International College of Integrative Medicine October 30 ... · International College of...


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International College of Integrative Medicine

October 30- November 1, 2015

The Murphy auditorium of American College of Surgeons (ACS), Chicago, IL

“Energy and Medicine: Paradox & Controversy”

Up to 13.5 Hours of Classroom Instruction

Program Chairman Simon Yu, MD

Medical science is constantly evolving, but today’s healthcare providers are on the brink

of a fundamental paradigm shift. In light of new, evidence-based understandings of the

biological sciences, physicians are beginning to re-discover the forgotten practice of energy


Although energy medicine is a controversial science, ICIM seeks to address the

seemingly paradoxical nature of the discipline by exploring it from many different fields of

medicine. This conference will cover everything from the basic science of bio-physics, cancer

management, and biological dentistry, to magnetic pulse therapy, micro-current therapy,

homeopathy, and thermography. ICIM’s goal is to connect different diagnostic and healing

modalities relating to energy medicine, which will allow doctors one step closer to curing the


Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will learn the evidence-based definition of bioenergetic medicine

2. Attendees will learn the evidence of what conventional medical providers are missing by

ignoring the field of “veritable energy medicine”

3. Attendees will evaluate energy medicine through the lens of emerging, evidence-based

cancer research

4. Attendees will explore the metabolic causes and effects of cancer, as well as possible


5. Attendees will examine evidence of the electromagnetic field’s effect on a broad range of

topics including auto-immune disorders, homotoxicology, acupuncture, mitochondrial

dysfunction, and thermodynamics

6. Attendees will explore the connection between dental work and dysfunction

Friday October 30th 2015


Simon Yu MD

New Medicine Based on New Biology: Energy and Medicine

Learning Objectives:

1. Introduce the concept of Energy Medicine: Physics, bio-physics and meta-physics.

2. To recognize that parasite infections are often overlooked common medical problems for

cancer patients.

3. New way of detecting parasites by using current technology based on acupuncture

meridians and its conductance assessment which is based on biophysics and energy


4. How to optimize using herbal and prescribed parasite medications for cancer patients.

5. Understanding the evolution of biology and cancer metabolism.


W. Lee Cowden MD

BioEnergetic Tools in the Care of Chronic Disease Patients

Even though quantum mechanics has offered solutions to health problems for more than

80 years, allopathic medicine has incorporated very little of what is possible into Western health

care. In this presentation, Dr. Cowden will give an overview of the use of BioEnergetic Medicine

in integrative healthcare both for improving evaluative acumen of the practitioner and for

enhancing intervention outcome in the patient. Dr. Cowden will discuss practical applications of

electro-dermal screening, heart rate variability testing that incorporates Chinese acupuncture organ

system assessment, pulsed electromagnetic therapies, photo-magnetic lymph drainage, laser

energetic detox & photonic focal detox as well as using the vibrations of the voice in resolving

subconscious emotions that contribute to physical & mental/emotional diseases.

Learning Objectives

1. Learn how to use an electro-dermal screening device to improve their evaluative

acumen & to more often pick the best therapies for a patient

2. Learn the vast amount of information provided by a comprehensive heart rate

variability testing system built based on 45 years of Russian research

3. Learn how to successfully use an electromagnetic frequency device to strengthen a

patient’s organ systems & to encourage microbe elimination from their body

4. Learn the value of photo-magnetic lymph devices in restoring lymph drainage

5. Learn the basics of Laser Energetic Detox & Photonic Focal Detox

6. Learn how to use the vibrations of the patient’s own voice to quickly resolve

conscious & subconscious emotions contributing to physical &/or

mental/emotional diseases


Peter Pedersen PhD, Young Ko PhD

Targeting Cancer Energy Metabolism (The Warburg Effect): A New Paradigm for Effective

Cancer Therapeutics

The “Warburg Effect” is the most common biochemical phenotype of many cancer types.

It is due to elevated tumor glycolysis (metabolism of the sugar glucose to lactic acid) even under

normal pressure of oxygen. Under such conditions normal cells convert glucose mainly to carbon

dioxide and water and not to lactic acid. Most cancers show a positive Positron Emission

Tomography (PET) scan that monitors the “Warburg Effect”. This prevalent Warburg Effect and

subsequent PET positivity are because most of cancer cells overexpress the mitochondrial bound

Hexokinase 2 (HK2). Such cancers have to eliminate the produced lactic acid via specific

transporters called “monocarboxylate transporters” (MCTs) as the lactic acid inside the cell

could be harmful. In contrast, normal cells produce little or no lactic acid under physiological

conditions and have very few lactic acid transporters within their cell membrane. This difference

in energy metabolism between cancer and normal cells can be used to target

specifically/selectively cancer cells. Thus, a small molecule, called 3‐bromopyruvate (3BP)

which is an analog of lactic acid/pyruvic acid is such an example. It kills cancer cells selectively.

Because 3BP looks like lactic acid, cancer cells readily take it up via MCTs, the same

transporters that allow lactic acid to go out.

Once the 3BP enters the cancer cells it targets and destroys their two energy (ATP)

production factories, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis. In contrast, little

or no 3BP enters normal cells as they have very few lactic acid transporters. This is why 3BP as

an “Energy Blocker”. It is highly specific in killing cancer cells as it targets their most common

phenotype (“Warburg Effect”). This “specificity (selectivity)” means less cyto‐toxicity and

minimal to no side effects. Therefore, 3BP as an Energy Blocker is quite different from the

currently available chemo‐drugs that target one or more of the following: DNA replication, cell

cycle/ growth, cellular signal transduction pathways, angiogenesis, and receptors. This effective

and selective killing of cancer cells is in contrast to many commonly used anti‐cancer agents that

may take weeks to months to show any noticeable effect. Again, it is important to note that 3BP

at the effective concentrations that kill cancer cells has little or no effect on normal cells. Hence,

3BP may be considered the first member of a “NEW CLASS” of anticancer agents.

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will understand the differences in energy metabolism between cancer and

normal cells, including mitochondrial functions

2. Attendees will hear a biochemical explanation of the “Warburg Effect” in order to learn

which enzymes, proteins, and pathways are responsible for this common phenotype of

cancer cells

3. Attendees will identify the relationship between the “Warburg Effect” and Positron

Emission Tomography (PET), a method used to detect cancer and monitor its treatment

throughout the world.

4. Attendees will learn how to translate bench side studies to the bedside

5. Attendees will be informed of the first member of a new class of anticancer agents called

3‐bromopyruvate and its properties, killing mechanisms, and therapeutic potential


Steve Fry MD

Evidence of Biofilm Forming Protozoans in Inflammatory and Autoimmune Disease

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will be able to discuss the concept of a microbial biofilm and how it could

impact humans

2. Attendees will hear a discussion on at least one autoimmune disease such as multiple

sclerosis and the evidence that it could be caused by protozoans

3. Attendees will learn about the concept, “Metagenomics”

4. Attendees will discover the significance of CCSVI

5. Attendees will be able to identify types of organisms being discovered in the vasculature

of patients with chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease


Silvia Binder ND, PhD

The 180 Degree Perspective on the Paradox “Energy Medicine”: Normality, Regularity &


The U.S. based National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), one

of 27 institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH) within the

Department of Health and Human Services of the federal government of the United States,

recognizes “Veritable Energy Medicine” involving scientifically observable energy including

magnetic fields. Veritable Energy Medicine encompasses energy of particular frequencies and

intensities and wave shapes that stimulate the repair of one or more tissues.

Energy is the substance of life. Without the understanding of energy, medical

professionals are missing a big part of how our body works. We could not imagine a hospital

today without the diagnostic capabilities of X-Ray, MRI, EEG, and EKG. All of these techniques

measure and report the energy of a particular part of the body. This program will widen the

perspective of the understanding and use of Energy Medicine which, ideally, should complement

patient care.

Learning Objectives: 1. Attendees will be given a historic review of the use of Energy Medicine in different

cultures going back 17,000 years

2. Attendees will be able to identify a personalized medical approach offering reverence for

life and human uniqueness

3. Attendees will discover the important role of the diagnostic approaches in allocating

areas of inflammation, infectious processes and traumatized tissue

4. Attendees will learn about the significance of Energy Medicine intervention improving

acute and chronic disease

5. Attendees will discover how intelligent Energy Medicine methods help uncover

unresolved emotional shock and traumas which are linked to disease processes

6. Attendees will have the chance to review cases including Immune Deficiency Disorders,

Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer


Lee Woolley DNM Advanced Understandings of Homotoxicology


Jim Oschman PhD

Scientific Basis of Energy Medicine

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of connective tissue and myofascial

systems of the body.

2. Attendees will understand the evidence for bio-electromagnetic communications, and

their effect on connective tissue.

3. Attendees will hear a discussion on cooperative and collective phenomena, soft tissue

memory and holography.

4. Attendees will study the living matrix with a special focus on sensation conduction,

architecture, vibrations, and Quantum coherence.

Saturday October 31st 2015

8:00 am-8:30 am

Alexander Mostovoy HD, DHMS, BCCT

Clinical Applications of Infrared Thermography

Clinical applications of thermography are far-reaching from ER medicine to risk assessment and

early detection to treatment monitoring and follow up. In this lecture you will learn about the

latest advances in thermography, its various clinical applications, and how these applications can

benefit your patients and your clinical practice.

8:30 am-9:00 am

Lee Woolley DNM

Energetic Diagnostics of Advanced Illness

9:00 am- 10:00 am

Jerry Tennant MD

Healing is Voltage

Theodor Heinrich Boveri was a German biologist. He also reasoned in 1902 that a cancerous

tumor begins with a single cell in which the makeup of its chromosomes becomes scrambled,

causing the cells to divide uncontrollably. This was the predominant theory until 2014 when

Thomas Seyfried et al proved that genetic changes were secondary in cancer. Thus physicians

have been searching for the cause of cancer since the time of Hippocrates in 400 BC. Most

research has been focused on finding the causes of genetic changes. Perhaps the cause of cancer

has been elusive because the evidence supports the theory that the cause is a reversal of polarity

instead of biochemical. In addition, one must consider that each organ has its own battery pack:

a stack of muscle batteries known as an acupuncture meridian. The reversal of polarity occurs in

a battery in a circuit and the accompanying loss of oxygen with low voltage tells local stem cells

to make a placenta (cancer) to attempt to correct the low voltage and oxygen via fermentation

since there is inadequate oxygen to keep that organ functional. The On switch for cancer is an

accumulation of electron stealers in an acupuncture circuit; the Off switch for cancer is removing

the causes of low voltage and inserting enough electrons to reverse the polarity back to normal.


Carolyn McMakin DC

Treating Inflammatory Conditions with Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM)

Inflammation is at heart of virtually every degenerative disease including asthma, liver

disease, irritable bowel and all of the inflammatory bowel diseases. Medical interventions to

reduce this systemic inflammation are ineffective or have serious side effects. Recent research

has shown that certain specific frequencies reduce inflammation in a placebo controlled animal

model and reduce cytokines in human treatments. This lecture will present the results of this

research and show the learner how to implement this technique.

Learning Objectives:

1. At the end of this lecture attendees will know the association between lipoxygenase

mediated inflammation and asthma and will be aware of the need to reduce lipoxygenase

mediated inflammation when treating asthma.

2. At the end of this lecture attendees will know the association between lipoxygenase

mediated inflammation and irritable bowel syndrome and irritable bowel diseases and

will be aware of the need to reduce lipoxygenase mediated inflammation when treating

these conditions.

3. At the end of this lecture, the attendee will be aware of the research documenting the

effects of specific frequencies on the reduction of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase

mediated inflammation in a mouse model.

4. At the end of this lecture attendees will understand the proposed effects of specific

frequencies on cell signaling associated with lipoxygenase mediated inflammation.

5. At the end of this lecture the attendee will be aware of the effects of specific frequencies

to reduce inflammatory cytokines in a human trial and the proposed model for these



Magda Havas PhD

Electrosmog and Electrohypersensitivity: The Manufactured Controversy and the Importance of


Levels of electromagnetic radiation from wireless technology are increasing exponentially

and a growing population is developing cancers, reproductive problems and/or electro-hyper-

sensitivity, which involves cellular degeneration leading to symptoms similar to rapid aging.

Adverse biological effects occur at levels well below U.S. guidelines, which were designed to

prevent heating among those occupationally exposed to microwave and radar radiation and not the

infant lying next to a wireless baby monitor or the student sitting near a Wi-Fi router. The most

common devices, their radiation pattern, and their biological effects will be presented along with

information on how to minimize exposure, practice electromagnetic hygiene, and use prevention

to promote healing.

Learning Objectives

1. Attendees will learn to recognize the symptoms of electrohypersensitivity (EHS)

2. Attendees will learn to determine which devices may be contributing to EHS

3. Attendees will learn to test electrosmog

4. Attendees will learn to help patients practice electromagnetic hygiene

5. Attendees will learn to help patients recover from EHS

Take Home Information:

Attendees will be able to practice electromagnetic hygiene in their home, in their

office/clinic and be able to recommend this to their patients. They will have educational youtube

videos to play to their patients in their waiting room.


Thomas Seyfried PhD

Cancer as a Mitochordrial Metabolic Disease: Implications for Novel Therapeutics

Emerging evidence indicates that cancer is primarily a metabolic disease involving

disturbances in energy production through respiration and fermentation. Cancer is suppressed

following transfer of the nucleus from the tumor cell to cytoplasm of normal cells containing

normal mitochondria. These findings indicate that nuclear genetic abnormalities alone cannot be

responsible for cancer despite commonly held beliefs in the cancer field. The genomic instability

observed in tumor cells and all other recognized hallmarks of cancer are considered downstream

epiphenomena of the initial disturbance of cellular energy metabolism. The disturbances in tumor

cell energy metabolism can be linked to abnormalities in the structure and function of the

mitochondria. Cancer growth and progression can be managed following a whole-body transition

from fermentable metabolites, primarily glucose and glutamine, to respiratory metabolites,

primarily ketone bodies. This transition, facilitated using calorie restricted ketogenic diets, will

reduce tumor vascularity and inflammation while enhancing tumor cell death. A novel “press-

pulse” therapeutic strategy is in development for the non-toxic metabolic management of cancer.

Malignant brain cancer in preclinical models and humans will be used to illustrate general

concepts. As each individual is a unique metabolic entity, personalization of metabolic therapy as

a broad-based cancer treatment strategy will require fine-tuning to match the therapy to an

individual’s unique physiology.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this presentation, the attendees will learn that:

1. Attendees will understand that cancer arises from evidence based impairment respiration

rather than from nuclear gene mutations

2. Attendees will learn that the damage to cellular respiration leads to evidence based

compensatory fermentation, which drives cancer cell growth and disease progression

3. Attendees will be informed that the Glucose/Ketone Index (GKI) can predict evidence

based therapeutic efficacy of metabolic therapy for brain cancer

4. Attendees will be able to recognize the “Press-Pulse Paradigm” as evidence based

therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancer involving ketogenic diets,

non-toxic drugs, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy

4:45 pm- 5:15 pm

Emil K. Schandl, PhD, MD (MA)

American Metabolics Laboratories Cancer Profile TM


Donald Braun PhD, Vice President Translational Research & Chief Science Officer,

Cancer Treatment Centers of America®

Tumor Genomics & Precision Medicine: The Future of Cancer Care?

This presentation will focus on how tumor genomics is currently being used in practice to care

for patients with cancer. Understanding that in addition to what kind of cancer is being treated, it

is equally, if not more, important to know what is driving the growth of the tumor itself. A

review of tumor genetics and gene mutation will lead in to reviewing the process of applying

genomic cancer medicine in clinical application. Several clinical examples of genomic testing

will be covered in discussing the future of cancer care.

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will understand tumor genetics and gene mutation

2. Attendees will learn the process of profiling cellular genes and how to apply genomic

cancer medicine in a clinical application

3. Attendees will learn about BRAF inhibitor studies and cancer gene profiling workflow

4. Attendees will listen to a review of recent clinical examples and case studies of genomic

testing utilization

Sunday November 1st 2015


Paul Peirsel MD

Observations of a Primary Care Physician: a Thermodynamic Analysis of Healing

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will observe the body as an open biologic system containing two

thermophysiologic systems that obey the laws of physics

2. Attendees will receive a description of both the macroscopic and microscopic

negentropic systems

3. Attendees will learn the energetic basis of the "fight-or-flight" response and how it is

affected by stimulant medications, beta blockers, and states of degenerative disease

4. Attendees will study the critical role of nutrition for healing, defense, repair, and the

generation of energy in the body

5. Attendees will gather a comprehensive understanding of how thermodynamic principles

can explain healing


Michael Rehme DDS and Diane Meyers DDS

Biological Dentistry: The Missing Link to Your Health & Wellness

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will learn about heavy metal toxicity in dentistry

2. Attendees will explore a dental approach to physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of


3. Attendees will evaluate the evidence of illness and other biological health hazards

triggered by mercury fillings, root canals, and cavitations

4. Attendees will examine whether the evidence shows a link between gum disease and

other inflammatory conditions

5. Attendees will learn the importance of educating patients to allow their participation in

health care decision-making


William Pawluk MD, MSc

For a Powerful Health Solution Tap into God’s Own Juice: PEMFs

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will be able to identify the advantages of magnetic field therapy

2. Attendees will understand how the body is affected by magnetic fields

3. Attendees will gain an appreciation for the basic physics and applications of PEMF

4. Attendees will learn about tesla level stimulation research evidence

11:00 am -11:30 am

Garry Gordon MD Concluding Thoughts
