International Journal of Pharmaceutics...Understanding the impact of mediaviscosity on dissolution...


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  • International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373

    Understanding the impact of media viscosity on dissolution of a highlywater soluble drug within a USP 2 mini vessel dissolution apparatususing an optical planar induced fluorescence (PLIF) method

    Konstantinos Stamatopoulosa,*, Hannah K. Batchelorb, Federico Alberinia, John Ramsaya,Mark J.H. Simmonsa

    a School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdomb Pharmacy and Therapeutics Section, School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, College of Medical and Dental Sciences (CMDS), Medical School Building,University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom

    A R T I C L E I N F O

    Article history:Received 13 July 2015Received in revised form 4 September 2015Accepted 5 September 2015Available online 9 September 2015

    Keywords:USP 2 mini paddleDissolution testPlanar laser-induced fluorescenceTheophyllineRhodamine-6GTexture analysis

    A B S T R A C T

    In this study, planar induced fluorescence (PLIF) was used for the first time to evaluate variability in drugdissolution data using Rhodamine-6G doped tablets within small volume USP 2 apparatus. The resultswere compared with tablets contained theophylline (THE) drug for conventional dissolution analysis. Theimpact of hydrodynamics, sampling point, dissolution media viscosity and pH were investigated to noteeffects on release of these two actives from the hydrophilic matrix tablets. As expected mixingperformance was poor with complex and reduced velocities at the bottom of the vessel close to the tabletsurface; this mixing became even worse as the viscosity of the fluid increased. The sampling point fordissolution can affect the results due to in-homogenous mixing within the vessel; this effect isexacerbated with higher viscosity dissolution fluids. The dissolution profiles of RH-6G measured via PLIFand THE measured using UV analysis were not statistically different demonstrating that RH-6G is anappropriate probe to mimic the release profile of a highly soluble drug. A linear correlation wasaccomplished between the release data of the drug and the dye (R2 > 0.9).The dissolution profile of the dye, obtained with the analysis of the PLIF images, can be used in order to

    evaluate how the viscosity and the mixing performance of USP 2 mini vessel affect the interpretation ofthe dissolution data of the targeted drug.

    ã 2015 Elsevier B.V.. Published by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

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    International Journal of Pharmaceutics

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    1. Introduction

    A drug delivery system that provides a constant rate of releaseover the required time interval offers many benefits in treatment.Zero-order release provides a constant release rate and no time lagor burst effect over a prolonged time period (Yang and Fassihi,1996). Hence, much research effort has been invested indevelopment of zero-order oral drug delivery systems i.e. timeindependent release kinetics (Brazel and Peppas, 1999). The use ofhydrophilic matrices has become very popular in solid oral dosageforms (Conti et al., 2007a); a sustained release matrix tabletconsists of the active ingredient(s) with either single or multiplegel forming agents which retard the release of the drug (Ranga Raoand Padmalatha Devi, 1988). In the case of highly water-soluble

    * Corresponding author.E-mail address: (M.J.H. Simmons).ã 2015 Elsevier B.V.. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access artic

    drugs (Maderuelo et al., 2011), swelling-controlled oral drugdelivery systems have so far shown the most promise.

    The mechanisms by which drugs are released from ahydrophilic matrix upon hydration involve: (a) the entry of thesolvent into the matrix, (b) a progressive change in the matrix froma glassy to a rubbery state resulting in swelling, (c) dissolution ofthe drug molecules, (d) diffusion of the drug through the gel layerand (e) release of the drug in the solution (Maderuelo et al., 2011).In the final stage, there are two phenomena which both contributeto the overall release rate of the incorporated drug: release fromlow viscosity gels occurs by erosion of the gel layer; whilst for highviscosity gels, the release is by diffusion of the active agent througha stable gel with limited polymer dissolution. The transitionbetween the two mechanisms results in diffusion kinetics lyingbetween the square root time dependence of Fickian diffusion(Korsmeyer et al., 1983) and zero-order or ‘case II’ diffusion(Moroni and Ghebre-Sellassie, 1995). Often, both phenomenaoccur simultaneously due to diffusion and the relaxation of thepolymer (Zuleger and Lippold, 2001).

    le under the CC BY license (

  • K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373 363

    Orally administered dosage forms, usually tablets, are the mostconvenient way for delivering drugs to patients. Upon ingestion,the tablets enter a highly dynamic environment in whichdisintegration, dissolution and absorption occur. This complex invivo process is usually evaluated in vitro using disintegration anddissolution tests. In the case of hydrophilic matrices, the timescalefor gel formation and the resistance of the gel layer to physiologicalshear stress, experienced during their passage through thegastrointestinal (GI) tract, are essential parameters that controlthe drug dissolution characteristics (Garbacz et al., 2009). Thus,different types of dissolution apparatus have been developed toreproduce the mechanical stresses present within the GI tract.

    Recently, the small volume USP 2 apparatus has gainedpopularity due to the reduced mass of material requried, analyticalmethodology and discriminatory power of conventional apparatus.Furthermore, small volume apparatus may be beneficial in thedevelopment of biorelevant methods, particularly for paediatricpopulations.

    Officially introduced almost 4 decades ago, the conventional(1 L) USP dissolution Testing Apparatus 2 (USP 2) is the mostcommonly used equipment in the pharmaceutical industry(Mitchell et al., 1993a; Zuleger et al., 2002). However, thisapparatus presents some drawbacks (Bai et al., 2011). Numerouspublished works have indicated that there is high variability indissolution profiles using USP 2 (Baxter et al., 2005a; Costa andLobo, 2001; Kukura et al., 2003; Qureshi and McGilveray, 1999;Qureshi and Shabnam, 2001).

    Some studies (Baxter et al., 2005a; Kukura et al., 2004; Zulegeret al., 2002) have shown that the fluid flow in USP 2 is highlyheterogeneous. The shear distribution is non-uniform (Kukuraet al., 2004), whereas, the velocity vectors are highly dependent onthe location within the vessel, especially at the bottom of the vesselwhere the tablet is located during dissolution testing (Zulegeret al., 2002). These complex hydrodynamics can contribute to thepoor reproducibility, as can the tablet position in the vessel. Thesmall volume USP 2 apparatus is a miniaturised version of theconventional apparatus, however, there is still a need to analyzethe hydrodynamics since the miniaturised systems do not exactlyreflect the conditions of the standard paddle system (Klein andShah, 2008), nor the conditions in the GI tract.

    The effect of viscosity on the dissolution test may increase theuncertainty and the variability of the results, since, the hydrody-namics of the USP 2 apparatus will be more complicated. Inaddition, other variables, like sampling cannula position, especiallysampling depth, and inconsistencies in the technique of theanalysts performing the test can affect dissolution rate andreproducibility (Gray et al., 2009). Previous works (Parojcicet al., 2008; Radwan et al., 2012) testing different dosage formsin viscous media do not give any information about the samplingcannula position or possible changes in hydrodynamics (e.g., shearrates and/or velocities) or mixing patterns.

    Planar Induced Fluorecence (PLIF) has been widely used as anon-intrusive visualization technique for the evaluation of mixingsystems (Bruchhausen et al., 2005; Law and Wang, 2000; vanCruyningen et al., 1990). Furthermore, Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV) combined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) havebeen used to characterize the flow pattern in conventional (1 L)USP 2 apparatus dissolution vessel (Baxter et al., 2005a; Kukuraet al., 2003), revealing the non-uniform velocity field and thus anuneven distribution shear rates.

    These visualization techniques have mainly been used either byinjecting a fluorescent dye in the USP 2 vessel, at different injectionpoints, for characterising mixing patterns in simple buffer solution(Baxter et al., 2005a; Kukura et al., 2004) or by using non-disintegrating salicylic acid containing phenolphthalein as anindicator agent for investigating the effect of tablet movements at

    the bottom of the vessel on drug dissolution profiles (Baxter et al.,2005a,b). In addition, visualization studies were performed byblending salicylic acid with phenolphthalein as a first step inaffirming the fluid flow patterns in USP 1 and 2 (Mauger et al.,2003), demonstrated previously using laser Doppler anemometry(Bocanegra et al., 1990).

    Kukura et al. (2003, 2004) performed PLIF experiments inconventional (1 L) USP 2 dissolution apparatus under laminar andturbulent conditions. Under laminar flow (Re = 150) non-uniformmixing with segregation zones were observed due to the failure ofdye to reach the upper regions of the dissolution vessel. In case ofturbulent flow (Re = 5000) the authors could not find a significantdifference in dissolution profiles of the targeted drug at thedifferent sampling points, although, large fluctuations of themixing patterns were observed with time. This contradictionmight be due to the fact that the PLIF method is capable ofcapturing local time-dependent mixing conditions in the USP2 apparatus which are not observable with the conventionalsampling technique. Furthemore, Kukura et al. (2003, 2004) didnot repeat the experiment for low Re numbers and compare thePLIF results with those from dissolution experiments.

    It is important to understand whether variability in dissolutionis due to the manufacturing process of the dosage form, leading to aburst effect from sustained release formulations, especially whenhighly water soluble drugs are presented in high amounts (Grayet al., 2009); or due to the dissolution testing method, e.g.,physicochemical properties of the media (e.g., viscosity) withdirect effect on hydrodynamics of the USP 2 dissolution apparatus.

    Whilst PLIF and other visualisation techniques such as PIV havebeen used to previously evaluate the drawbacks of the USP2 dissolution apparatus (Baxter et al., 2005a; Kukura et al., 2003,2004), they do not allow any direct or indirect correlation with thedissolution profile of the active compound, since the form of PLIFused involved injecting fluorescent dye at different points insidethe USP 2 vessel, rather than dye release from a tablet. Due to thecomplexity of the hydrodynamics and mixing intensity in thevessel, a PLIF method which incorporates a fluorescent dye into ahydrophilic matrix (which can mimic the dissolution profile of ahighly water soluble drug) and then tracks the release through thevessel over time overcomes these limitations.

    Thus, in this paper, PLIF has been utilized as a non-intrusivemethod for visualizing the mixing patterns and quantifying thelocal concentrations of RH-6G) released from a hydrophilic matrixthat also contained the targeted drug. Thus, indirect evaluation ofthe impact of the hydrodynamics, viscosity and sampling point onthe dissolution of the drug has been performed. A correlation of thedissolution experiments of the RH-6G using PLIF with those of thetargeted drug using the conventional analytical technique ispresented. This work, coupled with the texture analysis of thehydrophilic matrix, gives an overview of the critical parametersaffecting the interpretation of the dissolution results. Theophylline(THE) was selected as a well-known, highly soluble drug whereextensive in vitro dissolution data from hydrophilic matrices isreadily available. As mentioned above, the USP 2 small volume(100 mL) dissolution apparatus was chosen as an alternative to thestandard paddle set up, as this apparatus has not previously beeninvestigated.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Materials

    Sodium carboxymethylcellulose of 90000 (NaCMC90000) and700000 (NaCMC700000) molecular weight was purchased fromSigma (St., Louis, USA). Theophylline anhydrous and potato starchwere bought from Acros Organics (Loughborough, UK). Sodium

  • Fig. 1. (a) The three tablets used in: (1) PLIF (containing RH-6G), (2) dissolutiontests and (3) PIV experiments (acrylic); (b) Dimensions of the USP II mini vessel usedin dissolution, PIV, PLIF experiments indicating the two sampling areas (SP1 andSP2) as well as the horizontal (- - - -) and vertical plane (� � � � �) that laser cut thevessel in PIV experiments.

    364 K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373

    hydroxide, Rhodamine-6G, hydrochloric acid (1 M), silicone diox-ide and potassium hydrogen (KH2PO4)- and dihydrogen phosphate(K2HPO4) were purchased from Sigma (St., Louis, USA).

    2.2. Fluids and fluid properties

    NaCMC700000 was selected as a chemically inert, water-solublepolymer which can mimic the shear thinning rheology of thechyme. NaCMC700000 buffered solutions of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75% (w/w) were prepared using 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4 (KH2PO4/K2HPO4). This pH value was selected as a representative pH for thelarge intestine. All the tested fluids were deaerated using anultrasound bath before conducting dissolution and PLIF experi-ments.

    The rheology of the NaCMC solutions was measured using aDiscovery Hybrid Rheometer (TA Instruments—a division ofWaters Ltd.) coupled with a 40 mm diameter, 4� cone and plategeometry. The temperature was controlled to 37 �C using an in-built Peltier plate (at the same temperature as the USP 2 experi-ments). The rheology was obtained by performing a shear rampover a range of shear rate from 0.1–1000 s�1. The data was found tofit the Herschel–Bulkley model.

    t ¼ tY þ K _gn ð1ÞWhere t is the shear stress, tY is the yield stress _g is the shear rate,K is the consistency index and n is the power law exponent. Theapparent viscosity, mA, can be thus determined by evaluating t/ _g ata given value of shear rate. The rheological properties of theexperimental fluids are presented in Table 1.

    2.3. Tablet preparation

    A 500 mg tablet was prepared according to the followingcomposition: 50% THE, 44.1% NaCMC90000, 4.9% potato starch and1% silicone dioxide. The powders were sieved and mixed for 10 minthen placed into a single die tableting machine (Kilian, Coln, D)fitted with flat-faced 9.8 mm punches and instrumented withpiezoelectric load washer (Kistler,Winterthur, CH) to enablecompression force measurements. To investigate the effect ofthe compression load and compression time on dissolution profileof drug from the tablet, a load pressure range of 980.6–1961.2 barsfor 20 and 40 s was applied. The cylindrical tablets had a finalweight of 500 � 25 mg. The same method was followed for thetablets used in PLIF experiments containing 0.02% RH-6G. Fig. 1ashows pictures of the different tablets used in dissolution, PIV andPLIF experiments. For the PIV experiments, a piece of acrylic cut tomatch the dimensions of the tablet was used to enable monitoringof the flow above the surface of the tablet.

    2.4. Experimental apparatus: USP 2 mini paddle

    A schematic of the USP 2 mini paddle dissolution apparatus(Dissolution Tester 6000, Antech, UK) is shown in Fig. 1b. Thevolume of media used in all experiments was 100 mL and thepaddle rotational speed was fixed at 50 rpm. The same apparatus

    Table 1Rheological characteristics of the dissolution media employed; r :density (kg m�3), tgrelated to the structural and geometrical properties of the matrix, Re: Reynoldsmechanism.

    r(K gm3) tl(Pa) mA(mPas)

    “Simple” buffer 1000.1 1 0.25% NaCMC (w/w) 1017.6 0.03 13.34 0.50% NaCMC (w/w) 1020.4 0.18 98.11 0.75% NaCMC (w/w) 1024.5 0.76 575.6

    was used for (i) dissolution (ii) PLIF and (iii) PIV studies. All theexperiments were performed at 37 �C. The flow regime in thevessel was determined by calculation of the Reynolds number

    Re ¼ rND2


    where r is the fluid density, N is the rotational speed, D is theimpeller diameter. The apparent viscosity, mA, was estimated usingthe Metzner-Otto method (Metzner and Otto, 1957) whichassumes the shear rate in the vessel is proportional to the impellerspeed, thus

    mA ¼tYkSN

    þ K kSNð Þn�1 ð3Þ

    The value of Metzner-Otto constant,kS, in the above expression was10. The calculated values of Re are given in Table 1.

    2.5. Dissolution experiments

    Dissolution tests (six replicates) were performed in 0.1N HClsolution (gastric conditions) and in 0.05 M phosphate buffersolution (pH 7.4) corresponding to large intestine conditions. Thedissolution tests for the viscous media were conducted only at pH7.4; assuming that viscosity increases as the dewatering of thechyme takes place in large intestine. Two sampling positions wereselected (Fig. 1b), denoted SP1 and SP2, located at a distance of66 mm and 20 mm from the paddle blade, respectively. Samples of1 mL volume were withdrawn at predetermined time intervals (5,

    : yield stress (Pa), mA : apparent viscosity (mPa s), k : proportionality constant number and m is the diffusional exponent indicative of the drug release

    k m Re Regime

    1 1503 Transitional0.044 0.58 114.60.229 0.72 17.60.83 0.85 2.6 Laminar

  • K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373 365

    10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 560 min and the last one aftercompleting 21 h dissolution testing). The volume of the mediumremoved at each time point was replaced with fresh media. Eachsample was filtered using a 0.4 mm PTFE filter (Ghori et al., 2015)and appropriately diluted prior to quantitative analysis in order tobe within the linear region of the calibration curve Eq. (2).Quantitative analysis of theophylline was undertaken using a UVspectrophotometer (Jenway Genova Plus) at 270 nm.

    A calibration curve was obtained by plotting the absorbance ofthe theophylline at 270 nm versus the concentration (mg L�1). Forthis purpose standard solutions of theophylline were prepared atseveral concentration intervals (2, 5, 10, 20, 40 mg L�1).

    y ¼ 0:0575x � 0:0024 ðR2 ¼ 0:9987Þ ð4ÞThe dissolution data obtained as a function of time were fitted

    to the following equation Eq. (4) which is widely used to describethe drug release behaviour from hydrophilic polymeric matrices(Conti et al., 2007b; Korsmeyer et al., 1983).


    ¼ ktm ð5Þ

    where Mt=M1 is the fraction of drug released at time t,k is theproportionality constant related to the structural and geometricalproperties of the matrix, and m is the diffusional exponentindicative of the drug release mechanism. The exponent, m, isstrongly dependent upon relaxation rate at the swelling front andthe polymer swelling characters. As this equation is valid only forthe early stages (

  • 366 K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373

    values in the image to be obtained. The relative standard deviationin values was consistently less than 3.6% and therefore notsignificant. A mask was set as shown in Fig. 2a to consider only halfof the illuminated tank, up to the vessel axis (the remainder beingin shadow due to impingement of the laser sheet on the impellershaft). The calibration was developed by taking the averagegrayscale values over the 50 images, then on a pixel by pixel basisand performing a linear regression over two concentration rangesfrom 0–0.6 mg L�1 and 0.6–1.0 mg L�1, respectively. This was due toquenching phenomena which occurred for RH-6G concentrations>0.6 mg L�1. The amount of RH-6G in the tablet was chosen suchthat the final concentration in the dissolution vessel was 1 mg L�1

    ensuring all values were below the saturation signal of the CCDcamera used in PLIF experiments. In addition, 1 mg L�1 was also theproper amount for the establishment of sink conditions. Theanalysis was carried out using MATLAB (Matlab 7.6.0 R2008a) toproduce calibration matrix.

    C ¼ AG þ B ð6Þ

    where C is the concentration matrix, A is the matrix of constantvales, G is the matrix of averaged Grayscale values and B is thematrix of intercept values for the linear regression. The regressionwas carried out using a standard least-squares method.

    The PLIF measurements were conducted by addition of the RH-6G tablet into the bottom of the vessel, and following the samedissolution protocol (Section 2.5). 10 images were recorded at eachpredetermined time interval. Following post-processing using thecalibration matrix, two interrogation regions were selectedmatching the sampling points used in the dissolution experiments(SP1 and SP2). Assuming that during the sampling process indissolution experiments, the cannula might draw material from awider area (Fig. 2b), three different sampling point areas wereconsidered of 100 � 124, 182 � 218 and 211 �304 pixels respec-tively (Fig. 2c). Average values of concentration as a function oftime and as a function of the two sampling areas (SP1 and SP2)

    Fig. 3. Time average velocity fields measurements in vertical USP II mini vessel (top) and 0.25% NaCMC (w/w) Re ¼ 114:64ð Þ, (c) 0.5% NaCMC (w/w) Re ¼ 17:63ð Þ and (d) 0.7are m s�1. Impeller speed: 0.785 m s�1 and operation temperature 37 �C.

    were thus obtained to enable direct comparison with thetheophylline dissolution tests described in Section 2.5.

    2.7. Gel layer strength and thickness measurements

    Tablets with and without RH-6G were placed in two solutionswith different values of pH (1.0 and 7.4), and the impeller speedand the operation temperature were set as described in Section 2.4.In order to avoid deformation during the analysis, one planar baseof the tablets was stuck to a metal flat base. The swollen tabletswere removed from the dissolution apparatus after 1.0, 2.0 and5.5 h for texture analysis. The strength and thickness of the gellayer, during swelling process, was tested in triplicate using aTexture Analyzer (TA.XT2, Stable Micro System, Goldalming, UK),which provided force-time curves recorded during the penetrationprocess. The penetration of a flat-tipped round steel probe (4 mmdiameter and 30 mm length) into swollen matrices was deter-mined at a constant speed of 0.1 mm s�1, under increasing load.Data collection and analyses were performed by a computerequipped with Texture Expert1 software. A predeterminedmaximum penetration of 3 mm was established in order toprevent the contact of the probe with the glassy core.

    2.8. Statistical analysis

    Comparison of the dissolution profiles of THE and RH-6G wasconducted using model-dependent and model-independent meth-ods. Differences between the two sampling points for bothdissolution tests (i.e., conventional USP 2 and PLIF) as well asthe size of the sampling area in PLIF images, were tested forsignificance using ANOVA with a value of p < 0.05. The release ratemechanism in the simple buffer at both pH used (i.e., 1.0 and 7.4)was determined using Korsmeyer–Peppas fitting model asdescribed in Eq. (5). The similarity between dissolution curvesof THE and RH-6G, obtained in different viscous media, was testedby the f 2-statistic (Eq. (7)) where f 2 value between 50 and100 suggests that two dissolution profiles are similar (Radwan

    horizontal section (bottom) above the tablet surface for: (a) water Re ¼ 1503:0ð Þ, (b)5% NaCMC (w/w) Re ¼ 2:67ð Þ NaCMC (w/w). The units of velocity magnitude

  • SP2

    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (













    E r



    d (








    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (











    E r



    d (










    "Simple" buff er

    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (












    E r












    70100x12 4182x218211x304THE

    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (











    E r










    0.25 % NaCMC (w/w)

    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (m









    E r










    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (m














    E r









    0.5% NaCMC (w/w)

    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (m










    E r










    Time (h)

    0 2 4 6 8 10







    n (m












    E r










    0.75 % NaCMC (w/w)

    Fig. 4. Effect of size of the sampling area on the interpretation of the dissolution data of RH-6G obtained from PLIF images and comparison with theophylline (THE) releaseprofile obtained at sampling point 1 (SP1) and sampling point 2 (SP2) in different viscous media. The legend entries refer to sample size (* 100 � 124, � 182 � 218 and !211 �304) for the RH-6G profile and the release profile (&) of theophylline (THE). Standard deviation bars for RH-6G (n = 10) and THE (n = 6).

    K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373 367

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    et al., 2012).

    f 2 ¼ 50 � log100

    1 þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiXt¼n

    t¼1Rt�Ttð Þ2n


    3775 ð7Þ

    Rt = Dissolution (%) for drug formulation at time tTt = Dissolution (%) for dye formulation at time tn = number of time pointsThe concentration values of RH-6G were normalized (% release)

    before calculating the similarity factor. In addition, mean dissolu-tion time (MDT) was calculated as model-independent parameterdescribing kinetics of drug and dye dissolution under variousviscous media (Eq. (8)).

    MDT ¼




    where: ti is the central point of the observed time interval andDMiis the differential amount of drug dissolved.

    Finally, linear regression of the dissolution data of THE and theRH-6G obtained under the experimental conditions was per-formed.

    3. Results

    3.1. Effect of compression load and time on dissolution profile oftheophylline

    When manufacturing hydrophilic matrices by direct compres-sion is very important to take into consideration the load and thespeed of the compression process (Maderuelo et al., 2011), sincevariations in the compression force can affect subsequent drugrelease when a low viscosity grade polymer is used (Hiremath andSaha, 2008). Hence, two different compression pressures and twodifferent compression times were tested in order to evaluate theimpact on the dissolution profile of THE since a low viscosity gradeNaCMC90000 was used. The dissolution data of THE obtained atcompression pressures of 980.6 bar and 1961.2 bar respectively,showed no influence of compression time on the release of theTHE. These results are consistent with works from other authorsworking on hydrophilic matrices who found either a very slightreduction in drug release (Ebube et al.,1997) or no significant effect(Ford et al., 1987; Khanvilkar et al., 2002; Mitchell et al., 1993b).Thus, for the following THE and RH-6G dissolution tests,compression pressures and time were fixed at 980.6 bar and 20 srespectively.

    3.2. Particle image velocimetry (PIV)

    Fig. 3 shows the time average velocity fields (m s�1) measuredby PIV experiments in water and three different viscous NaCMCmedia. In all experimental fluids the maximum time averagevelocity was 10% (0.008 m s�1) of the paddle speed (0.08 m s�1).Each subfigure shows the spatial distribution of the time averagevelocity in the vertical plane of the impeller (top) and in thetransverse cross section of the mini vessel at the top surface of thetablet (bottom). Based on the calculated Reynolds numbers(Table 1) the results span both transitional (‘simple’ buffer,0.25% and 0.50% NaCMC w/w) and laminar (0.75% NaCMC w/w)regimes. In case of the viscous media, the most intense motiontakes place mainly around the impeller, whereas away from theimpeller blades the flow slows and becomes almost stagnant. Inthe vertical, two circulation zones were observed with clockwise(below the blade) counter- clockwise (above the blade) flowing

    pattern. As the viscosity is increased the circulation loop becomessmaller with reduced velocities in the most viscous medium (i.e.,0.75% NaCMC w/w) shown in Fig. 3d. However, relatively highvelocities were observed close to blade and the shaft corner andbelow the blade compared to the flow away from this area. In the‘simple’ buffer (water), another loop was detected at the top of thevessel where the sampler was located (sampling point 1; SP1)forming a second mixing area. This was not observed in the viscousmedia. The velocity vectors indicate, except for the 0.25% NaCMC(w/w), that there was a downward flow starting from the topregion of the vessel to the blade. In contrast, for the 0.25% NaCMC(w/w) (Fig. 3b), an upward flow pattern was observed close to thewall which extended from the tip to the top region of the vessel. Inaddition, the velocities vectors showed that the flow, outside thecirculation zone and parallel to the blade, had a direction from theshaft to the wall encountering the upward flow pattern comingfrom the tip. This flow pattern differs from 0.5% and 0.75% NaCMC(w/w), possible due to fluid motion generated by the shaft rotation.The effect of the shaft rotation seems to be inefficient in order togenerate fluid motion in the more viscous media; i.e., 0.5% and0.75% NaCMC (w/w).

    The flow fields in the transverse sections in Fig. 3 (bottom)illustrate the presence of a circular low velocity region located atthe vessel axis above the tablet surface. The maximum velocity was3.75% (0.003 m s�1) of the paddle speed, although, in 0.75% NaCMCwas below 0.0024 m s�1 ( 0.05) between each of the three different sample sizes(100 � 124, 182 � 218, 211 �304; pixel2) for all the experimentalfluids. However, in case of 0.25%, 0.5% NaCMC (w/w), the averagevalue of dye concentration was found to decrease as the size of thesampling area was increased for the SP1. This was due to the factthat in the large sampling size more low concentration values wereincluded from the dead zones resulting in a decrease of the averagevalue. Nevertheless, the standard deviations bars are overlappedimplying no statistically significant difference.

    In addition, as the sampling size and the viscosity of the fluidwere increased, the coefficient of variance (C.V) also increased. TheC.V for the simple buffer lay between 5–10% for SP2 as the samplingarea increases from 100 � 124 to 211 �304 pixel2. Higher values ofC.V were observed (22–29%) for the corresponding results at SP1.The viscosity of the fluid had a significant impact on theconcentration variability of RH-6G within the selected samplingarea and especially in SP1. In case of 0.25% NaCMC (w/w), C.Vvalues ranged 32.6–52.6% and 7.2–26.5% for SP1 and SP2,respectively. Even higher C.V values were observed in 0.5% NaCMC(w/w). In particular, C.V values for SP1 and SP2 were 44.6–46.6%

  • Table 2Distribution of the RH-6G (average concentration (mg L�1)) throughout the USP 2 mini vessel in different viscous media.

    K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373 369

  • Table 3Comparison of the release kinetic mechanism of theophylline and Rhodamine-6G from hydrophilic matrix under different experimental fluids, using model-dependent and–independent parameters.

    Simple buffer %NaCMC (w/w)a

    pH 1.0 pH 7.4 0.25 0.5 0.75


    – – – – –

    SP2 = 35.9 SP2 = 55.2 SP2 = 51.9 – –51.0b 32.7b 52.6b 30.9b 46.8b 30.8b – – – –

    MDTc 3.82 3.9 3.12 2.97 4.13 4.2 4.41 4.3 4.94 4.77md 0.75 – 0.82 0.57 – 0.61 1.46 – 1.52 1.24 – 1.33R2 0.985 0.993 0.992 0.941

    a 0.05M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4).b values obtained by comparing SP1 and SP2 dissolution data of theophylline and RH-6G separately.c Mean dissolution time (MDT).d the lowest values were obtained from fitting the dissolution data of sampling point 1 (SP1) whereas the highest values are for the sampling point 2 (SP2).

    370 K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373

    and 39.2–41% respectively, whereas in 0.75% NaCMC (w/w), were37.2–45.8% (SP1) and 38.4–42% (SP2).

    Furthermore, a faster release profile was obtained for bothcompounds based on SP2 data, compare to the correspondingSP1 one.

    Table 2 presents the local colour scaled concentration values ofRH-6G throughout the mini vessel as a function of dissolution time,under different experimental fluids. The main observations arethat: (a) the concentration of the dye was always higher around theblade, in contrast to the upper region, explaining the faster releaserate observed based on SP2 compare to SP1 (Fig. 4), (b) as theviscosity is increased dead zones and high fluctuations in thedistribution of the dye was occurred, revealing the high C.V valuesobtained in viscous media, (c) in the most viscous media (i.e., 0.50%and 0.75%) the dye accumulates at the bottom of the vessel beforeit reaches the upper region of the vessel. These results can explainthe high standard deviation observed in theophylline release data

    y=3.13 +1.1xR2 =0.98 8

    THE release d (%)0 20 40 60 80






    d (







    100 0.5% NaCMC (w/w)

    y=7.973 +1.37 xR2=0.90 8

    THE release d (%)0 20 40 60 80





    d (







    100'Simple' bu ffer

    Fig. 5. Correlation between theophylline (THE) and rhodamine-6G (RH-6G) release data fbars (�SD, n = 6).

    and the dissimilarities in the dissolution profiles between SP1 andSP2. Comparison of RH-6G and THE dissolution profile was notpossible with using the similarity factor (f2) (Table 3) for thosecases where C.V was >10%. Nevertheless, the standard deviationbars of THE data points and those of RH-6G (Fig. 4) overlapped;implying that from statistical point of view there was no asignificant difference. Failure of obtainingf 2 > 50, in case of pH1.0 for SP2, might be to due burst release upon hydration of thetablet in 0.1N HCl solution. Similar effects were noted by (Contiet al., 2007a). In this case, the gel hydration rate is slower and thedye molecules present at the surface of the tablet can dissolve andpass into the fluid; the solubility of RH-6G is 20 mg mL�1 @ 23 �Ccompared to THE which is 8.3 mg mL�1. However, sink conditions,defined as having a volume of medium at least three times thevolume required to form a saturated solution of drug substance, arepresent in both cases which ensures that the dissolution testreflects the properties of the dosage form and not the drug

    y=1.13 +0.56 xR2=0.99 1

    THE release d (%)0 20 40 60 80






    d (







    50 0.75 % NaCMC (w/w)

    y=0.138 +1.19 xR2=0.91 9

    THE release d (%)0 20 40 60






    d (







    100 0.25 % NaCMC (w/w)

    or SP2. (a) water, (b) 0.25%, (c) 0.50% and (d) 0.75% NaCMC (w/w). Standard deviation

  • K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373 371

    substance (USP 32-NF 27, 2009). However, the rate of RH-6Gdissolution may be faster than that for THE due to this difference insolubility values. This can lead to a fast saturation of the areaaround the blade (SP2 position) resulting in an intense fluores-cence causing high grayscale values reflecting high release rates. Asthe dye reaches the upper region the concentration is decreasedresulting in more normal values and better fitting with theophyl-line. An additional outcome is that in ‘simple’ buffer the dissolutionprofiles of THE obtained from the two sampling points were similar(f 2>50), but that was not the case in viscous media demonstratingthe effect of viscosity on dissolution.

    Furthermore, the values of m exponent (Table 3) showed that:(a) the sampling point can alter the m values, (b) the mechanismcharacterizing the release was the same for both compounds, sinceit was within the range of 0.5–0.89 (pH 1.0) and above one for pH7.4. This implies that at pH 1.0, diffusion of the compound andpolymer chain relaxation (anomalous non-Fickian) mainly affectthe release of the compounds whereas at pH 7.4, high m values (>1)are typical for hydrophilic matrices, in which high release rateoccurs due to high solubility of the polymer (i.e., NaCMC) at thispH, leading to gel erosion. This is further evidence that PLIF datacan also describe the release mechanism of a highly water solubledrug from a hydrophilic matrix.

    The effect of media viscosity on the mean dissolution time(MDT) is presented in Table 3. The results showed that as theviscosity increases the MDT also increases. The value of MDTbetween the two techniques (i.e. USP and PLIF) was not statisticallysignificant (p > 0.05) at each experimental condition.

    A linear correlation between THE and RH-6G release data wasachieved for SP2 (Fig. 5). It was found that the average

    Fig. 6. Effect of pH on the gel layer strength (a) and thickness (b) as well as on the dissoluand for dissolution profile of THE (n = 6).

    concentration of the drug obtained from conventional techniquewas in good correlation with the mean concentration of the dye forthe same time intervals. The correlation plots were characterizedby the coefficient of correlation values 0.908, 0.919, 0.988 and0.991 for the ‘simple buffer’ (pH 7.4), 0.25%, 0.5% and 0.75% NaCMC(w/w), respectively.

    3.4. Gel layer strength measurements

    Previously researchers have carried out compression analysisexperiments on hydrophilic matrices (Conti et al., 2007a; Ochoaet al., 2005; Yang et al., 1998) in order to make a correlationbetween the thickness and the strength of the tablet gel layer withthe dissolution profiles of matrix tablet. Compression experimentsperformed in this work gave information about: (1) the gel layerstrength (Fig. 6a), which is the measurement of the slope of thetexture analysis curves (force vs probe penetration distance), (2)gel layer thickness (Fig. 6b) of NaCMC matrix at the two pH valuesunder which the dissolution experiments were conducted and (3)the corresponding dissolution profile of THE (Fig. 6c). The gelstrength of the hydrophilic matrix was stronger at pH 1.0 comparedto the strength obtained at pH 7.4. In contrast the gel layerthickness was bigger at pH 7.4 compared to pH 1.0. This explainswhy the release rate of THE at pH 7.4 was higher (Fig. 6c) comparedto pH 1.0. The hydration of the hydrophilic matrix was faster at pH7.4 which is indicated by a significant increase of gel layer thicknessof about 4 times within 5.5 hours compared to 2.5 times in case ofpH 1.0. As a further consequence of fast hydration, the concentra-tion of the polymer (i.e., NaCMC) within the gel layer is decreasedleading to lower gel strength (Zuleger et al., 2002). It has been

    tion profile of THE (c). Standard deviation bars for gel strength and thickness (n = 6)

  • 372 K. Stamatopoulos et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 495 (2015) 362–373

    reported that the drug release is increased as the gel thicknessincreases and the slope of force-penetration curve decreases(Ochoa et al., 2005). At pH 1.0 NaCMC is not soluble which mayaffect the hydration and subsequently the dissolution of the drug inthe gel layer. In addition, the insufficient hydration at pH 1.0 resultsin the formation of a stronger gel layer (50–10 g s�1) at pH 1.0compared to pH 7.4 (19–4 g s�1). This implies that the drug releasemechanism is mainly due to the diffusion through the thick gellayer and no due to the erosion; since the erosion of the gel layerrequires sufficient hydration of the polymer chains in order toreach the disentanglement concentration where the macro-molecules begin to detach from the swollen matrix (Zulegeret al., 2002). The same conclusion has been made with regard tothe release mechanism of THE at pH 1.0 by the release kineticsanalysis based on m exponent values obtained after fitting thedissolution data using Korsmeyer-Peppas model. However, it has topoint out that other factors such as high loadings (e.g., 50%) ofwater soluble drugs as well as hydrophilic additives (i.e., potatostarch which is used in this study) may also have an impact onswelling behaviour and gel layer texture properties (Mitchell et al.,1993a; Zuleger et al., 2002) and hence on drug release. Neverthe-less, the high drug loading in the current dosage form might alsoalter the release rate due to the increased porosity which leads to afast release rate (Maderuelo et al., 2011) and which is not linked tothe lower hydration at pH 1.0 compared to pH 7.4. Furthermore,burst release can occur at pH 1.0 since the gel hydration rate isslower and the drug molecules present at the surface of the dosageform can easily dissolve and pass into the medium (Conti et al.,2007a). Hence, these additional factors might explain why therewas no a difference between the release profile of THE at two pHvalues (Fig. 6c) especially at the first two hours whilst thedifferences in gel thickness and strength were remarkable. Finally,there was no effect on the gel layer thickness and gel strength withthe addition of RH-6 G in dosage form.

    4. Conclusions

    In this paper, the dissolution profile of a fluorescent dyeRhodamine 6G (RH-6G) released from a hydrophobic matrix tablethas been determined in a USP 2 mini vessel using PLIF. The profilesdetermined have been compared with results obtained usingTheophylline (THE), a highly soluble drug.

    The dissolution profiles of both RH-6G and THE were found tobe statistically similar: a highly linear correlation was determinedbetween the release data of the drug and the dye (R2 > 0.9). Thus,RH-6G is an appropriate probe to mimic the release profile of ahighly soluble drug.

    Using viscous media, segregated zones were identified in thevessel, where high amounts of dye accumulated on the bottom ofthe vessel. This is due to highly inhomogeneous mixing intensitiesacross the vessel resulting in non-uniform distribution of the dye.Analysis of PLIF images using MATLAB showed that for a giventime, the concentration of RH-6G around the impeller was alwayshigher in all experimental fluids compared to the upper region ofthe USP 2 mini vessel. This time delay for the released dye-drug toreach the upper zone of the dissolution apparatus leads to differentrelease rates when different sampling points are used forgenerating the dissolution profile of the targeted drug.

    The proof of concept that the dissolution profile of thefluorescent dye matches that of a common drug allows predictionof the performance of the dissolution test and thus guidelines interms of sampling point and possible variance of the drugdissolution data obtained. The PLIF images showed betteruniformity of the dye distribution above the blade and close tothe wall. Thus, based on this analysis, positioning the cannulawithin this zone could minimize the variance of the dissolution

    data. Nevertheless, due to the design of the USP 2 there will bealways limitations on the mixing performance and hence on thereproducibility of the dissolution data. These are critical andimportant results for practitioners using the device.

    Further work has to be done on utilizing the current PLIFmethod for different BSC class drugs; provided that the proper dyehas been selected. This is of great importance especially for lowwater soluble drugs, where the low amounts dissolved in viscousmedia could lead to even higher variance on the dissolution datagenerated with the conventional sampling technique.


    Kostas Stamatopoulos is sponsored by an EPSRC DTG student-ship at the School of Chemical Engineering, the University ofBirmingham.


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    Understanding the impact of media viscosity on dissolution of a highly water soluble drug within a USP 2 mini vessel disso...1 Introduction2 Materials and methods2.1 Materials2.2 Fluids and fluid properties2.3 Tablet preparation2.4 Experimental apparatus: USP 2 mini paddle2.5 Dissolution experiments2.6 PIV and PLIF studies2.7 Gel layer strength and thickness measurements2.8 Statistical analysis

    3 Results3.1 Effect of compression load and time on dissolution profile of theophylline3.2 Particle image velocimetry (PIV)3.3 Drug and RH-6G dissolution and release kinetics3.4 Gel layer strength measurements

    4 ConclusionsAcknowledgementReferences
