Instructional Design: Learner Analysis



Instructional Design: Learner Analysis. Lee Chwee Beng 67903285 Recap…. What is a performance gap? What is ADDIE? Describe. Why is instructional design prescriptive in nature? List some possible elements of ID - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Instructional Design: Learner Analysis

Lee Chwee Beng

Recap… What is a performance gap? What is ADDIE? Describe. Why is instructional design prescriptive in

nature? List some possible elements of ID What is about Task Analysis? Why do people

say that TA is a very critical component of instructional design?

Learner Analysis Now you have probably identified an

instructional problem in your field. The next thing we want to look at is the learners themselves. This is done by conducting a Learner Analysis.

Remember this?

And this?

Why Learner Analysis?

Have you ever come across a situation when you believe your teacher has not done a leaner analysis?

-give me some examples…

Have you ever been in a classroom that was not really designed for instruction?

-give me some examples…

What would you do? If you have trainees who like to challenge

the authority and simply thinks that you are nobody?

If you are to conduct a computer-based lesson and you have limited numbers of computers?

If you have a few trainees who are simply slow in understanding?

Why Learner Analysis?Activity 1: 20 min

Read the story on EduSpider Talk to your partner about possible

reasons contributing to the failure of EduSpider Company (from Smith & Ragan, 2005)

Learner Analysis

Why: To account for individual differencesA common error: assuming that everyone is alike

Leaner Characteristics Cognitive Characteristics (general

aptitudes, specific aptitudes, reading level, level of visual literacy, learning strategies, learning styles)

Specific prior knowledge (work experience)

Physiological characteristics (age, general health)

Leaner Characteristics

Affective characteristics (interest, motivation, attitude towards learning/subject, perceptions of learning, anxiety level, beliefs, locus of control etc)

Social characteristics (interpersonal relationships, feeling towards authority, tendencies towards cooperation/competition, racial/ethnic background, socioeconomic background etc)

Leaner Characteristics

Cognitive Characteristics (general aptitudes, specific aptitudes, reading level, level of visual literacy, learning strategies )

Specific prior knowledge Physiological characteristics (age, general


Conducting Learner Analysis

Interview: trainers, teachers, other educators, target audience

Surveys Examine job description, personal profiles Do some literature review>should use a variety of methods to avoid


Conducting Learner Analysis

Supposing you are the designer developing instructions for learners you have never met. How do you obtain information about your learners?


What are some of the implications of contextual/learner analysis on DESIGN?

>Time, speed of delivery, types of materials, grouping/sizing of students, types of scaffolding, modes of assessment, styles of presentation, sequencing of instructions etc.

Learner Analysis: Documenting

Contextual/Learner Analysis: Documenting

Fictitious Profile of the Typical learnerMary is 24 years old with a BA in social sciences from a local university. She is married and has a 5 year old son. She is concerned about spending too much time at work, away from her family. She is an average reader. She is competent in computer user and types about 60 words per minute.

Chart of learner characteristics data

Activity 2: (30 mins) In your groups of 3, think of a possible

training program that is likely to happen in your workplace. Discuss accordingly. You can use the template to work on your ideas.

Get someone from the group to present

Activity 3: (70 mins)

Using the template as a guide, Do the following: Brainstorm on the information you need about the

learners Categorize the information State the data collection methods (give examples.

For instance, if you use surveys, then show me some of the questions that will appear in your survey. If you are doing field observation, show me the items on your checklist. If you are conducting interviews, show me the questions)

Get someone to present

Activity 3: (30 min)

In pair, choose at least 3 given URLs. Explore the possible instruments to collect data on learners

50.practice.html As you explore, discuss whether some of these instruments can add

value to your learner analysis. In addition, what kind of instruments you would want to have?


Morrision, G. R., Ross, S. M., & Kemp, J. E. (2001). Designing effective instruction. NY: John Wiley & Sons

Tessmer, M., & Harris, D. (1992). Analyzing the instructional setting. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Smith, P.L., Ragan, T.J. (2005). Instructional Design. Wiley Jossey-Bass
