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Warner Brothers

Warner Brothers are a production company that topped the chart for market share in the year of 2013, they achieved a percentage of 17.1% share of the market, grossing a total of almost 1 billion 863 million dollars off of 34 movies. Warner Brothers' all time top grossing film was The Dark Knight making $533,345,358 and shown in 4,366 theatres this film was a big success for the studio and made them a serious amount of money. With such films as The Harry Potter franchise and The Hobbit under their belts, Warner Brothers have an extreme eye for special effect and fantasy, this shows with sheer excellence in their films and anticipation is always high when a Warner Brothers film is announced


Paramount Pictures are also a production company that did well in 2013, placing 7th in the top ten market share, they achieved a percentage of 8.9% in market shares with a total gross of $966,900. A heavy decrease in comparison to their total gross of over $1b just two years previous. This says a lot about how the film industry can fluctuate and one company will not stay top forever due to the blatant unpredictability of the industry. Paramount have a good back catalogue of films such as the Transformers franchise as well as the Indiana Jones films and the Mission Impossible pictures. Paramount Pictures has done extremely well in the past decade, never falling under 7th place in the top ten market share, this shows how the studio has the grit and determination needed to achieve great results and more importantly, create great films,

Buena Vista

Buena Vista are also another company that create films. This specific company came 2nd in the market share for 2013, grossing a total of $1b 700 million, and releasing  total of 17 movies. This is a noticeable decrease in the amount of pictures produced in comparison to the 1st place in market share Warner Brothers. This is an enlightening look on how the amount of films made effects how much money said studio is going to generate. Buena Vista created films such as Iron Man and Toy Story. As well as creating the Pirates of the Caribbean films. Buena Vista definitely have the ability to produce top class films and can be expected create greats in the future. 
