internet connections from CYBERSECURITY CHEAT SHEET · 2019. 9. 24. · CHEAT SHEET Businesses are...


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Business VPNs

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internet connections fromunauthorized intrusion. It providesend-to-end encryption for yourbusiness device’s internet connectionwhich allows your employees toconnect from any location. Once yourcompany data is encrypted, it is privateand secure from fake Wi-Fi, hackers,governments, competitors andadvertisers.

Business VPNs, inparticular, safeguard theinformation employeessend and receive onlineand protect their



Businesses are the prime targets ofhackers as businesses are

becoming more vulnerable tohacking, losing private information,

and even taking financial hits..

3Why are VPNs Important

only computers and networks with aspecial key can decode the information. It'sa cost-effective solution and viable way ofsecuring your data. In addition toenhanced security, you're able to accessremotely, share files, and maintain onlineanonymity. VPNs offer total privacy toroam the Internet freely without beingtracked, monitored or having datacollected and stored. VPNs are designed toencrypt information before it goes througha network, thwarting potential attacks andmaking online purchases safer. YourInternet activity cannot be tracked byanyone seeking to monitor websites youvisit, see what you download, or monitorwhether you use services such as Skype orother applications. With a VPN your originIP is hidden from potential hackers andidentity thieves.

A VPN creates anencrypted connectionbetween your device andthe remote privatenetwork. This means that 


Business Cyberattacks 

VPNs are important to use because a hacker canpotentially “see” your employee’s login informationon an unsecured network. For instance, when youremployees log in to their bank account, the hackermay be able to record their information and even

take money from their account..



Increased Security - Evensecured internet connectionswith firewalls and antivirusprotection in place are notimpervious to hackers andintrusion.


Remote Data Access - A business VPN givesyou the ability to remotely connect into asecure server that hosts the data you needto access. With end-to-end encryption,your data is both secure from prying eyesand remotely hosted.

A business VPN is a smart choice forcompanies that want to improvesecurity while not hindering accessibilityfor their employees.

Avoid International Censorship - If you’retraveling to and from certain countries thathave internet censorship in place, it canseriously impede the progress employeesand executives make while outside theoffice.

With a VPN, you can connect directly toa U.S.-based VPN location and accessthe services and search functionality youneed.

4VPN Benfits (con't)

VPN Benefits

A VPN provides end-to-end encryption of alldata that has passed through it. It protects sensitive customer and clientinformation, internal documents, internalcommunication and other trade secrets thata company would want to protect.

Safe and Secure Data Sharing - One of themost powerful uses of a business VPN is safeand secure data sharing between cohorts,colleagues and those outside the organization.

You will want to ensure the VPN encryptsyour entire internet connection -- not justthe connection to your company network. When these files are uploaded to youremail, storage or any networks outside thecompany, they are also encrypted with aVPN. This means only the person with the rightencryption key (i.e., a company employeewith access to those stored files) can access,decrypt and use the data.If for no other reason than secured datasharing, a business VPN is an invaluable toolin the wake of unprecedented companydata breaches that are in the news day inand day out.


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company's existing network. Depending onthe number of users you have, how manyservers you need to provide VPN access toand the budget to accomplish this, it canbe a challenging task for smallercompanies or those without an existing ITdepartment.Management And Operations - A businessVPN not might be an ideal solution forevery type of company, the security andflexibility it offers can help thoseorganizations looking to protect their data.It significantly reduces the risk of securitybreaches and cyber attacks as well.

5 VPN Drawbacks

Setup And Costs -Traditional business VPNsrequire a substantialamount of time, energy andeffort to integrate with a