Institute of Jamaica Year in Review 2015



At the start of 2015, the Institute received the Gleaner Award in Arts and Culture. It was an achievement that recognised the IOJ’s contribution to Jamaica’s cultural development. We commenced Saturday openings to offer free access to our exhibitions and programmes, and ended the year with a “Cultural Blast from the Past”, a Christmas treat for the children in our community. The events were well received and supported. The Institute added the Simón Bolívar Cultural Centre to its entities and was honoured when the President of Venezuela, President Madura and the Rt. Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, officially opened the Centre on September 6. We continued to mount major exhibitions, programmes and activities to educate and engage the public in understanding their heritage and culture. We hope you will continue to visit the Institute of Jamaica and help us to achieve our mandate “for the encouragement of literature, science and art”. Enjoy!

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