Interfaces between Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics€¦ · 1. Geometric analysis of...


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“Interfaces between Geometric Analysis andMathematical Physics”

Proposal for a conference at Mittag-Leffler Institute in Summer 2016 by

Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbek1, University of Roskilde, Denmark

Matthias Lesch, University of Bonn, Germany

George Marinescu, University of Cologne, Germany

Nicolai Reshetikhin, University of California, Berkeley, US

Boris Vertman2, University of Munster, Germany


Geometric Analysis (GA) has emerged as a comprehensive research field over thelast 10-15 years. It has its roots in early complex analysis and classical stabilityinvestigations of differential equations and has developed from last century’s Morsetheory of variational calculus and Index theory of elliptic operators. The field of GAis not determined by its subject area, but almost exclusively by (i) the virtuosityof combining geometric and analytic methods and (ii) its strong motivation by andintimate relation with concepts of classical and modern mathematical physics. Whilethe first aspect can dominate in everyday work, we shall gather experts in the fieldfor a one-week workshop to elaborate on the second aspect.

During the week, we plan to focus on the following three mutually related topics

1. Geometric analysis of singular or non-compact spaces

2. Kahler Geometry and Pluripotential Theory

3. Non-perturbative, in particular topological and conformal

foundations of quantum field theory.

1. Geometric analysis of singular or non-compact spaces

Concerning the first topic, singular as well as non-compact complete spaces arise nat-urally in many parts of mathematics, and the development of analytic techniquesto study partial differential equations on them is a central challenge in moderngeometric analysis. Important examples include algebraic varieties, compactifica-tions of smooth spaces or as limits of families of smooth spaces under controlleddegeneration.

1Corresponding address booss@ruc.dk2Corresponding address



Another class of examples arises from moduli spaces. The Riemannian moduli spaceequipped with the Weil-Petersson metric admits a cusp edge singular stucture nearthe lowest codimension singular strata. The Higgs bundle moduli space providesanother intricate example of degenerate geometry. Analysis of these spaces requiresa broad understanding of Hodge theory, spectral geometry in general and the heatkernel in particular, in these degenerate setting.

One particular aspect of geometric analysis is the spectral geometry, where one keyachievement has been the proof of the Ray-Singer conjecture equating the analyticand Reidemeister torsions of a closed smooth odd-dimensional manifold. Since oneof these quantities is analytic and the other a topological invariant, their equalityhas many important applications in fields ranging from topology and number theoryto mathematical physics. In fact, topological invariance of analytic torsion is key inconstructing examples of topological quantum field theories. A natural question is ofcourse, to what extent this interplay between spectral geometry and mathematicalphysics carries over to singular settings.

2. Kahler Geometry and Pluripotential Theory

The second topic concerning research in complex, and more specifically Kahler geom-etry, can also be viewed as a subtopic of geometric analysis. Following the seminalideas of Calabi, the existence of extremal and constant scalar curvature is a centralproblem in Kahler geometry. Over the past 30 years most attention has been paidto the special case of Kahler-Einstein metrics, but there is now renewed interestin the more general situation, relating the existence to algebro-geometric stabilityconditions. This relation is known as the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture and wassolved recently.

More precisely, while existence of Kahler Einstein metrics, satisfying the Einsteinequation on the entire manifold, is a hard question, it is somewhat easier to askfor metrics satisfying the Einstein equations in a subset of the manifold, away fromsome divisor. This has led Donaldson to propose studying Kahler-Einstein metricswith cone-edge singularities along some divisor as a first step to solving the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture. A smooth Kahler-Einstein metric is then constructedby deforming the cone angle of the singular metric to 2π. The singular Kahler-Einstein metrics are particular cases of positive closed currents, which are the mainobject of study in pluripotential theory. The positive closed currents extend boththe notions of Kahler metric and analytic cycle, thus having wide applications inComplex Differential Geometry, Complex Algebraic Geometry, Dynamics, Folia-tions. The technical ingredient from pluripotential theory used to obtain a KahlerEinstein metric is the Monge-Ampere equation.

A crucial tool in the solution of the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture as well as acentral object of pluripotential theory is the Bergman kernel, introduced by Bergmanand intensively studied by Fefferman, Boutet de Monvel, Sjostrand and many others.It is the reproducing kernel for the orthogonal projection from the space of L2-sections to the subspace of holomorphic functions/sections. The asymptotics ofthe Bergman kernel uses several techniques from Geometric Analysis, especiallyMicrolocal Analysis and Local Index Theory. This asymptotics contains importantgeometric informations on the manifold. In particular, the dependence of Bergman


kernels on data (e.g. manifolds, metrics) is one of the most challenging currentresearch directions.

Bergman kernel are important in the study of the space of Kahler metrics of aprojective manifold and this illustrates another application of the pluripotentialtheory. This domain of application continuously progresses since the famous worksby S.-T. Yau on Calabi-Yau manifolds. Moreover, the Bergman kernel is stronglyrelated to the fractional quantum Hall effect and Hele-Shaw flow, giving anotherexample of interplay with mathematical physics.

3. Non-perturbative, in particular topological and conformalfoundations of quantum field theory

With our third topic we turn from potentially applicable mathematics to appliedmathematics, i.e., to mathematical concepts and methods that have a direct meaningin mathematical physics, in our case in quantum field theory (QFT). As kind ofstrategy, perturbative QFT has been used successfully to describe the interactionbetween elementary particles in a falsifiable manner, i.e., with astonishing precision- though depending on regularizations which only can be justified by the validity ofthe results but seemingly not derived in a theoretical setting.

Therefore in our meeting, we shall discuss the non-perturbative foundation of QFTand various related concepts like ζ-regularized determinants, analytic torsion andother objects of spectral geometry; the relativistic wave equation; the link betweengauge invariance of the ground state and the non-regular (polymer) Weyl quantiza-tion, with applications to many body theory and loop quantum gravity; topologicalquantum field theory; Higgs bundles; and the fractional quantum Hall effect.

In that sense the third topic does not stand separate. It refers back to the two firsttopics and really provides a natural choice of research directions within mathematicalphysics. All of them strongly employ various methods from geometric analysis,contribute to foundational aspects of QFT and quantum gravity, and, last, butfor mathematicians not least, provide perhaps accidental and collateral but crucialimpulses for the mathematical side.


4. Prospective participants

• Jorgen Ellegaard Andersen, Aarhus University,

(quantum geometry of moduli spaces)

• Robert Berman, Gothenburg University,

(Kahler Geometry, Pluripotential theory)

• Bo Berndtsson, Gothenburg University,

(Kahler Geometry, Bergman kernel)

• Jean-Michel Bismut, Paris 11,

(local index theory)

• Zbigniew Blocki, Jagiellonian University,

(Monge-Ampere Operator, Pluripotential theory)

• Jochen Bruning, Humboldt,

(spectral geometry on singular spaces)

• Igor Burban, Koln,

(derived cathegories, Fourier-Mukai transform, Yang Baxter equations)

• Alberto Cattaneo, University of Zurich,

(mathematical physics)

• Dan Coman, Syracuse University,

(Singular Kahler metrics, Pluripotential theory)

• Giovanni Felder, ETH, Zurich,

(quantization and geometry)

• Juan Gil, Penn State,

(geometric analysis, spectral geometry)

• Gerd Grubb, Copenhagen,

(pseudodifferential calculi for manifolds with boundary)

• Colin Guillarmou, Ecole Normale Superiore,

(geometric analysis, spectral geometry)

• Hakan Hedenmalm, KTH, Stockholm,

(Hele-Shaw Flow, mathematical physics)

• Thalia Jeffres, Wichita,

(non-linear analysis on singular spaces)

• Thomas Krainer, Penn State,

(geometric analysis, spectral geometry)

• Xiaonan Ma, Paris 7 University,

(Bergman kernel asymptotics)


• Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford,

(Analysis on singular edge geometries)

• Richard Melrose, MIT,

(microlocal analysis)

• Pavel Mnev, MPI Bonn,

(topological quantum field theory, analytic torsion)

• Giovanni Morchio, Pisa University,

(infrared problem in QED, geometrical and topological aspects of QM)

• Werner Muller, Bonn,

(spectral geometry, analytic torsion)

• Liviu Nicolaescu, Notre Dame University,,

(random Morse functions and spectral geometry) )

• Duong Phong, Columbia University,

(Kahler Geometry, mathematical physics)

• Paolo Piazza, Rome,

(spectral geometry, eta invariants, topology, K-theory)

• Paolo Piccione, Sao Paulo,

(deformations in moduli spaces)

• Yanir Rubinstein, Maryland,

(Kahler Einstein metrics with edge singularities)

• Nikhil Savale (Notre Dame)

(spectral flow, eta invariant)

• Elmar Schrohe , Hannover,

(singular analysis, boundary value problems, evolution equations)

• Bert Wolfgang Schulze, Potsdam,,

(calculus of singular edge operators)

• Franco Strocchi, Pisa SNS, franco

(non-perturbative foundations of QFT)

• Alexander Strohmeier, Loughborough,

(spectral geometry, scattering theory)

• Gabor Szekelyhidi, Notre Dame University,

(Kahler-Einstein metrics)

• Leon Takhtajan, SUNY, Stony Brook,

(mathematical physics, quantum field and string theory)


• Jorg Techner, DESY, Hamburg,

(mathematical physics)

• Peter Teichner, MPI Bonn,

(topology and field theories)

• Ronny Thomale, Wurzburg,

(mathematical physics, fractional quantum Hall effect)

• Nils Waterstraat, Berlin,

(topological K-theory and stability of dynamical systems)

• Steve Zelditch, Northwestern University,

(spectral geometry, scattering, mathematical physics)

• Weiping Zhang, Nankai,

(spectral geometry)• Petr Zograf, Chebyshev Lab, St. Petersburg,

(mathematical physics)

• Maciej Zworski, Berkeley,

(scattering theory and microlocal analysis)

Booß-Bavnbek CV+Pub 18 July 2015 Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbek Mail: RUC/NSM/IMFUFA, Postboks 260, 4000 Roskilde (Denmark) Contact:: Phone ++45 4674 2282 (university), ++45 3284 2557 (residence), ++45 5357

2664 (cell phone), e-mail 2008 Coordinator of the Large-scale integrating FP7-NMP project Capturing Insulin

Granule dynamics and pancreatic beta-cell function by Nanotechnology (CIGN), proposal retained at Stage 1.

1989-1998 Director of the weekly interdisciplinary Roskilde seminar In, with and about mathematics and physics. 1978-2009 Chief organizer of the annual RUC Modelling Day. 1977-2014 Senior Lecturer of Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling at Roskilde

University (Denmark). Emeritus status from 1 November 2014. 1971-1977 Director of the Interdisciplinary Center of Mathematization of Bielefeld

University (Germany). 1968-1971 Assistant for Prof. Hirzebruch, Bonn (Germany) and Co-founder of the

University of Bielefeld. 1966-1668 Consultant in resource allocation, Institute of Econometrics and Operations

Analysis, Bonn. 1960-1966 Studies of mathematics, physics, and economics at Bonn University. Vordiplom in mathematics (B.Sc.), Bonn ............................................................................. 1963 Diplom in mathematics (M.Sc.), Bonn, thesis supervisor F. Hirzebruch ............................ 1966 Dr. rer. nat., Bonn, thesis supervisor F. Hirzebruch ............................................................ 1971 Lektorbed¢mmelse, Roskilde (Denmark) ............................................................................ 1976 Børge-Jessen Award of the Danish Math. Society, Copenhagen (Denmark) ...................... 1980 Guest Professor, Darmstadt (Germany - FRG, 6 months) .................................................... 1981 Hausdorff Honorary Professor, Greifswald (Germany - GDR, 4 months) ........................... 1985 Visiting Professor, Tokyo (Japan, 4 months) ........................................................................ 1995 The Education of a Mathematician by Philip J. Davis, dedicated to my wife and me ......... 2000 Mathematics and War, International Conference to my 60th birthday, Karlskrona .............. 2002 Visiting Professor, Tianjin (China, 1 month) ........................................................................ 2006 Visiting Professor, Naples (Italy, 3 months) ........................................................................ 2011 Fields of specialization: Spectral geometry and mathematical modelling. In spectral geometry, we investigate topological and spectral invariants like the index, the spectral flow, the eta-invariant and the zeta-function regularized determinant of elliptic operators associated to differentiable manifolds without and with boundary. My main interest – and success – are splitting formulas for such invariants, i.e., how a “whole shape” can be recovered from spectral information about the pieces. In modelling, my main interest is in dynamical systems, shapes and perturbations of shapes. E.g., I am modelling the decisive hemifusion phase of insulin secretion in beta cells of the pancreas as a free boundary value problem, relating the fusion event to Maxwell’s equations, mainstream simula-tions and front research observations in nanomedicine. Over the years I have made me proficient in less technical and rather methodological, epistemological and ethical matters, namely about the relations between theory, model and experiment and the power and limitations of mathematical modelling.

Booß-Bavnbek CV+Pub 18 July 2015 I. Scientific monographs (the most important are stared): M1976 (ed. with Krickeberg, K.) Mathematisierung der Einzelwissenschaften, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1976. M1977 Topologie und Analysis - Eine Einführung in die Atiyah-Singer-Indexformel, Springer, Berlin, 1977. M1985 (with Bleecker, D.D.) Topology and Analysis. The Atiyah-Singer Index Formula and Gauge-Theoretic Physics, Springer, New York, 1985. (English translation of Booß [1977], revised and enlarged). Updated and substantially expanded version in print with International Press of Boston. M1993 *** (with Wojciechowski, K.P.) Elliptic Boundary Problems for Dirac Operators, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1993. M2003 (ed. with Høyrup, J.) Mathematics and War, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003, viii + 416. M2006 (ed. with S. Klimek, M. Lesch and W. Zhang) Analysis, geometry and topology of elliptic operators. Papers from the Workshop "Krzysztof Wojciechowski—50 years'' held in Roskilde, May 2005. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2006. xii+540. M2010 (ed. with Esposito, G. and M. Lesch) New Paths Towards Quantum Gravity, Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, Berlin, 2010, xix + 359. M2011 (ed. with Klösgen, B. et al.) BetaSys – Systems Biology of Regulated Exocytosis in Pancreatic Beta-cells, Springer Series in Systems Biology, New York, 2011, xviii + 558. M2013 *** (with Bleecker, D.D.) Index Theory with Applications to Mathematics and Physics, International Press of Boston, 2013 (updated and substantially expanded version of Booß and Bleecker [1985), xviii + 764. M2014 *** (with Zhu, C.) The Maslov Index in Symplectic Banach Spaces, 2014, submitted, x + 120, preliminary version arXiv:1406.0569 [math.SG]. x Numerous research articles on various topics of global analysis, mathematical physics,

mathematical modelling, and ethical and educational aspects of mathematics supported technology, see below and references from Science Citation Index and list of reviewed publications from MathSciNet, Zentralblatt, ZDM and “Ongoing work” on and

x H-indexGoogleScholar =12 (12 of my publications recorded in Google Scholar have achieved at least 12 citations each according to Google Scholar). My monograph with Wojciechowski of 1993 received 451 citations, there of more than 50% in the last five years. In pure mathematics, such time lag, late recognition and suspended expiring date are rather common.

Booß-Bavnbek CV+Pub 18 July 2015 II. Peer-reviewed publications 2007-2014: 2014 P2014 On the difficulties of acquiring mathematical experience, Booß-Bavnbek, B. EM TEIA - Revista de Educacao Matematica e Tecnologica Iberoamericana 5/1 (2014), pp. 1-17. 2013 P2013a Is mathematics invading human cells? Impressions from a collaboration with diabetes doctors, Booß-Bavnbek, B. Mathematical Intelligencer 35/1 (March 2013), 6-15, DOI 10.1007/s00283-012-9349-1, arXiv:1111.3664 [math.HO]. P2013b *** The Maslov index in weak symplectic functional analysis, Booß-Bavnbek, B. & Zhu, C. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 44:283-318 (2013), DOI: 10.1007/s10455-013-9367-z, arXiv:1301.7248 [math.DG]. P2013c Unity and Disunity in Mathematics, Booß-Bavnbek, B. & Davis, P. J. European Mathematical Society. Newsletter. issue 87 (March 2013), pp. 28-31. 2012 P2012a *** Perturbation of Sectorial Projections of Elliptic Pseudo-differential Operators, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Chen, Guoyuan; Lesch, Matthias; Zhu, Chaofeng. J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. (2012) 3:49–79, DOI 10.1007/s11868-011-0042-5, arXiv:1101.0067v4 [math.SP]. P2012b *** Towards a nano geometry? Geometry and dynamics on nano scale, Booß-Bavnbek, B. Contemporary Mathematics (2012) 584:147-162,, arXiv:1202.5115 [math-ph]. P2012c Om at klippe og klistre bølgelængder: Spot på forskningen (in Danish), Booß-Bavnbek, B. 2012, Årsberetning 2011, Roskilde: Roskilde Universitet, 80-81. P2012d Alan Turings Wirken in Münster - Kommentar: Es gab aber auch einen anderen Hasenjaeger (in German), Booß-Bavnbek, B. DMV-Mitteilungen 20 (2012), issue 2, 69-70. P2012e Zeit und Verstehen: Verstehen braucht Zeit. Zeit braucht Verstehen (in German), Booß-Bavnbek, B. In: Per Anhalter durch die Turing-Galaxis. Kurz, C. (red.). Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2012, pp. 1-2. 2011 P2011a Basic Functional Analysis Puzzles of Spectral Flow, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure mathematics and statistics. (2011) 90, 145–154, arXiv:1010.6084 Spectral Theory (math.SP). P2011b *** Geometric and electromagnetic aspects of fusion pore making, Apushkinskaya, Darya; Apushkinskyi, Evgeny; Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Koch, Martin, in M2011: pp. 505-538, arXiv:0912.3738v1 Analysis of PDEs (math.AP); Subcellular Processes (q-bio.SC). 2010 P2010a Steps Towards Quantum Gravity and the Practice of Science: Will the Merger of

Booß-Bavnbek CV+Pub 18 July 2015 Mathematics and Physics Work? Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm, in M2010: pp. 339-354, arXiv:0911.4182 Mathematical Physics (math-ph). P2010b Flower Power in Hyderabad: Eindrücke vom ICM 2010 (in German), Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 2010; Vol. 18, Nr. 3, 148-152. 2009 P2009a Random curves - Journeys of a mathematician, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 2009; Vol. 31, Nr. 4, 65-67. P2009b *** The Calderón projection: New definition and applications, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Lesch, Matthias; Zhu, Chaofeng, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2009; Vol. 59, Nr. 7, 784-826, arXiv:0803.4160 Differential Geometry (math.DG); Functional Analysis (math.FA). P2009c The invertible double of elliptic operators, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Lesch, Matthias, Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2009; vol. 87, nr. 1-2, 19-46, arXiv:0803.4047 Differential Geometry (math.DG). P2009d The mathematization of the individual sciences – revisited, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). April 2009 ; vol. 44/2. 81-96. Russian translation: Izvestiya NAN Armenii. Matematika, 2009, No. 2, 16-35, arXiv:0903.0942 History and Overview (math.HO); Mathematical Physics (math-ph). 2008 P2008a Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski (1953-2008), Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Kaminker, Jerry, Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 2008 ; vol. 55, nr. 9, Oct. 2008. 1109. 2007 P2007a Proceedings of the Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Membrane Processes in Animal Cells: Roskilde University, Denmark, 29 June - 1 July 2006, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Otto, Angela M.; Pedersen, Michael; Shillcock, Julian. Singapore and London: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007. 122 pages (Special Issue of "Biophysical Reviews and Letters"). P2007b Quantum Gravity: Unification of Principles and Interactions, and Promises of Spectral Geometry, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Esposito, Giampiero; Lesch, Matthias. SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry. 2007; vol. 3, 29 pages, arXiv:0708.1705 High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th). P2007c Towards modeling of membrane processes in animal cells, Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Otto, Angela M.; Pedersen, Michael; Shillcock, Julian. Biophysical Reviews and Letters. 2007 ; vol. 2, nr. 1, January, 1-4.

Curriculum Vitae


Name: Matthias Lesch

Home Address: Margaretenweg 6, 53347 Alfter

Tel: 02222 / 977 333


Born: November 24, 1961 in Ziegenhain, Hessia, Germany

Marital Status: married, one daughter, one son

Citizenship: German

Current Employment

Position: Universitatsprofessor (W2), Universitat Bonn

Address: Mathematisches Institut, Endenicher Allee 60, D–53115 BonnTel +49 228 73 7641, Sekr. 2204 (Frau Herchen)



(Research) Interests

Mathematical interests. Analysis of (pseudo)di↵erential operators on manifolds,Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry a la Connes, Spectral Theory.

Other interests/skills. I am a dedicated open source software user and program-mer. Besides managing my own Linux machine, I have some descent knowledge ofcompiler and parser theory as well as of modern scripting languages; in particular I ama dedicated python programmer.


since 08.08.2007 Universitatsprofessor (W2), Universitat Bonn

10/2005 – 08/2007 Universitatsprofessor (C3), Universitat Bonn

01/2001 – 09/2005 Universitatsprofessor (C3), Universitat Koln

08/1999 – 12/2000 Associate Professor at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona(Tenure since 10/2000)

04/1999 – 07/1999 Heisenberg–Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Bonn University

10/1995 – 03/1999 Wissenschaftlicher Oberassistent (C2) (Assistant Professor), De-partment of Mathematics, Humboldt–University, Berlin

09/1994 – 06/1995 On leave from Augsburg and Visiting Assistant Professor at TheOhio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

01/1989 – 09/1995 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, since 04/94 Oberassistent (Instruc-tor/Assistant Professor), Department of Mathematics, AugsburgUniversity

04/1987 – 12/1988 Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Marburg University




02/1994 Habilitation, Augsburg University, Habilitation Thesis: On a classof singular di↵erential operators and asymptotic methods

12/1988 Doctoral examination, Marburg University, Advisor: ManfredBreuer, Thesis: K-theory of Toeplitz C⇤–algebras on Lie spheres

01/1987 Diploma in Mathematics, Marburg University, Advisor: ManfredBreuer


since 2006 Member of the Hausdor↵ Center for Mathematics, an institutionfunded by the excellence initiative of the German government,principal investigator in Research Area C: Geometric Structuresin Quantum Physics. The grant sum is 7.5 million Euros per year.There are 12 research areas. Approx. 30 faculty participate

2006 – 2009 Member of the Graduate School “Global Structures in Geometryand Analysis”, Cologne University. My grant share: one doctoralfellowship

2003 – 2007 Member of the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 12 “Sym-metries and Universality in mesoscopic systems” (Bochum, Essen,Koln, Warschau), funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.My grant share: one postdoc position, about 1000 Euro travelmoney/year, computer equipment

2000 NSF Grant DMS–0072551, USD 75657.

2000 Foreign Travel Grant, University of Arizona, USD 1000.

1999 – 2004 Member of the European research network Geometric Analysis,Program “Human Potential – Research Training Networks” of theEuropean commission

1995 – 1997 Associate coordinator of the European network “Global Analy-sis Di↵erential Geometry European Team” (GADGET), a networkfunded by the European Commission with Euro 250,000.

1996–1999 Associate member of the Sonderforschungsbereich 288 “Di↵eren-tialgeometrie und Quantenphysik”, Berlin, Germany

4-7/1999 Heisenberg Fellowship awarded, personal grant of USD 150,000starting 04/99; this grant was given up after four months when Iaccepted the o↵er from University of Arizona

02/1995 Gerhard Hess Award of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Younginvestigators award of the German Science Foundation). Grantof USD 270,000 paying two Postdocs and travel money for threeyears.


O↵ers and positions on hiring shortlists

2007 O↵er of a Chair in Pure Mathematics, Loughborough University(UK), o↵er declined

2005 O↵er, W2 Professor for Geometry and/or Global Analysis (Succes-sor of Karcher), Bonn University, accepted as C3

2000 O↵er, C3 Mathematics, Cologne University, accepted

1999 O↵er for an Associate Professorship, University of Arizona, Tucson,accepted

1995 2. on shortlist, C3 Mathemtics/Analysis in particular Di↵erentialGeometry, Duisburg Universtiy

1998 2. on shortlist, C3 Pure Mathematics, Regensburg University

1999 2. on shortlist, C3 Mathematics, Konstanz University

2001 3. on shortlist, C3 Mathematics, Applied Di↵erential Geometry,Darmstadt Institute of Technology

2002 2. on shortlist, C4 (Chair) Geometry, Potsdam University

2004 3. on shortlist, W3 (Chair) Di↵erential Geometry/Symplectic Ge-ometry/Noncommutative Geometry, Hannover University

2004 3. on shortlist, C4 (Chair) Partial Di↵erential Equations, MunsterUniversity

Selected PhD students

Boris Vertman (2008), now Professor in Munster; Carolina Neira-Jimenez (2010), nowPostdoc Graduiertenkolleg

”Curvature, Cycles, and Cohomology“ Regensburg; Batu

Guneysu (2011), now Postdoc SFB 647: Raum-Zeit-Materie in Berlin

Supervised Theses

Bachelor Arbeiten: 15Diploma thesis: 11Dissertations: 6

Research visits


01/2012 The Ohio State University, Columbus/Ohio; Collaboration withHenri MoscoviciTalk: A local global principle for regular operators in Hilbert C⇤-modules

02/2010 The Ohio State University, Columbus/Ohio; Lecture series on“Pseudo–di↵erential calculus and geometric applications”

08/2008 –02/2009

Ulam visiting professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder

05-08/2008 Hausdor↵ Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn

05-08/2000 Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik, Bonn University


03-04/1998 Erwin Schrodinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna (4weeks), special program on spectral geometry organized by L.Friedlander and V. GuilleminTalk: On boundary value problems for Dirac type operators

09/1994-06/1995 Visiting Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University, Colum-bus, OH, USA


04/2009 National University of Ireland, Maynooth

02/2008 University of Colorado, Boulder

12/2007 Copenhagen University, DK

03/2007 Roskilde University Center, DK

01/2007 Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand

02/2005 Potsdam University

11/2003 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OhioCollaboration with H. Moscovici (Columbus) and M. Pflaum(Frankfurt)

09/2002 Erwin Schrodinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna

09/2001 Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont–Ferrand

06/2001 University Roskilde, Denmark

07/1999 Erwin Schrodinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna

05/1999 University of Ancona, Italy

02/1999 University of Arizona, Tucson

09-10/1997 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CaStanford University, Palo Alto, CaThe Ohio State University, Columbus, OhIUPUI Indianapolis, InMIT, Boston, Ma

09/1997 University of Copenhagen

04/1995 Stanford University

03/1995 City University of New York

Conferences Organized

WS 2014 Organization of a Trimester Programme on Non-commutative Ge-ometry and its Applications at the Hausdor↵ Research Institutefor Mathematics, Bonn, with Alan L. Carey, Victor Gayral, Wal-ter van Suijlekom, Raimar Wulkenhaar

06/2010 Spectral Analysis on Noncompact Manifolds, Conference in Honorof Werner Muller, Bonn, with Clara Aldana (Bonn), DanielGrieser (Oldenburg), Eugenie Hunsicker (Loughborough), Alexan-der Strohmaier (Loughborough)


07/2009 Conference on Noncommutative Geometric Methods inGlobal Analysis, Bonn, with Alan Connes (IHES), Alexan-der Gorokhovsky (Boulder), Markus Pflaum (Boulder), BahramRangipour (Fredericton, Ca); Proceedings appeared as Contemp.Math. Volume 546

SS 2008 Organization of a Trimester Programme on geometry and physicsat the Hausdor↵ Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, withAlain Connes (IHES) and Matilde Marcolli (MPIM Bonn and Cal-Tech, Pasadena))

06/2008 Noncommutative Geometry Conference, Hausdor↵ Research Insti-tute for Mathematics, Bonn, with Alan Carey (Canberra), MatildeMarcolli (MPIM Bonn and CalTech, Pasadena)

05/2008 Summer school and workshop on Quantum Gravity (jointly with G.Esposito (Napoli) and B. Booss–Bavnbek (Roskilde)) in Roskilde,Denmark,, Proceedings published asVol 807 Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, ISBN 978-3-642-11896

02/2008 Workshop with school on PDE and Analysis on Singular spaces,Bonn. Co-organizors: Daniel Grieser (Oldenburg), Calin Martin,B.-W. Schulze (Potsdam), Ingo Witt (Gottingen)

09/2006 Minisymposium “Globale Analysis” as part of the DMV meeting2006 in Bonn, with S. Goette (Regensburg)

03/2004 Tagung “Geometric Analysis”, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy, with M.Pflaum (Frankfurt)

06/2002 Mini–Workshop “Geometry of Operators”, MathematischesForschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, with S. Paycha (Clermont–Ferrand)Talk: Unbounded Fredholm operators and spectral flow

04/1999 Workshop “Approaches to singular analysis” (organizer in charge,joint with J. Gil and D. Grieser), HU–Berlin3 Talks: Introductory talk, The deficiency index theorem andcobordism, Heat trace asymptotics for Fuchs type operators.The proceedings appeared as a Birkhauser volume.


Invited Talks/Selected Conferences

Colloquium talks University of Notre Dame (05/1995), Duisburg (05/1995), Freiburg(12/1995), Munster (04/1996), Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 288,Technical University of Berlin (05/1996 and 10/1997), Pots-dam (11/1997), Mannheim (02/1998), University of Zurich(02/1998), Regensburg (05/1998), Heidelberg (05/1998), Magde-burg (07/1998), Konstanz (12/1998), Tucson (02/1999), Eichstatt(07/1999), Koln (11/1999), Darmstadt (04/2000), Freiburg(07/2000), Stuttgart (07/2000), IAM Bonn (07/2000), IUPUI Indi-anapolis (11/2000), Dortmund (02/2001), Kopenhagen (03/2001),University of Zurich (04/2001), SFB 288 Berlin (05/2001), Mainz(07/2001), Koln (07/2001), Clermont–Ferrand (09/2001), Marburg(12/2001), TU Munchen (02/2002), Potsdam (04/2002), Augsburg(11/2002), Bonn (05/2003), Bonn (06/2003), Hannover (11/2003),Munster (05/2004), Hamburg (12/2004), Bonn (12/2004), Pots-dam (02/2005), Bonn (07/2006), MPI Bonn (01/2007), Clermont–Ferrand (01/2007), Marburg (02/2007), SFB Raum-Zeit-Materie,Berlin (02/2007), Roskilde (03/2007), Hausdor↵ Research Institute(06-2008), Boulder (02/2009), U Maynooth/Irland (04/2009), UBochum (02/2011), U Marburg (04/2011), U Gottingen (01/2015)

06/2015 Invited speaker at the Oberwolfach conference on Noncommuta-tive Geometry, Organizers: Alain Connes, Joachim Cuntz, StefaanVaes, Guoliang YuTalk: The resolvent expansion for second order elliptic di↵erentialmultipliers

10/2014 Invited speaker at the Workshop on Methods of NoncommutativeGeometry in Analysis and Topology Leibniz Universitt Hannover,Organizers: Magnus Go↵eng, Bram MeslandTalk: Divided di↵erences in noncommutative geometry: rearrange-ment lemma, functional calculus and Magnus expansion

09/2014 Invited speaker at the Summer School on Spectral Geometry,Gottingen, Organizers Ingo Witt, Elmar SchroheTalk: Survey of the analytic torsion: results, techniques, openproblems

05/2012 Analysis and Geometric Singularities, Oberwolfach, Organizers:Jochen Bruning (Berlin), Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford), Paolo Piazza(Roma)Talk: A gluing formula for the analytic torsion on singular spaces

05/2012 Invited speaker at the Program K-theory and quantum fields, Er-win Schroedinger Institute in Vienna Organizers: Matthew Ando,Alan Carey, Harald Grosse, Jouko Mickelsson2 talks1. A gluing formula for the analytic torsion on singular spaces2. A local global principle for regular operators in Hilbert C⇤-modules


09/ 09/2011 Invited Speaker at the conference on Analysis, Geometry, andQuantum Field Theory, Potsdam, Organizers: J. Mickelsson, S.PaychaTalk: Semiclassical heat expansions, multiparameter resolvent ex-pansion and regularized determinants

09/2011 Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach, Organizers: AlainConnes, Joachim Cuntz, Marc A. Rie↵el, Guoliang YuTalk: A local global principle for regular operators in Hilbert C*-modules

05/2011 Invited Speaker at The Ninth Annual Spring Institute on Noncom-mutative Geometry and Operator algebras, Vanderbilt University,Organizers: Alain Connes (Director), Dietmar Bisch, Gennadi Kas-parov, Guoliang YuLecture series on the Connes-Chern character in relative K-homology

02/2011 Invited Speaker at the Workshop on Non-commutative geometry,scattering theory and the Witten index, Erwin Schroedinger Inter-national Institute in Vienna, Organizers: A. Carey, F. Gesztesy etal.Lecture series on the Connes-Chern character in relative K-homology

01/2011 “Analyse gemetrique” in honor of Rafe Mazzeo on the occasion ofhis 50th birthday, CIRM Luminy (Marseille, France), Organizers:Pierre Albin, Colin Guillarmou, and Frank Pacard

09/2010 Invited Speaker at the Conference in Honor of Ryszard Nest’s 60thBirthday, Kopenhagen, Organizers: Erik Christensen, AlexanderGorokhovsky, Elmar SchroheTalk: Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary

08/2010 Invited Speaker at the conference Scalar curvature: geometry andtopology, Munster, Organizers: B. Botvinnik, M. Joachim, J.Lohkamp, W. LuckTalk: Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary

06/2010 Analysis and Geometric Singularities, Oberwolfach, Organizers:Jochen Bruning (Berlin), Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford), Paolo Piazza(Roma)Talk: Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary

03/2010 Invited Speaker at the Conference on Global Analysis and Au-tomorphic Forms, Hewbrew University, Jerusalem, Organizers:Werner Ho↵mann (Bielefeld), Erez Lapid (Hebrew University), Pe-ter Sarnak (Princeton), Birgit Speh (Cornell)Talk: Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary

09/2009 Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach, Organizers: A. Connes,J. Cuntz, M. Rie↵elTalk: Relative Connes-Chern character for manifolds with bound-ary


07/2009 Invited Speaker at the workshop on KMS States and Non-commutative Geometry, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sci-ences (PIMS), Victoria, BC, Canada; Organizers: Alan Carey,Nigel Higson, Marcelo Laca, and John PhillipsTalk: Relative Connes-Chern character for manifolds with bound-ary

06/2008 Invited Speaker at the conference on Motives, Quantum Field The-ory, and Pseudodi↵erential Operators Boston University, June 2-13, 2008 (Alan Carey (ANU), David Ellwood (Clay Math Inst.),Sylvie Paycha (U. Clermont-Ferrand), Steve Rosenberg (BostonU.))Talk: Two Lectures on Pseudodi↵erential Operators and Regular-ized Traces

11/2007 Invited speaker at the Conference in honor of J. Bruning’s 60thbirthday, Humboldt–Universitat zu BerlinTalk: Operators of Fuchs type

09/2007 Workshop on Analysis and Geometry, Hannover (J. Escher, J.Seiler, E. Schrohe)Talk: The invertible double construction for general first order el-liptic di↵erential operators

08/2007 Oberwolfach Conference: Analysis and Geometric Singularities (J.Bruning, P. Piazza, R. Mazzeo)Talk: The invertible double construction for general first orderelliptic di↵erential operators

09/2006 Conference of the CRC SFB/TR 12, Krakow, PolandTalk: From the scattering to the conductance of Dirac operators

08/2006 International conference on spectral theory and global analysis,Oldenburg, D. Grieser, T. Krainer, A. VasyTalk: Relative pairing in cyclic cohomology and divisor flows

05/2006 Mini–Workshop Zeta–functions, Index and twisted K–theory; in-teractions with physics, Oberwolfach, S. Paycha (Clermont), S.Rosenberg (Boston), S. Scott (London)Talk: Relative pairing in cyclic cohomology and divisor flows

07/2005 Workshop of the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 12,Physics Center Bad HonnefTalk: Analysis and geometry of boundary value problems

05/2005 Workshop Krzysztof Wojciechowski - 50 Years: Analysis and Ge-ometry of Boundary Value Problems (Roskilde, Denmark), B.Booß–Bavnbek (Roskilde)Talk: Selected aspects of the mathematical work of Krzysztof P.Wojciechowski

04/2005 Workshop Singular Analysis and Spectral Theory of Partial Di↵er-ential Equations, J. Gil (Penn State Univ.), G. Mendoza (TempleUniv.),Talk: The Calderon projector for the Hessian of the perturbedChern–Simons function on a 3-manifold with boundary


06/2004 Workshop zu Indextheorie und Quantisierung, Universitat Frank-furt, M. Pflaum (Frankfurt),Talk: Der Calderon Projektor und 3–dimensionale Chern–SimonsTheorie

03/2004 Workshop on “Maslov indices in semiclassical Quantisation”, Uni-versitat Regensburg, St. Bechtluft-Sachs, K. Janich, M. Brack, A.Sugita (Regensburg)Talk: Maslov index, spectral flow, and the eta invariant

08/2003 Workshop “Spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary, anddecomposition of manifolds”, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Dane-mark, B. Booß–Bavnbek (Roskilde), G. Grubb (Kopenhagen), K.P.Wojciechowski (IUPUI, Indianapolis)Talk: The uniqueness problem for the spectral flow on spaces ofunbounded operators

10/2002 Oberwolfach conference: Mathematische Methoden der ge-ometrischen Datenverarbeitung, C. de Boor (Madison), H.Pottmann (TU Wien), U. Reif (Darmstadt)Kurzvortrag: The nodal line conjecture

07/2002 Conference on Operators, non commutative geometry and theoret-ical physics, Ancona, Italien, N. TelemanTalk: On the Atiyah–Singer rho invariant

03/2002 Workshop “Some topics in conformal field theory” desGraduiertenkollegs Analytische Topologie und Metageometrie,Munster, W. Luck

03/2001 Workshop on aspects of symplectic analysis, Karlskrona, M. deGosson (Karlskrona) and B. Booß–Bavnbek (Roskilde)Talk: On the Maslov index

02/2001 Spring School “Partial Di↵erential Equations”, University of Pots-dam, B.W. Schulze and E. SchroheTalk: The eta-invariant, Maslov index, and spectral flow for Dirac-type operators on manifolds with boundary; The local index theo-rem

06/2000 Oberwolfach conference: Geometric Analysis on singular spaces(J. M. Bismut, Orsay, R. B. Melrose, MIT, J. Bruning, Berlin)Talk: The glueing formula for the analytic torsion

06/2000 Workshop “Families of operators and their geometry”, C.I.R.M.Luminy, Marseille, France, S. Paycha (Clermont-Ferrand) and T.Wurzbacher (Strassbourg)Talk: Determinants, elliptic boundary value problems, and split-ting the eta invariant.

06/2000 Colloque Equations aux derivees partielles atlantique, Nantes,France, D. Robert (Univ. Nantes)Talk: Essential self–adjointness of symmetric linear relations asso-ciated to first order systems


03/2000 Workshop “Spectral Geometry, Topology and NoncommutativeGeometry”, IUPUI, Indianapolis, K. Wojciechowski (Indianapo-lis)Talk: The determinant and elliptic boundary value problems

07/1999 Workshop “Geometrical Aspects of Spectral Theory”, Erwin–Schrodinger Institut, Wien and Matrei/Tirol, Th. Ho↵mann–Ostenhof (Wien) and Leonid Friedlander (Tucson)Talk: A simple analytic proof of the glueing formula for the an-alytic torsion in the presence of a general (nonunimodular) flatbundle

06/1999 Invited series of 3 lectures on Fourier integral operators at theSonderforschungsbereich “Unordnung und große Fluktuationen”,Essen and Bochum

04/1999 Conference “Operator algebras and asymptotics on manifoldswith singularities”, Banach Center, Warsaw, B.W. Schulze, E.Schrohe (Potsdam), V. Nazaikinskii, B. Sternin (Moskau), G. Lysik(Warschau)Talk: Spectral theory of boundary value problems for Dirac typeoperators

09/1998 Conference “Geometric Aspects of Partial Di↵erential Equations”,Roskilde University, Denmark, B. Booß–Bavnbek (Roskilde) andK.P. Wojciechowski (Indianapolis)Talk: Boundary value problems for Dirac type operators

06/1998 Workshop in Spectral Geometry and its Applications, ErwinSchrodinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, ViennaTalk: The inverse spectral problem for Dirac systems on the halfline

06/1998 Oberwolfach conference: Geometric Analysis on singular spaces(J. M. Bismut, Orsay, R. B. Melrose, MIT, J. Bruning, Berlin)Talk: On boundary value problems for Dirac type operators

10/1996 Oberrheinisches Geometrie-Seminar Freiburg, Workshop “TheDirac Operator in Geometry and Topology” (C. Bar, Freiburg,D. Kotschick, Basel)Talk: Nonlocal boundary value problems and the eta invariant

06/1996 Oberwolfach conference: Geometric Analysis on singular spaces(J. M. Bismut, Orsay, R. B. Melrose, MIT, J. Bruning, Berlin)Talk: Nonlocal boundary value problems and the eta invariant


02/1998 – 02/1999 Member of the Fakultatsrat of the Mathematisch–Naturwissen-schaftliche Fakultat II (Board of the School of Science II),Humboldt–Universitat zu Berlin

2001/2002 Member of the search committee, C3–Professorship for NumberTheory (Successor of Bundschuh)

2002/2003 Member of the search committee, C3–Professorship for Algebra orComplex Geometry (Successor of Huybrechts)


2002/2003 Member of the search committee, C3–Professorship for Mathemat-ical Statistics (Successor of Neumann)

2002 – 2006 Examiner for the state teachers education in mathematics

2002 – 2005 Member of the committee for the Herrmann–Prize of the Mathe-matical Institute, Cologne University

2003 – 2005 Member of the committee of teachers education of the Faculty ofSciences, Cologne University

2004 Member of the search committee, C3–Professorship for Di↵erentialGeometry (Successor of Reckziegel)

2004 Member of the search committee, C3–Professorship for Analysis(Successor of Lange)

2004 Member of three hiring committees in the department of EarthSciences, Cologne University

SS 2004 – SS 2005 Head of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,Cologne University

SS 2005 Member of the Deans Committee, Cologne University

2007 Member of the search committee, W3 Full Professorship for Anal-ysis (Successor of Frehse)

WS 2007 – SS 2008 Colloquium Chairman, Bonn University

WS 2007 – SS 2008 External member of the search committee for a W2–Professorshipfor Analysis at the Leibniz-University Hannover

2006 – 2012 Head of the Library Committee, Bonn University

2007 – 2011 Head of the selection committee for “Hausdor↵–Gedachtnispreis”for the best dissertation of the academic year

2010 – 2012 Member of the Bachelor/Master committee

2011 – 2012 and2015 –

Head of the departmental computer committee


1993–1999 Reviewer fur die Mathematical Reviews.

Papers refereed for Archiv der Mathematik (B. Kawohl), Communications in PartialDi↵erential Equations, Di↵erential Geometry and its Applications (Peter Gilkey) Jour-nal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (Simon Donaldson, J. Cuntz), Journalof Functional Analysis (R. B. Melrose, F. Otto), Proceedings of the AMS, Journal ofGeometry and Physics, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, Manuscripta Math,Lett. Math. Phys., Mathematische Annalen, Mathematische Zeitschrift (Muller, Kiel),Mathematical Research Letters, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society,Inventiones Math., Duke Math. Journal, Geometry and Topology (GT Warwick Pe-ter Teichner), London Mathematical Society (M. van den Berg), Math. Ann. (Luck),SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications), Mathe-matical Physics: Analysis and Geometry, Analysis and PDE (Vasy), Journal of Noncom-mutative Geometry (Khalkhali), Communications in Analysis and Geometry, J. Geom.Anal. (Krantz), Memoirs AMS, J. Geom. Physics (Landi)

Names in parentheses denote the communicating editor, not the refereed author.


Referee for the National Science Foundation (USA) and the Deutsche Forschungsge-meinschaft (German analogue of NSF).

Letters comparing several candidates for search committees in Mainz and at the Uni-versity Canberra, Australia.

Letter for a three year review of a Junior Professor at a German University.

Letter in a tenure case at the Northeastern University, Boston.


List of Publications

[1] Die K–Theorie der C⇤–Algebra der Toeplitzoperatoren auf den Liespharen. Dis-sertation, Marburg, 1988

[2] K–theory of Toeplitz C⇤–algebras on Lie spheres. Int. Equ. Op. Theory 14 (1991),120–145

[3] On the index of the infinitesimal generator of a flow. J. Op. Theory 26 (1991),73–92

[4] Some aspects of the de Rham complex on non–compact manifolds. Rencontre deTheorie Spectrale et Geometrie (Aussois 1991), Univ. Grenoble I, 1991, pp. 115–118.

[5] K–theory and Toeplitz C⇤–algebras - a survey. Seminaire de Theorie spectrale etGeometrie, Chambery–Grenoble, No. 9 (1990–1991), 119–132

[6] with J. Bruning: Hilbert complexes. J. Funct. Anal. 108 (1992), 88–132[7] Deficiency indices for symmetric Dirac operators on manifolds with conical sin-

gularities. Topology 32 (1993), 611–623[8] with J. Bruning: Kahler–Hodge theory for conformal complex cones. Geom. Funct.

Anal. 3 (1993), 439–473[9] with J. Bruning: The spectral rigidity of curve singularities. C. R. Acad. Sci.

Paris 319 (1994), 181–185[10] A singular elliptic estimate and applications. In: Pseudo–Di↵erential Calculus and

Mathematical Physics (M. Demuth, E. Schrohe and B.W. Schulze eds.), Advancesin Partial Di↵erential Equations, Akademie Verlag, 1994, 259–276

[11] with K. P. Wojciechowski: On the ⌘–invariant of generalized Atiyah–Patodi–Singer boundary value problems. Ill. J. Math. 40 (1996), 30–46

[12] with J. Bruning: On the spectral geometry of algebraic curves. J. reine angew.Math. 474 (1996), 25–66

[13] Determinants of regular singular Sturm–Liouville operators. Math. Nachr. 194(1998), 139–170. math.DG/9902114

[14] with N. Peyerimho↵: An index theorem for manifolds with metric horns. Commun.Part. Di↵. Equ. 23 (1998), 649–684. dg-ga/9609009

[15] with J. Tolksdorf: On the determinant of one–dimensional elliptic boundary valueproblems. Commun. Math. Phys. 193 (1998), 643–660. dg-ga/9707022

[16] with J. Bruning: On the eta–invariant of certain non–local boundary value prob-lems. Duke Math. J. 96 (1999), 425–468. dg-ga/9609001

[17] On the noncommutative residue for pseudodi↵erential operators with log–polyhomogeneous symbols. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 17 (1999), 151–187. dg-ga/9708010

[18] with J. Bruning: Spectral theory of boundary value problems for Dirac type op-erators. In: B. Booß–Bavnbek, K.P. Wojciechowski (eds.): Geometric Aspectsof Partial Di↵erential Equations, Contemp. Math. vol. 242, Amer. Math. Soc.(1999), pp. 203–215. math.DG/9902100

[19] with M. Pflaum: Traces on algebras of parameter dependent pseudodi↵erentialoperators and the eta–invariant. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), 4911–4936.math.FA/9804136

[20] with M. Malamud: The inverse spectral problem for first order systems onthe half-line. In: Di↵erential operators and related topics, Vol. I (Odessa,1997), Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 117 (2000), Birkhauser, Basel, pp. 199–238;math.SP/9805033; research announcement published in Uspekhi Matem. Nauk53 (1998), 157 (Russian)


[21] Essential self–adjointness for symmetric linear relations associated to first ordersystems. In: Seminaire: Equations aux Derivees Partielles. CNRS, Ecole Polytech.(2000), Exp. No. X, 18

[22] with M. Malamud: On the number of square integrable solutions and self–adjointness of symmetric first order systems of di↵erential equations. In: Spectraland evolutions problems, Vol. 11, (Sevastopol 2000), Natl. Taurida Univ. “V.Vernadsky”, Simferopol, 2001, pp. 150–167.

[23] with J. Bruning: On boundary value problems for Dirac type operators: I. Regu-larity and self–adjointness. J. Funct. Anal. 185 (2001), 1–62. math.FA/9905181

[24] with M. Malamud: On defect indices of Hamiltonian systems. Dokl. Math. 64(2001), 393–397

[25] with B. Booß–Bavnbek and J. Phillips: Spectral flow of paths of self–adjoint Fred-holm operators. In: G. Esposito, G. Miele, B. Preziosi (eds.): Quantum Gravityand Spectral Geometry, Napoli 2001. Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement104 (2002), 177–180

[26] with D. Grieser: On the L2–Stokes theorem and Hodge theory for singular algebraicvarieties. Math. Nachr. 246-247 (2002), 68–82. math.DG/9902062

[27] with M. Malamud: On the deficiency indices and self–adjointness of symmetricHamiltonian systems. J. Di↵. Equ. 189 (2003), 556–615. math.FA/0012080

[28] with P. Kirk: On the rho invariant for manifolds with boundary. Algebraic andGeometric Topology 3 (2003), 623-675. math.DG/0203097

[29] with P. Kirk: The eta-invariant, Maslov index, and spectral flow for Dirac-type operators on manifolds with boundary. Forum Math. 16 (2004), 553–629.math.DG/0012123

[30] with B. Himpel and P. Kirk: Calderon projector for the Hessian of the perturbedChern–Simons function on a 3–manifold with boundary. Proc. London Math. Soc.89 (2004), 241–272. math.GT/0302234

[31] with B. Booß–Bavnbek and J. Phillips: Unbounded Fredholm Operators and Spec-tral Flow. Canad. J. Math. 57 (2005), 225–250. math.FA/0108014.

[32] The uniqueness of the spectral flow on spaces of unbounded self–adjoint Fredholmoperators, In: Spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary and decompositionof manifolds (B. Booß-Bavnbek, G. Grubb, and K.P. Wojciechowski, eds.), Cont.Math., vol. 366, Amer. Math. Soc., 2005, pp. 193–224. math.FA/0401411

[33] Selected aspects of the mathematical work of Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski. In: B.Booß–Bavnbek, Slawomir Klimek, Matthias Lesch, Weiping Zhang (eds.) Analysis,Geometry and Topology of Elliptic Operators - Papers in Honour of KrzysztofP. Wojciechowski’s 50th birthday, World Scientific Singapore, 2006, pp. 3–22,math.SP/0603502.

[34] with H. Moscovici and M. Pflaum: Relative pairing in cyclic cohomology anddivisor flows. J. K-Theory 3 (2009), 359–407. math.KT/0603500.

[35] with H. Moscovici and M. Pflaum: Regularized traces and K–theory invariantsof parametric pseudodi↵erential operators. In: S. Albeverio, M. Marcolli, S. Pay-cha (eds.) Traces in Geometry, Number Theory and Quantum Fields, Aspects inMathematics E 38, Vieweg Verlag, 2008, pp. 161–177.

[36] with G. Esposito and B. Booß–Bavnbek: Quantum Gravity: Unification ofPrinciples and Interactions, and Promises of Spectral Geometry. SIGMA 3 (2007),098, 29 pages

[37] with B. Booß-Bavnbek: The invertible double of elliptic operators. Lett. Math.Phys. 87 (2009), No 1-2, 19–46. arXiv:0803.4047v4 [math.DG]


[38] with B. Booß–Bavnbek and C. Zhu: The Calderon Projection: New Definitionand Applications. Journal of Geometry and Physics 59 (2009), No. 7, 784-826.arXiv:0803.4160

[39] Pseudodi↵erential Operators and Regularized Traces. In: Motives, Quantum FieldTheory, and Pseudodi↵erential Operators, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, vol. 12,Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 37-72. arXiv:0901.1689 [math.OA]

[40] with B. Vertman: Regular-singular Sturm-Liouville operators and their zeta-determinants. J. Funct. Anal. 261 (2011), 408–450. 38 pages, 2 figures,arXiv:1005.0368 [math.SP]

[41] with C. Neira-Jimenez: Classification of traces and hypertraces on spaces of clas-sical pseudodi↵erential operators. Accepted for publication in J. NoncommutativeGeometry. 39 pages, arXiv:1011.3238 [math.OA]

[42] with H. Moscovici and M. Pflaum: Connes-Chern character for manifolds withboundary and eta cochains. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. (2012), posted on March 13,2012, PII: S 0065-9266(2012)00656-3 (to appear in print) 100 pages, 6 figures,arXiv:0912.0194 [math.OA].

[43] with B. Booss-Bavnbek, G. Chen and Chaofeng Zhu: Perturbation of secto-rial projections of elliptic pseudo-di↵erential operators. 31 pages, 3 figures,arXiv:1101.0067 [math.SP]. J. Pseudo-Di↵er. Oper. Appl. 3 (2012), 49–79.

[44] A local global principle for regular operators in Hilbert C⇤-modules, J. Funct. Anal.262 (2012), no. 10, 4540–4569. arXiv:1107.2372 [math.OA], MR 2900477

[45] J. Kaad and M. Lesch, Spectral flow and the unbounded Kasparov product, Adv.Math. 248 (2013), 495–530. arXiv:1110.1472 [math.OA], MR 3107519

[46] M. Lesch, A gluing formula for the analytic torsion on singular spaces, Anal.PDE 6 (2013), no. 1, 221–256. arXiv:1203.2793 [math.SP], MR 3068545

[47] M. Lesch and B. Vertman, Regularizing infinite sums of zeta-determinants,2013. Math. Ann. 361 (2015), no. 3-4, 835–862. arXiv:1306.0780 [math.SP]

[48] A. Gorokhovsky and M. Lesch, On the spectral flow for Dirac opera-tors with local boundary conditions, 2013. Int. Math. Res. Notices (2014) doi:

10.1093/imrn/rnu188 arXiv:1310.0210 [math.AP]

[49] M. Lesch, Divided di↵erences in noncommutative geometry: rearrangementlemma, functional calculus and magnus expansion, 2014. arXiv:1405.0863


[50] M. Lesch and H. Moscovici, Modular curvature and Morita equivalence, 2015,48 pages, arXiv:1505.00964 [math.QA]


[51] with M. Huttenhofer and N. Peyerimho↵: Mathematik in Anwendung mitC++ (”Mathematics in application with C++”). Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg–Wiesbaden, 1994.

[52] Operators of Fuchs type, conical singularities, and asymptotic methods. 190p.,Teubner–Texte zur Mathematik No. 136, B. G. Teubner Verlag: Stuttgart–Leipzig,1997

Books edited

[53] J. Gil, D. Grieser, und M. Lesch (Eds.): Approaches to singular analysis. Papersfrom the workshop held at Humboldt University, Berlin, April 8–10, 1999. Op-erator Theory: Advances and Applications, 125. Advances in Partial Di↵erentialEquations. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 2001. 256 pp.


[54] B. Booss–Bavnbek, S. Klimek, M. Lesch and W. Zhang (Eds.): Analysis, Ge-ometry and Topology of Elliptic Operators - Papers in Honour of Krzysztof P.Wojciechowski’s 50th birthday, World Scientific Singapore, 2006, 540 pp.

[55] B. Booss–Bavnbek, G. Esposito, and M. Lesch (Eds.): New Paths Towards Quan-tum Gravity, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 807, Springer-Verlag, 2010

[56] A. Connes, A. Gorokhovsky, M. Lesch, M. Pflaum, and B. Rangipour (Eds.):Noncommutative Geometry and Global Analysis, Conference in honor of HenriMoscovici, June 29–July 4, 2009, Bonn, Germany, Contemp. Math. vol. 546, Amer.Math. Soc., 2011

Citations like math.DG, dg-ga etc. refer to the electronic preprint server at My papers are also available on my personal home page oder


Teaching Record

1. Lectures

University of Augsburg.

SS 1994: Representation theory of locally compact groups and C⇤–algebras

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

AQ 1994: Math254 – Calculus and Analytic GeometryWQ 1995: Math415 – Di↵erential Equations and Boundary Value ProblemsSQ 1995: Math153 – Calculus and Analytic Geometry

Humboldt–Universitat zu Berlin.

WS 1995/96: Spectral GeometrySS 1996: Distributions

WS 1996/97: Linear Partial Di↵erential Equations ISS 1997: Linear Partial Di↵erential Equations II (Global Theory of Pseudodif-

ferential Operators)WS 1997/98: Mathematics for Computer Scientists I (Basic Linear Algebra)

SS 1998: Mathematics for Computer Scientists II (Calculus)WS 1998/99: Mathematics for Computer Scientists III (Calculus, Numerical Mathe-

matics, Linear Programming)

University of Arizona.

WS 1999/00: Math 129 – Second Semester Calculus (2 sections) T.C.E. reports:129-007: 3.7 , 129-010: 3.9Two samples of students comments:“I feel that the course is fine and the teacher is great, I just have troubleunderstanding the material and it doesn’t help that I don’t like math.”“Instructor did very well. Problem is with course, not teacher. Thereis simply too much information.”

Of course, there were also critical opinions. But these two samplesreflect the overall message that the students were satisfied with me;however they felt that there is too much material. Also several studentsfrankly expressed their dislike against mathematics in general.

SS 2000: Math/Phil 403/503 – Foundations of Mathematics (set theory, logic)WS 2000/01: Math 424/524 – Theory of complex variables (Funktionentheorie)

Math 538 – Special topics course: Topics in Spectral Geometry (Ver-anstaltung im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs)

Universitat zu Koln.

SS 2001: Mikrolokale Analysis(Pseudodi↵erential– und Fourierintegraloperatoren)

WS 2001/02: Analysis ISS 2002: Analysis II

WS 2002/03: Analysis IIISS 2003: Funktionentheorie

WS 2003/04: ForschungsfreisemesterSS 2004: Globale Analysis I

WS 2004/05: Einfuhrung in die SpektraltheorieMathematik fur Biologen I

SS 2005: Elementare Geometrie von Minimalflachen


Universitat Bonn.

WS 2005/06: Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten ISS 2006: Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten II

WS 2006/07: Atiyah–Singer Index Theory I (in Englisch)SS 2007: Atiyah–Singer Index Theory II (in Englisch)

WS 2007/08: Mathematik fur Physiker I (Math. for physics students)SS 2009: Globale Analysis I (Bachelor)

WS 2009/10: Globale Analysis II (Bachelor)SS 2010: Topics in Global Analysis I (Master)

WS 2010/11: Topics in Global Analysis II (Master)SS 2011: Globale Analysis II (Bachelor)

WS 2011/12: Analysis I GrundvorlesungIntroduction to Operator Algebras

SS 2012: Analysis II GrundvorlesungSS 2013: Introduction to complex analysis

WS 2013/2014: Global Analysis I (Bachelor)SS 2014: Research Sabbatical

WS 2014/15: Teaching buyout for the organization of the HIM programme on Non-commutative Geometry

SS 2015: Global Analysis II (Bachelor/Master)

2. Seminars

University of Augsburg.

WS 1989/90: Di↵erential Equations with Periodic Coe�cients(Floquet Theory)

WS 1990/91: Fourier Series and IntegralsWS 1991/92: Global Analysis: Autonomous Di↵erential Equations on ManifoldsWS 1992/93: Selected Problems from Analysis: from Theory until Implementation

SS 1993: Foundations of Tauberian TheoryWS 1993/94: The Selberg Trace Formula

SS 1994: Local Properties of Di↵erentiable Maps(Catastrophe Theory)

Humboldt–Universitat zu Berlin.

SS 1996: Algorithms from Analysis and Number TheoryWS 1996/97: Fourier Series and Integrals

Fourier Integral OperatorsSS 1997: Reading Course: Di↵erentiable Manifolds

WS 1998/99: Introduction to Di↵erential Topology

Universitat zu Koln.

SS 2001: Spin GeometrieCharakteristische Klassen

WS 2001/02: Seminar Geometrische AnalysisArbeitsgemeinschaft Stochastische AnalysisOberseminar Geometrie und Analysis (mit G. Thorbergsson)

SS 2002: Proseminar Axiomatische Grundlagen der MathematikArbeitsgemeinschaft Stochastische AnalysisOberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis (mit H. Geiges undG. Thorbergsson)


WS 2002/03: Dirac–Operatoren in Mathematik und Physik (mit A. Altland und H.Zirnbauer, beide Institut fur Physik)Oberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis (mit H. Geiges undG. Thorbergsson)

SS 2003: Fourierreihen und -IntegraleOberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis (mit H. Geiges undG. Thorbergsson)

SS 2004: Riemannsche FlachenOberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis (mit H. Geiges undG. Thorbergsson)

WS 2004/05: Oberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis (mit H. Geiges undG. Thorbergsson)Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ricci-Fluss (mit H. Geiges)Arbeitsgemeinschaft Globale Analysis

SS 2005: K–Theorie und nichtkommutative GeometrieExamensvorbereitung fur LehramtskandidatenOberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis (mit H. Geiges undG. Thorbergsson)Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ricci-Fluss (mit H. Geiges)

Universitat Bonn.Dauerprogramm: Oberseminar Globale Analysis (mit Werner Muller), Diplomanden-und Doktorandenseminar

WS 2005: Ausgewahlte Probleme aus Globaler Analysis und SpektraltheorieArbeitsgemeinschaft Elliptic Objects (mit C.F. Bodigheimer)

SS 2006: Di↵erentialformen und charakteristische KlassenWS 2006/07: Spektraltheorie und Riemannsche Geometrie

SS 2007: Cyclic cohomology and the noncommutative Chern character (in Eng-lish)

WS 2007/08: Seminar on Classics of Global AnalysisSS 2009: Zahlen (fur 2. Semester Bachelor)

WS 2009/10: K-Theorie und der Raum der Fredholm OperatorenSS 2010: Fredholm-Modules and K-Homology

WS 2010/11: The Index of Elliptic OperatorsSS 2011: Hauptseminar Globale Analysis (Bachelor), Spezielle Funktionen in der

Mathematischen PhysikSS 2012: Seminar S1G1 (Bachelor 2. Semester), ausgewahlte Probleme der reellen

Analysis (elementare Themen)WS 2013/14: Elliptic functions and modular forms

SS 2014: Research SabbaticalWS 2014/15: Teaching buyout for the organization of the HIM programme on Non-

commutative GeometrySS 2015: Graduate seminar on Operator Algebras


3. Supervision of Students

Diploma Theses.As second advisor, jointly with J. Bruning.

(1) M. Nickl: Hodge Theorie auf Mannigfaltigkeiten mit kegelartigen Singularitaten.Universitat Augsburg, 1994

(2) W. Stroßner: Randwertprobleme fur den de Rham Komplex. Universitat Augs-burg, 1994, jointly with J. Bruning

(3) A. Hagenauer: Uber das wesentliche Spektrum elliptischer Di↵erentialoperatoren.Universitat Augsburg, 1995

(4) F. Egger: Zur inversen Spektraltheorie gewohnlicher Di↵erentialoperatoren.Universitat Augsburg, 1997

As primary advisor.

(1) M. Bohn: Seiberg–Witten invariants of closed 3–manifolds. Koln, 2003(2) B. Vertman: Dirac operators and the weak unique continuation property. Koln,

2006(3) A. Hussein: Zur Streutheorie von Dirac-Operatoren. Bonn, 2008(4) D. Lyons: Das Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index-Theorem im Rahmen des b-Kalkuls.

Bonn, 2009(5) S. Behrens: The L2-Stokes Theorem on certain complete manifolds. Bonn,

2009(6) Johannes Niediek: Der Chern-Charakter fur Familien von Fredholm-Moduln.

Bonn, 2011(7) Christian Stumer: Methoden der Warmeleitungsgleichung und die Spektralver-

schiebungsfunktion. Bonn, 2011

Bachelor Thesis. About 15 bachelor thesis supervised in the last 3 years.

Dissertations.As second advisor, jointly with J. Bruning.

(1) W. Stroßner: Zur Spektralgeometrie singularer algebraischer Kurven. Humboldt–Universitat zu Berlin, 1998

As primary advisor.

(1) Christian Frey: On non-local boundary value problems for elliptic operators.Koln, 2005

(2) Boris Vertman: The analytic torsion for manifolds with boundary and conicalsingularities. Bonn, 2008

(3) Michael Bohn: On Rho invariants for fiber bundles. Bonn, 2009(4) Carolina Neira-Jimenez: Cohomology of classes of symbols and classification

of traces on corresponding classes of operators with non positive order. Bonn,2010

(5) Batu Guneysu: On the Feyman-Kac formula for Schrodinger semigroups onvector bundles. Bonn, 2011

Second referee without supervision.

(1) U. Grieme: Pseudo–Di↵erential Operators with Operator–Valued Symbols onNon–compact Manifolds. Universitat Potsdam, 2000. Betreuer: B. W. Schulze

(2) I. Dynov: Type III von Neumann algebras in the Theory of Infinite-dimensionalGroups. Bonn, 2008. Betreuer: M. Marcolli

(3) B. Mesland: Bivariant K-theory of groupoids and the non-commutative geom-etry of limit sets. Bonn, 2009. Betreuer: M. Marcolli



Personal record

22/06/1965 Born in Brasov, RomaniaCitizenship RomanianFamily status married, two childrenHome Address Tacitusstr. 3, 50968 Koln

Present appointment

since 2006 Universitatsprofessor (W2) am Mathematischen Institut der Univer-sitat zu Koln

Address Mathematisches Institut, Universitat zu Koln, Weyertal 86–90, D 50931,Koln, Germany

Email gmarines@math.uni-koeln.deURL⇠gmarines

Academic qualifications

1988 University degree in Mathematics, University of Bucharest

1989 Master Degree in Operator Theory, University of Bucharest

1994 Doctorat Universite Paris 7 Denis Diderot, with a thesis onNon-compact holomorphic Morse inequalities and applicationsunder supervision of Louis Boutet de Monvel

2005 Habilitation in Mathematik at Humboldt-Universitat

Previous employments

1990 Researcher, Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest

2000/05 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut fur Mathematik der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin

2005/06 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Fachbereich Mathematik der Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt am Main

Scholarships, fellowships

1999/2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Graduiertenkolleg “Geometrie und Nicht-lineare Analysis”, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin

1998 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu1997/98 NATO/Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Edinburgh1991/94 French Government Doctoral Fellowship

Date: July 18, 2015.

Professional honours, awards

2014 Simion Stoilow Prize of the Romanian Academy2006 Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 2006 of Institut d’Estudis Catalans for

the Book ”‘Holomorphic Morse Inequalities and Bergman Kernels”’ byX. Ma and G. Marinescu

Research visits

2014 Guest Professor at Universite Paris 7 (1 month)2013 Guest Professor at Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (1 month)2012 Guest Professor at Universite Paris 6 (3 months)2012 Guest Professor at Universite Nice (1 month)2008 Guest Professor at Universite Paris 6 (1 month)2007 Guest Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Paris (2 months)2007 Guest Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Paris (1 month)2005 Guest Professor at Johns Hopkins University (1 month)2003 Guest Professor at University of Toronto (1 month)2003 Guest Professor at Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay (1 month)2003 Research in pairs, Mathematisches Institut Oberwolfach


2007/15 SFB TR12 “Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems” Prin-cipal Investigator

2010/14 DFG Projekt “Microlocal Analysis and complex Analysis” MA 24692006/15 Graduiertenkolleg 1269 “Globale Strukturen in Geometrie und Anal-

ysis”2013/15 “Symplectic Techniques in Topology and Dynamics” UoC Forum

(Cologne-Bochum-Dortmund-Munster)2013/18 “Quantum Matter and Materials” Key profile area of the UoC2013/15 Humboldt-Stipendium (host) for Dr. Semyon Klevtsov2013 Humboldt-Stipendium (host) for Dr. Viet Anh Nguyen (3 months)2011,2012 Humboldt-Stipendium (host) for Prof. Dan Coman (2 months)2010 Mercator Guest professor (host) fur Prof. Tien Cuong Dinh (3 months)2007/09 PROCOPE Project ”‘Dirac-Operatoren und deren Anwendungen in Ge-

ometrie und mathematischer Physik”’ in cooperation with Ecole Poly-technique Paris und Universite Paris 7

2009 Stipendium der Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris (2 mon-the)

2000/03 SFB 288 “Differential Geometry and Quantum Physics”2000/02 EU Netzwerk TMR “Komplexe Analysis und Geometrie”2000/04 EU Netzwerk TMR “Geometrische Analysis”

Invited talks/Selected conferences

05/2014 Large N liwith problems in Kahler Geometry, Simons Center for Ge-ometry and Physics

12/2014 Workshop on Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables,Taipei

09/2013 ESI School and Conference on Geometry and Quantization, ESI, Wien07/2013 Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Romanian Mathemat-

ical Society, Alba Iulia, Romania12/2012 Conference on the Occasion of Martin Schlichenmaier’s 60th Birthday,

University of Luxembourg09/2011 Lectures and talk at the 4th International School and Conference on

Geometry and Quantization, Beijing/Tianjin, China11/2010 Lie Theory and Complex Geometry, Marburg

(Org. I. Agricola, G. Schumacher, H. Upmeier)09/2009 Third International Conference on Geometry and Quantization, Lux-

embourg06/2009 Dynamique et Geometrie Complexes II, CIRM, Luminy

(Org. C. Dupont, T.C. Dinh, H. de Thelin)06/2008 Conference in Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables

(Org. G.M. Henkin, Y.-T. Siu)03/2008 Conference on Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds, University of

California ar Santa Barbara(Org. Xianzhe Dai, Xiaonan Ma, Weiping Zhang)

04/2007 International Conference on Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds,Chern Institute, Nankai, Tianjin(Org. Xianzhe Dai, Xiaonan Ma, Weiping Zhang)

06/2006 Dynamique et Geometrie Complexes, CIRM, Luminy(Org. T.-C. Dinh, J. Duval)

12/2005 Hayama Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables, Hayama,Japan (Org. J. Noguchi, A. Kodama, S. Takayama, A. Fujiki, T. Oh-sawa)

09/2005 Workshop on Quantization, Complex and Harmonic Analysis, ESI, Vi-enna, September 2005 (org. F. Haslinger, E. Straube, H. Upmeier).

06/2005 Conference in Complex Analysis and Geometry, CIRM, Luminy (org.H. Gaussier, K.-T. Kim, N. Eisen)

06/2005 2nd Joint Meeting of the AMS, DMV, OMG, Mainz11/2004 Recent developments in spectral geometry, Blossin

(Org. C. Bar, Th. Friedrich, D. Schuth)

07/2004 Geometrie des varietes complexes, CIRM, Luminy(Org. G. Dloussky, K. Oeljeklaus, A. Teleman)

03/2004 Geometric Analysis, CIRM, Luminy (Org. M. Lesch, M. Pflaum)

08-09/2004 Workshop on Analysis and Resolution of Singularities, Universite deMontreal (Org. E. Bierstone, R. Melrose, P. Milman, D.H. Phong)

04/2003 Topics in real and complex geometry, Centro Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa(Org. J.P. Demailly, J. Kollar, A. Parusinski, G. Tomassini)

09/2002 Tagung “Fundamental Groups in Geometry”, Oberwolfach (Org. F. A.Bogomolov, J. Jost, M. Teicher, M. Zaidenberg)

07/2002 Complex and Algebraic Geometry, Wuppertal Midterm Conference ofthe European Network “Complex and Algebraic Geometry”

10/2000 Complex and Algebraic Geometry, Cortona Midterm Conference ofthe European Network “Complex and Algebraic Geometry”

06/2000 Euresco Conference “Mathematical Analysis” (PDE and Applicationsto Geometry and Physics), Castelvecchio Pascoli (Org. J. Eichhorn,Th. Friedrich, W. M”uller, M. Shubin, S. Stolz)

07/1997 Conference on Complex Analysis and Applications in the Banach Cen-ter in Warsaw (Org. E. Chirka, A.-M. Chollet, H. Jacobowitz, J. Siciak,R. Dwilewicz)

07-08/1997 Complex methods in Differential Geometry, Edinburgh (Org. R. Bryant,M. Eastwood, C. Lebrun, T. Bailey, M. Singer)

Selected seminar talks

2014 Groupe de travail sur les operateurs de Dirac (J.-M. Bismut), Univer-site Paris-Sud, Orsay

2013 Seminaire Algebre et geometries, Institut Fourier, Grenoble2012 Differential Geometry Seminar, Universite Libre de Bruxelles2009 Seminaire Analyse, geometrie et dynamiques complexes, Universite

Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)2007 Seminaire Arthur L. Besse, Ecole Polytechnique Paris2007,10 Colloquium of the Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Philipps-

Universitat Marburg2006 Seminaire de Geometrie et Singularites, Universite de Provence, Mar-

seille2005 Colloquium of the Mathematics Institute, Universitat zu Koln1993-2014 Seminaire Lelong-Dolbeault-Skoda-Henkin-Trepreau, Universite Paris

VI (02/1993, 03/1998, 11/2002, 03/2005, 03/2006, 02/2008, 05/2011,02/2012)

2003, 2005 Seminaire Analyse et Geometrie (N. Sibony), Universite Paris Sud,Orsay

2005 Analysis Seminar (S. Zelditch), Johns Hopkins University2004, 06, 11 Forschungsseminar “Globale Analysis”, Universit”at Bonn2003 Seminaire de Geometrie, Faculte des Sciences de Nantes2001 Sem. de geometrie analytique et algebrique, Inst. Fourier, Grenoble2001 AG Komplexe Analysis Bonn–Wuppertal (I. Lieb, K. Diederich)

Organized Conferences

12/2015 Taipei Conference on Complex Geometry, Taipei, Taiwan12/2015 Workshop on Geometric Aspects of the Quantum Hall Effect, Koln

07/2014 Topics in Complex Analysis: Analytic Convexity and Random Zeros,Sommerschule des Graduiertenkollegs 1269

07/2012 Kahler Geometry and Quantization, Sommerschule des Graduiertenkol-legs 1269

11/2010 Workshop on the Geometry of Quantization, Koln09/2010 Canonical metrics on Kahler manifolds, Sommerschule des Graduiertenkol-

legs 126906/2008 Torsion and Etaforms, Koln05/2008 Semiclassical Analysis and Quantization, Koln03/2007 Minisymposium “Global Analysis”, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DMV

und GDM, Berlin

PhD Students

(2010/13) Wen Lu : Morse Inequalities and Bergman Kernels(2012/15) Sthephan Gareis : L2 cohomology of covering manifolds(since 2012) Huan Wang : Vanishing theorems and Bergman kernels for holomor-

phic vector bundles(since 2013) Hendrik Herrmann : Szego kernel asymptotics on CR manifolds

Supervised Postdoctorands

(2010-2013) Chin-Yu Hsiao (currently Professor at Academia Sinica, Taipei)(2011/15) Will Kirwin (Mitarbeiter in SFB TR12)(2013/15) Semyon Klevtsov (Humboldt Stipendiat)(2014/15) Bo Liu (Project MA 2469 and “Quantum Matter and Materials”)


Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry

Refereeing activity

Annals of Mathematics, Crelles Journal, GAFA, Mathematische An-nalen, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Annales de l’Ecole Normale Superieure,Journal of Differential Geometry, Mathematical Research Letters, In-ternational Mathematics Research Notices


2010-2012 Fachausschussvorsitzender der Fachgruppe Mathematik-Informatikab 2010 Erasmus- und Internationalisierungsbeauftragter der Fachgruppeab 2012 Koordinator der Graduiertenschule der Fachgruppeab 2012 Dekanatbeauftragter fur Internationalisierung


Journal Articles

(1) Exponential Estimate for the asymptotics of Bergman kernels

to appear in Math. Ann., arXiv:1310.3776, 2013, 18 pp. (with X. Ma)

(2) Scaling asymptotics of heat kernels of line bundles

to appear in the Contemp. Math. volume in honor of D. H. Phong(Paul Feehan, ed.), arXiv:1406.0201, 2014, 29 pp.(with X. Ma and S. Zelditch).

(3) Equidistribution results for singular metrics on line bundles

to appear in Ann. Ec. Norm. Super., arXiv:1108.5163, 2011, 36 pp.(with D. Coman).

(4) Asymptotics of spectral function for lower energy forms and of

Bergman kernel for semi-positive and big line bundles

Comm. Anal. Geom. 22 (2014), No. 1, 1–108 (with C.-Y. Hsiao).

(5) Semi-classical properties of Berezin-Toeplitz operators

with Ck symbol

J. Math. Phys. 55, 042108 (2014)(with T. Barron, X. Ma, M. Pinsonnault).

(6) On the approximation of positive closed currents on compact

Kahler manifolds

Math. Rep. (Bucur.) 15 (2013), No. 4, p. 373–386 (with D. Coman)

(7) Convergence of Fubini-Study currents for orbifold line bundles

Internat. J. Math. 24 (2013), No. 07, 1350051, 27 pp. (with D. Coman).

(8) Remark on the off-diagonal expansion of the Bergman kernel

on compact Kahler manifolds

Commun. Math. Stat. 1 (2013), no. 1, 37–41 (with X. Ma).

(9) Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on Kahler manifolds

J. Reine Angew. Math., 662 (2012), 1–56 (with X. Ma).

(10) Equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections

in the non compact setting

J. Stat. Phys. 148 (2012), no. 1, 113–136 (with T.- C. Dinh, V. Schmidt)

(11) Szego kernel asymptotics and Morse inequalities on CR manifolds

Math. Z. 271 (2012), 509–553 (with C.-Y. Hsiao).

(12) Berezin-Toeplitz quantization and its kernel expansion

Travaux Mathematiques, 19 (2011), 125–166Geometry and Quantization. Lectures of the School GEOQUANT 2009(with X. Ma).

(13) Toeplitz operators on symplectic manifolds

J. Geom. Anal. 18 (2008), No. 2, 565–611 (with X. Ma).

(14) Generalized Bergman kernels on symplectic manifolds

Adv. Math. 217 (2008), 1756–1815 (with X. Ma).

(15) Embeddability of some strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), 4757-4771 (with N. Yeganefar).

(16) On the compactification of hyperconcave ends

and the theorems of Siu-Yau and Nadel

Invent. Math. 164 (2006), no. 2, 233–248 (with T.-C. Dinh).

(17) On the compactification of hyperconcave ends

and the theorems of Siu-Yau and Nadel

C. R. Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 342 (2006), no. 9, 675–680 (with T.- C. Dinh).

(18) The first coefficients of the asymptotic expansion of

the Bergman kernel of the spinc Dirac operator

Internat. J. Math. 17 (2006), no. 6, 737–759 (with X. Ma).

(19) On Moishezon spaces with isolated singularities

Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 185 (2005), no. 1, 1–16.

(20) Generalized Bergman kernels on symplectic manifolds

C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), no. 7, 493–498 (with X. Ma).

(21) The spinc Dirac operator on high tensor powers of a line bundle

Math. Z. 240 (2002), 651–664 (with X. Ma).

(22) L2 holomorphic sections of bundles over weakly pseudoconvex


Geom. Dedicata 91 (2002), 23–43 (with R. Todor, I. Chiose).

(23) Morse inequalities for covering manifolds

Nagoya Math. J. 163 (2001), 145–165 (with R. Todor, I. Chiose).

(24) Homotopic resolutions and the de Rham morphism

Collection of papers in memory of Martin Jurchescu.Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 43 (1998), no. 1-2, 173–182(with Anca Popa).

(25) Asymptotic Morse inequalities for pseudoconcave manifolds

Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) 23 (1996), no. 1, 27–55.

(26) An application of the Bochner-Kodaira-Nakano formula

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop onDifferential Geometry and its Applications (Constanta, 1995).An. Stiint. Univ. Ovidius Constanta Ser. Mat. 3 (1995), no. 2, 65–70.

(27) The curvature of numerically effective line bundles and

vanishing theorems

Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 39 (1994), no. 1, 37–42.

(28) Inegalites de Morse pour les fibres q-positifs sur une

variete faiblement pseudoconvexe

C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 315 (1992), no. 8, 895–899.

(29) Une propriete du spectre des varietes compactes

a singularites coniques

An. Univ. Timisoara Ser. Sti. Mat. 30 (1992), no. 1, 25–32.

(30) Asymptotic Morse Inequalities

Stud. Cerc. Mat. 43 (1991), no. 5-6, 243–297.

(31) On the set of points where a monotonous function is differentiable

Stud. Cerc. Mat. 40 (1988), no. 5, 429–434.


(1) Holder singular metrics on big line bundles and equidistribution

arXiv:1506.01727, 24 pages, submitted (with D. Coman and V.-A. Nguyen).(2) Szego kernel asymptotics and Kodaira embedding theorems of Levi-flat

CR manifolds

arXiv:1502.01642, 36 pages, submitted (with C.-Y. Hsiao).(3) Equidistribution for sequences of line bundles on normal Kahler spaces

arXiv:1412.8184, 32 pages, submitted (with D. Coman and X. MA).(4) Berezin-Toeplitz quantization for lower energy forms

arXiv:1411.6654, 38 pages, submitted (with C.-Y. Hsiao).(5) Equdistribution and convergence speed for zeros of holomorphic

sections of singular Hermitian line bundles

arXiv:1411.4705, 23 pages, submitted (with T.C. Dinh and X. Ma).(6) On the singularities of the Szego projections on lower energy forms

arXiv:1407.6305, 67 pp., submitted (with C.-Y. Hsiao).

(7) Existence of holomorphic sections and perturbation of positive

line bundles over q-concave manifolds

arXiv: 0402041, 18pp.

(8) Some applications of the Kohn-Rossi extension theorems

arXiv: 9705203, 15 pp.


Holomorphic Morse Inequalities and Bergman kernelsProgress in Mathematics, vol. 254, 2007, 422 S. (Birkhauser Verlag)Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Preis 2006


The Laplace Operator on High Tensor Powers of Line Bundles

Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 2005


Non-compact Holomorphic Morse Inequalities and Applications

Universite Paris 7 Denis Diderot, 1994

Curriculum Vitae

Nicolai Reshetikhin

Born October 10, 1958 at Leningrad, USSR ( St. Petersbourg, Russia)Home address: 1610 Navellier St., El Cerrito, California 94530 USA


• 1979A.B., Leningrad Polytechnical Institute

• 1982 B.S., Leningrad University

• 1982 M.A., Leningrad University

• 1984 Ph.D., Leningrad Branch, Steklov Mathematical Institute (LOMI)


• 1984–86 Junior Researcher, LOMI

• 1986–89 Senior Researcher, LOMI

• 1989–90Visiting Professor, Harvard University

• 1990–91 Assistant Professor, Harvard University

• 1991–93 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics Universityof California at Berkeley

• 1993– Professor, University of California at Berkeley O�ce address:Department of mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA94720-3840, USA

Invited professorships and awards

• 1989 Prize Fellow, Harvard University

• 1990 Visiting Professor, Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Ecole Nor-male, Paris (June)


• 1992 Sloan Fellowship

• 1993 Visiting Professor, Ecole Normale de Lyon, Laboratoire de PhysiqueTheorique (June 1993)

• 1993 Visiting Professor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Aus-tralian National University, Canberra (10/9–11/6/93)

• 1994 Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, UCB

• 1995 Visiting Professor, Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Ecole Nor-male Superieur de Lyon (June 1995)

• 1995 Miller Professor, University of California Berkeley

• 1996 Visiting Professor, Institut Henri Poincare (Nov.–Dec. 1996)

• 1997 Visiting Professor, Universite de Bourgogne (June 1997)

• 1998 Visiting Professor, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich (July,August 1998)

• 1999 Visiting Professor, Universite de Bourgogne, June.

• 2002 Visiting Professor, Ecole Normale Superioure, Paris, February-May.

• 2002 Visiting Professor, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, June-August.

• 2002 Visiting Professor, Sacley, Center for Nuclear Research, October-November.

• 2002 Visiting Professor, Univesite Paris VI, Jusieu, December.

• 2003 Visiting Professor at the University of Geneve.

• 2004 Visiting Professor at ITH.

• 1990–present Principal Investigator for National Science Foundationgrant.

• 2004 Humboldt award.


• 2004-present Co-investigator of the NSF RTG grant ”Representationtheory, Geometry and Combinatorics”

• 2006-present Awarded Niels Bohr visiting professorship at Aarhus Uni-versity.

• 2008 Visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam, Spring semester.

• 2008 Plenary speaker the European Mathematical Congress, July, Am-sterdam.

• 2009 N.R. is awarded NSF research grant.

• 2010 N.R. is elected a foreign member of the Danish Royal Academy.

• 2010 N.R. is appointed the Chern-Simons chair in Mathematical Physicsat Berkeley.

• 2010 As a co-PI (with M. Haiman) N.R. is awarded an NSF ResearchTraining Group grant in Geometry, Combinatorics, and RepresentationTheory.

• 2010 Plenary speaker the International Mathematical Congress (Hy-derabad, India, August).

• 2012 N.R. is awarded NSF research grant.

Editorial jobs

• 1989–93 Member of editorial board, Communications in Mathematical


• 1991–2005 Member of editorial board, International Math Research


• 1991–2005 Member of editorial board, Journal of Knot Theory and its


• 1994–2005 Member of editorial board, Texts & Monographs in Physics,Springer-Verlag.

• 1996–2007 Member of editorial board, International Journal of Math-

ematics, World Scientific.


• 1996–1999 Member of editorial board, Transformation groups, Springer.

• 1997-2005 Member of editorial board, AMS University Lecture NotesSeries.

• 2001-present Member of editorial board, ”Letters in Mathematical Physics”,Springer.

• 2005-2007 Member of editorial board ”Nonlinearity”,IOP.

• 2004-present Member of the editorial board of ‘Advances in Mathemat-ical and Theoretical Physics’.

• 2008-2013 Member of the editorial board of the (Electronic) Represen-tation Theory Journal (AMS).

• 2012-present Member of the editorial board of Communications in

Mathematical Physics, Springer.

• 2013-present Member of the editorial board of CRM-AMS publications,Montreal, Canada.

Invited Talks and Conferences

1. 1984 Soviet-American NORDITA Seminar, Moscow.

2. “Infinite dimensional Lie groups and Lie algebras,” Marseille (June1988)

3. “Operator algebras and conformal field theory,” Penn State Univ. (Oc-tober 1989)

4. “Geometric quantum field theory,” Ascona, Switzerland.

5. “Algebraic groups and quantum groups,” AMS Meeting, Penn StateUniv.

6. “Common trends in mathematics and physics,” Yukawa Seminar, Ky-oto, Japan.

7. Workshop Topology–90, Okayo University.


8. 45-minute talk, ICM–90, Kyoto Japan.

9. “Special functions and representation theory,” Okayama Japan.

10. “Subfactors and C*-balanced categories,” West Coast Operator Alge-bra Conference, UCLA.

11. “Modules over quantum double,” Conference dedicated to R.Steinberg.

12. “KZ equations as deformations of the isomonodromy problems,” AMSConference on Conformal Field Theory, Topological Field Theory andQuantum Groups, Holyoke, Massachusetts.

13. “Quantum groups,” Invited lecture, Univ. of Pennsylvania.

14. “Quantum topology,” AMS Annual Meeting, Dayton, Ohio (November1992).

15. Invited talk at Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Physics,University of Strasbourg (June 1993).

16. Invited talk at Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Physics,Ecole Normale de Lyon (June 1993).

17. Invited speaker at Quantum Topology Meeting, Manhattan, Kansas(Spring 1993).

18. “Low dimensional topology and quantum field theory,” Univ. of South-ern California, Los Angeles (Spring 1993).

19. “Topology of moduli spaces of curves”, Kyoto (Fall 1993).

20. Invited talk at Western Annual AMS Meeting, Claremont, California(Fall 1993).

21. Address at Eastern Annual AMS Meeting, New York (Spring 1994).

22. “Statistical mechanics and quantum field theory,” University of South-ern California, Los Angeles (Spring 1994).

23. XI Internat’l Congress of Mathematical Physics, UNESCO, Sorbonne,Paris (July 1994).


24. Invited lectures at Enrico Fermi School of Physics, Varenna, Italy(June 1994).

25. Invited lectures at the School of Theoretical Physics, Schladning, Aus-tria (March 1995).

26. Invited talk at Conference on Deformation Theory and Symplectic Ge-ometry,

27. Ascona (June 1996).

28. Invited talk at the XXI International Colloquium on Group Theoretical

29. Methods in Physics, Goslar (July 1996).

30. Invited lectures at H.Poincare Inst. (Dec. 1996).

31. Invited Simons lecturer at SUNY, Stony Broon, NY(November 1997)

32. Invited Andreevskii lecturer at TU Berlin (July 1998)

33. Invited lecturer at the school ”Classical and Quantum Integrable Sys-tems” Montreal, Canada, (July 1999)

34. Speaker at the conference ”Hopf algebras and their application” MSRI,Berkeley, (October 1999)

35. Invited Lecturer at the school ”Quantum Groups and their Applicationsin Physics and Mathematics” Bariloche, Argentina, (January 2000)

36. Invited speaker at British Mathematical Colloquium, Leeds GB (April2000).

37. Invited speaker at the conference ”Sofia Kovalevskii”, Leeds, GB (April2000).

38. Lecturer at the semester ”Representation theory” at Erwin SchroedingerInstitute, Vienna, Austria (May 2000).

39. Quantum groups and invariants of links, series of lectures at EcoleNormale Superioure (Paris), February-March, 2002.


40. Universal R-matricas at roots of unity, lectures at “Seminaire GroupQuantique”(Paris), 19 February 2002.

41. Degenerate Integrability, “biseminaire Physique-Mathematique” Insti-tute Poincare Paris, January 2002.

42. Braiding for quantized universal enveloping algebras at roots of unity,“Seminaire sur les Algebres Enevoppantes”, (Paris) 8 Mars 2002.

43. Invariants of links with flat G-connections in the complement, “War-wick Symposium on Geometry and Topology”, 19 March 2002.

44. Some examples of quantization, “Journee de Physique pour l’Institutde Mathematique”, 3 May 2002.

45. On Complex Chern-Simons theory, “Paricle Physics and Gravitation”,Bad Harenalb, Germany, June 4, 2002.

46. Series of talks on degenerate integrability at Ecole Polytechnique, 10-12June 2002.

47. Statistics of 3D Young diagrams, Ecole Polytechnique, 10 July 2002.

48. Invariants of links and moduli spaces of flat G-connections, talk at the”Poisson 2002” conference ( Lisbon).

49. Local statistics of 3D Young diagrams, 3 lectures given at the ”Servicede Physique Theorique (CEA, Saclay).

50. On the Poisson structure on the moduli space of flat G-connections,Seminaire Groupes Quantiques, 17 December, Ecole Polytechnique.

51. ”Degenerate integrability in classical mechanics” Colloquium at PennState (February 2003).

52. “Random plane partitions”Colloquium at the Indiana University, Indi-anapolis (March 2003)

53. “The structure of a random plane partition” Colloquium at Penn State(April 2003)


54. “Invariants of links with a flat connection in the compliment” Talkat the conference ”Advances in Topological Quantum Field Theory”,Potsdam, NY (May 2003)

55. “On degenerate integrability in classical mechanics” Talk at the confer-ence on integrable systems, Warwick University, England (June 2003)

56. “On statistics of plane partitions” Lectures at The University of Geneva(June 2003)

57. “ Statistics of plane partitions” Simons conference of String Theory,Stony Brook, August 2003

58. “ Random surfaces and topological string amplitudes” Cincinnati Ohio,September 2003

59. “Random plane partitions”, “Degenerate Integrability”, “Invariants oftangles with flat connections in the compliment” Invited Lectures atUCLA, October 2003.

60. “Representations of quantum groups at roots of 1”Colloquium at UCRiverside, October 2003.

61. “On random plane partitions”, recent Trends in Mathematical Physics,conference UC Davis, May 2004.

62. “Tensor products of representations of quantum groups at roots of 1”Mathematical Institute, SPb, Russia, June 2004

63. “ Dimers on a hexagonal lattice with multiple corner boundary condi-tions” , Center for Theoretical Physics, Saclay, France, June 2004

64. “ Pearcey process for random plane partitions”, conference on inte-grable systems, Poitiers, France, June 2004.

65. “The decomposition of the tensor product of two generic representa-tions of quantum groups at roots of 1.”, ETH, Zurich, July 2004.

66. “ Limit shapes of random surfaces”, talk at the conference “Hyperbolicgeometry and Gravity”, Potsdam, Germany, July 2004


67. “Quantum groups at roots of 1”, conference, “Quantum groups andrepresentation theory”, Haifa, Israel, July 2004

68. “The 6-vertex model and random surfaces”, conference MathematicalPhysics and Representation theory, Karlstad, Sweden, July 2004

69. “Braided categories”, workshop “Categories and quantum field the-ory”Ascona, Switzerland, July 2004

70. “Braiding for quantum groups at roots of 1”, conference ”GeometricLie theory”, Lauderbad, Germany, October 2004.

71. ”Random skew plane partitions” Colloquium, Univertity of Illinois atUrbana-Champagne (April 2005)

72. ”Limit shapes in the theory of random surfaces” conference ”Geometryand Integrability”, Berlin (June 2005)

73. ”The 6-vertex model with fixed boundary conditions”, St. Petersburg,(June 2005).

74. ”Dimer models and vertex operators” Bad Honnef (July 2005)

75. ”Dimer models and the discrete Dirac operator”, Hamburg (October2005)

76. ”Invariants of tangles with flat connections in the complement” UNAM(November 2005)

77. ”Dimer Models”, Les Diablerets (March 2006)

78. ”Limit shape phenomenon in statistical mechanics” AIM (April 2006)

79. ”The 6-vertex and dimer models with fixed boundary conditions”, Lu-mini (July 2006)

80. ”Dimer models in combinatorics and statistical mechanics”, Universityof Amsterdam (October 3, 2006)

81. Solvay Workshop ”Bethe Ansatz : 75 Years Later”, the talk ”The 6-vertex model with fixed boundary conditions” (October 19, 2006).


82. ”Dimers in Mathematics and Physics” Chalmers University, Collo-quium (October 30, 2006).

83. Lectures on limit shapes in statistical mechanics, Florence, Italy (Novem-ber 8-10, 2006).

84. ‘Random surfaces and the limit shape phenomenon’, a talk at theworkshop Exploration of New Structures and Natural Constructions inMathematical Physics, Graduate School of Mathematics (Room 509),Nagoya university, March 5-8, 2007.

85. ‘Limit shapes in solvable models in statistical mechanics’,St. Peters-burg, ‘Euler conference’ (June 2007)

86. ‘Tilings’ lecture at the yearly meeting of high school teachers in Nether-lands. February 2008.

87. ‘Bethe ansatz’ talk at the ”AdS-CFT” conference at Utrecht University.February 2008.

88. ‘Semiclassical quantization and the Chern-Simons theory’ colloquiumat the mathematics department Utrecht University, March 2008.

89. ‘On mathematical problems of quantum field theory’, A talk at theopening symposium of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of theUniverse, March 2008.

90. ‘Kasteleyn’s solution to the dimer problem’ Colloquium at the KdVInstitute, University of Amsterdam, April.

91. ‘Tilings and probabilities’ talk at the ”Wiskunde dagen”, April 2008

(Mathematics Day at the University of Amsterdam), April.

92. ”Quantization of gauge theories” lectures at the summer school ‘NewPaths Towards Quantum Gravity’ in Holbaek, Denmark, May 14-15,2008.

93. ‘ Invariants of knots related to quantum groups at roots of unity’talkat the conference ‘Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry and Topology’,May 19-25, 2008, Stockholm.


94. ‘Topological quantum field theory: 20 years later’ plenary talk at the5-th European Congress of mathematicians, Amsterdam, July 2008.

95. ‘Lectures on integrable models in statistical mechanics’ lectures at thesummer school in theoretical physics, Les Houches, July 2008.

96. ‘Dimer models’ talk at the conference ‘ Geometry and Integrabillity inMathematical Physics ’,CIRM, September 15-19, 2008, Lumini.

97. ‘Limit shapes and their fluctuations’ lectures at the ‘Low-dimensionalQuantum Field Theories and Applications’, Galileo Institute, Septem-ber 1- November 7, 2008, Florence.

98. ‘Invariants of links with flat connections in the complement’ IPMUcolloquium, Nov. 18, 2008, Tokyo.

99. ‘Tilings and dimers’ colloquium, Technion, Nov. 23, 2008, Israel.

100. ‘Invariants of links with flat connections in the complemenet’ talk atthe ‘Moshe Flato Memorial Meeting’, Ber Sheva, Nov 24-Nov 27, 2008,Israel.

101. John Lewis Lectures, ‘Dimer models and the 6-vertex model in thethermodynamical limit: the limit shape phenomenon’, ‘The 6-vertexmodel in statistical mechanics: from ice to quantum groups’, ‘Dimermodels in statistical mechanics: exact solution and spin structures’,May 13-19, Trinity Colledge, Dublin, 2009.

102. ”Invariants of 3-manfolds with flat connections and quantum groups atroots of unity” colloquium talk at IPMU, August 2009.

103. ”On the semiclassical quantization of the Chern-Simons theory”, Meet-ings on Mathematical Physics, Strasbourg, September 2009.

104. Gave a mini-course ”Dimer models” at Henri Poincare Institute, Paris,October 2009.

105. ”On semiclassical limits in statistical mechanics” Goetheborg, October2009.

106. ”Plane partitions and limit shapes” Mathematical Physics conference,Amsterdam, October 2009.


107. Gave master-class ”Quantization of gauge systems” in Aarhus, Novem-ber 2009.

108. ”Limit shape phenomena” colloquium talk at the University of Copen-hagen, December 2009.

109. ”On Hamiltonian structure of gauge theories ” talk at the conference”Symplectic and Poisson Geometry in interaction with Algebra, Anal-ysis and Topology” (MSRI, Berkeley, May 2010).

110. ”Geometry of gauge fields” Master-Class at the University of Amster-dam (June 2010).

111. ” Limit shapes and fluctuations” colloquium talk at Leiden University(Leiden, June 2010).

112. Gave a presentation and was a co-chair of the discussion on the futureof Russian Universities at the SPb conference ”The role of RussianScientific Diaspora in the Future of Russian Science” (St. Petersburg,June 2010).

113. ”The Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory” plenary talk at the ICM-2010 (Hyderabad, India, August 2010).

114. ”Hamiltonian structure of topological field theories” talk at the con-ference ”Mathematics - XXI century. PDMI 70th anniversary” (St.Petersburg, September 2010)

115. Colloquium at the University of Washington, November 2011.

116. Gave 22nd Harry E. Valentine Lecture at the Kansas State University” Quantum Field Theory: are we there yet?”, December 2011.

117. ”The harmony of mathematics and physics”, 18 February 2012, Uni-versity of Amsterdam.

118. Colloquium talk ”Quantization of classical field theories” Aarhus, March2012.

119. Talk at the Student Symposium of the Faculty of Natural Sciences atUniveristy of Amsterdam, April 2012.


120. Talk at the meeting of Netherlads Mathematical Society, April 2012.

121. Talk at the conference ”Panorama of Topology A Conference in Honorof William Browder”, Princeton, May 2012.

122. Talk at the conference ”Perspectives in Representation Theory”, Yale,2012.

123. Talk at the ”The Tenth Annual NCGOA Spring Institute, VanderbiltUniversity Topics: Conformal Field Theory and von Neumann Alge-bras”, Vanderbilt University, May 2012.

124. Colloquium talk at Berkeley ”Quantum field theory: are we there yet?”,August 30, 2012.

125. Colloquium talk at Aarhus University ”Semiclassical Chern-Simonstheory, December 2012.

126. Talk at the conference ”Random tilings, Simons Center for Geometryand Physics, Stony Brook, February 2013.

127. Talk at the 30th Annual Western States Mathematical Physics Meeting,CalTech, March 2013.

128. Talk st the conference ”Bethe ansatz, quantum groups and beyond”,RIMS, Kyoto, March 2013.

129. Talk at the Geometry seminar at Columbia University, March 2013.

130. Talk at the colloquium of the KdV Institute, University of Amsterdam,June 2013.

131. Talk at QGM seminar, Aarhus, June 2013.

132. Talk at the colloquium of the mathematics department, University ofGroeningen, June 2013.

133. Talk at the conference ”Integrability and Quantization”, Dijon, France,July 2013.

134. Talk at the conference ”Integrable systems in the XXI century, BernoulliCenter, Lausanne, July 2013.


135. Talk at the Euler symposium in theoretical and mathematical physics,Euler Center, St. Ptersbourg, July 2013.

136. Talk at the opening of the Tsinghua Mathematical Center in Sanya,China, December 2013.

137. Talk at the Lie theory workshop at Stanford, February 2014.

138. Talk at the conference ”Past, Present and Future of MathematicalPhysics”, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014.

139. Blumenthal Lectures, Tel-Aviv, May 2014.

140. Colloquium talk Beersheba University, May 2014.

141. Invited talk at the conference: ”Instanton countim: moduli spaces,Representation Theory and Integrable systems” Lrentz Center, Leiden,June 2014.

142. Invited talk at the conference: ”Integrability and Isomodonromy inMathematical Physics”, Lorentz center, Leiden June 2014.

143. Invited Plenary Talk at ”The 30th International Colloquium on GroupTheoretical Methods in Physics”, Ghent, July 2014 (could not attend)

144. Invited talk at the conference ” Topological Insulators and Mathemat-ical Science”, Harvard University, USA, September 2014.

145. Invited talk at the Oberwolfach workshop ” Coideal subalgebras”, Febru-ary 2015.

146. Invited talk at the ”Solstice 2015” conference, Paris, June 2015.

147. Invited talk at the conference ”Random Interfaces and Integrable Prob-ability”, Florence, June 2015.

Other Professional Services

1. 1992 Member of organizing committee for AMS conference “ConformalField Theory, Topological Field Theory and Quantum Groups”, MountHolyoke, Mass., June 1992.


2. 1997-1999 Member of the AMS Western Section Program Committee(Chair, 1998)

3. 1997 Member, Advisory Board of XXII International Colloquium onGroup Theoretical Methods in Physics.

4. 2000 Member of faculty Forum of the School of Letters and Science.

5. 2000 Co-organizer of the conference ”Quantum Groups” (Morelia, Mex-ico, March )

6. 2000 Co-organizer of the semester ”Quantum Algebra and Integrabil-ity” (CIRM, Montreal, Canada, April ).

7. 2000-2006 Committee member, “Mathematics in Moscow” program(AMS).

8. 2000 Co-organizer of the meeeting “Asymptotic Representation The-ory”, Berkeley, November.

9. 2001 Co-organizer of the conference ”Integrable systems and Martixmodels” (MSRI, Berkeley, March)

10. 2001 Chair, Mathematical Physics section of the CRDF foundation.

11. 2001 Organizer of the conference ”Representations of loop algebras”(CPAM, UCLA, November).

12. 2002,2005 Member of the advisory board for mathematical sciences forthe Civilian Research and Development Foundation.

13. 2002,2005 Served as a member of an NSF panel.

14. 2004 Co-organizer of the conference ”Modern Trends in MathematicalPhysics” at the E.Schroedinger Institute, Vienna (March).

15. 2005 Co-organizer of the workshop ”Representations of Kac-Moodyalgebras and combinatorics”, Ban↵, BIRS, Canada(March).

16. 2005 Co-organizer of the workshop ”String theory and random matri-ces”, Berkeley (May).


17. 2005 Organizer of the ”Berkeley workshop on representation theory”,Berkeley (May).

18. 2006 Co-organizer of the workshop ”Moduli spaces and their quantiza-tion”, Aarhus (August).

19. 2006 Co-organizer of the school ”Representation theory and mathemat-ical physics”, Oberwolfach (November 20-25).

20. 2007 Co-organizer of the ‘Workshop on Representation Theory andGeometry ’ Berkeley May, 2007 (RTG workshop).

21. 2007 Co-organizer, ”Geometry and TQFT” June 18-22.

22. 2007 Co-organizer, ”Algebraic and Geometric Lie Theory (AGLT)”June 25-29.

23. 2007 Co-organizer, the conference ‘Discrete Di↵erential Geometry’, July16 - 20, 2007, Harnak Center, Berlin.

24. 2008 Served as a member of an NSF panel, January.

25. 2008-2012 Member of the external advisory board of the Institute ofPhysics and Mathematics of the Universe (Tokyo).

26. 2008 Co-organizer of the conference ‘Random Tilings, Random Parti-tions and Stochastic growth processes’, Montreal (September).

27. 2008 Member of the habilitation committee of Paul Zinn-Justin (de-fended in December)

28. 2009 Co-organizer of the conference ‘Mathematical physics: from XXto XXI century’, Geneva-Lausanne, March 2009.

29. 2009 (new)Co-organizer of the conference ‘Categorification and Ge-ometrisation from Representation’ Theory, April 1318, 2009, Depart-ment of Mathematics, University of Glasgow, (organized by Ken Brown,Iain Gordon, Catharina Stroppel, Nicolai Reshetikhin and RaphaelRouquier).

30. Organized conference at Aarhus University ”q-Representation Theory”,December 2009.


31. Member of the steering committee of the center on Quantum Geometryof Moduli Spaces, Aarhus University, 2010-present.

32. Co-organizer of the conference on topological quantum field theory(Berkeley, January 2011).

33. Helped to organize: Aarhus Gauge Theory Workshop, Aarhus Uni-versity, August 2011, Master Class: Instantons, Knots and Khovanov,Aarhus University, August 2011.

34. Co-organizer of the conference: Representation Theory, Combinatoricsand Geometry, Berkeley, September 2011

35. Organizer of an ongoing Chern-Simons Research Lecture series at Berke-ley. Started in 2010. The web-site: reshetik/CSR-Lectures.html.

36. Panel of DFG ”Evaluation of Centers of Excellence in Germany”, Febru-ary 2012.

37. Member of two NSF panels , January and March 2012.

38. Numerous reviews for NSF and European Research Council.

39. Co-organizer of the semester on integrability and semiclassics at EPFL,Lausanne, 2013.

40. Co-organizer of the program ”Modern trends in topological quantumfield theory”, ESI, Vienne, February-April 2014.

41. Co-organizer of the conference ”Integrability and combinatorics: Inmemory of Yuri Stroganov , June 2014

42. Co-organizer of the semester ”Statistical mechanics, integrability andcombinatorics” at the Galilio Galilei Institute in Florence, May-July2015.


Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Boris Vertman

Address Department of MathematicsUniversity of Munster


Research Interests

Geometric Flows on Singular Spaces, Spectral geometry, Elliptic Boundary ValueProblems, Elliptic and Parabolic edge degenerate PDE, Discrete Geometry and QFT.

University Education

2015 University of BonnHabilitation ”Spectral geometry on spaces with edge singu-larities”, Antrittsvorlesung ”Kahler-Einstein metrics”

2009-2010 Stanford UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics, under the auspices ofProf. Rafe Mazzeo, Scholarship of German Research Founda-tion (Humboldt Feodor Lynen Scholarship o↵ered)

2006-2008 University of BonnPh.D in Mathematics ”Analytic Torsion on Manifolds withBoundary and Conical Singularities”, under the auspices ofProf. Matthias Lesch, Scholar of ”Grad. School of Cologne”

2004-2005 University of CambridgeMasters in Mathematics (Part III of Mathematical Tripos),Masters Essay under the auspices of A.G. Kovalev, Distinc-tion, awarded the title ”Scholar of the Downing College”

2001-2006 University of CologneDiplom in Mathematics (M.Sc.) ”Dirac Operators and theweak unique continuation property” under the auspices ofProf. Matthias Lesch, Bachelor in Physics and Mathematics.

Academic Positions

from 2014 University of Munster (starting winter semester 2014)W2 Professorship, Department of Mathematics

2012-2014 University of Bonn (PostDoc)Akademischer Rat, Department of Mathematics.winter 2012-13: Professurvertretung (substitute professor)

2009-2010 Stanford University (PostDoc)Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics.



2008-2009 University of Bonn (PostDoc)Scientific Assistant, Department of Mathematics.

Academic Long Term Visits

June-August 2011 Berkeley University, cooperation with Prof. Reshetikhin

March 2011 Paris, research with Prof. Rafe Mazzeo and Prof. Bismut

Honours and Awards, Grants

2011 Berkeley & Hausdor↵ Center Cooperation Programfor Postdoctoral Research at Berkeley University,joint research cooperation with Prof. Reshetikhin

2009-2010 DFG Research Scholarship at Stanfordfor Postdoctoral Research at Stanford University

2009 Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Scholarship at Stanfordo↵ered for Postdoctoral Research at Stanford University

2006-2008 Scholarship of the ”Graduiertenkolleg Koln”for Doctoral Research at University of Cologne,University of Bonn

2004-2005 DAAD Excellence Programm Cambridge for the Math-ematical Tripos Part III at University of Cambridge

June 2005 Scholar of the Downing College at Cambridge, in recog-nition of Certificate of Advanced Studies in Mathematics(Masters) with Distinction

2001-2005 German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung)for academic studies at University of Cologne and Cambridge

Co-organized conferences

February 2015 Geometric and Singular Analysis Potsdam

Selected invited Presentations

February 2015 Cheeger-Muller theorem on manifolds with cusps, Kolloquiumin Hannover and Oldenburg

February 2014 Combinatorial gluing formula and Gaussian QFT, Workshopon Modern Trends in Topological QFT at ESI Wien

September 2012 Summer School on Singular Analysis, organized jointly byGottingen and Hannover University, invited plenum speaker


June 2012 Analytic torsion on manifolds with edges, Orsay Conferenceon analytic torsion by Jean-Michel Bismut, Paris

April 2012 Yamabe flow on singular spaces, University of Arkansas SpringLecture Series on Higher Codimension Elliptic BoundaryProblems

July 2010 Recent Advances on the Analytic Torsion of Singular Spaces,Oberwolfach Workshop on Analysis and Geometric Singular-ities, Oberwolfach

March 2010 Zeta Determinants of Regular Singular Sturm Liouville Oper-ators, International Workshop on Operators on Spaces withSingularities, Potsdam

February 2010 Heat Kernel and Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Edges,University of Santa Barbara Geometry Seminar, Departmentof Mathematics

October 2009 The regular-singular Sturm-Liouville operators and theirZeta-Determinants, Stanford Geometry Seminar, Departmentof Mathematics

October 2009 Zeta-Determinants of regular singular operators, AMS Sec-tional meeting on ”Microlocal Analysis and Spectral Theoryon Singular Spaces”, Penn State University

Mai 2009 Die Reidemeister-Franz und Ray-Singer Torsion, Kollo-quium des Graduiertenkollegs Gottingen, Department ofMathematics

Januar 2009 Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Conical Singularities, In-ternational Workshop on Elliptic and Parabolic Equations onManifolds, Potsdam

November 2008 Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Boundary and ConicalSingularities, Analysis Oberseminar, University Bonn. De-partment of Mathematics

Invitation to Conferences and Workshops

July 2012 Analytic torsion Orsay Conference on analytic torsion byJean-Michel Bismut, Paris

June 2012 Analysis and Geometric Singularities, Oberwolfach

April 2012 Higher Codimension Elliptic Boundary Problems Universityof Arkansas Spring Lecture Series, Arkansas

August 2010 Topics in Spectral and Scattering Theory, joint conference ofPenn State and Gottingen University, Penn State University


July 2010 Analysis and Geometric Singularities, Oberwolfach

March 2010 Global Analysis and Automorphic Forms, On the Occasion ofthe 60th. Birthday of Werner Muller, The Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem

September 2008 Analysis on Singular Spaces, Workshop, Mathematical Sci-ences Research Institute, Berkeley

August 2008 Geometry and Analysis, General Relativity, Royal Institute ofTechnology in Stockholm

July 2008 Noncommutative Geometry Conference Workshop of the ”Ge-ometry and Physics” Trimester program at Hausdor↵ Insti-tute in Bonn

May 2008 New Paths Towards Quantum Gravity,Summer School, Roskilde University

February 2008 Partial Di↵erential Equations and Analysis on SingularSpaces, Joint Conference of the Max Planck Institut andHausdor↵ Research Center in Bonn

November 2007 Geometric Analysis and Spectral Theory, A Conference inHonor of the 60th. birthday of Jochen Bruning, HumboldtUniversitat zu Berlin

June 2005 Annual Meeting of Nobel Price Laureats in chemistry, physics,physiology and medicine, Young Researcher Participant,Lindau

August 2005 Bose Einstein Condensates, Summer Academy of the GermanNational Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung)

References, cooperation partners

Name: Prof. Rafe MazzeoInstitution: Department of Mathematics

Stanford University, CA 94305e-mail:

Name: Prof. Nicolai ReshetikhinInstitution: Department of Mathematics

Berkeley University, CA 94720e-mail:

Name: Prof. Matthias LeschInstitution: Department of Mathematics

Universitat Bonn, 53115 Bonne-mail:

Name: Prof. Werner MullerInstitution: Department of Mathematics

Universitat Bonn, 53115 Bonne-mail:


Name: Prof. Herbert Koch (teaching reference)Institution: Department of Mathematics

Universitat Bonn, 53115 Bonne-mail:

Name: Prof. Maxim BravermanInstitution: Department of Mathematics

Northeastern University, Bostone-mail:

Name: Prof. Eric BahuaudInstitution: Department of Mathematics

Seattle University, WA 98112e-mail:

Further Professional Activities

Conferences Member of the Organizing Committee on ”Geometric and Sin-gular Analysis” (Potsdam, 2015)

Referee Journal of Functional Analysis, Mathematische Nachrichten,Journal of Geometry and Physics, Communications in Analy-sis and Geometry, Communications in Mathematical Physics.

Summer 2006 Visiting Associate at the Boston Cosulting Group. Retailbanking reconstruction for a German universal bank, prof-itability calculations for future business of the retail segment.

Summer 2004 Internship as an Actuary in Gerling Insurance. Monte-CarloSimulations, Development and Evaluation of a new Risc As-sessment Approach.

Winter 2003/04 Scientific Assistant at the Nuclear Institute of Physics, Uni-versity of Cologne. Adaptation of a new digital measuringtechnology to existing equipment for nuclear desintegrationexperiments.

July 13th, 2015

Boris Vertman
