Intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery using...


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Intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery using support vectormachine with ant colony algorithm for synchronous feature selectionand parameter optimization

XiaoLi Zhang a,b, Wei Chen c, BaoJian Wang a, XueFeng Chen a,n

a State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, PR Chinab Key Laboratory of Road Construction Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, PR Chinac Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710038, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 9 October 2014Received in revised form12 April 2015Accepted 27 April 2015Communicated by Hongli DongAvailable online 7 May 2015

Keywords:Intelligent fault diagnosisSupport vector machineAnt colony algorithmRotating machineryRotorRoller bearing

a b s t r a c t

The failure of rotating machinery can result in fatal damage and economic loss since rotating machineryplays an important role in the modern manufacturing industry. The development of a reliable andefficient intelligent fault diagnosis approach is an ongoing attempt. Support vector machine (SVM) is awidely used machine learning method in intelligent fault diagnosis. But finding out good features thatcan discriminate different fault conditions and optimizing parameters for support vector machine can beregarded as the most two important problems that can highly affect the final diagnosis accuracy ofsupport vector machine. Until now, the two issues of feature selection and parameter optimization areusually treated separately, weakening the effects of both efforts. Therefore, an ant colony algorithm forsynchronous feature selection and parameter optimization for support vector machine in intelligentfault diagnosis of rotating machinery is presented. Comparing with other methods, the advantages of theproposed method are evaluated on an experiment of rotor system and an engineering application oflocomotive roller bearings, which proves it can attain much better results.

& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Rotating machinery covers a broad range of machines and playsan important role in industry. Effectively diagnosing the incipientfaults of rotating machinery as early as possible can improve thereliability of the machinery. More importantly, it can effectivelyavoid catastrophic damage and huge economic loss. Therefore, thefault diagnosis of rotating machinery is of great significance inindustry and has attracted more and more attention. Roller bea-rings [1], gears [2], rotors [3], turbo pumps [4], power generators[5] and other rotating machinery are being researched. Amongthem, the vibration based analysis method is the most commonlyused fault diagnosis technique [6], which is feasible to detect thevibration signal changes caused by fault components with time-domain analysis method, frequency-domain analysis method,time-frequency analysis method and so on. However, it is usuallyvery difficult to extract the fault features of the measured vibrationsignals in the case of much noise and complicated multiple faultswith different types and severity. Moreover, these traditionalmethods usually require professional skills and rich experience,

which are hard for non-experts to use. Consequently, there is agreat demand for intelligent fault diagnosis technique that canproduce a reliable, fast and automated recognition and predictionresults. With the development of machinery fault diagnosis aimingat the intelligent and automated direction, it has been undergoinga transformation from a manual monitoring approach based onexperts to an intelligent one that are capable of learning from thecause-symptom relationship and then make machinery healthstatus decision automatically [7]. The intelligent fault diagnosisproblem is treated as a pattern recognition/classification problembased on training fault patterns from samples. Until present,various intelligent fault diagnosis methods such as expert system[8,9], neural network [10,11], fuzzy logic [12,13], rough set [14,15],and their hybrid method [7,16,17] have been successfully applied.

Although the neural network and other conventional artificialintelligent techniques have been widely used in machinery faultdiagnosis, they demand sufficient samples and have limitations ongeneralization of results in models that can over-fit the samplesfor the reason that their theoretical basis is empirical risk mini-mization principle [4,18,19]. The reason why support vectormachine has excellent performance is that it is based on statisticallearning theory and has specialties for a small number of samples[20,21]. Since the machinery fault samples are often very scarce,support vector machine exhibits superiority in machinery fault

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Neurocomputing 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

n Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ86 29 82663689.E-mail address: (X. Chen).

Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279

diagnosis due to its high accuracy and good generalization for asmaller number of fault samples [19]. Its superiority is testified incontrast with many other intelligent methods in turbo-pump [4],roller bearing [22], power transformer [23,24], and so on. Butfinding out good features that can discriminate different faultconditions and optimizing parameters for support vector machinecan be regarded as the most two important problems that canhighly affect the final diagnosis accuracy of support vectormachine. The motivation for feature selection is three-fold:improve generalization error, determine the relevant features,reduce the dimensionality of the input space [25]. It is alsotestified that support vector machine usually depends on severalparameters [25], one of which (denoted C) controls the tradeoffbetween margin maximization and error minimization. Otherparameters called kernel parameters implicitly define the non-linear mapping from input space to high-dimensional featurespace. As the performance of support vector machine will beweakened if these parameters are not properly chosen, it is anindispensable step to optimize the parameters of support vectormachine for a good performance in handling a learning task.

At present, some feature selection methods with geneticalgorithm [26], principal component analysis [27] and their hybridmethod [28] are proposed. And also, there are many methodsproposed for parameter optimization of support vector machine,such as genetic algorithm [23,29], immune algorithm [30] andACO-based algorithm [31]. It is known that the efforts of featureselection and parameter optimization will be weakened if the twoissues are treated separately without considering their jointlyeffect. So it faces the conundrum of neglecting one or the other,which restrict the generalization performance of support vectormachine. Therefore, it is demand to synchronously deal with thefeature selection and parameter optimization problem so as toobtain a subset of representative features associated with theconditions of machinery components and synchronously find theoptimal parameters corresponding to the structure of supportvector machine which is trained by the representative samplefeatures.

Ant colony algorithm was introduced by M. Dorigo and hiscolleagues as a nature-inspired method for the solution of combi-natorial optimization problems in the early 1990s [32]. From thenon, researchers have successfully applied ant colony algorithm tomany optimization problems, such as multi-objective resourceallocation [33], vehicle routing [34], dynamic continuous optimi-zation [35], global optimum function [36]. Ant colony algorithm iseasy to realize, which only involves basic mathematic operation.The most important is the parallelism and distributional charac-teristics which ensures the capability of processing difficultcombination optimization problems. Since it is demand to dealwith the feature selection and parameter optimization problemsynchronously to manifest the good generalization performance ofsupport vector machine in machinery fault diagnosis. Ant colonyalgorithm is particularly attractive for feature selection and para-meter optimization because there is no reliable heuristic availablefor finding the optimal feature subset and optimal parameters. It isexpected that the ants can synchronously discover good featureand parameter combinations as they proceed through their searchspace. Therefore, an ant colony algorithm for synchronous featureselection and parameter optimization of support vector machinein intelligent fault diagnosis is firstly presented.

The organization of this paper is as follows. The basic theory ofant colony algorithm and support vector machine is brieflyreviewed in Section 2. The proposed ant colony algorithm forsynchronous feature selection and parameter optimization ofsupport vector machine is explained in Section 3. In Section 4,the intelligent fault diagnosis method including data acquisition,feature extraction, and pattern recognition with the proposed ant

colony algorithm for synchronous feature selection and parameteroptimization of support vector machine is described. In Section 5,the experiment on rotor system is conducted as a benchmark toverify the proposed method in contrast to seven different meth-ods. In Section 6, the proposed method is applied in the locomo-tive roller bearings to diagnose multiple faults includingcompound fault and some faults with different severity. Conclu-sion and discussion are conducted in Section 7.

2. Theory background

2.1. Ant colony algorithm

Introduced in the early 1990s by M. Dorigo, ant colony algo-rithm aims at finding approximate solutions of optimizationproblems by artificial ants and their indirect communication viasynthetic pheromones [37]. These ants deposit pheromone on theground in order to mark some favorable path that should befollowed by other members of the colony. Ant colony optimizationexploits a similar mechanism for solving optimization problems[38]. Ant colony algorithm is a stochastic search procedure. Thecentral component is the pheromone model, which is used toprobabilistically sample the search space [39]. The pheromonemodel can be derived from a model of the tackled combinatorialoptimization problem, which is defined as follows:

A model P ¼ S;Ω; f� �

of ant colony algorithm consists of

� A search (or solution) space S defined over a finite set ofdiscrete decision variables and a setΩ of constraints among thevariables;

� An objective function f : S-ℛþ to be minimized.

The search space S is defined as follows: given a set of ndiscrete variables Xi with values vjiADi ¼ v1i ; v

2i ;⋯; v Dij j


n o;

i¼ 1;⋯;n: A variable instantiation, that is, the assignment of avalue vji to a variable Xi, is denoted by Xi ¼ vji. A feasible solutionsAS is a complete assignment (i.e., an assignment in which eachdecision variable has a domain value assigned) that satisfies theconstraints. If the set of constraintsΩ is empty, then each decisionvariable can take any value from its domain independently of thevalues of the other decision variables. In this case we call P anunconstrained problem model, otherwise a constrained problemmodel. A feasible solution snAS is called a globally optimalsolution (or global optimum), if f ðsnÞr f ðsÞ; 8sAS: The set ofglobally optimal solutions is denoted by SnAS. One has to find asolution snASn to solve the problem.

2.2. Support vector machine

Support vector machine, a powerful machine learning methodsfor classification and regression problems of small samples andhigh dimensions, was initially presented by Vapnik in the lastdecade of the 20th century based on statistical learning theory andstructural risk minimization principle [20,40]. Two different clas-sification strategies of support vector machine (typical supportvector machine for binary classification and one-against onesupport vector machine for multi-class classification) are brieflyintroduced as follows.

2.2.1. Typical support vector machine for binary classificationGiven a sample set ST ¼ xi; yi

� �jxiAH; yiA 71f g; i¼ 1;⋯; l� �

,where xi are the input vectors and yi are the labels of xi, H is thefeature set, l is the number of the training samples, an optimalhyper-plane is computed in a feature space to construct supportvector machine. A classifier which generalizes well is then found

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 261

by controlling both the classifier capacity (via ‖w‖) and thenumber of training errors in the following form

Minimize Τ w; ξ� �¼ wUwh iþCXli ¼ 1

ξi ð1Þ

Subject toyi U wUxih iþbð ÞZ1�ξi; i¼ 1;⋯; l

ξiZ0; i¼ 1;⋯; lC40

8><>: ð2Þ

where ξi is slack variable and C is a penalty constant. The data tobe classified is mapped into a high dimensional feature space,where ΦðxiÞ is the high dimensional transformation of xi. Mercerkernel returns a dot product of the feature space mappings oforiginal data points, stated as Kðxi; xjÞ ¼ ΦT ðxiÞUΦðxjÞ

� �. By incor-

porating kernels and rewriting it in Lagrange multipliers, the dualquadratic optimization problem is given by

Maximize WðαÞ ¼Xli ¼ 1


Xli;j ¼ 1

αiαjyiyjKðxi; xjÞ ð3Þ

Subject to

Xli ¼ 1

αiyi ¼ 0; i¼ 1;⋯; l

0rαirC; i¼ 1;⋯; l

8>><>>: ð4Þ

where αi is Lagrange multiplier.

Thus, by solving the dual optimization problem, the decisionfunction is

f xð Þ ¼ signXli ¼ 1

yiαi UK x; xið Þþb


The bias value b can be computed by exploiting the fact that forall support vectors xi with αioC, the slack variable ξi is zero,which follows from the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker complementarityconditions, and hence

Xlj ¼ 1

yjαj UKðxi UxjÞþb¼ yi ð6Þ

In this study, radial basis function (RBF) kernel is adopted dueto its good properties and universal usage, which is shown asfollows:

Kðxi; xjÞ ¼ exp �‖xi�xj‖2� �

=2σ2� � ð7Þ

2.2.2. One-against-one support vector machine for multi-classclassification

Given a training sample set in the input space

ST ¼ xt ; yt� �jxtAH; ytA 1;2;⋯; k

� �; t ¼ 1;⋯; l

� � ð8Þ

where xt are the input vector, yt are the corresponding labels of xt ,l is the number of the training samples, and k is the number of thedifferent classes. A multi-class classification strategy of support

Termination is satisfied ?


Ant Solution Construction

r ants construct r different feature subset* Using random selection rule

r ants construct r different feature subset* Using state transition rule

Pheromone Update Operation

* The feature subset with the highest accuracy among r feature subsets is seen as the best feature subset* Global updating for the ant that constructed the best feature subset according to global updating rule* Local updating for the rest ants according to local updating rule

* Optimal feature subset* Optimal parameters of SVM




* Input original feature set S* Set all the parameters of ant colony algorithm

Ant solution evaluation and parameteroptimization in support vector machine

* Parameters of support vector machineare optimized by ant colony algorithm

* Each feature subset is evaluated bysupport vector machine

Fig. 1. Flow chart of ant colony algorithm for synchronous feature selection and parameter optimization in support vector machine.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279262

vector machine which is called one-against-one support vectormachine constructs kðk�1Þ=2 binary classifiers to recognize thedifferent classes. For training data from the ith and jth classes, thefollowing binary classification problem can be solved:

Minimize12 ðwijÞTwijþCXt

ξijt ðwijÞT ð9Þ

Subject to

ðwijÞTΦðxtÞþbijZ1�ξijt if yt ¼ i;

ðwijÞTΦðxtÞþbijr1�ξijt if yt ¼ j;

ξijt Z0:


where ξijt is a slack variable, C is a penalty constant. By incorpor-ating kernels and rewriting it in Lagrange multipliers, the abovebinary classification problem can be transformed into the dualquadratic optimization problem and finally forms the same deci-sion function as in formula (5).

f ij xð Þ ¼ signXlt ¼ 1

ytαij UK x; xtð Þþbij


After all the kðk�1Þ=2 classifiers are constructed, the classifica-tion decision of the one-against-one support vector machine ismade using the following strategy: if f ijðxÞ says sample x is in theith class, then the vote for the ith class is added by one. Otherwise,the jth is increased by one. After being tested with the k k�1ð Þ=2classifiers respectively, x belongs to the class which has themaximal votes.

3. Ant colony algorithm for synchronous feature selection andparameter optimization in support vector machine

Based on the predominance of ant colony algorithm, an antcolony algorithm for synchronous feature selection and parameteroptimization in support vector machine is proposed as a patternrecognition technology. The central components of the proposedmethod are the ant solution construction part, ant solutionevaluation part and the pheromone update operation part, whichutilize the heuristic information of artificial ants to guide thesearch of an optimal feature subset and optimal parameters forsupport vector machine so as to obtain the best generalizationperformance. An overview of the proposed ant colony algorithmfor synchronous feature selection and parameter optimization insupport vector machine is presented in Fig. 1, which is worked asfollows.

3.1. Initialization

The original feature set is inputted and the relevant parametersof ant colony algorithm are initialized. The number of antsinitialized depends upon the number of features given by theproblem. After the first step of initialization, the next step of antsolution construction is started.

3.2. Ant solution construction

Each ant initialized in the first step will select a subset offeatures from the original set of N features with the randomselection rule, which is explained in Section 3.2.1. Later, ants selectfeatures based on the state transition rule, which is explained inSection 3.2.2. Thus, each ant selected particular features and formsdifferent feature subsets s1; s2; ⋯; sr (r is the number of ants).Each feature subset has n1; n2; ⋯; nr features. This part is thesecond step of the ant colony algorithm. The main content of theant solution construction part is the random selection rule andstate transition rule, which are explained as follows.

3.2.1. Random selection ruleThe role of each ant is to build solution subset of features.

Initially, the pheromone level of each feature is the same, thusthere is a uniform distribution on all these features. Therefore, allof the ants stochastically select features and construct theirsolution subset.

3.2.2. State transition ruleExcept the circumstance described in Section 3.2.1 that the ants

selected features with random selection rule at the initial of thealgorithm proceeded, ants build solutions applying a probabilisticdecision policy called state transition rule to move throughadjacent states. In the state transition rule, an ant chooses afeature as follows:

s¼ arg max τðuÞ� � ð12Þ

where τðuÞ is the pheromone level at state u, so the state transitionrule of formula (12) favors the selection of features which areassociated with high amount of pheromone level. High amount ofpheromone level is according with high accuracy which isexplained in the following Section 3.4.

3.3. Ant solution evaluation and parameter optimization in supportvector machine

Each selected feature subset obtained in Section 3.2 is input tosupport vector machine for evaluation. Since the regularizationconstant C controls the tradeoff between margin maximizationand error minimization, and the kernel parameters such as thebandwidth σ of the radial basis function (RBF) kernel implicitlydefine the non-linear mapping from input space to high-dimensional feature space, which exert considerable influence onthe performance of support vector machine. It is an indispensablestep to synchronously optimize the parameters of support vectormachine by ant colony algorithm.

Firstly, the two parameters ðC;σÞ of support vector machine aremeshed into N grids and the grid interval of each parameter iscalculated by formula (13).

hj ¼ vupperj �vlowerj

� �=N; j¼ 1;2;⋯;mð Þ ð13Þ

where vupperj and vlowerj respectively denote the upper and lower

limit of a parameter, m is the number of parameters of supportvector machine. This paper sets vupperj ¼ 26; vlower

j ¼ 2�5; j¼ 1;2,N¼ 10. Every grid is equidistant on each parameter interval. Andeach grid node denotes a parameter combination.

Since there is a uniform distribution on these grid nodes in thebeginning, every of the ants stochastically select a parametercombination as a starting point. Then the training process ofsupport vector machine with the selected parameters starts andthe test error E is calculated according to formula (14).

E¼ 1p

Xpi ¼ 1

Ψ �y0if ðx0iÞ

� � ð14Þ

where x0i is a testing sample, y0i is the label of the testing sample, pis the number of the testing samples, Ψ is a step function, Ψ ðxÞ ¼ 1when x40and Ψ ðxÞ ¼ 0 else, f is the decision function of supportvector machine.

Once all the ants have completed their selection, the artificialpheromone in formula (15) is applied to all the nodes ant selected.

φnewij ¼ 1�κð Þφold

ij þðλ=eEÞ ð15Þ

where E is the value of function in formula (14), κ is an evapora-tion coefficient, and λ is pheromone intensity. The node of theparameter combination with the fewest test error E in formula (14)

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 263

is rewarded with more pheromone so as to make it more attractivefor the future ants to select.

After artificial pheromone is applied to all the nodes selectedby ants, the corresponding subscript of the node with maximalpheromone quality is found out, and the parameter scope isdiminished according to formulas (16) and (17)

vlowerj ’vlower

j þ mj�Δ� �

nhj ð16Þ

vupperj ’vupperj þ mjþΔ� �

nhj ð17Þ

where Δ is a coefficient, mj is the corresponding subscript of thenode with maximal pheromone quality, vupperj is the upper limit ofa parameter and vlower

j is the lower limit of a parameter in currentiteration. From then on, the ants search parameters in theneighborhood of the node with maximal pheromone until to thecurrent iteration.

The ant solution evaluation steps are repeated until the gridinterval hj is less than predefined precision ε. In order to get atradeoff between the accuracy and computation complexity, theprecision ε is predetermined as 0:01 in the following part. At thistime, the optimal parameters are obtained as follows:

vnj ¼ vlowerj þvupperj

� �=2; j¼ 1;⋯;m ð18Þ

where vnj denotes the obtained optimal parameter values.

3.4. Pheromone update operation

Once all the ants have completed their tasks of ant solutionconstruction and ant solution evaluation in the above steps, thepheromone update operation is conducted. The main content ofthe pheromone update operation includes a global updating ruleand a local updating rule, which are explained as follows.

Fig. 2. Illustration of Intelligent fault diagnosis with ant colony algorithm for synchronous feature selection and parameter optimization in support vector machine.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279264

3.4.1. Global updating ruleThe purpose of the global updating rule is to encourage the

ants that produced best feature subset with highest accuracy inthe current iteration. Therefore, the pheromone level of thesefeatures which are selected as a component of the best featuresubset will be incremented and thus make them more attractivefor ants to select in the future. Global updating rule is performedonly after all the ants have developed their respective solutions.The pheromone level is incremented by applying the globalupdating rule

τðkþ1Þ ¼ ð1�ρÞnτðkÞþQnTmax ð19Þwhere ρ is an evaporation coefficient, and Q is pheromoneintensity. Tmax is the highest accuracy of the solution among allthe solution constructed by each individual ant.

Supposing there is a testing datasetV 0 ¼ x0i; y


� �jx0iAsr ; y0iAY ; i¼ 1;⋯; q� �

, Y is the label set,sr ¼ e1; e2;⋯; ekð Þ is the feature subset selected by the ant r, q isthe number of samples in the testing dataset, then the accuracy ofthe solution built by the ant r is

Trant ¼ 1�1


Xqi ¼ 1

Ψ �y0if ðx0iÞ� � ð20Þ

where Ψ is a step function, Ψ ðxÞ ¼ 1 when x40 and Ψ ðxÞ ¼ 0 else.f is the decision function of support vector machine.

The highest accuracy of the global best solution is

Tmax ¼ max fTrantg ð21Þ

3.4.2. Local updating ruleThe objective of local updating rule is to decrease the pher-

omone level of other features that were selected by ants which didnot produce a good solution, and maintain the pheromone level offeatures that have not been exploited by ants until to present. Thislocal updating rule not only makes the irrelevant features lessdesirable, but also helps ants to select those features which havenever been selected previously. The local updating rule is asfollows:

τðkþ1Þ ¼ ð1�α0ÞnτðkÞþα0nτ0 ð22Þwhere α0ð0oα0o1Þ is called local pheromone update parameterand τ0 is the initial pheromone level at the beginning of thealgorithm.

By using the global updating rule and local updating rule, thepheromone level of each feature which is the component of thebest feature subset in the current iteration is increased and thepheromone level of the feature which was selected but did notproduce the best solution is decreased, while the pheromone levelof the rest features that have not be selected maintain the same.

This is good for ants to select optimal features and so as toconstruct the best feature subset in the future.

3.5. The termination requirement

The termination requirement of the ant colony algorithm forsynchronous feature selection and parameter optimization insupport vector machine is that either the pattern recognitionaccuracy with the best feature subset in the current iteration hits100% or all the features are selected by each individual ant. Theabove steps are repeated until the termination requirement issatisfied. Finally, the optimal feature subset and the correspondingoptimal parameters of support vector machine are synchronouslyoutput and the final results are obtained.

4. Intelligent fault diagnosis with ant colony algorithm forsynchronous feature selection and parameter optimization insupport vector machine

The intelligent fault diagnosis with ant colony algorithm forsynchronous feature selection and parameter optimization insupport vector machine as a pattern recognition approach shownin Fig. 2 is mainly consist of data acquisition, feature extractionand pattern recognition, which is explained as follows.

4.1. Data acquisition

The intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery starts withdata acquisition to collect the machinery health information.Vibration signal acquisition is the most commonly used methodwhich is realized by sensors. For the example given in the paper,the vibration signals are obtained by sensors and data acquisitionsystem for intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.

4.2. Feature extraction

It is desirable that features extracted from the sensory signalare sensitive to machinery faults and robust to the varyingmachinery operating conditions and background noise with inex-pensive computations. So there has been a lot of signal processingapproach to obtain desirable features for machinery fault diag-nosis, among which the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is one ofwidely used and well-established methods. When a fault occurs,new frequency components may appear and a change of theconvergence of frequency spectrum may take place [41]. As aresult, the amplitude and the distribution of frequency spectrumare likely to exhibit different characteristics in frequency-domain.Scalar indicators extracted from the time domain provide

Table 1The frequency statistical features.

F7 ¼PKk ¼ 1


K F8 ¼PKk ¼ 1

ðsðkÞ� F1 Þ2

K�1 F9 ¼PKk ¼ 1

ðsðkÞ� F1 Þ3



F10 ¼PKk ¼ 1

ðsðkÞ� F1 Þ4

Kp22F11 ¼

PKk ¼ 1

f k sðkÞPKk ¼ 1

sðkÞF12 ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiPKk ¼ 1

ðf k �F5 Þ2sðkÞ



F13 ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiPKk ¼ 1

f 2k sðkÞPKk ¼ 1


vuuuut F14 ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiPKk ¼ 1

f 4k sðkÞPKk ¼ 1

f 2k sðkÞ

vuuuut F15 ¼PKk ¼ 1

f 2k sðkÞffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiPKk ¼ 1

sðkÞPKk ¼ 1

f 4k sðkÞr

F16 ¼ F6F5

F17 ¼PKk ¼ 1

ðf k �F5 Þ3sðkÞ

KF36F18 ¼

PKk ¼ 1

ðf k �F5 Þ4sðkÞ


F19 ¼PKk ¼ 1

ðf k �F5 Þ1=2sðkÞ


pwhere sðkÞ is a spectrum for k¼ 1;2;…;K , K represents the number of spectrum lines; f k denotes the frequency value of the kth spectrum line.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 265

information on the defects and the evolution of their valuesindicates the level of aggravation of defects. The attitude towardsfeature extraction for intelligent fault diagnosis emphasizes onincluding many easily acquired features without much expertise.Therefore, 19 statistical features of the acquired raw signals andthe corresponding FFT spectrums are adopted to characterize themachinery condition. The statistical feature F1–F6 shown in for-mula (23)–(28) are time domain features, which are usually calledshape factor, crest factor, impulse factor, margin factor, kurtosisfactor and skewness factor. The parameters F7–F19 are frequencydomain features, which are listed in Table 1. Feature F7 indicatesthe vibration energy in frequency domain. Feature F8�F10; F12and F16�F19 describe the convergence of frequency spectrumpower. Feature F11; F13�F15 show the position change of mainfrequencies [42]. Each of the vibration signals collected in thefollowing experiments is processed respectively to get the 19features. By extracting features from the acquired vibration signalsof machines in normal and faulty conditions, it offers veryimportant information for pattern recognition.

ð1Þ Shape factor : F1 ¼


PNn ¼ 1



PNn ¼ 1

xðnÞ ð23Þ

where xðnÞ represents a signal series for n¼ 1;2;…;N, N denotesthe number of data points.

ð2Þ Crest factor : F2 ¼max xðnÞ


PNn ¼ 1

xðnÞ2s ð24Þ

ð3Þ Impulse factor : F3 ¼max xðnÞ


PNn ¼ 1

xðnÞ ð25Þ

ð4Þ Margin factor : F4 ¼max xðnÞ


PNn ¼ 1

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffixðnÞ q �2 ð26Þ

ð5Þ Kurtosis factor : F5 ¼1N

PNn ¼ 1

xðnÞ�xð Þ4


PNn ¼ 1

xðnÞ�xð Þ2s !4 ð27Þ

where x is the mean value of the signal series xðnÞ,x¼ 1=N

PNn ¼ 1 xðnÞ; n¼ 1;2;…;N, , N denotes the number of data


ð6Þ Skewness factor : F6 ¼1N

PNn ¼ 1

xðnÞ�xð Þ3


PNn ¼ 1

xðnÞ�xð Þ2s !3 ð28Þ

4.3. Pattern recognition

In the intelligent fault diagnosis system, support vectormachine is widely used as a pattern recognition approach toindicate whether the machinery is in fault running conditionand identifying the type and the severity of the fault occurred.The proposed ant colony algorithm is adopted for synchronous

Rotor Sony EX Data Acquisition System

Fig. 3. Test bench of rotor system (a) experiment picture and (b) schematic illustration.

Table 2Description of fault conditions in rotor system.

Condition description Abbreviation ofcondition type


Mass unbalance U 1Oil whirl W 2Rotor radial rub R 3Shaft crack S 4Compound faults of mass unbalance and rotor

radial rubC 5

Normal N 6

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279266

feature selection and parameter optimization in support vectormachine.

5. Experiment on the intelligent fault diagnosis of rotorsystem

Rotor system is the most important component in the rotatingmachines, so an experiment is conducted on a widely used rotorsystem test bench as a benchmark by simulating different faultsoccurring in rotor system so as to test the effectiveness of theproposed method in contrast to other different fault diagnosismethods.

5.1. Experimental system description

The test bench of rotor system is shown in Fig. 3, which is usedto simulate different fault conditions of rotor system. Fig. 2(a) is apicture of the experimental system, while Fig. 2(b) is a schematicillustration. The rotor system mainly consists of rotor system testbed (comprising a motor, two sliding bearings, a shaft and a rotormass wheel, a motor speed controller, a signal conditioner),sensors and Sony EX data acquisition system. Eddy current sensorsare installed towards radial direction of the shaft on the framewith sampling frequency of 2000 Hz as shown in Fig. 2. In theexperiment, the diameter of the shaft is 10 mm and the length ofthe shaft is 560 mm. The rotor mass wheel is 800 g and its

diameter is 75 mm. The rotor system experiment is conductedunder six different running conditions including mass unbalance(0.5 g weight unbalance mass), oil whirl, slight rotor radial rub,shaft crack (the crack depth is 0.5 mm), compound fault of massunbalance (0.5 g weight) and slight rotor radial rub, and normalcondition (without any fault or defect), which are listed in Table 2.

5.2. Experimental result

The waveforms and the corresponding FFT spectrums of thevibration signals in six conditions are respectively plotted inFigs. 4 and 5. From the figures, it is seen that the waveforms intime domain and the spectrums in frequency domain reflect alittle abnormal characteristics in fault state, such as the amplitudeof the vibration signal under various fault state and normalcondition is different, and very little waveform and spectrumchanges is appeared. But it is not enough to accurately reveal thefault feature of each state. It is possible that an advanced signalprocessing approach is demanded to extract fault features or anintelligent fault diagnosis method is required to deal with theproblem. As the latter, support vector machine is considered as apattern recognition method to classify each state. Each of the sixvibration signals corresponding to six faulty conditions is dividedinto 32 samples of 1024 points. Nineteen features in both timedomain and frequency domain as described in Section 3.2 areextracted from each signal sample at first to reveal the vibrationcharacteristics of the rotor system in different running conditions,

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-50





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-100





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-20





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-505




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-20





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-50





Fig. 4. Waveforms in time domain of six rotor vibration signals in different conditions (a) mass unbalance, (b) oil whirl, (c) rotor radial rub, (d) f shaft crack, (e) compoundfaults of mass unbalance and rotor radial rub, and (f) normal condition.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 267

which are respectively plotted in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6(a) to (s),feature F1–F19 of the 32 vibration signal samples under sixdifferent running conditions are respectively revealed, which ismore or less irregular. For example, the feature characteristic ofthe 32 vibration signal samples under oil whirl condition ischanged unsteadily and rapid fluctuated, except for the featureF14, F17, and F18 belonging to Fig. 6(n), (q), and (r) respectively. Thefeature characteristic of the 32 vibration signal samples underother five conditions (unbalance, radial rub, shaft crack, compoundfaults of mass unbalance and rotor radial rub, and normal condi-tion) are nearly close to the same, such as the feature F1, F3, F4, F5,F6, F9, F10, and F18 in Fig. 6(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (i), (j) and(r) respectively, according to which it is hard to recognize thedifferent condition of the rotor system. So it is demand to correctlyrecognize the patterns using some intelligent methods. Eachcondition of the first 16 samples are used for training supportvector machine and the rest 16 samples are used for testing. One-against-one support vector machine described in Section 2.2.2 isused as the base learner machine for multi-class classification, andthen the proposed ant colony algorithm for synchronous featureselection and parameter optimization is applied.

In order to test the effectiveness of the proposed method, it iscompared with two methods based on back-propagation neuralnetwork (Method 1, Method 2) described in Ref. [43], two methodsbased on C4.5 decision tree (Method 3, Method 4) proposed in Ref.[43], and three different methods based on support vectormachine (Method 5, Method 6, Method 7), which are listed in

Table 3. Method 5 is the normal support vector machine which isnone of feature selection and parameter optimization, so all of theextracted 19 features are input to support vector machine and thekernel parameters of support vector machine ðC; σÞ are setoptionally since there is no prior knowledge to guide for properparameters at first. Method 6 denotes the support vector machinewith ant colony algorithm for parameter optimization which doesnot include feature selection, so all the extracted 19 features arewholly input to support vector machine and the ranges of kernelparameters of support vector machine ðC; σÞ are set as 2�5;26

h ifor

optimization. Method 7 is the support vector machine with antcolony algorithm for feature selection which does not containparameter optimization, and the kernel parameters of supportvector machine ðC; σÞ are set as the optimal parameters obtainedby Method 6. Method 8 denotes the proposed ant colony algo-rithm for synchronous feature selection and parameter optimiza-tion in support vector machine, in which the ranges of kernelparameters of support vector machine ðC; σÞ are set as same asMethod 6.

Method 1–Method 4 is realized by Sun and his colleagues forfault diagnosis under six rotor running conditions (mass unba-lance, oil whirl, rotor radial rub, shaft crack, compound faults ofmass unbalance and rotor radial rub, normal condition), in whichthe experiment were conducted as the same as the rotor experi-ment conducted in this paper. Seven statistical features (peak topeak, shape factor, crest factor, impulse factor, margin factor,kurtosis factor and skewness factor) of signals in time domain

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100005





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000





Fig. 5. Spectrums in frequency domain of six vibration signals in different condition (a) mass unbalance, (b) oil whirl, (c) rotor radial rub, (d) f shaft crack, (e) compoundfaults of mass unbalance and rotor radial rub, and (f) normal condition.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279268

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 351




1.4 Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35





2.2Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 351




3Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 351






4Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35-2




2 Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 351




5Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350




Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350




800 Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 352




6Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 355





30 Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






300Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350





1000Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

Sample number

F 1va


Sample number

Sample number

Sample number Sample number

F 2 v


F 4 v


F 3 v


F 5va


F 7 v


F 6 v


F 8 v


F 9 v


F 10



F 11 va


F 12 va


Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Fig. 6. Nineteen statistical features (F1–F19) distribution of the vibration signal in six running conditions of the rotor system. (a) feature F1, (b) feature F2, (c) feature F3,(d) feature F4, (e) feature F5, (f) feature F6, (g) feature F7, (h) feature F8, (i) feature F9, (j) feature F10, (k) feature F11, (l) feature F12, (m) feature F13, (n) feature F14, (o) feature F15,(p) feature F16, (q) feature F17, (r) feature F18, and (s) feature F19.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 269

under various conditions and eleven frequency features wereextracted. And then backward propagation neural networks andC4.5 decision tree were respectively used to realize the faultintelligent diagnosis, the experimental results of which are shownin Table 4.

Comparison results of the different fault diagnosis methodsdescribed above on rotor system are shown in Table 4. It is seenthat the back-propagation neural network based methods(Method 1 and Method 2) attains the worst diagnosis results inall of the eight methods. The normal support vector machine

which is none of feature selection and parameter optimization(Method 5), support vector machine with ant colony algorithm forparameter optimization (Method 6), and support vector machinewith ant colony algorithm for feature selection (Method 7) havebetter diagnosis performance of 97.92% accuracy, which cannotperfectly diagnose the normal state and perform worse than themethods based on C4.5 decision tree (Method 3 and Method 4). InMethod 3 and Method 4, Fault diagnostic error occurred inrecognizing mass unbalance condition, compound faults of massunbalance and rotor radial rub, since the fault characteristic of

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350




400Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35600




800Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350.1





0.6Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350





5 Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350




20Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350




400Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






6Mass unbalanceOil whirlRotor radial rubShaft crackCompound faultsNormal

F 13 va


F 14



F 15



F 16 va


F 17 va


F 18 va


F 18 va


Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number

Fig. 6. (continued)

Table 3Description of different fault diagnosis methods.

Abbreviation Fault diagnosis method

Method 1 Back-propagation neural network without feature selectionMethod 2 Back-propagation neural network with feature selectionMethod 3 C4.5 decision tree without feature selectionMethod 4 C4.5 decision tree with feature selectionMethod 5 SVM without feature selection and parameter optimizationMethod 6 SVM with ant colony algorithm for parameter optimizationMethod 7 SVM with ant colony algorithm for feature selectionMethod 8 SVM with ant colony algorithm for feature selection and parameter optimization

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279270

mass unbalance is contained in compound faults and thus thedifficulty of correctly recognizing the two fault patterns areincreased. It means that the performance of support vectormachine is jointly affected by the parameters and sample features.Either the optimal features are selected or the parameters areoptimized, the generalization of support vector machine cannotachieve optimal and the fault diagnosis accuracy is not very well.Therefore, it is necessary to achieve the matched optimal featuresand optimal parameters synchronously by an effective optimiza-tion algorithm so as to improve the generalization of supportvector machine

With the proposed ant colony algorithm for synchronousfeature selection and parameter optimization in support vectormachine (Method 8), F1; F3; F6; F9; F10–F14; F19 are selected as theoptimal features and the parameters are optimized as C ¼ 50:69,

σ ¼ 0:39, which attains the highest diagnosis accuracy of 100%. Soit can be concluded that the proposed ant colony algorithm forsynchronous feature selection and parameter optimization insupport vector machine as a pattern recognition approach forintelligent fault diagnosis can improve the diagnosis performanceand attains optimal diagnosis result since the synchronouslyachieved optimal features and parameters are well matching.

6. Application in the fault diagnosis of locomotive rollerbearings

Intelligent diagnosis of locomotive roller bearings is necessaryin industry, as unexpected failure of locomotive is a seriousdamage and manual checking of a number of roller bearingsmay take an unacceptably long time, which consequently resultsin great loss. Therefore, it is important to detect the existence andseverity of roller bearings.

6.1. Experimental system description

The sketch map of the experimental system is described inFig. 7. The test bench contains a hydraulic motor, two supportingpillow blocks (mounting with normal bearing), test bearingswhich are loaded on the outer race by a hydraulic cylinder, ahydraulic radial load application system, and a tachometer forshaft speed measurement. 608A11-type ICP accelerometers aremounted on the load module near the outer race of the testbearing, which measure the vibration data of the test bearingswith sampling frequency of 6400 Hz.

The vibration signals are acquired respectively in the nine states oflocomotive roller beatings including normal state, slight fault in outer

Fig. 7. Test bench of the locomotive roller bearing.

Table 5Description of fault conditions of locomotive roller bearings.

Condition description Abbreviation of conditiontype


Normal N 1Slight fault in outer race O 2Serious fault in outer race S 3Inner race fault I 4Roller fault R 5Compound faults in outer race and inner

raceOI 6

Compound faults in outer race and rollers OR 7Compound faults in inner race and rollers IR 8Compound faults in outer race, inner race

and rollersOIR 9

Table 4Comparison of different intelligent fault diagnosis methods on rotor system.

Name Optimal features Optimal parameters ðC; σÞ Accuracy of each fault (%) Average accuracy (%)


Method 1 [43] — — 100 85 100 90 95 100 95Method 2 [43] — — 100 95 100 85 95 100 95.8Method 3 [43] — — 100 100 95 100 95 100 98.3Method 4 [43] — — 95 100 100 100 95 100 98.3Method 5 — — 100 100 100 100 100 87.5 97.92Method 6 — 63.49, 37.64 100 100 100 100 100 87.5 97.92Method 7 F1 ; F3 ; F5 ; F7 ;

F9; F14; F17; F19— 100 100 100 100 100 87.5 97.92

Method 8 F1 ; F3 ; F6 ; F9 ;F10–F14 ; F19

50.69, 0.39 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

The bold in the table means that Method 8 is the proposed method and 100 is the result obtained by Method 8.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 271

Fig. 8. Vibration signals corresponding to nine faulty conditions (a) normal condition, (b) slight fault in outer race, (c) serious fault in outer race, (d) inner race fault, (e) rollerfault, (f) compound faults in outer race and inner race, (g) compound faults in outer race and rollers condition, (h) compound faults in inner race and rollers, and(i) compound faults in outer race, inner race and rollers.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279272

race, serious fault in outer race, inner race fault, roller fault, compoundfaults in outer race and inner race, compound faults in outer race androllers, compound faults in inner race and rollers, compound faults inouter race and inner race and rollers, which are described in Table 5.

6.2. Experimental result

The vibration waveforms of the nine states in time domain areshown in Fig. 8, the characteristics are at least as described below:

(1) The vibration waveforms of the locomotive roller bearings innine states are disturbed by much noise, and the fault featuresare submerged at different levels. The amplitudes of thevibration signal waveform in normal condition is smaller thanthat in other eight fault conditions.

(2) When a fault occurs in the outer race of the roller bearing, therolling element passing through the damage position of theouter race will cause vibration and impulse. Therefore, someimpulse occurs in Fig. 8(b) and (c). In comparison with the twofigures, it is found that the vibration amplitude of the slightfault in the outer race as shown in Fig. 8(b) is smaller than thatof serious fault in the outer race as shown in Fig. 8(c).

(3) When a fault occurs in the inner race of the roller bearing,some impulses occours in the waveform of the acquiredvibration signal, which is as shown in Fig. 8(d).

(4) When a fault occurs in the rolling element, some impulsesoccours and the phenomenon of amplitude modulation hap-pened in Fig. 8(e) since the surfaces of inner race and outerraces are respectively contacted once by the rolling elementwhen the rolling element rotates once.

(5) When compound faults occurs in outer race, inner race and rollingelement, the waveforms of the acquired vibration signal have imp-ulses of varying degrees. Moreover, the phenomenon of amplitudemodulation occurs in the acquired vibration signal waveforms of

the compound faults of outer race and rollers, compound faults ofinner race and rollers, which are shown in Fig. 8(f)–(i).

The FFT spectrums of the corresponding vibration signals in ninestates are shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that the spectrums of thevibration signals in frequency-domain are submerged by much noiseinterference and the fault characteristics are ambiguity, so it is hard torecognize different fault types according to the spectrums in frequency-domain and the waveforms in the time-domain. It is possible that anadvanced signal processing approach is demanded to extract faultfeatures or an intelligent fault diagnosis method is required to dealwith the problem. As the latter, 19 features in both time domain andfrequency domain as described in Section 3.2 are extracted at first. Eachof the nine vibration signals corresponding to nine faulty conditions isdivided into 32 samples of 2048 points. The 19 statistical features of the32 samples in time domain and frequency domain are respectivelyplotted in Fig. 10. From Fig. 10(a)–(s), feature F1–F19 of the 32 vibrationsignal samples under nine different running conditions are respectivelyrevealed, which are changed unsteadily and rapid fluctuated. The valuesof some features are nearly overlap, according to which it is hard torecognize the different condition of the roller bearings. So it is demandto correctly recognize the patterns by some intelligent methods.

Each of the nine signals corresponding to nine faulty conditionsis divided into 32 samples of 2048 points. Each condition of thefirst 16 samples are used for training support vector machine andthe rest 16 samples are used for testing. One-against-one supportvector machine described in Section 2.2.2 is used as the baselearner machine for multi-class classification, and then the pro-posed ant colony algorithm for synchronous feature selection andparameter optimization is applied. In order to test the effective-ness of the proposed method, it is compared with two methodsbased on support vector machine (SVM) to diagnose the faults inlocomotive roller bearings, which are listed in Table 6.

Fig. 8. (continued)

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 273

Fig. 9. Vibration spectrums of nine faulty conditions (a) normal condition, (b) slight fault in outer race, (c) serious fault in outer race, (d) inner race fault, (e) roller fault,(f) compound faults in outer race and inner race, (g) compound faults in outer race and rollers condition, (h) compound faults in inner race and rollers, and (i) compoundfaults in outer race, inner race and rollers.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279274

The intelligent diagnosis results by three different methods areshown in Table 7. Support vector machine with ant colony algorithmfor parameter optimization (Method 1) attains the optimal para-meters C¼57.60 and σ¼64.26 in the range of C;σA ½2�10;210�,which achieves the average accuracy of 89.58% in recognizing thenine states of locomotive roller bearings. Although support vectormachine with ant colony algorithm for feature selection (Method 2)uses the optimal parameters obtained in Method 1 and the featuresF2; F4; F6; F13; F14; F19 are selected as the optimal features, theaverage classification accuracy of the nine faults is also 89.58% sincethe selected features by Method 2 are not matched with theoptimized parameters solved by Method 1. The same results of theMethod 1 and Method 2 demonstrates that the performance ofsupport vector machine is jointly affected by the parameters andsample features. So it is a demand to achieve the matched optimalfeatures and optimal parameters synchronously by an effectiveoptimization algorithm so as to comprehensively improve the gen-eralization of support vector machine.

The proposed ant colony algorithm for synchronous feature selec-tion and parameter optimization in support vector machine (method3) improves the diagnosis performance and attains desirable result of95.83% accuracy with selected features F1–F18 and optimal parametersðC ¼ 1:02; σ ¼ 0:04Þ. As shown in Table 7, the recognition of thenormal state, inner race fault state and roller fault state hit 100%accuracy in all the three methods, which means that the diagnosisperformance of three methods based on support vector machine arethe same in recognizing simple fault states. But the proposed antcolony algorithm for synchronous feature selection and parameteroptimization in support vector machine (Method 3) improves therecognition accuracy of serious fault in outer race, compound faults inouter and inner races, compound faults in outer race and rollers,compound faults in inner race and rollers, compound faults in outerand inner races and rollers, which testifies that the generalizationperformance of support vector machine is further improved by

selecting optimal features and synchronously attaining optimal para-meters matched with the optimal features at a time. So the proposedmethod attain the highest diagnosis accuracy than other twomethods.

7. Discussion and conclusion

7.1. Conclusion

In this paper, an ant colony algorithm for synchronous featureselection and parameter optimization in support vector machine isproposed as a pattern recognition approach for intelligent faultdiagnosis of rotating machinery. The experiments of rotor systemand the locomotive roller bearings show that the proposed methodcan effectively diagnose multi-class faults including complicatedcompound faults. Comparing with other pattern recognition meth-ods, the proposed ant colony algorithm for synchronous featureselection and parameter optimization in support vector machineattains the highest accuracy of fault diagnosis results.

7.2. Discussion

The feature extraction step of the proposed method is accom-plished by extracting statistical features from raw vibration signalsand the corresponding FFT spectrums, because it is easy for non-expert to attain without much experience. The fault diagnosis resultmay be further improved if advanced feature extraction methodsare adopted.

Comparing with other methods, the proposed ant colony algo-rithm for synchronous feature selection and parameter optimiza-tion in support vector machine improves the fault diagnosis resultand attains desirable accuracy, which testifies that good diagnosisresult not only depends on extracting proper features but alsodepends on finding optimal parameters.

Fig. 9. (continued)

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 275

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 351






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35-1






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 352





12x 10


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






1.2x 10






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 351






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 353000






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3550







Sample number

Sample number

Sample number

Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number Sample number

F 1 v


F 2 v


F 3va


F 4va


F 5va


F 6va


F 7va


F 8va


F 9va


F 10



F 11



F 12



Fig. 10. Nineteen statistical features (F1–F19) distribution of the vibration signal in nine states of the locomotive roller beatings. (a) feature F1, (b) feature F2, (c) feature F3,(d) feature F4, (e) feature F5, (f) feature F6, (g) feature F7, (h) feature F8, (i) feature F9, (j) feature F10, (k) feature F11, (l) feature F12, (m) feature F13, (n) feature F14, (o) feature F15,(p) feature F16, (q) feature F17, (r) feature F18, and (s) feature F19.

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279276

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 353200






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 354000






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350.78







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350.015











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35-20





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350.005









F 13 va


Sample number Sample number

Sample number Sample number

Sample number

Sample number

Sample number

F 19



F 17



F 18


eF 1

4 va


F 15 va


F 16 va


Fig. 10. (continued)

Table 6Description of different fault diagnosis methods.

Abbreviation Fault diagnosis method

Method 1 SVM with ant colony algorithm for parameter optimizationMethod 2 SVM with ant colony algorithm for feature selectionMethod 3 SVM with ant colony algorithm for feature selection and parameter optimization

Table 7Intelligent fault diagnosis results of locomotive roller bearings.

Name Optimal features Optimal parameters ðC; σÞ Accuracy of each fault (%) Average Accuracy (%)


Method 1 — 57.60, 64.26 100 100 87.5 100 100 75 75 75 93.75 89.58Method 2 F2; F4 ; F6 ; F13 ; F14 ; F19 — 100 100 87.5 100 100 75 75 75 93.75 89.58Method 3 F1–F18 1.02, 0.04 100 93.75 93.75 100 100 87.5 93.75 93.75 100 95.83

X. Zhang et al. / Neurocomputing 167 (2015) 260–279 277

The proposed ant colony algorithm for synchronous featureselection and parameter optimization in support vector machine isproved to be effective in intelligent fault diagnosis of rotatingmachinery by the experiment of rotor system and locomotiveroller bearings. The proposed method can also be applied to othermachinery to achieve success.


This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundationof China (Grant No. 51405028, and 51175509), the National KeyBasic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB057400), andthe Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities ofChina, Chang' an University (Grant No. 2013G1502046).


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XiaoLi Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in mechanicalengineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an,China, 2011. Currently, she is a lecturer at the Depart-ment of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Schoolof Construction Machinery, Chang'an University, Xi'an,China. She is also a post-doctor at the School ofMechanical Engineering and the State Key Laboratoryfor Manufacturing Systems Engineering in Xi'an Jiao-tong University. Her research interests include artificialintelligence, swarm intelligence algorithm, machinerycondition monitoring and fault diagnosis.

Wei Chen received the Master degree from Air ForceEngineering University, Xi'an, China, 1997. Currently, heis an vice professor at Aeronautics and AstronauticsEngineering College, Air Force Engineering University,Xi'an, China. His research interests include structuralstrength, vibration and reliability.

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BaoJian Wang received the Master degree in mechan-ical engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical Uni-versity, Xi'an, China, 2008. Currently, he is an Engineerat the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an JiaotongUniversity, Xi'an, China. His research interests includetesting technology, machinery condition monitoringand fault diagnosis.

XueFeng Chen received the Ph.D. degree from Xi'anJiaotong University, Xi'an, China, 2004. He is a Professorof mechanical engineering department and the StateKey Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineeringwith Xi'an Jiaotong University. His current researchinterests include finite-element method, machinerycondition monitoring and prognostics, aero-enginefault diagnosis and wind turbine system monitoring.Dr. Chen was a recipient of the National ExcellentDoctoral Dissertation of China in 2007, the SecondAwards of Technology Invention of China in 2009, theChina National Funds for Distinguished Young Scien-tists in 2012 and a chief scientist of the National Key

Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) in 2015.

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