Installation and Configuration of OBIEE Client



Installation and Configuration of OBIEE Client

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  • Installation and Configuration of OBIEE Client

    Author: Vinoth Kumar Subramani

    Unzip the OBIEE client binary and run the same.

  • By this OBIEE client has been installed successfully.

    After Installation has been done you will get the below screen. Go to System DSN and Click Add.

  • Select Oracle BI Server 1.

    Give the details.

  • Your BI server Port number. You can get it in EM console (screen shot below).

  • Click Finish

    Click OK.

  • Installation of DB Clinet (64 bit):

  • Create tnsnames.ora file.

    Create tnsnames.ora file under the below location:

    Go to, D:\DB_CLIENT_INSTALL_N\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin -> create tnsnames.ora

    file and give the tns entries as shown below.

  • Open the OBIEE client.

    Go to All Programs -> OBIEE_11G_CLIENT -> Administration

    File -> New Repository.

  • Give the Repository details

    Select Connection type as OCI 10g/11g and give the Datasource Details.

  • Now, I could see the Meta Data and I can import whatever I want.