Intense Interview course



A guide to our intense Interview course.

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Interview Course Intensive -

Objectives Everyone is different, we all have unique abilities and back-grounds. This course helps to relate to those individual traits within the context of preparing for an interview in English.

Day 1 • Mock Interview tailored to your


• Identification of your core skill base.

• Grammatical correction and as-sistance with sentence construc-tions.

• Audio recordings from the class will assist with pronunciation and provide you with the ability to practice outside of a classroom environment.

• Importance and relevance of voice tones.

• Homework to prepare for a 2nd mock interview based on the au-dio recordings.

Day 2 • The differences between compe-

tency based interviews and tradi-tional based interview structures.

• Personality traits and unique skill base identification.

• Mock Interview tailored to your sector.

• Grammar assistance and correc-tion.

• Audio support.

• Ability to demonstrate: Planning, decision making, work ethic and time management skills. Home-work to prepare for an interview.


Features And Benefits

• This course has been designed by a Recruitment consultant/ Head-hunter from Central London with 5 years experience working with some of the most iconic In-ternational fashion brands.

• TEFL qualified and experienced English teacher.

• Published British children’s au-thor.

• Experience from management to senior and directorship level.

• Bespoke materials tailored to your individual sector.

• Provision of Skype audio record-ings.

• Provision of website and video links.

• Provision of support audio notes.

• Optional CV service and social networking profile.

We are a licensed and registered UK company and provide assistance to both HR managers and candidates.

Now in our 3rd year we have helped candidates from many diverse sec-tors to include: Engineers, Archi-tects, Project Managers, Accoun-tants, Lawyers, Pilots, Retail staff, HR Personnel, IT engineers, Quality Assurance Managers and Telecom-munication Staff.

We pride ourselves on our unique backgrounds and learning tech-niques. Having never advertised, our growth is dependent on our student referrals.

The main focus of this course is to provide you with the necessary prac-tice in order to gain confidence in English as a second language.

The interview process is broken down for you to understand how it works and relate to it’s format.

Regular Classes Vs Interview Course The main difference is context. Our regular classes assist you with exam preparation, immigration, grammar structures, confidence building, pronunciation and speaking skill development.

Our interview course integrates all of these factors but only applies them in the context of an interview. This course will identify only with Business Eng-lish and Interview preparation. In both scenarios you can book a test class which provides us with the opportunity to access your level of English and identify your exact learning objectives both short and long term. It will also provide you with the ability to access whether we can help you achieve those objectives.

Regular English classes also reflect social English structures which can be applied to an office or work environment and incorporates Business English. Our testimonials are our best advertisement and these can be found on our website;

“this course will help you to identify with empathetic voice tones and help you to identify with your skill base”.


This is the mid point of the course, it will begin with a mock in-terview and then focus on:

• Team dynamic

• Problem solving

• Task prioritising

• Intelligent Questions

• Past, Present and future tenses

• Mock Interview

• Homework- audio revision

The pace increases at this point and your grammar skills will be put to the test. Your response time to questions will involve less translation time and your voice tones will sound less monotone and more nat-ural.

You would have invested over 10 hours in practice time and feel more confi-dent with an interview structure.

You will be provided with an audio of interview ques-tions based on your sector to practice and review for your homework.

The teacher will now talk at natural speed, and will introduce competency based questions.

Day 3 Setting clearly defined objectives will help you to achieve the desired result. The success of this course i s depe nde nt on the amount of time you will invest in studying the au-dio recordings and review-ing the materials.

Attending these classes without that investment in time would simply be a pointless exercise.

Design a study plan that is based on time blocking. Ensure that before this course starts, you are able to commit to the free blocks in your calendar.

Frequency of classes is an important consideration, our advice is that the max-imum time taken is over a two week period as this helps to reduce translation time, develops more spo-ken confidence and identi-fies with problematic ar-eas of the English lan-guage which needs imme-diate attention prior to an interview.

Our online calendar book-ing system is extremely flexible to include early morning, late and weekend classes.


Intense Interview Course

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Confidence Practice An opportunity to practice with a specialised and experienced Eng-lish teacher.

Skill Base The ability to translate your skill base into English.

Voice tones The ability to reflect empathetic voice tones and identify with how they can effect team dynamics.

Process Understanding the differences involved between traditional and modern interview structures.

!“work smarter, not harder!”

Review This part of the course will require you to answer all of the ques-tions that were featured on the audio recording. You will be scored and will be expected to pass with over 80%. You will focus on free speech and voice tones will sound more natural.

• You will be provided with topics in your Skype chat box and given 3 minutes to talk about each topic.

• You will demonstrate the ability to speak freely about hobbies and interests.

• You will be expected to provide examples of how you have applied your skills to problem solving.

• You will be expected to demon-strate your ability to move between 3 core tenses to include past, present and future.

• You will be able to demonstrate your career goals and future objec-tives long and short term.

• You will presented with role play scenarios and scored on your re-sponses.

Day 5 Simply put, this is your opportunity to put your new found skills to the test. You will be tested on the entire Interview process, from introduc-tion to final questions at the end of the process.

Role play scenarios will provide a sense of realism and you will be giv-en limited time to answer questions.

You will be scored and at this stage have the building blocks to under-stand the questions and provide an-swers.

We understand that everyone´s life-style is different and that’s why we have a very flexible approach, you can mix and match your regular English classes with your intensive interview course if required.

Contact us for more information about this option.

Day 4


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