


agriculture. importance of agriculture. history. aeroponics

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Today’s farming is unsustainable and not lucrative wasting money and resources in land, labor, shipping, and water costs. Farms take up a lot of land and must ship their products far distances to get the customer.

Another problem modern day farms are they can only grow certain crops when in season making product prices in the off season skyrocket.

Organic produce has been a big trend for consumer purchasing in the past years and these products usually cost more money due to not using nutrients pesticides on the plants.

Farmiculture is the alternative solution to these problems creating an environment and location for fresh produce with low shipping distance at a low price. Using vertical farming , we can outfit green houses on leased land, stacking grow fields within the facility and using hydroponics to grow the crops.

Farmiculture will use will use pvc piping and water pumps to create a hydroponic system on a greater system to produce organic crops.


Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. The method can be implemented in places where the soil type is not ideal for the desired crop. In addition, the technique can be used in roof top farming and therefore is very useful in areas with limited space such as urban areas.


No soil is needed so there is no crop limitation due to soil type, eroded or diseased soils.

Water can be recycled so it is advantageous in drought prone areas or deserts.

No nutrition waste due to water run-off which in turn can lead to eutrophication.

Higher and stable yields because the plants does not expend too much energy in finding

nutrients in the soil thus this energy is invested into the growth of the plant.Also in soil

plants compete with weed for food and water  but in hydroponics the adequate nutrients are

delivered straight to the roots.”

Less frequent occurrence of diseases because of the absence of soil which a bacteria growth


Due to container mobility hydroponics enables the farmer to grow crops near the area of use

thus reducing transportation costs.

Labor intensive work such as tilling, cultivating, fumigation, and watering is not required for

hydroponic  farming (Jones, 1997). And as for advanced hydroponics the system is usually

automated using pumps or even computers, labor costs will decrease dramatically.

The simplified hydroponic technique is easy to understand and does not require any prior

knowledge to achieve concrete results.


Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium (known asgeoponics). The word "aeroponic" is derived from the Greek meanings of aero- (air) and ponos (labour). Aeroponic culture differs from both conventional hydroponics, aquaponics, and in-vitro (plant tissue culture) growing. Unlike hydroponics, which uses a liquid nutrient solution as a growing medium and essential minerals to sustain plant growth; or aquaponics which uses water and fish waste, aeroponics is conducted without a growing

medium. Because water is used in aeroponics to transmit nutrients, it is sometimes considered a type of hydroponics.

Soon after its development, aeroponics took hold as a valuable research tool. Aeroponics offered

researchers a noninvasive way to examine roots under development. This new technology also allowed

researchers a larger number and a wider range of experimental parameters to use in their work.

The ability to precisely control the root zone moisture levels and the amount of water delivered makes

aeroponics ideally suited for the study of water stress. K. Hubick evaluated aeroponics as a means to

produce consistent, minimally water-stressed plants for use in drought or flood physiology experiments.

Aeroponics is the ideal tool for the study of root morphology. The absence of aggregates offers

researchers easy access to the entire, intact root structure without the damage that can be caused by

removal of roots from soils or aggregates. It’s been noted that aeroponics produces more normal root

systems than hydroponics.


Dry farming, also called Dryland Farming, the cultivation of crops without irrigation in regions of limited moisture, typically less than 20 inches (50 centimetres) of precipitation annually. Dry farming depends upon efficient storage of the limited moisture in the soil and the selection of crops and growing methods that make the best use of this moisture. Tilling the land shortly after harvest and keeping it free from weeds are typical methods, but in certain latitudes stubble is left in the fields after harvest to trap snow. Moisture control during crop growing consists largely of destruction of weeds and prevention of runoff. The ideal soil surface is free of weeds but has enough clods or dead vegetable matter to hinder runoff and prevent erosion.

Crops adapted to dry farming may be either drought resistant or drought evasive. Drought-resistant

crops, such as sorghum, are able to reduce transpiration (emission of moisture) and may nearly cease

growing during periods of moisture shortage, resuming growth when conditions again become

favourable. Drought-evasive crops achieve their main growth during times of year when heat and

drought conditions are not severe. Crops adapted to dry farming are usually smaller and quicker to

mature than those grown under more humid conditions and are usually allotted more space.


An Agricultural Park or Ag Park is a combination of a working farm and a municipal park that is located at the urban edge. Ag Parks can serve as transition or buffer zones between urban and agricultural uses. They are designed for multiple uses that accommodate small farms, public areas and natural habitat. They allow small farm operations access to secure land and local markets. They provide fresh food, and an educational, environmental and aesthetic amenity for nearby communities.

Ag Parks can be located on either public or private land, vary in acreage, host single or multiple tenants, and have a variety of both agricultural and park components.


Agritourism or agrotourism, as it is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally based operation or

activity that brings visitors to afarm or ranch. Agritourism has different definitions in different parts of

the world, and sometimes refers specifically to farm stays. Elsewhere, agritourism includes a wide

variety of activities, including buying produce direct from a farm stand, navigating a corn maze, picking

fruit, feeding animals, or staying at a B&B on a farm.

Agritourism is a form of niche tourism that is considered a growth industry in many parts of the world,

including Australia, Canada, the United States, and the Philippines. Other terms associated with

agritourism are "agritainment", "value added products", "farm direct marketing" and "sustainable




Terminologies and technical study Articles reasoning to vertical farming and agro- tourism in Maharashtra.



Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium (known as geoponics). The word "aeroponic" is derived from the Greek meanings of aero- (air) and ponos (labour).

The basic principle of aeroponic growing is to grow plants suspended in a closed or semi-closed environment by spraying the plant's dangling roots and lower stem with an atomized or sprayed, nutrient-rich water solution.

The leaves and crown, often called the "canopy", extend above. The roots of the plant are separated by the plant support structure.

Many times closed cell foam is compressed around the lower stem and inserted into an opening in the aeroponic chamber, which decreases labor and expense; for larger plants, trellising is used to suspend the weight of vegetation and fruit.

Ideally, the environment is kept free from pests and disease so that the plants may grow healthier and more quickly than plants grown in a medium.

However, since most aeroponic environments are not perfectly closed off to the outside, pests and disease may still cause a threat.

Controlled environments advance plant development, health, growth, flowering and fruiting for any given plant species and cultivars.

Types of aeroponic units

Low-pressure units

In most low-pressure aeroponic gardens, the plant roots are suspended above a reservoir of nutrient solution or inside a channel connected to a reservoir.

A low-pressure pump delivers nutrient solution via jets or by ultrasonic transducers, which then drips or drains back into the reservoir.

As plants grow to maturity in these units they tend to suffer from dry sections of the root systems, which prevent adequate nutrient uptake.

These units, because of cost, lack features to purify the nutrient solution, and adequately remove incontinuities, debris, and unwanted pathogens.

Such units are usually suitable for bench top growing and demonstrating the principles of aeroponics.

High-pressure devices

High-pressure aeroponic techniques, where the mist is generated by high-pressure pump(s), are typically used in the cultivation of high value crops and plant specimens that can offset the high setup costs associated with this method of horticulture.

Since the late 2000s, home indoor gardeners have had access to simple high pressure aeroponic (HPA) systems at affordable prices.

High-pressure aeroponics systems include technologies for air and water purification, nutrient sterilization, low-mass polymers and pressurized nutrient delivery systems.

Commercial systems

Commercial aeroponic systems comprise high-pressure device hardware and biological systems. The biological systems matrix includes enhancements for extended plant life and crop maturation.

Biological subsystems and hardware components include effluent controls systems, disease prevention, pathogen resistance features, precision timing and nutrient solution pressurization, heating and cooling sensors, thermal control of solutions, efficient photon-flux light arrays, spectrum filtration

spanning, fail-safe sensors and protection, reduced maintenance & labor saving features, and ergonomics and long-term reliability features.

Commercial aeroponic systems, like the high-pressure devices, are used for the cultivation of high value crops where multiple crop rotations are achieved on an ongoing commercial basis.

Advanced commercial systems include data gathering, monitoring, and analytical feedback and internet connections to various subsystems.

NASA aeroponic lettuce seed germination- Day 3


Less nutrient solution throughput

NASA aeroponic lettuce seed germination- Day 12

Plants grown using aeroponics spend 99.98% of their time in air and 0.02% in direct contact with hydro-atomized nutrient solution.

The time spent without water allows the roots to capture oxygen more efficiently.

Furthermore, the hydro-atomized mist also significantly contributes to the effective oxygenation of the roots.

For example, NFT has a nutrient throughput of 1 liter per minute compared to aeroponics’ throughput of 1.5 milliliters per minute.

The reduced volume of nutrient throughput results in reduced amounts of nutrients required for plant development.

Another benefit of the reduced throughput, of major significance for space-based use, is the reduction in water volume used.

This reduction in water volume throughput corresponds with a reduced buffer volume, both of which significantly lighten the weight needed to maintain plant growth.

In addition, the volume of effluent from the plants is also reduced with aeroponics, reducing the amount of water that needs to be treated before reuse.

The relatively low solution volumes used in aeroponics, coupled with the minimal amount of time that the roots are exposed to the hydro-atomized mist, minimizes root-to-root contact and spread of pathogens between plants.

Greater control of plant environment

NASA aeroponic lettuce seed germination (close-up of root zone environment)- Day 19

Aeroponics allows more control of the environment around the root zone, as, unlike other plant growth systems, the plant roots are not constantly surrounded by some medium (as, for example, with hydroponics, where the roots are constantly immersed in water).

Improved nutrient feeding

A variety of different nutrient solutions can be administered to the root zone using aeroponics without needing to flush out any solution or matrix in which the roots had previously been immersed. This elevated level of control would be useful when researching the effect of a varied regimen of nutrient application to the roots of a plant species of interest. In a similar manner, aeroponics allows a greater range of growth conditions than other nutrient delivery systems. The interval and duration of the nutrient spray, for example, can be very finely attuned to the needs of a specific plant species. The aerial tissue can be subjected to a completely different environment from that of the roots.


The design of an aeroponic system allows ease of working with the plants. This results from the separation of the plants from each other, and the fact that the plants are suspended in air and the roots are not entrapped in any kind of matrix. Consequently, the harvesting of individual plants is quite simple and straightforward. Likewise, removal of any plant that may be infected with some type of pathogen is easily accomplished without risk of uprooting or contaminating nearby plants.

Cost effective

Close-up of aeroponically grown corn and roots inside an aeroponic (air-culture) apparatus, 2005

Aeroponic systems are more cost effective than other systems. Because of the reduced volume of solution throughput (discussed above), less water and less nutrients are needed in the system at any given time compared to other nutrient delivery systems. The need for substrates is also eliminated, as is the need for many moving parts.

Use of seed stocks

With aeroponics, the deleterious effects of seed stocks that are infected with pathogens can be minimized. As discussed above, this is due to the separation of the plants and the lack of shared growth matrix. In addition, due to the enclosed, controlled environment, aeroponics can be an ideal growth system in which to grow seed stocks that are pathogen-free. The enclosing of the growth chamber, in addition to the isolation of the plants from each other discussed above, helps to both prevent initial contamination from pathogens introduced from the external environment and minimize the spread from one plant to others of any pathogens that may exist.

Requirements for optimal growth to be facilitated:

Adequate air venting and exchange. Adequate delivery of fresh clean water free of heavy levels of sulfur and calcium (75 psi min.

water pressure) Light (natural sun or sufficient levels of artificial light that approach natural conditions) Adequate heating and cooling (minimum room temperature 65 degrees F and maximum 90

degrees F)

Adequate sanitary conditions (free of pathogens and insects)

One complete Aeroponic system includes:

High pressure pump unit w/ compact accumulator, digital timer &

controller (fixed interval& duration: 3 minute OFF and 3 second spray)

14 hydro-atomizing spray jets micro-filtration

Aeroponic chamber(48 in. Long x 18 in. wide x 16 inches deep)

w/ 160 plants support structures, stand, nutrient recycling reservoir (3-gal) w/ lid and

Optional Equipment

pH Meter

TDS Meter

Greenhouse Design

Careful planning is important before a home greenhouse project is started. Building a greenhouse does not need to be expensive or time-consuming. The final choice of the type of greenhouse will depend on

the growing space desired, home architecture, available sites, and costs. The greenhouse must, however, provide the proper environment for growing plants.


The greenhouse should be located where it gets maximum sunlight. The first choice of location is the south or southeast side of a building or shade trees. Sunlight all day is best, but morning sunlight on the east side is sufficient for plants. Morning sunlight is most desirable because it allows the plant's food production process to begin early; thus growth is maximized. An east side location captures the most November to February sunlight. The next best sites are southwest and west of major structures, where plants receive sunlight later in the day. North of major structures is the least desirable location and is good only for plants that require little light.

Deciduous trees, such as maple and oak, can effectively shade the greenhouse from the intense late afternoon summer sun; however, they should not shade the greenhouse in the morning. Deciduous trees also allow maximum exposure to the winter sun because they shed their leaves in the fall. Evergreen trees that have foliage year round should not be located where they will shade the greenhouse because they will block the less intense winter sun. You should aim to maximize winter sun exposure, particularly if the greenhouse is used all year. Remember that the sun is lower in the southern sky in winter causing long shadows to be cast by buildings and evergreen trees (Figure 1).

Good drainage is another requirement for the site. When necessary, build the greenhouse above the surrounding ground so rainwater and irrigation water will drain away. Other site considerations include the light requirements of the plants to be grown; locations of sources of heat, water, and electricity; and shelter from winter wind. Access to the greenhouse should be convenient for both people and utilities. A workplace for potting plants and a storage area for supplies should be nearby.

Types of Greenhouses

A home greenhouse can be attached to a house or garage, or it can be a freestanding structure. The chosen site and personal preference can dictate the choices to be considered. An attached greenhouse can be a half greenhouse, a full-size structure, or an extended window structure. There are advantages and disadvantages to each type.

Attached Greenhouses

Lean-to. A lean-to greenhouse is a half greenhouse, split along the peak of the roof, or ridge line (Figure 2A), Lean-tos are useful where space is limited to a width of approximately seven to twelve feet, and they are the least expensive structures. The ridge of the lean-to is attached to a building using one side and an existing doorway, if available. Lean-tos are close to available electricity, water and heat. The disadvantages include some limitations on space, sunlight, ventilation, and temperature control. The height of the supporting wall limits the potential size of the lean-to. The wider the lean-to, the higher the supporting wall must be. Temperature control is more difficult because the wall that the greenhouse is built on may collect the sun's heat while the translucent cover of the greenhouse may lose heat rapidly. The lean-to should face the best direction for adequate sun exposure. Finally, consider the location of windows and doors on the supporting structure and remember that snow, ice, or heavy rain might slide off the roof or the house onto the structure.

Even-span. An even-span is a full-size structure that has one gable end attached to another building (Figure 2B). It is usually the largest and most costly option, but it provides more usable space and can be lengthened. The even-span has a better shape than a lean-to for air circulation to maintain uniform temperatures during the winter heating season. An even-span can accommodate two to three benches for growing crops.

Window-mounted. A window-mounted greenhouse can be attached on the south or east side of a house. This glass enclosure gives space for conveniently growing a few plants at relatively low cost (Figure 2D). The special window extends outward from the house a foot or so and can contain two or three shelves.

Freestanding Structures

Freestanding greenhouses are separate structures; they can be set apart from other buildings to get more sun and can be made as large or small as desired (Figure 2C). A separate heating system is needed, and electricity and water must be installed.

The lowest cost per square foot of growing space is generally available in a freestanding or even-span greenhouse that is 17 to 18 feet wide. It can house a central bench, two side benches, and two walkways. The ratio of cost to the usable growing space is good.

When deciding on the type of structure, be sure to plan for adequate bench space, storage space, and room for future expansion. Large greenhouses are easier to manage because temperatures in small greenhouses fluctuate more rapidly. Small greenhouses have a large exposed area through which heat is lost or gained, and the air volume inside is relatively small; therefore, the air temperature changes quickly in a small greenhouse. Suggested minimum sizes are 6 feet wide by 12 feet long for an even-span or freestanding greenhouse.

Structural Materials

A good selection of commercial greenhouse frames and framing materials is available. The frames are made of wood, galvanized steel, or aluminum. Build-it-yourself greenhouse plans are usually for structures with wood or metal pipe frames. Plastic pipe materials generally are inadequate to meet snow and wind load requirements. Frames can be covered with glass, rigid fiberglass, rigid double-wall plastics, or plastic film. All have advantages and disadvantages. Each of these materials should be considered--it pays to shop around for ideas.


Greenhouse frames range from simple to complex, depending on the imagination of the designer and engineering requirements. The following are several common frames (Figure 3).

Quonset. The Quonset is a simple and efficient construction with an electrical conduit or galvanized steel pipe frame. The frame is circular and usually covered with plastic sheeting. Quonset sidewall height is low, which restricts storage space and headroom.

Gothic. The gothic frame construction is similar to that of the Quonset but it has a gothic shape (Figure 3). Wooden arches may be used and joined at the ridge. The gothic shape allows more headroom at the sidewall than does the Quonset.

Rigid-frame. The rigid-frame structure has vertical sidewalls and rafters for a clear-span construction. There are no columns or trusses to support the roof. Glued or nailed plywood gussets connect the sidewall supports to the rafters to make one rigid frame. The conventional gable roof and sidewalls allow maximum interior space and air circulation. A good foundation is required to support the lateral load on the sidewalls.

Post and rafter and A-frame. The post and rafter is a simple construction of an embedded post and rafters, but it requires more wood or metal than some other designs. Strong sidewall posts and deep post embedment are required to withstand outward rafter forces and wind pressures. Like the rigid frame, the post and rafter design allows more space along the sidewalls and efficient air circulation. The A-frame is similar to the post and rafter construction except that a collar beam ties the upper parts of the rafters together.


Greenhouse coverings include long-life glass, fiberglass, rigid double-wall plastics, and film plastics with 1- to 3-year lifespans. The type of frame and cover must be matched correctly.

Glass. Glass is the traditional covering. It has a pleasing appearance, is inexpensive to maintain, and has a high degree of permanency. An aluminum frame with a glass covering provides a maintenance-free, weather-tight structure that minimizes heat costs and retains humidity. Glass is available in many forms that would be suitable with almost any style or architecture. Tempered glass is frequently used because it is two or three times stronger than regular glass. Small prefabricated glass greenhouses are available for do-it-yourself installation, but most should be built by the manufacturer because they can be difficult to construct.

The disadvantages of glass are that it is easily broken, is initially expensive to build, and requires must better frame construction than fiberglass or plastic. A good foundation is required, and the frames must be strong and must fit well together to support heavy, rigid glass.

Fiberglass. Fiberglass is lightweight, strong, and practically hailproof. A good grade of fiberglass should be used because poor grades discolor and reduce light penetration. Use only clear, transparent, or translucent grades for greenhouse construction. Tedlar-coated fiberglass lasts 15 to 20 years. The resin covering the glass fibers will eventually wear off, allowing dirt to be retained by exposed fibers. A new coat of resin is needed after 10 to 15 years. Light penetration is initially as good as glass but can drop off considerably over time with poor grades of fiberglass.

Double-wall plastic. Rigid double-layer plastic sheets of acrylic or polycarbonate are available to give long-life, heat-saving covers. These covers have two layers of rigid plastic separated by webs. The double-layer material retains more heat, so energy savings of 30 percent are common. The acrylic is a long-life, nonyellowing material; the polycarbonate normally yellows faster, but usually is protected by a UV-inhibitor coating on the exposed surface. Both materials carry warranties for 10 years on their light transmission qualities. Both can be used on curved surfaces; the polycarbonate material can be curved the most. As a general rule, each layer reduces light by about 10 percent. About 80 percent of the light filters through double-layer plastic, compared with 90 percent for glass.

Film plastic. Film-plastic coverings are available in several grades of quality and several different materials. Generally, these are replaced more frequently than other covers. Structural costs are very low because the frame can be lighter and plastic film is inexpensive. Light transmission of these film-plastic coverings is comparable to glass. The films are made of polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), copolymers, and other materials. A utility grade of PE that will last about a year is available at local hardware stores. Commercial greenhouse grade PE has ultraviolet inhibitors in it to protect against ultraviolet rays; it lasts 12 to 18 months. Copolymers last 2 to 3 years. New additives have allowed the manufacture of film plastics that block and reflect radiated heat back into the greenhouse, as does glass which helps reduce heating costs. PVC or vinyl film costs two to five times as much as PE but lasts as long as five years. However, it is available only in sheets four to six feet wide. It attracts dust from the air, so it must be washed occasionally.

Foundations and Floors

Permanent foundations should be provided for glass, fiberglass, or the double-layer rigid-plastic sheet materials. The manufacturer should provide plans for the foundation construction. Most home greenhouses require a poured concrete foundation similar to those in residential houses. Quonset greenhouses with pipe frames and a plastic cover use posts driven into the ground.

Permanent flooring is not recommended because it may stay wet and slippery from soil mix media. A concrete, gravel, or stone walkway 24 to 36 inches wide can be built for easy access to the plants. The rest of the floor should be covered by several inches of gravel for drainage of excess water. Water also can be sprayed on the gravel to produce humidity in the greenhouse.

Environmental Systems

Greenhouses provide a shelter in which a suitable environment is maintained for plants. Solar energy from the sun provides sunlight and some heat, but you must provide a system to regulate the environment in your greenhouse. This is done by using heaters, fans, thermostats, and other equipment.


The heating requirements of a greenhouse depend on the desired temperature for the plants grown, the location and construction of the greenhouse, and the total outside exposed area of the structure. As much as 25 percent of the daily heat requirement may come from the sun, but a lightly insulated greenhouse structure will need a great deal of heat on a cold winter night. The heating system must be adequate to maintain the desired day or night temperature.

Usually the home heating system is not adequate to heat an adjacent greenhouse. A 220-volt circuit electric heater, however, is clean, efficient, and works well. Small gas or oil heaters designed to be installed through a masonry wall also work well.

Solar-heater greenhouses were popular briefly during the energy crisis, but they did not prove to be economical to use. Separate solar collection and storage systems are large and require much space. However, greenhouse owners can experiment with heat-collecting methods to reduce fossil-fuel consumption. One method is to paint containers black to attract heat, and fill them with water to retain it. However, because the greenhouse air temperature must be kept at plant-growing temperatures, the greenhouse itself is not a good solar-heat collector.

Heating systems can be fueled by electricity, gas, oil, or wood. The heat can be distributed by forced hot air, radiant heat, hot water, or steam. The choice of a heating system and fuel depends on what is locally available, the production requirements of the plants, cost, and individual choice. For safety purposes, and to prevent harmful gases from contacting plants, all gas, oil, and woodburning systems must be properly vented to the outside. Use fresh-air vents to supply oxygen for burners for complete combustion. Safety controls, such as safety pilots and a gas shutoff switch, should be used as required. Portable kerosene heaters used in homes are risky because some plants are sensitive to gases formed when the fuel is burned.

Calculating heating system capacity. Heating systems are rated in British thermal units (Btu) per hour (h). The Btu capacity of the heating system, Q, can be estimated easily using three factors:

1. A is the total exposed (outside) area of the greenhouse sides, ends, and roof in square feet (ft2). On a Quonset, the sides and roof are one unit; measure the length of the curved rafter (ground to ground) and multiply by the length of the house. The curves end area is 2 (ends) X2/3 X height X width. Add the sum of the first calculation with that of the second.

2. u is the heat loss factor that quantifies the rate at which heat energy flows out of the greenhouse. For example, a single cover of plastic or glass has a value of 1.2 Btu/h x ft2 x oF (heat loss in Btu's her hour per each square foot of area per degree in Fahrenheit); a double-layer cover has a value of 0.8 Btu/h x ft2 x oF. The values allow for some air infiltration but are based on the assumption that the greenhouse is fairly airtight.

3. (Ti-To) is the maximum temperature difference between the lowest outside temperature (To) in your region and the temperature to be maintained in the greenhouse (Ti). For example, the maximum difference will usually occur in the early morning with the occurrence of a 0oF to -5oF outside temperature while a 60oF inside temperature is maintained. Plan for a temperature differential of 60 to 65oF. The following equation summarizes this description: Q = A x u x (Ti-To).

Example. If a rigid-frame or post and rafter freestanding greenhouse 16 feet wide by 24 feet long, 12 feet high at the ridge, with 6 feet sidewalls, is covered with single-layer glass from the ground to the ridge, what size gas heater would be needed to maintain 60oF on the coldest winter night (0oF)? Calculate the total outside area (Figure 4):

two long sides 2 x 6 ft x 24 ft = 288 ft2

two ends 2 x 6ft x 16 ft = 192 ft2

roof 2 x 10 ft x 24ft = 480 ft2

gable ends 2 x 6 ft x 8 ft = 96 ft2

A = 1,056 ft2

Select the proper heat loss factor, u = 1.2 Btu/h x ft2 x oF. The temperature differential is 60oF - 0oF = 60 oF.

Q = 1,056 x 1.2 x 60 = 76,032 Btu/h (furnace output).

Although this is a relatively small greenhouse, the furnace output is equivalent to that in a small residence such as a townhouse. The actual furnace rated capacity takes into account the efficiency of the furnace and is called the furnace input fuel rating.

This discussion is a bit technical, but these factors must be considered when choosing a greenhouse. Note the effect of each value on the outcome. When different materials are used in the construction of the walls or roof, heat loss must be calculated for each. For electrical heating, covert Btu/h to kilowatts by dividing Btu/h by 3,413. If a wood, gas, or oil burner is located in the greenhouse, a fresh-air inlet is recommended to maintain an oxygen supply to the burner. Place a piece of plastic pipe through the outside cover to ensure that oxygen gets to the burner combustion air intake. The inlet pipe should be the diameter of the flue pipe. This ensures adequate air for combustion in an airtight greenhouse. Unvented heaters (no chimney) using propane gas or kerosene are not recommended.

Air Circulation

Installing circulating fans in your greenhouse is a good investment. During the winter when the greenhouse is heated, you need to maintain air circulation so that temperatures remain uniform throughout the greenhouse. Without air-mixing fans, the warm air rises to the top and cool air settles around the plants on the floor.

Small fans with a cubic-foot-per-minute (ft3/min) air-moving capacity equal to one quarter of the air volume of the greenhouse are sufficient. For small greenhouses (less than 60 feet long), place the fans in diagonally opposite corners but out from the ends and sides. The goal is to develop a circular (oval) pattern of air movement. Operate the fans continuously during the winter. Turn these fans off during the summer when the greenhouse will need to be ventilated.

The fan in a forced-air heating system can sometimes be used to provide continuous air circulation. The fan must be wired to an on/off switch so it can run continuously, separate from the thermostatically controlled burner.


Ventilation is the exchange of inside air for outside air to control temperature, remove moisture, or replenish carbon dioxide (CO2). Several ventilation systems can be used. Be careful when mixing parts of two systems.

Natural ventilation uses roof vents on the ridge line with side inlet vents (louvers). Warm air rises on convective currents to escape through the top, drawing cool air in through the sides.

Mechanical ventilation uses an exhaust fan to move air out one end of the greenhouse while outside air enters the other end through motorized inlet louvers. Exhaust fans should be sized to exchange the total volume of air in the greenhouse each minute.

The total volume of air in a medium to large greenhouse can be estimated by multiplying the floor area times 8.0 (the average height of a greenhouse). A small greenhouse (less than 5,000 ft3 in air volume) should have an exhaust-fan capacity estimated by multiplying the floor area by 12.

The capacity of the exhaust fan should be selected at one-eighth of an inch static water pressure. The static pressure rating accounts for air resistance through the louvers, fans, and greenhouse and is usually shown in the fan selection chart.

Ventilation requirements vary with the weather and season. One must decide how much the greenhouse will be used. In summer, 1 to 1� air volume changes per minute are needed. Small greenhouses need the larger amount. In winter, 20 to 30 percent of one air volume exchange per minute is sufficient for mixing in cool air without chilling the plants.

One single-speed fan cannot meet this criteria. Two single-speed fans are better. A combination of a single-speed fan and a two-speed fan allows three ventilation rates that best satisfy year round needs. A single-stage and a two-stage thermostat are needed to control the operation.

A two-speed motor on low speed delivers about 70 percent of its full capacity. If the two fans have the same capacity rating, then the low-speed fan supplies about 35 percent of the combined total. This rate of ventilation is reasonable for the winter. In spring, the fan operates on high speed. In summer, both fans operate on high speed.

Refer to the earlier example of a small greenhouse. A 16-foot wide by 24-foot long house would need an estimated ft3 per minute (cubic feet per minute; CFM) total capacity; that is, 16x24x12 ft3per minute. For use all year, select two fans to deliver 2,300 ft3 per minute each, one fan to have two speeds so that the high speed is 2,300 ft3 per minute. Adding the second fan, the third ventilation rate is the sum of both fans on high speed, or 4,600 ft3 per minute.

Some glass greenhouses are sold with a manual ridge vent, even when a mechanical system is specified. The manual system can be a backup system, but it does not take the place of a motorized louver. Do not take shortcuts in developing an automatic control system.


Air movement by ventilation alone may not be adequate in the middle of the summer; the air temperature may need to be lowered with evaporative cooling. Also, the light intensity may be too great for the plants. During the summer, evaporative cooling, shade cloth, or paint may be necessary. Shade materials include roll-up screens of wood or aluminum, vinyl netting, and paint.

Small package evaporative coolers have a fan and evaporative pad in one box to evaporate water, which cools air and increases humidity. Heat is removed from the air to change water from liquid to a vapor. Moist, cooler air enters the greenhouse while heated air passes out through roof vents or exhaust louvers. The evaporative cooler works best when the humidity of the outside air is low. The system can be used without water evaporation to provide the ventilation of the greenhouse. Size the evaporative cooler capacity at 1.0 to 1.5 times the volume of the greenhouse. An alternative system, used in commercial greenhouses, places the pads on the air inlets at one end of the greenhouse and uses the exhaust fans at the other end of the greenhouse to pull the air through the house.


Automatic control is essential to maintain a reasonable environment in the greenhouse. On a winter day with varying amounts of sunlight and clouds, the temperature can fluctuate greatly; close supervision would be required if a manual ventilation system were in use. Therefore, unless close monitoring is possible, both hobbyists and commercial operators should have automated systems with thermostats or other sensors.

Thermostats can be used to control individual units, or a central controller with one temperature sensor can be used. In either case, the sensor or sensors should be shaded from the sun, located about plant height away from the sidewalls, and have constant airflow over them. An aspirated box is suggested; the box houses each sensor and has a small fan that moves greenhouse air through the box and over the sensor (Figure 5). The box should be painted white so it will reflect solar heat and allow accurate readings of the air temperature.

Watering Systems

A water supply is essential. Hand watering is acceptable for most greenhouse crops if someone is available when the task needs to be done; however, many hobbyists work away from home during the day. A variety of automatic watering systems is available to help to do the task over short periods of time. Bear in mind, the small greenhouse is likely to have a variety of plant materials, containers, and soil mixes that need different amounts of water.

Time clocks or mechanical evaporation sensors can be used to control automatic watering systems. Mist sprays can be used to create humidity or to moisten seedlings. Watering kits can be obtained to water plants in flats, benches, or pots.

CO2 and Light

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and light are essential for plant growth. As the sun rises in the morning to provide light, the plants begin to produce food energy (photosynthesis). The level of CO2 drops in the greenhouse as it is used by the plants. Ventilation replenishes the CO2 in the greenhouse. Because CO2 and light complement each other, electric lighting combined with CO2 injection are used to increase yields of vegetable and flowering crops. Bottled CO2, dry ice, and combustion of sulfur-free fuels can be used as CO2 sources. Commercial greenhouses use such methods.

Alternative Growing Structures

A greenhouse is not always needed for growing plants. Plants can be germinated in one's home in a warm place under fluorescent lamps. The lamps must be close together and not far above the plants.

A cold frame or hotbed can be used outdoors to continue the growth of young seedlings until the weather allows planting in a garden. A hotbed is similar to the cold frame, but it has a source of heat to maintain proper temperatures.

Laboratory design:

Collaborative research requires teams of scientists with varying expertise to form interdisciplinary

research units. As networks connect people and organizations, sharing data within a team and with

other research teams becomes less complicated. So, designers are organizing space in new ways.

Laboratory designers can support collaborative research by:

Creating flexible engineering systems and casework that encourage research teams to alter their spaces to meet their needs

Designing offices and write-up areas as places where people can work in teams Creating "research centers" that are team-based Creating all the space necessary for research team members to operate properly near each other Minimizing or eliminating spaces that are identified with a particular department Establishing clearly defined circulation patterns Provide interior glazing to allow people to see one another.

B. "Open" Versus "Closed" Labs

An increasing number of research institutions are creating "open" labs to support team-based work. The

open lab concept is significantly different from that of the "closed" lab of the past, which was based on

accommodating the individual principle investigator. In open labs, researchers share not only the space

itself but also equipment, bench space, and support staff. The open lab format facilitates

communication between scientists and makes the lab more easily adaptable for future needs. A wide

variety of labs—from wet biology and chemistry labs, to engineering labs, to dry computer science

facilities—are now being designed as open labs. Most laboratory facilities built or designed since the

mid-1990s in the U.S. possess some type of open lab.

For the Phase 2 Neuroscience facility at NIH (above, right) the open labs are designed with the offices to

the right and direct access to the labs and the lab support to the left. The open labs are the focal point.

There can be two or more open labs on a floor, encouraging multiple teams to focus on separate

research projects. The architectural and engineering systems should be designed to affordably

accommodate multiple floor plans that can easily be changed according to the research teams' needs.

Closed labs are still needed for specific kinds of research or for certain equipment. Nuclear magnetic

resonance (NMR) equipment, electron microscopes, tissue culture labs, darkrooms, and glass washing

are examples of equipment and activities that must be housed in separate, dedicated spaces.

Moreover, some researchers find it difficult or unacceptable to work in a lab that is open to everyone.

They may need some dedicated space for specific research in an individual closed lab. In some cases,

individual closed labs can directly access a larger, shared open lab. When a researcher requires a

separate space, an individual closed lab can meet his or her needs; when it is necessary and beneficial to

work as a team, the main open lab is used. Equipment and bench space can be shared in the large open

lab, thereby helping to reduce the cost of research. This concept can be taken further to create a lab

module that allows glass walls to be located almost anywhere. The glass walls allow people to see each

other, while also having their individual spaces.

C. Flexibility

Maximizing flexibility has always been a key concern in designing or renovating a laboratory building.

Flexibility can mean several things, including the ability to expand easily, to readily accommodate

reconfigurations and other changes, and to permit a variety of uses.

Flexible Engineering Systems

Flexible engineering services—supply and exhaust air, water, electricity, voice/data, vacuum systems—

are extremely important to most labs. Labs must have easy connects/disconnects at the walls and ceiling

to allow for fast, affordable hookups of equipment. The engineering systems may need to be designed

to enable fume hoods to be removed or added, to allow the space to be changed from a lab

environment to an office and then back again, or to allow maintenance of the controls outside the lab.

At NC State, these engineering laboratories are supported by highly flexible mechanical systems that

allow for equipment setups to be completed in almost endless number of scenarios. Change is

encouraged and seen as beneficial in most cases.

From the start, mechanical systems need to be designed for a maximum number of fume hoods in the

building. Ductwork can be sized to allow for change and growth and vertical exhaust risers provided for

future fume hoods in the initial construction. When a hood is required, the duct can simply be run from

the hood to the installed vertical riser. The mechanical systems will need to be re-balanced when a fume

hood is added or deleted to efficiently accommodate the numbers of hoods in use and the air changes

necessary through each room. Vertical risers are primarily used for the hoods that exhaust special

chemicals (such as radioactive and perchloric fumes) that cannot be mixed into the main laboratory

exhaust system. Installing vertical risers during initial construction takes little time and costs

approximately one-third of what it costs for retrofitting to add vertical risers later on.

Engineering systems should be designed to service initial demands and at least an additional 25% for

anticipated future programs. Space should be allowed in utility corridors, ceilings, and vertical chases for

future heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, and electrical needs. Service shutoff

valves should be easily accessible, located in a box in the wall at the entry to the lab or in the ceiling at

the entry. All pipes, valves, and clean-outs should be clearly labeled to identify the contents, pressure,

and temperature.

Equipment Zones

It typically takes about three years for a 10,000 square meter lab building to be designed and built.

During this time an organization's research needs may change or the people doing the research may

leave and be replaced by others. In either case, there is a good chance that the purpose of the lab will

change. If the entire lab is fitted with new casework, the casework may have to be changed before

anyone occupies the new laboratory.

It is recommended to allocate approximately 25% of the space in most labs for equipment zones. This

provides space for the researchers to come in and move casework and equipment around as well as add

casework and/or equipment where necessary. The equipment zone shown in the dark rectangular color

in the photo to the right becomes a type of swing space.

Equipment zones are usually fitted out when the research team moves into the lab—that is, when the

team knows exactly what will be needed to do the work. The creation of equipment zones that

accommodate change easily is a cost-effective design opportunity. The lab can be generic, with 50%–

70% casework initially and the rest of the lab fitted out later. The casework is usually located on the

outside wall, with islands defined as equipment zones. It may also be helpful to locate 3 ft. to 6 ft.

equipment zones on the outside walls to accommodate cylinders near fume hoods and refrigerators at

the perimeter.

Generic Labs

When a laboratory facility is designed generically, all the labs are the same size and are outfitted with

the same basic engineering services and casework. Generic labs are a sensible option when it is not

known who will occupy the space or what specific type of research will be conducted there. Generic lab

design may also make sense from an administrative standpoint, since each team or researcher is given

the same basic amenities. The best generic labs have some flexibility built in and can be readily modified

for the installation of equipment or for changes to the engineering services or casework. Many new labs

are designed with mobile casework everywhere except for the fixed fume hoods and sinks.

Mobile Casework

Technological advances allow for more research procedures to be automated. In the past equipment

was often squeezed into an existing lab setup; today's labs must be designed to accept the needed

equipment easily. There are several types of movable casework to consider. Storage cabinets that are 7

ft. tall allow a large volume of space for storage and can be very affordable, compared to the cost of

multiple base cabinets. Mobile write-up stations can be moved into the lab whenever sit-down space is

required for data collection.

Casework truly works like a kit of parts with the ability to add or subtract casework easily by the

research team. Notice that none of the casework is on wheels to reduce cost and vibration concerns.

Only carts are typically built with wheels.

Mobile carts make excellent equipment storage units. Often used in research labs as computer

workstations, mobile carts allow computer hardware to be stacked and then moved to equipment

stations as needed. Data ports are also located adjacent to electrical outlets along the casework.

Instrument cart assemblies are designed to allow for the sharing of instruments between labs. Carts are

typically designed to fit through a 3 ft. wide doorway and are equipped with levelers and castors. Many

mobile carts are load tested to support 2,000 lbs. and can be designed with 1 in. vertical slots to support

adjustable shelving. The depth of the shelving can vary to allow efficient stacking of equipment and


Mobile base cabinets are constructed with a number of drawer and door configurations and are

equipped with an anti-tipping counterweight. The drawer units can be equipped with locks. The typical

height of mobile cabinets is 29 in., which allows them to be located below most sit-down benches. Also,

mobile tables are now available for robotic analyzers and designed to support 800 lbs. A mobile cabinet

can also be designed to incorporate a computer cabinet, which can be hooked up to the robotic

analyzers. Carts incorporate a pullout shelf for the server and a pullout tray for the keyboard in front of

the monitor. Wire management is designed as a part of the cart.

Using the Full Volume of the Lab Space

Many labs today are equipment intensive and require as much bench space as possible. Using the full

volume of the lab space to stack equipment and supplies can be very helpful and cost-effective. Mobile

carts, as mentioned earlier, can be used to stack computer hardware as well as other lab equipment.

Overhead cabinets allow for storage above the bench, making good use of the volume of a space.

Flexibility can also be addressed with adjustable shelving instead of cabinets. Adjustable shelving allows

the researcher to use the number of shelves required, at the height and spacing necessary. If tall

equipment is set on the bench, the shelving can be taken down to allow space for the equipment. The

bottom shelf should be 19-20 in. above the benchtop and should stop 18 in. below the ceiling to permit

appropriate coverage by the sprinkler system.

These laboratories have high, sloped ceilings which allow natural indirect light in, provide engineering

services above the laboratory equipment, and provide enough space to stack the equipment easily and


Overhead Service Carriers

An overhead service carrier is hung from the underside of the structural floor system. The utility services

are run above the ceiling, where they are connected to the overhead service carrier. The utility services

that are run above the ceiling should have quick connect and disconnect features for easy hookups to

the overhead service carriers. Overhead service carriers come in standard widths and accommodate

electrical and communication outlets, light fixtures, service fixtures for process piping, and exhaust


Wet and Dry Labs

Research facilities typically include both wet labs and dry labs. Wet labs have sinks, piped gases, and

usually, fume hoods. Wet labs require chemical-resistant countertops and 100% outside air and are

outfitted with some fixed casework. Dry labs are usually computer intensive, with significant

requirements for electrical and data wiring. Their casework is mobile; they have adjustable shelving and

plastic laminate counters. Recirculated air is sufficient. (Dry lab construction is, in fact, very similar to

office construction.) A key difference is the substantial need for cooling in dry labs because of the heat

generated by the equipment


To design a dedicated facility which would provide space and technology for agricultural and vertical farming research, for development of green zones within the city along with public spaces to offer educational experiences to tourists and citizens.


Development of form-function based design in combination with minimalism using current trends in construction.

Provide a valuable user experience for both tourists and locals by means of education and knowledge.

Provide a platform for the development of agricultural and vertical farming sciences as an initiative for sustainable urban development


The scope of study applicable to this thesis would include:

Design incorporating standard requirements of a agricultural research facility Design and working of artificial green houses. Balancing segregation between public accessible and personnel restricted spaces. Ideas for technical and structural details, service details and environment responsive design.


1) Kirkwood Vertical farming Building / OPN Architects

Architect: OPN Architects

Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA

Project Year: 2009

Photographs: Wayne Johnson, Main Street Studio

Designed by OPN Architects, the Kirkwood Horticulture Building at Kirkwood Community College is a

40,000sf facility that houses the burgeoning floral and horticultural program for its host school. In

addition to typical academic programs such as lecture halls, office space, student commons, and

laboratory facilities, the complex also includes an 8,500sf greenhouse for production.

Interior organization of the building is orchestrated around a linear commons, which functions both as a

progression towards and a tie to the glazed greenhouse.

It also connects academic spaces to a large southern exposure and reinforces the occupant’s

relationship to the outdoors, to the sun, and to the seasons.

The north wing, housing general classrooms and office space, is rotated slightly off axis to be distinct

and announce the primary public entry.

The building is composed of brick, earth-toned metal panels, natural wood windows and accent panels.

The new facility and outdoor display gardens enhance the southern area of campus and contribute to

overall campus wide improvements.

Natural lighting and constant views to the exterior reinforce the program’s connection to the natural


The greenhouse had three primary requirements that became the impetus for much of the remaining building configuration. Those include an orientation based on the cardinal directions, a double bay scheme, and gabled roof forms.

The head-house was intentionally designed as a bookend, meant to fully receive the greenhouse gable end. This quiet, two-story brick mass contrasts the light structure of the greenhouse while appropriately expressing its’ service nature through its material expression and form.

The educational pavilion set to the north was then rotated away from the head-house mass to give it a proper amount of space and distinction from its program counterparts to the south. This also allowed a succinct differentiation of mass elements and the insertion of a communal meeting space at the crux of the rotation.

Each of the program areas has its own architectural expression with material and color choices used to tie the elements together in a cohesive fashion.

This building intentionally reflects the nature of the program and people who use it.

Its’ palette reveals a harmonious quality, with earth tones and natural materials prevailing. Use of wood columns and beams, as well as wood windows and details was crucial to the success of the buildings tone. For those who work in the spaces, the comfort and ease of occupying them is enhanced by the familiarity recalled by the materials that they work with on a consistent basis. Other natural materials, such as brick and earth-toned metal panels continue this language, while natural lighting and constant views to the exterior reinforce the program’s connection to the natural environment.

The interior organization of the building is orchestrated around a linear commons along the south elevation of the academic pavilion.

This area functions both as a progression towards and a tie to the glazed greenhouse elements. It also connects the academic spaces to a large southern exposure and reinforces the occupant’s relationship to the outdoors, to the sun, and to the seasons.

Expansive exterior gardens allow students space to feature their work just outside of the window walls.

2) Cabrillo Agriculture Centre


Community Building

As you come up the hill from the campus perimeter road, the first building you see is the Community Building, so designated because its purpose is to provide the greater Santa Cruz residents a welcoming place to enjoy classes, lectures, individual study, group functions as well as a marvelous view of the Monterey Bay to the south. The building houses a spacious lobby, community room, lecture classroom, faculty offices, a learning center/library and site of the future garden store.

Community Room

The Community Room is a large multipurpose room with views of the entry courtyard and Monterey Bay. As a classroom, it comfortably seats seventy students and has overhead computerized projection

capabilities, sound system and work boards. It also functions as a meeting room and often provides a space for catered dining events.

Lecture Classroom

The Lecture Classroom offers the latest teaching technology to students. Not only are many lectures offered in the PowerPoint mode, but laptop computers are used for hands on learning experiences in plant database research and landscape design graphics.

Nursery Building

The Nursery Building is on the left as you enter the fenced area in the back of the Horticulture Center. It comprises the nursery staff offices and lunch room, herbarium, the store and laboratory Classroom, where students learn hands on techniques for plant propagation and care.

Laboratory Classroom

The Nursery classroom is an expansive space with stainless steel tables and a concrete floor with drains, a perfect room for learning the arts of nursery production in all its phases. Students use this room to conduct media testing, to practice canning and potting techniques, to measure pH and EC, as well as learn how to identify plant parts.

Hoop Houses

There are five hoop houses near the back of the nursery area. They are used throughout the season to show the sequence of typical crop production. One house is the propagation house, the second is for lining out stock and the other 2 are for hardening off the crop before going outside.


The prize of the Nursery Area is the 8,000 square foot greenhouse complex named in honor of the Solari family. In the center is the Head House where much of the propagation goes on during the year by our students, staff and volunteers. On either side are the 3,600 square foot greenhouse areas.

One side is dedicated to Controlled Environment Agriculture - hydroponic tomatoes, basil and aquaponic greens. The other side grows Poinsettias in the fall, and lots of other nursery crops in preparation for our spring sale.
