Introduction to ABAP Selection Screens. Slide 2 Screens (Types) There are three types of screens...


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Introduction to ABAP Selection Screens

Slide 2

Screens (Types) There are three types of screens

Selection screens get parameter input for reports

List outputs, which appear at the end of a report

Classic ABAP Dynpros are the transaction codes with which you are familiar

All of these are components of programs We will talk about selection screens here

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Selection Screens (Introduction) They can be housed in various types of

programs Executable programs, function groups,

and module pools Selection screens are triggered by

events Unlike VB, the order of selection screen

events is predefined by ABAP The order that they (event procedures)

appear in the program does not matter

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ABAP Events (1) LOAD-OF-PROGRAM fires immediately

after the program loads It’s typically used to initialize global data In OOP terms, this is really a constructor

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ABAP Events (2) INITIALIZATION fires after LOAD-OF-

PROGRAM but BEFORE selection screen processing Use this event to initialize input fields for

the selection screen

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ABAP Events (3) AT SELECTION-SCREEN fires after the

user sees and fills out the selection screen Perform error checking here

START-OF-SELECTION fires and control passes back to the ABAP process This event is implicit if no events are listed So your previous programs have belonged


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Creating Selection Screen Parameters Instead of using the DATA statement use

the PARAMETERS statement The syntax is the same as the DATA

statement but parameter names (variables) are limited to 8 characters in length

Each parameter is displayed on the selection screen in the order it is listed

Parameter types can be ABAP dictionary types too

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PARAMETERS (First Example)

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PARAMETERS (Customizing) Add a default value using the DEFAULT

keywordPARAMETERS INPUT TYPE i DEFAULT 10 Mark a field as required using the OBILGATORY keyword

Use VALUE CHECK to verify that the values are in the valid list for the data type

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PARAMETERS (CHECKBOX) To complete boolean parameters, use

the CHECKBOX type

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PARAMETERS (RADIO BUTTON) The PARAMETER type is RADIOBUTTON Make sure that each button belongs to

the same group

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PARAMETERS (Selection Ranges) You have seen selection ranges in many


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PARAMETERS (Selection Ranges) Create an internal SELECTION table as


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PARAMETERS (Selection Ranges) (Screen Options) OBILIGAOTRY make the option required VISIBLE LENGTH defines the number of

visible characters NO-EXTENSION prohibits multiple


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PARAMETERS (Selection Ranges) (Value Options)

Requires value to be between val1 and val2

SIGN contains the logical operand

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Selection Texts (1) Selection texts are more than just

textual prompts They provide a language independent

way of displaying text Note that the program must be

activated for this to all work correctly

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Selection Texts (2) There are three types of text elements

List Headings are used to build list headers

Selection Texts appear in selection screens in place of parameter names and selection tables

Text Symbols replace hard-coded literal values

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Selection Texts (Illustration)

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Selection Texts (Text Symbols) Here you can avoid using literal values

and replace them with text symbols As usual, there is a bit of SAP magic

here Symbols are numbered 001, 002, 003,…

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Selection Texts (Text Symbols) The selection text variable is named

text-xxx where xxx is the number of the selection text

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Messages Unlike text elements, messages are not

part of the report Instead, they are stored in a system

table T100 is the table name

Message can be between 1 and 72 characters

Messages must be activated too Use transaction code SE91 to create

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Table T100

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Table T100 (Data)

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Message (Creating) First, create the Message class

Naming rules (Z) apply

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Message (Creating) Then create the messages

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Displaying the Message Call the MESSAGE function

First character is e Followed by the message number Followed by the class you created

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Selection Screen Layout You have limited layout capabilities for

selection screens You can position line elements You cannot do much with fonts and

