Inter Text Uality




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Jade Calveley

Intertextuality Intertextuality is when one media product references another product; this happens when there are similar references that are used in each of the products. You can recognise intertextuality when two products have similar or the same features included in them, such as the setting, peoples clothes, certain scenes in a movie that may have been placed somewhere else or recreated, and this can also be shown when trying to recreate a character, you can recognise them through someone else or someone who they are trying to be. Intertextuality is used because a lot of people can relate to the characters and find identification within them; this means that they are more likely to enjoy the product because they can identify with this. Intertextuality is used because when it is used in a product it can help get a target audience of the product get on your side, therefore when using intertextuality in a product can make it powerful and it can also make the audience feel like they have the same taste as the makers of the product. Using intertextuality can also make the target audience bigger as viewers from the other product can recognise other features that have been used in another product, which can mean that some of the target audience will also be a fan of the product.An example of intertextuality is the 90s movie clueless singer Iggy Azalea in her music video of Fancy references this. This has been used by the singer because although she has quite a large fan base this can also add more people into the target audience of her song as people who like the movie clueless will see the recognition with in her song and maybe start to look at the song more and become more interested this then makes Iggy Azaleas target audience wider and also her fan base can become wider because there is a recognition there from clueless fans and then they may start to like Iggy Azalea just because she has recreated some scenes from the movie for her music video. Intertextuality is shown throughout a media product but you can tell this by colours, the same sentences or key lines being used, costumes being copied, the background and setting being the same or similar; this can all have an intertextuality effect because this would mean that one media product references another. An example of this being used is in the music video Fancy and the movie clueless, this is a good example because the clothes that are used in the music video, perfectly replicate the movie and you can tell this because the movie clueless is a classic movie to teenage girls and this means that girls are more likely to recognise the products intertextuality, such as the clothes in the movie clueless are the same as when she is using them in the fancy music video but this is also added to it as the background and the setting of the music video matches the movie. There are also references to the characters because the main character in the movie clueless is blonde and the singer of the Fancy music video, Iggy Azalea is also blonde so this adds to referencing the characters. There are also some scenes from the movie that are included in the music video, so this how you can know that you can definitely recognise and understand the intertextuality more. It is something that I would not like to use in my product, although it can give your product a larger target audience I would not like to use it because I would find it hard to find something to be able to reference two products together to make them both become intertextuality. In addition, I want my product to be unique although it will use typical conventions, I dont want to use intertextuality as I feel like its cheating and making an exact copy of something that has already been made.