Intro for a Treatise on Peace in the East



Intro for a Treatise on Peace in the East

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  • An Chunggns A Treatise on Peace in the East Franklin Rausch, University of British Columbia Jieun Han, Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, Academy of East Asian Studies,

    Sungkyunkwan University

    On October 26th, 1909 at a railway station in Harbin, Manchuria, An Chunggn (1879-1910)

    shot and killed It Hirobumi (1841-1909), the first Resident-General of Korea. It had played an

    important part in the colonization of Korea, forcing the singing of the 1905 and 1907 treaties, and the

    abdication of the last independent Korean ruler, Kojong. An, a general in a Korean guerilla army

    (ibyng, literally righteous army), saw It as an enemy of Korea and a threat to peace in the East.

    Moreover, An believed that It had tricked the world into believing that Koreans supported the

    Japanese protectorate. He thought that by killing It he would reveal the truth and that once the real

    situation in Korea was known, either the Meiji Emperor would change Japanese policy or the

    Western empires would intervene on Koreas behalf.

    After shooting It, An was arrested by Russian railway guards and then handed over to the

    Japanese government, which put him on trial. An argued that since he had killed It as a soldier he

    should be treated as a prisoner-of-war and tried in an international court. Despite his best efforts, he

    was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death. Just before his execution, he stated that he had

    killed It to safeguard peace in the East. After praying in silence for several minutes, he was hung.

    An began to write his autobiography, The Story of An ngchil, on December 13th, 1909, as

    he awaited trial. He was still working on it when, on February 17th, 1910, he met with Judge Hirashi

    of the Kwantung high court and explained to him his ideas for how peace in the East could be

    established. An wanted China, Japan, and Korea to work together to establish an East Asian Peace

    Association; a joint bank issuing a single currency to be used in all three countries, which would

    promote economic and industrial development; and military units composed of Chinese, Japanese,

    and Korean young people who would study each others languages. He also proposed that the

  • Chinese, Korean, and Japanese emperors be crowned by the Pope and swear oaths promising that

    they would cooperate with each other. The judge listened politely and according to Ans

    autobiography, promised him that his execution would be delayed so that he could finish his

    autobiography and write an essay detailing his proposals for establishing peace in the East. An

    finished his autobiography on March 15th, and began to write A Treatise on Peace in the East.

    Unfortunately, the stay was not granted, and An was executed on March 26th, 1910, before he could

    finish his work. He was only able to complete the introduction and first chapter of what was meant

    to be a four-chapter work.

    Ans Treatise is an eclectic mix of the old and the new and so is an illustrative example of

    how traditional Korean worldviews were shaped by modern Western ideas. Ans concern for racial

    solidarity among Asians shows the contemporary influence of Asianism and Social-Darwinism. At

    the same time, his Confucian education and Catholic religious beliefs also influenced the Treatise,

    making it a work deeply concerned with morality. For An, the world was clearly defined between

    good and evil, and people had the ability to choose which side they would stand on. Thus, the

    Treatise can be characterized as a plea to the Japanese government to respect Chinese and Korean

    sovereignty so that, in accordance with the principle of racial solidarity, they could unite and

    defend Asia against Western imperialism.