Integration Strategies in a SaaS Environment_XML Logo



Integration Strategies in SaaS with SOA

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Integration Strategies in a SaaS Environment Vendors presenting:InformaticaAbove All SoftwareTibcoCast Iron SystemsTrack: Large Enterprise Deployments2Safe Harbor StatementSafe harbor statement nder the !rivate Secrities "itigation #eform Act of $%%&: This presentation may contain forward'loo(ing statements the achievement of which involves ris(s) ncertainties and assmptions* If any sch ris(s or ncertainties materiali+e or if any of the assmptions proves incorrect) or reslts cold differ materially from the reslts e,pressed or implied by the forward'loo(ing statements we ma(e*All statements other than statements of historical fact cold be deemed forward'loo(ing) inclding any pro-ections of sbscriber growth) earnings) revenes) or other financial items and any statements regarding strategies or plans of management for ftre operations) statements of belief) any statements concerning new) planned) or pgraded services or technology developments and cstomer contracts or se of or services*The ris(s and ncertainties referred to above inclde ' bt are not limited to ' ris(s associated with the integration of Sendia Corporation.s technology) operations) infrastrctre and personnel with ors/ ne,pected costs or delays incrred in integrating Sendia with salesforce*com) which cold adversely affect or operating reslts and rate of growth/ any n(nown errors or limitations in the Sendia technology/ any third party intellectal property claims arising from the Sendia technology/ cstomer and partner acceptance and deployment of the App0,change and App0,change 1obile platforms/ interrptions or delays in or service or or 2eb hosting/ or new bsiness model/ breach of or secrity measres/ possible flctations in or operating reslts and rate of growth/ the emerging mar(et in which we operate/ or relatively limited operating history/ or ability to hire) retain and motivate or employees and manage or growth/ competition/ or ability to contine to release and gain cstomer acceptance of new and improved versions of or C#1 service/ nanticipated changes in or effective ta, rate/ flctations in the nmber of shares otstanding/ the price of sch shares/ foreign crrency e,change rates and interest rates*3rther information on these and other factors that cold affect or financial reslts is inclded in the reports on 3orms $4'5) $4'6 and 7'5 and in other filings we ma(e with the Secrities and 0,change Commission from time to time) inclding or 3orm $4'5 for the fiscal year ended 8anary 9$) 244:* These docments are available on the S0C 3ilings section of the Investor Information section of or website at www*salesforce*com;investor*Any nreleased services or featres referenced in this or other press releases or pblic statements are not crrently available and may not be delivered on time or at all*Cstomers who prchase or services shold ma(e prchase decisions based pon featres that are crrently available*Salesforce*com) inc* assmes no obligation and does not intend to pdate these forward'loo(ing statements) e,cept as reInformatica at a "lance? 3onded:$%%9? @ead$Session 'ee%backLet us 3no! ho! !e/re doing4Please score the session from & to 1 '&(excellent!1(needs improvement) on the following categories*Bverall rating of the session6ality of contentStrength of presentation delivery#elevance of the session to yor organi+ationSave timeG3se yo!r cell p&one or mobile %evice to sen% 'ee%back via S$S?Te
