Introduction to Marketing 101 +. So you have a really great idea. Whether it’s a product or a...


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Introduction to Marketing 101


So you have a really great idea.Whether it’s a product or a service, a clothing brand or an app, it’s amazing and you want to tell the world about it.

But how?

“…creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large”


There are many different kinds of marketing methods

In this lesson, we will focus on these methods:






Social Media

Content & Blogging

What is blogging?

• A website

• Updated frequently

• Central theme – focused on a specific

keyword, topic, or niche

How is blogging different from content?• Blog posts are 100% available to the public (no


• Other types of content: ebooks, templates,

infographics, SlideShares (presentations), kits

• Content is sometimes “gated” – only accessible if

the reader provides their name, email, etc.

• Blogging gets traffic to your site

• Content gets you information about your readers

Who/what reads blogs?• Potential customers: people who are looking for a

product like yours

• “Influencers” and “sharers”: people who may

never buy from you, but share your content with

their network of followers

• Search engines: webcrawlers “read” content and

rank it in search results

What are the components of a blog?• Title: less than 70 characters (webcrawlers stop

reading after 70 characters)

• Length: 200-800 words

• Image

• Calls-to-action: download an ebook, subscribe to

a blog

• Social share: readers can follow you on social

media OR share your content on their profiles

Why should companies blog?• To generate traffic (and leads)

• To establish “thought leadership” – being known

for pioneering a concept or school of thought

that’s related to your product

*Fun fact: The HubSpot blog existed before HubSpot software did. Our co-founder, Dharmesh, blogged about inbound marketing.

What are the components of a blog?• Title: less than 70 characters (webcrawlers stop

reading after 70 characters)

• Length: 200-800 words

• Image

• Calls-to-action: download an ebook, subscribe to

a blog

• Social share: readers can follow you on social

media OR share your content on their profiles

Why is blogging awesome?

• Blogging grows your organic traffic (people who

found you through unpaid search engine results)

• Organic traffic converts 5X better than referral

traffic (people who find you through social, email,

etc.) and 3X better than paid search engine


What should I blog about?

• Think about the target market for your product –

who is your ideal buyer?

• What do they think about every day?

• What problems or questions would they

encounter that would lead them to your product?

Example: HubSpot’s Marketing Blog• HubSpot’s ideal buyer is a marketer

• Every day, she thinks about how to connect her

product with potential buyers

• We blog about: how to run marketing campaigns

… how to measure success … how successful

companies do marketing … how to use marketing

tools like LinkedIn & Excel … how to master

marketing concepts like SEO

OK, I’m ready to get started!

• You’ll need a CMS (content management system)

• Free (!) options: Wordpress, Tumblr, Medium

• Free stock photo options:


More resources:• Why Blog?

• How to Create a Successful Blog Strategy:

• The Ultimate List of Free Content Creation Tools:

• How to Choose the Best Blog Topics for Your Audience:

• 11 Questions to Improve Your Blog:

Measurement & Analytics

Thank You!
