. For generalvalues of a and b, this program thus sets r to ab (please also note the correspondingassertions in the control flow diagram).

2.6 Example Algorithms

In the previous section, we have described the four kinds of statements (assign-ment, sequences, conditionals, loops) of which all programs are made of. These

14 Chapter 2. The Basics of Programming

statements may be also combined (e.g. one branch of a conditional may be a loopor the body of a loop may be a conditional) to all kinds of algorithms, i.e. pre-cisely formulated problem solutions. In the following subsections, we will discussthe development of some simple algorithms. Every algorithm is described by a di-agram of the form

where triangles initiate and terminate the control flow. The algorithm is given aname and a list of parameters i.e. variables that are provided by the user and onwhich the algorithm operates (in addition to auxiliary variables that are only usedwithin the algorithm).

2.6.1 Swapping Two Variables

Our first task is to write an algorithm Swap that exchanges the values of twovariables x and y provided by the user. For instance, starting with variable values

x: 3y: 5

we would like to reach the state

x: 5y: 3

We thus have to fill the body of the following algorithmic skeleton:

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

2.6 Example Algorithms 15

Thinking a bit about the problem, we realize that we cannot perform the assign-ment x ← y first, because this assignment erases the value of x provided by theuser which is thus lost. Likewise, we cannot perform the assignment y ← x first,because this erases the value of y. The key insight is that we need a third variablez into which we can first save the value of e.g. variable x, such that we can thenexecute x ← y to set y to x and finally execute y ← z to set y to the (original)value of x. This gives the algorithm

We may simulate with paper and pencil the effect of this algorithm on the contentsof the variables for particular initial settings. For instance, for the initial variablevalues x = 3 and y = 5), we get the following table which lists the values of thevariables at different times during the execution of thhe algorithm:

x y z6 3 6 5 Initial Situation

3 After z ← x5 After x ← y

3 After y ← z

This confirms that the final value of x is 5 and the final value of y is 3.

By such paper and pencil simulations, we can “test” every algorithm i.e. we cansimulate the effect of its application to concrete variable values. While this doesnot prove that the algorithm is correct for all possible initial variable contents, itat least helps to find errors and (if no more errors can be found) to increase theconfidence in our solution.

16 Chapter 2. The Basics of Programming

2.6.2 Maximum of Three Numbers

We want to devise an algorithm Max3 that takes three numbers a, b, and c andsets a variable m to the largest of these values. The result is depicted below:

This algorithm has a more complex structure as those shown up to now. It consistsof a conditional testing the expression a > b; each branch of this conditional isagain a conditional, one testing a > c and one testing b > c. Let us follow theline of reasoning that led to this structure.

• If a is greater than b, then the value of b is not a candidate for the maximumm any more, but a is. If now a is also greater than c, it is indeed the maxi-mum, so we set m to a. Otherwise c is greater than or equal a (which as weremember is greater than b), thus c is the maximum and we set m to c.

• If a is not greater than b, then b is greater than or equal a, so we can choose bas a candidate for m. If now b is also greater than c, then b is the maximum,so we set m to b. Otherwise, c is greater than or equal b (which as weremember is greater than or equal a), thus s is the maximum and we set mto c.

This reasoning can be also expressed by assertions in the diagram:

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

2.6 Example Algorithms 17

Following the control flow that leads to each assignment and collecting the testconditions and assertions on this way allows one to quickly verify the correctnessof this algorithm. Assertions represent a valuable aid for understanding the logicof a program; they should be regularly used in the development process.

2.6.3 Primality Test

We complete this chapter by the development of an algorithm isPrime that takesa natural number n and sets the variable p to “true”, if n is a prime number and to“false”, otherwise (recall that a prime number is a natural number greater than 1that is only divisible by 1 and itself). In the following, we will discuss the solutiondepicted in Figure 2.1.

From the definition of primality, it immediately follows that a number less than2 is not prime. We thus first test for n < 2 and, if this is true, set p to “false”.Otherwise our basic assumption (unless proved otherwise) is that n is prime, sowe initialize p with “true”.

Furthermore, we know that 2 is the only even prime number. In order to restrictour consideration to odd numbers, we treat this case specially and first test if n is 2.If yes, we are already done (remember that p is already set to “true”). Otherwise,if n is not 2 but nevertheless divisible by 2 (described by the predicate 2|p to beread as “2 divides p”), we have encountered a number that is surely not prime. Wetherefore set p to “false” and are also done.

18 Chapter 2. The Basics of Programming

Figure 2.1: Primality Test

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

2.6 Example Algorithms 19

The only case left is that of an odd number n greater than one. To check for theprimality of an odd number, we only have to check whether it is divisible by anyother odd number greater than 2. All candidates for this “other odd number” arecertainly in the range from 3 to n−1. Even more, we may restrict our considerationto odd numbers from 3 to

√n (because, if n is divisible by a number c greater than

√n, then n equals c·d for a number d less than

√n, such that this d is also a divisor

of n).

Thus all we have to do is to check whether n is divisible by some number c suchthat c ≥ 3 and c · c ≤ n. The subalgorithm for this check is depicted by the bigshaded box in Figure 2.1. We initially set the candidate c to 3 and check in a loop,as long as c · c is less than or equal n and n can be still assumed prime, whether nis divisible by c. If yes, we can set p to “false” which terminates the loop. If no,we increment c by 2 (which gives the next odd number) and continue the test withthe next candidate value.

The structure of this algorithm is much more complex than the ones illustrated upto now: it contains a loop that is part of a conditional statement (which itself isnested into two other conditionals) and the body of the loop is itself a conditional.Despite of their apparent complexity, such constructions are routine in softwaredevelopment. While this is clearly very difficult for the beginner, by a systematictop-down construction of algorithms using the sort of reasoning shown above aswell as by regular exercising and the corresponding accumulation of experience,the development of (simple) algorithms will soon become familiar.

Chapter 3

Programming Computers

In the last chapter, we have considered programs from a rather abstract point ofview as formal descriptions of methods for solving particular problems. In thischapter, we will become a bit more concrete and discuss how such a descriptioncan actually control the behavior of a computer and what exactly happens insidethe computer during program execution. For this purpose, we will first describethe internal architecture of a computer, then describe the low-level language thatis understood by a computer and in which executable programs are encoded, andfinally discuss the relationship to those programs that are written in a high-levelprogramming language by a human programmer. In the later chapters, we willlearn the basics of one such high-level programming language called Java forwriting computer programs.

3.1 Computer Systems

The key hardware components of a computer system are

• the central processing unit (CPU), short processor,

• the random access memory (RAM), short main memory,

The processor executes programs that are stored in the main memory togetherwith the data on which the program operates.


3.1 Computer Systems 21

Figure 3.1: The Main Memory

3.1.1 The Main Memory

The main memory is made of a series of consecutive memory cells each of whichstores a single natural number, the memory content, and is also adressed by anatural number, the memory address (see Figure 3.1). Random Access Memory In sequential storage devices

like hard disks, data can beonly read or written in se-quence.

(RAM) expresses the fact that each memory cell can be individually referencedby its address, i.e., a value can be read from or written into there. Figure 3.2 showsa line of memory chips to be plugged into a computer’s main board with a singlememory chip at the front.

The fact that a memory cell can only hold a natural number is not a limitation tothe power of a computer: todays computers are digital i.e., all data (and programs)on all media are represented by discrete pieces which can be denoted by naturalnumbers.

Example ASCII 1 (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is acode for the representation of 128 (=27) characters (letters and other symbols) bythe numbers 0–127: The opposite of digital is

analog: data are representedby continuous signals likefor instance electromagneticwaves.


22 Chapter 3. Programming Computers

Figure 3.2: Memory Chips

ASCII code Character. . . . . .10 LineFeed (LF). . . . . .48–57 0–9. . . . . .65–90 A–Z. . . . . .97–122 a–z. . . . . .

The LF character is a non-printable character, it represents the shift from one lineto the next.

Since text is a sequence of characters, it can be represented by a sequence of digits,e.g. the text “Hi, Heather.” can be represented in ASCII as

H i , H e a t h e r .72 105 44 32 72 101 97 116 104 101 114 46

The ISO 8859-12 character code represents 256 (=28) characters of west Europeanlanguages (Latin-1); the first 128 characters coincide with the ASCII standard.


Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

3.1 Computer Systems 23

Figure 3.3: Main Board

The Unicode3 character code represents 65534 (=216−2) characters (of almost allknown languages); the first 256 characters coincide with the ISO 8859-1 standard.

3.1.2 The Processor

The processor is the most important (and the most expensive) part of a computer;it continuously fetches instructions from the main memory and executes them.Processor and main memory together represent the core of a computer; they sittogether with several other components on the computer’s main board. Figure 3.3shows such a main board where the square black box to the right is the processorand the long lines on the left represent the memory bank that receives the memorychips.

The basic architecture of a computer and the processor is shown in Figure 3.4.

In detail, the processor consists of the following items:


24 Chapter 3. Programming Computers

Figure 3.4: Basic Computer Architecture

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

3.1 Computer Systems 25

• The control unit (CU) which coordinates the processing steps,

• the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) which performs calculations and makes de-cisions,

• the registers which represents a small but very fast auxiliary memory withinthe processor,

• the cache which is a fast buffer memory between the processor and theactual main memory.

The program executed by the processor is (together with the data on which theprogram operates) stored in the main memory; it consists of a sequence of ma-chine instructions each of which is encoded in a computer word. For instance, aninstruction load r1,100 may be represented by a 4 byte word

17 1 0 100

where 17 represents the operation code for load, 1 denotes register r1 and thebyte pair (0,100) represents a 16 bit word containing the address 100. Typicalinstructions are

load r, a: Load the word at memory address a into register r .

store a, r: Store the word from register r into the memory at address a.

op r1, r2: perform an arithmetic operation op on registers r1 and r2 and storethe result in r1.

jump p: Set the program counter to address p.

cjmp r, c, p: Compare the content of register r with constant c. If the com-parison is successful, set the program counter to address a, otherwise donothing.

The program counter is a special processor register which holds the address of thenext instruction to be executed. The operation of the processor is now a continuouscycle of the following steps coordinated by the control unit:

1. fetch the instruction referenced by the program counter from the main mem-ory,

26 Chapter 3. Programming Computers

2. decode the instruction and increment the program counter to reference thenext instruction in sequence,

3. execute the instruction.

This operation principle is called the von Neumann architecture after John vonNeumann who invented the concept in 1945.

Example Assume that we want to compute the value ab where a and b are nat-ural numbers stored in the memory words at addresses 100 and 104. A machineprogram to compute this value and store the result in address 108 basically looksas follows (the prefix “l:” denotes the address of the corresponding instruction incomputer memory and the comment in italics is not part of the instruction):

0: cnst r0, 1 load constant 1 into register r04: load r1, 100 load memory word a into register r18: load r2, 104 load memory word b into register r212: cjmp r2, 0, 28 if r2 is 0, jump to instruction 2816: mult r0, r1 multiply r0 with r1 and store result in r020: diff r2, 1 subtract 1 from r2 and store result in r224: jump 12 jump to instruction 1228: stor 108, r0 store register r0 in memory word c

We look at the execution of the program which starts in a state where the programcounter has value 0 and memory locations 100 and 104 have values 3 and 2, re-spectively. All other registers and memory location 108 have arbitrary values atthe beginning.

step pc r0 r1 r2 100 104 1080 0 3 21 4 1 3 22 8 1 3 3 23 12 1 3 2 3 24 16 1 3 2 3 25 20 3 3 2 3 26 24 3 3 1 3 27 12 3 3 1 3 28 16 3 3 1 3 29 20 9 3 1 3 210 24 9 3 0 3 211 12 9 3 0 3 212 28 9 3 0 3 2 9

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3.2 Programming Languages 27

We see that instructions 12 − −24 are iterated two times, in each iteration registerr0 is multiplied with register r1 and register r2 is decreased by 1. After the seconditeration, the result is stored at memory location 108.

3.2 Programming Languages

While the processor executes a machine program of binary-encoded instructionssuch as (see page 26)

17 1 0 100

this is not how programs are written. Scientists and engineers invented alreadyvery early (in the 1950s) programming languages that allow to write programs ina much more comfortable way.

3.2.1 Assembly Language

A first step away from binary machine programs was the assembler, a programwhich allows you to use symbolic notation for the individual machine instructions.The human may write an assembly language program like

0: cnst r0, 14: load r1, 1008: load r2, 10412: cjmp r2, 0, 2816: mult r0, r120: diff r2, 124: jump 1228: stor 108, r1

and the assembler converts it into a sequence of machine instructions. However,the symbolic program still contains a description of each instruction of the corre-sponding machine program. Assemblers are used to write low-level code that hasto access machine features and/or must be very efficient.

28 Chapter 3. Programming Computers

Figure 3.5: Interpretation

3.2.2 High-level Languages

In a high-level language, the machine program written in the previous section maybe expressed as

int r = 1;for (int i = 0; i < b; i++)r = r*a;

which is much shorter and easier to understand. High-level languages are (inroughly chronological order) like Fortran, Basic, Pascal, C, Modula-2, Simula,Ada, C++, Oberon, Java, etc.

However, now there is the problem how such a program can be executed, since thecomputer’s processor only understands machine language. Basically, there existtwo approaches.


We have an interpreter, i.e., a program that reads the high-level program andexecutes it. Like the processor interprets machine language instructions, this pro-grams interprets the instruction of the high-level language (see Figure 3.5).A processor is an interpreter

for machine language. The problem with this approach is that the interpretation overhead is very high,i.e., for each high-level instruction to be executed, the interpreter may have to per-form say 100 machine instructions. Therefore the program runs 100 times slowerthan the corresponding machine program. The interpreter approach is thereforeusually only used when performance is not a concern.

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3.2 Programming Languages 29

Figure 3.6: Compilation


We have a compiler, i.e., a program that reads the high-level program (the sourcecode) and generates a corresponding machine program (the target code) from it(see Figure 3.6). Actually, the compiler usually generates an assembly languageprogram from which an assembler creates the actual machine program.

This is the approach chosen by most programming languages. By highly sophis-ticated analysis and optimization techniques, the machine program generated bythe compiler is usually almost as efficient (say not more than 30% slower) as ifthe user had written the machine program by hand.

Usually, a high-level program is not written as one monolithic piece of code butin multiple modules. Each module is an individual piece of the program that canbe independently developed and compiled to an object file (a piece of code inmachine language). The linker takes all object files and combines them to theoverall executable program file. This two-step of compiling and linking is thebasis of most high-level programming languages. Usually, the program uses pre-compiled object code libraries that contain functionality which is commonly usedin many application programs. There exist standard libraries that are of generaluse but also application-specific libraries for e.g. writing programs fog particularGUIs.

30 Chapter 3. Programming Computers

Figure 3.7: Java Compilation and Interpretation

Since the generated machine program is specific to a particular brand of processor(such as e.g. the Intel Pentium line), the source code has to be re-compiled andre-linked for every platform where the program has to be executed. This processis cumbersome and error-prone because different systems may behave in subtlyCompiled programs have to

be ported to different kinds ofsystems.

different ways (e.g. due to differences of the compiler or not quite compatiblelibrary versions). Nevertheless many programs run (almost) the same way oncomputers with different processors or even different operating systems. Programsthat have this property are called portable, the process of adapting a programrunning on one machine to execution on another machine is called porting.

3.2.3 Java

Java4 was developed in the 1990’s by a team of the computer company Sun andbecame very popular with the uprise of the World Wide Web and the use of theInternet as a global communication and collaboration platform. Java is further de-Java is US slang for “coffee”.veloped by the “Java Community Process” under the stewardship of the computer


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3.2 Programming Languages 31

company Oracle (which bought Sun); while there are various commercial imple-mentations, most of the Java platform has been released as open source software(OpenJDK5).

Java has inherited various concepts from predecessor languages such as C++, butit was developed with a specific idea in mind: the target code should execute in thesame way on all kinds of machines (“write once, run everywhere”). To achievethis goal, the language developers introduced an abstraction layer between theJava source language and the computer system, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

The JVM is a hypothetical machine that executes as its machine language the JVMbyte-code language. The byte-code language is sufficiently close to the machinelanguage of real processors such that a JVM interpreter can execute this byte codewith only little overhead (compared to interpreters for high-level languages). AJava compiler generates from Java source code a class file, which is an object filein the JVM byte-code language. All class files for an application are passed tothe JVM that dynamically links the class files to the application program (i.e., noclass file is generated for the whole program) and executes it (see Figure 3.7).

Actually, the JVM defines more than a processor architecture, it defines a wholeexecution environment including file input/output and a graphical user interface.The JVM byte code program does not directly access the operating system level(and thus the corresponding machine resources), it considers the JVM as its op-erating system to which it delegates all interaction with the outside world. Sincethis execution environment is the same for all implementations of the JVM on allkinds of machines, it is reasonable to expect that Java byte code programs will runthe same way on all kinds of architectures.

To speed up the execution of JVM byte code programs, sophisticated optimiza-tion techniques were introduced, in particular the technique of Just in Time (JIT)compilation. A JIT-enabled interpreter dynamically compiles JVM byte code tomachine code of the underlying processor and then executes this machine coderather than interpreting the byte code. With this and other developments, the per-formance overhead for the execution of Java programs has become very smallcompared to the execution of programs in other high-level languages (which aredirectly compiled to machine code). If your application is not extremely time-critical or system-oriented, Java therefore represents a reasonable implementationlanguage.

While Java has been originally developed for providing active content within webpages via “applets”, it has fallen out of favor for that particular purpose, due tothe fact that modern web browsers are themselves able to execute programs in


32 Chapter 3. Programming Computers

the language “JavaScript” (syntactically similar but otherwise unrelated to Java)and due to numerous security holes in the Java browser plugin technology. Java’smain application is now the development of standalone programs, in particularclient/server web applications, distributed systems, embedded systems, mobilephones, etc. It is one of the most popular general purpose programming languagesused today.

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

Chapter 4

Java Light

We will now start with the basics of the Java programming language, version 8(Java 8). These lecture notes are not a reference manual for Java; if you want tolookup details, you can browse the Java language specification respectively theJava Platform Standard Edition 8 API Specification.

Java programs can be developed with different programming environments, e.g.the Java Development Kit (JDK) (which is freely available1 for various systems).For learning programming in Java, there is not much difference which environ-ment you use. In these notes, we use the JDK commands when we give examplesfor compiling or running programs,

There are two kinds of Java programs:

• applications which are standalone programs that can be independently exe-cuted, and

• applets which are embedded into Web pages and can be executed by view-ing the page by a Java-enabled Web browser.

In this course, we will only deal with standalone applications.

4.1 Java Applications

The source code of a Java application has the form



34 Chapter 4. Java Light

public class Name{public static void main(String[] args){...


We use teletype font to de-note code which is to be takenverbatim and italics font todenote parts which can besubstituted by the program-mer.

This code implements an application called Name where Name is a Java identifier.Such an identifier is a word that may contain upper and lower case letters, decimalnumbers and the underscore letter “_” but must start with a letter or underscore.We have the convention to use program names with upper-case capital letters.

Example Prog_2A is a Java identifier, 2A_Prog is not.

The keyword class will beexplained later, for the mo-ment just use it as shownabove.

Every application must have a method main. A method is a piece of code (moredetails later), the main method is the method which is executed when the pro-gram is started. What the line public static void main(String[] args)exactly means will be explained later. The body of a class is everything betweenthe curly braces { } (the method main above), likewise we speak of the body ofa method (the “. . . ” above).

In JDK, we store the source code of an application Name in a file andcall the Java compiler by typing on the command line


This generates the class file Name.class. We can execute this file by invokingthe JVM interpreter

java Name

Example As a first example, you may write in file the followingprogram:

public class Example{public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("Hello, World!");


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4.2 Source Code Conventions 35

You can then compile the program by typing on the command line


This generates a file Example.class which you can execute by typing

java Example

The execution of the program then prints to the screen

Hello, World!

4.2 Source Code Conventions

The format of the source code does not have any logical significance, we maywrite it as

public class Name {public static void main(String[] args) {...


or as

public className{public static voidmain(String[] args){...


or even as

public class Name { public static void main ( String [ ] args ) { ... } }

36 Chapter 4. Java Light

i.e., we may insert empty space and empty lines wherever we please. It is onlythe sequence of tokens (names and programming language constructs like classor {) that matters (therefore we must not insert space or break a line within atoken). Ultimately, the style of source code formatting is therefore a matter oftaste and subject to only one rule: whatever style you choose, you should stick toit consistently.

However, we must keep in mind that the source code of a program is intendedfor reading by not only ourselves; we should write it under the consideration thatother people may have to understand our code. We therefore strongly recommendto use appropriate indentation to exhibit the logical structure of a program. When-ever a program element is contained within other elements (typically denoted bythe opening brace {), we start a new line and indent the inner element by say 2Most editors automatically

indent the source code. character positions. Whenever a line gets too long by indentation, we strive tobreak it into two lines.

Furthermore, to make understanding easier, a source file does not only containcode but also comments which are descriptions in natural language that are ignoredby the compiler. In Java, comments start with the token // and extend to the endof line. We will stick to the convention that every class and every method has acomment header.

The program header essentially gives information about the development of theprogram; a method header gives information about the functionality of the method(we will discuss the documentation of methods later in more detail). The com-mented source code of an application might therefore look as follows:

// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Show the general structure of a Java application//// Author: Wolfgang Schreiner <>// Created: August 18, 2001// Changed: August 19, 2001// Changed the name of the class.// Changed: August 21, 2001// Modified the comments.// --------------------------------------------------------------------public class Example{// ------------------------------------------------------------------// print a sample string to the standard output stream// ------------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("Hello, World!");

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4.3 Basic Text Output 37


In order to make the source code readable for people with different editor settings,do not use more than 78 characters per line. Typical editor settings are

80 ± 1 characters.Another issue is in which human language to write program identifiers and com-ments. In general it is better to assume that sometimes also foreigners may have toread your program. Therefore we recommend to write identifiers and commentsnot in your native language but in English.

4.3 Basic Text Output

The body of a method consists of a sequence of statements separated by the semi-colon (;). Statements are executed in the sequence in which they occur in themethod and have some effect which is either internal to the program or influencesthe external environment.

Two statements that have external effect are the output statements


each of which prints a string (a sequence of characters) to the standard outputstream (typically the terminal where you execute the program). The println(“print line”) statement starts after the string a new line while the print statementleaves the line unchanged. Thus the method

public static void main(String[] args){System.out.print("One, ");System.out.print("two, ");System.out.println("three.");System.out.println("We are done.");


prints the text

One, two, three.We are done.

38 Chapter 4. Java Light

We may not only print string literals enclosed by the double quote " but also, e.g.integer numbers as in

System.out.print("One plus one is ");System.out.print(2);System.out.println(".");A literal is a constant which

is textually included in thesource code.

which gives the text

One plus one is 2.

The Java compiler here automatically converts the number 2 to the string "2".Java also allows to concatenate strings (append them together), such that we maywrite above code shorter as

System.out.println("One plus one is " + 2 + ".");

We will see later that other entities can be printed in the same way.Since the character " is used to denote the limits of string literals, how can weprint this character itself? We use for this purpose the escape sequence \" wherethe letter \ (the escape character) says that the next character " does not denotethe end of the literal but just stands for itself. Therefore we may write

System.out.println("He said \"Hello\" and left.");

which prints

He said "Hello" and left.

Since the character \ is now special, we also have to quote it within string literalsas in


which prints


Other escape character are the \n character which starts a new line and the \tcharacter which inserts a tabulator. Executing

System.out.println("He said:\n\tYes.\nShe said:\n\tNo.");

thus gives

He said:Yes.

She said:No.

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4.4 Basic Graphical Output 39

4.4 Basic Graphical Output

For allowing simple graphical output, we provide a small framework whose op-erations are described in file Drawing.README. This framework is contained in afile kwm.jar; to use it just download this file from the course site and place it inthe directory with the source code of your program. The framework can then beused by a program of the following form:

import kwm.*;import java.awt.*;

public class Name{public static void main(String[] args){Drawing.begin("title", width, height);;...Drawing.end();...


The program has the usual structure except for the two import declarations at thebeginning; these are not necessary to understand the following descriptions.

The main method executes an operation Drawing.begin(...) which opensa graphical window with the denoted title (a string), width and height (positiveinteger numbers); when the Drawing.end() operation is executed, a message

Press <ENTER> to continue or close window to quit...

appears on the output terminal. If you close the window, the program terminates;if you hit the “ENTER” key, the program continues with the statements after theDrawing.end().

Between Drawing.begin(...) and Drawing.end() there may be arbitrar-ily many operations of form where thecommand operation(...) denotes one of the following graphical output oper-ations (there are also others, a complete list can be found on the Java site2):


40 Chapter 4. Java Light

Figure 4.1: Java Coordinate System

Operation DescriptiondrawRect(x, y, w, h) draw rectangle [x . . . x + w, y . . . y + h]drawOval(x, y, w, h) draw oval [x . . . x + w, y . . . y + h]drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) draw line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)drawString(s, x, y) draw string s at (x, y)fillRect(x, y, w, h) fill rectangle [x . . . x + w, y . . . y + h]fillOval(x, y, w, h) fill oval [x . . . x + w, y . . . y + h]setColor(c) set drawing color to c

The graphical operations take place in a coordinate system where the top-left cor-ner of the drawing area has coordinate (0,0), the first coordinate grows towardsthe right and the second grows towards the bottom (see Figure 4.1).

Coordinates are given in non-negative integer numbers denoting screen pixels, forinstance the operation (60, 80, 225, 30);

draws a rectangle whose left upper corner is 60 pixels to the right and 80 pixelsdown and that extends 225 pixels to the right and 30 pixels down (all coordinatesrelative to the left upper corner of the painting area). The colors used in setColorcan be taken from a set of predefined colors like,, . . . .


An example of the main method of a program called Picture demonstrates theuse of these calls:

public static void main(String[] args){

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4.4 Basic Graphical Output 41

Drawing.begin("Picture", 300, 200);; // filled (60, 80, 225, 30); // (150, 120, 200, 150);// oval; // non-filled (50, 50, 40, 40); // (75, 65, 20, 20); // (35, 60, 100, 120); // line; // ("Out of clutter, find simplicity.", 110, 70); ("-- Albert Einstein", 130, 100);


Compiling this program yields file Drawing.class. If we then start the programas

java Picture

the following window pops up.

42 Chapter 4. Java Light

Figure 4.2: A Variable

4.5 Variables and Assignments

The data managed in a program are represented by program variables. A variableis a name for a memory address at which a data value is stored. In a more abstractway, can think of variables simply as the names of containers or boxes that containvalues (see Figure 4.2).

4.5.1 Variable Declarations

A variable declaration is a program statement which instructs the compiler

1. to reserve a portion of memory space to hold a particular type of value,

2. to initialize this portion with a particular value,

3. and to refer further on to this portion by a particular name.

As an example, the program

String name = "Markus";int age = 21;System.out.println(name + " is " + age + " years old.");

We will see later why intstarts with a lower-case letterwhile String starts with anupper-case letter.

declares two variables name and age of type String and int and initializesthese variables with the values “Markus” and 21. The println statement maynow refer to these variables and print

Markus is 21 years old.

The general format of a variable declaration is

type identifier = value;


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4.5 Variables and Assignments 43

• type denotes the kind of data that the variable may hold, e.g. int for integernumbers and String for character strings;

• identifier is the name of the variable which may be used from the point ofthe declaration to the end of the method;

• value is the initial value of the variable.

It is an error to declare a variable twice (in the same scope, see later).

4.5.2 Assignments

The value of a variable is not fixed but may be changed by an assignment statementof the form

identifier = value;

This statement instructs the compiler to write the value denoted by the right hand “Varying” means “chang-ing”.side of the assignment to the variable identified by the left hand side. It is read as

“identifier becomes value”.

For instance, writing

String name = "Markus";int age = 21;System.out.println(name + " is " + age + " years old.");name = "Michaela";age = 23;System.out.println(name + " is " + age + " years old.");


Markus is 21 years old.Michaela is 23 years old.

The assignment

x = x+1;This is not saying that xequals x + 1!.takes an integer variable x and overwrites its old value with the new value x + 1.

It is an error to try to assign to a variable a value which is different from thevariable type:

44 Chapter 4. Java Light

int age = 21;age = "twentyone";

The compiler detects this error and reports incompatible typesfound : java.lang.Stringrequired: int

age = "twentyone";^

(where 6 is the line number of the assignment in the source code).

If a variable is assigned a value before its first use, we may omit the initializationpart of a variable declaration. For instance, the program

int age;age = 21;System.out.println(age);



The compiler will report an error, if an uninitialized variable is used before it isassigned a value.

4.5.3 Constant Declarations

A declaration of the form

final type identifier = value;

declares identifier as a constant; the value of a constant can not be changed afterthe declaration any more (no assignment is possible).

If you have any special values in your program, it is good to refer to them by“Constant” means “notchanging”. constants, e.g.

final int MAX_VALUE = 127;final String SYS_DIR = "c:\\windows";

To differentiate between variables and constants, constant names are sometimeswritten in upper case letters.

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4.5 Variables and Assignments 45

4.5.4 Choosing Variable Names

We use variable names with lower-case capital letters. The name of the variableshould denote the object it holds; it is therefore typically a self-explaining nounlike

int temperature = 17;

or a combination of words as in

int maximumTemperature = 17;String directoryName = "c:\\windows";final int maximumWindowHeight = 640;

where the upper-case letter indicates the beginning of the next word.

Variable names with more than say 12 letters get very cumbersome; most peopleprefer to abbreviate them like in

int maxTemp = 17;String dirName = "c:\\windows";final int maxWinHeight = 640;

However, do not use for variable names mysterious acronyms like

int mt = 17;String dn = "c:\\windows";final int MWH = 640;

which make programs very hard to read.

Usually it is a good idea to annotate a variable declaration by a comment thatexplains the intended use of the variable across all assignments

int temp = 0; // temperature taken in last measurementint maxTemp = 0; // maximum temperature of all measurementsint avgTemp = 0; // average temperature of all measurements

such that we can quickly get the general idea.

46 Chapter 4. Java Light

4.6 Primitive Data Types and Expressions

Java has various primitive data types which correspond to the datatypes built intothe Java Virtual Machine. All primitive datatypes have names that start with asmall initial letter; the datatype String is actually not primitive, but will be alsoexplained in this section for the sake of convenience.

4.6.1 Booleans

The Java datatype boolean consists of two constants true and false. The pro-gram

boolean b = true;System.out.println(b);



We have the following boolean operations (see the accompanying mathematicscourse for details):In mathematics, boolean op-

erators are called logical con-nectives. Operator Description

! “not” (negation)&& “and” (conjunction)|| “or” (disjunction)

For instance, the program

System.out.println(!true);System.out.println(true && false);System.out.println(true || false);



The usual precedence rules hold, i.e, ! binds stronger than && which bindsstronger than ||. Therefore we can write

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4.6 Primitive Data Types and Expressions 47

!a && b || c

to denote ((!a) && b) || c. Nevertheless we recommend to use parenthesesto make such structures more readable, e.g. as in

(!a && b) || c

The operations && and || are short-circuited: whenever the fist argument is suf-ficient to determine the result, the second argument will not be evaluated, i.e.,false&&any yields false and true||any yields true. The relevance of thiswill become clear later.

We have in Java on all datatypes the following equality operations:

Operator Description== equal to!= not equal to

For instance, the program

boolean b = (1 == 0);System.out.println(b);



4.6.2 Integers

By “integers”, we denote various datatypes that hold integral numerical values ina certain range. In Java, we have four integer types

Type Size Minimum Value Maximum Valuebyte 8 bits -128 127short 16 bits -32768 32767int 32 bits -2147483648 2147483647long 64 bits -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807

where int is the integer type used for most purposes. We refer to the minimumand maximum values of integer datatypes also by the constants

Type Minimum Value Maximum Valuebyte Byte.MIN_VALUE Byte.MAX_VALUEshort Short.MIN_VALUE Short.MAX_VALUEint Integer.MIN_VALUE Integer.MAX_VALUElong Long.MIN_VALUE Long.MAX_VALUE

No, I don’t known whyInteger and not Int.

48 Chapter 4. Java Light

Arithmetic Operations

An integer literal is formed as a sequence of decimal digits like 0, 9, 47113414.Literals larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE denote values of type long and need asuffix L, e.g.

long age2 = 49203281234L;

We have on the integer types the operations

Operator Description+ unary plus and addition- unary minus and subtraction* multiplication/ truncated division% remainder

For example, we can write

int a = 2;int b = 3;a = ((a+b)*7)/a;System.out.println(a);

and get the output


Division by zero results in a runtime error, for instance when executing

int a = 1/0;

the JVM interpreter aborts with the message

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zeroat Main.main(

Division truncates towards zero (−17/2 = −8), the remainder satisfies the equa-tion a = (a/b) ∗ b + (a%b).So, what is −17%2?

The usual precedence rules hold for operators (* and / bind stronger than + and-), so we may write

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4.6 Primitive Data Types and Expressions 49


rather than


There are also rules that tell us whether


is to be interpreted as


or as


which makes a difference, e.g. (2 ∗ 3)/2 = 3 but 2 ∗ (3/2) = 1. However, most Integer arithmetic is tricky!people do not remember these rules; you better make extra parentheses to makeclear what you want.


It is important to keep in mind that the Java integer types only represent a smallsubset of the set Z of mathematical integers. While in mathematics the additionof two positive integers gives a positive result, this is not necessarily true for thebounded integers of Java.

Example Take the program

int a = 1500000000;int b = 1000000000;int c = a+b;System.out.println(c);

which prints


50 Chapter 4. Java Light

While the initial values of both a and b are less than Integer.MAX_VALUE, theirsum 2500000000 is greater than this bound and can therefore not be representedby a positive int value any more. An integer overflow happens where the result“wraps” back into the negative range, i.e., we get as the result

(1500000000 + 1000000000) −MAX_VALUE + (MIN_VALUE − 1)= 2500000000 − 2147483647 + (−2147483648 − 1)= 352516353 − 2147483649= −1794967296.

An integer overflow is not an error which is reported by the compiler or the in-terpreter. We have to make sure that these situations cannot happen by choosingappropriate ranges for the results of arithmetic operations.

Widening Conversions

When a Java program computes with variables of types byte or short, theirvalues are automatically converted to type int before the arithmetic operation isperformed (widening conversion). For instance, the programIn arithmetic operations,

byte and short are pro-moted to int. byte a = 100;

byte b = 100;System.out.println(a+b);



rather than -56, because the addition is performed on int values rather than withbyte values. Because of this arithmetic promotion, we can mix byte, short, andint values; all arithmetic will be performed on int. For instance,

byte a = 127;short b = 255;int c = a*b+1;System.out.println(c);



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4.6 Primitive Data Types and Expressions 51

Likewise, if an arithmetic operation is performed with an int value and a longvalue, the int value is first converted to long before the result is computed.

int a = Integer.MAX_VALUE;long b = Integer.MAX_VALUE;System.out.println(a+b);

In arithmetic operations withlong, int is promoted tolong.



Generally in any assignment from a smaller type to a larger type, the smaller typeis promoted to the larger type. The program In assignments, the smaller

value type is promoted to thelarger variable type.byte a = 127;

short b = a;int c = b;long d = c;System.out.println(d);

compiles without problem and prints


Narrowing Conversions

While widening conversions are automatically performed, this is not true for theother direction. Given a program

int a = 127;short b = a;

the compiler complains The compiler does not detectthat a holds value 1 which ac-tually could be represented asa short possible loss of precisionfound : intrequired: shortshort b = a;


because the int value of a might be to large to be stored in the short variable b.Even on the program

52 Chapter 4. Java Light

short a = 1;short b = a+1;

the compiler complains possible loss of precisionfound : intrequired: short

short b = a+1;^

because the computation of a + 1 is performed on int values, i.e., the result isalso an int.

In order to perform a narrowing conversion from a wider datatype to a shorterdatatype, we have to explicitly writeExplicit type casts are needed

for narrowing conversions.

int a = 127;short b = (short)a;

The construct (type) is a type cast which converts the value of the expression(possibly a wider integer type) to the denoted type (possibly a more narrow type).The system will not check for integer overflows but wraps too large values backinto the range of the result type. For instance, the program

short a = 128;byte b = (byte)a;System.out.println(b);



Please note the setting of parenthesis in the following type cast

short a = 1;short b = (short)(a+1);

because writing (short)a+1 would apply the typecast just to variable a whichwould be useless.Why?

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Relational Operations

We have on all integer types (in addition to the equality operations) the followingrelational operations:

Operator Description< less than<= less than or equal to> greater than<= greater than or equal to

The same promotion rules apply as for arithmetic operations. For instance, theprogram

short i = -1;int j = 1;boolean b = (i <= j);System.out.println(b);

compiles correctly and prints


Also the program

boolean b = (-2 <= 1) || (1/0 == 1);System.out.println(b);

runs correctly and prints


This is because the operator || is short-circuited (see page 47): the first argument Compound boolean expres-sion are evaluated from left toright.

evaluates to true and therefore the second argument is not evaluated (which wouldresult in a division by zero error, see page 48).

54 Chapter 4. Java Light

4.6.3 Characters

In Java, characters are provided by the datatype char in Unicode representation(see page 22), i.e., each character takes two bytes of memory. A character literalis enclosed in single quoted, for instance in

char letter = ’a’;char newline = ’\n’;char backslash = ’\\’;System.out.print(letter);System.out.print(newline);System.out.println(backslash);

which prints


In addition to the escape sequences already discussed (see page 38), we have thesequence \’ to denote the single quote character. The escape sequence \unnnndenotes the Unicode code of a character in the hexadecimal system, e.g.

char letter = ’\u0041’;System.out.println(letter);



Actually, Java considers the datatype char just as an integer type smaller than intand allows to use values of this type in the same way as e.g. short values may beused. For instance, we may initialize a character as in

char letter = 65;System.out.println(letter);

which printschar is an integer type.


We may compare characters as in

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boolean b = (’A’ <= ’B’)System.out.println(b);

which yields


We have automatic promotion from char to int and may cast int values to charvalues:

int i = ’A’+1;System.out.println((char)i);

which yields


Since the characters inherit their ordering properties from their Unicode values(see page 21), the view of characters as integers becomes handy in text processing.

4.6.4 Floats

Floating point types or floats are used to represent fractional values. In contrastto integers, floating point values are only approximated and rounding errors may Floating point types only ap-

proximate fractions.(and will!) occur in computations. The term “floating point” stems from the factthat numbers have not fixed precision (“fixed point”) but that the precision varieswith the size of the number. In particular, fractions close to zero are approximatedwith higher accuracy than large fractional values.

In Java, we have the following floating point types:

Type Size Minimum Value Maximum Value Significant digitsfloat 32 bits ca. −3.4 ∗ 1038 ca. 3.4 ∗ 1038 7float 64 bits ca. −1.7 ∗ 10308 ca. 3.4 ∗ 10308 15

Type double can therefore represent not only a much larger range, it also repre-sents fractions with greater accuracy.

A floating point literal can be denoted by a sequence of decimal numbers with adot to indicate the fractional part:

56 Chapter 4. Java Light

float f = 3.1415927F;double g = 2.718281828459;

Literals of type float float have to be marked by an appended F, otherwise theliteral is assumed to be of type double. An optional appendix En (where n is aninteger literal) indicates multiplication of the fraction with 10n:

float f = 3.1415927E3F; // = 3141.5927Fdouble g = 2.718281828459E-3; // = 0.002718281828459

A floating point number is represented in computer memory by a triple (s,m,e)where

• the sign bit s denotes +1 or −1,

• the mantissa m is a n bit binary number representing the value m/2n ∗ 2(which is a rational number less than 1),

• the exponent e is a binary number.

The value represented by this triple is s ∗ m/2n ∗ 2e.

Example Assume we have an eight bit floating point number 0|01011|10 where

• the first bit 0 represents the sign +1,

• the five bit mantissa 01011 represents the fraction 11/32 (why?),

• the two bit exponent is 2.

The value represented by this floating point number is +1 ∗ 11/32 ∗ 22 = 1.375.

Arithmetic Operations

We can print floating point numbers as in

float f = 1.5F;System.out.println(f);

which gives

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We have on the floating point types the operations

Operator Description+ unary plus and addition- unary minus and subtraction* multiplication/ truncated division% remainder

The remainder satisfies the equation

a = (int)(a/b) ∗ b + (a%b).

In floating point computations, the result value may become to big to be repre-sented by a normal floating point number; the result is then denoted by the special So, what is 2.8%1.5?value Infinity as in

double f = 2.718281828459E300;double g = f*f;System.out.println(g);

which prints


(likewise a computation with negative values may yield -Infinity). Floatingpoint division by zero does not trigger a runtime error but yields Infinity or-Infinity (depending on the sign of the first argument). The floating point divi-sion 0.0/0 gives the special value “Not a Number” printed as NaN.


In an arithmetic operation with a float and a double argument, the float argu-ment is automatically promoted to double, likewise in an assignment of a floatvalue to a double variable.

In operations with mixed integer and floating point values, the integer values arepromoted to floating point values, for instance

58 Chapter 4. Java Light

float f = 1.5F;long l = 1;System.out.println(f+l);


2.5In arithmetic operations withdouble, float is promotedto double.

To narrow a double value to a float value or to truncate an floating point valueto an integer value, we have to perform an explicit type cast. For instance, theprogram

double f = 2.718281828459;float g = (float)f;int h = (int)f;System.out.println(f);System.out.println(g);System.out.println(h);




Floating point numbers are very tricky beasts as shown by the following example:we compute two times f 13∗g, one time ending the multiplication with g, one timestarting the multiplication with g.

float f = 3.141592F;float g = 3.141593F;System.out.println(f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*g);System.out.println(g*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f*f);

Executing the program gives output


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i.e., two different results in the integer part. The reason is that due to roundingerrors simple arithmetic laws like associativity (a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c) do nothold for floating point numbers and small rounding errors can after a few stepscan accumulate to large overall errors.

Since floating point computation is also much slower than integer computation,the morale of the story is: use floating point numbers only when you need them;if you need them, handle them with care.

Relational Operations

Like for integer types, we have on the floating point types the following relationaloperations which return a boolean value:

Operator Description< less than<= less than or equal to> greater than<= greater than or equal to

with the same promotion rules as for arithmetic operations. For instance, theprogram

int i = -1;double d = 1.5;boolean b = (i <= d);System.out.println(b);

compiles correctly prints


Please note that it almost never makes sense to compare two floating point num-bers directly ( f = g). This test only succeeds if both numbers are bit-wise equal,i.e., even the smallest rounding error in the computation of one of the argumentsmakes this comparison fail. It is much better to test whether both numbers differonly by a small tolerance value (| f − g | < e for say e = 0.0001). Even this isnot sufficient for scientific programs because in the comparison of large numbersalso the tolerance should be larger, i.e., not an absolute tolerance but a relativetolerance is used. However, we will not deal with this issue further in this course.

60 Chapter 4. Java Light

4.6.5 Strings

The datatype String provides sequences of characters which are internally rep-resented by their Unicode numbers (see page 22), i.e., each character takes twobytes of memory. The default value of String is null which denotes “no string”(which is different from the “empty string”, see below).

A string literal is enclosed in double quotes (in contrast to the previously encoun-tered character literals which are enclosed in single quotes). The program code

String letter = "a";String empty = "";String word = "hello";String sentence = "The ball is red.";System.out.println(letter);System.out.println(empty);System.out.println(word);System.out.println(sentence);

thus prints


helloThe ball is red.

Since in a string literal enclosed by double quotes, no double quote may appearas a plain character between the quotes. For this reason, we have the escapesequences (see page 38) \" to denote the double quote character. We may thuswrite the program

var doubleQuote: String = "\"";System.out.println(doubleQuote);

which prints


The escape sequence \unnnn denotes the Unicode code of a character in the hex-adecimal system, e.g.

var letter: String = ’\u0041’;System.out.println(letter);



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String Operations

The term s1+s2 denotes the concatenation of strings s1 and s2, i.e. that string thatconsists of the characters of s1 followed by the characters of s2. The program

String s1 = "abc";String s2 = "def";String s = s1+s2;System.out.println(s);

thus prints


The term s.length() (note the parentheses) denotes the number of characters instring s. Thus the program

String s = "abc";int n = s.length();System.out.println(n);



The term s.charAt(i) denotes the character at position i of string s (positioncounting starts at 0). The program

String s = "abcd";char ch = s.charAt(2);System.out.println(ch);

thus prints


The term s.codePointAt(i) denotes the Unicode value of the character at posi-tion i of s. The program

String s = "abcd";int c = s.codePointAt(2);System.out.println(c);

62 Chapter 4. Java Light

thus prints


(the Unicode value of “c” is 99).

The term s.substring(i, j) denotes that substring of s that starts at position iand ends before position j. The program

String s = "abcdefg";String t = s.substring(2,5);System.out.println(t);

thus prints


If the parameter j is omitted, then the substring starting at position i and runningtill the end of the string is denoted, for instance

String s = "abcdefg";String t = s.substring(2);System.out.println(t);



The terms s1.indexOf(s2) and s1.lastIndexOf(s2) denote the position ofthe first respectively last occurrence of string s2 in s1. If s2 does not occur in s1,the result is −1. The program

String s = "abcabc";System.out.println(s.indexOf("bc"));System.out.println(s.lastIndexOf("bc"));

thus prints


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Correspondingly, the terms s1.indexOf(s2,i) and s1.lastIndexOf(s2,i) searchfor the first/last occurrence of string s2 in string s1; the additional parameter ispecifies the position where to “start” the search, e.g. the program

String = "abcabc";System.out.println(s.indexOf("bc", 2));System.out.println(s.lastIndexOf("bc", 3));



String Comparisons

Unlike other values, we must not compare strings with the builtin equality opera-tions == and != (this is technically possible but may give unexpected results, e.g."abcdef" == "abc" + "def" may not hold).

The correct way to compare two strings for equality is with the operation s1.equals(s2)which returns true if and only if both strings s1 and s2 have the same length andthe same character in every position. The program

String s = "abcdef";System.out.println(s.equals("abc" + "def"));

thus prints


We compare strings lexicographically by the operations s1.compareTo(s2) ands1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2), where the second one treats lower case and up-per case characters as the same. The result of these operations is an integer valuewhich is 0, if both strings are equal, negative, if s1 comes lexicographically be-fore s2 and positive, if s1 comes lexicographically after s2. “Lexicographical”ordering means that the Unicode values of all characters are compared from leftto right until the first difference is found (which then determines the result) or ifone string ends (in this case, the shorter string is considered as the smaller one).The program

64 Chapter 4. Java Light

String s = "AB";System.out.println(s.compareto("B") < 0);System.out.println(s.compareTo("AC") < 0);System.out.println(s.compareTo("ABC") < 0);

thus prints


When comparing strings of letters, the comparison thus corresponds to the well-known “phone book ordering”.

4.7 Basic Input

Java does not provide facilities for the input of basic datatypes that are so conve-nient to use as the method for System.out.println(). We therefore provideour own simple input methods whose description is stored in file Input.README.Like the previously explained graphical operations, these operations are also con-tained in the file kwm.jar that you can download from the course site and placeinto the directory of your own program.

We have the following input methods:

Method DescriptionInput.readBoolean() reads boolean valueInput.readByte() reads byte valueInput.readShort() reads short valueInput.readInt() reads int valueInput.readLong() reads long valueInput.readChar() reads char valueInput.readFloat() reads float valueInput.readDouble() reads double valueInput.readString() reads String value

Each of these operations reads one line of input from the standard input stream(typically the terminal where you execute the program), converts the content tothe specified data, and returns the result. Thus the program

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System.out.print("Enter first float: ");float f1 = Input.readFloat();System.out.print("Enter second float: ");float f2 = Input.readFloat();System.out.print("The product of " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is ");System.out.println(f1*f2);

gives rise to the following dialogue (where the input provided by the user is writtenin italics):

Enter first float: 2.7Enter second float: -1.4The product of 2.7 and -1.4 is -3.78

4.7.1 Error Handling

We have to consider the possibility that a line read from the input stream does notmatch the format expected for the datatype or that the input stream has been ter-minated (e.g., if the user has pressed the key combination CTRL+D). We thereforehave four more methods:

Method DescriptionInput.isOkay() was last input okay?Input.hasEnded() has input stream ended?Input.getError() get message of last errorInput.clearError() clear error flag and message

The idea is that after the use of an input operation the user calls the methodInput.isOkay() to determine whether the value returned is indeed valid. Ifyes, we may further process this value. If not, we call Input.hasEnded() todetermine whether the input stream has ended. If this function returns false,we have had an input error, probably the user has entered the data in an invalidformat. A call of Input.getError() then returns a string describing the error;before we perform another read operation, we have to call Input.clearError()which clears the error and the associated message.

The use of these methods will be explained in the following sections.

4.8 Control Structures

The control flow of a program is the order in which its statements are executed.The default control flow is the sequential execution of statements from the first

66 Chapter 4. Java Light

statement of a method to the last. We will now discuss program constructs thatmodify the control flow. They basically fall in two categories:

• A conditional statement selects, depending on a condition determined atruntime, a statement for execution from a set of possible candidates. Thecontrol flow is therefore split into multiple alternative paths.

Java has the conditional statements if, if-else, and switch.

• An iteration statement repeats a statement until a particular condition (thetermination condition) is satisfied. The control flow therefore forms a loopthat may be traversed multiple times. It is the responsibility of the program-mer to make sure that the termination condition eventually becomes truesuch that the loop terminates. Otherwise, we have a infinite loop, i.e., anon-terminating program.

Java has the iteration statements while, do, and for.

In addition, we have the block statement {} and the control flow statements breakand continue. To describe the effects of control structures, we will make use ofassertions.

4.8.1 Assertions

An assertion is a statement

assert boolean_expression;

which indicates our conviction that, whenever the control flow of the programreaches the position of the assertion, the boolean expression evaluates to true. Asimple assertion is

var = exp;assert var == exp;

(provided that exp does not contain a reference to var).


x = 1; assert x == 1;x = a+b; assert x == a+b;x = x+1; // x == x+1 does not hold!

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The use of assertions is an important technique to detect program errors at run-time. The idea is to insert at critical parts of the program checks for booleanconditions. If such a condition is true, execution continues in the normal way. Ifthe condition is false (“the assertion fails”), we have found an error in the program(or our expections of it); the execution of the program is therefore aborted with acorresponding message.

However, by default assertion checking is disabled at runtime, i.e., above state-ment is silently ignored. Only if you compile your program with the option -ea(short for -enableassertions)

javac -ea

assertion checking is switched on. If the check fails, the program aborts with anAssertionError message indicating the number of the source line where theassertion failed. If you want a more expressive failure message, you may use theexpanded form of the assertion statement:

assert boolean_expression : any_expression;

In this case, the string representation of the value of the second expression is usedas the error’s detail message.

4.8.2 The Block Statement

A block statement is the grouping of multiple statements into one by the use ofcurly braces:



A block statement can appear wherever a single statement can appear; this willget useful for the constructs introduced in the following sections.

If a variable declaration appears within a block statement, the declared variablecan be only used from the point of the declaration to the end of the block. If the

68 Chapter 4. Java Light

same variable name is declared in different blocks, it denotes different variablesthat do not interfere with each other.

Example The program

{int i = 1;System.out.println(i);

}{int i = 2;System.out.println(i);


compiles without errors and prints on execution


Given the program

{int i = 1;System.out.println(i);


the compiler complains cannot resolve symbolsymbol : variable ilocation: class MainSystem.out.println(i);


It is good program design to declare variables only in the blocks where they areactually used at those position where they are needed for the first time.

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Figure 4.3: The if Statement.

4.8.3 The if Conditional

The if statement

if (boolean expression)statement

first evaluates the boolean expression and then, if the result is true, executes thestatement. If the result is false, the statement is not executed. In both cases,execution continues with the statement after the conditional. The control flow ofan if statement is illustrated in Figure 4.3.

Example Take the program

if (count < max)count = count+1;

If the variable count has value 5 and max has value 6, then the assignment isexecuted and count receives value 6. If both count and max have value 6, theassignment is not executed and the variable values remain unchanged.

In general, an if statement ranges over a block of statements.

Example Take the program

70 Chapter 4. Java Light

if (count < max){count = count+1;sum = sum+count;


If count is less than max, both assignments are executed. Otherwise, none of theassignments is executed.


When we enter the branch of an if statement, we can be sure that the condition wehave just checked holds. We can therefore insert the assertion

if (expression){assert expression;...


Furthermore, if an assertion holds before an assignment, we can restate the asser-tion after the assignment with the variables replaced by the values they had beforethe assignment.

Example We can annoate the program of the last example with the followingassertions:

if (count < max){assert count < max; // if branchcount = count+1;assert count-1 < max; // count-1 = old countsum = sum+count;


If an assertion holds before an if statement, the same assertion holds also whenwe enter the branch of the statement. We can then combine multiple assertionswith the && operator.

Example We may annotate the nested if statement

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if (sum < max){if (count < max){count = count+1;sum = sum+count;


as follows:

if (sum < max){assert sum < max; // first if branchif (count < max){ // second branch withassert sum < max && count < max; // previous conditioncount = count+1;assert sum < max && count-1 < max; // count-1 == old countsum = sum+count;assert sum-count<max && count-1<max; // sum-count == old sum


4.8.4 The if-else Conditional

The if-else statement

if (boolean expression)statement1


first evaluates the boolean expression. If the result is true, it then executes the firststatement. Otherwise, i.e., if the result is false, it executes the second statement.The control flow of an if-else statement is illustrated in Figure 4.4.

Both branches in an if-else statement may be actually blocks of statements, i.e.,the general form of the conditional is

72 Chapter 4. Java Light

Figure 4.4: The if-else Statement.

if (boolean expression){statement;statement;...



Depending on the result of the evaluation, either the statements of the first blockor the statements of the second block are executed.

Example In the program

if (value % 2 == 0)value = value/2;

else{value = value-1;

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count = count+1;}

we divide value by 2, if is even, and we decrease value by 1 and increase countby 1, otherwise.

Example Take the program

if (a > b)if (a > 0) max = a;

elsemax = b;

The compiler actually reads this program as

if (a > b)if (a > 0)max = a;

elsemax = b;

i.e., the else branch belongs to the preceding if. This dangling else problem canbe overcome by introducing block braces as in

if (a > b){if (a > 0) max = a;

}elsemax = b;

In general, it is a good idea to use explicit braces for all if branches apart for thesimplest ones (e.g., assignments).

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In an if-else statement, we can add the following assertions:

if (expression){assert expression;statement;...

}else{assert !expression;statement;...


i.e., we know that in the second branch the boolean expression does not hold.

Example (Minimum of Three Numbers)The following code stores in variable min the minimum of three numbers a, b,and c:

if (a < b)if (a < c)min = a;

elsemin = c;

elseif (a < c)min = b;

elsemin = c;

We can check this by deriving the assertions:

if (a < b){assert a < b;if (a < c){assert a < b && a < c;

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min = a;}else{assert a < b && c <= a;min = c;

}}else{assert b <= a;if (b < c){assert b <= a && b < c;min = b;

}else{assert b <= a && c <= b;min = c;


Multi-Branch Conditionals

The else branch of a conditional may be a if-else statement itself such that wecan constructed multi-branch conditionals of the following form:

if (expression1)statement1

else if (expression2)statement2

else if (expression3)statement3


In the execution of such a statement, one boolean expression after the other isevaluated and the first branch is executed, for which this evaluation returns true.

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If none of the expressions yields true, the final else branch is executed (if such abranch exists).

Example In the program

if (value < 5)count = count+1; // value < 5

else if (value < 10);count = count+2; // 5 <= value < 10

else if (value < 20);count = count+3; // 10 <= value < 20

elsecount = count+4; // 20 <= value

we decompose the variable range of value into four parts and execute one of fourbranches.

Example The most typical use of the input operations explained in Section 4.7 isshown by the following program structure:

int i = Input.readInt();if (Input.isOkay()){handle input i

}else if (Input.hasEnded()){handle case that input stream has ended

}else{String error = Input.getError();handle error caseInput.clearError();


In general, we may assume in each branch that none of the tests preceding thebranch has been successful:

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if (exp1){assert exp1;...

}else if (exp2){assert !exp1 && exp2;...

}else if (exp3){assert !exp1 && !exp2 && exp3;...

}...else{assert !exp1 && !exp2 && !exp3 && ... && !expN-1;...


4.8.5 The switch Conditional

Frequently, we want the program flow to follow one of several possible casesdetermined by the value of an expression. Rather than writing

if (expression == const1)stat1;

else if (expression == const2)stat2;

else if (expression == const3)stat3;


we can use the switch statement

switch (expression){case const1:

78 Chapter 4. Java Light


case const2:stat2;break;

case const3:stat3;break;



where the expression must be of an integer type or of type char or of type Stringand all case tags must be literals or constants of this type; the same case tag mustnot appear in two different branches.

The switch statement evaluates the expression; if the result equals one of thecase tags, the corresponding statement is selected for execution. If the expressionvalue does not equal any case tag, the default branch is executed (if there is one).In any case, execution continues with the statement after the conditional.

The break statement should follow each case; if it is omitted, execution continueswith the statement of the textually following case (which is usually not what wewant).This is bad language design

inherited from C++. The main advantage of the switch construct is its efficient implementation: ratherthan comparing the value of the expression with one case constant after the other,the system uses a precomputed table of jump addresses for each possible caseconstant. By looking up this table, the system determines in one step the rightbranch and switches execution to this branch.

A branch can also prefixed by multiple case tags; the corresponding statement isexecuted, if the expression value equals one of the tags.

Example The program

switch (i%5) // value is in 0..4{case 0:System.out.println("divided by 5");break;

case 1: case 3:System.out.println("odd remainder");

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Figure 4.5: The while Statement.

break;default:System.out.println("even remainder");


executes one of the three branches.

4.8.6 The while Loop

A while loop has the form

while (boolean expression)statement

The construct evaluates the boolean expression (the loop condition) and, if theresult is true, executes the statement (the loop body). However, unlike the ifstatement, this process is repeated until the loop condition is false; execution thenproceeds with the next statement after the loop. The control flow of the statementis depicted in Figure 4.5.

Example The loop in the program

80 Chapter 4. Java Light

int limit = 3;int i = 0;int s = 0;while (i < limit){s = s+i;i = i+1;


is executed three times; the effect of the loop is therefore the same as that of theblock

{s = s+i; i = i+1; assert i == 1;s = s+i; i = i+1; assert i == 2;s = s+i; i = i+1; assert i == 3;


The loop in the program

int n = 8;int i = 0;while (n % 2 == 0){n = n/2;i = i+1;


is also executed three times; the effect is the same as that of

{n = n/2; i = i+1; assert n == 4;n = n/2; i = i+1; assert n == 2;n = n/2; i = i+1; assert n == 1;


The loop in the program

int n = 7;int i = 0;while (n % 2 == 0){n = n/2;i = i+1;


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is never executed.

The loop in program

int n = 0;int i = 0;while (n % 2 == 0){n = n/2;i = i+1;


runs infinitely, i.e., the program does not terminate (why?).


When we have entered a loop, we can be sure that the loop condition holds; whenwe continue execution after a loop, we can be sure that the loop condition doesnot hold. We can therefore always annotate a loop with the following assertions

while (expression){assert expression;...

}assert !expression;

When designing a loop, it is always good to find the corresponding loop invariant,a non-trivial condition that characterizes the loop because it holds at the beginningof every iteration and also after the loop has terminated. We can then annoate theloop as follows:

while (expression){assert expression && invariant;...

}assert !expression && invariant;

Example (Exponentiation)The following program computes r := ab:

82 Chapter 4. Java Light

int r = 1;int i = 0;while (i < b){r = r*a;i = i+1;


The idea for this loop is that, in every iteration i, we have r = ai and i ≤ b. Sinceafter the termination of the loop i ≤ b holds, this implies i = b and r = ab.

We can express this idea by the following assertions (where power(a,i) is apseudo-expression that shall denotes ai):

int r = 1;int i = 0;while (i < b){assert i < b && r == power(a,i) && i <= b;r = r*a;i = i+1;

}assert i >= b && r == power(a,i) && i <= b;

4.8.7 break and continue

There are two statements that are frequently used to control loops in addition tothe loop condition. The statement


immediately terminates the enclosing loop. The statement


skips the rest of the loop body, i.e., the program continues with the evaluation ofthe loop condition and possibly the next loop iteration.

Example Take the following program to compute the product of n non-negativenumbers read from the input stream

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int i = 0;int r = 1;while (i < n){int a = Input.readInt();if (!Input.isOkay()) break;if (a < 0) continue;r = r*a;i = i+1;


The loop terminates prematurely if the input stream ends or an input error occurs.If a negative number is read, the rest of the body is skipped and the loop continueswith reading the next number.

If we have nested loops (loops within loops), we can use labels to explicitly saywhich loop is to be terminated respectively continued. For instance, in the pro-gram

l: while (...){while (...){if (...) break l;if (...) contue l;


the outer loop is labeled with identifier l. The break in the inner loop uses thislabel to terminate the outer loop and continue with the first statement after theouter loop. The continue in the inner loop uses this label to continue executionwith the check of the termination condition of the outer loop. In general, thisfeature is rarely used.

The statements break and continue are not absolutely necessary; they can bealways replaced by more complex loop conditions, possibly with the help of aux-iliary variables.

Example Above program can be written without break and continue as fol-lows:

84 Chapter 4. Java Light

int i = 0;int r = 1;boolean okay = true;while (i < n && okay){int a = Input.readInt();okay = Input.isOkay();if (okay && a >= 0){r = r*a;i = i+1;


We use the auxiliary boolean variable okay to hold the status of the last readoperation such that we can exit the loop if an error has occurred. In order to enterthe loop for the first time, we have to set okay to true.

Since break and continue are not absolutely necessary and may make loopsdifficult to understand, some people suggest to avoid them at all. However, as wesee from above example, avoiding these statements can make loops harder to read.We therefore recommend to formulate loops in that way that makes it simpler tounderstand; it is secondary, whether this involves break or continue or not.

Example (Stream Processing)For the iterative processing of a stream of inputs, we typically have the followingprogram structure:

while (true){int i = Input.readInt();if (Input.hasEnded()) break;if (!Input.isOkay()){String error = Input.getError();handle error caseInput.clearError();continue;

}handle input i

}handle case that input stream has ended

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In every loop iteration we read another value; if the input stream has ended, weleave the loop with a break statement and then perform the termination code.Otherwise, we check whether an error has occurred and, if yes, deal with theerror, clear the error, and continue by the continue statement with another loopiteration. Otherwise, we handle the input read.

In this example, the loop is only exit by break and not by the loop condition(which is always true).

Example (Interactive Input)

When input values are entered interactively by a human, we have to take intoaccount that the reason for an input error is that the human mistyped the input.In this case, we want to give him another chance by printing a notification andrepeating the input.

Ab abstract action read input i is therefore often concretely implemented as:

int i;while(true){System.out.print("Enter input: ");i = Input.readInt();if (Input.isOkay() && other condition on i) break;if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("End of input!");System.exit(0);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();

}handle input i

This program uses a new call

System.exit(integer expression);

which terminates program execution with the denoted exit code. By convention,an exit code 0 signals normal program termination. Any other code signals excep-tional termination; a negative exit code signals an error.

86 Chapter 4. Java Light

Figure 4.6: The do Statement.

The other condition on input expresses any other check that we would like toperform on the input. The loop only terminates when some i has been enteredfor which this check succeeds. The program aborts execution if the input streamends.

4.8.8 The do Loop

A do loop has the form


while (boolean expression)

This construct first executes the statement (the loop body) and then evaluates theboolean expression (the loop condition). If the result is true, the process is iterated.The control flow of the statement is depicted in Figure 4.6.

Example The following programs reads one number after another and prints ituntil (an error occurs or) a zero is read:

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do{int i = Input.readInt();if (!Input.isOkay()) break;System.out.println(i);

}while (i != 0)

Both loop constructs, do and while have equal power; the effect of a do loop canbe expressed as

statementwhile (expression)statement

while the effect of a while loop can be simulated by

if (expression)dostatement

while (expression)

Use that form that is more convenient for your particular situation.


A do loop can be annotated with assertions as follows:

do{assert invariant;statement;

}while (expression);assert !expression && invariant;

Example The program

88 Chapter 4. Java Light

int number = i;String reverse = "";do{int digit = number%10;reverse = reverse + digit;number = number/10;

}while (number > 0);System.out.println(reverse);

takes a non-negative number i (say 2846) and prints its reverse (6482).

At the beginning of every loop iteration, we have the following variable values(the first is an integer, the second one is a string):

number reverse2846284 628 642 6480 6482

We can therefore annotate the loop as follows:

do{assert str(i).equals(str(number)+rev(reverse));int digit = number%10;reverse = (reverse*10) + digit;number = number/10;

}while (number > 0);assert !(number > 0) && str(i).equals(str(number)+rev(reverse));

where the pseudo-function str returns the string representation of a number (theempty string for 0) and the pseudo-function rev returns the reverse of a string.From the condition after the loop it follows that number is 0 and that reverse istherefore the reverse of the string representation of i.

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4.8.9 The for Loop

The for loop has the general form

for (init; boolean expression; update)statement

where init may be a variable declaration or a statement and update is a statement.Its behavior is identical to the following program:

{init;while (boolean expression){



This construct therefore first executes the statement (or variable declaration) init,then checks the boolean expression (the loop condition) and if the result is true,executes the loop body statement followed by the update statement. This pro-cess is iterated until the loop condition is false. The control flow of the statementis depicted in Figure 4.7.

The most relevant form of the for loop is

for (int var = val; var < exp; var++)statement



is a Java statement that uses the increment operator to increase the content of theinteger variable var by 1, i.e., it is equivalent to

var = var+1

A more general form of the increment operator is

var += exp

90 Chapter 4. Java Light

Figure 4.7: The for Statement.

which is equivalent to

var = var+exp

To use a declaration int var = val in the initialization part of a for loop meansthe declaration of a new variable; this variable is only visible within the loop. Werecommend to use only such locally declared variables as loop variables. How-ever, one can also use an initialization part var = val which refers to a previ-ously declared variable. When the loop terminates, such a variable will retain itsvalue (including the update after the last iteration).

Example The program

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)System.out.println("i: " + i);

prints n values

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i: 0i: 1i: 2...i: n-1

If n is 0, no value is printed. The program

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)System.out.println("i: " + i);

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)System.out.println("i: " + (-i));

prints once the sequence above and once the sequence

i: 0i: -1i: -2...i: -(n-1)

Decreasing Loops

Corresponding to the increment operator, we have the decrement operator in twovariants

var--var -= exp

which are equivalent to

var = var-1var = var-exp

The corresponding typical loop structure is

for (int var = val; var >= exp; var--)statement

92 Chapter 4. Java Light

Example The program

for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--)System.out.println("i: " + i);

prints n values


If n is 0, no value is printed.


We can annotate a for loop

for (int var = init; var < max; var++)statement

by the following assertions

for (int var = init; var < max; var++){assert init <= var && var < max;statement


One should strive to design a loop invariant such that the following program iswell annotated:

for (int var = init; var < max; var++){assert init <= var && var < max && invariant;statement

}assert invariant[var ← max];

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where invariant[var ←max] denotes a version of invariant where every occur-rence of var has been replaced by max.

Example (Exponentiation)

The program

int r = 1;for(int i = 0; i < b; i++)r = r*a;

for the computation of r := ab (see page 81) can be annotated as follows:

int r = 1;for(int i = 0; i < b; i++){assert 0 <= i && i < b && r = exp(a, i);r = r*a;

}assert r = exp(a, b);

4.9 Sample Programs

We conclude this section by illustrating the development of some sample pro-grams which demonstrate the use of the constructs introduced in the previoussections.

4.9.1 Printing Stars

We are given the problem to print n lines of output of form


94 Chapter 4. Java Light

i.e., the n-th line shall contain n stars. The number n is provided by the user astext input.

The problem apparently is of an iterated nature: we shall print one line after theother. The corresponding program structure is

// print n linesfor (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)print line with i stars

Printing a line with i stars is again an iterative problem: we have to print onestar after; the line is finally terminated by a newline character. The correspondingprogram structure is:

// print line with i starsfor (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)System.out.print("*");


Therefore the core program has the following structure:

// print n linesfor (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){// print line with i starsfor (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)System.out.print("*");


The complete program including input and error check can be therefore given asshown below.

public class Stars{public static void main(String[] args){int n = 0; // number of lines

// read n, exits on empty input, retries on invalid inputwhile (true){

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System.out.print("Enter number of lines: ");n = Input.readInt();if (Input.isOkay()) break;if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("No input given!");System.exit(-1);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();


// print n linesfor (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){// print line with i starsfor (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)System.out.print("*");



You can download the source code of the application to compile and run it.

4.9.2 Drawing Circles

We are given the task to fill a disk with alternating circles of black and white coloreach of which has a particular width. The innermost circle (the one which hasradius less than or equal to this width) is to be painted in red. In short, we want topaint a “bull’s eye” as shown in Figure 4.8.

Given the graphical primitives of page 39, we first have to design a strategy bywhich the corresponding picture can be drawn. The only primitive of use seemsto be fillOval by which we can paint a filled ellipse and therefore also a circulardisk. The effect of a “bull’s eye” can be achieved by drawing first a black diskof maximum radius, then painting on top of the black disk a white disk with asomewhat smaller radius, then again painting a black disk with somewhat smallerradius and so on, until the radius becomes small enough to paint the red disk.

The general program structure therefore is something like

// draw alternating circles of black and white

96 Chapter 4. Java Light

Figure 4.8: Bull’s Eye

// starting with outermost circle with radius = RADIUS// iteratively shrink radius by WIDTH until radius <= WIDTHfor (int radius = RADIUS; radius > WIDTH; radius -= WIDTH){switch color from black to white or from white to blackdraw circle with denoted radius and denoted color

}draw innermost circle in red

To represent the color, we need a flag which indicates whether the next disk isto be drawn in black or in white. By checking the state variable, we can set thedrawing color and switch to the other color for the next iteration. The refinedprogram therefore has the following structure:

boolean black = true;for (int radius = RADIUS; radius > WIDTH; radius -= WIDTH){// set color, switch to other colorif (black){;black = false;

}else{;black = true;


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draw circle with denoted radius and denoted color}draw the innermost circle in red

The requirement “draw circle with denoted radius and denoted color” is met bythe statement

// draw circle of denoted radius with center (MID_X, MID_Y), MID_Y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius);

where MID_X and MID_Y represent the coordinates of the center of the disk.

What remains to be discussed is how we can “draw the innermost circle in red”,in particular what is the radius of this circle? Assume that WIDTH=15 and in thelast iteration of the loop radius=25. The last update operation decreases radiusto 10 which is smaller than WIDTH and the loop terminates. Therefore the finalred circle has radius 10.

However, the problem is that the last value of radius is not visible outside theloop because of the local declaration of the loop variable:

for (int radius = ...; ...; ...)

We basically have three choices to overcome the problem:

1. Recompute the radius of the red circle from RADIUS and WIDTH. How can you do this withouta loop?

2. Place the code for draw the innermost circle in red into the loop as

for (int radius = RADIUS; radius > WIDTH; radius -= WIDTH){...if (radius-WIDTH <= WIDTH){draw circle of radius "radius-WIDTH" in red


3. Retain the value of the iteration variable by changing the declaration of theloop variable to

98 Chapter 4. Java Light

int radius = 0;for (radius = RADIUS; radius > WIDTH; radius -= WIDTH){...

}draw circle of denoted radius in red

The last solution is the simplest one, so we go for it.

The complete code of the program’s main method can be therefore written asfollow (we use constants for the disk radius and the circle width rather than askingfor user input):

public static void main(String[] args){final int RADIUS = 100; // disk radiusfinal int WIDTH = 15; // width of each circle drawnfinal int MID_X = RADIUS; // x coordinate of centerfinal int MID_Y = RADIUS; // y coordinate of center

Drawing.begin("Bull’s Eye", 2*RADIUS, 2*RADIUS);

boolean black = true; // next color drawn

int radius = 0; // we retain radius for last circle

// draw alternating circles of black and white// starting with outermost circle with radius = RADIUS// iteratively shrink radius by WIDTH until radius <= WIDTHfor (radius = RADIUS; radius > WIDTH; radius -= WIDTH){// set color, switch to other colorif (black){;black = false;

}else{;black = true;


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// draw circle of denoted radius with center (MID_X, MID_Y), MID_Y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius);


// draw red center;, MID_Y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius);


Figure 4.8 is actually a screenshot of this program.

You can download the source code of the application to compile and run it.

4.9.3 Analyzing Exam Grades

We are given the problem to analyze exam grades (1–5). The grades given for anexam are to be read from the standard input stream; the analysis is to determinethe best grade, the worst grade, the average grade, and to print these values tothe standard output stream. The program shall be able to process the grades ofmultiple exams.

The problem is apparently of iterated nature; in each iteration, we analyze anexam and print the result. To determine whether to continue, we ask the user;if the answer is not ’y’, we are done. The problem to analyze exam grades cantherefore be solved by a program with the following structure:

// analyze exam gradeschar answer = 0;do{analyze exam;print result;ask user whether to continue;

}while (answer == ’y’);

We start with the refinement of ask user whether to continue which follows ourgeneral structure for processing inputs. we should only take answers into accountthat are ’y’ or ’n’, because any other input may be a typing error. We therefore getthe code fragment

100 Chapter 4. Java Light

// ask user whether to continuewhile(true){System.out.print("Another exam (y/n)? ");answer = Input.readChar();if (Input.isOkay() && (answer == ’y’ || answer == ’n’)) break;if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("Unexpected end of input!");System.exit(-1);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();


For analyzing an exam, we have to determine the number of grades, the minimum(“best”) grade, the maximum (“worst”) grade, and the sum of all grades. Whenwe have all grades, we can then determine the average grade as the quotient of thesum and the number of grades. Thus we refine analyze exam to

// analyze examint count = 0; // number of grades processed so farint sum = 0; // sum of grades processed so farint min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // minimum grade processed so farint max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // maximum grade processed so farread and process exam

where we initialize min with a value that is larger than any possible grade (suchthat the first grade read will become the first candidate for the minimum, seebelow) and max with a value that is smaller than any possible grade (such that thefirst grade read will become the candidate for the maximum). We then also refineprint result to

// print resultSystem.out.println("\nNumber of grades: " + count);System.out.println("Best grade: " + min);System.out.println("Worst grade: " + max);System.out.println("Average grade: " + sum/count);

Do you see any problem withthis refinement? What remains to be done, is therefore to refine read and process exam. This

problem is of iterative nature where in every iteration we read and process a newgrade. However, we have to determine when this processing ends, i.e., when all

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grades of an exam have been read. We choose a solution where the user enters agrade 0 as a “sentinel” that denotes the end of the input. Our refinement thereforeA sentinel is a marker.looks as follows:

// read and process examwhile (true){int grade = 0;read gradeif (grade == 0) break;process grade


The task read grade can be refined according to our usual strategy; a valid inputis an integer in the range 0..5:

// read gradewhile(true){System.out.print("Enter grade " + (count+1) + " (0 when done): ");grade = Input.readInt();if (Input.isOkay() && 0 <= grade && grade <= 5) break;if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("Unexpected end of input!");System.exit(-1);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();


The final (and core) task is then to refine process grade which must update thevariables count, sum, min, and max. We can perform this simply as follows:

// process gradecount++;sum += grade;if (grade < min) min = grade;if (grade > max) max = grade;

So we we are done and have developed a program with the following abstractionlevels

102 Chapter 4. Java Light

analyze exam gradesanalyze examread and process examread gradeprocess grade

print resultask user whether to continue

resulting in the following program structure:

// analyze exam gradeschar answer = 0;do{// analyze examint count = 0; // number of grades processed so farint sum = 0; // sum of grades processed so farint min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // minimum grade processed so farint max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // maximum grade processed so far

// read and process examwhile (true){int grade = 0;read gradeif (grade == 0) break;process grade


print result

ask user whether to continue}while (answer == ’y’);

We insert the code fragments for the parts in italics to build the complete program(see the end of this section), compile it and execute it.

We now test the program with the following dialogue:

Enter grade 1 (0 when done): 3Enter grade 2 (0 when done): 4Enter grade 3 (0 when done): 5

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Enter grade 4 (0 when done): 0

Number of grades: 3Best grade: 3Worst grade: 5Average grade: 4

Looks fine, so we are happy and continue

Another exam (y/n)? yEnter grade 1 (0 when done): 2Enter grade 2 (0 when done): 4Enter grade 3 (0 when done): 4Enter grade 4 (0 when done): 0

Number of grades: 3Best grade: 2Worst grade: 4Average grade: 3

We get more and more confident and continue testing until we happen to type

Another exam (y/n)? yEnter grade 1 (0 when done): 0

Number of grades: 0Best grade: 2147483647Worst grade: -2147483648Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

at Exams.main(

Uuups! We realize that when no grade is entered, the variables min and max havetheir initial values and count and sum are 0. Therefore the division gives an errorand the program aborts. We therefore better rewrite print result to

// print resultSystem.out.println("\nNumber of grades: " + count);if (count > 0){System.out.println("Best grade: " + min);System.out.println("Worst grade: " + max);System.out.println("Average grade: " + sum/count);


104 Chapter 4. Java Light

since these values only make sense when at least one grade is entered. We nowcan safely type

Enter grade 1 (0 when done): 0

Number of grades: 0

Another exam (y/n)?

We are happy to have detected and fixed this bug (program error). So we are evenmore confident than before and runThe first computers malfunc-

tioned because of real bugs intheir interiors. Another exam (y/n)? y

Enter grade 1 (0 when done): 2Enter grade 2 (0 when done): 4Enter grade 3 (0 when done): 4Enter grade 4 (0 when done): 5Enter grade 5 (0 when done): 0

Number of grades: 4Best grade: 2Worst grade: 5Average grade: 3

Hmm, this looks a bit strange. Our feeling says that the average grade should berather 4 than 3, so we look into the program where we compute the average

System.out.println("Average grade: " + sum/count);

Uuups, again! We realize that sum and count are integer variables, thereforewe have computed the average by truncated integer division. We change this tofloating point division by inserting the type casts

System.out.println("Average grade: " + (float)sum/(float)count);

Actually, because of arithmetic promotion (see page 57), it would suffice, to castjust one of the variables to float, the other would then be automatically pro-moted. We run the program again and get

Enter grade 1 (0 when done): 2Enter grade 2 (0 when done): 4Enter grade 3 (0 when done): 4

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Enter grade 4 (0 when done): 5Enter grade 5 (0 when done): 0

Number of grades: 4Best grade: 2Worst grade: 5Average grade: 3.75

which is what we actually want.

More thorough testing does not reveal any more problems, thus we are happy toship the following code for the main method of our application:

// analyze exam gradeschar answer = 0;do{// analyze examint count = 0; // number of grades processed so farint sum = 0; // sum of grades processed so farint min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // minimum grade processed so farint max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // maximum grade processed so far

// read and process examwhile (true){// read gradeint grade = 0;while(true){System.out.print("Enter grade "+(count+1)+" (0 when done): ");grade = Input.readInt();if (Input.isOkay() && 0 <= grade && grade <= 5) break;if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("Unexpected end of input!");System.exit(-1);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();


// check for end of data setif (grade == 0) break;

106 Chapter 4. Java Light

// process gradecount++;sum += grade;if (grade < min) min = grade;if (grade > max) max = grade;


// print results for data setSystem.out.println("\nNumber of grades: " + count);

// these values are only valid, if there was at least one gradeif (count > 0){System.out.println("Best grade: " + min);System.out.println("Worst grade: " + max);System.out.println("Average grade: " + (float)sum/(float)count);


// ask whether to continuewhile(true){System.out.print("Another exam (y/n)? ");answer = Input.readChar();if (Input.isOkay() && (answer == ’y’ || answer == ’n’)) break;if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("Unexpected end of input!");System.exit(-1);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();

}}while (answer == ’y’);

You can download the source code of the application to compile and run it.

Above development illustrated the process of stepwise refinement where a prob-lem is repeatedly broken into simpler problems until the problems can be directlysolved. You should follow this process whenever you encounter a problem whichyou cannot solve immediately (i.e., for any problem apart from the most trivialones).

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However, in general, problems like the one above are not any more written asmonolithic pieces of code. They are decomposed into separate methods as will bediscussed in the next chapter.

Chapter 5

Stronger Java

In this chapter, we will introduce those concepts of Java that enable us to writelarger programs that solve more complex problems. These constructs mainly dealwith the structuring of code (methods) and of data (classes). Their combinedapplication already provides a good deal of the expressiveness of the programminglanguage. Furthermore, we will introduce arrays as one of the most important datastructures of Java. Having studied this section, one should be able to develop largeprograms that consist of multiple classes and call various methods that processcollections of values.

What will be not yet discussed in this chapter is how to separate the internal im-plementation of a class from the public specification (information hiding) and hownew classes can be constructed by extending existing ones (inheritance). Theseissues will be presented in a later chapter; they will complete the object-orientedfeatures of Java.

5.1 Methods

A real-world program is too big to be written as a single piece of code. Rather it isdecomposed into smaller pieces called methods each of which performs a certainsubtask. Each method has a name such that one can call the method arbitrarilyoften whenever the corresponding subtask is to be performed.Methods structure program


5.1.1 Method Declarations and Calls

The simplest method declaration has the form


5.1 Methods 109

public static void name(){...


where name is a Java identifier (the method name) and the method body within{ } contains the instructions performed when the method is called.

A corresponding method call (or invokation) is a statement of the form


This statement executes the body of method name and then continues executionwith the next statement after the call.

Example The program

public class Main{public static void main(String[] args){printHeader();System.out.println(1);printHeader();System.out.println(2);

}public static void printHeader(){System.out.println("Number:");System.out.println("-------");


prints on execution


110 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

A method performs an activity; the name of the method should reflect this activ-ity in such a way that the method call reads as a command in natural language(printHeader reads as “print header!”). We usually write method names with alower-case first letter.

Methods may be declared in any order. However, a good strategy is to order themethod declarations in such a way that method calls either refer only to methodsthat are declared after the call (forward calls) or the other way round (backwardcalls). Source code organized in either way is easier to understand than if methodsare randomly ordered.

Calling Methods from Other Classes

Methods may be declared in separate classes stored in different files. Methodsfrom different classes may call each other as;

where Name identifies the class where the method is invoked.

Example The program of the previous section can be also written as

public class Main{public static void main(String[] args){Print.printHeader();System.out.println(1);Print.printHeader();System.out.println(2);

}}public class Print{public static void printHeader(){System.out.println("Number:");System.out.println("-------");


The declaration of class Print is written into a separate file Whenwe call

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5.1 Methods 111

Figure 5.1: Method Calls


the compiler also compiles and generates a class file Print.class.When we invoke

java Main

the JVM interpreter loads both class files and gives the same output as in theprevious example.

Chains of Method Calls

A called method may itself call other methods; in this way we get a chain ofmethod calls as shown in Figure 5.1. The JVM interpreter invokes the programby calling the method main. When the execution of main reaches the call of We will see later that meth-

ods can also call themselves.method1, the program passes control to the first instruction of method1. Whenthe execution of method1 reaches the call of method2, control is passed to thefirst instruction of method2. When the execution of method2 is completed, con-trol is returned to method1 at the first instruction after the call of method2. Whenmethod1 is completed, control is returned to main at the first instruction afterthe call of method1. When main is completed, control is returned to the JVMinterpreter.

5.1.2 The return Statement

A method may decide to return control to the caller before the method has ended.The return statement

112 Chapter 5. Stronger Java


immediately terminates the current method; if invoked in the main method, it hasthe same effect as System.exit(0).

Example Take the methods

public static void main(String[] args){for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)readPrintInt();


public static void readPrintInt(){System.out.print("Enter integer: ");int i = Input.readInt();if (!Input.isOkay()){System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();return;



The execution of main results in the following dialogue:

Enter integer: 99Enter integer: fInvalid input!Enter integer: -1-1Done.

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5.1.3 Local and Global Variables

The body of a method may contain variable declarations; these variables are localto the method, i.e., they are not visible to other methods.

Example Take the methods

public static void main(String[] args){int i = 1;method1();System.out.println(i);

}public static void method1(){int i = 2;System.out.println(i);


The execution of main prints


If the same variable name is used in different methods, they denote different vari-ables.

Example The compilation of a class with methods

public static void main(String[] args){int i = 1;method1();System.out.println(i);

}public static void method1(){System.out.println(i);


results in the compiler error

114 Chapter 5. Stronger Java cannot resolve symbolsymbol : variable ilocation: class Main


1 error

Now, what can we do if we want to use the same constant in different methods?Of course, we could redeclare the constant in every method that uses it, but this iscumbersome and counteracts the main purpose of constant declarations. A bettersolution is to draw the declaration from the method body into the class body andadd the keyword public static (as for methods); the constant thus becomesglobal to all methods within the class.

Example Take the program

public class Main{public static final int LENGTH = 10;

public static void main(String[] args){print2TimesN();print3TimesN();


public static void print2TimesN(){System.out.println(2*LENGTH);


public static void print3TimesN(){System.out.println(3*LENGTH);


The output of this program is


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In the same way, we can declare global variables which may be not only read butalso modified by the individual methods.

Example Take the program

public class Main{public static int sum = 0;

public static void main(String[] args){add1(); multiply2(); add1();System.out.println(sum);


public static void add1(){sum = sum+1;


public static void multiply2(){sum = sum*2;


The output of this program is


Global variables need not be initialized; if the initializer part is missing, the com-piler assigns the variable a default value, for instance 0 for all integer types (in-cluding char), and 0.0 for the floating point types.

Example The program

public class Main{public static int i;public static void main(String[] args)

116 Chapter 5. Stronger Java





Global variables may pass information from one method to another but we willsee in the next section that there are better ways to achieve this. However, there isa usage for global variables that cannot be achieved otherwise, namely to preservestate from one method call to another. We will show an example later.

5.1.4 Parameters

A parameter is a value that is passed to a method when the method is invoked. Amethod declaration may specify in the method head a list of parametersThe parameters in a method

head are also called formalparameters. public static void name(parameter1, parameter2, ...)



where parameter1, parameter2, . . . are the parameter declarations. If a parameterdeclaration has the form

type name

then the parameter name may be used in the method body like a local variable. Aparameter name declared as

final type name

may be used in the method body like a local constant, i.e., its value cannot bemodified by an assignment.

The call of a method with parameters looks like

name(expression1, expression2, ...)

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where expression1, expression2, . . . are the arguments that are passed to the method.A method call is executed by

1. evaluating the arguments,

2. assigning the argument values to the parameters of the method, and

3. executing the body of the method.The arguments in a methodcall are also called actual pa-rameters.

Example Take the program

public static void main(String[] args){int x = 3;printSquare("this", x);printSquare("that", x+1);


public static void printSquare(String key, int val){System.out.println(key + ": " + val*val);


When the method is called for the first time, key is assigned “this” and val isassigned the value 3. In the second call, key is assigned “that” and val is assignedthe value 4. The output of this program is

this: 9that: 16

Please note that, even if the argument of a method call is a variable, the corre-sponding parameter is a separate variable which receives a copy of the argumentvalue. Changing the value of the parameter in the method body does therefore notchange the value of the argument!

Example Take the program

118 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

public static void main(String[] args){int i=1;increment(i, 2);System.out.println("caller: " + i);


public static void increment(int i, int n){i += n;System.out.println("method: " + i);


The parameter i in increment receives the value of the argument variable i. Sincethe modification of parameter is not propagated to the argument, the output of theprogram is

method: 3caller: 1

By the use of parameters, we can reuse the same code in different contexts.

Example Take the program

public static void main(String[] args){int x = 3; int y = 4;System.out.print("x = " + x + ", y = " + y);System.out.print(", (x+y)*(x+y) = ");System.out.println((x+y)*(x+y));int a = 5; int b = 6;System.out.print("a = " + a + ", b = " + b);System.out.print(", (a+b)*(a+b) = ");System.out.println((a+b)*(a+b));


which gives output

x = 3, y = 4, (x+y)*(x+y) = 49a = 5, b = 6, (a+b)*(a+b) = 121

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We can write this program in a better way as

public static void main(String[] args){printSumSquare("x", 3, "y", 4);printSumSquare("a", 5, "b", 6);


public static voidprintSumSquare(String var1, int val1, String var2, int val2){System.out.print(var1 + " = " + val1 + ", ");System.out.print(var2 + " = " + val2 + ", ");System.out.print("(" + var1 + "+" + var2 + ")*");System.out.print("(" + var1 + "+" + var2 + ") = ");System.out.println((val1+val2)*(val1+val2));


Whenever one has some piece of code which is (or may be) required a secondtime in a similar way, it is a good idea to extract this code into a separate method. Use methods to make your

code more general!Those values that vary from one application to the next become parameters of themethod.

5.1.5 Functions

A function is a method that returns a value of a particular type. A function decla-ration looks like

public static type name(parameters){...


where type is (the name of) the return type of the function. The keyword voidinstead of a type name indicates that the method is a procedure, i.e., does notreturn a value (we have only seen procedure declarations up to now).

A function executes the statement

return expression;

120 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

to return the value of expression to the caller; the type of this value must corre-spond to the return type of the function. The last statement executed by a functionmust be such a statement (i.e., a function must not terminate by just reaching theend of the body).

A function application is an expression of form


and may occur in any place where an expression of the function’s return type mayoccur. An application is evaluated by invoking the corresponding function; thevalue returned by the function is the value of the application.

Example Take the program methods

public static void main(String[] args){int n = 3;int r = exp(n, 2);System.out.println(r);System.out.println(exp(n, 3));if (exp(n, 4) > 80)System.out.println("Yes.");


public static int exp(int a, int b){int r = 1;for (int i = 0; i < b; i++)r = r*a;

return r;}

The execution of main generates output


Since the application of a function returns a value, its name should describe thecomputed result, e.g., the application exp(a, b) reads as the “result of the expo-nentiation of a by b”.

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5.1.6 Program Function versus Mathematical Functions

There are two kinds of program functions which are characterized by the follow-ing conditions:

1. The function result is determined only by the function arguments (and pos-sibly global constants); the execution of the function does not cause anyside effect like modifying a global variable or reading input or generatingoutput.

Such a program function behaves like a mathematical function.

2. The function result depends on the value of a global variable or a globalvariable is modified by the function or the function reads input or generatesoutput.

Such a program function is a procedure with return value.

We will from now on differentiate between these two kinds of program functions.The function exp given in the last section was of the first kind. However, thereare also examples of the second kind.

Example Take the methods

public static void main(String[] args){while (true){int n = askForNat();if (n < 0) break;System.out.println(n);


public static int askForNat(){System.out.print("Enter natural: ");int i = Input.readInt();if (Input.isOkay() && i >= 0)return i;

return -1;}

122 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

The function askForNat is a procedure with return value that reads a naturalnumber from the standard input stream; the function returns the number or −1, ifan error has occurred.

An application name(arguments) of a procedure with return value should onlyoccur in declarations or assignments as in

type var = name(arguments);var = name(arguments);

i.e., as separate statements that assign the result to a variable or constant. If afunction application occurs in the context of another expression as in

... name(arguments) + expression ...

we expect name to behave like a mathematical function that could be applied twicewith identical results.

Since the main aspect of a procedure with return value is to perform an activity(resulting in a value), its name should express the activity rather than the result.For instance, the call

int i = Input.readInt();

reads as “i is the result of reading an integer from the input stream”.

Example (Random Number Generation)

Take the classes

public class Main{public static void main(String[] args){for (int i=0; i < 1000; i++){int r = nextRandom(128);System.out.println(r);



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public class Random{public static int old = 314152;

public static int nextRandom(int n){int x = old;int high = x/127773;int low = x%127773;int val = 16807*low - 2836*high;if (val <= 0) val += Integer.MAX_VALUE;old = val;return val%n;


On execution, main prints the seemingly random sequence


Every application of nextRandom(n) returns a new non-negative number lessthan n whose value cannot be predicted without knowledge of the body of thefunction. Such a function is called a random number generator; it does definitelynot behave like a mathematical function which would return always the same re-sult for same input. We should therefore not write


because this looks as if always the same value were printed.

The behavior of nextRandom is possible because the function records in a globalvariable old the previously returned value which, in addition, to the function ar-gument n, is used to compute the function result. Such a function with hiddenstate is always a procedure with return value.

124 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

5.1.7 Visibility of Variables

We have learned up to now the following kinds of variables/constants:

• Variables/constants declared in the body of a class;

• Paremeters declared in a head of a method;

• Variables/constants declared in the body of a method.

• Variables/constants declared in a block.

We now have to clarify at which program position which variable is visible, i.e.,can be used in program statements. There are two simple rules:

1. The visibility range of a variable/constant is from the point of its declarationto end of the entity (class or method or block) in which it was declaredunless

2. there is an inner declaration of a variable/constant of the same name; in thiscase, the inner declaration shadows the outer declaration, i.e., the variableof the outer declaration is not visible any more.

We demonstrate these rules by the example in Figure 5.2: Variable x is declared inthe class body; its visibility therefore ranges to the end of the class body. However,the declaration of x in the method body shadows the outer declaration; until theend of the method body it is the method variable, not the class variable, that isvisible.

Also variable y declared in the class body is visible until the end of the class body;however, the declaration of y in the loop body shadows the outer declaration; untilthe end of the loop body it is this variable that is visible and not the class variable.The right picture shows the visibility range of y and how the inner declaration ofy shadows the outer declaration.

The visibility of parameter p ranges over the whole method body. Actually, this isalways the case because Java does not permit to give a variable in a method bodythe same name as a parameter.

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Figure 5.2: Visibility of Variables

5.1.8 Method Overloading

Generally all methods declared in the same class must have different names. How-ever, there is an exception to this rule: two methods may have the same name ifthey have different parameter lists, i.e., if the number of parameters is different orthe types of the parameters are different. We call the method name overloadedwith different methods. The same name may be used

for multiple methods.

Example Take the class

public class Main{public static void main(String[] args){printLine(3);printLine("hi");


public static void printLine(int i){System.out.println("integer: " + i);


126 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

public static void printLine(String s){System.out.println("string: " + s);


This class has two methods called printLine: one for printing integer values,one for print string values. The output of method main is

integer: 3string: hi

It is good practice to give methods the same name if they provide similar func-tionality for different parameter types. However, it it is not possible to declare twofunctions that differ just by their return type. In particular, we cannot have twomethods

int read();String read();

and therefore must call one method readInt and the other one readString.

5.1.9 Documenting Methods

The comment header of a method should document the behavior of the methodin such a way that the method can be used without looking into the body of theIt is more important to write

comment headers than toplace comments into methodbodies.

method. For this purpose, the method header should express the following piecesof information:

Input Condition What condition must the method parameters (and the relevantglobal variables) satisfy such that it is legal to call the method? It is the re-sponsibility of the caller to make sure that this condition holds; the methodit is not required to check this condition (but it may do so to be safe).An input condition is also

called a precondition; “pre”means “before” (the call). This is a statement that may mention the method parameters (and relevant

global variables).

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Output Condition What condition do the method’s return value and the valuesof the transient parameters (i.e., any objects referenced by the parameters)and the global variables modified satisfy after the call?

This is a statement that may mention the method parameters (and relevantglobal variables) and the return value and the “old” value of the transientparameters (i.e., the value before the call).

An output condition is alsocalled a postcondition; “post”means “after” (the call).

If a method performs input and output, it is in general necessary to document itsbehavior also by describing the external effect of the method.

The format in which this documentation is given is secondary; one should howeverstick consistently to a particular style. A more formal way of writing a documentheader is

// -------------------------------------------------------------// r = method(input, transient)// One sentence that explains how above statement is to be read.//// Input condition:// A statement involving the ’input’ parameters and the// ’transient’ parameters and the used global variables.// Output condition:// A statement involving the return value ’r’ and the// ’transient’ parameters and the used global variables.// Effect:// A statement describing the external effect of the method.// ------------------------------------------------------------public static type method(type input, type transient)

Of course, also other documentation styles are possible; however they should con-tain the information specified above.

Example The following header describes division on natural numbers:

// -------------------------------------------------------------// q = div(m, n)// ’q’ becomes the truncated quotient of the natural numbers// ’m’ and ’n’.//// Input condition:// ’m’ is not negative, ’n’ is positive.

128 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

// Output condition:// there exists a remainder ’r’ less than ’n’ such that// ’m = n*q + r’.// -------------------------------------------------------------public static int div(int m, int n)

Example The following header describes the search for a particular character in astring:

// -------------------------------------------------------------// p = position(s, c)// ’p’ is the index of the first occurrence of character ’c’// in string ’s’.//// Input condition:// ’s’ is not null.// Output condition:// ’p’ is greater than or equal to -1 and// less than the length of ’s’// If ’p’ is equal to -1, then ’c’ does not occur in ’s’.// If ’p’ is greater than -1, then// * ’s’ has at position ’p’ character ’c’ and// * ’s’ does not have at any position less than ’p’// character ’c’.// -------------------------------------------------------------public static int position(String s, char c)

Example The following header describes the cutting of a string at a particularposition.

// -------------------------------------------------------------// cut(s, n)// cut string ’s’ at position ’n’//// Input condition:// ’s’ is not null.// Output condition:// let ’l’ be the length of ’s’.

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// if ’n’ is greater than or equal ’l’, then ’s’ is unchanged.// otherwise, ’s’ has length ’n’ and has in all positions// the same characters as it had before the call.// -------------------------------------------------------------public static void cut(String s, int n)

Example A procedure that performs input/output can be better described by theeffects performed than by input/output conditions.

// -------------------------------------------------------------// n = readNat()// read natural number ’n’ from the input stream.//// Output condition:// n is greater than or equal to -1.// Effect:// Asks the user for a non-negative integer number.// If such a number is read, it is returned as ’n’.// If the input stream has ended, ’n’ is -1.// Otherwise, the process is repeated.// -------------------------------------------------------------public static int readNat()

5.2 Objects and Classes

A function may have multiple parameters but it may only return one result. There-fore we cannot write a function that say reads a date from the input stream andreturns the day, month, and year of this date. However, we can overcome this re-striction by packing day, month, and year into a single object of type “Date” andreturning this object as the function result.

The type of such a compound object is called a class. We therefore use the name“class” for two purposes:

1. for a module, i.e., a collection of methods (this is how we have always used“class” up to now);

130 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

2. for the type of an object, i.e., a collection of values (this is a new use of“class”).

We will deal in this section with the second use of the name “class”; later wewill learn why it makes sense to use the same name for two seemingly unrelatedconcepts.

To construct an object, we first have to write a class declaration like

public class Date{public int day;public String month;public int year;


which contains variables also called fields or attributes. We can then create anobject as an instance of this class:

Date date = new Date();

We can write into the fields of the object as in = 24;date.month = "December";date.year = 2001;

and also read the values in the same way. For instance, the statement




Thus we can write a function that returns multiple results:We neglect error checking inthis example.

public static void main(String[] args){Date d = readDate();System.out.println("date: " ". "+d.month+ " "+d.year);


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Figure 5.3: An Object

public static Date readDate(){Date date = new Date(); = Input.readInt();date.month = Input.readString();date.year = Input.readInt();return date;


We may then have a dialogue

24December2001date: 24. December 2001

The following sections will explain the details of objects and their use.

5.2.1 Objects

An object is represented in computer memory as a pointer, i.e., as the address ofa memory area that holds the actual object data (see Figure 5.3). A Java variablethat is of an object type therefore references the object data but it does not holdthe data itself. Objects are represented by

pointers.Correspondingly, if we have an object (referenced by) name1 and execute a dec-laration

Class name2 = name1;

or an assignment

132 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

Figure 5.4: Assigning Object Variables

name2 = name1;

the object referenced by name1 is not duplicated but referenced by a second nameor alias name2 (see Figure 5.4). Any modification of the object via name1 is alsovisible to name2 and vice versa.

Example Take the program

Date date1 = new Date(); = 21;Date date2 = date1;System.out.println(; = 17;System.out.println(;

After the declaration of date2, both date1 and date2 refer to the same Date ob-ject. The later modification of the object via date1 is also visible in date2; there-fore the output is


If we compare two object variables, we compare, whether they contain the samepointer, not whether they point to objects with identical contents.

Example Take the program

Date d1 = new Date(); = 24; d1.month = "December"; d1.year = 2001;Date d2 = new Date();

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Figure 5.5: The null Reference = 24; d2.month = "December"; d2.year = 2001;System.out.println(d1 == d2);d2 = d1;System.out.println(d1 == d2);

Initially, the object variables d1 and d2 point to different objects with identicalcontents. After the assignment of d1 to d2, they point to the same object. Theprogram output therefore is


The special object reference


denotes “no object”, i.e., after an assignment

name = null

name does not refer to any object (see Figure 5.5). Any attempt to access anobject field via name results in a runtime error.

Example The execution of the program

Date date = null;System.out.println(date.year);

yields the runtime error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat Main.main(

The value null is the default value for object variables (see page 115).

134 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

5.2.2 Classes

A class defines the memory layout for all objects that are instances of this class.For this purpose, the class declaration lists all the fields and their correspondingtypes as variable/constant declarations:

public class Name{public type name = expression;public final type name = expression;...


Please note that we do not use the keyword static for the declaration of objectfields. Names with upper-case capital letters typically denote classes.

For variable declarations, the initialization part may be omitted; in this case, thecorresponding object field receives a default value (see page 115) when the objectis created. A constant declaration must include the initialization part; after theobject has been created, the corresponding object field cannot be changed anymore.

If a class has declared a field name, we can access the corresponding field valuefor an object of this class by qualified names:

... = ... ...;

Likewise, we can use a qualified name on the left hand side of an assignment toto set the value of a field: = ...

However, this is only possible if the class has not declared the field as final.

The declaration of Class is typically written into a separate file, we may be also embed it into the source code of a module (please notethe keyword static):

public class Module{public static class Class{...



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In this case, the class is only visible from other modules as Module.Class.

5.2.3 Object Creation

An object is created by an expression An object declaration itselfdoes not create the object.

new Class()

where Class denotes the name of the object type. This expression

1. allocates the memory for an object of the denoted class,

2. initializes all object fields with the values specified in the class (respectivelywith default values, if there were no values specified), and

3. returns a pointer to this object.

It is typically used to initialize an object variable in a declaration

Class name = new Class();

or to set the value of an object variable by an assignment

name = new Class();

The expression may also in other places where object references are expected, butwe recommend to stick to above cases (see our discussion on program functionsversus mathematical functions on page 121).

5.2.4 Constructors

It is rather inconvenient to have an object first created and its fields initializedwith default values, and then use individual assignments to fill the fields with theactually desired values as in

Date date = new Date(); = 24;date.month = "December";date.year = 2001;

136 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

It is possible to achieve the same effect in a shorter way by passing the field valuesas arguments to the object creation call:

Date date = new Date(24, "December", 2001);

For this purpose, the declaration of class Date must contain a constructor:

public class Date{public int day;public String month;public int year;

public Date(int d, String m, int y){day = d;month = m;year = y;


A constructor is a special method that has the same name as the class in whichit is declared (please note that we do not use the keywords static void forWhen an object is created, a

constructor is called. constructors). This method is bound to an object of this class in the sense that itcan read and write the fields of the object. The system automatically provides adefault constructor which initializes the object variables to the default values (upto now, we have only used the default constructor). If a constructor is declaredby the user, the user constructor is always called after the default constructor;thus the field values have been already initialized with the default values when theconstructor body is executed. If the user constructor is declared with parameters,it may be invoked in object creation with corresponding arguments (analogouslyto procedure calls).

A constructor may also be used to initialize a constant field.

Example Take the class

public class Date{public int day;public String month;public final int year;

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public Date(int d, String m, int y){day = d;month = m;year = y;


where the constant year receives its value from the constructor. It is not possibleto modify the constant after it has received a value by the constructor. For instance,the statement

Date date = new Date(24, "December", 2001);date.year = 2002;

gives the compiler error cannot assign a value to final variable yeardate.year = 2002;


A constructor may read the special variable this which refers to the current object.This becomes handy if parameter names shadow field names.

Example We can write above program as

public class Date{public int day;public String month;public int year;

public Date(int day, String month, int year){ = day;this.month = month;this.year = year;


138 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

We recommend this style rather than inventing artificial parameter names.

Because of overloading (see page 125), we may have multiple constructors in aclass provided that they differ in their parameter lists.

Example In above program, we may have another constructor

public class Date{...public final int THIS_YEAR = 2001;

public Date(int day, String month){ = day;this.month = month;this.year = THIS_YEAR;


We then have two kinds of constructor calls:

Date date1 = new Date(31, 12);Date date2 = new Date(31, 12, 1999);

If there is a user-defined constructor, the default constructor cannot be used anymore in object creation calls; if the user still wants a call new Class(), she hasto provide a corresponding constructor (whose body may be empty).

A constructor may call another constructor by using as its first statement a state-ment of the form


This statement invokes the constructor Class(expressions) rather than the defaultconstructor before the remaining body of the constructor is executed.

Example Above program may be also written as

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public class Date{...public final int THIS_YEAR = 2001;

public Date(int day, String month){this(day, month, THIS_YEAR);


5.2.5 Transient Parameters

We have seen that objects can be used to simulate multiple return values. They canbe also used to simulate a kind of parameters for which there is no direct support inJava, namely transient parameters. A transient parameter is an argument variablewhose value is to be updated by a method call, i.e., the variable has a value before “Transient” means “passing

by”.the method is called and it shall have a different value after the call. We havealready seen in the example on page 117 that an assignment to a parameter in themethod body has no effect on the argument variable, therefore it is not possible toimplement a method

public static void increment(int i, int n);

that increases the value of integer i by n.

However, we can encapsulate a variable into an object and pass as an argumenta pointer to the object. The method parameter therefore becomes an alias (seepage 132) of the argument variable; any modification of the object by the alias isalso visible to the argument.

Example Take the class

public class Integer{public int value;public Integer(int value){this.value = value;


140 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

An instance of this class encapsulates an int value. We define the method

public static void increment(Integer i, int n){i.value = i.value + n;


The execution of

Integer i = new Integer(5);increment(i, 3);System.out.println(i.value);

gives output


5.2.6 Structuring Programs

As stated in Section 4.9.3, most programs are not written as monolithic piecesof code; they are composed from multiple methods that provide part of the func-tionality to achieve the overall goal. These methods typically correspond to thegradual refinement steps that we perform in the development process; rather thaninserting into the main program the pieces of code that correspond to these refine-ments, we put them into separate methods such that the final program is an imageof the refinement process.

We will now show how methods and objects can be used to give a better structureto the program analyze exams presented in Section 4.9.3. The overall functionalityof the program is provided the following method (please compare with the originalcode):

public static void analyzeExamGrades(){char answer = 0;do{Result result = analyzeExam();printResult(result);answer = askToContinue();

}while (answer == ’y’);


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We introduce a local variable result of the (to be declared) object type Result;this variable will hold the result of the analysis which is to be printed.

Asking the user whether to continue becomes the following method:

public static char askToContinue(){while(true){System.out.print("Another exam (y/n)? ");char answer = Input.readChar();if (Input.isOkay() && (answer == ’y’ || answer == ’n’))return answer;

if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("Unexpected end of input!");System.exit(-1);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();


We use a block variable answer to hold the answer of this user; if the answer isvalid, we use a return statement to return this answer to the caller.

The analysis of the exam becomes

public static Result analyzeExam(){Result result = new Result();

// read and process examwhile (true){int grade = readGrade(result.count);if (grade == 0) return result;processGrade(grade, result);


Since this method has not much else to do, we keep the functionality of read andprocess exam within analyzeExamGrades rather than delegating it to a separatemethod. Furthermore, rather than declaring individual variables count, sum, min,and max, we pack these values into an object of class Result declared as follows:

142 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

public class Result{public int count = 0; // number of gradespublic int sum = 0; // sum of grades processed so farpublic int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // minimum grade processed so farpublic int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // maximum grade processed so far


The reference result to this object is passed to the following method which up-dates the object to incorporate a new grade.

public static void processGrade(int grade, Result result){result.count++;result.sum += grade;if (grade < result.min) result.min = grade;if (grade > result.max) result.max = grade;


Please note that result is here a transient parameter (see page 139) which refer-ences the object that holds the actual data. The method analyzeExam referencesthis object by its local variable result and updates this object iteratively by calls ofprocessGrade. After the last grade has been processed, analyzeExamGradesreturns the object to the caller.

Reading a grade is achieved by the following method which takes the runningnumber of the grade read as a parameter:

public static int readGrade(int count){while(true){System.out.print("Enter grade "+(count+1)+" (0 when done): ");int grade = Input.readInt();if (Input.isOkay() && 0 <= grade && grade <= 5)return grade;

if (Input.hasEnded()){System.out.println("Unexpected end of input!");System.exit(-1);

}System.out.println("Invalid input!");Input.clearError();


Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

5.2 Objects and Classes 143

Again, we use a return statement to return the validated grade to the caller.

Finally, printing the results of the analysis is achieved by

public static void printResult(Result result){System.out.println("\nNumber of grades: " + result.count);

// these values are only valid, if there was at least one gradeif (result.count > 0){System.out.println("Best grade: " + result.min);System.out.println("Worst grade: " + result.max);System.out.println("Average grade: " +



The complete program then has the following structure

// ------------------------------------------------------------------// analyzing the grades of exams//// Author: Wolfgang Schreiner <>// Created: August 23, 2001// ------------------------------------------------------------------public class Exams2{// ----------------------------------------------------------------// analyze the grades of multiple exams; read the grades from the// std input stream, writes the result to the std output stream.// for details, see ’analyzeExamGrades’.// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args){analyzeExamGrades();


// ----------------------------------------------------------------// the (intermediate) result of analyzing the grades of an exam// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static class Result { ... }

144 Chapter 5. Stronger Java

// ----------------------------------------------------------------// user enters grades from 1 to 5 or 0 to denote the end of exam.// system prints number of grades, best, worst and average grade and// asks whether to proceed with another exam.// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static void analyzeExamGrades() { ... }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------// iteratively reads and analyzes the grades of an exam.// when a grade 0 is read, the result of the analysis is returned.// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static Result analyzeExam() { ... }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------// asks the user for grade number ’count’ (starting with 0).// if the user enters an integer from 0 to 5, this is returned as// the result. otherwise, the user is asked again.// aborts execution, if the input stream has terminated.// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static int readGrade(int count) { ... }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------// processes ’grade’ and updates the intermediate ’result’// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static void processGrade(int grade, Result result) { ... }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------// prints the result of an analysis// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static void printResult(Result result) { ... }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------// asks user whether to continue. if answer is ’y’ or ’n’, this// is returned as the result. otherwise, the user is asked again.// aborts execution, if the input stream has terminated.// ----------------------------------------------------------------public static char askToContinue() { ... }


In this way, we have decomposed the problem solution into multiple methodswhich perform independent functionalities. You can download the source code ofthe application to compile and run it.

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

Appendix A

Software Tools

In this appendix, we describe the basic installation and configuration of the soft-ware tools used in this course (for computers running the Microsoft Windowsoperating system; the installation on Mac OS X computers should proceed in asimilar way). We will

1. first use the Oracle Java SE and the TextPad editor as basic tools, and

2. then switch to the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers as an integrated devel-opment environment.

A.1 Oracle Java SE

To install the Orace Java SE (Standard Edition) Platform, go to

and select the entry “JDK Download”. Select the option “Accept License Agree-ment” and download the version of the JDK appropriate for your system (for Win-dows x64, this is currently the file jdk-8u92-windows-x64.exe). After down-loading, click on this file to start the setup. When prompted, press “Next”, andfinally “Close”, then the installation is completed.

To set the environment variable Path pointing to the executables java and javac,click on the Windows “Computer” icon, then select the tab “System Properties”,then select the tab “Extended System Properties”, then press the button “Envi-ronment Variables”. Select the variable “Path” and press the button “Edit”. Add


146 Appendix A. Software Tools

to the front of the value of the variable the path of the directory containing theexecutables.

You can find this path by selecting in the Windows Explorer the correspondingdirectory, for example “C:”, “Program Files”, “Java”, “jdk1.8.0_92’, “bin”. Clickon the right of the location bar on top of the Windows Explorer and you will seethe whole path as a single string. Copy and paste this string into the front of thevalue field for the “Path” variable and add a separator ; (semicolon) before therest of the path. In other words, the value of environment variable “Path” shouldbe something like

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin;...

Press “Okay” twice and you are done. Start from the search field in the Windows“Start” area the command cmd to get a command line shell. You should then beable to type javac -version respectively java -version and get an outputmessage similar to

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\Users\schreine> javac -versionjavac 1.8.0_92

C:\Users\schreine>java -versionjava version "1.8.0_92"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_92-b15)

A.2 TextPad

To install the free programming editor TextPad, go to

and select the entry “Download”. Follow the instructions to download and installTextPad.

In “Configure/Preferences/Document Classes/Java” select the options “Convertnew tabs to spaces” and “Convert existing tabs to spaces when saving files” and setboth the “Default tab spacing” and “Default indent size’ values to 2. In this way,

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.

A.2 TextPad 147

portable source files will be created whose visual appearance does not depend onthe tabulator width set by a particular editor.

When using TextPad, do not use non-ASCII characters in your source code (ifyou need such characters in string literals, use the Java Unicode escape character\udddd instead). It is extremely complicated to have such characters treated cor-rectly when using console input/output (apart from making sure, that the sourcefile is indeed saved in UTF-8, one has to make sure that the console uses an UTF-8 capable font and that the character encoding of the console is configured cor-rectly). This restriction does not apply any more, as soon as we use Eclipse asshown in the next section.

For compiling Java source files within TextPad, select “Configure/ Preferences/Tools/ Add/ Program”, select the path of the javac program, e.g.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin\javac.exe

and press “Apply”. Select under the header “Tools” the new entry “javac” andenter as “Parameters”

-cp .;U:\KWM101\kwm.jar $File

where the path U:\... to the kwm.jar file has to be appropriately updated tothe location where you have installed the file. Make sure that the option “Captureoutput” is selected (otherwise no compiler output will be shown within TextPad).When editing an .java file, it is now possible to start the compiler by selectingthe menu entry “Tools/Javac” (respectively by the corresponding key shortcut).

For also starting Java programs within TextPad, select again “Configure/ Prefer-ences/ Tools/ Add/ Program”, select the path of the java program, e.g.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin\java.exe

and press “Apply”. Select under the header “Tools” the newly created entry “Java”and enter as “Parameters”

-ea -cp .;U:\KWM101\kwm.jar $BaseName

where the path U:\... to the kwm.jar file has to be appropriately updated tothe location where you have installed the file. Make sure that the option “Captureoutput” is not selected (otherwise command line input will not work). Havingcompiled a .java file, it is now possible to execute the generated .class file byselecting the menu entry “Tools/Java” (respectively the corresponding key short-cut).

148 Appendix A. Software Tools

A.3 Eclipse IDE

The Eclipse IDE is an integrated environment for developing Java applications.Go to

and select “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers” for your operating system (e.g.,Windows 64 bit). Pick a mirror site and download the corresponding .zip file.Extract this file to a location of your choice, e.g.

C:\Program Files\eclipse

You may drag and drop the icon of the program eclipse.exe to your start menufor easier acccess.

When you have started the program, you may (after clicking on the “Workbench”icon of the “Welcome Page”) select “File/New/Java Project” to create a new projectfor building a Java application. After the creation of the project, you must config-ure it appropriately:

Editing Select the menu entry “Window/Preferences” and then select the entry“Java/Codestyle/Formatter”. Select “Edit” to edit the standard code format-ting profile; select the tab “Indentation” and then set the “Tab policy” to“Spaces only” and the values of “indentation size” and “tab size” to both“2”. You have to save the profile under a new name.

Compiling and Linking Go to the “Properties” dialog of the project (right-clickthe project symbol) and then select “Java Build Path”. Use the button “AddExternal JARs” to select the file kwm.jar which provides the input/outputinterface for the Java applications developed in this course (and should beinstalled in some location of your home folder independently of the project).

Executing Select the menu entry “Run/Run Configurations. . . ” to adapt the runconfiguration of the project. Select/create the runtime configuration for yourproject, pick the “Arguments” tab and set the “VM arguments” options to-ea (thus enabling assertion checking).

By clicking on the green “Run” arrow the program should start.

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.


The following books were used in the preparation of this course:

Hanspeter Mössenböck Sprechen Sie Java? — Eine Einführung in das system-atische Programmieren. 5. Auflage, dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, Germany,2014.

Based on the lecture notes of a course on Java programming for computerscience students at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz (330 pages). Thisbook is less a book about Java than about programming in general (still allof the basics of Java are introduced). Does not focus on object-orientedprogramming (most of the programs are written in an imperative style) butmore on the systematics of program design. Compact and easy to read.

John Lewis and William Loftus Java Software Solutions — Foundations of Pro-gram Design. 7th edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 2011.

A good introduction to learning programming in Java (800 pages with CD-ROM) supplemented by a Web site with examples and sources. Starts earlierwith true object-oriented programming than we do in our course, focuses abit more on technical details of Java, and discusses a bit less basic program-ming principles. A lot of material, easy to read.



actual parameters, 117alias, 132arguments, 117arithmetic promotion, 50arithmetic/logic unit, 25ascii, 21assembler, 27assertion, 66assignment, 43attributes, 130

block statement, 67body, 34bug, 104byte-code, 31

cache, 25character literal, 54characters, 21class, 129, 134class file, 31comments, 36compiler, 29computed conditionals, 77conditional statement, 66connectives, 46constant, 44constructor, 136control flow, 65control unit, 25

dangling else, 73decrement operator, 91default value, 115

digital, 21division by zero, 48do loop, 86

english, 37equality operations, 47escape character, 38escape sequence, 38, 54exponent, 56exponentiation, 81, 93

fields, 130floating point, 55for loop, 89formal parameters, 116function, 119function application, 120

global, 114

hardware, 5hidden state, 123

identifier, 34if, 70if statement, 69if-else statement, 71increment operator, 89indentation, 36infinite, 66input condition, 126instance, 130instructions, 25integer literal, 48integer overflow, 50



interpreter, 28invokation, 109iso 8859-1, 22iteration statement, 66

java virtual machine, 31jit, 31just in time, 31

labels, 83linker, 29local, 113loop, 66loop body, 79loop condition, 79loop invariant, 81

main memory, 20mantissa, 56memory address, 21memory cells, 21memory content, 21method, 34method body, 109method call, 109, 116method declaration, 108method head, 116method name, 109methods, 108module, 129modules, 29multi-branch conditional, 75multi-branch conditionals, 75

narrowing conversion, 52nested loops, 83non-printable, 22

object, 131object file, 29one-branch conditional, 69output condition, 127

overloaded, 125

parameter, 116parameter declarations, 116pointer, 131portable, 30porting, 30postcondition, 127precondition, 126primitive data types, 46procedure, 119processor, 20program counter, 25programming language, 5

qualified names, 134

random access memory, 21random number generator, 123references, 131registers, 25relational operations, 53result, 141return, 119return statement, 111return type, 119

shadows, 124short-circuited, 47side effect, 121sign, 56software, 5software engineering, 6source code, 29specification, 5standard input stream, 64standard output stream, 37statements, 37stepwise refinement, 106string literal, 60switch statement, 77

target code, 29


termination condition, 66tokens, 36transient parameter, 139two-branch conditional, 71type cast, 52

unicode, 22

variable, 42variable declaration, 42visible, 124void, 119von neumann architecture, 26

while loop, 79widening conversion, 50

Wolfgang Schreiner: Introduction to Programming.
