International Affairs quiz


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  • 8/10/2019 International Affairs quiz


    international affairs.

    1. Weak States generally share all the following characteristics except:

    (A) Poverty

    (B) A widespread sense of legitimacy

    (C) Deep ethnic divides(D) Lack of innovation

    2. Acid Rains is considered as one of the following:

    (A) Chemical accidents

    (B) Chemical chain reaction

    (C) Deforestation

    (D) Heavy chemical industrialization and acidic formation in the atmosphere

    3. Which of the following technologies led to process of Globalization?

    (A) Information and Communication Technology

    (B) Remote Sensing(C) Radio Detection

    (D) Computerization

    4. When Rupert Murdoch, who owns satellite television networks, agrees to

    eliminate some political news from broadcasts to China, he is

    (A) Limiting the sovereignty of States.

    (B) Merely making an economic decision.

    (C) Implementing policy of the Chinese State.

    (D) Expressing approval of US attempts to sanction China for human rights


    5. The World Bank limits the sovereignty of States whenever it

    (A) Imposes conditions on loans to States.

    (B) Consults with member States.

    (C) Fails to consult with member States.

    (D) Taxes member States

    6. Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the

    other labeled as Reason (R).

    Assertion (A) : Climate change has the potential to affect security as it

    threatens to increase existing tensions between developed and developing


    Reason (R) : Shortages of vital resources like food and water can create a

    mass movement of refugees.

    (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

    (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

    (C) (A) is true but (R) is false.

    (D) (A) is false but (R) is true.

    8. The principle on which Humanitarian Intervention works(A) Right to Intervene

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    (B) Right to Protect

    (C) Right to Withdraw

    (D) Right to Dominate

    9. Match the following using the codes given below:

    ListI ListII

    (a) Ho Chi Minh (i) Myanmar(b) Suharto (ii) Vietnam

    (c) Ang San Su Kyi (iii) Malaysia

    (d) Mohathir Mohammad (iv) Indonesia

    Codes :

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    (A) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

    (B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

    (C) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

    (D) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

    10. Match the following by using the codes given below.

    ListI ListII

    (a) Creation of Israel (i) 1978

    (b) Camp David Accord (ii) 1948

    (c) UN recognizes the PLO as legitimate representative of Palestine (iii) 1974

    (d) Islamic Revolution in Iran (iv) 1979


    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    (A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)(B) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

    (C) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

    (D) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)

    11. The US Sheal Operation against Osama Bin Laden at Abbottabad

    (Pakistan) was code-named as

    (A) Operation Jeronimo

    (B) Operation Green Hunt

    (C) Operation Neptune Spear

    (D) Operation Endeavour

    12. Which of the following countries share border with Myanmar?

    i. Arunachal Pradesh ii. Nagaland iii. Manipur iv. Assam

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below

    a. i, ii and iii only

    b. ii, iii and iv only

    c. i, ii and iv only

    d. i, ii, iii and iv

    13. Waters of which of the following rivers is exclusively of India?

    i. Sutlej

    ii. Jhelum

    iii. Chenab

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  • 8/10/2019 International Affairs quiz


  • 8/10/2019 International Affairs quiz


    23. India and Cuba signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation

    in broadcasting between 'Prasar Bharti' and 'Cuban Radio and Television

    Institute' recently. Which of the statement given below is/are incorrect?

    1. Cuba is an archipelago of islands located in the Northern Caribbean Sea atthe confluence of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.

    2. Cuba ranks low in human development, health and education.

    Select the correct codes:

    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2

    (c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) Neither 1 nor 2

    24. Consider the following statements.

    1. Opportunity, Spirit, Curiosity and Juno are Mars Exploration Rovers.2. Apart from India the other countries that have launched Mars mission

    include Russia, USA, France and UK.

    Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2

    (c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) Neither 1 nor 2

    25. All the fifty states of US recorded sub-freezing temperatures in January

    2014. Consider the following statements in this context.1. Polar Vortex was responsible for the situation. It is a low pressure, upper

    level (primarily in stratosphere) wind system rotating in anticlockwise


    2. The vortex is strongest in winter, due to more temperature contrast

    between the Polar Regions and the mid-latitudes.

    3. Polar vortex is an extension of hurricanes or tornadoes of the Arctic region.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    (a) Only 1 & 2

    (b) Only 2 & 3

    (c) Only 1 & 3

    (d) All 1, 2 & 3

    26. Consider the following statements about various types of subsidies.

    1. For agriculture, all domestic support measures considered to distort

    production and trade (with some exceptions) fall into the "Blue Box".

    2. In order to qualify for the "Green Box", a subsidy must not distort trade, or

    at most cause minimal distortion.

    3. The "Amber Box" is an exemption from the general rule that all subsidies

    linked to production must be reduced or kept within defined minimal ("de

    minimus") levels.

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    Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

    (a) Only 1 & 2

    (b) Only 2 & 3

    (c) Only 1 & 3

    (d) All 1,2 & 3

    27. The Hague-based International Court of Arbitration has allowed India to

    go ahead with the construction of 330 MW Kishanganga hydro-electric power

    project in North Kashmir. In this context, consider the following statements

    and identify the incorrect one.

    (a) The Permanent court of Arbitration has ruled that India must provide half

    of the dam's water to Pakistan.

    (b) The decision of the Permanent court of Arbitration is binding on both the

    parties and cannot be appealed.

    (c) The Permanent court of Arbitration has ordered that the minimum flow ofwater in the Kishanganga Neelam River is to be decided under the

    mechanisms of the Indus waters Treaty by both India and Pakistan.

    (d) None of the above.

    28. The UN recently launched the International Year of Family Farming

    (2014) in an effort to highlight the potential family farmers have to eradicate

    hunger, preserve natural resources and promote sustainable development.

    1. Family farming is a practice of agriculture in a common land of a group of

    families in rural areas.2. These farms produce the food that feeds billions of people, the agency

    noted in a news release adding that in many developing countries, family

    farms represent up to 80 percent of all farm holdings.

    Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2

    (c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) Neither 1 nor 2

    29. Consider the following statements.

    1. The UN General Assembly has designated Nov. 25 as the International

    Day for the Elimination of Violence Against women and the official theme

    framed by the UN Secretary- General's campaign UNITE to End Violence

    against women for 2013 is "Orange the world in 16 days".

    2. The date of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against

    Women also marks the start of the "16 Days of Activism" that precedes

    Human Right Day on Dec. 10 each years.

    Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

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    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2

    (c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) Neither 1 nor 2

    30. Consider the following statements:

    1. India overcame resistance from China to become a part of the Regional

    Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement.

    2. The RCEP comprises China, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South

    Korea apart from the SAARC.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2(c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) Neither 1 nor 2

    31. Correct statements

    a) All BIMSTEC countries have coastlines along with Bay of Bengal

    b) All BIMSTEC countries are also members of ASEAN

    c) Both A and B

    d) neither A nor B

    32. Correct statements about Third BIMSTEC summit held at Nay Pyi Taw in

    Myanmar.i. Nay Pyi Taw is the capital of Myanmar

    ii. Cambodia was inducted as a member state of BIMSTEC.

    iii. 2015 was declared as The Year of BIMSTEC Tourism

    Answer choices

    a. only 1 and 2

    b. only 2 and 3

    c. only 1 and 3

    d. all of them

    33. Recently, Indian and Chinese official met for initiating BCIM corridor

    project. This project aims to connect

    a) Beijing, Chennai, Mandalay, Dhaka

    b) Banglore, Chennai, Indore, Mumbai

    c) Kunming, Kolkata, Mandalay, Chittagong

    d) None of Above

    34. With reference to Indias laudable achievement of becoming a polio-free

    country, consider the following statements about polio

    1. Polio is mainly passed through person-to-person (i.e., fecal-oral) contact,

    and infects persons who do not have immunity against the disease.

    2. Once affected, there is no cure for polio

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    3. The National Polio Surveillance Project (NPSP) is a collaborative project of

    the Government of India and the WHO and is managed by the latter.

    4. In 2014, only 3 countries (Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan) remain polio-

    endemic, down from more than 125 in 1988

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    a. 1,2 and 3 Onlyb. 2, 3 and 4 Only

    c. 1, 3 and 4 Only

    d. All

    35. International Water Laws classifies rivers into national, international and

    internationalized rivers. Which of the following is indicative of internationalized


    a. A river which, whether originally national or international, has been

    subjected to a special conventional regime between two countries.b. A transboundary international river waters of which are disputed and a

    mediating agency is involved in settling the dispute

    c. A national river where two or more states are involved and mediating

    agency resolves the dispute

    d. None of the above

    36. India is an original signatory to Chemical Weapons Convention. Under

    which of the following circumstances does India allow the use of chemical


    a. To control the unprecedented increase of populationb. To abate the riots

    c. For defense purposes with a firm adherence to no first use policy

    d. Being a signatory, she can never use Chemical weapons

    37. Recently in news, what does UNSC Resolution 2118 pertain to?

    a. Resolution on nuclear program of Iran

    b. It is a resolution on the current political situation in Palestine

    c. It relates to Syrian chemical weaponry

    d. It is about the development on environmental issues in the next five years

    38. World powers (P5+1) have recently signed a nuclear deal with Iran.

    Consider the following statements in context of the deal.

    1. P5+1 comprises of 5 permanent members of the UN and Japan.

    2. Iran does not hold the membership of IAEA.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2

    (c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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    39. Correct statements about Compulsory License in Patent law?

    a) It is an Authorization given to a third party to manufacture a patented

    invention at cheaper price, without original patent owners willful consent.

    b) As such, Compulsory License is not permitted under Indian Patents Act,

    but SC has permitted it in Nexvar case for larger public interest.

    c) Both A and Bd) Neither A nor B

    40. Incorrect statements about Ever Greening in Patent law?

    a) It is a practice of extending patents on pharmaceutical products by making

    slight changes to a drug molecule.

    b) Indian Patent Act prohibits ever greening but permits compulsory licensing.

    c) Both A and B

    d) Neither A nor B

    41. 1. The the bio-duck noise observed in the Southern Ocean is associatedwith which of the following?

    i. Trans-Antarctic Ocean current

    ii. Roaring Sixties which cause huge splashes in the ocean

    iii. Sound of cracking ices in Antarctic region

    iv. Sound of a species of a whale living in the region

    Choose the correct answer using the codes below

    a. 3 and 4 Only

    b. 3 Only

    c. 1 Only

    d. 4 Only

    42. Consider the following statements with reference to the Goldman

    Environmental Prize

    I. This award is described as the Nobel Prize for grassroots environmentalism

    is given to grassroots environmental activists, one from each of the worlds six

    geographic regions

    II. No one from India has won the award so far

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?

    a. 1 Only

    b. 2 Only

    c. Both

    d. None

    43. Which of the following statements are incorrect?

    1. All members of East Asia Summit are members of ASEAN

    2. All members of ASEAN are members of EAS

    Choose Answers

    a) Only 1

    b) Only 2

    c) Both

    d) None

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    44. Q5. Consider these three cities

    1) Taipei 2) Hanoi 3) Phnom Penh

    Arrange them from North to South

    a) 213b) 123

    c) 321

    d) 312

    45. Partnership to Advance Clean Energy (PACE) is an initiative between

    which of the following countries in energy sector?

    a. India and EU

    b. India and Japan

    c. India and USA

    d. India and Russia

    46. Consider the following statements with reference to multilateral navy

    exercise KOMODO

    I. It was a Multilateral Humanitarian Assistance / disaster relief Exercise

    II. Its an initiative from Indonesia

    III. It is same as the MILAN exercise which is held once in two years by India

    in the Indian Ocean

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?

    a. 1 and 2 Onlyb. 2 and 3 Only

    c. 1 and 3 Only

    d. All

    47. India has been providing assistance to Budaniknatha Temple as a part of

    economic cooperation plan with which of the following countries?

    a. Bhutan

    b. Nepal

    c. Myanmar

    d. Srilanka

    48. Recently awarded to an Indian, with which of the following subjects is

    Polya Prize related?

    a. Physics

    b. Chemistry

    c. Zoology

    d. Mathematics

    49. With reference to Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD), consider the following


    I. It is is celebrated on 9th January every year to mark the contribution of

    Overseas Indian community in the development of India.

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    II. January 9 was chosen as the day to celebrate this occasion since it was on

    this day in 1915 that Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa

    III. PBD conventions are being held once in every two years since 2003

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    a. 1 and 2 Onlyb. 2 and 3 Only

    c. 1 and 3 Only

    d. None

    50. The National Waterway-four (NW-4) runs through

    a. Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh

    b. Tamil Nadu

    c. Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu

    d. Tamil Nadu and Puducherry

    52. Consider the following statements

    i. Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases is one of Millennium

    Development Goals (MDGs)

    ii. India has successfully met the targets of first goal of MDGs

    Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?

    a. I only

    b. ii only

    c. Both

    d. None

    53. Consider the following statements

    i. India is one of the top Ten tourist destinations for international tourist

    arrivals in the world

    ii. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) aims to promote

    tourism as an instrument in achieving the United Nations Millennium

    Development Goals (MDGs)

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?

    a. I only

    b. ii only

    c. Both

    d. None

    54. Consider the following statements

    i. India has already signed Preferential Trade Agreement with MERCOSUR

    ii. Chile is an important member of MERCOSUR

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?

    a. I only

    b. ii only

    c. Both

    d. Non e

    55. With reference to IndiaJapan relations, consider the following

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    i. Both India and Japan have signed formal agreement or Memorandum of

    Understanding on Defence Cooperation

    ii. India and Japan have signed carbon offset deal under which Japanese

    companies would install carbon-cutting technology in India

    Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?a. I only

    b. ii only

    c. Both

    d. None

    56. Tuareg tribe belongs to which of the following countries?

    a. Mali

    b. Sudan

    c. Algeria

    d. Bulgaria

    57. Which of the following is wrongly matched?

    a. TuaregNorth and western Africa

    b. PygmiesCentral Africa

    c. MasaiEastern Africa

    d. ZuluNorthern Africa

    58. Which of the following is correct about Blue Economy?

    a. It is a term associated with Socialist countries, having features of both red

    (communist) and green (capitalist) economies.b. It is a term associated with Economic unions and track blocs such as EU,

    NAFTA etc.

    c. It is a term associated with protection and sustainable use of maritime


    d. None of above.

    59. Which of the following is correct about Indian Ocean Rim association


    1. It has member-states from two continents only: Asia and Africa.

    2. 12th summit of IOA-ARC was held at New Delhi, India.

    3. Iran is not a member of Indian Ocean rim association.

    Which one is Correct?

    a) Only 3

    b) Only 1 and 2

    c) Onlly 1 and 3

    d) None of them.

    60. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the island in Indian

    Ocean from North to South?

    a. Seychelles, Comoros, Socotra, Mauritius

    b. Socotra, Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros

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    c. Both

    d. neither I nor ii

    66. The Preah vihar Temple dispute involves which of the pairs of capital in

    south east Asia?

    a. Hanoi and Phnom Penhb. Bnagkok and Hanoi

    c. Bangkok and Vientiane

    d. Bangkok and Phnom Penh

    67. Saudi Arabia, which was elected to the United Nations Security Council in

    October 2013, as a nonpermanent member pulled out in protest against the

    failure of UN in resolving which of the following issues?

    i. IsraelPalestine

    ii. To end the civil war in Asia

    iii. To stop the nuclear proliferation in West AsiaSelect the correct answer

    a. I and ii both

    b. ii and iii both

    c. I and iii both

    d. All of the above

    68. Consider the following

    i. Afghanistan assembly is a bicameral body consisting of two Jirgas

    ii. It has reserved special seat for Sikh and Hindu Afghan nationals in the

    lower house of the Parliament

    Select the correct answer

    a. I only

    b. ii only

    c. Both I and ii

    d. None of the above

    69. Which of the following gas has been used as Chemical weapons in the


    i. Phosgene gas

    ii. Mustard gas

    iii. Agent Orange

    iv. Sarin gas

    Select the correct answer

    a. I, ii and iv

    b. I, iii and iv

    c. iii and iv

    d. I, ii, iii and iv only

    70. The phrase Blue Halo is associated with which of the following?

    a. Creation of a marine reserve in Atlantic Ocean

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    b. Compensation plan offered by BP International, regarding the Deep Blue

    Horizon incident

    c. Planck Satellite findings on expansion of Universe

    d. Related to any Blue water navy

    71. At which of the following places, worlds first mangrove zoo is to be setup?

    a. Bhiterkanika (Orissa)

    b. Pichavaram (Tamil Nadu)

    c. Gulf of Mannar (Tamil Nadu)

    d. Jharkali (West Bengal)

    72. Consider the following

    i. Iran has been given right to enrich uranium upto 20% in the recent Geneva


    ii. It cannot add new centrifuges at its nuclear set ups

    a. I only

    b. ii only

    c. Both I and ii are correct

    d. None of the above

    73. The Periplus of Erithrean Sea is

    a. Translation of Mahabharata in Europe done by unknown sources

    b. A travelers account on the Indo British relations in the times of Jehangirc. A greek book providing insight on ancient India particularly its commerce

    written in 80 AD to 115 AD

    d. A translation of Ashokan Pillar found by Firoz Tughlaq done by James


    74. Which of the following is not included in the list of global bio diversity


    a. Western Ghats

    b. Islands of Srilanka

    c. IndoBurma

    d. Aravallis

    75. With reference to Indian Diaspora, consider the following statements

    1. The Indian Diaspora is composed of NRIs (Indian citizens not residing in

    India) and PIOs (Persons of Indian Origin who have acquired the citizenship

    of some other country) both.

    2. All the people who migrated from territories that are currently within the

    borders of the Republic of India are part of the Indian diaspora but not their


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    3. Currently, diaspora living in the North America and the Gulf countries

    remits more money that from diaspora residing in any part of the world

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?

    a) 1 & 2

    b) 2 & 3c) 1 &3

    d) All

    76. There was a meeting held in New Delhi for implementation of the WHO

    FCTC for South East Asian region. Consider the following statements:

    1. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the

    first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO.

    2. It was developed in response to the globalization of the tobacco epidemic

    and the U.S.A is also a party to the FCTC.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2

    (c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) neither 1 nor 2

    77. Consider the following statements.

    1. The UNESCO has suspended the voting rights of the U.S. and the U.K.,two years after both countries stopped paying dues to the UN's cultural arm in

    protest over it granting full membership to the Palestinians.

    2. Libya rejected Sharia law and opted for civil law inspite of having an

    Islamist majority while voting on new constitution.

    Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

    (a) Only 1

    (b) Only 2

    (c) Both 1 & 2

    (d) Neither 1 nor 2

    78. Kaladan Multimodal Transit Project is between which of the following


    a. India and Buutan

    b. India and Nepal

    c. Indian Myanmar

    d. India and Pakistan

    79. Which of the following does Bonn Convention relate to?

    a. Wetlands

    b. Dumping hazardous waste

    c. Persistent Organic Pollutant

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    d. Migratory Birds

    80. Which of the following is true about Global Dimming?

    a. Reduction in insolation of earth

    b. Luminance reduced over the years

    c. Dispersion is less in the atmosphered. None of the above

    81. Which of the following are countries surrounding Syria

    i. Iraq

    ii. Iran

    iii. Israel

    iv. Egypt

    v. Saudi Arabia

    a. I, ii and iiib. ii, iii and iv

    c. I and iii

    d. ii and iii

    82. Which of the following regarding CHOGM are correct?

    i. It is chaired by its members in rotation

    ii. It consists of countries which have remained British occupations

    iii. Rwanda and Mozambique are the two countries which have never been

    British occupation and are members of CHOGM

    Select the correct code

    a. I and ii only

    b. ii and iii only

    c. I and iii only

    d. All of the above

    83. Recently the UNESCO suspended the voting rights of US and Israel over

    UNESCOs decision to grant full membership to Palestine because

    a. They have stopped paying their dues to the UNSECO sice last two years

    b. The General Assembly of the UN has cancelled their membership in


    c. These members have presented the notices to quit UNESCO

    d. All other members of UNESCO opposed voting rights of these members

    over Palestininan issue

    84. A foreign tourists expenditure for services like hotel stay and taxi services

    will contribute to

    a. GDP

    b. GNP

    c. Both GDP and GNP

    d. Neither GDP nor GNP

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    85. Consider the following about Summer Olympics 2020:

    i. Istanbul has been selected as the city to host the 2020 will be the first ever

    muslim country to hold Olympics

    ii. Wrestling has been reintroduced as an event in 2020

    a. I only is correctb. ii only

    c. Both

    d. None

    86. Correct statement(s) related to Shia and Sunni.

    a) Their main difference is: after the death of Prophet, Shia chose Abu Bakr

    as the Caliph while Sunni chose Prophet Muhammads son-in-law Ali as


    b) The Mughal kings were Shia Muslims.

    c) Both A and Bd) Neither A nor B

    87. Which of the following is/are not part of the Caribbean region?

    1. British Virgin Islands

    2. Marshall Islands

    3. Cayman Islands

    4. Solomon Islands

    Answer choices

    a) only 1 and 2

    b) only 1 and 3c) only 2 and 3

    d) only 2 and 4

    88. Consider following statements about International Court of Justice (ICJ)

    1. The official languages of ICJ are French, English, Spanish and Arabic.

    2. ICJ judges are nominated by UNSC and formally appointed by UNGA

    3. ICJ judges are not eligible for re-appointment.

    Correct statements are

    a) Only 1 and 2

    b) Only 2 and 3

    c) only 1 and 3

    d) None of them

    89. Correct Match

    a) Marrakesh treaty of 2014: For ironing out certain functional-jurisdiction

    related issues with between WIPO and WTO in the domain of IPR for visually

    challenged people.

    b) Geneva II conference of 2014: organized by certain first world countries to

    grant non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels.

    c) Both A and B

    d) Neither A nor B

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    90. Marshall Island dragged India, Russia, China & some other countries to

    ICJ, alleging that.

    a) Theyve not taken concrete steps to cut down GHG emission despite

    signing Kyoto Protocol.

    b) Marshall Island will submerge in ocean in next decade, yet Kyoto signatory

    countries have not yet provided any alternative resident/citizenshiparrangement.

    c) Theyve not taken concentrate steps towards nuclear disarmament.

    d) None of above.

    91. Find Incorrect Matches

    1. Rani ki Vaav: in Dilwara temples at Mt.Abu for religious bathing of Jains.

    2. Bara Imambara: Hyderabad based, Mughal Architecture.

    3. Anayottam Race: Bull cart race in Tamilnadu during Pongal.

    4. Timbuktu mausoleums: Islamic Architecture, in Mauritania in West Africa.

    Answer choice:

    a) only 1 and 2b) only 3 and 4

    c) only 1, 3 and 4

    d) All of them

    92. Find correct statements about Registered Foreign Portfolio Investor


    a) This is the new category created by SEBI, to replace erstwhile QFIs

    b) They can invest in corporate bonds but not in government bonds

    c) Both A and B

    d) Neither A nor B

    93. Nalanda Project is about

    a) Establishing Nalanda University in Bihar with international collaboration

    b) Special grants to universities under UGC for up-gradation of tertiary-level


    c) Faculty development program for minority universities.

    d) None of the above.

    94. Correct statements

    1. Pravasi Bharati Divas (PBD) is celebrated on 9th January because on this

    day Gandhi went from India to South Africa.

    2. PBD is organized by Ministry of External Affairs.

    a. Only 1

    b. Only 2

    c. Both

    d. None

    95. Consider the following statements about Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

    i. It consists of all the Arabian states of Persian gulf including Iran

    ii. Arabian state of Yemen is also a member of GCC

  • 8/10/2019 International Affairs quiz


    a. Only I is correct

    b. ii only

    c. I and ii are correct

    d. Neither I nor ii

    96. Ghadar Party was formed by the Punjab migrants in

    a. US

    b. Canada

    c. Both US and Canada

    d. US, Canada and Mexico

    97. Correct Statements by Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Facility

    1. This is a joint initiative by Shipping ministries of India and Myanmar

    2. To setup new ports at Dugarajapatnam (Andhra) and Kaladan (Myanmar).

    3. This project will also provide Rail-Road connectivity from Myanmar toManipur.

    Answer choice

    a) only 1 and 2

    b) only 2 and 3

    c) only 1 and 3

    d) None of them

    98. Which of the following is one of the integral components of Confidence

    Building Measures (CBMs) ?

    (A) Negotiation on equal terms.(B) Absence of inimical postures and prevalence of transparency in relations.

    (C) Third Party Mediation

    (D) Stable security as a condition for confidence building

    99. Which of the following is not considered as one of existential threats to

    mankind ?

    (A) International terrorism

    (B) Climate change

    (C) Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

    (D) Tsunami

    100. Identify the island/waterway mentioned in ListI with their new claimant

    mentioned in ListII by using the codes mentioned below:

    ListI ListII

    (a) Abu Musa (i) Yemen

    (b) Khuriya Muriya (ii)SaudiArabia

    (c) Shat-al Arab (iii) UAE

    (d) Qarooh (iv) Iran

    Codes :

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    (A) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

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  • 8/10/2019 International Affairs quiz


    43. A

    44. B

    45. C

    46. A

    47. B

    48. D49. A

    50. C

    51. D

    52. B

    53. B

    54. A

    55. D

    56. A

    57. D

    58. C59. 2nd only is correct

    60. D

    61. D

    62. C

    63. C

    64. B

    65. C

    66. D

    67. D

    68. C69. D

    70. A

    71. A

    72. B

    73. C

    74. D

    75. C

    76. C

    77. C

    78. C

    79. D

    80. A

    81. C

    82. D

    83. A

    84. C

    85. B

    86. D

    87. D

    88. A

    89. C

    90. C

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    91. D

    92. D

    93. A

    94. D

    95. D

    96. C97. D

    98. D

    99. D

    100. Shat al ArabIraq; Abu MusaIranian Island; KhuriyaMuriya

    Oman; GaroohKuwait