Introduction to Mythology Purposes of Mythology and Background to The Odyssey


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Introduction to

Mythology Purposes of Mythology and

Background to The Odyssey

Myth defined Greek Mythos = “speech”

Dictionary: A traditional story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that informs or shapes the world view of a people, by explaining aspects of the natural world, customs or ideals of society.

Purposes of myths

1. Myths explain natural occurrences:

Zeus – thunder and lighting

Poseidon – earthquakes

Purposes of myths

2. Myths explain basic philosophical questions:

Where we came from? Who created the universe? Is there life after death?

** To explain is to control – attempt to control the unknown **

Purposes of myths

3. Myths explain culture & institutions: Example: Why women couldn’t vote?- Athena & Poseidon both wanted to rule & protect Athens

- Held a gift contest: Poseidon gave saltwater well (useless)

Athena gave an olive tree (olive, wood, oil)

- Men voted for Poseidon and women voted for Athena

- Athena won the contest as a result Poseidon flooded the Attic plain

- Athenians blame the women and therefore their right to vote was taken away.

Purposes of myths

4. Myths are means to instruct or teach Often share a moral or a message to

teach cultural traditions Example: Icarus flew to close to sun –

life has limits, listen to elders

Purposes of Myths

5. Myths explain history Often a biases version to reinforce

Greek culture and power Example: Rome was believed to

founded by the sons of the war god Mars, Romulus and Remus

Gave citizens pride if their city was founded by god or sun of god

Purposes of Myths6. Myths to entertain

People were illiterate in Greece so they found entertainment in an oral culture

Enjoyed following the Epic Heroes

Example: Hercules, Odysseus and Theseus

Epic Hero Tales Possess human characteristics: has both

strengths and weaknesses

These Heroes often appear to be “larger than life” Great leader who is identified as strong within society

Setting is broad and often includes supernatural realms

Does great deeds in battles or goes on an extraordinary journey

Gods or other supernatural beings take part in action

The Gods and Goddessesof Ancient Greece

MOUNT OLYMPUSHome of the Gods

Originally Thought to be a

Real MountainFinally Came to be

Thought ofas a Floating Mountain

in the Sky

ZEUS (Roman Name:

Jupiter)Supreme Ruler of the Gods

His weapon was the mighty THUNDERBOLT©

He falls in love frequently and often acts on it

(even though he is married)

HERA (Roman Name: Juno)

Zeus’ Wife and Sister

Protector of Marriage and

Married WomenVery Jealous of Zeus’ Numerous


HADES (Roman Name: Pluto)

Lord of the UnderworldRuler of the Dead

POSEIDON(Roman Name: Neptune)

Ruler of the Seas and Oceans

DEMETER(Roman Name: Ceres)

Goddess of Corn and Agriculture

Her Moods Affect the Seasons

APHRODITE(Roman Name: Venus)

Goddess of Love and BeautyWife of Hephaestus

HESTIA(Roman Name: Vesta)

Goddess of the Home


ARES(Roman Name: Mars)

God of War

None of the Other Gods Like Him Much

ATHENA(Roman Name: Minerva)

Battle Maiden and Goddess of Wisdom

While Adopted by Hera,She is the Daughter

of Zeus Only(Sprang from his Head)

HEPHAESTUS(Roman Name: Vulcan)

God of Fire and the Forge

He is the Only Ugly God

Husband of Aphrodite

HEBE(Roman Name: None)

Cupbearer of the Gods

APOLLO(Roman Name: Apollo)

Twin Brother of Artemis

God of Music and Poetry

God of Light and Truth

No False Words(Never Told a Lie)

His Oracle at Delphiwas the Most Popular

ARTEMIS(Roman Name: Diana)

Twin Sister of Apollo

Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt

Lady of the Wild Things

PERSEPHONE(Roman Name: Proserpine)

Goddess of Spring

She was Kidnappedby Hades

Later Made theQueen of the UnderworldSpends Half the Year

in Hades, Half on Earth

HERMES(Roman Name: Mercury)

Messenger of the Gods

Has Wings on Sandalsand Cap

Appears the Most Oftenof All the Gods

Zeus King of the Gods – most powerful god

Athena Daughter of Zeus & Goddess of wisdom, skills and warfare; assists Odysseus on his journey home


Morgan Freeman =

actor, appears in

god-like roles

Oprah Winfrey =, talk show

host, actress,

producer, and


Poseidon God of the sea and Earthquakes

Calypso nymph goddess who is immortal and beautiful; 1st feminist in history; holds Odysseus captive for 7 years

Michael Phelps = USA

Olympic swimme


Malala Yousafza

i = Pakistan

i educatio

n activist for girls; shot by

the Taliban

Hermes messenger of the gods; guide for the dead; sent by Zeus to tell Calypso to let Odysseus off the island

Helios the sun god, he can see everything; Odysseus’ men eat the god’s cattle

Usain Bolt =


sprinter “fastest

man ever”

Jay-Z = rapper,

producer, entreprene

ur; rumored to be in the Illuminati (can see

