International / EDPM - a world-class product to build ... · Engineering Projects (India) Ltd....


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(GWU, USA) Some of the senior managers along with Faculty of International / EDPM Program. The unique features of this program are appreciated globally setting a new benchmark.

(GWU, USA) Ashok Kumar (centre), one of the 5 participants from ONGC receiving the certificate from Dr. Shyam Giridharadas, GWU School of Business. ONGC had nominated 5 DGM / GM for this program.

(GWU, USA) 39 senior managers including CEO's from 22 companies participated in the IEDPM / EDPM Programs. Photograph taken at NASA Hq, USA

(New Delhi) A group photograph of the 50 senior managers from 25 companies who participated in the IEDPM / EDPM Program.

Class of 2011 Class of 2012

Class of 2012 Class of 2012


International / EDPM - a world-class product to build world-class professionals

Be a part of this internationally acclaimed program

an experience never experienced

2 Sharing improves formation of neural networks

Highlights of I/EDPM Class of 2012

USA component (October 2012) Washington D.C.

Indian component (June - September 2012) New Delhi

Peter Easley, a senior official of The World Bank, Washington D.C. speaking on Procurement and Contracting Management. He is widely traveled with rich international experience.

Dr. Forman, one of the eminent professors of GWU School of Business sharing his experience with the IEDPM delegates during the social gathering on October 15.

Hari Mohan Gupta (R) offering Guru Dakshina to Dr. Khamooshi of GWU School of Business. I2P2M has followed two major Indian traditions of Saraswati Invocation and Guru Dakshina in all its programs.

A view of some of the senior executives, now students in learning mode in discussion with their PM Guru.

Dr. DV Kapur, Founding Chairman of NTPC, Rajeev Bhadauria, Director (Group HR), JSPL and Rakesh Jain, Joint Secretary and FA, Ministry of Power shared their thoughts in the 'Experience Sharing Platform'.

Dr. Shivraj Kanungo of GWU School of Business addressing the IEDPM participants on Advanced Supply Chain Management principles.

View of the participants of the internationally acclaimed I/EDPM program in New Delhi at the program inauguration on June 15, 2012.

Dr. G S Krishnan, the coordinator for GWU Sponsored visit of Indian Delegation to Goddard Space Flight Center welcoming the Indian delegates.

Dr. Ed Hoffman, Director NASA Academy of Program/Project Engineering Leadership and Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) of NASA sharing the best practices in management of projects.

Deb Hein, Director, International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM), Australia along with the five delegates from ONGC and Adesh Jain.

In the second 'Experience Sharing Platform', K S Jamestin, Director (HR), ONGC shared his experience of 'what to do and what not to do' in managing projects.

Group photo of the 50 participants from 25 companies at the end of the 4th Module in September 2012 (last in India) on Complex Project Management.

setting a new benchmark

in executive education

3Jointly offering the best

International Institute of Projects and Program Management (I2P2M), a not for profit company incorporated under Section 25 of the companies act 1956, is a premier institution dedicated to providing world-class education in Project, Program and Portfolio (P3) management.

I2P2M's mission is to equip the project leaders and managers to handle the complexity of tomorrow by acquiring the advanced knowledge conceptual framework and best practices.

I2P2M's fundamental belief is that learning or knowing is not enough. After each module the participants are

required to write a Report regarding how they could apply the knowledge gained in their own specific organizational setting. This has made the International / Executive Diploma in Project Program (I/EDPM) unique and very relevant to project leaders.

Only its application creates value and contributes to meaningful experience.

I2P2M has set up a well known Academic Industry Council (AIC) comprising of eminent persons from Industry, Academic Institutions, Professional Associations and Government.

setting a new benchmark in executive education

I2P2MIn te rna t iona l Ins t i t u te o f Projects & Program Management

(a not for profit company)

The globally renowned, George Washington University was created in 1821 by an Act of Congress. With over 20,000 students from all the 50 states and more than 130 countries it fulfills the vision of an institution in America's capital dedicated to educating and preparing future leaders studying a rich range of disciplines: from project management and creative writing to international affairs, computer engineering, medicine, public health, law and public policy.

Their mission is to provide an environment where knowledge is created and acquired and where creative endeavors seek to enrich the experiences of the global society.

The exceptional qualifications of their full time faculty and unmatched experiences of their adjunct faculty and the strengths of their research initiatives allow their students, faculty and staff to look at the world beyond the classroom. GWU is known to prepare the next generation of leaders.

The George Washington University School of Business (GW School of Business) is the Business School of GWU in Washington, D.C. A top-tier institution, GW School of Business has attracted some of the nation's most outstanding leaders from academia, government, and the business world.

Recognized as one of the country's best business schools, GSWB provides scholarly research, teaching excellence, and innovative curricula focused on the responsible management of organizations in the global environment. Students and Faculty have the unique opportunity to conduct Academic Research on and collaborate with, Multilateral development Banks and thousands of national and multinational corporations.

GWSB is one of the most prominent schools globally in the field of project management. GWSB has a well known Master of Science in Project Management Degree Program.

I/EDPM is a major step forward in the Executive Education Program providing a unique setting for world-class Gurus to share their knowledge and experiences with the I2P2M participants.

I/EDPM jointly awarded by GWU School of Business and I2P2M

setting a new benchmark

in executive education


Some of the companies that have participated in

I/EDPM programs (Class of 2011 & 2012)

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.

Power Finance Corporation Ltd.

Engineers India Ltd.

Petronet LNG Ltd.


National Building Construction Corporation Ltd.

Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd.

NCC Infrastructure Holdings Ltd.

ONGC Videsh Ltd.

BrahMos Aerospace (P) Ltd.

Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.

Steel Authority of India Ltd.

Wartsila (India) Ltd.

Oil India Ltd.

Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.


Egis India Consulting

Engineers Pvt. Ltd.


GAIL (India) Ltd.

Adani Infra (India) Ltd.

Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.

Lanco Infratech Ltd.

Ramky Infrastructure Ltd.

NTPC-SAIL Power Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Airports Authority of India Ltd.

Technip KT (India) Ltd

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

Water & Power Consultancy (India) Ltd.

Some Feedback from the participants

It was really a matter of pride that I could learn the best set of project management practices. (A D Prasad, Indian Oil Corporation)

I am proud to be from the first batch of IEDPM. I2P2M objective is to create world-class project managers in India. (Sanjay Kumar, Rural Electrification Corporation)

It was a rare privilege indeed to interact with Senior NASA Officials. (C Bose, Oil India)

IEDPM is really one of its kind and truly symbolic of transforming knowledge to applications. (Jiledar, GAIL (India) Ltd.)

It was a fabulous and well structured program. (Deepak Kr. Garg, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.)

The program is of international level & excellent. (Girish Verma, Lanco Infratech)

Overall written feedback of the IEDPM participants taken by GWU, USA

Parameter Overall Rating (scale 0 to 7)

• Great value for my organization's money 6.4

• Was a great use of my time 6.5

• I would strongly recommend the program 6.4

Class of 2011 Class of 2012

Dear Faculty

Thank you for your service as faculty members in the I2P2M program which concluded this afternoon.

Thanks and congratulations to all of you.

From the comments participants made at the closing ceremony, they all took away a great deal from this week and they are

Our collective commitment and delivery has manifested in Value that is greatly appreciated by the participants.

extremely grateful to the faculty for imparting this knowledge to them. So, kudos and many thanks.

Dr. Shyam Giridharadas, Executive Director, GW School of Business, USA

______________Oct. 17, 2012

setting a new benchmark

in executive education an experience never experienced

Endorsement from companies, validation from participants


After every module it is mandatory for participants to write a report outlining the application of the knowledge gained in the module in their company's context. For Class of 2011 and 2012, we have received over 400 reports from 89 participants.

There is a tremendous to the companies who nominate their senior executives to IEDPM/EDPM Program for bringing about changes in managing their projects and programs with excellence.

Value Proposition

At the end of the program, it is mandatory for the participants to write a Composite Final Report (CFR) covering all modules and previous reports. The CFR should cover the major leanings in evolving a Plan of Action (PoA). The recommendations made by participants to their management, are for improving the way projects and programs are managed. After the CFR is reviewed, I2P2M should receive a confirmatory note from their management accepting some or all recommendations.

To cause minimum disturbance to the organization in their office work and loss of workdays of the participants, the training is specifically held on Fir-Sat-Sun in each module except for the week long USA visit. We apologize to the participants for taking up one weekend every month across the 4 months.

We invite leaders from industry to share their success stories in implementing their projects with excellence. Based on the extensive discussions with three to four business leaders through the day, participants get an opportunity to relate their learning with practical examples as told by the business leaders. There are two Experience Sharing Platform Sessions in I/EDPM Program (July and August). The uniqueness of this 'Experience Sharing Platform' is open dialogue between a resource person and the participants.

Why is the I/EDPM Diploma program so Unique?

Applications Knowledge


CorporateKnowledge Repository

Fourth uniqueness

'Experience Sharing Platforms’

Second uniqueness

The process and the outcome, both are equally important.

Writing Six Reports (PMR1 to PMR6) to transfer knowledge gained to company specific applications

Writing a Composite Final Report (CFR) outlining a Plan of Action (POA) to bring about some changes in the management of project/ programs in the organisation

First uniqueness

Knowing is not enough; we must apply — Goethe

Third uniqueness

Minimum disturbance in office work

Knowledge acquisition requires 'TAPASYA'. (Difficult to gain knowledge, very difficult to loose once acquired)

Best knowledge is acquired by the participants through learning and interaction with business leaders.

Sh. Adesh Jain, I would like to sincerely thank you and the I2P2M team for conceptualizing and organizing the l/EDPM programme.

Having attended last phase of the programme myself, I found that the course contents, the study material and the faculties were excellent and itwas indeed an enriching experience to interact with the world class faculties and leading practitioners in the field of Project Management.

I have gone through the Composite Final Report (CFR), submitted by them. The suggestions made by them through various reports andsummarized in CFR are noteworthy and very useful. Following recommendations have already been accepted by the management of Adani groupand are under implementation.

1. Front End loading approach is being inculcated in Project Life Cycle. 2. Risk management process hasbeen institutionalized. 3). Structured approach for Configuration/Change management 4.Close-out report is being prepared for executed projects etc...

We would wholeheartedly support your endeavour to elevate the overall standard in the field of Project, Portfolio & Program Management in India.

Best regards,

Sub: Acceptance of the Recommendations & Composite Final Report Submitted by Two of our Senior Management Team Members.

Date: 9th November 2012

Adani Power Ltd, Ahmedabad, India

We have set up a powerful web based Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) exclusively for the I2P2M Alumni. Alumni members can share the success stories, innovations in managing projects and new ways of managing complex projects. The I/EDPM faculty members will also have access to the KSP.

Fifth uniqueness Communicate - Communicate - Communicate

VineetChief Executive Officer

setting a new benchmark

in executive educationan experience never experienced

Uniqueness, truly unique

6 Experience is not a substitute for continuous learning

Module 1: 14-15-16 June 2013 (Fri-Sat-Sun) New Delhi, India

PM1: Understanding the Totality of Project Management

International / EDPM SyllabusModule 1

There are eight Project Life Cycle(PLC) phases – Conceptualize, Plan, Organize, Implement, Control, Integrate, Deliver and Closeout and Knowledge Leverage. Each phase has been depicted using different colours of varying intensity showing the intensity of the work during the phase.

Conceptualize phase marks the initiation of the project. Plan and Organize phases are closely linked requiring continuous feedback. Deliverables from these phases trigger the start of Implement phase.

The Implement and Control phases are closely interlinked through execution of the work, feedback and corrective measures. The work in both these phases generally starts with medium intensity, peaks as the project work intensifies and again subsides as most work is completed. Deliverables from these phases trigger the start of Integrate Phase.

The Integrate and Deliver & Closeout phases go hand in hand. As the work is completed it has to be integrated and made ready for delivery till the

integration is completed and all the deliverables are completed. Knowledge leverage (KL) is also important and grows as the project progresses.

In the three days, the participants will be able to better appreciate the nuances of managing projects and programs. Before starting this module, to

assess the current knowledge level of the participants, their PM knowledge is assessed on a scale of 1 to 10 through the pre-Project Management

Knowledge Quotient (PMKQ™) questions. At the end of the 3 days, a post PMKQ™ assessment is again taken by mapping the scores obtained in the

CIPM exam in areas that were covered by the PMKQ™ questions.

It has been found that after completing this module the PMKQ™ of the participants has improved 2 to 3 folds demonstrating the effectiveness of the


Some of the 36 Knowledge Areas covered are: • Stakeholder Management • Business Case • Success Criteria • Scope Definition • Time

Management • Cost & Finance • Roles & Responsibilities • Risk Management • Procurement • Quality • Information Management & Reporting •

Contract Administration • Communication • Organization Structures • Leadership • Motivation • Conflict Resolution • Team Performance •

Negotiation • Change Management • Problem Solving • Health, Safety and Environment • Closeout • Post Project Evaluation

At the end of this module, PM1, participants will be given a comprehensive examination leading to the

credential. This certificate is administered and awarded by Institute of Project Management Certification (IPMC), the National Certification Body

of PMA, India. IPMC is accredited by IPMA. IPMA comprises of 55 countries worldwide and is the only Federal Body of PM Associations globally.

Certificate in Project Management (CIPM)

Knowledge Leverage










n &




Deliver & Closeout







This course covers the eight Project Life Cycle (PLC) phases with 36 Knowledge Areas and 112 Concepts.

Managing the future is increasingly becoming complex due to rapid technological advances and seamless exchange of information globally.

Traditional ways of thinking and doing business can no longer work in today's marketplace. Projects are undertaken to a build a company's future

which is uncertain. As the future is not an extension of the past, we must take decisions consciously without letting the past haunt us. Too much

dependence on 'engraved or past memories' impacts our ability to manage change. The challenge in managing projects lies in increasing the 'rate of

reduction of uncertainties'.

It is in this light that we have designed the unique Part Time Diploma Program for senior working managers. Project and Program Management are

certainly at the center stage of the world economy. We need to sharpen our PM skills for global competitiveness.

Report PMR1

thTarget date for submitting the above report is 7 July 2013.

At the end of this module, the PMR1 is to be written by participants suggesting changes in their own organization's work

environment in view of the eight project life cycle phases covering 36 knowledge areas. This report will take about 10 hours of


setting a new benchmark

in executive education an experience never experienced

7 All men by nature desire knowledge - Aristotle

A BPresent Future

Module 2 : 12-13-14 July 2013 (Fri-Sat-Sun) New Delhi


PM2: Realizing Corporate Strategies and Experience Sharing Session

Realizing Corporate Strategies through Project Management Excellence (12-13 July 2013)

This Module will give the participants a total understanding of how to transform strategies through project/ program management excellence.

On the first two days of the module, explicit and implicit linkages between business strategy, structures and systems, portfolio management,

corporate programmes and project management will be made.

Dr. Arun Kumar Jain, Professor of Strategy, IM and Corporate Governance, IIM, Lucknow is India's best known strategy

scholar-consultant-author. An engineer with a Ph.D. from IIM, Ahmedabad, he has published 100 research based case studies and

articles in international journals including the Harvard Business Review. His three general management books (a) Competitive

Excellence (b) Corporate Excellence and (c) Managing Global Competition have received the Best Book Awards.

Strategies are realized through undertaking of projects and programs. 70-90 percentage of organizations fail to realize success from their

strategies. This is the observation made by Kaplan and Norton. Strategies failure lies in effective management of projects and portfolios.

Some of the topics to be covered in this module are: Aligning strategy execution and implementation with new business realities; managing

organizational and individual change; moving from mission critical factors to innovation & ideas leadership; critical success factors; specific

strategic choices for project excellence and crafting and executing strategy.

There will be a variety of case studies for classroom discussions and presentations such as Kennedy's Moon Speech, Swatch watch, and

reinventing project management for your organization related to real-time application to your organization. The base book used for the Case

Studies will be Dr. Jain's leading book 'Crafting & Executing Strategies'. A copy of the book will be provided as reading material to each


Report PMR2

This report will take about 10 hours of home work.

Target date for submitting the report

At the end of this module, the PMR2 is to be written by participants suggesting changes required to be made linking strategy

formulation to organisation's methodology in selecting projects. It will also cover the linkage of undertaking projects with

alignment to company's overall vision, mission and objectives.

th is 7 August 2013

We invite leaders from industry to share their success stories in implementing their projects with excellence. Based on the extensive discussions with

three to four business leaders through the day, participants get an opportunity to relate their learning with practical examples as told by the business

leaders. There are two Experience Sharing Platform Sessions in I/EDPM Program (July and August). The uniqueness of this Experience Sharing

Session is open dialogue between a resource person and the participants.

PM2B: Experience Sharing Session (14 July 2013)

an experience never experienced


International EDPM Syllabus contd.

Projects are taken up to build the future. They are full of uncertainties. Risk is, therefore, at the centre stage of managing projects. Risk is associated with time, cost, scope, quality, communication, HR, procurement and integration. Risk can also be triggered by political, technical and social environment. Diverse interests of stakeholders contribute significantly to project risks. Some of the topics covered in this module are: Risk Management Plan, Assessment, Identification, Analysis and Quantification, Response Development, Monitoring and Control of mitigation strategies. Few success stories in managing risks will also be covered.

Upon completion of this module, the student should be able to: Analyze complex decision contexts, Understand the center stage which risk management occupies in management of projects, understanding of structured risk management practices during planning and execution life cycles, be familiar with a range of qualitative and quantitative risk analysis techniques with the ability to apply the common approaches and assess risk management system in totality covering all the stakeholders.

At the end of this module, participants will be given a comprehensive examination leading to Certificate in Project Risk Management (CrtPRM)credential. This certificate is administered and awarded by Institute of Project Management Certification (IPMC), the National Certification Body of PMA, India. IPMC is accredited by IPMA. IPMA comprises of 55 countries worldwide and is the only Federal Body of PM Associations globally.

Module 3: 16-17-18 August 2013 (Fri-Sat-Sun) New Delhi

PM3A: Advanced Project Risk Management (16-17 August 2013)

PM3: Advanced Project Risk Management, Case Study from GW School of Business and Advanced PM Concepts

Part 3B: Case Study from GW School of Business (18 August 2013, 0930 - 1330 hrs)

Part 3C: Advanced Project Management Concepts (18 August 2013, 1430 - 1730 hrs.) by Adesh Jain

Prof. Khamooshi of GW School of Business will give a comprehensive Case Study to the students in the first week of August. He would discuss with the participants through Video Conference/ WebEx with all students in one location, for 30 minutes discussion to review participant understanding of concepts. It will be followed by 120 minutes case discussion. At the end, 90 minutes presentation on Advanced Project Risk Management shall be made.


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Risk Management

Adesh Jain, B.Sc., B.E. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Masters of Engineering in ®Control Systems from Canada in 1967 is the First IPMA Assessor and the First PMP from India. In 2005, Adesh became the first non-

European President of IPMA since its establishment in 1965 and later in 2007, he became the Chairman of the Council of Delegates

(CoD) of IPMA. He was invited to give presentations at the NASA - PM Challenge 2010 & 2012. He is the Nat'l President of PMA &

Chairman, I2P2M. He has over 40 papers to his credit & brings with him vast industry experience.

Prof. Homayoun Khamooshi: Ph.D. in Management Science Lancaster University, 1994. Is Chair of the internationally known Master of Science in Project Management. Area of Expertise: Project Planning and Scheduling and Management and Simulation.



'Awakening Project Consciousness through Stakeholders Buy-in'. It will be based on his presentation in "NASAPM Challenge" 2012'Breaking and creating boundaries for excellence' based on presentation in IPMAWorld Congress IstanbulThe salient features of ISO 21,500 covering the guidelines to project management.Adesh Jain's model for measuring Organization's Project Management Maturity through Six LevelsCritical Chain Project Management (CCPM) concepts will be highlightedProject to Program Management for innovative enterprises (P2M) is the unique body of knowledge of Japan. P2M way of visualizing and implementing projects and programs will be explainedAdvance PMO conceptsArt of Critical Decision Making

Topics to be covered:

Report PMR3

This report will take about 10 hours of homework.

thTarget date for submitting the report is 7 September 2013.

At the end of this module, the PMR3 is to be written by participants evolving the Risk Register Format and upgrading

mechanism for managing risks on a continual basis and highlighting their Organisations's Project Management Maturity Index

(OPM2I) based on the methodology learnt.

setting a new benchmark

in executive education an experience never experienced

50% of project management is risk management

Complexity simplified by authentic leadership 9

an experience never experienced

Complex Project Management

• •

Introduction to System Thinking

What makes a project “Complex”

Moving beyond "classical" Body of Knowledge (BOK) practices Case Study on a Complex Project (short pre-reading will be supplied)

Soft Systems Methodology: is an organized, flexible process for dealing with situations which someone sees as problematical, situations which call for action to be taken to improve them, to make them more acceptable, less full of tensions and unanswered questions.

Five Minds and Leadership: We live in a time of vast changes. And those changes call for entirely new ways of learning and thinking. In 'Five Minds' for the Future we will examine the cognitive abilities that will command a premium by looking at respectful and ethical minds.

At the end this module, participants will be given a comprehensive examination leading to This certificate is administered and awarded by Institute of Project Management Certification (IPMC), the National Certification

Body of PMA, India. IPMC is accredited by IPMA in association with ICCPM. IPMA comprises of 55 countries worldwide and is the only Federal Body of PM Associations globally.

•The Conspiracy of Optimism – Why Mega Projects Fail (with Paper)

Certificate in Complex Project Management (CrtCPM).

PM4B: Authentic Leadership (16 September 2013)

Inputs from GW School of Business, USA

Dr. Shyam Giridharadas is the Executive Director of Executive Education for The George Washington University School of

Business. After 25 years of experience in top management consulting at McKinsey & Company, he now teaches Authentic

Leadership – a course that he developed – to the Global MBA students. Giridharadas obtained his doctorate in management at Case

Western Reserve's Weatherhead School of Management and B. Tech. from the IIT, Bombay (1972). He holds MBA from Harvard

University (1979.


Cover the fundamental aspects of self-awareness and emotional intelligence

Provide an opportunity for participants to develop and refine their personal awareness statement

Understand the role of self-regulation and self-expression in developing authentic leadership skills

Understand the vital importance of self-renewal for leaders to remain resonant

Help participants develop their personal leadership vision He would give the individual home work to the participants.

Dr. Giridharadas would discuss with the participants through Video Conference/ WebEx with all students in one location, for 30 minutes discussion

to review participant understanding of concepts. It will be followed by 150 minutes group discussion on the relevance of the Authentic Leadership in

managing complex projects. The concept of authentic leadership is quite novel its application to project management.

Module 4: 14-15-16 September 2013 (Fri-Sat-Sun), New Delhi

Part 4A: Complex Project Management and System Thinking (14-15 September 2013)

PM4: Complex Project Management and System Thinking and Authentic Leadership

Deborah Hein is the Director of Business Development and Senior Complex Project Management Practitioner for the International

Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM), Australia. Deborah has a background in complex project management and

leadership in the Government sector. She has been involved in a range of complex Defence Capital Acquisition Projects as a Project

and Commercial Director and has provided advice to the Australian Government on the implementation of government programs.

Deborah was awarded her Executive MBA in Complex PM from the Queensland University of Technology in 2008.

The International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM), Australia provides leadership in the advancement of knowledge and practice in

the management of complex projects. ICCPM is a not-for-profit organisation developing research and delivering education and support services to

businesses and government to get the world's most complex projects back on track.

Report PMR4

This report will take about 10 hours of homework.

thTarget date for submitting the report is 7 October 2013.

At the end of this module, the PMR4 is to be written by participants highlighting the applicability of advanced concepts in

System Thinking and Management of Complexities in specific to their own organisations. They would also relate the authentic

leadership concept to their project performance.

10 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Report PMR5

Target date for submitting the report is November 15, 2013

A participant will write a report highlighting the applicability of the topics covered by the GW School of Business, Site Visit and interaction with GAO officials, with context to his/her organization.

18 October 2013 (Fri)PM7: GAO Schedule Guide Best Practices (Ms. Karen Richey & Others)

17 October 2013 (Thu)PM6:

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is responsible for, among other things, assisting US Congress in its oversight of the federal government, including agencies’ stewardship of public funds.

14-15-16 October 2013 (Mon-Tue-Wed) PM5:

Foreign Training Program

Washington D.C., USA

Prof. Ernest Forman: D.Sc., University, 1975 and MS John Hopkins University. Area of Expertise: Decision Making; Resource Allocation and Forecasting Current Research: Executive Decision Making & Project Portfolio Management.

The George Washington

At the end of the module participants will have a good understanding of concepts and methods for making complex decisions in business and government for identifying objectives and alternatives; for setting priorities and for making group decisions. The candidates should be able to: • Structure complex decision problems • Identify alternatives • Identify constraints • Incorporate both quantitative and qualitative information in the decision process • Deal with competing factors • Investigate sensitivity of decisions • Communicate recommendations and rationale • Deal with group decisions and conflict.

Executive Decision Making(14 October 2013) 0930-1230 hrs

Estimation and Cost Management Contracting(14 October 2013) 1330-1630 hrs

Prof. Homayoun Khamooshi: Ph.D. in Management Science Lancaster University, 1994. Is Chair of their internationally known Master of Science in Project Management Program. Area of Expertise: Project Planning and Scheduling, Project Risk Analysis & Modeling.

At the end of this module participants will have an understanding of various elements of estimation techniques along with cost management with implications to contracting. The candidates should be able to: • Differentiate between project and program cost objectives and how these are used to assess the success and failure of projects and programs. • Understand the foundation of cost estimation for projects • EVM as an effective performance management system in managing technical projects and portfolios. • Design and develop an appropriate control system for managing costs.

Contract Performance Management System(15 October 2013) 0930-1230 hrs

Prof. Homayoun Khamooshi: Ph.D. Science Lancaster University, 1994. Is Chair of the internationally known Master of Science in Project Management. Area of Expertise: Project Planning and Scheduling and Management Simulation.

in Management

At the end of this module participants will have an understanding of impact of. performance management and control and tools for managing contractors performance at strategic level by introducing an audit system. A newly developed concept called Earned Duration Management (EDM) will be presented The candidates should be able to: • Introduction and Overview • Design of a Project Plan for EV • Managing with EVA/EVMS • EDM or Earned Duration Management • Contractor Performance Management: A Strategic Perspective.

Advanced Supply Chain Management(15 October 2013) 1330-1630 hrs

Prof. Shivraj Kanungo: Ph.D., The George Washington University, 1993 and MS Southern Illinois University. Area of Expertise: IT Management; Software engineering; IS evaluation. Modeling approaches in Supply Chain Management; Optimization of Cost and Service.

Content: At the end of this module participants will have an understanding of designing and implementing an effectice supply chain system. The candidates should be able to: • Modeling approaches in supply chain management • Optimization of cost and service • Alternatives available to the manager given the economic situation • Competitive conditions, • Regulatory environment of the several transportation modes • Model location theory and logistics network and planning and design.

Advanced Concepts in Project Portfolio Management(16 October 2013) 0930-1230 hrs

Prof. Ernest Forman: D.Sc., The George Washington University, 1975 and MS John Hopkins University. Area of Expertise: Decision Making; Resource Allocation; Forecasting; IT Current Research: Executive Decision Making & Project Portfolio Management.

At the end of this module participants will have an understanding of impact of portfolio management on success of the organization. The candidates should be able to: • Explain the concept of portfolio management and its role in project based organization • Decide on a portfolio of project for better efficiency and efficacy • Understand the pooling effect of managing the risk of a portfolio of projects • Understand the process of multi-project multi-resource management • Identify the best practices in portfolio management

Peter R. Easley, Esq – DC. He is the senior Procurement Officer in the World Bank - well known authority on Procurement and Contracting management. He is widely traveled with rich international experience.

The World Bank, Washington

At the end of this module participants will have a good understanding of procurement and contracting and its impact on success of the project. The candidates should be able to: • Discuss procurement and contracting processes and principles • Explain and critically evaluate the contract administration issue including contract terms, issue management, cost management, change order management • Understand programs, planning, sourcing and contractual design for diverse acquisitions • Understand the concept of negotiation for contracts and modifications

Procurement and Contracting(16 October 2013) 1330 -1630 hrs


In 2011 & 2012 the site visit was to NASA.It is expected that this could again be possible in 2013.

Composite Final Report (CFR)

Target date for submitting the report

CFR covers the major learnings of participants throughout the entire program. It also recommends a Plan of Action (PoA) to their management to improve the way projects are managed in their companies.

is December 15, 2013

setting a new benchmark

in executive education


NASA's Global Endeavour. The screen shot reflects NASA's commitment to foster global alliances. NASA is an epitome of project / program management excellence.

Dr. Arun Jain, Professor of Strategy, IM and Corporate Governance, IIM, Lucknow, taking up the Module 2 on Transforming Corporate strategies through Project Management Excellence.

J Kent Crawford, President, PM Solution Inc. USA with over 15 books and 40 articles to his credit giving his presentation (Nov 16). He talked on Advanced PMO Concepts. Kent has instituted a PMO Excellence Award in USA.

Dr. Edward Hoffman, Director, NASA Academy of Program/Project Engineering Leadership (APPEL) outlining his contemporary thought on 4 A's covering Personal and Interpersonal Planes. 4 A's are Ability, Attitude, Assignments and Alliances.

39 participants from 22 companies busy in analyzing a Case Study related to Project Risk Management. At the end of the Risk Management Module, participants appeared in the Certificate in Project Risk Management (CrtPRM) Exam.

RS Sharma, Former Chairman of NTPC and presently Managing Director of Jindal Power was one of the 28 delegates to USA Training Program. R S Sharma (left) receiving the Certificate from GWU School of Business with Prof. Dr. Khamooshi and Dr. Forman.

Dr. Michael Ryschkewisch, Chief Engineer, NASA, a renowned engineer and Head of Engineering gave a lucid presentation on marvels of engineering and its benefits to society.

NASA Charles F Bolden Jr addressing the Indian delegation. It was a rare privilege to listen to the Administrator who is an Astronaut and Head of NASA. He laid emphasis on 'holistic' thinking and humility to learn.


Brett Ackroyd, Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Complex Project Management, Australia was the Faculty on "Complex Project Management and System Thinking" as part of Module 4.


Christopher J Scolese, the highest ranking Civil Servant in NASA spoke at length on the challenges faced, the best practices followed and NASA's organisation structure.

Associate Administrator,

Charles Gay (right), Deputy Associate Administrator (SMD), NASA receiving Guru Dakshina from Ram Kishore Iruvanti (left), Managing Director of Technip KT India Ltd.

On the last day of the 5 day training in USA, three officials of Government Accountability Office (GAO) ( 2nd, 3rd and 4th from left) interacting with the Indian participants in GWU Campus.

Highlights of IEDPM Class of 2011 (July-November 2011)

setting a new benchmark

in executive education

NASA - the epitome of project and program excellence

For more details contact:Adesh Jain, Chairman, International Institute of Projects & Program Management (I2P2M)

A-48, Sector - 5, Noida 201301 (U.P.), IndiaTel: (91 120) 3124566 Cell: +91 9999684621, Email: Web: www.i2p2m.com12

Engineering or MBA Degree with minimum 10 Years of Working Experience.


Dr. Nitish Sengupta is a Management Guru, seasoned Administrator and former MP. Is Chairman of the Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprises with the Status of Union Minister of State. He was Member-Secretary, Planning Commission and holds a doctorate in Management from Delhi University.

Registration Fee of Class of 2013 is the same as for Classes of 2011 and 2012

• Prof. Pankaj Chandra, Director, IIM, Bangalore • Prof. Shekhar Chaudhuri, Director, IIM, Calcutta• Prof. V K Gupta, Professor, MDI, Gurgaon • Dr. Arun Kumar Jain, Professor, IIM Lucknow• Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Former Secretary General, FICCI • Dr. Santrupt B Misra, Director (HR), Aditya Birla Management• D S Rawat, Secretary General, ASSOCHAM • Dr. Dalip Singh, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Steel• Ravi Uppal, MD & CEO, Jindal Steel & Power • K Venkataramanan, CEO & MD, L&T• C S Verma, Chairman and MD, SAIL


Adesh Jain is the Chairman of I2P2M. He is Honorary National Founding President of PMA, India and first non-European to become the President & Chairman of IPMA comprising of 55 countries worldwide. He is a well known thought leader in project and program management. He was invited to give presentations at the NASA - PM Challenge 2010 & 2012.

Academic Industry Council of I2P2M

1. IEDPM / EDPM Program is non residential.

2. Does not include Domestic / International Travel, Boarding, Lodging, Conveyance at Delhi/USA and Visa Fee, USA.

3. Enrollment fee is payable to 'International Institute of Projects and Program Management’

4. Enrollment form will be accepted only if accompanied by payment / EFT details.

5. Enrollment fee is non-refundable but a substitute is allowed prior to the commencement of the program.

6. As seats are limited, early enrollment is recommended.

Terms and Conditions

Option 2Option 1 Option 3

Executive Diploma in Project

Management (EDPM)

12 Days across 4 months (In India only)

International Executive Diploma in Project

Management (IEDPM)

17 Days across 5 Months(12 Days in India and 5 Days in USA)

One Week Training Program at GW School of Business, Site Visit& Interaction with GAO Officers

Program in India and USA Program in India only Program in USA only

Options for Participation


*Designations are as on 23.11.2012

Chairman Member Secretary

Participants will also acquire the Certificate In Project Management (CIPM), Certificate in Project Risk Management (CrtPRM) and Certificate in Complex Project Management (CrtCPM). These well established Certificates add Value to I/EDPM, thus making this Diploma unique globally.

Fee Rs. 4.95 Lacs per person including Taxes Fee Rs. 2.65 Lacs per person including Taxes Fee Rs. 2.30 Lacs per person including Taxes

14-18 October 2013June to October 2013 June to September 2013

A student will acquire a Certificateof Completion from GW School of Business


International/Executive Diploma in Project Management (I/EDPM) are jointly awarded by

The George Washington University

School of Business

International Institute

Projects & Program Management


Seats are limited. Admission is on 'First Come First Served' basis.

setting a new benchmark

in executive education
