Interpersonal Arrogance and the Incentive Salience of,...


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Power versus Affiliation 1


Interpersonal Arrogance and the Incentive Salience of Power versus

Affiliation Cues

Adam K. Fetterman1, Michael D. Robinson

2, and Scott Ode


1Knowledge Media Research Center

2North Dakota State University


Note: Correspondence can be sent to Adam Fetterman, Knowledge Media Research Center,

Schleichstrasse 6, 72076 Tübingen, Germany. Internet correspondence can be directed to (Phone: +49 7071 979-226; Fax: +49 7071 979 200). This

publication was made possible by COBRE Grant P20 GM103505 from the Institute of General

Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its contents

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Power versus Affiliation 2


The arrogance dimension of the circumplex contrasts people who seemingly value power over

affiliation (high arrogance) versus those who do not (low arrogance). Following this line of

thinking, and building on an incentive salience model of approach motivation, three studies (total

N = 284) examined the differential processing of power versus affiliation stimuli in

categorization, perception, and approach-avoidance paradigms. All studies found interactions of

the same type. In Study 2, for example, people high in arrogance perceived power stimuli to be

larger than affiliation stimuli, but this differential pattern was not evident at low arrogance levels.

People high, but not low, in arrogance also approached power stimuli faster than affiliation

stimuli in a motor movement task (Study 3). The results contribute to a process-based

understanding of how interpersonal arrogance functions while linking such differences to the

manner in which power versus affiliation cues are perceived and reacted to.

KEYWORDS: Personality, Interpersonal, Arrogance, Power, Affiliation, Incentives, Cues

Power versus Affiliation 3

Interpersonal Arrogance and the Incentive Salience of Power versus Affiliation Cues

Taxonomic efforts were necessary to clarify how different personality traits relate to each

other and how they group into larger wholes (e.g., the Big 5). As the answers to these questions

have become fairly clear, research is needed that seeks to explain how these traits operate as

people with them interact with the environment (Pervin, 1994). Two approaches seem

particularly promising. One proposes that there is a motivational basis to traits: People differ in

their traits because they differ in the types of goals that they have (Carver, Sutton, & Scheier,

2000). Neurotic people, for example, may be more concerned with the possibility of social

rejection than stable people (Denissen & Penke, 2008). The second approach models interactions

with the environment in terms of how presented stimuli are processed and reacted to (Baumert &

Schmitt, 2012; Mathews, 2012). Along these lines, anxious people have been shown to interpret

ambiguous stimuli in more threatening terms (Mathews & MacLeod, 2005).

The two approaches to trait explanation – motivational and cognitive – can be

particularly informative when combined. Wilkowski and Robinson (2008), for example,

proposed that people low (but not high) in trait anger are motivated to control their hostile

thoughts. This led to an information-processing paradigm in which hostile thoughts were primed

immediately prior to a task assessing mental control. As hypothesized, people low in trait anger

exhibited greater mental control following hostile primes than following neutral primes, but

prime type did not matter for people high in trait anger. Wilkowski and Robinson (2008)

emphasized the value of their data both for understanding individual differences in anger

proneness and for understanding the processes involved. It is possible that other personality traits

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can be similarly decomposed, but doing so will require sustained efforts to bridge the explicit-

implicit methodological divide (Robinson & Wilkowski, in press).

In a sense, the present work did not begin with an effort to understand one personality

trait, but rather with the conviction that something important in the trait domain must map onto

the differential processing of power versus affiliation stimuli. Power (status, influence) and

affiliation (relatedness) figure prominently in our social lives, a point recognized by multiple

theorists. Along these lines, Darwin’s (1859) initial view of biological fitness emphasized power

struggles between organisms, whereas his subsequent view (Darwin, 1871) emphasized

affiliation-related adaptations (Miller, 2000). In psychodynamic terms, Horney (1945)

considered getting ahead (power) and getting along (affiliation) two of the major challenges

social beings must solve (for a more recent analysis, see Hogan, 2007). Bakan (1966) proposed

an organizational framework in which agency (closely related to power) and communion (closely

related to affiliation) were dominant themes in the lives of individuals, social groups, and even

societies (for a more recent exposition, see Trapnell & Paulhus, 2012). Power and affiliation,

finally, are considered two of the prime motivators of social interaction (McClelland, 1987) and

dimensions along which people differ (Wiggins & Trapnell, 1996).

We pitted power versus affiliation incentives against each other in several cognitive

paradigms. Our main question was whether tendencies to favor one class of incentives over the

other might provide insights into interpersonal features of personality, a possibility suggested by

several theoretical frameworks (e.g., Bakan, 1966; Hogan, 2007; Trapnell & Paulhus, 2012).

Before considering this question in further depth, we explain how the paradigms were developed

in accordance with cue-related accounts of how motivation operates.

Cue-Related Processes and Their Extension to Power versus Affiliation

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An important feature of motivation is that it operates on incentives in the environment

and likely does so in two ways (McClelland, 1987). First, a given motivation should theoretically

prepare us to perceive, react to, and approach stimuli that are motivation-related (Higgins, 1996).

For example, a nicotine-deprived smoker should be predisposed to dwell on external smoking

cues (Field, Mogg, & Bradley, 2004). Second, though, cues in the environment can prime related

motives (Bargh, Gollwitzer, Lee-Chai, Barndollar, & Trötschel, 2001). In support of this point, a

body of work has shown that incidental motivational cues (e.g., related to achievement) can

result in outcomes (such as persistence on a task) that are consistent with stronger levels of that

motive (Dijksterhuis & Aarts, 2010). Together, these top-down and bottom-up influences suggest

that important insights about people can be made by studying how incentive cues are processed

and reacted to (Robinson & Berridge, 2003).

To date, cue-processing research has primarily focused on environmental threats and

rewards. Following a cognitive-motivational analysis of anxiety (Mogg & Bradley, 1998), a

number of studies have shown that particularly anxious people tend to orient toward

environmental threats (MacLeod, 1999). Anxious people might also process threats faster

(Augustine, Larsen, & Lee, 2013) and see threats as larger or more dynamic (Robinson & Liu,

2013). Just as anxiety orients one toward threats, excitement orients one toward rewards (Tamir

& Robinson, 2007). There is also evidence that rewarding stimuli trigger the approach

motivation system (Ode, Winters, & Robinson, 2012) and that this appears to be particularly true

at high levels of extraversion (Robinson, Moeller, & Ode, 2010). In summary, the cue-processing

analysis of approach and avoidance motivation has been a productive one (Harmon-Jones, Price,

Peterson, Gable, & Harmon-Jones, 2013).

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Berridge’s (2007) theory of approach motivation is especially germane in thinking about

such cue-related processes. Higher levels of approach motivation are thought to increase the

salience of reward cues and to bias the organism toward them. This theory has primarily been

supported in animal models, but it can be relatively easily translated into cognitive performance

predictions. To the extent that a person is motivated to approach a stimulus, that stimulus should

be processed faster (Flaisch, Junghöfer, Bradley, Schupp, & Lang, 2008), should appear larger or

closer (Ode et al., 2012), and should speed movements made toward the stimulus (De Houwer,

Crombez, Baeyens, & Hermans, 2001). All such tendencies would presumably support the

acquisition of the desirable environmental resource (Dunning & Balcetis, 2013; Proffitt, 2006).

We accordingly focused on speed-based (Study 1), perception-based (Study 2), and movement-

based (Study 3) metrics in the present studies.

We sought to extend this cue-processing approach to reactions to power versus affiliation

stimuli, particularly in relation to individual differences, but also entertained possible main

effects for cue type. People compete for power in a way that they do not compete for affiliation

(Kiesler, 1983) and therefore acting quickly in relation to power cues may often be a more

pressing issue. People are typically more satisfied with what they have in the affiliation domain

than in the power domain (Myers & Diener, 1995), again considerations that might favor the

acquisition of new power-related resources to a greater extent. Finally, power can be seized in a

way that affiliation cannot (McClelland, 1987). Front-end cue-related processes might be more

biased toward power than affiliation stimuli for this reason. This should be particularly true as

levels of interpersonal arrogance increase, however.

Interpersonal Arrogance as a Potential Bias toward Power over Affiliation

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Power and affiliation are interpersonal in the sense that they involve other people in

addition to the self (McClelland, 1987). Power is over others and affiliation is with others

(McAdams, Hoffman, Mansfield, & Day, 1996). Interpersonal aspects of personality, in turn, are

well captured by what is termed the interpersonal circumplex (Wiggins, 1991). Drawing from

theorists such as Sullivan (1953), Leary (1957) detailed the manner in which social features of

personality could be appreciated in terms of, and organized by, a circular (or circumplex)

arrangement. Wiggins (1979) then developed trait scales to capture individual difference

variations in interpersonal style and showed that the scales correlated with each other in exactly

the manner suggested by Leary’s (1957) analysis (also see Wiggins, Trapnell, & Phillips, 1988).

Due to its basic and comprehensive nature (Wiggins, 1991), the circumplex has been

recommended as a tool for examining new interpersonal phenomena (Gurtman, 1992). Successes

along these lines have included interpersonal values (Locke, 2000), social roles (Moskowitz,

1994), social support (Trobst, 2000), personality dysfunction (Alden, Wiggins, & Pincus, 1990),

and nonverbal behavior (Gifford & O’Connor, 1987). Further, Wiggins and Broughton (1991)

showed that 172 diverse scales drawn from personality, social, and clinical psychology could be

fit into the interpersonal space defined by the circumplex and circumplex measures have also

been used with some success in social cognitive processing studies (Robinson & Wilkowski, in

press). We therefore used the circumplex to characterize the personality features of people who

favor power over affiliation in incentive processing.

A further reason for circumplex assessment is that power and affiliation intuitively fit

within this interpersonal space. Specifically, higher levels of dominance (versus submission)

appear consistent with a power-oriented approach to the social environment and higher levels of

warmth (versus coldness) appear consistent with an affiliation-oriented approach to the social

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environment (Wiggins & Trapnell, 1996). Note, however, that we focus on the differential

processing of power versus affiliation cues in our personality-processing designs – for example,

we will compare how quickly power words are categorized to how quickly affiliation words are

categorized. In this context, arrogance is the dimension of the circumplex that should have the

greatest predictive value. This is because arrogance captures an antisocial version of dominance

that can be viewed as both power-oriented and low in affiliation (Jones & Paulhus, 2011; Ruiz,

Smith, & Rhodewalt, 2001). By contrast, the dominance dimension has uncertain relevance to

how affiliation stimuli will be processed and the warmth dimension has uncertain relevance to

how power stimuli will be processed (Wiggins, 1991; Wiggins & Trapnell, 1996).

Indeed, the arrogance dimension of the circumplex uniquely captures traits and

tendencies of an actively antisocial type. This includes the dark triad traits of narcissism,

Machiavellianism, and psychopathy (Furnham, Richards, & Paulhus, 2013). It also includes traits

such as impulsivity, domineeringness, and aggression (Smith, Traupman, Uchino, & Berg, 2010;

Wiggins & Broughton, 1991). The low end of the arrogance dimension, by contrast, can be

viewed in terms of honesty-humility (Furnham et al., 2013) or deference and abasement

(Wiggins & Broughton, 1991). As another way of thinking about the arrogance dimension, one

can think of it in terms of unmitigated agency (Rauthmann & Kolar, 2013), defined in terms of

pursuing the self’s desires even when doing so will harm others (Helgeson & Fritz, 1999). These

are not only rich conceptions of arrogance, but also ones suggesting that the arrogance

dimension, relative to other dimensions of the circumplex, may be particularly predictive of

processing tendencies favoring power incentives over affiliation incentives.

In summary, although efforts to bridge the personality-processing divide are scarcer than

they should be given their explanatory value, extant knowledge concerning the correlates of

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interpersonal arrogance led us to expect that variations along this continuum would interact with

cue type (power versus affiliation) to predict processing performance. At higher levels of

arrogance, we hypothesized that speed, perception, and movement would be biased in favor of

power cues over affiliation cues. At lower levels of arrogance, we did not expect tendencies of

this type. We conducted three studies to examine such interactive hypotheses.

Overview of Studies

Berridge’s (2007) theory of incentive motivation served as a general framework for our

predictions. First, to the extent that incentive motivation is high, the organism should be faster to

recognize relevant cues in the environment. Study 1 examined this process by assessing the

speed with which power versus affiliation stimuli could be categorized. Second, to the extent that

incentive motivation is high, relevant cues should gain perceptual salience. Study 2 examined

this process by asking individuals to estimate the size of power versus affiliation words. Third, to

the extent that incentive motivation is high, approach-related movements should be facilitated.

Study 3 examined this process by asking individuals to approach versus avoid stimuli related to

power and affiliation using a joystick device. In all cases, interactions between interpersonal

arrogance and cue type were expected.

Study 1

Higher levels of approach motivation are thought to sensitize people to motivation-

relevant stimuli (Berridge, 2007). Or, stated in other terms, a dispositional match should result in

enhanced accessibility or processing speed (Higgins, 1996). In the first study, accordingly, we

used a relatively straightforward choice reaction time paradigm (Robinson, 2004) in which

people categorized power versus affiliation stimuli as quickly as possible. An interaction

between arrogance and cue type (power versus affiliation) was hypothesized. As a general note,

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all studies used words as stimuli owing to their semantic simplicity and lack of complicating

details relative to pictures (Bradley & Lang, 1999).


Power Considerations

Based on our past research on explicit-implicit relations (Robinson & Wilkowski, in

press), we expected medium rather than small or large effect sizes. This past research also guided

us to collect sample sizes in the neighborhood of 80 per study. To achieve these sample sizes in

approximate terms, we ran each study for a fixed period of time, specified in advance, known to

result in similar sample sizes in our past research. All volunteers during this specified time

period were processed. Exact sample sizes depended on sign-up and show-up rates, which varied

somewhat from study to study. No data analysis occurred until a study’s data collection was

complete. Post-hoc power analyses revealed power estimates of .86 (Study 1), .83 (Study 2), and

.92 (Study 3) to detect interaction effects of the magnitudes obtained.

Participants and Procedures

Participants in Study 1 were 77 (45 female) undergraduates from North Dakota State

University (NDSU) seeking course credit for their psychology classes. They signed up for a

generally described personality and cognition study over the Internet using SONA participant

registration software. Upon arriving to the laboratory in groups of 6 or less, participants were

told they would answer questions about themselves and complete a cognitive task, after which

informed consent was obtained. Participants then completed the remainder of the study at

personal computers with dividers. The categorization task (see below) was completed before the

personality questionnaire to ensure a constant assessment order while guarding against the

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potential priming effects of thinking about one’s traits on cognitive performance (Robinson &

Neighbors, 2006). As arrogance is the predictor, though, we describe its assessment first.

Interpersonal Arrogance

Interpersonal arrogance organizes a number of interpersonally problematic traits such as

narcissism and aggression (Wiggins & Broughton, 1991) and was assessed (via MediaLab

software) with the 16 BC (high arrogance) to JK (low arrogance) axis trait adjective markers

(e.g., boastful, cocky) of the Interpersonal Adjective Scale-Revised (IAS-R: Wiggins et al.,

1988), a well-validated instrument (Wiggins & Trapnell, 1996). Participants indicated how well

(1 = extremely inaccurate; 6 = extremely accurate) each adjective describes the self by moving

the mouse to a response button and making a response. After reverse-scoring the 8 JK items, an

arrogance score was computed (M = 3.48; SD = .80; alpha = .81).

For discriminant purposes, we also assessed the other three dimensions of the circumplex

using the IAS-R. Sixteen adjectives (e.g., jovial, outgoing) assess extraversion (M = 5.03; SD =

.69; alpha = .93), 16 (e.g., assertive, dominant) assess dominance (M = 4.41; SD = .73; alpha =

.92), and 16 (e.g., coldhearted, unsympathetic) assess coldness (M = 2.01; SD = .77; alpha = .95).

As with arrogance, 8 items for each dimension are reverse-scored and predictors constitute

averages. While dominance is a theory-relevant predictor of power cue processing, dominance is

conceptually independent of coldness (Wiggins, 1991) and therefore not particularly relevant to

affiliation cue processing. Vice versa, coldness is a theory-relevant predictor of affiliation cues,

but not power cues. In comparison to both, the arrogance dimension may be uniquely predictive

in that it captures a hostile form of dominance suggestive of placing power concerns ahead of

affiliation concerns, the comparative focus of our paradigms.

Categorization Task

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Participants were asked to quickly and accurately categorize presented words according

to whether they signified high levels of power or high levels of affiliation. Instructions further

stated that power words imply status and influence, whereas affiliation words imply closeness

and relatedness. After consulting several literatures on power and affiliation, we generated a list

of 10 power words (affluence, authority, dominance, fortune, money, power, prestige, reputation,

status, & wealth) and 10 affiliation words (affiliation, attachment, belonging, closeness,

collaboration, community, cooperation, family, harmony, & relationships) for use as stimuli. We

ensured that the two categories were equal in word frequency (M = 79.85), F < 1, so that results

could not be ascribed to this stimulus factor.

An E-Prime program was created to present stimuli and register reaction times. Stimuli

were capitalized, randomly selected, and presented at center screen over the course of 120 trials.

Responses were made using the 1 and 5 keys of a button box, with response mappings (e.g., 1 =

power or 1 = affiliation) counterbalanced across participants. Labels for the response mappings

were continuously presented on the computer screen – below and to the left and right of the

stimulus location – to aid the response-mapping process. Errors were penalized with a 1000 ms

visual error message, as is useful when reaction times are the focus of interest. There was a 500

ms blank delay between one response and the presentation of the next stimulus.


Initial Considerations

Reaction time data were handled in a standard manner. Inaccurate trials were dropped,

millisecond values were log-transformed, and log latencies 2.5 SDs faster or slower than the

grand mean were replaced with these outlier values (Robinson, 2007). For each participant, we

then computed two scores, one averaging across trials involving power words and the other

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averaging across trials involving affiliation words. Performance was very consistent within the

power (alpha = .97) and affiliation (alpha = .97) conditions considered separately. Power versus

affiliation difference scores will almost necessarily be less reliable (Miyake, Friedman, Emerson,

Witzki, & Howerter, 2000; Robinson, 2007), but there was some reliability to them (alpha = .48).

The latter estimate was computed by subtracting the first-obtained power log time from the first-

obtained affiliation log time, the second-obtained power log time from the second-obtained

affiliation log time, etc., and then performing an internal consistency analysis on these trial-level

difference scores. In the analyses below, we will focus on log-transformed means, but

millisecond means are reported for ease of interpretation.

Primary Analysis

We hypothesized that higher levels of interpersonal arrogance would be linked to

enhanced processing for power cues relative to affiliation cues. To examine this interactive

hypothesis, we used the General Linear Model (GLM) platform, which is well suited to handle

continuous personality dimensions in combination with within-subject designs (Robinson, 2007).

The predictors were arrogance (which was z-scored or centered: Aiken & West, 1991) and cue

type (power versus affiliation) and the dependent variable was speed of categorization.

There was a main effect for Arrogance in the paradigm, F(1, 76) = 8.61, p < .01, partial

eta squared (PES) = .10 (a medium-large effect size). To understand the nature of this main

effect, we averaged across the cue type variable and performed a simple regression in which

estimated means were calculated for a prototypically low (-1 SD) versus high (+1 SD) level of

the arrogance continuum (Aiken & West, 1991). Categorizations tended to be faster at the high

(estimated M = 827 ms) relative to low (estimated M = 920 ms) level. This is a potentially

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interesting effect that may suggest that arrogant people are “geared to respond”, but firmer

conclusions of this type would require conceptual replication with other paradigms.

Recall that we entertained the possibility that cue-related processes might generally favor

power to affiliation stimuli. This was the case in that there was a main effect for Cue Type, F(1,

76) = 33.52, p < .01, PES = .25, with faster categorization times for power (M = 847 ms) than

affiliation (M = 900 ms) stimuli. Although our primary hypothesis pertains to potential

interactions with arrogance, this main effect is also interesting, particularly to the extent that it

can be conceptually replicated in the paradigms of Studies 2 and 3.

Of most importance, the interaction between Arrogance and Cue Type was significant,

F(1, 76) = 5.00, p = .04, PES = .05 (a medium effect size). Estimated means for this interaction,

at the prototypically low (-1 SD) versus high (+1 SD) levels of interpersonal arrogance, are

reported in Figure 1. As shown there, the faster categorization of power than affiliation cues was

especially evident as arrogance increased. In other words, there was a systematic relationship

between arrogance and the relative accessibility of the two incentive types.

We might stop here, but we wanted to perform some follow-up analyses. Specifically, we

wanted to examine the effect of cue type – the within-subject manipulation – at different levels

of arrogance. It is possible to do so using the procedures of Wilkowski and Robinson (2007) and

covered in more detail by Robinson (2007). First, one turns the within-subject manipulation into

a difference score contrasting the two conditions (e.g., affiliation speed minus power speed).

Second, one adjusts the personality predictor to reflect low (-1 SD) or high (+1 SD) levels of it

(Aiken & West, 1991). Third, one performs two simple regressions, the first involving the “low”

predictor score and the second involving the “high” predictor score. Fourth, one examines

inferential statistics for the intercept, which in these regressions reflects how performance varied

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as a function of the within-subject manipulation at a given level of the personality continuum

(Wilkowski & Robinson, 2007). In these follow-up regressions, that is, it is the intercept rather

than the slope that is of interest. We present this material to avoid confusion and because follow-

up analyses of this type will be conducted in all studies.

Following these procedures, the within-subject effect of cue type was turned into a

difference score in which a person’s power latency mean was subtracted from his/her affiliation

latency mean, with a higher number meaning faster power cue processing. Then, two simple

regressions were performed, one in which the predictor was altered to reflect the low level of

arrogance and the other in which it was altered to reflect the high level. As captured by the

intercept, the cue type main effect was significant at the high level of arrogance, t(77) = 4.60, p <

.01, and reduced in magnitude at the low level, t(77) = 2.56, p = .04.

Before moving on to other analyses, some additional points should be made. Stimuli for

the power and affiliation categories were equal in word frequency, but the affiliation words

tended to possess more letters than the power words. This could have contributed to the

normative speed difference between the two stimulus categories. Because the task and stimuli

were constant across arrogance levels, however, such differences cannot account for the

arrogance by cue type interaction that is emphasized.

Accuracy Analysis

A parallel GLM was performed on accuracy rates. In this analysis, there was no main

effect for Arrogance, F(1, 76) = 1.52, p = .22, and there was no Arrogance by Cue Type

interaction, F < 1. Thus, and consistent with a sensitization account (Berridge, 2007), people

higher in arrogance appear ready to recognize and respond to power cues (relative to affiliation

cues) in a manner that cannot be equated with a speed-accuracy tradeoff. There did appear to be

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a speed-accuracy tradeoff for the cue type main effect, however, in that there was also a Cue

Type main effect for accuracy rates, F(1, 76) = 13.05, p < .01, PES = .15: Affiliation words were

categorized more accurately (M = 92.10%) than power words (M = 89.24%). Our interpretation

of the cue type main effect is more provisional, then.

Other Circumplex Dimensions

Relations among dominance, coldness, and arrogance were as expected (Wiggins, 1979).

Coldness and dominance were unrelated, r(77) = -.17, p = .14, but arrogance was positively

correlated with both coldness, r(77) = .36, p < .01, and dominance, r(77) = .26, p = .02. Given

the relative (power versus affiliation) focus of our paradigm, arrogance seemed the most

pertinent predictor. Nonetheless, it was useful to repeat the primary GLM by replacing arrogance

with one of the other circumplex dimension scores. There was no personality by cue type

interaction for extraversion, F < 1, or coldness, F < 1, but there was some trend for dominance,

F(1, 76) = 3.51, p = .07, PES = .04. Estimated means indicated that the pattern of the latter

interaction was parallel to that involving arrogance in the sense that the faster categorization of

power than affiliation stimuli was more evident at a high (+1 SD) level of dominance (estimated

Ms = 823 ms & 899 ms) than a low (-1 SD) level (estimates Ms = 873 ms & 903 ms).

The arrogance dimension of the circumplex captures actively antisocial aspects of

personality in a parsimonious manner, one not secondary to the dimensions of coldness and

dominance (Wiggins & Trapnell, 1996). For this reason, there seemed no reason to reconfigure

the independent dimensions of coldness and dominance to cover the same interpersonal territory.

Even so, we explored the possibility that coldness and dominance might interact to predict

processing speed. To investigate this possibility, we performed a GLM with cue type, z-scored

dominance, z-scored coldness, and all interaction terms as predictors. Rather than reiterating the

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lower-order effects reported above, it is sufficient to say that there was no three-way interaction,

F < 1. Thus, the relative (power versus affiliation) differences observed in Study 1 vary most

directly with arrogance (and, to a lesser extent, with dominance).

Participant Sex as a Potential Moderator

There was a sex difference in arrogance such that men (M = 3.73) scored higher than

women (M = 3.28), F(1, 76) = 6.15, p = .02, PES = .07. To determine whether sex moderated the

arrogance by cue type interaction emphasized, we reran this GLM with participant sex as an

additional factor. The Arrogance by Cue Type by Sex interaction was not significant, F < 1.

Thus, relations between arrogance and differential cue type processing speed were equally strong

among men and women.

Discussion and Study 2

We posited that incentive salience processes would increasingly favor power over

affiliation stimuli as levels of interpersonal arrogance increased. We were able to provide support

for this idea in the form of an arrogance by cue type interaction involving the relative speeds

with which power versus affiliation stimuli could be recognized and categorized. Although

accessibility processes of this category speed type have been emphasized by several theories of

motivated cognition (as reviewed by Higgins, 1996), categorization speed might not be the best

measure of the sort of processes emphasized by Berridge’s (2007) incentive salience model of

approach motivation. Accordingly, Study 2 extended this analysis to perceptual processes.

When a person is motivated to approach a stimulus, that stimulus should receive a

perceptual “boost” by the reward system. Berridge (2007) has found considerable support for this

salience-based idea in the context of animal models of motivation (e.g., Wyvell & Berridge,

2000) and similar phenomena have been demonstrated in both classic (e.g., Bruner & Goodman,

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1947) and recent (e.g., Veltkamp, Aarts, & Custers, 2008) work on motivated social cognition

(Balcetis & Lassiter, 2010). Ode et al. (2012) created a paradigm suited to a personality and

assessment context in that the measure – font size estimations – is precise and multiple trials can

be administered. Consistent with Berridge’s (2007) framework, Ode et al. (2012) found that

pleasant words were perceived to be larger in font size than neutral or unpleasant words, with no

difference between the latter two categories. Study 2 seeks to use this paradigm to examine the

relative perceived size of power versus affiliation stimuli. In a pattern paralleling Study 1, we

hypothesized greater incentive salience (size overestimations) for power than affiliation stimuli

that should be more evident as interpersonal arrogance increases.


Participants, Procedures, and Arrogance Assessment

A different sample of 86 (44 female) undergraduates from NDSU constituted the Study 2

sample. They too received credit for their psychology classes and registered using SONA

software. They also arrived to the lab in groups of 6 or less, received general instructions, and

completed the remainder of the study at personal computers with dividers. The perception-based

task was administered first and the IAS-R (Wiggins et al., 1988) was given afterwards.

The IAS-R was programmed with MediaLab software and asked people whether 64

interpersonal adjectives were accurate descriptions of the self (1 = very inaccurate; 6 = very

accurate). Arrogance was assessed in terms of the 16 BC (positively scored) to JK (reverse-

scored) axis markers (e.g., boastful) of the IAS-R and an average predictor score was computed

(M = 3.46; SD = .66; alpha = .78). In addition, the IAS-R dimensions of extraversion (M = 4.88;

SD = .79; alpha = .94), dominance (M = 4.33; SD = .84; alpha = .92), and coldness (M = 2.02;

SD = .76; alpha = .93) were also assessed. Coldness and dominance were uncorrelated, r(86) = -

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.02, p = .83, and arrogance was correlated with coldness, r(86) = .43, p < .01, a bit more strongly

than with dominance, r(86) = .21, p = .05.

Size Estimation Task

An E-Prime program was created. Participants were told that we were interested in their

ability to alternate between two very different tasks. The first would require them to categorize

presented words as power-related (implying greater status and influence) or affiliation-related

(implying greater closeness and relatedness). This categorization task was to ensure semantic

processing of the incentive stimuli, but the procedures (further detailed below) did not allow for

precise reaction time measurement in that participants had to move their cursors across

significant portions of the computer screen to make their categorizations. Subsequently,

participants were to estimate the font size of the presented words, the focus of the paradigm.

In more specific terms, the following events occurred. At the beginning of each paired

trial, an array of “Z” letters was presented vertically along the left side of the computer screen.

These letters varied in font size from Times New Roman 13 to Times New Roman 23 in 1-point

increments. As a counterbalanced variable, some participants were presented with an array that

increased in font size down the screen, whereas others received the reversed order of font sizes.

This response array remained on the screen during the course of the trials.

After a 1000 ms delay, a stimulus was randomly selected from the list of 20 words used

in Study 1 and placed at center screen. Stimulus words were capitalized to ensure a constant

height, but assigned to either a 16 or 20 point Times New Roman font so that it was clear that

stimulus sizes differed across trials but in a way that preserved some simplicity to the paradigm.

Participants classified each word by moving a centrally presented mouse cursor to one of two

boxes at the bottom of the screen, one labeled “power” and the other labeled “affiliation”,

Power versus Affiliation 20

thereupon making a left mouse click. Whether the power box was to the left or right side of the

screen was counterbalanced. Participants were given 4000 ms to categorize each word and the

computer program recorded the accuracy of these categorizations. In the case of inaccurate

classifications, there was a 2000 ms error message.

Subsequent to a 250 ms blank delay, the stimulus word was re-presented at center screen

in the same font size that occurred at the beginning of the trial. Now, participants were to

estimate the font size of the word by clicking on the Z letter to the left of the screen that was

perceived to be of the same font size as the presented word. They were given 3000 ms to make a

size-based perceptual match and cautioned if they were too slow. There were a total of 40 trials

such that each of the 20 words was presented in each of the two font sizes.


Initial Considerations

Perhaps because the trials were somewhat complex, word classification accuracy rates

were lower than in Study 1 (M = 83.03%). They also differed by Cue Type (power M = 78.83%;

affiliation M = 86.28%), F(1, 85) = 20.72, p < .01, PES = .33, but there was no Arrogance main

effect involving accuracy rates, F < 1, nor was there an Arrogance by Cue Type interaction, F <

1. It was deemed best to remove paired trials involving inaccurate stimulus classifications,

though the results would be parallel with the inclusion of such trials.

To quantify perceptual size overestimation (or underestimation), we subtracted the actual

size of each presented word (16 or 20) from the perceived size of that word (from 13 to 23), a

difference score in font-size units. Such overestimates were then averaged separately by cue

type. Size estimates were fairly consistent within the power (alpha = .91) and affiliation (alpha =

.89) conditions, but the difference score reliability (first-obtained power bias score minus first-

Power versus Affiliation 21

obtained affiliation bias score, etc.) was lower than desired (alpha = .31). This can likely be

rectified in future studies by the provision of more trials. As was true in the Ode et al. (2012)

paper, there was a general tendency toward size overestimation for both cue types (see below for

means), ps < .01, results that make sense from an incentive salience perspective (i.e., people

generally seek both power and affiliation to some extent: McClelland, 1987).

Primary Analysis

In a GLM analysis, we examined size overestimations as a function of both cue type and

z-scored levels of interpersonal arrogance (Robinson, 2007). There was no main effect for

Arrogance, F < 1, nor was one expected. Study 1 found that power stimuli were classified faster

than affiliation stimuli. We thought it possible that the former class of stimuli would also appear

larger. This was the case in that there was a Cue Type main effect, F(1, 85) = 6.31, p < .01, PES

= .08 (Ms = 1.48 & 1.30 font size overestimation units for power & affiliation stimuli,

respectively). This very interesting normative effect, however, was qualified by the hypothesized

Arrogance by Cue Type interaction, F(1, 85) = 4.37, p < .01, PES = .05 (a medium effect size).

Estimated means for the significant interaction, at a prototypically low (-1 SD) versus

high (+1 SD) level of arrogance, are displayed in Figure 2. As shown there, the tendency to

overestimate the size of power relative to affiliation cues appeared particular to highly arrogant

individuals. To confirm this visual interpretation, we performed follow-up analyses parallel to

Study 1. Specifically, we converted the within-subject cue type main effect into a difference

score (power overestimations minus affiliation overestimations). We then performed two simple

regressions, one in which the predictor reflected a high (+1 SD) level of arrogance and the other

in which it reflected a low (-1 SD) level. Of interest were statistics for the intercept, which in this

case reflect the influence of the cue type manipulation at a given level of arrogance (Robinson,

Power versus Affiliation 22

2007; Wilkowski & Robinson, 2007). The intercept was significant in the first simple regression,

t(86) = 3.34, p < .01, but not in the second, t(86) = 0.38, p = .70. Thus, a differential bias

favoring power cues was evident only as levels of interpersonal arrogance became high.

Other Circumplex Dimensions

Three additional GLMs were run in which arrogance was replaced by extraversion,

dominance, or coldness, the other IAS-R dimensions. Personality by cue type interactions were

not evident for extraversion, F < 1, or dominance, F(1, 83) = 1.50, p = .22, but there was a

Coldness by Cue Type interaction, F(1, 83) = 6.69, p = .01, PES = .08. The pattern of the latter

interaction paralleled arrogance in that the tendency to perceive power stimuli to be larger than

affiliation stimuli was more pronounced at a high (+1 SD) level of coldness (estimated Ms = 1.60

& 1.24 font size overestimation units) than a low (-1 SD) level (estimated Ms = 1.39 & 1.39).

As in Study 1, we then sought to determine whether dominance and coldness interacted

to predict the effects of cue type. To investigate this question, a GLM involving z-scored

dominance, z-scored coldness, and their interaction was performed. Lower-order effects were

parallel to those already reported and the three-way interaction was not significant, F < 1.

Accordingly, the tendency to see power stimuli as larger than affiliation stimuli aligns itself

relatively directly with arrogance (and, in Study 2, with coldness).

Participant Sex as a Potential Moderator

As might be expected, men (M = 3.66) scored higher in arrogance than women (M =

3.24), F(1, 84) = 9.83, p < .01, PES = .10. In addition, a GLM revealed that participant sex acted

as a moderator in that there was an Arrogance by Cue Type by Sex interaction, F(1, 81) = 8.81, p

< .01, PES = .10. Estimated means indicated that the arrogance by cue type interaction was

pronounced among men (estimated Ms = 1.15, 1.23, 1.69, & 0.94 for low arrogant/power, low

Power versus Affiliation 23

arrogant/affiliation, high arrogant/power, & high arrogant/affiliation combinations, respectively),

but not women (estimated Ms = 1.55, 1.34, 1.71, & 1.54). It is intriguing that incentive salience

processes appeared to favor affiliation cues to a greater extent among arrogant women than

among arrogant men, but similar sex-related moderation effects were not observed in Studies 1

or 3. Nonetheless, further work on these sorts of interactions may be of interest.

Discussion and Study 3

Size overestimations have been shown to track reward value (Ode et al., 2012; Veltkamp

et al., 2008), as they should from an incentive salience view of approach motivation (Berridge,

2007). It was therefore informative that there was a significant tendency for people to think that

power-related stimuli were larger than affiliation-related stimuli. Of perhaps more importance,

this perceptual bias was particularly if not exclusively evident at a high level of interpersonal

arrogance, though the reliability of the paradigm (in terms of difference scores) was less than

desired. In any case, the results of Study 2 converge with those of Study 1 in suggesting that as

arrogance increases, so does the incentive salience of power to affiliation cues.

We sought to extend this analysis in Study 3. Lewin (1936) proposed that approach

motivation should speed movements toward an incentive and avoidance motivation should speed

movements away from a disincentive. Movement dynamics of this type were confirmed in

Miller’s (1944) animal research and subsequently in a literature asking human beings to move

joysticks either toward or away from valenced stimuli (for a review, see Krieglmeyer & Deutsch,

2010). A joystick paradigm was created to examine such movement-related processes. For

comparative purposes, and to ensure stimulus processing, every trial presented both power and

affiliation cues, but at different locations of a computer screen. Movement instructions

emphasized approaching versus avoiding stimuli to encourage this conception of the movements

Power versus Affiliation 24

(Krieglmeyer & Deutsch, 2010). Incentive motivation processes should favor both approaching a

desired stimulus and disfavor avoiding it (Berridge, 2007; Lewin, 1936). For this reason, a

comparison of approach versus avoidance conditions was a key factor. The hypothesis was that

as interpersonal arrogance increases, the approach-avoidance comparison should increasingly

favor power to affiliation – i.e., there should be a 3-way interaction.

Joystick movement paradigms can be a bit noisy, however. Block instructions will fade in

and out of prominence in working memory, readiness for stimuli will waver, and movement-

related mappings will often have to be updated, contributing further noise (Duncan et al., 2000).

These non-motivational processes will primarily contribute to movement onset times (Jensen,

2006). By contrast, both classic and modern theories of approach and avoidance motivation

suggest that it should be particularly evident in movement-related processes (Elliot, 2006) and

there are data in support of this idea. For example, Robinson, Zabelina, Boyd, Bresin, and Ode

(in press) found that people moved the symbolic self faster toward positive than negative

locations, but that this self-favoring pattern was not evident for movement onsets. Similarly,

Boyd, Robinson, and Fetterman (2011) found movement times to be sensitive to motivational

conflicts in a way that movement onset times were not. For both theoretical (Carver et al., 2000;

Elliot, 2006) and practical (Duncan et al., 2000; Jensen, 2006) reasons, then, our hypotheses

were specific to movement times relative to movement onset times.


Participants, Procedures, and Arrogance Assessment

Participants in Study 3 were 118 (67 female) undergraduates from NDSU who received

psychology course credit. They were given general instructions parallel to Studies 1 and 2 and

then seated at one of 6 private computers. Arrogant interpersonal functioning was again assessed

Power versus Affiliation 25

using the 16 BC to JK axis adjective markers of the IAS-R (M = 3.49; SD = .82; alpha = .90). To

locate Study 3’s approach-avoidance tendencies within the circumplex, we also assessed IAS-R

extraversion (M = 4.90; SD = .79; alpha = .95), coldness (M = 1.96; SD = .72; alpha = .95), and

dominance (M = 4.28; SD = .79; alpha = .91). Coldness and dominance were uncorrelated,

r(118) = -.10, p = .26, whereas arrogance was positively correlated with both coldness, r(118) =

.39, p < .01, and dominance, r(118) = .35, p < .01.

Approach-Avoidance Task

Each of the 160 trials of the approach-avoidance task (programmed with E-Prime

software) presented two words on the screen. One was a power word and the other was an

affiliation word. The words were randomly selected and paired from the lists presented in the

Study 1 method section. One was presented 1.60 inches from the top of the computer screen and

the other was presented 1.60 inches from the bottom of the computer screen. The computer

screen height was 13.65 inches. Whether the power word of each pair was toward the top or

bottom of the screen was randomized across trials.

There were four block types, respectively asking individuals to approach power stimuli,

approach affiliation stimuli, avoid power stimuli, or avoid affiliation stimuli. In approach

conditions, participants were to move a Saitek Aviator-01 Dual Throttle joystick toward the

incentive indicated. This movement should be easier if a stimulus is desired. In avoidance

conditions, they were to move the joystick away from the incentive indicated. This movement

should be more difficult if a stimulus is desired. As an example, the power-approach condition

asked participants to move the joystick cursor toward the top (bottom) of the computer screen if

a power word was in a high (low) vertical position. Block types were repeated in four

consecutive randomized orders for a total of 16 blocks, each involving 10 trials.

Power versus Affiliation 26

Trial procedures were as follows. The joystick cursor first appeared at center screen.

After a 400 ms blank delay, the word pair for the trial was presented. Participants were asked to

quickly and accurately move the joystick cursor – which remained visible and tracked the path

made by the participant – up or down on the basis of block instructions and, in either case, to

contact the top or bottom of the computer screen to terminate the trial. If a movement was

initiated in the wrong direction for a given trial, participants received a 1000 ms visual error

message informing them that they were moving in the wrong direction. Correct movements were

followed by a “please return to center” instruction. Upon returning to center screen, there was a

100 ms blank delay before the next trial in a block started.

Onset was defined in terms of moving the joystick cursor .33 inches in the correct

direction following stimulus presentation. Movement time was the time that elapsed between this

onset and the completion of the trial movement. As all trials involved traversing the same spatial

distance, these movement times can be considered (motivation-infused) velocities. Our

hypotheses were specific to the movement time measure.


Initial Considerations

Trials associated with incorrect movement directions were first dropped. Positive skew

was evident for both onset and movement time distributions and therefore both distributions

were log-transformed. Subsequently, and separately so for each distribution, 2.5 SD outlier

values were replaced (i.e., the same transformation procedures used in Study 1). Log latency

means were then averaged for cells of the 2 (approach versus avoidance) by 2 (power versus

affiliation) within-subject design. Analyses focused on these log-transformed values but

millisecond means will be reported for the sake of interpretation ease.

Power versus Affiliation 27

There were no hypotheses involving accuracy rates (i.e., movements in the correct

direction), but they were analyzed for the sake of complete reporting and to evaluate the

possibility of speed-accuracy tradeoffs. This GLM analysis, like that concerning movement

times, included the two within-subject factors of cue type (power versus affiliation) and

movement direction (approach versus avoid) in addition to z-scored variations in interpersonal

arrogance. All F-values were less than 1, save for a main effect for Movement Direction, F(1,

116) = 18.73, p < .01, PES = .14. Not surprisingly given the desirability of the incentives,

approach movements tended to be more accurately initiated (M = 91.64%) than avoidance

movements (M = 89.72%).

We were particularly interested in movement times, but an initial GLM did examine

movement onset times. In this onset-based analysis, there was a main effect for Movement

Direction, F(1, 116) = 54.54, p < .01, PES = .32, with onsets for approach (M = 857 ms) faster

than onsets for avoidance (M = 939 ms). This main effect depended on the incentive under

consideration, however, in that there was a Cue Type by Movement Direction interaction, F(1,

116) = 10.09, p < .01, PES = .08. The interaction was conceptually parallel to the cue type main

effects of Studies 1 and 2. Specifically, approach onsets were faster for power (M = 839 ms) than

affiliation (M = 875 ms) stimuli, whereas avoidance onsets were slower for power (M = 950 ms)

than affiliation (M = 928 ms) stimuli. There was no Cue Type main effect, F < 1, nor were there

main effects or interactions involving Arrogance, ps > .45. Significant results involving

interpersonal arrogance, then, will be located in the theory-emphasized (Boyd et al., 2011;

Miller, 1944) movement phase of the joystick task.

Primary Analysis

Power versus Affiliation 28

The primary GLM analysis examined movement times as a function of cue type,

movement direction, and interpersonal arrogance. We first concentrate on potential normative

effects – i.e., those that collapse across arrogance levels. Main effects for Cue Type and

Movement Direction were not significant, Fs < 1, but there was some tendency toward an

interaction between these factors, F(1, 116) = 3.40, p = .08, PES = .03. The nature of the

interaction was parallel to that for onset times. Specifically, approach movements were

somewhat faster for power (M = 201 ms) than affiliation (M = 205 ms) stimuli, but avoidance

movements were ever so slightly slower for power (M = 201 ms) than affiliation (M = 200 ms)

stimuli. Movement times were quite consistent within each of the four conditions (alphas = .96-

.97) and the internal reliability of difference scores of difference scores (difference score 1 =

(first-obtained power/avoid log time + first-obtained affiliation/approach log time) – (first-

obtained power/approach log time + first-obtained affiliation/avoid log time)) was higher (alpha

= .53) than one might expect for scores of this type (Miyake et al., 2000; Robinson, 2007).

With respect to the individual difference component of the design, there was no main

effect for Arrogance, F < 1. Thus, a tendency toward speedier movements in general did not

characterize arrogant individuals in this paradigm. There was no Arrogance by Cue Type

interaction, F < 1, nor should there be as this interaction collapses across the critically important

approach-avoidance manipulation. There was also no Arrogance by Movement Direction

interaction, F < 1. Thus, and consistent with the findings of Studies 1 and 2, incentive type will

be important in understanding the cue-related processes that differ by arrogance.

Instead, and as hypothesized, there was a significant Arrogance by Cue Type by

Movement Direction three-way interaction, F(1, 116) = 4.87, p = .03, PES = .04 (in between a

small and medium effect size). To break down the three-way interaction, follow-up analyses

Power versus Affiliation 29

were performed as in Studies 1 and 2. We first sought to determine whether cue type and

movement direction (the two within-subject factors) interacted to predict performance at a given

level of arrogance (either high or low). To investigate this question, we computed a difference

score to reflect the two-way interaction: ((approach/affiliation + avoid/power) – (approach/power

+ avoid/affiliation)). Higher numbers indicate favoring the approach, and disfavoring the

avoidance, of power incentives relative to affiliation incentives. We then performed two simple

regressions predicting this difference score, one for a high (+1 SD) level of arrogance and the

other for a low (-1 SD) level. It is the intercepts rather than slopes that are of interest in these

regressions (Robinson, 2007; Wilkowski & Robinson, 2007).

At the high level of arrogance, the intercept reflecting the cue type by movement

direction interaction was significant, t(118) = 2.52, p = .01. Estimated means for highly arrogant

individuals are displayed in Figure 3 and they indicate that arrogant people were faster to

approach power than affiliation incentives as well as slower to avoid power than affiliation

incentives. Approach-avoidance processes, that is, favored power over affiliation at high levels

of arrogance. At the low level of arrogance, the difference score was not significant, t(118) = -

0.97, p = .33 (estimated Ms = 208 ms, 199 ms, 208 ms, & 206 ms for approach/power,

approach/affiliation, avoid/power, & avoid/affiliation conditions, respectively). Thus, the

performance of low-arrogance individuals did not favor an incentive category, results in line with

Studies 1 and 2 in the context of a different paradigm.

One might expect arrogance to interact with cue type primarily with respect to approach

movements. To discern whether this was the case, two further difference scores were computed.

One quantified the extent to which avoidance movement times were slower when power

incentives were involved (i.e., avoid/power – avoid/affiliation). Levels of interpersonal arrogance

Power versus Affiliation 30

did not predict this difference score in a simple regression, t(118) = -1.05, p = .30. The other

difference score quantified the extent to which approach movement times were faster when

power incentives were involved (i.e., approach/affiliation – approach/power). Arrogance was a

significant predictor of this difference score, t(118) = 2.34, p = .02. Furthermore, differential

approach movement speed (as reflected in the difference score intercept: Wilkowski &

Robinson, 2007) was significant at a high (+1 SD), t(118) = 2.18, p = .03, but not low (-1 SD),

t(118) = -1.14, p = .26, level of interpersonal arrogance. These follow-up analyses converge on

the approach-related nature of the findings.

Other Circumplex Dimensions

For discriminant purposes, we also performed analyses in which interpersonal arrogance

was replaced with one of the other three dimensions of the circumplex – extraversion, coldness,

or dominance. The dependent measure was movement times and the within-subject design

included the cue type and movement direction factors. In contrast to the analysis involving

arrogance, three-way interactions for extraversion, F < 1, coldness, F(1, 116) = 2.01, p = .16, and

dominance, F < 1, were not significant. In an additional analysis, there was also no four-way cue

type by movement direction by coldness by dominance interaction, F < 1. Thus, differential

reactivity to power stimuli relative to affiliation stimuli aligns itself somewhat uniquely with the

arrogance dimension of the circumplex. Such results make sense. For example, dominance can

be enacted in either a warm or cold manner, whereas arrogance captures a cold or hostile form of

dominance more pertinent to our comparative (power > affiliation) focus.

Participant Sex as a Potential Moderator

As in Studies 1 and 2, males scored higher in arrogance (M = 3.85) than females (M =

3.23), F(1, 115) = 19.10, p < .01, PES = .14. Arrogance functioned similarly in males and

Power versus Affiliation 31

females, however, as the significant (arrogance by cue type by movement direction) three-way

interaction of primary interest was not moderated by participant sex in a follow-up GLM, F(1,

113) = 1.74, p = .19. Overall, then, we emphasize the generality of the arrogance-linked

processes identified by our studies.


The goal of Study 3 was to focus somewhat directly on implicit approach-avoidance

processes. We were able to do so by creating a joystick paradigm such that the speed with which

movements were made toward and away from power incentives as well as toward and away from

affiliation incentives could be compared. As hypothesized, the prototypically arrogant person

favored power over affiliation incentives in this paradigm, whereas the prototypically non-

arrogant person did not. In addition, a further breakdown of the findings revealed that such

dynamics were particularly evident for approach movements. In sum, a good deal of evidence

was offered for the idea that incentive salience and reactivity processes increasingly favor power

over affiliation cues as levels of interpersonal arrogance increase. These results provide insights

into how the personality trait dimension of arrogance functions.

General Discussion

Power and affiliation are key social motives, motives that are frequently activated by

relevant environmental incentives (McClelland, 1987). We sought to compare such activation

processes and did so in paradigms that should be sensitive to how the approach system operates

(Berridge, 2007). The results are suggestive of differences in the manner in which power and

affiliation cues are processed and relatively more definitive concerning a role for interpersonal

arrogance in this cue-related context. Each set of findings is discussed in turn, albeit more

tentatively in the former case than the latter.

Power versus Affiliation 32

Incentive Processes Involving Power versus Affiliation

Cognitive-motivational processes should be particularly attuned to opportunities that can

be quickly gained or lost (Bechara, 2004; Wurm & Vakoch, 2000). There are reasons for

thinking that power may be different than affiliation in this respect. Whereas affiliation builds up

somewhat gradually, power can wax and wane quite quickly on the basis of components and

features of the social environment (Kiesler, 1983). In addition, there is a competitiveness to

power that is not present in affiliation (Moskowitz, 1994) and, for this reason too, we entertained

the possibility that incentive salience processes might favor a more immediate appraisal and

response to power cues than to affiliation cues.

In the context of such considerations, it is useful to take stock of the normative findings.

When collapsing across arrogance levels, Study 1 found that power stimuli were categorized

faster than affiliation stimuli. For this normative effect, though, there was some evidence of a

speed-accuracy tradeoff. In addition, and although word frequency was equivalent for the two

incentive categories, word length tended to be longer for the affiliation category, which could

have affected categorization speed. Study 2 found that power stimuli were overestimated in font

size to a greater extent than affiliation stimuli, a relatively straightforward result in suggesting

the greater incentive salience of power cues. In Study 3, though, the cue type by movement

direction interaction of greatest interest did not reach conventional levels of significance.

Overall, then, the normative effects were somewhat consistent, but not entirely free of

qualifications. Of more importance, though, such normative trends interacted with interpersonal

arrogance and it is the latter interactions that should be more greatly emphasized.

Interpersonal Arrogance from a Cue-Processing Perspective

Power versus Affiliation 33

Many of the correlates of interpersonal arrogance – such as narcissism, aggression, and

impulsiveness (Furnham et al., 2013; Wiggins & Broughton, 1991) – are suggestive of an

orientation to the social environment in which power concerns may be weighted more heavily

than affiliation concerns. The present research sought to support this motivational perspective on

arrogance while tying it to a biological theory of approach-related processes (Berridge, 2007).

Arrogant people, by this analysis, are those whose incentive motivation systems are particularly

sensitized to power rather than affiliation cues in the environment.

Findings supported this process-based analysis of individual differences in arrogance:

The highly arrogant person categorized power stimuli more quickly than affiliation stimuli,

thought power stimuli were larger, and were biased to approach power stimuli with greater vigor.

These same differential tendencies were greatly attenuated or absent at low levels of arrogance.

Interactions of this type were generally of a moderate effect size, which is characteristic for

successful bridges of the personality-processing interface (Robinson & Wilkowski, in press). In

any case, we suggest that the findings help us understand the antisocial tendencies of arrogant

people in that incentive motivation processes favoring power to affiliation cues would be

precisely those that might lead arrogant people to pursue power opportunities even at the expense

of their personal relationships (Rauthmann & Kolar, 2013).

Viewed from another perspective, the findings highlight the utility of focusing on the

interpersonal arrogance dimension of the circumplex for certain research and predictive

purposes. Although it might be tempting to think of the arrogance axis of the circumplex as

somehow less fundamental than the dominance or coldness ones, this is not the case. As a

circumplex, the space is equally well characterized in terms of arrogance and extraversion – two

forms of social activation – as it is by dominance and coldness (Gurtman, 2009). Further, to the

Power versus Affiliation 34

extent that one is interested in hostile (or dark) forms of agency, this is the circumplex dimension

that one should focus on (Wiggins & Broughton, 1991). To such considerations, we add that

interpersonal arrogance should be of particular interest when phenomena can be viewed in terms

of prioritizing power over affiliation in transactions with the social environment.

Although the results were consistent, they can be extended. We showed that cue-related

processes favoring power to affiliation varied most directly with arrogance relative to other

dimensions of the interpersonal circumplex (e.g., extraversion). And while the interpersonal

circumplex is comprehensive in certain ways, it is not comprehensive in others. Whether the

present cue-related processes vary by neuroticism or openness to experience, for example, cannot

be known by adopting a circumplex framework (Wiggins & Trapnell, 1996). Additionally, we

focused on arrogance because it captures what is common to multiple “dark” traits like

narcissism, psychopathy, and aggression (Wiggins & Broughton, 1991). One might want to make

distinctions among these traits, however (Jones & Paulhus, 2011), and doing so would require

additional study. It would also be useful to determine whether implicit motives (McClelland,

1987) are predictive of the processes examined. In short, there is further work to do in

characterizing the personality side of power-favoring implicit tendencies.

We were consistent in our focus on personality-processing relationships. That is, all

studies sought to link variations in arrogance-related traits (as assessed by the IAS-R) to

differential processing for power cues versus affiliation cues. This consistency of focus can be

considered advantageous in that it builds on a standardized approach to personality assessment in

locating the processes involved (Robinson & Gordon, 2011). Having established these

personality-processing relationships, though, it can now be determined whether the processing

biases identified can be used to predict actual social behaviors of an arrogance-related type. For

Power versus Affiliation 35

example, it is plausible (but not shown) that power-favoring individuals will have more

antagonistic personal relationships (Smith et al., 2010), in part because they react to provocation

more aggressively (Wilkowski & Robinson, 2010). There is also the possibility that

arrogance/outcome relationships might be mediated by the processing tendencies highlighted

(Robinson & Wilkowski, in press). We must emphasize, though, that it is desirable to be

programmatic in personality-processing research (Robinson & Gordon, 2011). From this

perspective, the present findings build a foundation for the outcome-focused work of the future.

Questions and Further Considerations

Should the results be understood in motivational terms? Although the Study 1 paradigm

might be ambiguous in this regard, the paradigms used in Studies 2 and 3 are straightforward

translations of Berridge’s (2007) well-validated incentive theory of approach motivation. In

addition, motivational interpretations of motor movements in approach-avoidance tasks have

been increasingly supported (Krieglmeyer & Deutsch, 2010; Krieglmeyer, Deutsch, De Houwer,

& De Raedt, 2010). Thus, while recognizing the relatively cognitive nature of the paradigms, we

nonetheless suggest that motivational factors were involved.

Might motivation be conceptualized in terms of processes other than those assessed?

There is no doubt that this is the case. For example, none of the paradigms asked people about

their goals or measured the persistence with which incentives were pursued. Accordingly, the

findings need to be understood in relatively implicit cognitive terms. In fact, although cue-related

processes seemed to favor power to affiliation stimuli in the normative findings, self-reports of

motivation might suggest the reverse (Kasser & Ryan, 1993). A contrast of these two sorts of

measures might be an interesting direction for future research.

Power versus Affiliation 36

Stimuli were desirable (e.g., prestige, closeness) rather than undesirable in nature. This

was a necessary feature of the paradigms in that we sought to focus on approach-related

processes. Would interpersonal arrogance also interact to predict processing tendencies exhibited

for deficit cues to power (e.g., poor) versus affiliation (e.g., lonely)? On the one hand, this seems

somewhat likely. On the other hand, our results do not speak to this question. Accordingly,

future research might employ the latter types of cues as a way of extending the present analysis.

The success of the present studies likely consisted in part of pitting power cues against

affiliation cues. This is appropriate in that interpersonal arrogance should matter quite a bit under

circumstances in which pursuing one class of incentives is done while risking the other class,

such as in arguing with a friend (Smith, Glazer, Ruiz, & Gallo, 2004). Furthermore, a contrast of

processes involving these incentives seems apt given their centrality to social interaction and it is

not clear what an informative control condition might otherwise consist of. Nonetheless, the

results need to be understood in terms of the comparative designs that were instantiated.

Finally, we note that incentive salience theory encompasses perceptual, cognitive, and

motoric components (Berridge, 2007). To flesh out this theory, it seemed important to develop a

paradigm for each component (Study 1 = cognitive; Study 2 = perceptual; Study 3 = motoric). As

a consequence of doing so, however, the studies should be considered conceptual replications

rather than direct ones. To have greater confidence in any one set of findings, direct replications,

preferably with larger sample sizes, may be considered necessary. This point should be

underlined given the novelty of the results. In addition, it would be informative to assess all three

sets of processes among the same set of participants. Doing so would enable one to determine

whether, for example, people who see a class of incentives as larger are also people who

Power versus Affiliation 37

approach that class of incentives faster in movement-related terms. Incentive salience theory

(Berridge, 2007) should predict correlations of this type, but they are as yet unexamined.


We hypothesized that incentive motivation processes would favor power to affiliation

cues to a greater extent as levels of interpersonal arrogance increased. Consistent findings of this

type occurred and they contribute to a cognitive-motivational understanding of how interpersonal

arrogance functions. The findings also encourage future efforts to apply incentive motivation

theories to the manner in which people differ from each other.

Power versus Affiliation 38


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Power versus Affiliation 47

Figure 1

Estimated Categorization Speed Means by Cue Type (Power versus Affiliation) and

Interpersonal Arrogance (Low = -1 SD; High = +1 SD), Study 1

Figure 2

Estimated Font Size Overestimation Means by Cue Type (Power versus Affiliation) and

Interpersonal Arrogance (Low = -1 SD; High = +1 SD), Study 2

Figure 3

Estimated Movement Time Means by Cue Type (Power versus Affiliation) and Movement

Direction (Approach versus Avoid) at a High (+1 SD) Level of Interpersonal Arrogance, Study 3
