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LOGRO: - To express preferences- To talk about routines- To practice new vocabulary- To understand English texts

FORMA DE APLICACIÓN: El estudiante analiza el contenido temático de la guía y luego procede a desarrollar las actividades propuestas.


I. Order the following sentences sentences:

1. classical My likes mother to music. Listening ________________________________________________________2. his  dad  car. Ana's washing likes   ________________________________________________________3. travelling friend by likes My plane. father's ________________________________________________________4. emails. writing  I long like ________________________________________________________5. watching like doesn`tfilms horror She TV. On ________________________________________________________ 6. in Tommy dancing the likes disco. ________________________________________________________7. English. My speaking  maths likes teacher ________________________________________________________8. doesn't early.friend's sister My like getting up   ______________________________________________________________________9. the I getting dressed mornings. like in   ______________________________________________________________________

II. Write the verbs in the corresponding gaps:  Get - Tidy - Do - Brush -  Make - Go - Go - Have - Meet - Eat 1. She doesn't like__________________  her room everyday2. Do you like____________________ to bed at eleven o'clock?3. My mother doesn`t_________________ up at 7.4. Does your sister like _________________ cold food?5. Anne's father likes____________________ to work by car.6. I always like_____________________ my homework before 7 o'clock.


7. John likes ____________________ his teeth every night.8. Your grandmother likes_____________________  dinner for 6 people.9. Does she like _____________________a shower after dinner?10. Hannah likes____________________ her friends once a week

III. Fill the gap with the word that matches to the picture.



Wild Children III: The Wild Life Long before the arrival of Europeans on the Canadian prairie (the wide grasslands of what is now called Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba), the First Nations people lived in a harmonious relationship with their natural surroundings. Every item of their culture, from sewing needles to homes was obtained from nature. Their homes were called teepees and were like large tents made from the skins of deer. These people - tribes with names like the Blackfoot, the Peigan and the Blood people - were nomadic, which means that they travelled from place to place following the animals they hunted or the growth of the berries and fruits on the bushes and trees.

They had horses, although horses came to North America after escaping from the Spanish explorers who brought them here to explore the areas around Mexico and Texas. Boys and girls were both expert riders. They did not use saddles or reins or stirrups; they rode "bareback". Their clothes were made from deer skins and buffalo skins and decorated with the parts of other animals - tails from squirrels and gophers, quills from porcupines and the delicate bones of birds.These children of nature did not ever have to go to school. They did not have to study to get into a prestigious college, nor did they have to worry about finding a job after graduation. This does not mean their life was easy. The winters were very long and very cold and there were sometimes wars between tribes. There were also the very great dangers involved in the buffalo hunt. Warriors rode at top speed (with no saddle) beside the huge buffalo shooting arrows to bring them down. The chances of a buffalo turning suddenly or of falling off the horse were very great. We must remember that there were also no hospitals in those days.

Even so, the young people of the tribes must have enjoyed a very pleasant lifestyle: fishing and gathering berries in summer, hunting in the forests in the early morning, dancing around the fire at night and listening to the old people tell stories and legends from long ago.

1. True or false:Riding "bareback" means riding without any equipment on the horse. a) True b) False

2. First Nations people never killed deer. a) True b) False

3. First Nations people had no enemies. a) True b) False

4. Mathematics was not a priority for the kind of life they led. a) True b) False


5. The First Nations people did not develop a written language. a) True b) False

6. People were rarely killed while hunting buffalo.    

a) True    b) False


V. Fill the gaps with a suitable word

  Break    On    On    brush    by    does    does    finishes    get    get    go    goes    goes    goes    has    has    have    have    his    in    past    

play    plays    starts    surf    to    until    watch    watches    

Carlos' week

"Every afternoon, I to the gym, I also with the computer, tv and the net.

Saturdays and Sundays I play basketball."

Everyday, he his homework and at nine o'clok he a shower and dinner. Then,

he to his bedroom to listen music.

Alejandro's week

On Saturday, he hockey the morning. In the evening, he to the cinema and

to bed at half past one. Sunday morning he homework and in the evening


Maria's week:

"On weekdays, I up at half past seven. I a shower, my hair and dressed.

I go to school car. School at a quarter eight. is from quarter past

eleven quarter to twelve. School at half past two. I lunch at three o'clock........."


The Choking Dog "Come on, come on, move it, idiot!" Joanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. How stupid to get caught up in the rush hour! She had planned to leave work early this afternoon, at three


o'clock, to give herself a chance to relax and have a bath before going out to a meeting of her local tennis club. But just at ten to three a client had arrived, and it was two hours before she had finished dealing with the man. When she came out of her office, all the other staff in the Highlight Advertising Agency had already left. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30, and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a meeting of the tennis club. There would be no time for any hot bath. Ahead of her, the traffic was moving at last, and she swung quickly out into the centre lane to turn right, and raced the last half-mile through the quiet suburban streets to her house. Pulling up on the driveway, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she nearly tripped over Sheba, who was standing behind it. "Hey, Sheba, hello," she said, bending down to stroke the large alsatian dog's head, "I've got no time for you now, but I'll take you out as soon as I get back from the tennis club." It was then that she noticed something worrying about the dog. Sheba seemed to be coughing or choking, her stomach pumping repeatedly as if she was trying to vomit something up. She was obviously in real discomfort and could hardly breathe; her sad eyes gazed up at Joanne helplessly. "Oh damn, this is all I need now," said Joanne to herself, dropping her briefcase and bending down to take a closer look, "a sick dog, today of all days!" On closer examination, Sheba did look very sick, and Joanne realised she would have to take her down to the vet immediately. Luckily, the vet's surgery was only a few streets away, and Joanne quickly loaded the dog, still coughing and choking, into her car for the short drive. When she got there, the surgery was just about to close for the day. Luckily, Dr. Sterne had not left yet, and when he saw the state of Sheba, he brought her quickly into his office. "It looks like something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne. It shouldn't take me too long to get it out." "Listen, doctor, I'm really in a rush to get to a meeting -- can I leave her with you, and go and get changed? I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, then I'll take her on to the meeting with me. Is that OK?" "Sure," said the doctor. "You get going. I'll see you in ten minutes." Joanne jumped back into her car again, and made the quick trip round to her house in a couple of minutes. As she was once more entering the hallway, the phone on the table by the door began to ring. She picked it up, annoyed by this additional interruption to her plans. "This is Dr. Sterne," said an anxious voice. "Is that you, Joanne?" "Of course it's me," said Joanne, surprised at the sound of his voice, "no-one else lives here." "I want you to get right out of that house immediately," said the doctor's voice. "Right now. I'm coming round right away, and the police will be there any time now. Wait outside for us." The phone went dead. Joanne stared at it. She was confused, but she was also a little frightened by the obvious fear in the voice of the doctor. She replaced the receiver, then quickly backed out of the door and ran into the street. At that moment, a police car with its lights flashing swung round the corner and screeched to a stop outside the house. Two policemen got out. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house through the still open door, without explaining anything. Joanne was by now completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived.


"Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shouted Joanne, running over to his car. "She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her, and she's OK now." "Well what's this all about? Why are the police in my house?" Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced figure, a man in a dark grey sweater and jeans, who, it seemed, could hardly walk. There was blood all over him. "My God," said Joanne, "how did he get in there? And how did you know he was there?" "I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't think he's a very happy burglar."

Where did Joanne work?_________________________________________________________

Why was she angry at the beginning of the story? _____________________________________________________________________________

Why did she leave the dog at the surgery and drive home again? _____________________________________________________________________________

What happened as she arrived home for the second time? _____________________________________________________________________________

Why did the burglar look very sick? _____________________________________________________________________________

The story says that the dog "gazed up at Joanne helplessly". "Gazed" means _______________.

1.      stared2.      cried3.      barked4.      laughed

A "vet's surgery" is probably _______________.

1.     a serious operation2.     a minor operation3.    an animal doctor's office4.     a police station


VII. Complete the puzzle

VIII. Tom’s Daily RoutinesI always get up at seven o'clock. Then I eat breakfast. I usually eat bread and drink aglass of milk. Then I feed the cat. I always eat lunch at eleven forty five. At lunch time I


usually drink coke and eat a bowl of rice. I usually have dinner at six o'clock in the evening.Later, I do my homework and go to bed. I often go to bed at nine o'clock.

Questions1. What time does he always get up? ___________________________2. What does he do after that?_________________________________3. What does he usually eat for breakfast? _______________________4. What time does he always eat lunch? __________________________________5. What does he usually eat and drink for lunch? ______________________________6. When does he usually have dinner? __________________________________________7. What does he do after dinner? ______________________________________________8. What time does he usually go to bed? _________________________________________



IX. Color and describe the place



x. Describe the house









A Special Christmas PresentRead the text on the left and answer the questions.

A Special Christmas PresentDavid wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David's father gives him $5.00 a week pocket money and David puts $2.00 a week into his bank account. After three months David takes $20.00 out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift.

Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite pet. He says to himself, "My mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only $17.00." He buys the brooch and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother's face.

But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees a spider.

What does David want to buy his Mother? _______________________________________________

Who does David get his money from? _______________________________________________

How much money does David take to the mall? _______________________________________________

What does David do with the present when he takes it home? _______________________________________________

Why does David buy a spider brooch? _______________________________________________


LOGRO: - To practice WH Questions in different tenses- To describe comparatives and superlatives- To understand English texts- To use Tag Questions

FORMA DE APLICACIÓN: el estudiante analiza el contenido temático de la guía y luego procede a desarrollar las actividades propuestas.


I. Complete the questions with the corresponding wh word.

II. Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given question word.


1. They live in Brooklyn.         Where _________________ ?


2. The lesson begins at 8 o´clock.   What time _____________  ? 3. They get home at 6 o´clock every night.  What

time___________  ?4. She speaks French very well.          What  ___________________?5. Those books cost one dollar.           How much ________________ ?6. They travel by car.          How___________________  ?7. She wants to learn English because she wants a better

job.                Why __________________________  ?8. They meet on the corner every morning.      Where

____________ ?9. She teaches us grammar.       What___________________  ?10. He gets up at seven every morning.        When _______________ ?

III. Write the corresponding wh word in the next dialogue



IV. color and describe each member of the family psychologically and physically in affirmative and negative form





V. translate the family members




VII. Complete this exercise using comparatives and superlatives

Mount Everest is_______________ than Cerro Aconcagua.     (high)                                     

 I like music. To me, music is__________ interesting than maths.                                           

Cheetahs are_____________ than tigers or lions. (fast)           

Mariah Carey is_________________   than Madonna. (young)                   

 This Ferrari is the_________________    expensive car in the world!     

Which is the heaviest? Gold, silver or aluminium? "Gold is the_______  of the three"

The giraffe is__________ than the elephant. (tall)

Laurel and Hardy were_______________  than the Simson" (funny)

Pluto is_______________ than Mars (cold)

Mercury is the _________________ planet to the Sun. (close)

 The Atacama desert is________________  than the Amazonian region. (dry)

The Saharan desert is the ______________________  one in the world. (big)

Which is smaller, China, Argentina or Monaco? "Obviously Monaco is the_____________ of the three".

VIII. Translate the comparatives and superlatives sentences

Tengo más dinero que usted._______________________________________________Él anda más aprisa que ella.________________________________________________Me dieron más de veinte pesos._____________________________________________Trajo menos de lo que prometió.____________________________________________Tengo más dinero del que te presté.__________________________________________Es tan bueno como lo esperaba._____________________________________________No es tan fácil como usted cree._____________________________________________Tiene tanto dinero como puede desear._______________________________________No creía que tenía tantas casas como usted.____________________________________Ése es el más rico de todos.________________________________________________Ésa es mi mejor pluma.____________________________________________________Ése es el más rico de los dos._______________________________________________París es la ciudad más bella del mundo.


Rodrigo es el estudiante más inteligente de su clase._____________________________Rodrigo es el estudiante menos inteligente de su clase.___________________________Juan es el más alto._____________________________________________



X. Put a circle around the number next to each correct answer.

I. At any ocean beach you can see the water rise up toward high tide. Something is pulling the water up. We now know that the moon is doing the pulling. How can it pull? We call the pull gravitation. All matter everywhere pulls all other matter everywhere. The bigger the object, the greater the pull. The moon is big enough to pull the earth, and it pulls the water on the earth. The moon pulls the water facing the moon. When you see high tide, you know that the moon is pulling the water up.

A. When you drop something, and it falls to the ground, it falls because of -1. the moon.2. gravitation.


3. its size.4. the sun.

B. High tide is caused by -

1. gravitation.2. all matter everywhere.3. the earth.4. the water.

C. The moon pulls -1. all matter.2. water only.3. the earth only.4. the tides.

D. If the earth did not spin, -1. there would be no tides.2. the moon would not pull the water.3. the earth would not pull the moon.4. there would be no gravitation.

II. The sun also pulls the earth. However, the sun is much farther away from the earth than the moon, and so the pull, that is, the gravitation, is less. Sometimes, the sun and the moon pull together on the same side of the earth. Then, the high tide is very high, indeed.

A. The pull of the sun on the earth is called - 1. tides.2. high tide.3. gravitation.4. pulling together.

B. When there is a very high tide, the sun and the moon are -1. on opposite sides of the earth.2. on the same side of the earth.3. near to each other.4. farther away than at other times.

C. The sun pulls the earth less than the moon because -1. it is so large.2. it is farther away than the moon.3. the sun and the moon have no water.4. it is on the opposite side of the earth from the moon.


D. At low tide, -1. the water is piling up somewhere else.2. the sun is much farther away.3. the sun and the moon are not pulling together.4. the sun and the moon are on the same side of the earth.

III. Why does oil not mix well with water? We know that water mixes well with water. If you add hot water to cold water, you soon have lukewarm water. Alcohol, too, mixes well with water. Alcohol and water are quite similar. Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, whereas alcohol is composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Why do oil and water not mix well? The reason is that they are not similar. The molecules of water, that is, the tiny pieces of water that include oxygen and hydrogen, are very small, whereas the molecules of oil are, by comparison, enormous and very different in their composition.

A. Water molecules include -

1. oxygen and hydrogen.2. oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.3. tiny pieces of water.4. both hot and cold molecules.

B. The molecules of alcohol -1. are enormous.2. are similar to oil.3. mix well with water.4. contain only oxygen and hydrogen.

C. Oil and water do not mix well because - 1. they are similar in composition.2. water has big molecules.3. they are both composed of oxygen and hydrogen.4. their molecules are very different.

D. A molecule of water is -1. bigger than a molecule of oil2. composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.3. similar to a molecule of oil.4. a very small piece of water.

IV. From where does a flower get its smell? It gets its smell from an oil that the plant produces. The oil is volatile. Long ago, volatile meant flying. The oil seems to be flying, for it escapes into the air. Insects that smell the oil fly to


the flower, where they leave behind them the pollen that the flower needs to grow seeds. Some plants do not need insects to bring pollen. They depend on the wind to bring it. These plants usually have little smell or no smell at all.

A. Something that is volatile -1. is carried on wings.2. leaves pollen.3. is necessary for seed growth.4. escapes into the air.

B. This story is mainly about -1. the smell of flowers.2. insects that fly to flowers.3. how flowers get pollen.4. volatile oils.

C. Flowers with little smell or no smell at all -1. need insects to bring pollen to them.2. depend on volatile oils.3. depend on the wind to bring pollen to them.4. do not need pollen.

D. Insects in the story are attracted to a flower by -1. pollen.2. wind.3. volatile oil.4. the beauty of the flower.

V. There are several birds, once common, that have died out in the last few hundred years, so that now not one of them exists. The dodo was quite common on the island of Mauritius 300 years ago, but there is not one alive today. It was easy prey to animals new to the island, because it could not fly on its small wings. In New Zealand there used to be birds called moas, which were twice as high as the biggest man. They have all died out. The great auk, which used to come in thousands to the shores of Newfoundland, is another bird that has died out in the last few hundred years.

A. This story is mainly about -1. animals that have died out.2. birds that have died out.3. why birds have died out.4. where birds that have died out lived.

B. The dodo died out because -1. of its size.


2. it was new to the island of Mauritius.3. it was common on the island of Mauritius.4. it was easy prey to animals new to the island.

C. The great auk was -1. a bird.2. a kind of dodo.3. a kind of moa.4. a bird with small wings.

D. Moas were -1. about two feet tall.2. about five feet tall.3. about twelve or fourteen feet tall.4. about twenty feet tall.

X. Fill in the missing tag question.

 1. You didn't go to school yesterday,_________________ ?2. I am not a nurse,________________ ?3. She doesn't cook well,___________________ ?4. You can speak English,________________ ?5. I am your best friend,_________________ ?6. The sun is shining,______________________ ?7. They haven't seen him for ages,____________________ ?8. She visited her grandmother,________________ ?9. Susan and Peter arrived late yesterday,________________ ?10. She wasn't there,____________________ ?11. Sheila has gone to the supermarket,__________________ ?12. The thief was arrested yesterday,_________________ ?13. The computer is broken,______________________ ?14. Our English teacher is very nice,_________________?15. I am a doctor,__________________ ?16. Susan caught the bus,____________________ ?17. They drew an elephant,_________________ ?18. The student didn't do the homework,___________________?


