Introduction - Graph Visualization · Gravisto, the...


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Gravisto, the Graph Visualization Toolkit, is more than a (Java-based)editor for graphs. It includes data structures, graph algorithms, severallayout algorithms, and a graph viewer component. As a general toolkitfor the visualization and automatic layout of graphs it is extensible withplug-ins and is suited for the integration in other Java-based applications.


G r a p h V i s u a l i z a t i o n T o o l k i t

Theoretical Computer Science GroupChristian Bachmaier Franz Brandenburg Silvia BreuJakob Flierl Michael Forster Paul Holleis Andreas PickMarcus Raitner Rüdiger Schnoy Martin Schöffler Walter Wirch

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Network Analysis Research GroupJoerg Bartelheimer Christian Klukas Dirk KoschützkiThomas Krahmer Burkhard Sell Falk SchreiberHenning Schwöbbermeyer

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Open Source

Gravisto is licensed under the GNUGeneral Public License and thus isfree for non-profit purposes.

QUOGGLES: Queries on Graphs

Given the graph of Munich's subwaysystem, the query finds out, wherethe two lines U1 and U2 meet.


Gravisto provides a powerful plug-in mechanism with a comfortable plug-inmanager. Most non-core functionality is realized as plug-in, includingalgorithms, node and edge attributes, graphical user interface components,input and output serializers, attribute inspectors, node and edge shapes,tools, or entire views.

facilitate extensions for encouraging people to contribute to theproject

easy customization of the editor for different application scenarios

many plug-ins already included
