Instagram Pro Widget User Guide · 4. Turn code compilation back on in System > Tools >...


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Instagram Pro WidgetUser Guide


Welcome to the User Guide for Instagram Pro. Thank you for choosing our product.This quick user guide describes the functionality of the Instagram Pro extension by NEKLO and explains how to use it. Enjoy.

Instagram Pro Widget is a powerful widget giving you better interaction with your target audience in your Magento Store. This extension offers an authorisation-free integration with any Instagram account.

This widget works in two modes: grid and slider. These two options will look great in your online shop. Flexible settings allow you to adjust this widget to combine perfectly with your design.

With this widget you can display any photos from Instagram regardless of whether they are yours or someone else’s. Show photos by User Name, hashtag, product hashtag, or by category hashtag. Instagram Pro Widget will make your integration with Instagram easy and pleasant.

There is also Instagram Pro Widget designed for Magento 2 in our store.

Magento Compatibility:

Community Edition: 1.8.x, 1.9.xEnterprise Edition: 1.13.x, 1.14.x.1.x

If you experience any issues with the installation, please contact us.

Installation To install NEKLO extension for Magento 1, you need to have FTP/SSH access details.Attention! It is vital to disable code compilation before installing the extension. If this settingis left enabled, the extension installation can make your site inaccessible.

To disable code compilation, go to your admin panel > System > Tools > Compilation andclick “Disable”


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To Install the Extension:

1. Unpack a zip file you have downloaded.

2. Upload all files from the the zip file to the root folder of your Magento 1 installation.

3. In your admin panel, go to System > Cache Management and flush Magento cache.


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4. Turn code compilation back on in System > Tools > Compilation after the extension was successfully installed.

5. Log out from Magento and login to reload ACL (account control level) rules.

Extension General Settings

Go to System > Configuration > Neklo > Instagram PRO Widget > General Settings

Here you can:

1. Enable/Disable the extension

2. Set Global Hashtag (unnecessary option that can replace other hashtags if you didn’t set them),

3. Set Cache Lifetime (for how long your posts will remain in cash)

4. Decide and setup whether you want to Show advertisements or not.

Use the “Save Config” button to save your configuration.


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Adding Your Widget

To create widget go to CMS > Widget and use button “Add new widget instance”. You can also create widget in CMS > Pages and CMS > Static blocks.

Then set the type “[NEKLO] Instagram PRO widget” and choose the theme. You can also go to CMS > Pages, then choose any existing Page or press “Add New Page”, click the tab “Content” and then “Insert Widget”.


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Front End Properties Tab

1. Set the Type “[NEKLO] Instagram Widget”.

2. Design Package/Theme - select the correct theme which is applied in your Mageno Store.

3. You will see the page with widget settings. “Widget Instance Title” means the name that your widget will receive. You should also specify the Store Views your widget will be assigned to.

4. You should also set a sort order. It means the numerical order of this widget.

5. Add Layout Update. Choose the place your widget will be shown on using the graph “Display On”. “Specified Page” will give you the possibility to choose only one specific separate page. By “Block reference” you may choose the exact place where the block will appear.


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Widget Options Tab

• By “Is Enabled” you can turn the widget on or hide it.

• The “Mode” field is responsible for filters. Here you may choose how would you like your posts to be displayed: by User Name, by hashtag, by product hashtag, or by category hashtag.

• “By User Name” option is displaying posts from specific Instagram user account.

• Choosing the option “By Hashtag” another graph will appear. Here you must write the desired hashtag. Remember that you should write it without the symbol “#”.

• The option “By Product Hashtag” will segregate your products according to their product hashtag you set on the product page. It works only with hashtags connected to your specific Instagram account. The same is with “By Category Hashtag”, but it is connected with the hashtag of the category.

• “Title” means the name of the widget which will be shown on front.

• You may add a small “Description” for this extension if you wish. It will be displayed in your online shop as well.

• “Open post details” lets you choose how to show post details: in the lightbox, by redirecting to Instagram, or leave your feed without any additional actions.

• Number graphs lets you regulate different minor things you can show or hide in your posts on front

• Choose the way your widget will be displayed: as a slider or a grid.

• Choose the number of items visitors will see without scrolling with “Number of visible items” and the whole number of them on page with “Total number of items on page”.

• Set the Image resolution

• If you are setting a new widget, then set the number of columns and rows. Also choose the step configurations for rows. “Show by step” sets the possibility to show user more rows and “Step length” regulates the number of these rows.

• If you are editing the existing widget, then you will see a bit different graphs. Here you should set the image width and the slide settings.

• You can also enable additional navigation element if you use slider mode.

• Use the “Save” button to save your configuration.

After widget configuration will be saved, please flush Magento caches (System > Cache Management) and check the widget on front page.















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